Esoteric Hitlerism/Kekism

There are no Esoteric threads up at the moment. Let's fix that shall we? Post your theories about Hitler, his beliefs, how meme magic is currently affecting us, and general theories on strange (((coincidences))).

Other urls found in this thread:!QAkEQbaZ!khdY4blGnbcNg_NhFbgv-4gZKTa0vg3D9je6iLyFP9A!tJlBUaxT!rZZiY6sagL39DM1a1bg5YKmrrXwuAfPtqnTD3nwllZQ!sMtWhTxK!d2uVwMlHdd9eHkxb8MXV9nYZpLlcNG-klxBp3eD_XzM

Heil Fucking Hitler

Heil Hitler

We live in the darkest hour (Kali Yuga) and one day the destroyer of filth (Kalki/Kek?) will gather all the faithful who lived their lifes according to the natural oder of the universe (dharma) and will bring the never ending golden age. He will also be the last incarnation of Vishnu/Kek? in this universe.

praise kek

OP has nice dubs

Hitler was a real hero and a real human bean.

Why not a thread on nature,truth, reality, virtue, and pyschological/historical archetypes instead, and fighting for those things?

Because it's not neet teir that's why. So let's just shitpost about how we can conflate Hitler in related to the frog god of Aryan Egyptian primordial chaos-light.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt. Your ignorance about what "esoteric" means isn't a problem, it's your decision to speak about that which you do not understand.


Your claim of hidden wisdom is sophistry at best and typical neet /fringe/ faggotry at worst. Your threads are shit Smiley.

Your info is shit
Your research is shit
Your mind games are beta
Your magic is weak
You stealing KEK for our freemason threads is no better than the AltKike doing it for their larping

There are no ancient aliens, it was ancient aryans.

Daily reminder to read Miguel Serrano's works, especially the Golden Cord or Golden Thread


Imageboards, Holla Forums, Internet Hate Machine, all are esoteric by their very nature. Reddit, CNN, Tumblr, these are the exoteric works, the bread and butter of the plebeian masses. Make your choice.

Holla Forums is Exoteric actually.

Communism and propaganda is esoteric. Read any Marxist drivel, it's esoteric as fuck.

Holla Forums isn't an image board culture, it's a Holla Forums culture. GTFO

Yeah and no Christianity. Hindu frog gods and numerology. Very huwite.

nibba what

how is communism esoteric? how many normies are OK with communism vs how many normies even KNOW about 8ch?

You faggots are both playing the definition game.
Semantics is for kikes and kikes alone.

(Checked mein nigger)
Time to get comfy. These are the best threads, hands down.

Daily reminder to skip this demoralizing neet propaganda and read The Myth. It's essentially National Socialism's version of Genesis and is for anyone who is at all Aryan. Here it is with sound and pictures for you sad millennial who can't read without going full ADD

It's all hidden terminology that draw you into the ridiculous theories. If you don't learn all the theories you can't read the books or argue with Sally from economics class. That's how they brainwash college kids.

Semantics are for grown ups. Definitions have meaning and that's why kikes attack books and dictionaries.

Why do American Nationalist Worship Hitler? Just stick with the Founding Father who were red pilled as well.

You can fuck off, Serrano is fucking awesome.

Look how far ignoring semantics has gotten us this far. Maybe it's your ignorance that is leading to this degeneracy we see today.

They get brainwashed with muh altruism and think the 1% is the source of all their problems. It's literally a too good to be true scam

Esoteric literally means hidden. 8ch is WAY less known about than communism. What is more occult, 8ch or Communism? Top Kek.

Anyways my point is that we have the upper hand by not being influenced, to a degree, by the outside or exoteric. This allows us to have more influence on mainstream culture. Once the pendulum swings, once we become mainstream, we will have the opposite problem.

Just think of how much the 2016 election brought attention to our doorstep.

That's a valid question, but I think it has to do with the fact most Americans have German ancestry and the connection runs deeper than nationality or ideals… it's in the blood.

The founding fathers were great men and deserve to be revered though. I believe that an American Nationalist movement won't take form unless it draws upon the founding fathers instead of some other figure(s) like Hitler.

Look at how ignoring table etiquette has taught dogs to talk!

Language is manipulation. Use it or be used.

t. Kike
You can leave now.

I just see it as larping.

What are you going to do with that stupid fucking meme user? Give yourself a kundilini orgasm? What? How is it going to make your life better?

protip: it's not

What is more occult, "way less known" or hidden? Top Kek.

No you're point is you want to fap to stupid aliens and magic shit that doesn't work. Meme magic works. Not your gay anti-NatSoc poser Serrano/Evola garbage that turns people into neets instead of warbound fucking heroes in their own life!

Modern ones because the system is already set up for it. But the old ones, going back to Gen X even, were brainwashed through esoteric writing and claims of hidden knowledge that the "Capitalist class" was hiding from you.

t. Alt-Kike posts

Why not worship both? Hitler was more futuristic and the redpill out of this collective brainwashing matrix is the Holohoax so Hilter is needed.

Also Aryan history.

Totally agree. Hitler is someone we can hold dear to our hearts, but let's be honest, the normies won't accept it forthright; they must be led upon the path. The founding fathers are a better visual for Americans in the short term.

LARPing to realize that a man of our bloodline rose up to defend himself and his folk? Come on, user. Going full (((neo-nazi))) and acting like a retard is obviously not the answer, but we should respect Hitler as a great individual. Furthermore, the swastika goes far beyond German National Socialism.

I see it as American Nationalist just trying to get along. German Nationalist wouldn't revere the Founding fathers or the Emperor of Brazil the way they would over Hitler.

So? WTF is your point?

I'm not going to stop posting hitler memes

That's where your Hitler dubs fail you, Goon. Holla Forums is and will always adhere to Imageboard culture, or it will fall permanently as a result of abandoning it.

Hitler & the founding fathers are good role models, but Hitler isn't suited for the majority of the American audience outside of Holla Forums without serious redpilling.

I'm talking about normies. Shills and alphabets know about 8ch. 8ch is hidden from normies.

I don't know enough about this to debate it, sounds plausible. Maybe for actual intellectuals in college back in the day. I doubt even real communists these days read that shit and comprehend it.

Thanks for exposing how fucking retarded you are. What is free will? People can either choose to be neets and do nothing, or take action. Have you read Serrano or Evola? Did they not advocate for exactly what you said? What is astral projection? You think meme magic is an entire school, not just a branch of actual magic? l2occult.

Instead of being negative and not bringing any value to the table, show us your solutions to these problems instead of dragging this thread down with your own autism.

Lord Kek is Egyptian.

You do both at once. Once the normalfag stirs enough and catches hints of the "trail", they will follow it to its end. Simply draw parallels between ol' George's crowd and Hitler's boys, and the rest will eventually sort itself out. Libcucks will eventually fully polarize into commies, and the redeemables will polarize into our ranks.

It's a carving from one of his books, brainlet. They're small square things made of paper with symbols inked all over them. Rumor has it that if you use the white man's devil magic, these strange objects can implant important ideas inside your soft little noggin.

Can't argue those dubs. I wonder how many normalfags are unexpectedly redpilled? I always think to myself, "There have to be others out there hiding their power levels". I wonder how many truly are though…

Fuck off (((Imkikey)))

oldfags got nothing done with their "troll" memes, and your nu/pol/ altright Bannonpol is boring Jewish shit still using memes that were created during the first and second flood from 4ch o 8ch. We had a short run before you got here and it was excellence. Board culture only attracts losers and slanted eyed little bugs

It's all over the media. People don't come here because the board is slow do to all the bans by mods.

a meme>People can either choose to be neets and do nothing, or take action.

This is your brain on /fringe/. You're hullcinating and we reinvented meme magic/chaos magic. Before 8ch Holla Forums magic was dead since the 1700s. Your (((Schools))) are just demoralization and pedo shit and propaganda.

exactly… neet larping doesn't work. charkras wont make life better or you better, just ask all of Asia. If it can then it wont come out from people like you, faggots larping magickkk. It will be scientists or an archeologist who finds some ancient golden book buried in some Indian Aryan temple.

Nice digits. Your replies are interesting; what is your opinion on the esoteric, fringe shit? Good or no?

nigger magic.

They feed off of Holla Forums's research and then virtue signal against Holla Forums. It's pathetic. It could of been a cool board, that an /x/ but the problem is the conspiracy world is run by Jewish propaganda leading you away from reading and researching the real powerful stuff. Esoteric threads aren't inherently bad, they're just posted by a fucking retard who pretends he's not Smiley and posts the same fucking things over and over and over, all leading to endless useless rabbit holes. It's like fake martial artists who throw guys with their "chi" compared to Bruce Lee who exposed them and was a trained philosopher.

Oh, so that's what you're sperging on about.
And you just outed yourself. To think I almost wrote you a serious reply.

Dead since the 1700s? What the fuck do you think the Third Reich was? You are so stupid. I am not some Crowley nigger either. Look into Taoism, Hinduism, New Thought. That's all I'll spoon feed you.

This faggot has no idea what he is talking about, he's most likely a leftypol shill.

Btw muh chakras are linked to the endocrine system. Why do you think (((they))) want you to destroy your endocrine system with flouride, GMOs, porn, etc.

I think you saw a small fraction of the occult and are generalizing. Go read the Tao Te Ching and any Hindu script to actually be enlightened, faggot.

Your meme was weak just like your board Smiley

No newfag, you're thinking of StormFront. Is your only frame of reference from the election campaign? Do you happen to be from r/The_Donald?

FFS, the Oldfags were the ones who earned the name "Internet Hate Machine". I'm not willing to call you a Kike, or a shill, but by Kek, you act like one.

Does it work this way? lel

Loving the digits there, but do you think there is hidden truths in the esoteric? Things we have forgotten as a people?

the external can only awaken what is already within

Well yeah, that was the exception. That's why it's dangerous. But under that logic you can say "propaganda" and science is a school of magic. Which is it. Problem is they invented it in the 1700s even though Jews take full credit now like Bernays.

Did it. Fake and gay
Destroyed by chink memes, endless guru scams
destroyed by poo-loos and endless guru scams
Youtube and New Age scholars need to be shot.

No… Oldfags got nothing done according to the popular timeline of going back to 2006-2010 making you an oldfag.
That's new/pol/ and that's why I said there was a middle period (before and during the primaries) that created all the REAL MEME CHAOS, that new/pol/ and bannon/spencer feed off of. It's the middlefags who brought Holla Forums into its hieghts.

I recognize this schizophrenic nigger, Smileberg touched his peepee or something and now he lurks the board, jumping on every halfway esoteric topic and shitting all over it with his autism

Stop feeding the tards.

Please open up your folder if animu and post some to ward off Goons. I'm not able to for reasons.

Who am I to say no to a request like that?

I don't think you can find them in these esoteric hitlerist shill books, starting with Evola. If you could the Jews would of buried them deeper than they do Jewish written books exposing the holohoax is fake. These modern esoteric writers were losers. Never ride a tiger. Become the tiger.

There is always stuff hidden. I just think most of it is buried in the dirt still or in the Vatican. I think futurism is the way to go, mixed with ancient memes for potency until we can get our keys to the kingdom back form Catholics, Commie academics, and Jew overlords.

My digits say KEK is with me, not you /fringe/

Thank you. May Lord Kek bless you, and may we both one day walk in the light of the Old Gods.

Your extra chromosome is showing.

Look at Goebbels. Look at any US Psy-Ops that has occult undertones. It's magic.
Look at Tesla. You think he wasn't a practitioner of the occult, whether consciously or unconsciously? I guarantee you that all the major science discoveries were due to occult teachings being made public. As above so below.

They have been destroyed by Materialism

Nigger that shit is just Hinduism without the deities.

Way to ignore the part about chakras faggot.

You have shown you're a mindless mongoloid. Sage for faggotry.

The fuck you want, a trophy or something?

(Fuggin chegged)
user you have been blessed with digits in this thread. You're probably right - stuff will always be hidden, and the kikes would do their best to prevent anyone from getting their hands on something serious. But do you really think the modern writers are trash? I think "ride the tiger" is a cool concept. Become a master over that which seems impossible; that's how I take it.

Notice how the shill will attack any points made but never offer alternative sources of information.

Honestly I don't think there should be antagonism in this thread. Don't we all hold Herr Hitler in high regard? Don't we all value Lord Kek? Let us be kind to our brothers, whether they prefer the esoteric or exoteric - there are no enemies here.

All this ignoring of KEK's truth and blessings:

I want you to bend the knee nigger

Where was anything pornographic posted? Desist your attacks, fellow Kekite.

Not Suspicious

I'm sure you do. You'll have to settle for a filter though, you feckless, memeshitting eromenous.

Don't filter the man, unless he starts spamming. We have to help our fellow Holla Forumslacks understand.


Damn nigger, I was just trying to check some fucking dubs and agree with fellow Anons as I saw fit. You know, you can agree around here and offer further points of discussion. Fucking pathetic that being friendly and civil is considered suspicious these days, but I suppose that's the challenge of existing in a kike oriented society.

>We have to help our (((fellow Holla Forumslacks))) understand.
Don't you have a pony dakimakura to make dinner for something?

What would you prefer?

supplication is for faggots.

Kek is beyond words.

If he outs himself as a Jew or Shill, I would agree with you, but for now it's just looking as though he's ignorant.

Kek is beyond words as well as comprehension, but certain words can be used to convey the weight of those realities.

I wasn't asking for anything nigger!

I said it was, idiot.
I can't tell if he had brain damage or if it was the Veddas. If you read about his life he had a serious mental illeness mixed with a high IQ that gave him a crazy ability to imagine shit (day dream). Either way, as I've said that's science. Call science magic then what are you doing? You're not doing science.
Crowly shit. Fuck off. It was more that Christians held a fucking knife to the throat of anyone who disagreed with whatever Pedo queen Pope said at that time and so science came out of hidden "esoteric" writings that were too deep for the average fantatic christian to understand. Fact is esoterics has been dead for a long time now. It's called science and nature now. Get with it and stop being a neet who tried to channel a sex demon out of loneliness.

Materialism is a (((Gnostic))) meme. They were destroyed by spiritualism… as in fantasy shit overwhelming the natural truths.
No it's Oprah without the fat nigger's talk show and pastel wearing screaming crying boomer cunts wishing for a new car.
t. Secret

Why not filter like the weak scared safe space bitch you are?

Yeah riding the tiger is an awesome book title. That's it.
Masters take control and kill who they want. They don't wait for kali yuga like a bunch of Christians kneeling in horror as Communists burn everything in their path while waiting for Rabbi Jesus to return.
Do you think General Paton was "riding the tiger" in Korea while killing Commies? I think he became the tiger all those little gooks fear deep down.

beta chan wizard uses his last magick card to block opponent.

beta chan wizard uses his last magick card to block opponent.

Hitler is hot i would like to poop on his face he woud like that hes a repressed gay lol

>Do you think General Paton (gross misspelling of Patton btw) was "riding the tiger"

Interesting takes. My contention is that "becoming the tiger" isn't as great as controlling it. If you can control or command the power that the tiger exhibits, then you have surpassed being just human. Either way, it is just semantics. We need to be the leading force, without fear to act as we see fit. That's what I believe you're getting at as well.

You're mostly right, except two things. One of which is your antagonism towards "beta Channers", which is an attack on our /r9k/ brothers and not something you should do and

M88, they might have a few flaws but ultimately they know a great deal more about the "God" of Christianity - Yaldabaoth - than most Christians.

Dude each of your posts is just an ad hominem with no value.

Tesla transmuted his sexual energy. It's that simple. Science is low level, recorded magic. What is the placebo effect?

read the kybalion, you keep showing how retarded you are.

nice projection.

not going to entertain the rest because its too retarded. again ignoring chakras because you know nothing of what you are talking about.

I don't filter you because I am not afraid of you. You are a faggot. I'm entertained by your faggot tier audacity.

This much kike and butthurt over a Kekism thread. Magic is real. Humans use it. The esoteric is valid. Prove your claims or leave. Also, I knew you guys used a spell to get dubs. They mean nothing.

I caused the hurricanes to happen by accident. So weak. I didn't want it to happen and I'm sorry.

they will learn soon enough

I'm more of a Nietchian in the sense that I think barbarians are coming to kill us all off like he predicted because Western men would become "the last man" and only the "higher man" would be able to herald the coming of the Overman (eugenic supermen). If that's the case, and I believe it is, whites are out of time and the Superman died with Hitler. Now we need to become Barbarians, or at least we will once they start going full South Africa on Europeans.

"Civilize the mind and make savage the body."

>(((GNOSTICS))) might have a few flaws but ultimately they know a great deal more about the "God" of Christianity - Yaldabaoth - than most Christians.

I'll explain to you ONCE what happened and you can sperg out all you want.

1. The Rabbi God worship known as 'Christianity' seperated Hellenistic man from nature by inventing a spiritual world that condemed man's nature. Before this, nature and the spiritual realm were just phases in the life of man/gods.

2. Jews and Christians get a hold of Zoroastrian teachings and Greek/Egyptian mystery schools and begin smashing it all together to create gnostic writings. Why did they do this? Because groups like the NeoPlatonists and other philosophy schools had to run out of the entire Hellenistic world and move to Persia or go super-underground because of early Christian purges (starting about 400-500BC).

But even Zoroastrians didn't teach "evil" only ignorance. As in what is bad or destructive or 'darkness' was caused by ignorance because they're god was Ahura Mazda = Lord of wisdom and the light of truth.

3. Esoteric (hidden) Christian/Gnostic/Kabbhala writings are interwined with the Church and hidden from plebs. Hence the Esoteric meme. The very word "magic" or "mage" comes from Zoroastrian priests. The true inehritors of zoroastrian magic are not esoterics but philosophers. Science came later but esoterics did help because of church repression.

Crowley level gay magick theory, fuck off no fap.

I have. It's pure shit and is mixed up on the most basic of concepts. Hermes magic is for fucking plebs.

Only you think that Smiley. CNN blamed Donald Trump.

Prove or leave.

hurrr I will spout endless retarded bullshit and never ever provide any resources or value

you are definitely a shill, gas yourself

before you do so, I want to hear you articulate your argument against the fact that Hitler and the SS were involved with Gnosticism?

or was hitler jewish and its all a ruse :^)

This is the definition of a disinformation shilling astroturf post. Go back to your containment board.

Don't you have a Holla Forums thread to astroturf for your Holla Forums overlords, jew?

The Gnostics weren't created by Christians, they were created as a response against Christianity, to denounce the false "God" of Abrahamism. At least you already know to beware the Black Cube.

Semen retention is an ancient method of increasing magical power, mostly conducted temporarily in preparation for certain spells. It existed long before Crowley ever thought to create Wiccatru faggotry. However, "NoFap" is mostly propaganda to get people blueballed enough to get themselves cucked by a biofemale - it has nothing to do with the aforementioned Semen retention.

definitely a psyop

What exactly is Hitler lacking that this retarded frog cartoon provides?
Brainless social reject drones raised on cartoons feel more comfortable with the frog, that is, they feel more comfortable making believe in their basement and deluding themselves into thinking they're special and have absolutely no interest in our movement whatsoever.

You have absolutely no respect for Hitler.
You do not belong here.
I would physically break you if you stood before me.


Oh and one thing
September's over you fucking faggots and nothing has happened, can you admit you're totally fucking insane now?

your a big guy

Your boss ought to dock you a few days' pay for being this incompetent at shilling.

God! You're even worse! TopKek!

Hitler loved all animals, including frogs.


your meme is not an animal

i know this is shocking to you but

it's a kike abomination that you adopted because you're unspeakably weak in character


Go back to your containment board.

this thread died quickly :'(

I am reading a rare book based on the third reich and the occult, i'm not sure if I should share more…

I plan on getting it to pdf form soon. afaik no pdfs of it exist

This imageboard is just colored pixels on your screen, it's not real either :^)

If you have something that can actually add a drop of value to this esoteric shitposting thread, stop being coy and post it. Cock teasing is for blonde girls in wheat fields.


I don't want to get shoah'd but fuck it, I have nothing to lose.

Currently have a copy of The Occult and the Third Reich by Jean-Michel Anglert. It's pozzed as they paint Hitler as the devil, but it has very valuable information regarding their search for old wisdom, such as the grail, and other things related to esoteric hitlerism. I'm not finished reading it yet but once I am I plan on creating a pdf like I mentioned.

inb4 suicided

written in the 70's, it talks about how the Third Reich may have died but it's spirit lives on, like other movements before it.

cry moar!!!!!!!

That's the same thing. Satanists aren't Christians but they kind of are… they were created in response. They share memes.

Spells are fake. If they're not make me rich so I can fight for us and destroy Spencer.
Semen retention does give you a boost in intellect and working out, but if you go for too long it just gets absorbed and your body produces more.

I actually think after awhile it lowers our Testosterone.


Dr. Zues still has more meme magic power than /fringe/


Nigger you can buy that shit on amaz-
Ok you have my attention, but I'm still not sure why they'd frag you over this. Is it that good?

Whoops that's an old meme. The September prophecy of THIS year actually did bear fruit. The Good Hope threads prove as much, as well as the revelation of the deity Kaang of the Khoisan people.

>jew-holiday September prophecy by endless /fringe/ (((Smiley))) esoterics


Yes. So far it is very good. It touches on Thule Group, Vril, the Grail as mentioned, Hyperborea and Atlantis, Mani, Zoroaster. I need to read more, and they do paint Hitler as negative "muh racism" but the knowledge is profound. I am hastly reading it so I can begin the process of converting it to pdf.

lol loser.

shill just leave, you could make more money not being a worthless piece of shit.

if you paid attention to the signs, you could see that Kek was taking care of business and has come forth to begin the reckoning. you can't stop it.

God speed. Please be sure and post it to >>>/zundel/ as well.

Exactly. Kek didn't leave us, he was simply consolidating his power.

you are totally fucking insane

try reading western canon

oh wait that's not edge enough for you
and you read at the level of a nigger so you can't anyway

Just to let you know, if you retards leave your basement and talk about "kek" to any of us real followers of Hitler we will knock the insanity right out of you.

So if you ever want to have friends, stop being such a mentally deranged lazy self-pitying piece of shit

Ok now I'm starting to think this is just some drunk russian guy trolling

Now I know for sure that user is reading an important book if it can summon a ridiculous (((faggot))) like you out of the shadows so quickly.

If by "Real followers of Hitler" you mean "Useful idiot skinheads" the I'm content in the knowledge that your kind will be consigned to the great dustbin of history.

Hitler himself was a great man, among the greatest in fact, but he was just a man and therefore just as prone to making mistakes. It makes sense to revere him and honor his spirit, but not to exclude literally everything else.

Any of you esoteric larps have a good symbol for eternity or space besides the Orboros? I need a good simple symbol for space-eternity-expansion that isn't too complex

you are so fucking crazy, kill yourself

you are making a horrible mistake
you will be totally unrelatable to people

even if you finally get the chance to make friends and a girlfriend, when they find out about this green frog shit, even if they are already followers of the Movement, they will reject you


haha, men of faith. You mean Evola? That larping cunt? Fuck him and fuck you too.

How big is your monitor?


I should of expect that from esoterics/fringe/

What the fuck?! Are you some kind of Normalfag?



a really fucking basic two armed spiral galaxy


Do you even read the posts you respond to? Fucking dumbass nigger.

Don't you have some shillnigger image claiming pro-white groups and leaders like GLR are somehow anti-white, kike?

do you cry like a pussy

Suckstart a shotgun, freech.

come up with your own jokes once in awhile you boring wannabe

You came here to talk shit and then ask us for help with a symbol. I came here to unwind after a long day of trying to stop white genocide in South Africa. You took that gif pretty well. It seems your beloved "God is dead" Freddy has dehumanized you so you could face to cumshed.

Who is us? You can't even produce something smart or real. You just spew Jewish shit. You're human trash. You think you're not a Communist? You work for them. Turning NatSoc into some weirdo fucking occult loser shit.
what? By meming occultism? You're human trash.
Freddy wasn't celebrating it. He was warning you faggot. Your Rabbi god being exposed as a piece of shit and a lie created modern Nihilism and Communism.
wtf? It's a scribble and it wasn't even mocked. You can't comprehend basic shit and that's why esoteric larping attracts you. You're dull and fear life

Thanks, user. Looking forward to the .pdf.

SmileyJew is crapping up the board again.

Let's ignore these faggots.

Maybe not ignore, replying helps redpill lurkers, but don't back down Holla Forums! I know you won't!

ok thanks for confirming the only people taking this seriously are >>>/r9k/ tier honest-to-god autists

sorry guys, the cartoons you watched as a kid were designed by jews to fuck your head in, your demonic frog idol is styled directly from those works

look at your reality as it is, not through a jewish stylization, a simplification to keep your mind tame by insulating you from both the good and bad of real life

Back to >>>/christian/ with you.

Pepe and memes are great redpilling tools and unlike you we have fun and can make fun of ourselves.

Sorry for the misunderstanding, my post

Was meant for

It's okay user!

Wow, the kikes are in overdrive.
Esoteric Hitlerism will bring us out of the Kali Yuga and into a new age!

Wifeanon did this.

I like this.

Good idea!

Thanks, it was sketched as a signet ring design from before the elections when we were brainstorming things to produce to fund bodyarmor R&D for Holla Forumsacks.

You mean an Apocalypse scenario? Yeah that's not kike shit at all…

What the fuck happened to my thread? What's with all these kikes arguing?
All I wanted was to talk about the Esoteric and the Exoteric and the beliefs of Hitler, and you jews had to ruin it.

They're called Shills, user. When they feel threatened, they shill the threads that are most dangerous to them. See the (1) above your post. Not even the slightest attempt to understand the topic at hand.
Speaking of the 13,000+ year old Vedic history of our ancient Aryan forefathers.

why dont you go make such a thread and tend to it yourself?
if you can bitch this much then clearly you have enough energy
i'm shocked that you arent filtered by everyone

Always report shills before filtering. They fear us gaining a united ideology that they have no control over.

The mind projects the seperation of subjective and objective reality, upon a connected and modal reality. Realise that they are compatible, and that when drawn to harmony or unison one cancels the other out and they can eventually be understood as parts of a whole.

We invent lingual systems and words to grasp reality through concepts (illusions, ideas, projections), disassociating our minds from reality which manifests as a disassociated worldview or disassociation from oneself. People who are staring at reality through the kaleidoscope of subject/object are operating upon the illusion or projection that they are happening to themselves or are at some level 'external' from anything. This is the absolute goal of the cultural marxist jew - to destroy the inherent ability to discern reality and illusion.

However, (((they))) are playing both sides and creating the external illusion that there is something real there. There is nothing, that is the essence of illusion. The whole thing is an invention of the mind. We may operate upon these illusions consciously or unconsciously (purposefully or inadvertently), but nonetheless we are equally bound to them. Normalfags who are living an a completely artificial environment and culture are by many degrees mindless or filtering their entire consciousness through artificial and often malicious tones, moods, wavelengths, dogmas, worldviews and egos. The mind eventually loses it's ability to hypothesize and theorize, therefore manifesting in disability and dependence on authority or codependents. This is what is known as 'society' - the great collection of ineptitude which is like rich soil for a farmer of human energy who traumatizes his victims with malicious psychological complexes.

In the english language, we often follow the algorithm of subject-predicate. Each language uses fundamental algorithms or 'logic/logos' to explain reality, which permeates a certain 'cultural' or 'social' attitude about reality within each fashion. Memes are a nebulous (or 'chromatic') language (like imagery or music), and are not bound to thought spheres such as culture and socializing. However, the very fact that there are normalfags and generic fashions amongst the population means that there is a great system of illusions operating, which may have its origins in either natural or artificial manifestation, but is obviously all the same nothingness with several layers of artificial 'truth' sustaining the illusion.

If you are wondering why you are caught up in a philosophical/ideological debate, trying to use other people's terms or even trying to use others as examples of 'how not to be', then your mind is enslaved. You may spend your entire life acting out a complex illusion without even realizing the voluntary nature of your detachment, when in reality you exist for your own sake and nothing else. Personally speaking, this is why we need to bury Holla Forums and branch out. The whole platform in which we discuss certain topics, the whole cannon from which we fire memes is based on a certain 'logic' that is now redundant. Do no fall for the illusion that this is a bad thing - it is a fundamental process of development. Why the hell are we discussing subjectivecucks and their silly mind games, when we understand the reality of their games and can apply our own principles in real situations? This timeline might be fun for you guys, but think about the potential; Not just of propaganda, but the installation or if necessary, the reversal of entire belief/value systems. The fact that the marxist jews are succeeding in 'planing out' and dulling the collective mind means that it is time to invent our own thoughts.

Esotericism is about as rigid in terms of thought and expression, as religion or liberalism. Psyop is the true craft.

Oh please. You know it would get anchored.


everyone taking this seriously is long past due for eugenic measures

I would behead you without hesitation


Fuck you smilestein.

This is what happens when you let normalfags and kikes into Holla Forums.

Every time I see these threads, I see you faggots talking on /fringe/ about the thread. This is not your safe space, degenerate youtube scholars.


What a dumb fucking yid meme. Jesus christ user, are you really that fucking dense? The "Andean summit" the "pre-andean range". This is on the level of activating ones almonds.

Any human can use magic.

Forgot to turn on the VPM?

(((They))) used a spell to get dubs, they cheated.


I think satan here is referring to you kike

Do not bump.

Also, I must say; we are powering them up by believing they will get dubs. Don't believe and they lose dubs. We are more powerful than them. Plus; not even God is all powerful. He never abandoned us. The Devil is an angel and he is afraid.

Muscles are beautiful and space muscles are better.

I just said any human can use magic! What shill or normalfag would say that?



Read it online:

Who would have thought this would sends the shills into overdrive.





British Cointelpro, anti-natsoc reading. Would burn, personally.









I get off on the fact im such a bad goy

Be gone shill! Jung is who teaches of thought and archetypes, not your worthless neurotic kike!
Also note, Carl Jung and Miguel Serrano were good friends.

The book in my pic is critical of freud. I don't where you got the idea that I'm not a jungian/aryanist.

Whats the story behind these?
They look both interesting and kinda phoney.

Yessir, he was.

i'm thinking about becoming a pagan, what are some good books.resources to learn about it?

The thing about paganism is that it's very splintered up and territorial, local, so to speak.
I don't think there's an universal book of heathenry. (That's why neopaganism or wicca is so weird. There is no neopaganism, if you were going back to the old powers then it would be retropaganism since they are much older than Yahweh and co)

That's why it's so much harder for Americans to be pagan because they are from a "clean slate", aka, founded by people who weren't into Europeanism but instead globalist Christianity which has only a few customs.

That's also why so many Americans believe that paganism in Europe equals "everybody had a copy of the scanian edda and observed it like a bible, only with heathenry".

But to answer your question, if you are American, look up asatru organizations. They're usually pretty good.

If you're European, simply dive into your libraries, and visit little villages and research their history and customs.

But yeah, paganism is derived from worshipping nature, usually your local nature, that's why you have many local "myths" and "superstitions" as the unbelievers would call them.


user, study some fucking linguistics and you'll learn that your theories are bullshit.
FFS user, read a damned book that's not written by a kike.

If you think you're ready sure >>>/zundel/561

You mean you never heard of Ragnarök or any other pan germanic / nordic / aryan myths of the endtime? Could it be that you are a (((christcuck)))?

In Dubai, there are far more males than females in the populace so a certain amount of homo and bisexual activity is inevitable.
It is unfortunate for those who dabble in queerness as the punishment by authorities is quite harsh.

One of the most reliable methods for investigators to determine if a male is a confirmed sodomite is when he goes online and constantly babbles about Serrano, Nietzsche and Evola.

Nice reverse 1488s, but my theories are not bullshit.
Are you from Europe? Do you live in Europe? Have you grown up in Europe?

As a fellow user who is enlightened by this man and educating normies about how good he was, can someone explain why he had Jews among his ranks? Was it just Zionism he was trying to purge?

Those are tales of cyclical cataclysms that occur when the planet is at maximums of the tilt of it's axis. It's a roughly 26,000 year cycle for full rotation of the wobble. 13,000 years of decline and then catastrophe and golden age, then repeat. It was 13,000 years ago when the last cataclysm of this cycle happened, at the end of the last Kali Yuga. When that happened, our ancestor, Odin, led his brothers on the Wild Hunt against the dark foes of HuMANkin, so that the evils that they fought would not survive. Now, it's happening again, but thanks to the sacrifice of these great heroes, we do not fight giants, but misbred kikes. Let us honor their memory with our deeds, so that we may be spoken of by our children with such reverence, and that whatever evil may survive our wrath in the days of the next wild hunt, of the DOTR, may be far lesser than the Kike.

Rome adopting Christianity may well have been cynical '(((straussian)))' move, as the elites/army were largely Mithraist (Persian; the human sacrifices and scourging of Carthage and Judea likely lent credence to the idea of absolute good and evil along Zoroastrian lines); Gnostics as the lower degree 'masonry' stamped out; the corruption of the church can be measured by the degree to which it practice(s)d supercessionism. Contemporary ecumnicism beyond the bounds of Christianity is full blown synagogue of satan tier, and representative of the (((Cult of Isis/Masonry/Pharisaism))) factions getting their claws in.

tl;dr it's only christ-cucking if you're not supersessionist (new covenant means new), don't recognize the ultimately Aryan (Persian) derivation of the cosmology as against the Egyptian/Babylonian/pharisaic/gem one (Binding of Isaac is representative)

Anyone have ideas for memes that blend Esoteric Hitlerism with Kekism?

While there are no good jews, I think there are a few good mischlings and that is what you see there. It explains a childhood friend of mine and his family whom I had to think on a lot as they don't fit with the kikes at all. Just my opinion though.

Fuck off shill! Your kind has been posting that bullshit across threads all day. The only good kike is twice baked!
We will not repeat the mistakes of our ancestors. Not one drop of kike blood will be allowed to spread.

There are rumors flying around that Blackwater prevented a much larger attack, possibly a nuclear one, from happening in Las Vegas. What if the reason why the attack didn't go as planned is because of KEK's "return" on September 23rd? What if the KEK egregore needed to rest for the summer so that it could be reintroduced with some fresh energy at a time when it was most needed?

Weirdly enough, the September 23rd date continues to show up in my life even though the date has long past. I really think their original plan was to attack on 9/23, but it got pushed back because of all of the internet speculation about the date. 33 days after eclipse; 9:11 on a clock has one hand on the 9 and the other between 2 and 3. The occult elite wouldn't have passed on these digits unless they had no choice, and maybe that's why their plans were thwarted.


You kids are really, really, really mentally ill. You really need help. You need to send your parents or some responsible adult a cry for help.


Can we have an Exoteric thread?

Thanks for this post. I started reading more about stoicism here

and other good resources for stoic living?

what is the meaning of these hand symbols

Those are bindrunes formed with your hands. The runes they form are also drawn on the images. This is oldschool rune magic.

That's what gives science so much of its power. Science is just a vehicle for intersubjective coordination of human consciousnesses. It depends intrinsically on ritual, and the practitioners of that mass ritual are the clergy. Only reason people don't recognize it as magic is because of centuries of intentional misdirection by the elites to make people fail to recognize magic when it's literally right in front of them all the time.

How to identify magic:

Most people make the mistake in assuming that something can't be magic because we have another name for it, e.g. 'science' 'religion' 'ideology.' That's how magic works a lot of its power. These things are self-perpetuating constructs that shape perception.

This guy gets it.

Kek returned on September 23, he just didn't draw attention to himself.

Does anyone have a screencap of the post about seeing 444?

555 are Hyperborean digits of truth.
See >>>/kang/
King Cornelius the 3rd delcared secession from South Africa and sent out a call to arms for all Eurokaaners/Boers to join him in the fight against Bantu led genocide. He explicitly names their plans for White Genocide.

Well said, agree completely.

This is a gas lighting thread. It's an introduction into the occult.

EXOTERIC > Esoteric mind control

Look at this manipulative degenerate retard. Science is exoteric. Magic isn't even esoteric, it's retarded because the term magic is Zoroastrian, and you faggots are just victims of Jewish mind control.


are you literally retarded



All you "kek" pieces of shit would gen exterminated under Die Führer

pick one. nice dubs tho.

Saved! Kek is back!

Cute picture. There have always been white, conservative organizations that promoted bonding and political representation. Guess how well they prevented what is occurring right now? They didn't, they were subverted and de-fanged, not that they would have stopped anything anyways. Unless an organization explicitly goes after the source of the issue it will never succeed at anything it sets out to do.

But yes, keep bleating about how it's not the jews, and go suck some cock at the next alt right meeting while your at it.

Feels good being one of Hitlers wizards.


You can't read. This is the kind of user leading Holla Forums philosophy threads now. Fuck you

Gas yourself.

You work for the Jews. Just like all occultists.
Hitler was EXOteric…. and no kike /neomasonchan/ faggotry will hide the TRUTH!!!!!!!

but he ended up being exothermic

Hitler won by practical means.

And EXOteric book that lead to the Revolution against the usury crown of England. Not your faggot hidden bullshit or youtube scholarship or /fringe/ bits. REAL shit. Grown up men shit!!!!!!

as above, so below

Hitler was definitely initiated into the esoteric

beware of half truths

national socialists kicked the masons out of germany in the 30's

the natsocs were a synthesis of gnosticism and manichaenism with old german mythology

literally every thread aside from esoteric threads are exoteric threads nimrod

Not all magic is black magic, that's why they differentiate it as black magic…

Crowley was a degenerate sodomite. The SS were spiritual and physical warriors.

I think you should look into what type of person Nancy Sherman is before you read her book, user. If you truly want to learn about stoicism, you should go to the primary sources, the Greeks.

W-what? The only dualistic thing about their ideology was the harsh opposition to jews, aside from that, they recognized that sometimes different nations have different objetives and that none of them are nescessairly "good" or "bad". Best examples of this were their policies regarding the Middle East and India.

Also, occultism was sort of a popular thing in natsoc germany, so i don't think gnosticism was that big of a factor of that time period, since hte most important mystic of the time since the most important mystic of their times, Julius Evola, was pagan, not gnostic…
Gnosticism is also shit, but that's another topic.

"esoterism" is nothing but a distraction that doesn't matter
You are being BLUEPILLED

It means you actually start doing what it takes to fight back and stop sitting on your fucking worthless ass

thousands of kikes are running around in broad daylight, with their addresses publicly available, running the enterprises that are destroying the white race
meanwhile you are playing pretend here

We don't need more proof. We don't need to "redpill" more people.
We need YOU to get ACTUALLY redpilled, we need YOU to get in fighting shape, and BRING CIVIL WAR.

If the civil war broke out tomorrow, ask yourself honestly - what would you do? Would you be prepared? What would you have to do to be prepared?

At least 90% of you are hopelessly worthless NEET pieces of shit that we will use as suicide bombers. I'm talking to the 10% that are real human beings here.

Civil war is the option for if all else fails, it will result in deaths of countless young white men and will thwart countless dollars away from better projects that could improve our country and our people.

Don't forget that the majority of our enemy used to be our peers, the people we work with and went to school with. Ideologically, we went our way, they went theirs; we both think what we're doing is for the best. It's not right that they should die because we resent them for the mistakes they have made. If we can recruit them, we should try to.

If civil war becomes unavoidable, we will need to be ready, so training is essential. But there's no need to start attacking random people on a piecemeal basis, deaths are the kind of thing that cast a really bad image onto an organization or movement, and you can bet that (((they))) will spin any and all attacks against them as anti-semetic, racist, angry young white male rage against minorities and the oppressed, and that's the kind of thing that will lose us sympathy. We need the support of the people if we want to be able to rule effectively, and fear will only go so far before it begins to breed the next generation of revolutionaries.

nigger you have no idea what you are talking about

their duality was LITERALLY good vs evil. National socialism vs Communism. They were the last bastion of good, do you not see how evil our world is?

nigger what

It's been the Jews who have stamped out the many iterations of Gnosticism throughout history. That is why they did the same to Hitler and his group. Gnosticism is literally the pursuit of divine knowledge over the material world (YHWH).

nigger you have no idea what you are talking about

their duality was LITERALLY good vs evil. National socialism vs Communism. They were the last bastion of good, do you not see how evil our world is?

nigger what

It's been the Jews who have stamped out the many iterations of Gnosticism throughout history. That is why they did the same to Hitler and his group. Gnosticism is literally the pursuit of divine knowledge over the material world (YHWH).

what about this do you not get?

we are being torn to shreds. Physically dying in war is better than being driven insane by the media and dying alone and impoverished at an old age.

all else HAS failed
civil war is upon you. can't you see how everyone is being destroyed? this is the worst civil war of all time already.

>(((they))) will spin any and all attacks against them as anti-semetic, racist, angry young white male rage
yes they will, and we will keep going anyway. It doesn't work so good when you are putting bullets through the people saying that. They will grow afraid to spew their rhetoric.

They will react in terror, attempt to summon the military, and if they do it will be the worst thing for them as the "gun nuts" and "BLM militants" start freaking out about authority invading their lives

what about this do you not get?

we are being torn to shreds. Physically dying in war is better than being driven insane by the media and dying alone and impoverished at an old age.

all else HAS failed
civil war is upon you. can't you see how everyone is being destroyed? this is the worst civil war of all time already.

>(((they))) will spin any and all attacks against them as anti-semetic, racist, angry young white male rage
yes they will, and we will keep going anyway. It doesn't work so good when you are putting bullets through the people saying that. They will grow afraid to spew their rhetoric.

They will react in terror, attempt to summon the military, and if they do it will be the worst thing for them as the "gun nuts" and "BLM militants" start freaking out about authority invading their lives. Then the desertions in the police and military and civil service will happen.

Then we will have the normies really listening, they will be really ready to take the true redpill.

what about this do you not get?

we are being torn to shreds. Physically dying in war is better than being driven insane by the media and dying alone and impoverished at an old age.

all else HAS failed
white men, white women, white children, are being slaughtered already
What part of white genocide did you not comprehend?
civil war is upon you. can't you see how everyone is being destroyed? this is the worst civil war of all time already.

>(((they))) will spin any and all attacks against them as anti-semetic, racist, angry young white male rage
yes they will, and we will keep going anyway. It doesn't work so good when you are putting bullets through the people saying that. They will grow afraid to spew their rhetoric.

They will react in terror, attempt to summon the military, and if they do it will be the worst thing for them as the "gun nuts" and "BLM militants" start freaking out about authority invading their lives. Then the desertions in the police and military and civil service will happen.

Then we will have the normies really listening, they will be really ready to take the true redpill.

>1917 it was Russia that was suffering from (((Bolshevik's))) scheming and terror!

>2017 - exactly 100 years later - it's U.S.A that IS seemingly suffering right now from (((Bolshevik's))) scheming and terror?


Pure Jewish Kabbalah shit. Fuck off with your occult Alt-Kike mind control shit. Go back to Hollywood!

You can't even grasp basic Aryan concepts. Dualism is a kike meme. Polarity works together as both many and one. Communism gave birth to National Socialism, and NatSoc gave birth to Pinko-Globalism, and Pinko gave bith to Holla Forums.

YHWY is an egregore just like Kek is an egregore. Just because it's kike shit doesnt mean its not real, faggot.

I already explained dualism and polarity to another faggot above, we are both right. Dualism is just as real as polarity is. They are not mutually exlusive.

Occultism is not all satanic judiasm, user.

That's exactly what it means you fucking kike!

Dualism is a kike meme. Polarity is reality.

You are a super nigger. Duality is extremes. Polarity is the gradient between the extremes. Do you even hermeticism bro?

If you knew anything about anything you would understand that the jews appropriate other peoples works and symbols. YHWH is not a kike INVENTION but it is a kike REAPPROPRIATION. YHWH is a negative entity they they have chosen to worship and work with for their own self centered benefits. Kek is one that we work with, only difference is we offer dank memes instead of pedo kike shit.

You need to drop the misinfo brother.

Ah, the hermetic principles of Polarity and Gender, two of the most important and readily apparent aspects of reality.

Where is that tablet from? It looks like a nigger deity.

We have Trump, chans, memes, and free will. We've got too much going for us to throw it all away with a civil war. Hitler rose to power through subterfuge and the strength of his propaganda and paramilitaries, he didn't need to kill half the Germans to get what he needed.

I have no doubt that whatever the outcome of a civil war will be, it's going to result in a deaths of the best and brightest of our generation, and if you think that's not a victory for the jews, then you're sorely mistaken.

shoo kike.

interesting threads of thought but weak overall

So let me get this straight. Almost half the country is non white but somehow you're going to either get every single white to vote as a block or convince muds to vote against their own interest. Good luck with that. Hitler didn't have a 40% foreign population to deal with. Guerilla warfare is the only option.

We could always just enslave all the SJWs, drug them on stimulants and deliriants, then send them out ahead of our forces as a distraction so that they get shot instead of us.

Extremes are just human subjective bullshit. I'm talking reality. REAL. Duality isn't real, polarity is. This is why you're fuked in the head. You can't see past your own dream world.


Heil Hitler

Last Esoteric thread was up for 4 fucking months, almost 4 1/2. Most comments deleted. Time for a new thread already, stop deleting comments! BUMP!

It's still on top for some reason

It's true, I just noticed they deleted all of Shlomo Autismos sages in the last thread. But there's no reason to slide esoteric threads, unless you're afraid of white men seeking to better themselves.

The CIA is willing to adopt them for its purposes though

Probably trying to lure these retarded children into a real life meetup so they can feed them tons of drugs and program them into suicide bombers

It's actually a mod


Dubs confirm. The kike fears the spiritual nature of the Aryan soul.

that is because jews can't into art

pick one

Esotericism calls for you to improve yourself, As above, so below. If you're a fatass, a lazy bastard, a deviant, it all transfers to the Above. The best way to get better in the esoteric realms is to get better here.

Your ego annihilation = ego inflation…
Demoralization as a form of preparation for a life of no fap mental masturbations… The heavens don't give a fuck about push-ups or your hermetic larping titillations. You'll always be below while the true Aryan is too high for your station. A sickly reflection of pop culture New Age occult initiation all leading to spiritual degradation. Call it NatSoc but it doesn't change your vocation as a useful idiot of the whole Jewish mind control machination. Esoteric meant something in 1776 but now it's just hidden humiliation, generic entertainment posing as enlightened exaggeration. No different than any modern manufactured materialistic limitation. Get back to life, back to reality and improve your situation.

Coffee Pot

You forgot that we're only in one universe out of an infinite number that both do and don't exist. I believe that all the gods we know are all created by man, they're eregores. Matter is simply energy which has slowed its vibration down to the point of solidity, when you mold the energy of your body, your mind, you are in fact sending ripples throughout infinity.
Does it matter if it's real or not, I don't really care, my reality is only what I can perceive through my senses and thoughts. I for one though would rather live in a universe where magic exists rather than one where kike rats claw over each other for worldly rewards. And I have enough evidence for myself to consider it true.

Teapot is the proper pot.

Check'd for the ego misunderstanding.
Read some fucking Serrano, user. Ego destruction is kike propaganda. You are to seek INDICIDUATION! The realization, understanding, and union of Ego, Nos, and Logos. though you're probably too much of an ignorant faggot to know what any of those things are.

Quick rundown?

Unfortunately a few of the pages of Nos in pdfs were cut off at the bottom. Not enough to misunderstand it mind you. Just kind of makes me wonder if I missed something important.
The journey to unite a fractured mind, soul and body is definitely a worthy path though.

You all must be sick and tired of this pro Israel "pretending to be anti semitic" narrative where they're pro Trump, anti Hitler, lie about National Socialists, try to convince you that Assad is "bad", or that there was only one Vegas shooter and the agents were "totally right". Come on. If trollposting is your thing, stay the fuck on 8/pol/. If you're a jew loving imbecile who doesn't see or wants to see that behind every media outlet there is a kike CEO and behind every politician there is a kike advisor, never leave.
If you feel as I feel, that jews are behind it all and you truly are tired of the shills, also tired of being called shill every time you expose jewry, then join:
Where actual shills are banned. No matter how many IPs they switch to, or how many times they come over on Tor, they're completely fucked. Nothing resembling shilling against Hitler, pro-holocaust, pro-Israel bullshit is allowed. These fuckers want to limit your speech. It's time we limit theirs. Come to where the JIDF has no power. We welcome serious posters, even funposting, but no shilling for kikes or typical jew tricks that are clearly examples by the degeneracy of Holla Forums.
We have even banned this obnoxious Lain poster, denied imkampfy Vol status, and ejected Red Pill Dropper who is Jim's best bud. Come and see.
(Pay attention to those who instantly attack this post. They're kampfy's JIDF army.)

inb4 post deleted

endchan, the site where you'll get attacked just for stating the observable fact that the white/Aryan race is superior and that Hitler, as he repeatedly said in Mein Kampf, believed this as well.

You're misusing those terms you gnostic kike

pure Orpah-tier narcissism.

Uniting with your soul because some guy tells you its broken. top kek

cool symbols

How has this helped you in your life?

I am a German relative of Grace of Monaco and it makes me proud to see her represented on the side of virtue, but she had her head full of Judeo-American nonsense and at least some of her descendants now seem to think it is alright to have bastard children with kikes and niggers and spics. There is more to being a perfect queen on the level of Frigg and Juno than appearance and public demeanor.


Prove it
Prove it
literally the same thing


I dont remember adolf gassing himmler. Is this the kind of shit they teach in tel aviv?

If you keep repeating your pet phrase, you're going to join the ranks of laughingstocks like "hi Holla Forums"-kun and Asses and Elbows.

Their tactic is to spam until 750. Stop giving (you)s.

How has being a shill helped you?

So, on the topic of esoterism and secret societies, are there any that aren't pozzed and actually promote good, proper values?

My dad got pic related from a half-uncle when he was downsizing. I think he picked it up in a thrift store. I did some googling and found it was a 3rd generation Knights of Columbus sword; they are primarily Catholic and even have a branch in my small town.

What do?


Kill a pedo priest with it

you talk like a fucking retard you are a stupid 12 year old piece of shit with no friends

your parents don't love you
kill yourself

special threads

my friends, I have just come to Pepe as Kek concretely. I was suspicious before of Hekates symbolism, and the alt right using Pepe. It seemed to correlate, but I did not connect the dots until now.

He performed a mass sacrifice.

Aryan Buddhist Satanist.

It's part of a wider assemblage to perform a summoning only made possible by meme magic.

>general theories on strange (((coincidences)))

These coincidences have always been here, only (((someone))) took the credit for it, acted horribly, causing people to disregard what's always been there. It's the way Kek speaks to us through all things in the world, we only need to listen to hear. We only need to be mindful, and our subconscious will attune to the akashic consciousness. Those who become mindful of Kek's words will bring healing to the world.

See vid related. Ignore the poison at 3:52, sometimes the signal gets distorted by jews.

Your power levels are weak, occultist mind control agent. You're on Holla Forums now. Bend the fucking knee to wizards who are greater than you and Crowley, L. Ron, and the rest of your degeneracy… You're not dealing with wiccas or goth kids here you fucking faggot.

The Old Gods would crush the worm known as Satan, if such a one existed, after banishing the demon (((YHWH))).

FFS user. The word Satan is kike for adversary. They applied that term to Lucifer/Lucibel to state that the Cathars were their enemies and get the catholics to fight them. Do the math on this.

Have you ever read your posts and wondered if you are doing the equivalent of huffing your own farts in public? Because that is what you are doing, and that is why people react to you with disgust and avoidance.

codreanu doesn't belong in this thread.

So, if YWVH, the God of the Jews is Yaldabaoth, the demiurge, the demon, does not this make the serpent Lucifer bringer of light, our master? Or am I wrong? And what about Jesus the Christ? Some say that Jesus was indeed Lucifer in the garden. They are both identified with Venus.

And allthough the God of the old testament is the true Satan, his prophecies of the bible ring true.

The people of Magog(Khazaria, Modern Jews) will gather up the nations from the four corners of the world, and invade Israel, and battle the forces of the true God. Obviously part of this prophecy has come true allready. The people of Magog(Khazaria) have invaded Palestine.

Dubs, oh lord Kek?

No user, he still is.
How you post videos? This is a moon man play list.

Every moon man song listened too = 10 dead Pedo Kikes.
I bless this spell by the Chaos of Kek.

The Moon Man goes dark tomorrow, and will travel through Kekistan absorbing more Chaos. When he emerges after 3 days, he will bring death, and destruction to our enemies.

Amazing. This is the exact same conclusion I've come to.


" O you noble Stoics, what deceptive words these are! Imagine a being like nature, wasteful beyond measure, indifferent beyond measure, without purposes and consideration, without mercy and justice, fertile and desolate and uncertain at the same time; imagine indifference itself as a power – how could you live according to this indifference? Living – is that not precisely wanting to be other than this nature? Is not living – estimating, preferring, being unjust, being limited, wanting to be different? And supposing your imperative ‘live according to nature’ meant at bottom as much as ‘live according to life’ – how could you not do that? Why make a principle of what you yourself are and must be?"

Go back to 4cuck.

Oh Son of the morning, how thou art fallen…

Well, Ive never invoked Lucifer, so maybe I will give it a shot.

Kek is our lord of Chaos, and Kekistan is his dark land. You are a Kuk for dissing on kek.

Aryan man has always been for the sun, for order; for the masculine principle. It is a sinister (((cohencidence))) that a chaos god and a lunar symbol (moonman) are revered here

kek and the moon are double edged swords. most things arent just either black or white like that

Hang your fucking self leftypol. It's obvious youre just shitting up another thread.

Kek is a lightbringer archetype, not chaos, idiot.

kek is the bringer in of light. he is not the one who carries the sun in his chariot and he is not the god of light. kek works in the night (chaos) to create the right conditions for the light to come about. yes, kek is not chaos, but he does use chaos as his weapon because he's good at it. he is not OF chaos, but he is chaotic. he can survive in chaos and order (amphibian) and was born in chaos but is ultimately a good guy who can survive in the light and outside of water (that's what a frog is when it matures), unlike other chaotic forces who can only thrive in chaos
kek is the kek archetype. there are many different ways to make a puzzle that fits, but the pieces will be at least slightly different with each puzzle
stop being such a huge faggot. where did i even say "kek is chaos". are you some kind of retard?

Agreed, if Kek was of chaos, would it not have appeared to reddit or tumbler or some other snowflake machine. The fact that all these synchronicities have appeared here, where the majority of us are trying to live traditional lives in accordance with our natures, is telling in of itself.

The Cathars, Manichaens, Gnostics, Rosicrucians, and Templars were all pretty good

My researches led me to conclude that Germany’s nationalist socialism ironed the bugs out of Marxism and founded a system that actually worked. Of course the capitalist press has represented right from the start this system as the worst sort of hideous tyranny – they have done this with every experiment in socialism from the Paris Commune to modern Baathist Syria. For most of us, all we know about that astounding period of German history is how aggressively the government put into practice the unfortunate theories of the American eugenics movement.

The reality is that German fascism worked. Hitler’s deputy finance minister rebuilt the national economy in four years without putting the German people in the debt of the one percenters, as FDR’s similar programs did in the United States (after nine years the U.S. unemployment rate was still a whopping 14%). And the old chestnut that all the money went into rearmament is false: the German economy finally went to full national defense production in 1942, after all its peace overtures to the capitalist nations had been rejected.

Fascism committed the unforgivable heresy of demonstrating exactly how capitalism and democracy are incompatible. The fascist critique of liberal democracy is undeniably spot on. They showed there can be no liberty in a culture whose fundamental economic premise is the exploitation of one class by another. The ideals of the Enlightenment – equality, individuality, democracy – simply collapse into institutionalized injustice under the all-pervasive directive of the primacy of the private accumulation of capital over all other concerns.

And the German analysis of the threat to world peace that they saw coming from an increasingly militarized United States makes for powerful reading, coming as it does from a system that we have been told existed only to murder Jews and conquer the world.

Here’s a link to the full text of Richard Tedor’s study “Hitler’s Revolution,” the best one-volume account of what National Socialism was actually about and what it accomplished:

user, you just gave me a moment of satori. Thank you for the most important, effectual effort post I've ever read on any Chan.

Of course Kek is the bringer of the Light. But he does this by using chaos. A purge of chaotic fire. He is Chaos, and that chaos brings light, and order. Chaos is not evil. Chaos fights the Evil order of today. We need to slam the hammer of chaos upon our enemies, so that our order can grow.

The same goes for Lucifer, The Morrigan, Hekate. The two mentioned goddesses are dark goddesses, that control rebirth, and Chaos.

An oxymoron

It's not really an oxymoron, light and dark are the same, just different degrees on the scale. Darkness is just as much a lack of light as light is a lack of darkness. We exist in the middle ground, I don't even think our minds could register either end of the scale without extensive training.

Law of Vibration.

As something increases in vibration, as it increases it looks like it slows. Like a rim of a tire. Vibration is Chaos.

My understanding is that Chaos and Order are bound to eachother in a cycle.

law of rhythm. Read the kybalion

Hmm, correct. My gut reaction would of been to say the law of Polarity, but your answer is more apt.

Oh look another kike mythology book. Rabbit holes upon rabbit holes Rabbit holes upon rabbit holes Rabbit holes upon rabbit holes Rabbit holes upon rabbit holes Rabbit holes upon rabbit holes Rabbit holes upon rabbit holes Rabbit holes upon rabbit holes

t. Wiccan degenerate…

Lucifer was just the morning Venus. It's not even an important god and Hekate isn't either. Morgana was a war goddess that mean nightmares. We can meme better than that.

the mods guard this thread against HURTFUL truths

why, i don't understand. There are literally only a few dozen people who come to this board. Do they think the messiah is here? Insane.

It's spreading to cuckchan. Same gnostic shills. It's a concentrated effort. This place is for testing the waters and cleaning up the arguments. The New Age is the chosen religion for the New World Order. But it's still fucking plebian shit.

They better be careful. They might just meme the anti-messiah, a new Wotan

>banishing the demon (((YHWH)))

Kek, that reminds me of some funny stories.

I pity the state of your soul, shill. That video is a golden instance of Kek providing comfort to a weary soul and speaking through them at the same time. If you only look with eyes that see and ears that hear, you will find Kek's voice speaking through many mouths. Any human, even a shill, can be a vessel through which Kek speaks.

Of course we can, but Holla Forumsacks have to start somewhere. Our previous accomplishments shouldn't be overlooked, either.

Still requesting the 444 screencap.

Tell us some funny stories then.

you have no idea what you are talking about

you aren't wrong, chaos and order are polarities and their transition into each other is the rhythm.


What happened to your gnostic dualism faggot?

Hmmm, really made me think.

nothing I said there negates dualism retard

gnostics, manichaens, cathars, zoroastrians, egyptians, greeks, on goes the list, all have one thing in common. your beloved national socialism is rooted in gnosticism to it's very core.


that is why it's been stamped out throughout history. Holla Forums is a gnostic temple, whether that be through conscious or unconscious means. your accusations indicate either you yourself are a kike who is trying to avoid this discussion or you are misled by disinformation.

Really makes you think


You people talk like the Alt-Right.

not sure what you are getting at with the time stamps. I posted 45min after the other user, so what?

you must be a kike, if you are posting cucktianity shit. learn something

the Demiurge, YHWH, wants you to be enslaved into material reality

forgot to add. jews are archons, they can only imitate and never create anything original. even "their" symbol is an appropriation of the axiom "As above, so below". We truly live in the Kali Yuga.

Giving meme power to Jewish gods is Jewish user. You're a fucking kike

You need to kill yourself, so you can reincarnate and have another chance at not being such a massive faggot.

the kike fears illumination

They're seeing the failure in "muh based russian orthodoxy" narrative and are trying to fall back on gnosticism as a panacea for disillusioned christians who are tired of christcuckoldry. This is the pattern with all jewish traps and fake ideologies. Once people are tired of the charade they begin to leave and so (((they))) come up with a seemingly less cucked ideology as a safety net to catch. This definitely applies to political movements but works just as well with religion. We saw this effect with the right: classical republican -> conservatism (cuckservatism) -> alt-right (based faggots based negros based jews) -> To Be Decided
All of these movements and religions are meant to be traps on the way out from the jewish illusion.

another retard who has no idea what they are talking about

gnosticism is the way out of the jewish illusion, that's why its been heretical for centuries.

All you fags shitting on gnosticism, post some proof or fuck off back to israel

Speak with a passive voice when describing jewish interests. Otherwise, you lend credence, and thus power to the idea.

Do not say "Moloch will consume your souls", instead try "They think that Moloch consumes souls". Wording it the former way makes it sound like an inevitability, the latter makes it sound hokey

But yes, absolutely shine a light on their ideas and watch them scurry like rats.

It's sad. Something as simple as Stoicism would return us to the Western aristocrate virtuist mindset but it's going to take some form of extremism. They're meming National Socialism as the only choice. And so they create this "esoteric" History Channel version of NatSoc. This Thule bullshit. When Hitler shut them all down and it will only purify the argument.

Fact is things are going to get more and more and MORE insane in the world until it almost seems like a dream world. And mankind will react to it through pure natural instinct. That's when the day of the rope will suddenly come.

Like a perfect storm

I looked up Moloch. It means "lord" or "king" to Ammorites religion. An enemy of the Jews and said to be a children killing cult for money. Sounds a lot like the modern Hitler meme. And where did chan culture get it? From Hillary. Just like she gave us the AltRight and Spencer.

Kikes fear illuminati. top kek

How? What did he do?

this really comes down to reading comprehension for actual intellectuals

Gnosticism still holds the same jewish nature which the other abrahamist religions hold, that nature(in the philosophical sense) is evil an ultimately needs to be overcomed.
This is completely antithetical to the european soul, which is based on the relationship betwen men and nature.
Not to mention that all abrahamist creeds are ultimately a bunch of lies which are scientifically and philosophically disproved.

Wrong. Nature is a manifestation of the divine spirit. That is what the pursuit of Gnosis aims to create - a yoga, or union to the whole. Gnosticism, Hinduism, and others I've already listed have a lot in common.

Why do you think the kikes, or archons of the demiurge, are polluting and destroying our planet? All the Gnostics say is that this material domain is a lower level of reality, and the demiurge wants us enslaved here instead of ascending to Godhood that avatars such as Hitler have attempted to usher into humanity.

Anti-gnostic is a codeword for anti-aryan

Really on par with, "jews don't like christianity so that means it's good." Protip: Only low-level jews have christianity. Jews ruling over the low-level jews love christianity and what it's let them do to whites and like to gloat how whites follow it.

Gnosticism is a catch-all phrase for splinter and tertiary (((early christians))) that were trying to apply esotericism (stolen from whites) the same ways pharisees jews had their own esoteric tradition (stolen from ancient egyptians). It's watered down esotericism with a splash of kosher in it. The reason why it was deemed heretical is for two main reasons:
1. It was an opposing faction from the mainline form of (((christianity))).
2. Esotericism means thinking worshipers and thinking worshipers means worshipers that are harder to keep in line

To put this in perspective, Gnosticism wasn't completely seen as heretical until a few centuries after (((jesus))) "died." Even (((Paul))) wasn't readily accepted because he was seen as a gnostic but he proved himself to be useful in converting goyim -this is extremely important and even mentioned in the bible- and so he became useful to the (((early christians))). Inevitably gnosticism was deemed heretical for all of time but does that make it useful? No. Because it's recycled and koshered esotericism. It doesn't give you anything useful without first poisoning your view of what can be useful. Even in your own words here:
Not only is something utterly ridiculous to say but it's very clear that you're falling into the same line of thinking of, "because they have similarities that means that they apply - are somehow useful." The reality is that they're not all applicable even if they say the right things about certain topics. It is always best to go back to the original and the white school of thought free from jewish influence because jewish influence is perversion. If you buy jewish goods, you are subscribing to jewish interests. They do not give something freely and without compromise. There's a reason why ancient egyptian magic was heavily ripped off by jews in numerous ways. What did the jew do? Credit the egyptians? No. They invented a completely fictitious story about how they overcome jewish captors and the main point of that story was to illustrate how their demon god was totally real. And the punchline is that that story was a ripoff of a story from another group of people, but altered to fit their jew propaganda. If you're buying from the jew you pay the price twofold.

Pretty much. As sort of an "occultist" myself, as i study the metaphysics of religion, i can attest you that 99% of the things most occultists spew is dogmatic nonsense.
It always come from one irrational principle or another, be it the jewish books like the bible ir more recent works like the kyballion.
While esoterism does have its eventual purpose, it is only used commonly nowadays to create some kind of hysteria to desensitize people from rationality, making them open themselves to one of their dogmas.

It is also very sad that people are buying into the jewish conception of what a national socialist was, or even that they were perfect.
It ultimately derives from the same source which creates the leftist behavior, i fear, some sort of voluntary ignorance towards some topics, closing themselves from fully evaluating a certain object.

Hitler shut down all these groups, the Thule Society had to go into hiding. Freemasons went down. All of them. They put up with Catholics but they were creating Positive Christianity by erasing the old testament. It was essentially what Thomas Jefferson tried to do with the Jefferson bible by erasing Jesus's miracles and connections to the Jew faith.

They didn't really have a plan, futurism and a new religion of the blood. That was the plan. It's difficult for people who want escapism to accept this. They want a spiritual world of sexy angels, daddy God, and demons to blame. Fact is God as one demon monster who controls everyone and everything was Jewish and before that there was nothing like it. It's a BORG like cube cult of mind control. All of monotheism included some form of pantheon or pantheism. The modern BORG is Communism, but the esoteric types are still clinging to old memes about the "ALLLLLLLLL!" creature and hating material/natural reality. They want you to fall back into the trap of anti-nature which they call "materialism"… Of course materialism to us in the modern world means degenerate shopping for stupid shit like credit cards.
Even before I could finish writing this the faggot posts.

It's a mind trap. Eastern cultures don't need this bullshit. Zen teaches you to live your life and stop asking crazy questions and listening to these weirdo gurus.

This is purely a Jewish-post Roman phenomenon. = Gnosticism, Christianity, communism, New Ageism, Freemasony… Same trap

Wow, this is one of the biggest syncretic messes i've ever seen. You might just have drawn concepts from at least 4 different traditions without understanding the context of neither.
How can you be FOR nature, if you belive that it was created by the demiurge? And what godhood are you talking about? Is there any concrete proof that it exists, or is it just another bullshit some kike made up 500 years ago? Do you even know what an avatar means in hinduism, an paganism in general? It has nothing to do with achieving godhood, its just the opposite.

Most people run into complex ideas and then attach it to themselves, like priests spewing catch phrases from a book. It's too scary for them to stand on their own. They need others to speak for them. These threads are all like that. It's the same "faith" in a "new" way. A fanatic excitement.

But I think the dedicated shills are actually deep state. A rightwing New Ageism. They saw what we were able to do and this is their last try before shutting down Holla Forums.

The Spencer meme really frustrated them. They had long term plans for the Alt-Right

I thoroughly enjoy their impotence. They are not in control. Whereas they expected to somehow steer their opposition like various resistances before, they have no way of doing that here. This is our time. We have so much to do but as we do it, all things are possible. We will never repeat the mistake of our ancestors after having expelled (((them.))) The last time they will be expelled, it will be from life itself. The last time a jew stains this beautiful world of ours, it will be with their collective blood.

nanobots will steralize the subhumans and kill the BORG Jew
or intelligent life, the superman, civilization, galactic seeding, it will all be lost. And earth will return to the lessor Apes and fall forever into primitive cruel darkness

By heretical I mean the jews in charge of (((christianity))) seeking them out and killing them in order to suppress their belief system.

>Gnosticism is a catch-all phrase for splinter and tertiary (((early christians))) that were trying to apply esotericism (stolen from whites)
What is your definition of esotericism? When did esotericism ITSELF become a belief system? It's just a label for all things hidden behind the veil. "Esotericism" is one of the broadest terms you can use.

The rest of your post is garbage and you give no sources.

Post a source of him exiling the Thule group. Freemasons definitely, since they are kiked, but specifically Thule.

That's exactly what I am saying, but you are making the mistake of anthropomorphizing these names muh daddy god n shieet.

When the fuck did I say that? You are a kike shill with your usual projecting.

This is your brain on ashkenazi schizophrenia.

All traditions have an underlying thread. Cause and effect. Nature is a reflection of the divinity above, that is why the kikes are trying to pull us down into a degenerate hell hole. The higher we ascend the less we will become attached to material reality. Serrano said we are eternal warriors who come here to fight and only rest upon death. Bodhisattvas are the ones who are enlightened but choose to come back and help the others ascend. An avatar is a God descending so that more are able to ascend. As above so below.


more uninitiated faggots or kike shills. hitler would be disappointed

You talk like a proto-typical deep state op in every AltRight thread. And I see your script in 4chan too now. So it's not just a few people discussing this in an organic way.

lol I've been called a bot in a different thread and a deep state spook now, when in reality i'm just an esoteric hiterlist who want's to deliver the 1000 year Reich. sad.

Now I’m going to have that song stuck in my head for three days AGAIN

>By heretical I mean the jews in charge of (((christianity))) seeking them out and killing them in order to suppress their belief system.
You're ignoring the part where they were completely fine with it until two centuries later, and that's when the disorganized web of (((early christianity))) as a religion was starting to take form. In other words it wasn't a problem until (((they))) decided it was not needed and could be a rival religion.

Hitler didn't hide shit

Only if you knew…

These threads always turn into ridiculous bullshit. Hitler was not an occultist. This is a kike lie to make the Nazis look crazy just like they tried to with the soap and lampshades and shrunken heads. If you cannot see the similarities between Gnosticism and Kabbalah and the Talmud you are a faggot. That is all.

>In other words it wasn't a problem until (((they))) decided it was not needed and could be a rival religion.

Gnosticism was a threat that was a threat.

No I'm not. Esoteric Hitlerism, Kabbalah, Aleister Crowley, and Wicca all fall under the umbrella of "Esotericism". The esoteric is a BROAD subject. You are an obtuse nigger.

top kek

I already included a link above that you can explore. I'm not going to spoon feed you REAL gnosticism.

I see you have fallen for disinformation. Look, I understand your plight. I'm not going to spoon feed you but I am currently writing about all of this and will release my works with sources soon. It will be an extensive study of the esoteric and how it relates to Hitler/NatSoc/Current happenings.

These threads turn into shit because of kike shills and uninitiated niggers like you derailing threads by ad hominem, pessimism, or outright disinfo.

threat that was stamped out*

That's the inlay of a ancient castle floor. Hitler didn't build that and neither did Himmler you fucking moron

Have you heard of Dietrich Eckart?

Ok its late and im in shitposting mode. Good day.

Is every civilization there is hidden "shit." There's no getting around it.

So, not denying the reason I gave for why kikes didn't like it? Just restating something and expecting that to rebut what I said?

You realize you didn't deny your original statement on that, right? You really just did the same thing again that I pointed out. (Re)State something, pretend you challenged that point when in reality you didn't. Way to be a kike.

Looks like you're not going to deny you wanted to play the semantics game. Thanks again. That's 3 points you conceded on. Your kike tricks aren't working.

So the link you gave that other user to educate himself on gnosticism isn't a source on "REAL" gnosticism. Isn't that very deceitful and unfair to that other user?

Why did you bother linking the same post you were already replying to?
Oh this is going to be good. I haven't had a good laugh since that one /christian/ poster offered the KJV bible as a literal panacea to all of white's problems and posted about it for about 20 posts. And he meant it literally. Don't disappoint me, user. I need the laugh especially after you're going to the trouble to waste your time on this.

In reality you're running away before you can see the posts proving you wrong, again.

I denied your
It wasn't a tool of the kikes, it was a response.

nigger what

Of course I'm restating, you are hiding under the umbrella of esotericism while attacking me instead of putting your beliefs out there to be tested.

your psychology is showing

that link I gave was a pretty good outline of gnosticism. if you want more detailed resources check google faggot

post a single source for your claims and I might entertain your retardation

I meant to greentext your last comment but I fucked it up cuz its late and im le tired

Don't worry user. I won't disappoint you like you have to Hitler.

I'm not running from shit, you uninitiated mundane nigger.

ew, my sleep deprivation is showing

Oh hey you're back and this time with more earlobe spacing.

Except you didn't and it wasn't. (((Gnosticism))) originated in the same jewish vacuum of (((christianity.))) It co-existed with (((judaism and early christianity))) until it was no longer needed.

You're not just restating you're pretending that your clarification or correction made a difference in the first place which it doesn't. If you put your original claim and your clarification side by side they don't even match up because you're talking about almost two different things. Restating and changing it shows you don't want to address it anymore.

So then why did you just go from saying it's not "REAL" (((gnosticism)))? Going to copypaste your realtime contradiction:
If (((gnosticism))) was legit, why would I want a link that's not going to give me "REAL" (((gnosticism))) and this link is from a guy trying to sell it?
Oh okay I guess I'll depend on (((google))) for accurate information. Obviously the same search engine that told you it was legit, and that's if you're not a kike.

Have you tried google? That's a good resource to use according to you.

You mean like you are now?

You are Fucking making shit up with everyone else on this non sourced pile of shit thread. This is Autism levels only produced by psychic Mkultra Down syndrome victims. This entire thread has been 15 (1+5=6) idiots seeing what insane bullshit they can make up in the spot and yet have the fucking audacity to argue it’s merits to the death. I need to fall asleep fuck this.

Best pair of sentences side by side if you can see the irony. F, A, M, and D are capitalized. Connection?

And you make the 16th, or 1+6=7th I guess.

You'll reply in ~30 minutes.

Wow, you really are just retarded. Kill yourself to redeem now.

again you are talking as if it was a tool. post some proof you nigger.

thats why I said you were projecting

You are definitely a kike shill since you refuse to suggest an alternative belief system or post any kind of resources for your claims at all. kill yourself


No I really needed to sleep kek. That’s weird I don’t know why I was capitalizing certain letters.

Alright, this is the story about that time I summoned the Elder Gods.

So go ahead Holla Forums, whatever you'd like to know I can do my best to answer.

The problem is that you think this is a personality cult, I have to try things for myself, accepting and rejecting that which works and doesn't work. Every spiritual journey is a solitary path, that's where people who feel "religious" get it wrong, and where the jews are able to insert themselves into peoples consciousness. Esoteric or exoteric areas should always be approached with the goal of finding out what's true or not for yourself. People need to stop with the deference to authority and seek to become their own authority.

Knowing one's place in the hierarchy and respecting those to whom respect is due are very basic virtues for Europeans. Deference to authority is not a negative trait.

Where are the ascended masters?

Why don't you start with explaining things that Holla Forumsacks should know, but don't?

Your place in the hierarchy is one thing, but do you blindly accept what those in power say? Do you have to listen to a wealthy (((merchant))) just because he connives his way into the emperors ear?

Even before Semites took up merchant positions, the mercantile caste was considered more lowly than that of honest workers.

What's truly pathetic has been you and your posts. No one in this thread wants anything to do with jew religions. Gnosticism is as jewish as christianity, especially because it once existed as a component of it. Your posts have been deconstructed repeatedly to show you're lying and trying to hide you lies. You can't sell something jewish around here so you're pretending what you're selling isn't.

When is that a requirement when rejecting the jew? You don't have the lazy excuse of sleep deprivation anymore. Why would anyone need that kind of justification when dealing with jewish beliefs?
You're saying this when you disqualified your own source and then just said check google?

If you're not jewish then you're just as pathetic as one.

You're the ones who made this personal. Others started the cult(s), I was just doing my own thing when I stumbled on all of this.

No idea. Not really necessary for me to know, and likely better that way.

Ask me about whatever you'd like to know, I'll answer what I can.

Gnosticism is a term which was made up many centuries after that era and carries an illusory definition. The ideology from which Semitic sects now identified as Gnostics were derived is simply a syncretic system older than the Abrahamic tradition itself, going back at least to Greece and Persia and perhaps as far as Sumeria and Egypt. It is to this much older tradition which most "gnostics" refer today, though there is indeed a sort of revival of the Christianized gnosticism which should be rightfully met with contempt.

You're quite right for the most except for one major detail. Gnosticism as a whole is a bastardization of stolen white esoteric ideas with an infusion of jewish religious tennets. This falls in with how the jews went about crafting and recrafting their religions and "esoteric" componente such as the (((kabalah))) which is literally stolen from the ancient egyptian qabalah with its terms and names changed.

Therein lies the main problem. The "good" parts of gnosticism were originally white ideas. The rest is the jewish angle. Trying to untangle the "good" parts is a waste of time, time better spent pursuing the original and white versions of those ideas free from jewish influence. The other main problem is that (((christian gnosticism))) was designed to be a component of (((christianity))) but dropped, and thus the fact remains that it's still jewish, still part of the (((christian))) problem.

You haven't deconstructed shit, you just spout out bullshit and expect others to bite without proving yourself at all. I did not disqualify myself, the link I posted discusses REAL gnosticism, but in order to actually understand REAL gnosticism, you must EXPERIENCE IT. It is a form of consciousness. I can not spoon feed that to you, nigger.

So far I have posted one source and you have posted none. Who is the bullshitting kike here?

ah so you just see the label gnosticism and go muh kikes! you don't understand that both gnosticism and christianity were legit before they were infiltrated by the kikes. Christ is a type of consciousness that one can reach, which is what the figure Jesus did, like Buddha, Mani, Zoroaster, etc.

Nigger. What.

You clearly have NO IDEA what you are talking about and are providing no value to an otherwise incredibly valuable thread.


Read some fucking Serrano before you even consider posting in an esoteric hitler thread.

This is the third time you changed your stoey on this.

First when you posted that link as a source for learning about all caps """"real"""" gnosticism, then second you told that other user that it doesn't help you learn all caps """real"""" gnosticism, and now forget all of that because third, you must all caps "experience" it. And let's not forget when you said just google it.

I no longer think you're a kike, I think you're just stupid. No one can make this level of conscious decisions with such a level of error and not be stupid.

This is christcuckoldry level delusion. You can stop there because you just committed the gravest and most blatant giveaway of christian ignorance. Everyone on /christian/ parrots that with willful blindness. The (((original and early christians))) were unmistakably and even significantly jewish.

I say significantly because basic theological teachings of christianity makes major emphasis on the fact that those set of jews became christians, but they were still ethnically jewish. They even reference themselves as being jewish and later converts as non-jew in the (((new testament))). Christianity for the first few centuries were rival to the non-messianic jew, jew versus jew. That's the historical and theological signifance. You're done, user. There's no coming back from this.

This thread is indeed valuable because you're providing the case for why everyone should disregard gnostic drivel. On behalf of other anons I thank you because this is really helpful makes the case better than explaining it.

You accused me of arguing semantics when that is the only thing you have done, you are dodging the actual topic at hand. Post some sources if you want anyone to take you seriously.

You are wrong. In the Bible God prophecies through Isaiah that Gentiles would replace Israel as the preists who spread Gods Word. This happens in the New Testament and Paul admonishes Peter for sitting with the Jews and refusing to sit with Gentile converts.

The root cause of all the evil in the world is Money, and the Jewish financial system will create the NWO and bring the anti christ, and they are Satan worshippers i.e The Synagogue of Satan.

Name one religion that calls out the Jews this much you insufferable faggot. Ill wait.

P.S. Along with Hitler, all major anti semites in European history were Christians.

Gnosticism has never existed as a whole until many loosely related sects were lumped together by modern scholars. The first such sects were Europoid syncretists whose ideas were plagiarized by Semites. Most of the sects to which the gnostic label is applied are Semitic, but gnosticism does not originate with them.

Cucktianity has been trash from the start. Yeshua is a messiah figure, a Semitic archetype devised as a culture hero who would deliver Semites from oppression by foreign powers. Yeshua is a fictional amalgam of Semitic rebels from the 1st century BCE. None of them were decent people and the idol derived from them is not noble in the slightest. The Christian Gnostics were no better.

Positive Christianity was a psy-op, a lie developed in order to slowly de-Christianize Germans so that they could be initiated into the old ways once more.

When did I ever mention semantics? However your (24) posts include dealing with accusations of that.

And back to kike tricks. The topic is exposing gnosticism for being a leftover kike derivative of (((christianity.)))

Who is "anyone?" It's really just you and that other christcuck who conveniently posts at the same time as you, and conveniently complained of needing sleep like you did.

That's pure hilarious interpretation. Read your own words. Ultimately, (((God))) makes a prophecy that Peter won't sit with gentile converts? (((Paul))) himself was famous for being a jewish convert and being let in with the (((church fathers))) because he demonstrated his methods for converting "gentiles." You can easily make the case that Isaiah's prophecy tells how jews would eventually control gentiles by having them practice their religion. The next time you want cuck for christ, make sure you're not handing ammunition out to your opposition.
The root cause of all evil is jews.
Jews insult each other plenty. This (((christian))) claim to fame that their religion calls out jews is a pathetic moot point. Jews who created christianity were exploiting the opportunity to roast each other. Also on that note, comedy roasts are part of jewish culture.
By the time Hitler was around, nigh-all europeans were christian. Do you have any more tired out non-points parroted by /christian/ to fit in? Let's get them out of the way.

Which again, untangling the (((semitic))) aspects from it is a pointless venture because you can find the non-jew ideas used elsewhere. Gnosticism is a dead end because of jewish influence. It's like when reddit steals a meme and you have to dig through tons of shit OC to find the comparably few original good ones.

Untangling the Semitic aspects from it are pretty easy, as the idea of gnosticism at its most basic is simply "Indo-European religious syncretism." In fact, you might say that the true definition of gnosticism is "find non-jew ideas from elsewhere." Anything which can't be traced to a Europoid religion is void. If one wants to stick to the strictest origin, then gnosticism would be a syncretic reconstruction of Egyptian, Sumerian, Avestan, and Greeco-Latin religions.

Also, Semites aren't the root of all evil, merely a race of manifest evil. They are expressions of evil, not the source of it.

You twisted my words like the Kike faggot you are. I didn’t hand you any ammunition, I handed you a gun and you shot yourself with it. Your pathetic rebuttal is so Jew-like in literally every way.

“The more I argued with them, the better I came to know their dialectic. First they counted on the stupidity of their adversary, and then, when there was no other way out, they themselves simply played stupid. If all this didn't help, they pretended not to understand, or, if challenged, they changed the subject in a hurry, quoted platitudes which, if you accepted them, they immediately related to entirely different matters, and then, if again attacked, gave ground and pretended not to know exactly what you were talking about. Whenever you tried to attack one of these apostles, your hand closed on a jelly-like slime which divided up and poured through your fingers, but in the next moment collected again. But if you really struck one of these fellows so telling a blow that, observed by the audience, he couldn't help but agree, and if you believed that this had taken you at least one step forward, your amazement was great the next day. The Jew had not the slightest recollection of the day before, he rattled off his same old nonsense as though nothing at all had happened, and, if indignantly challenged, affected amazement; he couldn't remember a thing, except that he had proved the correctness of his assertions the previous day.”

I think a lot of people forget this, like how babies first red pill is Soros. There's a whole network behind him. If the jews were the final boss, they wouldn't worry so much with Moloch or Demiurge worship.

The first redpill is the holohoax you fucking kike. Not FOX news shit like Soros

Thank you for that articulate insult, gee whiz you must have been born with a black sun on your anus to not realize that the progression to red pill is gradual. There has to be a drive to seek the truth, that's why I mentioned the faux news Soros, when a normie who seeks the truth starts with the little shit, they will eventually get into full red pill mode, providing they're always searching for truth. Of course the holocaust wasn't real, hell Canada and the US holocausted their Japanese citizens in WWII as well, but they stayed fed throughout the war, with no Typhoid.


The FIRST REDPILL IS THE HOLHOAX. You're not aware of the matrix until then. PERIOD!

He's mad because we're not as radical as he is. Because he's a fed, back to endchan spook.

That's an over-simplification of the issue with untangling gnosticism. The fact that gnosticism is "syncretic," aka a fancy word for saying that it's a fusion of different religious ideas, incriminates it even more. A lot of people criticize New Age for being a buffet where you get to pick and choose what ideas you like best, but gnosticism was basically that but a couple of thousand years ago, a jewish attempt to yet again rip off white religions, and thus utilizing the same method that gave the world the plight of (((christianity))).

The idea that the original practitioners were europid is purely wishful thinking because not only were identified gnostic thinkers known for being jews, the backbone of practicing it and terminology is reused from jew books like the (((tanakh))), and their intentions fit the profile the best. Fun fact: one of the teachings in gnosticism is basically how to have visions like Ezekiel did. If the gnostics were somehow inexplicably not jewish, they were shabbos goyim.

Aside from all of that, them being jewish is already corroborated with their close proximity and constant collaboration with (((original/early christians))). Since both gnosticism and christianity are stitched together religions of white religions and jewish influences, it kinda begs the question of which came first. If it was gnosticism then gnosticism was the alpha version for christianity, and if christianity came first then gnosticism is a failed attempt at making christianity or making an esoteric foil to christianity. No matter either, it's arguable which looks the worst. Regardless, you're better off studying egyptian, sumerian, etc.

It's easy to understand why you're upset but you have no one to blame. You totally walked into that one.
Just like how quoting the bible keeps the demons way, right?

dude, so retarded

You could say gnosticism is alpha christianity. The figure of Jesus experienced complete Gnosis, or Christ consciousness. The kikes perverted and subverted his teachings as a control system. AKA the archons in gnostic terminology.

"In the second part of their book, Freke and Gandy present their own distillation of gnostic philosophy. They describe it as an experience rather than a theory. Experiencing gnosis means recognizing that ‘life is a dream’ – not in the sense that it is a pure fantasy, but in the sense that we don’t see things as they really are. The body/person we appear to be, with its ever-changing qualities, is part of the life-dream, and not the real us. Our essential, ‘unchanging’ self is awareness, unborn and undying, and it is the same awareness in all; our apparent separateness is therefore an illusion, and in essence we are all one. Instead of matter producing consciousness, say the authors, it is consciousness that gives rise to matter."


Also, like I've pointed out many times in this thread, National Socialism is based on gnosticism.

Niggers think they know shit when they don't.

Praise kek btw tbh fam

I got you confused with the other user saying I was arguing semantics, you have the same nigger faggot style.

Your kike trick is switching the topic whenever I ask you to share your resources. You keep making claims without backing them up. Back them up or they, like you, are worthless.

Sounds more like jewish schizophrenia than anything else. Hence the jews' reliance on "visions." But babby's first /fringe/ poster thinks it sounds great.

Oh so we got the fasces from jew "mystics" who helped make christianity? Wow, that changes everything! Based jews, am I right?

The originator of the gnostic conception of the demiurge is Plato. We know exactly where the Semitic corruption of the syncretic tradition begins because it is marked by their reversal of the concept of the demiurge being benevolent, which is carried over into the Christcuck versions. Note that Plato mentions the demiurge in one of the same dialogues which contains references to Atlantis through Egypt.

You're looking at this backwards. Plato's idea does not become (((gnostic))) because (((gnostics))) started using it. It was always his idea, they just took it. Is the rainbow inherently a fag symbol because the (((fags))) use it? No. (((Gnosticism))) is not white; just because jews use white ideas and blended it with their own doesn't mean it can somehow be salvaged. The things worth salvaging are the sources where they took ideas.

You're capable of seeing how they took white ideas and corrupted them but you're still not seeing how why it's important to discard the jewish composite that incidentally contains those ideas.

All you do is spout ad hominems with no substance. You say (((they))) "rely" on visions. Hitler also had "visions" and was immersed in the spiritual world. The kikes want complete control over your perception of REALITY, which is spiritual. Just like they want complete control over currency, natural resources, weapons, etc.

When you keep posting without adding any value to the thread, which you could do by posting your sources or alternate beliefs, you prove me right. Keep being a kike you are educating everyone lurking this thread.

You're so wrong, but answer me this. If Gnosticism is white-truth wrapped in a kike container, then if we discard it what are we replacing it with?

my research has led me to conclude the G of the mason logo represents gnosticism.

holy kike

Gnostics are fucking ridiculous faggots and talk like Spencer shills.

Philosophy – the white man's religion. You fucking kike. You've been told this before.

You're fucking retarded. You have a meaningless vendetta against a term which didn't exist until the 17th century. None of those ancient Semitic sects were gnostics. If you were arguing for people to stop using the term itself because of the problem of defining what it truly means, you'd have a leg to stand on, but you insistence on it being of Semitic origin is simply false.


ad hominem shill

Philosophy is as broad a term as esotericism. Way to stay vague once again, kike.

Here's one more for you faggots.

>https:// books?id=2AieUdBUUkEC&pg=PA382&lpg=PA382&dq=dietrich+eckart+gnosticism&source=bl&ots=nA88-aHk2a&sig=DnNf7QvCEFDIkX0TH4HnuCy5e90&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi7q_Gfsf7WAhWHv1QKHStxAo4Q6AEITTAF#v=onepage&q=dietrich%20eckart%20gnosticism&f=false

Uninitiated faggots think they know anything about true esotericism. Top kek.

Done arguing with people who have no idea what they are talking about. Read more Serrano and learn how to astral project.


Nobody cares what you do.


>You say (((they))) "rely" on visions.
They do. They don't just rely on visions, they have them as they age because jews have an exceedingly high incidence of schizophrenia.
I bet not even you know if you meant that in a literal or metaphorical way or even both.

When you keep failing to sell gnosticism and have it broken down on its own (lack of) merits and your own personal defenses for it, you keep proving the case that (((gnosticism))) is a false religion like all other jew religions and jewish schools of thought.

Wait, why do you double post so much?

It's not white-truth wrapped in a kike container, it's a frankenstein-jew-golem of semitic and white parts. It misrepresents ideas from whites so you're not just better off going to the actual sources of those white ideas but you better do that if you want a true understanding of the idea itself. If you're replacing it with anything, it's first by removing it altogether. Addition by subtraction when the jew is involved.

Except all of them that were. The next time you pick up some esoteric information from the internet, do yourself a favor and study its source, then study the people who put together that source. Especially do this when that esoteric information relies on jewish concepts, terms, and literally names jews as teachers, you shouldn't have to think twice - never let the jew in your head.

Do you double post when you're not upset too?

And nothing of value was lost.

Which is none of them, because the term was never used as an identification until the 17th century. Picking apart the tradition is very easy, all you have to do is differentiate between the sources written in a Semitic language and those written in Indo-European language. Demiurge? Greek. Yaldabaoth? Semitic.

You're just shitposting at this point because the term gnosticism triggers you.


Well I guess I can't argue with those digits, the first red pill is the holocaust.

So where does the desire for finding the truth come from? Is it innate in the philosophers and mystics of each age? Does it come from hardship and wanting to secure a better future for your children? What has brought us here to the only place where it seems truth, no matter how ugly or glorious it is, can be brought into the consciousness of those of us here?

Above all of the other reasons it is the desire to not be fooled by someone. Trickery and deception allows someone to take advantage of and control you. The jews create a web of lies so you're stuck in them. The truth allows you to not fall for their tricks and to point out their deception.

100% chance you are a Semite

I quoted Hitler because he was talking about the way the Jew argues. You and your friend who you are probably same fagging as both have this curious style of misrepresenting very obviously the other persons position. You make zero rebuttal to anything I said, you misrepresented my actual argument with enough to precision to show you knew what I was saying, and then you just chose to act stupid. Hence Hitlers experience in the quote for example. At the very least, if you were actually a white man, you would be appalled that you were falling into the jews way of thinking.

But you probably don’t care because you are in fact a kike. Your lame refutations speak for themselves.

I don't think even you know what you wrote considering that your greentext can be read in several different ways. And why are you capitalizing semites? Can you type (((God))) and post it just in case you leave a dash in between the consonants?

You quoted hitler because you ran out of things to say and in a desperate ditch effort hoped his words would supplement yours. That's not just lazy, that's borderline deceitful. Acting butthurt and being dramatic isn't going to make your argument for you. That's how leftists behave. A basis made up of emotional appeal is their song and dance. Are you or do you happen to know the drive by bible quoter & spammer by chance? That's very similar to his style of posting.

This is a new low for the kike shills.


Your favorite little game is meaningless, Semites are granted the right to transgress any law in the name of deceiving enemies. It's just another shitposting tactic to make a fool of others by commanding their actions.

This is certainly true. Jews will make any laws including their own flexible including ones on anti-semitism. After all they managed to get whites to obey their own religion, then tailored it to better control them. And to this day whites have managed to invent new flavors of it in order to try and better live with in including older versions like (((gnosticism))). There's no greater irony than when christians brag about how christianity is anti-semitic when following christianity in any form is what the jews want. Notice how any anti-semitism bill doesn't affect christian worship even christianity supposedly and inherently anti-semitic?

Minute changes in subconscious thought and lifestyle that can aid the replication of hormones.

The world is symbols. Understanding them, how they affect you, what they mean, and using them yourself is next level user.

christianity does not call for genocide or eradication of jews; only the eradication of their bad behavior. the purpose is to make jews BASED. the bible is civic

At this point is there a religion you tards come up with that isnt cringy as fuck
Thanks for making us all look like morons

I like how these thread always seem to piss of the kikes and shills. Miguel was 100% right.

Tell the elder gods this

religion is for subhumans

Magic is derived from the Zoroastrian priesthood or mages. They were priests of the Lord of Wisdom. Through this philosophy ('love of wisdom') was either born or inspired it. Dark/black magic is fear, stupidity, anger magic, as in doing coke and smashing your head against the wall and calling it a ritual to the gods.

White magic is wisdom, as in: philosophy, science, love, great sex that doesn't ruin your life, art, music, comedy…

Stage magic is Las Vegas tricks priesthoods use to use in courts to impress the plebs and warlords like in Egypt. It's a scam turned art form.

Beserkers for example could be seen as black magic but so can tricking people to eat poop and fuck children. One is higher because it defends your tribe and has real world effects in killing the enemy and dying for Odin. The other is a mind fuck. Jews using black magic on celebrity and political/monarchy/Vatican plebeians is a high black magic for them but not the people victimized for it. Paul/Saul who reinvented Jesus could be considered the highest black magician who ever lived; but so can Karl Marx in the modern age because he stupified the world. L. Ron Hubbard even admitted Scientology was a slow burn of black magic mind fuck so he could rape kids on a fancy boat (as Navy intelligence).

Meme magic is an expression developed here on 8ch, during the /Bane/ crash and Holla Forums a few days later. It was used before but not with any popular effect. Meme magic is really just art and the random effects of the collective conscious (ie internet).

People who don't understand this or do rituals or post esoteric bullshit are just plebeians. They're victims of black magic because they're ignorant and not wise and some retard who wrote a book about something edgy mind fucked them for sheckles or narcissism (see Serrano/Evola)

You've just been redpilled on "magic".

If you refuse this information it's because you are under a black magic spell called being a larpery stupid fuck.


If that's what you really want, but you'll have to deal with the consequences yourself.

Worrying about how you look is a weakness they'll exploit. Sometimes wisdom is only found through foolishness.

Gnosticism is an occluded metaphor for how power represents itself in this world, but it does not capture the whole truth. Some of what is taken for "deception" is really just our own ignorance, and it is an ignorance Jews exacerbate and exploit. What if Kek did return and asked Holla Forumsacks to give up something they didn't want to give up? What if they saw it as a deception in their ignorance, when it was necessary to their spiritual healing?

Consider deer caught in barbed wire. If a human tries to free them, the deer will still be fearful of the human for they can't understand the intentions or motivations of that human. The deer might even cause their savior harm in its rational but ignorant attempt at defending itself.


Sure but we're the first few generations to not have a heaven to look forward to and instead have nothing but the void. You can't just scoff off religion even if you would like to, people are going to look for consolation as they face death.

Im scoffing your new kike religion mod

Where do you derive your inspiration from, the desire we have to secure a future for our people? Is it simply biological, the need to drive off the parasites feeding off our generosity, or is there something deeper, something that deep inside the core of your entire being knows that our people deserve better, deserve a chance to live without (((something))) meddling in our psyche and our lives?


No you're acting like a paranoid retard accusing everyone of being a mod.

Seeking consolation is normal and healthy. Religions are vehicles that help to bring people from one place to another, their value has been misunderstood and confused both by ignorant believers within the religion and ignorant skeptics without. Religions install coordinating principles of cognition around which greater and higher forms of consciousness, both individual and collective, are possible.

Put another way:

Religions are man made. So are houses.

dude you were spot on til that last sentence.

Thoth is Hermes

Watch for the 8's


I'm going to read a physical copy of this,
will report back soon.

anyone know a good place to start with Serrano?

Golden thread

my mom & her husband love me

lel, you are dense you dumb shill

Religions are a way to describe the world and bridge feeling with logic. You need both to create order and purpose, similarly to how you can't generate life as a man alone, but you need a woman.

In the same vein cold, hard logic alone can't be what you build a civilization on and the failure of Communism throughout the world pretty much proves it. The fact that everybody seeks consolation is not indicative of our animal nature, rather it's a hint that a materialistic worldview is dead wrong. Logic alone would suggest we are nothing but monkeys fighting for scraps on a tiny rock floating in space.

You can't build an Empire by promising eternal death. Such a notion inflames nobody's heart and gets none to fight. It does nothing but create weakness, fear and chaos, directions in which our secularized society automatically drifts. Evola's "Revolt Against the Modern World" describes this in tiny, autistic detail and should be a required reading to anybody who wishes to comprehend why Western society is so fucked beyond repair. It's like a zombie that still walks even though it's dead at the core, where our sense of purpose and direction has been replaced with secular marxist bullshit.

Look at the fucking sandniggers. A few thousands are probably ready to blow themselves up in the name of their cause, while hundreds of thousands more are ready to risk their lives and fight. How many westerners do you think have the same resolve? Very fucking few, and that's because we believe in nothing. No grand scheme of things, no absolute good and evil, just petty power struggles.

And of course Bezmenov knows most of this to be true.

Can you give me a TL;DR on the significance of Gobekli Tepe? Heard it mentioned a lot, but haven't really spent any time learning about it.

Magic is magic magic. It's not a metaphor; it's literal magic. Idiot!

Gobleki Tepe was established around 10,000 BC. There is evidence that animal husbandry started some time before that. The domestication of animals as a source of food and resources probably started a few thousand years before that. As the domestication of animals was culturally transmitted between European tribes, the increasing reliance on domesticated animals as a source of food and resources increased the population density.

Increasing population density meant new classes arising within primitive human society. One of the more important of these classes would have been those who maintained norms of animal husbandry that made better animals for food/resources. Whether they knew why their techniques were successful or not, we can assume some groups would have accumulated superior animal husbandry practices through cultural evolution.

These groups, whose techniques would probably require some degree of specialized education, would have subsequently become a privileged class who could coordinate the activities of multiple tribes due to the reliance by these tribes on animal husbandry for their lifestyles. This privileged class at the social center of multiple tribes would have encountered conflicting myth narratives they would have sought to reconcile into a single coherent description of the world as they knew it.

This understanding of the world they intentionally impressed on the construction of Gobleki Tepe in order to keep their understanding alive through multiple generations. I think we are justified in hypothesizing Neolithic humans had beliefs in concepts resembling reincarnation or metempsychosis which would have justified the creation of an intergenerational consciousness vehicle.

Magi aren't a metaphor. It's the source of the meaning and where Zoroastrianism, Judiasm, Christianity all come from. Egyptian larping is fake as fuck and Freemasons are plebs. They're only worthwhile contribution is actual masonry and keeping the old knowledge of that guild.

Modern freemasons are just nobodies who larp.



This pic so much.
Fuck all modern religions and their (((prophets))), its all bullshit.
God doesnt need some faggot to write down his ideas and rules its ridiculous. Everything thats ever been attributed directly to gods word or will is nothing but bullshit made up by some self important psycho.
The only surefire way to god is to observe his creation. Natures laws are gods laws, since the beginning and until eternity.
This is just what many religions did in the past, to draw upon the world around them for guidance and arguably many prophecies did just that, but once you try to put your interpretation of god into infallible writing it inevitably becomes distorted and abused. Then you have the jews with their entire religion being founded on the negation of nature.

God communicates through the entire assemblage of nature, and that includes through people and what they write. All of creation is a source of revelation, and we are part of that creation.

Mystics would agree with you.

It's impossible not to do that, because all there is for anyone to observe is some aspect of creation.

When they write based on observation, not when they write "because God said so". If not you might as well flip a coin (or many coins) and pick one of the various faiths claiming to be the word of God.

Even if what they write is "because God said so," the causally efficient impetus to them reproducing those signs has its origin in God, and thus God's creation flows through them even if they are wrong. The possibility of error is intrinsic to the finitude of creation, it is still a revelation of some true aspect of God. You're getting stuck on whether what the individual proposes is "true" or "false" instead of recognizing that the individual's writing/action is an aspect of creation through which God can be apprehended.

In other words, see through the meme to its origins and purpose. Even the work of demons is ultimately to the glory of God's purpose.

Only if you look at it in context and how it relates to the real world, not take it literally as infallible.
The work of demons is to distort the glory of gods purpose, but if you can see it as that the glory becomes even more apparent.

That's what I'm saying.

Hey all. I was browsing 2ch for kicks the other day and stumbled across these unusually clear pics. I haven't seen them on any English-speaking website, so I'll post them here.

Those look kinda fake to me.

Why in pic2 the plane on the left side, has a shadow, but appears to be under the shadow of the saucer.
Also where the sun is with the shadows, doesn't look quite right to me.

>Fuck all modern religions and their (((prophets))), its all bullshit.

I can not vouch for its authenticity, but I strongly believe they are quite real. There are way to many reports about ufos and related shit for it to be just brushed aside as "swamp gas" or "weather balloons".

How do you know when it was established?
We only know when it was BURIED!!!!

I, too, want to believe.

Well, in the 2nd pic, it looks like the light source is behind and to the right, and that the saucer is foregrounded against the plane…. aside from the fact that the film is in color. I think if one were determined, they could examine the image on the level of binary and look for telltale metadata/artifacts. I wouldn't be surprised either way. There's stranger things than flying saucers out there, deep underground and out of sight.

The image on the right was flipped as to evade reverse image search. See the copywrite in the bottom left. Given the other aircraft in view, it was likely an illustration for a documentary on the secret projects of the Reich.

Check'd. Dig into the Aetherius Society. They had members who were family members of the teams making the saucer craft, yet went completely over the top to make themselves look crazy as they accumulated money and traveled the world. It is my suspicion that their organization acted as a front for supplying the Reich, while using "crazy UFO cult" as a cover.

So fucking edgy user, wow Serrano who stole all his ideas from The Golden Star kek. At least De Rosario was kind of original.

Ah. Makes sense.

Space ships are magic from Planet X goy!

Gnosticism leads to becoming a transexual. You have to unite genders to become one with the "All". That's why (((they))) are pushing it on Holla Forums

You'd have to unite more than that user.
You'd have to destroy everything…

And that's futile anyway, the process would just start again.

you show an extremely limited understanding of the subject. while pretty much every esoteric tradition teaches that humans are both male and female, this is not applicable to the material realm. however, application of esoteric doctrine onto the material realm is what distinguishes today's ideology. cracks in the great wall…

That is a Judaized plagiarism. Everything the Jews and whoever else is among the dark forces come up with is a plagiarized form of something which was Pure. So the incredible and beautiful mystery of He-She and She-He becomes transexuals, Tantrism becomes degenerate "California" sex-magic, etc. Even the Kaballah of the Jews is based off the Aryan Kaballah of Magic Numbers and Symbols. The reason why the "Elite" code dates and such for mass shootings/terrorist attacks is because they are plagiarizing Aryan synchronicity.

not at all spot on because presupposition of dualistic worldview

You talk like a gay faggot who eats shit

Sex magic is British, as in Crowley… Tantrism was always dirty poo in the loo. And you saying "beautiful heshe show you're a faggot/

Gnostiscs all talk like sissy faggot Communists

I view Gnosticism as a reliable source regarding Christianity's shortcomings, but beyond that I disagree with many of their beliefs. Even though I disagree, I can still have respect for them.


Sex blood shit

Kike comes to derail another great thread, fuck off shlomo

There seems to be an unusually high amount of shills in this thread.

esoteric hitler threads usually do that, very rare knowledge here


As usual, just ridicule, no argument. I long for the day when obnoxious faggots like you end up in the same concentration camps as the kikes and race-mixers.

Checking that time stamp
Well put, only retarded kikes like our shills take literal interpretations, drink Mercury and become trannies.

Requesting quotes by Serrano, Devi, Evola, and Jung!

Hyperborean trips of truth, do confirm. They shills are spamming the esoteric threads in an attempt at D&C. Interesting how much they fear us having an understanding of such things.


How does one live this way?

Be true to yourself and your own nature, always.

This is way more complicated and confusing than I wanted if you really think about the implications of that.

Any tl;dr sources or just sources?

You are being bluepilled.

8ch is run by intelligence contractors. It is completely compromised from top to bottom.
They enforce a clickbait-style narrative to reduce politics and philosophy to cheap entertainment, making you bitter, cynical, apathetic, and paranoid with no tangible, positive goal in sight.
They use outright censorship and AI-driven bots to detect and drown out any voices going against their agenda.
They are trying to establish this place as an 'alt-lite CNN' to make you go back to sleep. See below for proof.
The truth is that almost EVERY internet forum and chat platform is the SAME WAY.
We are being cornered systematically and we have NOWHERE to speak our minds
They infiltrate moderation positions, they hostilely take over ownership of websites, and they send swarms of bluepill AI bots to forge a false consensus that we should sit around here doing nothing while our people are being burned away from the inside by this insane jewish society.
They are taking over everywhere, they are taking over everything. Forgot about Gamergate already?
STOP tolerating this bluepill bullshit. If we don't do something soon we'll have no way to break our people out of the spell. We'll all be doomed to be mentally disabled jewish slaves FOREVER.

The goal is to keep you unmotivated and apathetic by bombarding you with irrelevant garbage, and above all, to condition you to believe that effective activism is a passive affair, eg: posting online, showing up at a rally and yelling a little.
Any message that might lead to you thinking about improving your circumstances or questioning the narrative is targeted.

Their five main strategies:
1) Delete the message outright and make a deflective excuse without reasoning
2) Flood the conversation with bots/shills posting negative comments and "entertaining memes" to try to manipulate you into a "good mood" to accept the shill's rejection of the subject at hand
3) Flood the conversation with stupidity to try to make the subject unpalatable or otherwise associate it with stupidity
4) Make replies that roughly agree with the original message but add in some element of insanity, eg: "esoterism", "meme magic", random murder/destruction to try to associate the message with mental illness etc.
5) When all of the above fails and the people reading the message start to believe they are participating in a censored and astroturfed discussion, the site's moderators and/or the shills under them will start acting childish and stupid in order to appear as "just some idiot" and not the paid shills and actual AI-driven bots that they are.
See the links at the bottom for evidence.

Simple fact: Censorship of honest speech is 100% jewish. The truth does not fear competition from mistaken beliefs and lies, because it stronger than any mistake or lie. Truth is the primary tool and weapon of Aryans in everything we do.
The solution is simple: anything that isn't remotely intelligent should be ignored/deleted/persecuted. It's not honest speech. Lies and stupidity are attacks more than they are speech.

This means you have to give up memes and popular slang. You have to give up namecalling. You have to give up incomplete responses with only your opinion. You have to take it upon yourself to read more and have more complete answers to political questions.
And most importantly you have to vocally reject people who fall below standards of rational thought in their expression. Study the 'List of Fallacies' infographic, etc., and take it SERIOUSLY.
The bots have won the social media/image board game. We have to move to higher ground.
In this society, everyone who can't move to the higher ground is worse than dead. They are being driven insane into a deep, eternal slavery.

Never forget, it is our own government that is funding this nightmare.
It is some of our own people of our own race that are betraying us to this jewish-architected living hell.
This entire society has become a trap with no long-term opportunities for rational, sane people. We are going to be destroyed utterly with our brainless husks laboring for the jew until we no longer can serve them better than machines and AI and then they will annihilate us.
We have to do more than be aware of what is happening.
We have to physically stop it.
We have to take the real redpill.


It means you actually start doing what it
takes to fight back and remove the problem from our civilization.
We need Civil War and Revolution

We don't need more proof of the jewish problem. There is more than enough that anyone can find. We don't need to "redpill" more people. Enough people already know about the problem, we just need them to actually do something about it.
Don't underestimate the strength of a small group of determined people (see: American Revolution). Free will and truth conquers all.
What we need is for YOU to get ACTUALLY redpilled, we need you to get in fighting shape, and BRING CIVIL WAR.

The fact is that the vast majority of people will NEVER accept the redpill until this jewish society starts physically cracking.
They are too sedated, too enthralled with their entertainments and material goods. We must break them out of their deep sleep which no words alone can break. We have to take away their creature comforts and force them to wake up, and inspire them to join us.

We will all have to make sacrifices for the freedom of our people. You should be thinking about what you are willing to sacrifice.
If the civil war broke out tomorrow, ask yourself honestly - what would you do? Would you be prepared? What would you have to do to be prepared?
Find friends willing to take preparation seriously and don't let go of them. Don't be afraid to live your life because of spooks….they simply do not have the resources to stop you. They are completely invested in propaganda as a solution to our threat.

We do not have very much time. We can't survive another generation of this subjugation. We will have to take action soon.
Already it will be very difficult to heal our people. Things will never be the same.

One day when I refused to have this message be censored for 5+ hrs it was constantly spammed with garbage. Obviously too much energy for human autists.
This is what the jewish strategy of 'Always Double Down' looks like. They are trying to play off of the common misconception that if they are called out they would stop. No, they just keep going harder than ever. They are betting that you will find the truth of the bot swarms too much to believe. They think they can condition you into believing a manufactured consensus. Not recognizing this pattern could be a fatal mistake.

Evidence of compromised site and bot net:
part 1:
part 2:

YEAH we actually do. That's exactly what we need. To repill people on the lie of the Holocaust.

Codreanu belongs.

Get a hidden camera and start doing stakeouts on politicians, businessmen, jews, etc.

We need to catch prominent people doing illegal things. If we can catch a few big names diddling kids and put the evidence online, it's over for them.

why? do you have a counter to the argument you so conveniently didn't read?

you're 12.

get exercise and go outside. read books. Lord of the Rings - redpill fiction to inspire and work out your reading skills, then turn to philosophers

lol if you think "reading philosophy" is going to do anything to liberate you, you're an idiot. If you want to do anything to save the white race you have to leave your basement and do something tangible.

I gave a very effective and realistic suggestion for how that can be accomplished and you call me 12 and say I need to stay home and read books.

If that's your attitude the white race has absolutely no need for you.

Also fiction like Lord of the Rings is for brainlets. It's fun but reading it does absolutely nothing to further the existence of our people.

Have you ever heard of "A Course in Miracles" or Eckhart Tolle's teachings?

These both creeds are traps too?

And if you criticize Hitler, you get banned here.

4cuck faggot needs to go back

Start by reading the resources shared in this thread. Read Evola, Serrano, and the other authors you'll pick up along the way

Niggers lumping Gnosticism with Communism are ass backwards retarded

Le earlobe spacing
Le "go away" meme
Remember anons, report and filter the shills. If you don't report them, you're making life easy on them.

Fags here know about the National Lampoon and the Firesign Theatre?

Christians to esoteric Hitlerists:

Your God worshiped my God.

Your understanding of the situation is a drop in a bucket

I don't doubt there your path has a great deal to offer and may contain some great wisdom.
I'm simply saying, if you pursue truth with great conviction, you'll begin to see things the way Hitler himself did.
Holla Forums has always been a core group of interesting people to have conversations with and a deluge of sperg to wade through. I don't ever remember it being any different.

Don't make the mistake in believing that esoteric hitlerists consider Adolf "the" or even "a" god. It's merely the study of a modern avatar.

That's fair, and is something I think worth considering.
There is frankly something supernatural about what happened, it represented something bigger than mere material history.
You've made me curious at least, my reading list grows faster than my capacity for reading, but I should at least take a look.

There have been numerous avatars throughout history, the best way to improve yourself is to choose which traits you want to embody from your favourite avatars.

Good, now get fucking reading user!

Once you have some more life experience, learn the history of your ancestors, and study some… this won't be so hard.


KEK has discovered a new chamber in the Great Pyramid. PRAISE KEK!


Kek doesn't discover, Kek reveals.

Yes. The interval of chaos to order, night to the daytime, darkness to light. (uncreated to created(creation), maybe?)

Things that were hidden in the darkness of ignorance being revealed by the light of knowledge, stuff like that.

Christcucks go bleh


This is the head quarters of the SS. Your arguments are invalid.

This is the most Indo-European comment ever posted on the internet.

It's true. Follow the examples of the Guardians, among them are the qualities of the invincible warrior that will save the world.

This place is very evil, there are many evil idols set up to distract your attention from the Guardians. They are made in a form that steals aspects of the appearance of the Guardians combined with aspects of misguided desire. (example: "anime nazis", the frog cartoon)
There are very many evil voices here set to drown out the voices of the Guardians. Petty, unreasoning, blind, confused, incoherent, trapped in a narrow view without hope. They hate what is good and love what is evil and lead any who listen to ignorance; to be the same of themselves. (example: focused blind hatred of the mindless (niggers, muslims, liberals, etc.), 'identity politics', news stories, insane mysticism (this thread)

They seek to make you a creature like them. They are jews - unable to create, only able to destroy and steal. They want to make you a creature that breaths ignorance and eats despair.

There is so much evil here and places like it that it's inevitable that we ourselves be poisoned, but this is where our people are trapped, so we must always try to save any who can listen and hear us, because all we have is our people.
To resist the evil we should hold a broad view in our minds as well as we can, keeping track of the most important things that we know with our hearts, and let these things guide our minds.


the only people who hate Jesus are jews and their slaves. That is why they invented catholicism.

Christ is worthy of emulation, as much as Odin, Zeus, Mars, Hermes, or whichever archetype resonates personally with you. Just do your research and try to avoid the kike traps about "peaceful & cucked" Jesus. Christ was firmly against the (((merchants & meddlers))).

I want to read The Ultimate Avatar. I found a translation on that was translated by someone named "Brother Francis." I also understand there is a translation available by Franz Berg. Which of these should I read, and also, would it be preferable to have read The Myth beforehand?

Also if someone knows a cheaper way to obtain a quality print copy, that would be helpful.

Reported for intl.

Bumping to reiterate this question.

Buy the book . Trust me, you won't regret it.

But is it better than the "Brother Francis" translation?

Meant to sage.

There was a post on here about The Ultimate Avatar explaining that Serrano believed Hitler lost the war on purpose so that the myth would live on?

Where did that post go? I can't find it here or in any other thread.

proof jews are trying to kill Kek

The problem with abstract esoterics being a leading faith for any group is that they are easy to take over and turn into fucked up degeneracy.

All elements must be crystal clear or you end up with another Vatican. See Serrano video

With KEK, everything is clear. Chaos before the dawn. Fuck the New World Order.

Winnie the Pooh is my god! Pure of heart and intention. A virgin who knows not of death and only of love and friendship. He is the ultimate avatar!

Could anyone help me find a relevant book? In Serrano's "Son of the Widower" he says

"Thus in those pre-Religion of Cuck™ic times the Arabs, strangers to the peninsula, were civilized by the Vedic Emperors and converted to Brahmanic religion and civilization. In the Istanbul Library, Makhtab-e-Sultania, there is a valuable manuscript, found on the altar of the Hindu temple of the Kaaba, that tells about all this."

From what I can tell this theory comes from some eccentric Indian nationalist named P.N. Oak. Mr. Oak cites a document in this same Turkish library (now a highschool) called the Sayar-ul-Okul; due to the similarity between their statements I presume this is where Serrano got this from. The highschool's website allows people to search for books in their library, but naturally such an old book might not be registered.

Just think, if this is true then Aryans will eternally BTFO the Arabs.

Just don't allow his gluttony to influence you as well you cheeky cunt. winky face

They are the same person.

The IChing says it's always an auspicious time to maul some kikes.

Hello kike

Miguel Serrano read NOS if you want a good starting point. His works are works of beauty.


Checkd… though I don't know what's enjoyable about debating kikes.

How do Esoteric Hitlerists reconcile Gnosticism, which is a rebellion against the laws of this world with fascism which embraces them?
How does their gnosticism differentiate from that of the PTB?
This is not an accusatory, rhetorical question as it may seem.
Both ideologies are beautiful to me. I just can't fully comprehend the synthesis.

= larping

does anyone know any good audiobooks with a compilation of viking sagas in it? i already listened to norse mythology by neil gaiman which has all the main myths about the gods but i want more

Good question, the answer lies in the layers of reality.

Jesus spoke that he is „not of this world“, implying he accepts the duality of „material“ being and his world of „spirituality“. Spiritual-material is only one dichotomy, you could also substitute subjective-objective or similar.

Gnostics rebel against him who introduced the fundamental duality of existence. Important to note here: „rebel“.
Esoteric Hitlerism recognizes that this duality is a lie and that all being is one. This also goes counter the rift, counter demiurge, but transcends him und overcomes the rift to become one with the All.
This is conveyed by the Black Sun, the sun that shines so bright that kn the light of our known in, it appears black.

Many gnostic groups and gnostic inspired groups however choose not to transcend, but to rebel, thereby playing by the rules of the demiurge and perpetuating the game.

As a side note, I believe that exactly this is what Dugin‘s 4PT is about, he wants to channel the rebellious energy towards transcending.

Gnosticism is wrong in that it attributes the sacred Laws of Nature to the foul, unnatural demon (((Yaldabaoth))). However, their description of the Demiurge as a greedy power-grubbing Jew is perfectly correct. Now the Gnostics are also right to value Logos, but their Monotheistic Gnosis entity is simply not my cup of tea. Understand that while I heavily disagree with them, I still respect their understanding.

That's all there is to it.

Are you aware of how many unreflected axioms you presuppose?

If you are a shallow moutbreather, that is.

That's not what Logos means.

Gnostic Logos = Jewish faggot John who wrote Jesus as the Logos. It's a kike interpretation.

Calling the structural force behind nature a Jew is not

You're an occult brainwash victim conflating ideas to fit them in your crazy box.
That's not what the black sun means. The black sun is order. It's time (12) and everything revolves around it because it's the center of the big bang, and also a smaller black sun (void) is what fueled the sun itself, a binary relationship. KEK was born from the black sun.


AHHHHHHHHHHHHH and there you have it. The esoteric meme is related to the (((Alt-Right))) just like I predicted.

You brainwash victims are no different than BLM

hitler is still alive in agartha, his brain is in a biological android and one day he will return.

perfect, large enough to blow up and colorize

I think you're trying too hard to reconcile Esoteric Hitlerism with a good spiritual understanding. Or perhaps you're just using Esoteric Hitlerism as a vessel to talk about it.

This is gold.

Commies do much of the same thing by the way. They believe the world (nature) is impure and wrong, as if they're not part of it but an outside observer. There's the duality. So they set out to change human nature, as if it's their little plaything and they can make up new rules (aka being God). This of course is a futile attempt, as their regimes routinely crash and burn simply because they create more suffering than they set out to cure.

Could you explain this better?



Completely worthless post.

You cleared some things up for me, thank you.
Not sure what you mean by this part.
You know how Savitri says NatSoc is "against time?" Isn't that contrary to the idea of transcending the duality and instead "rebelling?"
Oddly enough, it seems that Gnostics generally embrace the laws of nature to some degree. Of all ideologies, they seem to be most successful. Freemasons are a good example of this.
Fascism is truly a unique ideology. It contains elements both of "demiurgic despotism" and Luciferian light. Doesn't really fit into any of the regular occult archetypes. Perhaps this is the union of material and spirit.

Stating your personal opinion and then saying "That's all there is to it." seems really autistic.

You make an interesting observation, perhaps by accident. Communists deny the laws of nature while at the same time believing nothing exists outside of the material world. That's not really a coherent belief system. I think the creators of communist believed something far different and simply used communism as a tool for control. Sort of like hypnotism or brainwashing. The man behind the curtain knows it's an illusion.

Let's see who runs "Esoteric Hitlerism:

= race mixing bitch who married a PooLoo Indian and larps as an Indian. Tries to make NatSoc into a goofy Hindu cult.

Goy you have no ancient history because white people come from space. We are aliens to our own homelands. The Anthrosophy esoteric type that NatSoc ran out of town. Tries to make NatSoc into a goofy Luciferian cult.

Goy we are space men! We don't even come from this solar system! Hyborains were the Celts!

A guy who couldn't write for shit and doesn't understand the subject material he's writing on enough to be clear about it. All of his works are vauge rabbit holes and a collective of Eastern philosophy mixed with "muh traditionalism". Tells everyone to ride the tiger and let the Jews destroy the earth because Hindus predicted a cycle of booms and busts… Just become a neet and meditate and do ritualistic larping goy

The lunitic kike tranny who makes all these threads from /fringe/.

= Pure fucking degeneracy and a plot to destroy Aryan historical research, NatSoc research, and REAL MAGIC research (mental influence).

See this fucking larper degerate right here
Because she married a poo in the loo
They say nature is an evil god and seperate nature from spirit.
You are such a fucking poser faggot. Why don't you have your own thoughts instead of copying them from NEET books?

Sauce on that pic?

Your picture really helps one accept the argument you're making.

Could you provide some evidence of this? I can find nothing confirming this.

Savitri Devi didn't racemix. Married a poo to be able to stay in the country. Poo was ascetic.

Everything you wrote is BS.

Don't know who he is.

Evola was critized by Serrano.

Are you the retard that spams all those Esoteric threads?

Esoteric Hitlerism is not Gnosticism.

Why don't you?


trips demand sauce

oh yes since I was distracted by the picture, it started with the thule society and the vril society

You should be punched in the cunt bag you call a dick, you fucking faggot. Don't plaster Trump onto Hitler's quote. Low T was NEVER against kikes. You demented cucks can't understand that (actually JIDF).

Nature is a manifestation of spirit, it is lesser. Way to out yourself as a materialist kike. The 3rd Reich was 100% Gnostic.

Where are you getting your retarded information from, nigger? Endchan bans kikes and is pro Hitler. Any Hitler shit talking or anti Aryan posts are banned+deleted.

By accident my ass m8.

Of human nature, sure. In a nutshell they believe humans are programmable to do, think and feel anything. For example if you think gays are revolting it's because you've learned it somewhere, hence why we should all "learn" from a very young age that faggotry is good and so on.

This is possible because they think consciousness comes from matter, rather than being a fundamental property of cosmos. How is this possible? Of course through the dogma of quantitative change that leads to qualitative change. According to gommies, adding matter upon other matter leads to further "qualitative changes" where new properties emerge from nothing at all.

Pics related, taken from and

In short communism is just a derivative of materialism, like all ideological cancers of today.

You have nothing of substance to say, so you regurgitate reddit memes instead: The epitome of a poser.



Taking this convo here, where there are anons smart enough to understand.

The rotation of the earth has slowed, which means centrifugal force has been reduced at the equator, which means that the bulge at the equator is reducing. By reducing, the mass of the earth's crust is reshaping, causing massive pressure changes. These pressure changes cause numerous effects, including adding pressure to magma chambers (increased volcanism.), piezoelectric activity (odd plasma and electric discharges, usually increases with quartz content of the ground.), and massive buildups on fault lines. In other words, we're going to see big quakes, volcanic eruptions, weird electrical effects (often cited as "UFOs" due to flying plasma balls) and a lot of them. Also, expect more sink holes and wells drying up.

adolf will return

let us hope death is swift

Why? May the enemy suffer. In two weeks, they will.


I desire to believe!

bumping good thread fuck the shills


Off yourself.

I have faith.

What is this trying to convey.

Anons, I just returned from behind enemy lines after rescuing physical cannon from Powell's city of books in the people's republic of Portland. The woman in charge of the rare books section definitely knew what I was buying but surprisingly didn't start shrieking and calling the commissar.

I'm now awaiting a shipment of The Ultimate Avatar and I have laid before me Evola's "Introduction to Magic" and #152/200 1st edition of "Forever and Ever". Posthumously published devotional poems and hymns to Adolf Hitler by Savitri Devi. Sadly some savage has the cover but I'll begin scanning this weekend unless someone else has a pdf. It's going to be a comfy winter.



Not knowledgable about the subject myself but I found this and thought it might be interesting to some. Does anyone know much about this guy?

Kek is a force of time.To meme is to manifest the power of Kek (chaos) into reality. Kek does not reincarnate through people, for he is a force of nature.

Kalki is the 12th incarnation of Vishnu. He will bring destruction to the unnatural (cosmopolitans, kikes, urbanite bugmen/women, etc.) and prosperity to the natural.

Some thoughts on Kek and Kuk (Cuck):

Time has forces attributable to it like any other natural phenomenon. The Egyptians attributed four observable forces to time, and divided these forces into stronger and weaker (male and female, resp.) forms–among these are Kek and Cuck, again respectively. The stronger of the two, Kek, forces time to turn–that is why he is known as the "bringer in of the dawn." Cuck, however, serves to dampen the power of Kek, keeping things from accelerating; therefore, Kek can be seen as an accelerative force, whereas Cuck can be seen as a decelerative force.

We have seen these forces manifest in modern society. From WW2 to the 60s, a few groups served as agents of Kek: Rockwell's ANP and McCarthy's HUAC. After the 60s, however, the power of Kek was submerged beneath mass media hysteria about "racial equality achieved" and Vietnam and the Cold War. In this period, Cuck had complete domination over the timeline. Her agents were, of course, the cuckservatives who would feign resistance to the left, but in reality would do nothing, all to keep their comfy jobs. Of course, the power of Cuck during this period was totally artificial, so the collective unconscious of European Man has been brewing with hatred and anger as he has been unable to fight back in any way. It was not until the Obongo Administration that Kek began to retake control of the timeline. The 2000s conspiracy movement was key in this, sifting through all sorts of conspiracy theories to get to the truth that jews and globalists have been artificially keeping our society in a state of disorder and disrepair. In the 2016 election season, the republican establishment was identified as the agents of Cuck, the aptly memed "cuckservatives." But now, the cuckservatives have no power, their last agents are about to get BTFO'd by Bannonites in the 2018 primary, so where does Cuck derive her power from now Holla Forums? The Civic Nationalist "kekistani" crowd. Among them, Sargon of Akkad, Jordan Peterson, any faggot who has recently identified as a "Kekistani," you get the picture. People who believe that "values" and "a constitution" make a Nation have become more powerful movers in the public consciousness, and have hijacked our god Kek and mock him with this "Kekistan" bullshit. This is much like how a woman would mock a man for having serious beliefs and values to shit test him. This is a shit test for the TRVE followers of Kek and practicers of memetic chaos magick.

As I see it, we should do two things:

1) We must take Kekistan as our own, much like how Pepe was retaken from the normies by making him a hate symbol. I believe that it is time to move into the real world, but not in any organized manner. Our true power is chaos. Thus, much like how Nazi Pepes were proliferated on the Internet, Nazi Kekistan symbols should be proliferated in real life (not the Internet, since Twitter and Faceberg have shut down any and all freedom of expression beyond the party line).

2) Destroy Civic "Nationalism" and all their adherents, by any means necessary.

Lord Kalki is the tenth incarnation of Vishnu not twelfth. I say "is" because he walks the earth.

Close but nah, pic related.

Decently put, see Pic 3

Just no. Think of the time/phase of Kekiut, the female aspect, as receptive. Those who understand during this time, one is to only lurk,read, lift, and meditate, will rewarded with great power when the tide of Kekiu's energy rolls back in. The cultural Marxist acceleration since the 9th avatar was against the flow of these forces. Which is why they're collapsing before us as the forces have been changing back to the male aspect for a few years, since before 9/11 I believe. (((They))) were too cocky and wrapped up in there own shit to notice, but that wouldn't matter since going against these forces for so long saps your memetic power unbeknownst to you, until it's too late. Thus why our enemies are getting more rash and desperate.

He's an old guy with that old school mentality. If anyone has the credibility of all the claims made then it would be him. His records have backed up many of his claims outside of the story he's telling. The only problem I have would be whose his handler, why now, and whats his agenda? I can't really tell tbh but I think he's dropping legitimate truth bombs in his old age but also claims he was allowed to by someone. I tend to have a good ability to discern bullshitters and I don't get that vibe from him at all. Whatever disinfo he may be putting out I think he actually believes it, likely based on what he was told.

The draco/reptillian meme to cover up the nazi's is what felt the most coached and he seemed to have picked it up from other interviewers implying these beings and then drawing his own circumstantial conclusions without evidence of his own. It was actually him that pushed me over the edge on Antarctica because his info was lining up exactly perfect to mine with all the evidence I've seen without the added conspirtard bullshit people throw in there (i.e. reptillians, greys, dracos, etc.) I think people just fear or are compensating for the fact that the Nazi's reign supreme with space and discovered the ancient aryans. I've watched all of his interviews and I feel confident on all that so long as you discern the obvious nazi narrative. He didn't originally have that with Jeff Rense, which is where he got started btw and died only 2 years after coming out with this being 94. Edgar Mitchell, 6th man on the moon, also is the only other person who stresses the nazi's with regards to space. Like, in a very dead serious manner and his life got ruined by NASA for coming out (fact) and he recently died too. He's also the only other person I've ever seen that's linked the Nazi's with Maria Orsic and Aldebaran, also stressing that connection very fearfully and serious. His interviews are on Project Camelot if you can make it through that annoying bitch and him dragging his ass around to get to the good stuff.

>(((They))) were too cocky and wrapped up in there own shit to notice
So focus on yourself because the kikes are doing all the work for us.

Certainly not we have to fight. They're just making it easier for us by getting sloppy with their false flags and psyops. More cuckservatives are turning civnat and more civnat are turning NS and the more people that learn of our enemy's sick rituals, the less effective they become. The controlled opposition you're conserned with will collapse under the weight of its own lies and Sargon's blasphemy will bring upon him a level of chaos I can't imagine.

Personally I am. It's winter, I'm trying to knock up the wife and am using most of my loosh to make red headed twins kek willing. I don't know enough about your situation to tell you what to do irl. Only you can intuit whether the timing is favorable to make aggressive moves or not, the ebb and flow changes moment to moment within the bigger cycles.

I figure this is relevant

How many layers of total fucking retard are you on right now?

cant be farther than you

this thread needs a bump

A lot of that stuff definitely rings true to me. I recently read a book about this gnostic stuff and dunno if it applies to all of them but it's definitely mixed with mistruths and I advise caution.
One thing you can bet your bottom dollar on and that is Jesus is good

My guess is some of those were good, but at some point got inflitrated and turned bad

Embarrassing thread.

Guess what fellas.

Hitler lost.

Steiner won.

The right hand path won. The right turning swastika won.

The left hand path lost. The left turning swastika lost.

And it will keep on losing.


The victor. The champion. The winner.

Heil Steiner. Heil Huiracocha (Krumm Heller). Heil Samael Aun Weor.

Heil victory!

This man knows the esoteric secretes

Can Slavs read this? I heard somewhere that slavs don't have Aryan blood so reading this is pointless. Is it true?

t. Russian

Some Slavs are more Aryan than some Germans I'd say

Shills just mean it's a good thread.

I'm thinking we should begin a new initiative lads. Something called "The 5 Mile Man". The purpose is to instill the virtue of leading and growing one's community first and foremost, and thus developing oneself for this purpose. There should be 5 archetypes (as they seem effective and comprehensive) as following: The Father, The COP (Community Oriented Police), The Mayor, The Handyman, and The Provider.
The Father guides his family, and is the beacon of light in the dark. He is the archetype of fatherly wisdom and direction, and protects his family before the community. Less filtered values, ideas, and perceptions are reserved for his family, and kept from the public.
The COP protects the community and maintains law and order. He is a force of goodwill and cooperation. How a COP is meant to conduct himself.
The Mayor leads the community forward, legislating and pushing initiatives. Good mayors are rare.
The Handyman is as he seems. He puts himself to work for the sake of others. Quite a handy man to have around.
The Provider makes sure that his family has all the necessities. Food, clothing, shelter, all of it. He roughs it so that his children have a roof over their heads and food on the table. When the family is taken care of, he shares with his neighbors.

All together this seems like a complete male model. It's the core of a man. Beyond that is beyond local, which isn't what The 5 Mile Man is about. If you have any suggestions or critique, go ahead. I think the image of Ophiuchus struggling with the serpent is a relevant representation of both the problem and the formal solution. We must focus on our agency as individuals in a massive world by focusing our agency upon the immediate environment. Develop the means to change what's near and you can make change wherever you happen to be. How can you develop yourself without being where you have to be to develop? How do you call self-development development when it leads to nowhere and leads no one? Man is different from the animals by his ability to change his environment consciously and intelligently. Man is a Fortress; project your will upon your environment and produce an ironclad fortress with your community. If ever there's a disaster that affects the nation, YOUR community will be prepared. YOUR community will trust their neighbors and help each other get through the crisis relatively unscathed. When darkness falls upon the rest, WE will be illuminated. We will survive. And in peaceful times, We Will Thrive.

Information on traditional '5 mile men' and relevant values encouraged and appreciated.

(My apologies for posting in the wrong thread)

Cross-linked from Symbolism thread if you wish to respond there.

This makes sense. What is the right hand path then? Subservience to the Demiurge?

Well the right hand connects to the left brain hemisphere, which is responsible for abstract, logical, structured thinking. Men generally use only their left hemisphere vs women who use both… which might have you reacting "kike lies" but you have to ask the right questions. The fact is, men have better connections between the front and back of the brain, which is MUCH more different than the left or right hemisphere. The right hemisphere is social, creative and more akin to an analog mind than the digital left hemisphere. It also lacks sequence, and thus time and space. For a man, I'd say it is his place of meditation. What's meaningful there is different. The front of the brain is Conceptual (Logic and Creativity for the left and right hemisphere), or, what things MEAN vs the back which is what IS (Structure and Social). The back brain is predominately visual. The front brain is executive and is 4x more electrically charged if I recall correctly, but is 40x more electrically charged in those who can move things with their mind (based on a thread on Holla Forums linking to some research). If the back brain is esoteric, the front brain is nazi.
Oh, and I assume women stick to either Logical/Creative (concept) or Structural/Social (evident) without switching between the two much. This is where you get the crazy executive boss lady, the literary grammar and semantic nazi (kek), or the ditzy/silly go with the flow flower girl, or the sorta normal but also completely uninterested in the meaning of things woman.

The right hand comment seems meaningless. If the right hand is associated with either the front or back of the brain, then maybe we have something to discuss.

Quality post.
I have a hard time believing that those are mutually exclusive. Fascism is inherently spiritual. It seeks to transmute the lead of the masses into gold. Compare that to the modern world order turning us into the lowest sludge imaginable.
I've heard the narrative of Hitler(exoteric) versus Steiner(esoteric) before but designating each person to those concepts makes no sense to me. That's why the hand symbolism excited me, it put it into a more sensible perspective.

Correction: Designating Hitler to exoteric. Steiner(esoteric) is obvious.

Not what I meant, but symbols are largely visual yet the meaning of them are executive (back and front), but symbols that transmit reality directly are more back brain, and recalibrates the front brain by giving it a glimpse of true reality rather than symbol(ic) reality. It connects the front and back brain, and even the left and right. Seeking truth is whole brained in every way.

So what do you guys think about "astral parasites"? I think there's something there. If not literal parasites, then it can serve the purpose of identifying toxic impulses and routines running in the body. Identification matrix, grotesque parasite edition. The more I remove though, the more I puke, the more virtuous and strong willed I seem to become. Clear, focused, etc, with less effort. I would do something akin to this without personifying the issue as astral parasites (usually through anecdotal inter-personal simulations or applying the right tool at the right time like filtering through a logical fallacy 'matrix', but this could be a more cohesive methodology). Identifying issues as having ephemeral sources and seeing them viscerally seems to be my modus operandi. Robert Monroe's "Journey's Out of the Body" is an account of a rather skeptical and common sense man being forced into experiences that lead to his ability to "astrally project" or induce "out of body experiences". He recalls that, even after these experiences, he was very skeptical and spoke with his psychologist friends that would tell him he's crazy, but, if it were them, they would go all in. He was critical of a woman who claimed to be a medium and channeled her "spirit guides", but, when he had an OOBE later, he found these spirit guides she spoke of leading him someplace. There's more that I won't get into, but the existence of this near-realm seems true enough to assume it is and expand on my knowledge and theories of these realms. With that in mind, I can then assume that my perceptions are reflecting a true reality and to develop this 'skill set'. First, by removing these god damn grotesque flora/fauna. I'll need to keep a journal for all the rest I observe.

At the same time I feel deceived by the secret keeping, misdirecting, circular logic types of esoteric individuals, astral or not. "Everything is a paradox!" faggots. "Shh! It's a secret!". "Nothing is known!". If they exist in the near-realm, they should be avoided and ignored, and even attacked.

If they smile coyly and knowingly, they are a shill.

that vril device (pic 1) is very similar to a device billy meier described that helped his group meditate. It also is similar to some orgone devices. do you have a better picture of it?

slavs and norsemen have a shared root

Exoteric vs Esoteric with symbology is just having multiple entendres. For instant the swastika looked sweet and fierce, but esoterically it was an ancient symbol that I'm sure even most Germans and Europeans forgot when it was brought out nationally in the 1920's again. The people who followed the esoteric and have done so for thousands of years passing down information in small circles do so intentionally. The esoteric members don't just believe, they know that this is all an illusion and a fight between light and darkness and that it's all based on time frames (think Yuga's). They were waiting for Hitler long before he ever came onto the world stage (See: Serrano The Golden Cord). Symbology is crucial when it has multiple meanings and why secret societies have been so successful good or bad doesn't matter.

The importance of all secret socities, occult organizations, and esoteric knowledge is that it must be trusted with the small few to hold onto, safe guard, and pass on the knowledge that's being kept for the right time so to speak. Good and bad on this spectrum exist and must do this because they are waging a spiritual war in the material world simultaneously. The SS with regards to the exoteric part that most people focus on exclusively is designed that way. It was just, it was principled, had ethos, and a vitality to it in all aspects. But upon looking deeper you start to uncover that everything about the SS is straight up esoteric from start to finish. It couldn't possibly be "accidental" that it ended up that way, although to our base understanding that's how we perceive it. From start to finish it was designed that way and you can say with somewhat accuracy as "destiny". The esoteric depends on the outward exoteric to remain secret and pure which is why a lot of people have trouble believing there were esoteric orders within the SS (Himmler, Hess, Bormann, etc. led by Hitler). It seems unfathomable for most people to think two versions of the SS existed simultaneously on top of one another, both needing one another as all secret societies (good or bad) need to. The public face must exist to cover up the true nature as much as the public face depends on the spiritual guidance from its leaders to march forward. The esoteric SS for instance never competed, challenged, or interfered with the exoteric mainstream branch at all. They were mutual and the same. The esoteric members simply took things further that others weren't ready for (being initiated) and kept the spirituality of things pure, which as you might know is how they developed all that superior ancient technology. The right one returned after centuries, millennia, and the knowledge was given by its protectors willingly (think Tibet, Amazon, among others). If that information fell into the wrong hands it could seal the fate between the forces of dark and light. This is why there will always be two circles and why they will always be needed until we return back to our godly form.

Bonus video.

Really want to learn the truth about Esoteric Hitlerism, where's a good place to start?

To be honest the narrative seems like a lapse in critical thinking. Story telling. Great for the mind that needs guidance in the darkest of hours, and the man that just wants to act and get shit done, but I'm not seeing a return to god form or why these god forms remain in a part of the galaxy or virgo supercluster that goes "dark" and "evil". I would guess that it's a return to potency (vitality) due to natural forces. Secrecy and knowledge is real. Enemies are real. Apply Occam's razor and keep it simple. Don't swallow narratives. People trust information too much. Critical thinking, critical theory, realize how human's are basically skinless and pick up every virus, pathogen, std, meme, etc. out there, which means, you have to keep it clean as fucking possible with specific poison/virus inoculation while keeping conscious of the cause of every effect. Create more barriers, boundaries, walls, filters, skins, armor, hazard suits, disinfectant, purging methods. To remain transparent, I was the other tor user theorizing about the validity of a 'near-realm' with 'parasites' and 'ghosts' but I don't feel attached to the theory or perceptions (can easily be just the imagination).


Rosenberg - the myth of the twentieth century

Kek, nice trolling. "Mythus" obviously has nothing to do with esotericism, is, in fact, hostile to it and metaphysical aspirations in general.

Nice nonsequitor (1)


Funny you'd mention cleanliness and boundaries and such. I took some online tests a while back and noticed that I scored higher than those on the conventional political spectrum in terms of "anxiety" about "contamination." This would explain my natsoc tendencies, to be sure.


I think there is something to it. Most of what affects our physical bodies is probably unseen.

If you want to educate yourself on some serious esoteric hitlerism, check out my buddy's website; he spent 10 years researching occult ariosophy and dedicated a book to Lanz von Liebenfels. The website has most the abridged chapters

In Gnosticism these "parasites" are called Archons

See I know you are shitposting and that I am replying to quite an old post,I feel the need to mention that he very well could be .If mantling whatever conept you see in the character will bring you closer to self-actualization then it is as valid an avatar as any other.
Webm unrelatedprobably

Was going to say the same
I shit on the constitution and wipe my ass with the flag, the US is nothing but the muscle of international jewry

Holy shit guys. I was an Orthodox Christian all my life and just recently struggled with Esoteric Hitlerism. I did a little reading, and now I'm an Esoteric Hitlerist. All my life I believed in obvious contradictions and poison, but I now see. Everything makes sense now. It all falls into place. I forced myself to believe in semetic garbage because of "Muh afterlife" "Muh heaven" and I thought straying away from Christianity would doom me to a life of hell. But I am free now.


Because the beauty of the white Aryan woman must not perish from this earth, heil Hitler.

But even with The founding fathers some discretion is needed. Men like Jefferson and Franklin should be revered. But guys like Alexander Hamilton were already compromised by banking interests.

It's not a fucking religion mongoloid. Jesus fucking christ, Hitler made clear he did not wanted to be hailed as a God figure. Also 12 days since your last replie, no fucking way that he read a decent amount of this subject.

Adding to that the concept of afterlife still lingers in Hinduism which is linked with Esoteric Hitlerism. Don't fucking jumpship when just reading a little bit on random forum because youre bound to shoot yourself in the fucking foot.

this thread reached 751 months ago and mods keep adjusting it. It's History Channel Aliens level retardation and Hitler would gass you for it

Cut the man some slack, he just saved his eternal soul from the heebs. That puts him ahead of 90% of the population.

Prove it. What have you read? What is the Sangraal? What good is a poet? The digits 555 are? Tell me of the Troubadour.
I'm just being paranoid becaus every other pst is a shill.
Just dont be too hard on the Orthodox yet, we need them to retake Constantonople and remove Chechen.

Rofl, get ahold of this butthurt faggot. Maybe if you read some for yourself you would understand, assuming your blood is not that of a kike.
For me, reading the works of Miguel Serrano had immediately confirmed and explained what I had always felt and tried to grasp my whole life. Truth has a way of doing this. You dont Convert to esoteric Hitlerism, you awaken to the fucking truth of your blood through it.



Interesting interpretation. Where can I read more about this?

The origins of the Globalist/Communist cult

Before Hegel, before Marx, Moses Hess, and Rothschilds there was the Vatican writer and anti-Protestant Thomas More, author of Utopia.

In Utopia, there are no lawyers because of the laws' simplicity and because social gatherings are in public view (encouraging participants to behave well), communal ownership supplants private property, men and women are educated alike, and there is almost complete religious toleration (except for atheists, who are allowed but despised).

More used monastic communalism as his model (cults), although other concepts such as legalizing euthanasia remain far outside Church doctrine.

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, the Russian Nobel Prize-winning anti-Communist author, and survivor and historian of the Soviet prison camps, argued that Soviet communism needed enslavement and forced labour to survive, and that this had been " …foreseen as far back as Thomas More, the great-grandfather of socialism, in his Utopia"

Utopianism infecting 1800's Freemasony

After Thomas More was executed for Treason against the British crown by siding with the Vatican, utopian thought moved to the occult section of European thought. By the 1800's the neo-Freemasonry, modern esoterics, and neo-Templars can be explained against the background of debates about the origins and character of True Christianity.

It has been pointed out that these debates included contemporary forms of Romantic Socialism, or Utopian Socialism, which were seen as the heirs of the Gnostics, Templars, and other mystics.

Eliphas Lévi (father of the modern occult pre-Crowley), being himself an adherent of these schools since the 1840s, regarded the socialists and Romantics (such as Lamartine) as the successors of this alleged tradition of true religion. In fact, his narrative mirrors historiographies of socialism. Consequently, the Baphomet is depicted by Lévi as the symbol of a revolutionary heretical tradition that would soon lead to the "emancipation of humanity" and the establishment of a perfect social order.

Baphomet = Templar's god of unity, wealth and wisdom… which became a sabbath goat later with Levi and Guaita

Baphomet symbolism is now being used by the Globalist along with other occult, Templar-Religion of Cuck™ic and Freemasonic symbolism because of their revolutionary origins and opinions on the state of "True Christianity" or "Utopianism"… later known as World Socialism.

User IVY969 on deviant art. Account has been deactivated.

jill_hardener on insta

When are UFO retards finally going to admit Serrano was right and that they've stolen most of his and Hermann Wieland's work (Atlantis, Edda, and Bible) explained 50-90 years ago already?

>Ellen Lloyd – – The Cherokee recall a white-skinned race that lived on their lands before they arrived. This group of very unusual beings were known as the Moon-Eyed people.

>Cherokee legends tell the Moon-Eyed people were of small stature and had pale, white skin, blond hair and blue eyes. They were called Moon-Eyed because they had very sensitive eyes and were unable to see in daylight. They could however see very well at night. Since these mysterious ancient people were blinded by the Sun, they were forced to live in underground caverns.

Seriously, if you haven't already
READ The Final Battalion

These savages have killed our ancient ancestors, proudly massacring them until the last 50 years when the tribes started changing their tale to be victims. They've stolen the land that we once inhabited and claim it as their own using the UN to give them "aborigine" and "native" status which is nothing more than an attempt to steal our own land and dehumanize us since to this day NO European is considered a native anywhere including. These fuckers then lie about our history and enslave us with continued lies by the known demiurge that dishonors their ancient ancestors to collect their shekels. To top it off all but the Tibetan's lived up to their oath to open the doors to the secrets that they were given to guard on the surface world (Germany) which was their only sole purpose for being allowed to exist.

Read Hermann Wieland, Serrano, and The Final Battalion and you'll laugh at this UFO phenomenon that the natives are jumping on seeing how they are clearly distorting their own tales. When the time comes there is going to be hell to pay. You best believe you mongrels better get right and pray for mercy.


What's dualism, again? I don't know how kiked it is or what it truly means.

hardening, complete.

I cant believe Powels would have that!
I also can't believe there's another 8ch polack near Portland. lol

What does Holla Forums think of Nazi UFOs and hollow Earth?

Operation Highjump, something was doing the raping

Still equally retarded.

i do not represent /pol and cannot speak for the group but I know for certain not only is earth hollow it is also flat and that is where Hitler went after he made it out and this is where the perceived ETs come from, the "underworld"

only a retard doesnt recognize that ridicule is a neon sign advertising not only the loss of a debate, but the fact one is also a sore loser.
heres your (you) you ignorant nigger

I agree, in the surprise of catching the fact I used the incorrect word there I may have gotten a bit excited. To what extent do you believe the earth is hollow? It's a fact there are caves underground, there are quarries which dig deep into the earth's surface, there are a massive buildings and infrastructure which exists above ground on the surface of earth. Are you saying there is a possible settlement or civilization living in a dug out area somewhere near the center of the Earth? I suppose if the civilization could survive the heat, it would be possible.

There's a lot of us. The Devi book was in the rare book section unbeknownst to most employees. There are copies of her work here.

The don't have anymore EH in store but you can order some from Powell's warehouse.

We're not the only ones that have a hollow earth cosmology. Pic 1 is from Serrano, pic 2 is from a Khoisan(bushmen) cave painting in South Africa, pic 3 is Egytian. Protip. Gravity is a form of electromagnetism not its own force; which is not dependent on density/mass. This model of the universe allows for "gravity" both on the inner and outer surfaces of the earth without the "shell" collapsing because of the centripetal and centrifugal forces.

Sept 24 was a constellation happening,
woman of genesis, 7 year omen.
Dec 7 capital thing was 70 years from 1947, t. daniels prophecy

Is YHWH not also a meditation form of self actualisation, co opted out by the Zues creature as a name? so as to render it useless to others?

Is there anyone left here interested in esotericism?

Truth Telling 1934 Haavara Transfer Agreement Exposes Hitler as Father of Israel


t. Gnosticism and Sin
Sin is an arachnid parasite Mite
it infects all creatures.
Original sin in humans is a spider mite parasite aka dust aka itch mites.
plural it is sinne.
(I saw this old english word sinne, in a dream where my third eye acted like a microscope for the itch on my nose as I lay in a half sleep). Another time after meeting a nice husky doggy in a messy yard, I coincidentally/syncronistically found posters of a pagan spirit nature, animals and such. First poster however was all about toxic fungal parasites, from a health store. Many other such synchronostic events happened at this time confirming that yes indeed, sin was a parasite.

This is cancer, old age, many such bullshit medical diagnosis are tied to this gnostic parasite. Die-agnosis, death from not knowing. Lymes, scar tissue, jaundice, bad food, many factors all play into this.

Sarcoptes and tartigrade species are general sin. Original sin is Demodex Follicle. Demodex and Demiurge are identical.

Proof of Demiurge? Proof of one who overcomes sin? Proof of monoatomic alien gold fruit and a river of life?

Demodex…..Demiurge…..the people…demos.

A brainfog and cognitive dissonance condition reinforced by consumption of animal fats helps to serve Demodex in keeping people under it's insidious addictive influence.
Demodex is so prevalent in all your soul body, that it is addiction and temptation to a large and hidden extent.
The taboo, guilt and transmission of emotions and disease via sexual contact adds a complex layer when you consider the role of nano sized arachnid parasite mites.
The disturbing reality and ego harming makes it a near impossible red pill for most plebs.
The brainwashed snob medical personnel of modern soceity cannot grasp this, even though it is proven by the medical science establishment. Your average doctor or whoever will view you as nuts and of course, wrong (the patient is always wrong). To know the true cause of disease is a curse around the common medical professional. Medecine was the original religion before religion and an early casualty.
Asclepius was a great healer. Zues struck him dead. Zues or Enlil has aligned himself with the astral Yaldabaoth. Together he uses his viper people to bring the material world into line with the parasites of the Demiurge, Demodex.
hollow earth

You do understand that the plans for Israel where there way before Hitler was ever born. Adding to that he just wanted to deport the kikes out of Europe and let them fuck around on there own piece of land, because guess what he didn't wanted to kill them. Calling him a "founding father of Israel" is just idiotic.

Miguel Serrano's NOS and the Golden Cord/Thread.

Disingenuous kike.

The Demiurge is a monster version of the Demodex spider parasite in everyone's skin.
It has no anus, it eats your skin and holds the shit until it dies in one spot, givin you itchy pigment spots.
This is where esoterica collides with taboo unbeknownst biology.

SO for those who think this is kikery, kindly please go fuck yourselves.



I am sayin, I am super sayin, that a micro organism parasite, Demodex, proven by science to exist in everyone, is visually and symbolically and functionally fucking Identical to the Demiurge.
How did people in the past before electron microscopes know of this??

This demiurge creature from philosophy is the same as a sinful microbe found everywhere. Research it.

hmmm, it is perplexing. Another possible layer pointing to a grand string puller?

Heil Hitler


So how are everyone's studies coming? Also, have any more correlations been made between Hitlerism and Kekism?


bingo. Rev 2:9 and 3:9 also Paul's Letter to the Thesselonians

sounds to me like this "Kalki" fella fits the description of the antichrist.

You should read "The Mystery of The Grail" by Evola. Everyone itt should tbh.

The pancultural archetypes of Grail myths should be taken as evidence of an original source for all western esoteric schools. And that the stories themselves are cautionary tails of the pitfalls an unprepared initiate may encounter.
Protip:Anonymity and NoFap(unless trying to conceive) are important.
It also goes into the downfall of the Templars and origins of (((Freemasonry))) a little.

Important post


Deleted Threads and Bans for Book Discussion!QAkEQbaZ!khdY4blGnbcNg_NhFbgv-4gZKTa0vg3D9je6iLyFP9A!tJlBUaxT!rZZiY6sagL39DM1a1bg5YKmrrXwuAfPtqnTD3nwllZQ!sMtWhTxK!d2uVwMlHdd9eHkxb8MXV9nYZpLlcNG-klxBp3eD_XzM

I was wondering if you could help me Holla Forums, this thread seems like the right place.
When I was younger, I'd constantly get déjà vu, and I'll remember stuff even now aged 26 that I dreamt when I was a child, things I've seen before.
A very distinct dream I had:

This dream has intrigued me for years. It has really stood out, and I'd say is the only time I've truly felt like a God has spoken to me. Despite coming from the ground, it didn't feel as if it was the devil. It felt as if it wasn't Christian at all, and this was long before I had even heard of paganism/astratu. It was as if it was a choice between 'God' and the old gods in hindsight, but it's strange. I've never had a dream like it. I truly felt different when I woke up.
Does anyone have any ideas? Any ideas on the symbolism of the smouldering stick? The ground opening?


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Here's an excerpt from the Silmarillion (Tolkien's epic based on the history of Europa). Yahweh and the jews are present - Morgoth and his balrogs and, later, as Sauron and his Orcs).

Sauron: ''Darkness alone is worshipful, and the Lord thereof may yet make other
worlds to be gifts to those that serve him, so that the increase of their
power shall find no end.''

And Ar-Pharazon said: 'Who is the Lord of the Darkness?’

Then behind locked doors Sauron spoke to the King, and he lied, saying:
''It is he whose name is not now spoken; for the Valar have deceived you
concerning him, putting forward the name of Eru, a phantom devised in
the folly of their hearts, seeking to enchain Men in servitude to themselves.
For they are the oracle of this Eru, which speaks only what they will. But he
that is their master shall yet prevail, and he will deliver you from this
phantom; and his name is Melkor, Lord of All, Giver of Freedom, and he
shall make you stronger than they.''

Human Sacrifice to Morgoth in Numenor (Literally 'Holo-caust' or burnt offering)

==Let me give you a hint, user. Eru, the god that you have so mistakingly assumed to be Morgoth (Yahweh, not God), keeps himself secret at the heart of the reality of all matters. Morgoth covets this imperishable flame that giveth reality to objects, that Eru keeps in the void where he resides in his Timeless halls (Thagartha in indian aryan myth). Eru wants his children, the aryan stock, to craft the world and become their own gods or powers by existing in their own right. Morgoth is the antithesis of freedom, and in the mortal world rules over all life. Search redpills on zionism/israel/talmud/yahweh, the norse and ayurvedic sagas for Tolkien's actual allegory (despite his claims to have never used allegory).

In terms of referencing your experience 'psychologically, I would say you had some inner expression of the higher ego or in jungian terms philemon. Think of it as less of an experience and more as a memory or a reminding of the psyche. Philemon holds the four keys of the soul, and comes first.


KYS heretic. You and your forced meme board are blasphemers in the presence of Kek!

I agree, I think we need to revive the aesthetic and adoration of the founding fathers and that's why we erect monoliths and statues in their liking as shredded mythological God's of America's eternal past. I like the Columbia aesthetic from Bioshock Infinite. Say what you want about it, but come on now.

I even wrote a song to the tune of Europa Nazione. Can I get some criticism?

O hail Columbia, seed of Europa
United one people, the child of Rome
We gather as one nation, steadfast in our ascension
Born of conquest and toil, defenders of home

O hail Columbia, nation of free men, a city built on victory and glory alone
Visions of war and bloodshed will fail to abdicate us to rivals and villains past battles have shown

The men of our past shall not be forgotten, the sins of our fathers which we will atone
New generation wake from the old guards cult of martyrdom
Stolen heirs to our future we'll fight to avenge

From Boston to Richmond, Manhattan to Los Angeles
A new age of order begins to unfold
The children once blindfolded now break the chains that bind them
A new generation now born of revenge

The accession of Columbia rises to the people, now free from oppression and plots of their end.
A hundred men, a thousand men, one million lit torches
Hail Columbia, a nation a nation to be!

In what order should I read Serrano? I've heard I should read Savitri Devi first though. True?

Only read Nos user, then switch to Jung

The Secret of the Golden Flower (With Richard Wilhelm) >>>/zundel/110

Well Kek is part of the Ogdoad of Egypt. (((Moses))) stole the Ark of the covenant from Egypt and the kikes took it to Jeruselam and built the temple of Solomon to house it. The temple has been destroyed and rebuilt on twice. Currently it is called the dome of the rock(pic 1) which is an octagon, so it stands to reason that was the shape of the foundation for the original inner sanctum of the kike temple. During the crusades this was the HQ to the Templars who excavated the temple and may or may not have found an assortment of esoteric artifacts and knowledge stolen by the kikes from all over the Middle East. The Templars then built many temples around Europe in the shapes of octagons in addition to the Cathar's holiest temples which were also octagons. The church tried to exterminate the Cathars and Templars for heresy because of their esoteric rituals and beliefs. The esoteric knowledge and artifacts of these groups were sought after by the SS. This is the most direct, exoteric connection between the Egytian Ogdoad and Esoteric Hitlerism which normalfags and kikes can't refute. From there is mostly speculation on what was found and what rituals were performed. The best source for which is Miguel Serrano; since he interviewed and met with many ranked members of the SS.

Many pre-NSDAP swastikas had 8 rays instead of 4. It's probably no coincidence that the mma is fought in an octagon and the Colosseum in Rome has 80 arches around the bottom. The numbers of stones and holes in the rings of Stonehenge are all multiples of 8 as well; 24, 32, 56, and 80. The shape of the octagon itself is very strong and the preferred foundation for domes, but is also hypothesized by to be transformative for people performing rituals within them. As though the shape is better at focusing intent and energy than others. This may be due to harmonic resonance, since the octive musical scale was developed by Pythagoras who studied in the Egytian mystery schools that Moses betrayed. There is obviously much more on the memetic power of 8, octagons, and resonant frequencywe won't share before the shills, but sufficed to say if you have the space; make your home temple in an octagon. I'd go so far as to say that the octagon is more powerful than the kikes beloved hexagram and they've been trying to suppress that knowledge along with everything else for thousands of years.


it gives me a nice feel to know that i could have met one of you fags at some point in public without knowing you are actually bad goys

How's the conversion going user? Where will you post it if this thread dies by the time you're done?

made this just for you guys

Interesting post.

With the slight caveat that, as always, they appropriated a much older and multifacetical symbol

Had to kek. Not really fair to both, though, as Evola was explicitly counter-demiurgic ("unbounded, divine, solar-heroic archetype") while Serrano has strong gnostic undertones. I also respect E's decision to go outside during the raid. Irrational, insane etc. - yes. But clearly he faced death on his own terms.

I respect the hell out of Evola too. I was almost tempted to make him the Chad because of that air-raid thing.

The truth is that both were based in their own ways. They don't lend themselves easily to that chad-virgin thing. Perhaps one of them against your typical nu-male "sceptic".

Sometimes I wonder if evola wasn't himself more the type that can recognize and worship the solar being, like some form of advanced nietzsche no longer looking for his God but still unable to become one. Chads perhaps tend to bother themselves less with worrying over the essence of solarity. The strange thing about these meme chads is that they just are and don't go meta on themselves. Assertion and creation are very chad, dissection and explicit 'revolt' have a destructive rebellious taste to them. I think that's also why some people view the whole accelerationist/kali yuga/cyclical theory as not divine but nihilistic. idk.

referring for starters just with the testimony of USN Admiral Richard E. Byrd who wrote a detailed account of his voyage into the "underworld" via the north pole entrance. the entrance Hitler used is apparently at Queen Maud Land in the antarctic ice shelf just south off the tip of south america, where it does appear Hitler's forces had been building a base in cooperation with the inhabitants of the "underworld" - many who are perfectly human looking, some not so much. ancient cultures including the hebrews referred to this realm as "sheol" and it appears other entrances also exist, such as the Malta Hypogeum. underwater entrances also appear to exist according to several eyewitness accounts. anyone can find this information if they dig for it.

Absolutely. Shapeshifting parasites own nothing.

Very nice, but how about Chad wheelchair Evola vs. Stephen Hawking and Chad Serrano vs (((Anton Levay)))?

(checked Hitler trips)

I briefly viewed the cyclical theory as providing some sort of excuse for inaction and fatalist thinking, yeah. But that's not how the ancient Aryans saw it; more like a deep metaphysical rationale for a certain strata to steel themselves against the ambient faggotry and become a beacon onto others. The Kali Yuga is pure chaos, unbounded. The antidote to the erosion of constant becoming is stability; to be the center around which other centers may gravitate.. It's spiritually consoling in a way, to envision that many times before - endless times - other useful idiots existed who also believed theirs was an age of progress and enlightenment in the face of all evidence to the contrary.

No one will listen, I tried lol


Interesting side note is that while Norway explored the coastline that became New Swabia 9 years earlier, without being there they made a claim to the entire territory that Germany happened to claim 5 days later. Interestingly how that figures. Also worth noting the original explorer from Norway in 1930, along with the rest of the Norwegian government, went into exile not that long after during the Norwegian Campaign.

Norway made no real effort based on the international (European) laws of conquest at the time to claim a territory that should be respected, meanwhile, Germany went out of its way to claim it properly. There's some fuckery going on and not sure if they were somehow doing this intentionally to cause a legal fiasco to keep it hidden.

Side note: For 3 months Norway was completely free of any allies after the surrender of Germany. Many claimed they were waiting but the allies just happened to not pay much attention until they reached out to the allies first. Adds more perspective when you start considering the whole idea.

I could be wrong because so much disinformation exists and is spread about the man. So I post this as an ignorant inquisitive mind rather than an authority of any sort. Hitler's Table Talk in that he addresses his views on Christianity. All I know about Hitler's table talk is there's a German manuscript from Martin Bormann one of Hitler's trusted companions and secretary. It was translated by a French jew and published, then some English nigger translated the pozzed French version instead of the Bormann German manuscript.

I thought Irene Klatt was Serrano's "soul mate", and he and Jung's whole thing is that your "Queen of Sheba" should be "for love not marriage"

And even though he married and had kids, in The Ultimate Avatar and other places he talks about how having sex and especially having children closes you off to many spiritual connections and awareness?

Also can someone explain what the true meaning of the concepts HE-SHE and SHE-HE (and the multiple cosmic eggs etc) described in El/Ella and Nos?

I'm somewhat new to this material, if someone give more illumination on the "proper" view of sexuality etc from Esoteric Hitlerist perspective that would be welcome.

Just finished HTT myself and I think the confusion lies with him on Christianity lies between his own personal beliefs versus those he was forced to present outwardly to remain somewhat harmonious on the homefront and not stirring up too much trouble. If Serrano is correct, along with many others, he whole-heartily support the esoteric SS in all of its ventures otherwise it wouldn't have gone past bodyguard status and grew very little. He had far bigger plans that were intended to push beyond Rome and this falsified version of Christianity that people now worship today.

The Talks are problematic largely because they weren't published during the war and only were smuggled out after. Lots of it was lost in the chaos and other copies were found although missing details, then the translators in some cases there's confusion, but Irving tends to think at least 1941-1942 are very accurate and he'd be one to know. There are bad copies out there that's for sure causing more confusion spreading jewish disinfo.

I for one found nothing really that contradictory in them. I followed his thoughts very clearly and given the war time scenario its not hard to interpret some of his views negatively. The somewhat praise for Stalin can be looked at from a completely wrong angle. The view on the Czech's, Slavs, French, etc. Without understanding race meant something different inwardly (as Yockey would say) than it was seen outwardly (non-European) can get peoples jimmies rustled. The usage of the race back then was the equivalent of "peoples" today. American race, German race, French race, Slavic race, etc. It's the context the kikes always try to ignore which makes their frauds stick out, just like how they ignore the context of our founding fathers when they talk about equality and all that.

I think that they would've morphed "positive Christianity" into something more in line with Germanic traditions and whatever Himmler had in mind. I mean, look at what Christianity is today, it is something complete different than what it was a mere 100 years ago. I think, if the Third Reich would have won, today's "Christianity" would be a complete different thing and we wouldn't even know that it was being heavily transformed.

I've only partially read 'Nos', but it all points to a "return to the godhead". In multiple ancient traditions (which according to Traditionalist philosophy all come from a single source) the primordial beings possessed both male and female characteristics. From an esoteric perspective, each of these beings was thus a representation of the "All", a totality, Fire and Water, Sun and Moon, Yin and Yang, Divinity and Matter, etc etc. Note that the female principle also symbolizes, in many traditions, divine wisdom - Sophia. Therefore, to reclaim, to embody the feminine principle can also mean, as mortals, to rediscover the Truth and through this fusion, to return to a state of perfection similar to that of the primordial beings, as it was before the Fall.
The cosmogonic egg is very much related to this.
In the Orphic tradition, from the cosmogonic egg was hatched the first deity - a hermaphrodite that, due to being "All" was able to create the other Gods, at which point the egg split into two parts; heaven and earth. This is similar to the Big Bang (in the sense that the egg is a singularity) and also to the Neo-platonic concept of the One, from which are derived all things.

On true nature of the jews

I am familiar with the concepts of the Orphic World egg, duality, etc.

This is why I asked what Serrano meant when he talks about the significance of there being another cosmic egg (SHE-HE) outside of the cosmic egg HE-SHE

If the cosmic egg represents the All, what could possibly outside of it then? Is the union of HE-SHE supposed to signify the union of your internal self (with your anima, etc), and the union of HE-SHE and SHE-HE the union of your self and "the Other"/"the All", or is that completely off-base?

Later in Nos he also talks about how there are multiple other unopened Cosmic Eggs besides HE-SHE and SHE-HE. What is the significance of all of this?

Grace Kelly is the epitome of female beauty in my opinion. Although I read online that she was a "loose" woman, that she slept around and far from the model woman we were being presented with. I kinda knew it would be too good to be true.

My 2 cents: There are two ways of looking at gnosticism, the jewish way and the hyperborean way. The first one over emphasises the "vale of tears" aspect of incarnated reality and portrays "material world" and "spirit" as distinct, opposite poles. The second way, Serrano's way, views these (spirit and matter) as phenomena which are superimposed amongst other things in the energy-field which is existence.

Remember: Only a little bit of lie is needed to turn truth to lie, but truth is only true if it is 100% true.

nice meme, but:

Evola's books on race are significant! He is in his way very accessible to modern scientifically minded men. Three aspects of the Jewish question, Il mito del sangue and Sintesi di una dottrina della razza are absolutely recommended.

Guenon/Evola: Evola rightly defended the kshatriya against brahmanic divergence. Evola remains the ONLY capital-T Traditionalist writer to neither adhere to an abrahamic faith (unlike Guenon, Schuon) or become a confused (((neo-pagan))).

Some speculation: He was hit by a piece of shrapnel while taking a walk during an allied bombing raid on Vienna. According to Mircea Eliade, he was hit in his heart chakra. What did he undertake in Vienna? He writes that he was translating and reading material by/about freemasons. I have no idea on whose initiative, or what results this produced. Nonetheless very significant. Evola was one of us.

the cyclical view of time is not the x-axis from the cartesian system and only formed into a circle, not linear progression on a circle. the cyclical view dispenses with linear time altogether since time is dependent on being and not being on time. Therefore, multiple instances of "time" can exist at the same "time" and also your being exists on multiple linerar-temporal coordinates simultaneously. This explains the phenomenon of synchronicity.
Also, since time depends on being not vice versa, this dispenses with any fatalism whatsoever.

In this passage, the 'female companion' seems to hint at the neo-platonic nous (or "intelligence), i.e. the first emanation of the One - but more specifically along the lines of the gnostic interpretation which explicitly names that entity "Sophia". According to the early gnostics, Sophia gave birth to the demiurge, who then created the material world, therefore she is "outside" the egg and had always been outside, as the first emanation of god.

Seems like a reasonable interpretation. From what i gather, Plotinus thought that, to reach the godhead one had to follow a specific path; after the dissolution of the self one would "encounter" a series of entities - emanations of god - Beauty, first, eventually the Nous (intelligence, mind of god, Sophia) and finally the One, the All. Therefore to reach the godhead one has to dissolve into Sophia first, after the prerequisite internal fusion which you suggested. To first be "reacquainted" with Sophia within before meeting its supreme incarnation and dissolving into it.
Considering that the first deities were spawned from the original world egg, perhaps this alludes to deities yet unborn? A glimpse of potential destinies waiting to be actualized and still "incubating" until the proper time (the beginning of the next cycle) ?

Although replying to a shill for this, I want to point out that oathcuck is a CalArts student, rice burner, has blasphemed against kek, and admitted his memecircles were an attack against the hive mind.

This cleared up a lot thanks.

Why would the Jewish owner and the Muslim mod of Holla Forums put a swastika in the page?

Why do White Nationalists want to kill White people who wish to meet up without them?

Why would Holla Forums ban a White meet up?

Why are Whites the only ethnic group that do not meet up and network?

Jewish networking

Black networking

Hispanic Networking

Asian Networking

Indian Networking

Muslim Networking


White Networking

Remove the Holla Forums mod
Censorship on/pol/ is worse than any of the social media sites.

There is a war against Whites being currently waged. It's time to start fighting back.

White Nationalism is the cause of "White Genocide"


Brother's I have not browsed in almost a year. What have I missed?

Staying true to the way. My discipline and overall character have grown significantly.

bump. i'd like more insight/discussion on this topic

dude you need to read billy mieier. he talk thule and vrill. he says they gained controll of hitler in the middle of his day and it all went to shit, the vrill have fucked society dont listen to them. also the thule are live in anttartica still. they come to major cities and live and go back. they have an agenda. stop fucking following peoples agenda. meditate and self inprove dont listen to the thule, in fact the vrill is dead. the pleadians killed them

right, like you dont get karma for practicing magicc. righ faggots,

I've seen people post on here before about Mithraism and how the myth of Mithras slaying the bull is somehow allegorical to the rebirth of society, and that somehow it was a parallel to the myth of riding the tiger. Does anyone have any information on this?


By having the keys, both in one, creation is at will.
By separation comes "advancement"
By "advancement" comes a superior, a lesser and observers
By "Technology" comes unfathomable
By "unfathomable" comes pure electricity light
By this light comes death
By this death comes a universe of separated energy
By a Monopoly on everlasting life, I do not know.
By files and registry come those made from clay.

Is that your own writing? It reminds me of Ludwig Klages' metaphysical opposition between the 'spirit' and the 'soul'. To him, the goal of the Spirit - the intellect - has been to separate Man's soul from his body; to take the place of the soul. This is similar to the previous posts concerning the primordial 'unity' of man in his godlike state; to him, the ancient men lived in a perfect union between body and soul.

Now, the Intellect, the Spirit, is an entity outside space and time; it is the snake from the garden of Eden tempting with its forbidden knowledge. We know how that story ends. The Intellect-Spirit replaces the soul in Man and uses him to further its own ends - to bring about an intellect-world emancipated from nature and tradition, a world where the bonds that hold off the onslaught of Mammon are dissolved. Klages would probably say - as Spengler did - that it was the Intellect that drove man to speculate and conjure up, in every age, through the faculty of reason alone, that which would be his own downfall. Democracy, equality, progress in short. All these sterile musings that seek to give an overarching meaning to Time, thought of not in terms of man-years or bird-years, but as an unstoppable march towards bliss as opposed to what it actually is, which is corrosion. And the evolving technology provides these slaves of the Intellect with the requisite 'signs' (similar to those the jew god gave to the israelites) that they need to validate their worldview. Technological progress is an atheistic form of jewish eschatology.

Anyone got a PDF of Hermitage Helm's Golden Cord?

Are you sure it wasn't a reference to defeating moloch?

bumping to keep near the top - need more to be exposed to this path

I found this book at my library. Does anybody know if it's worth checking out?

whoa wait what the FUUUCK?!?!

It's probably anti-Hitler, but it might be good for educational purposes.

like cells dividing in a womb after conception

Is the bull supposed to be representative of Moloch? I remember someone was drawing a parallel between Roman worship of the Persian Mithras and American worship of Egyptian Kek. Mind you, this was back when Kekism was just an imageboard thing before the whole cringey Kekistan stuff started.


If they lie about Hitler, then how can these authors be trusted about anything else is what I'm wondering.


Serrano said that a Jew can become on Aryan. Does that mean there are based Jews?

Want to try to meet up somewhere public you feel safe
inb4 glowinthedark

Any advice on how to meme magic twins?

Ok aid me with your esoteric wisdom. I have not come here without prior effort on my part. I see 3 camps:
1. Whites should say fuck off Christianity/Abrahamic desert religion and return to their European pagan nature loving ways. Master morality. The myth of the blood. Etc. Whites should realize Jesus was simply a proto-communist Jew organizing the rabble whereas the Pharisees were proto-capitalist and the OT v. NT is an earlier version of Jews playing both sides of the same coin.
2. Whites should disregard the Jewish supremacist OT but embrace the gentile NT whilst realizing how compromised both Catholicism and Protestantism have been from their conceptions. Jesus was not a Jew, may have been a white Levantine, called the Jews out, included instances of both strength and compassion in his teaching, but the Jews claimed him as their own (like Schopenhauer, Goethe, Kant who called them out) after his death and took over his cult after Saul saw how pliable these Christians were even after murdering hundreds of them. (This is the Hitler/Eckhart message found in Moses to Lenin pamphlet)
3. Christian Identity. Whites should embrace both the OT and NT because the OT Israelites and NT Jesus were Jews/Israelites in the sense that they came from Shem/Judah/Jacob who were actually white. 'Jews' as we think of them today are not Israelites though they claim to be, but are actually from Ham/Canaanites/Pharisees/Edomites/Zealots. Basically Noah was pure and had a white pure heroic son Shem and another named Ham. Satan played a role in seduction on the ark and Ham was the first race mixer thus producing Canaan. Canaan was involved with the Babylonian Talmud/Satanic worship/Freemasonry/child sacrifice/orgies/anti-nature. The line of Shem has battled the line of Ham since. This last approach is the most esoteric and also theistic as opposed to pantheistic/pagan. Satan, God, giants/the Nephillim (demon human hybrid) are treated as real things interacting with humanity. Eustace Mullins talks about this. I know he spouts the Hitler was a Jew shit so I don't entirely trust him, nor do I trust demonology in general due to its vague nature. This also relies on the assumption that the Abrahamic story of Noah and the ark is to be treated as historical fact.

Chime in before D+C bullshit. I covered their approaches anyway so they can be discussed genuinely.

if any of you Portland anons happen to know the guys from Fanisk send them my regards, their music is the greatest thing in the universe and one of the main reasons I discovered all this stuff. Hail Vitholf and Eldrig!

It is not so much a question of "nature worship" as it is of recognizing the sacredness of nature as the immanence of the feminine principle; nature as growth, as pure becoming. Behind that is the male principle, the One, pure being, the prima causa; indivisible, unchanging, incorruptible. As you may imagine that conception of god is also present to a large degree in Abrahamic religions but since the indo-aryan Vedas preceded all abrahamic texts we may speak of a diffusion or a 'borrowing' on the former's part.
Many people shun Christianity because of its clear filiation with the religious canon of the ancient Israelites but would struggle to point out which elements are specifically jewish; it is important to know why the aspects one criticizes are actually detrimental to the race. That would shed light on what Hitler's version of "positive christianity" actually would have looked like, had he the theological training to craft this theoretical book. Belief in the afterlife is not a jewish invention, nor is the drive towards asceticism; in and of themselves both beliefs are not inherently toxic. According to Evola at least, what is toxic about Christianity - and what was for the european soul a radical departure from previous forms of worship - is its universalism, its exoteric doctrine of salvation. For the true Indo-European religions, there was absolutely no belief in 'automatic salvation' should one simply believe in the gods. You had to earn it and only a select few did; it was an initiatic process; the overwhelming majority (even the gentlest, meekest souls, perhaps especially the meek) would earn a one-way trip to Hades, or back into the circle of endless re-birth and re-death. True salvation was reserved for the elite only.
What is also distinctly un-european about Christianity is the distinct separation between man and god; to christians, even the most pious is not even a pale approximation of god. For his resolutely Aryan belief in the possibility of becoming divine in this life - though few could attain this stage - Eckhart was accused of heresy by the church. Another element to Abrahamic religions that is resolutely middle-eastern and extremely pernicious to our race is the focus on the irreversibility of Time, what could be called the 'eschatological view of History'; namely that, according to god's plan we are moving relentlessly forward towards the final stage of final stages; towards judgement day, yes, but also towards perfection or completion. This provides a justification for us to simply endure history with the belief that it will all make sense in the end. For obvious reason this is unacceptable and not at all in line with indo-european beliefs about the nature of time.

for the tl;version: some serious syncretism/editing is involved for anyone following an abrahamic religion, and raising his children therein. Seeing how their institutions and communities exist (in various stages of decadence) in the real world, a case can be made that they provide moral guidelines and social bonds whereas paganism is definitely more atomized and limited to small pockets here and there, if at all. White Christians need to be educated on what exactly the doctines that they are being taught actually imply so they can cut out the bad and retain the good.

going for dubs? Freyr might be able to help with that. if not now with the next ones

The word meek in Matthew 5:5 is poor (((translation))) of the greek, which entirely changes the meaning. The actual meaning of that passage is those who show restraint and only use their power when needed are worthy of ruling the Earth.

Strawman - for 1500 years, Christianity had no concept of "automatic salvation", that only entered with the Protestant heresies.

Also a bit of a strawman - this is the crucial and oft-neglected difference between God with a capital "G", and "the gods". God is, by definition, outside of creation, unattainable, while within creation there are indeed higher forms we could call "gods" (or demons and angels, by the way) and to which humans can build more or less productive relationships.

No, this is not at all "obviously unacceptable". It is precisely the hallmark of primitive niggerisms and pagans that they cannot break the circle of nature, of endless death, fornication and birth. That Christianity spread with such speed in Europe is precisely due to the fact that the Aryan mindset has a linear (Spengler might say "quasi-Faustian") conception of time as well.

That's some good music alright.


You're the kike here.


Thanks; Cernunnos is the Celtic fertility God I was honoring throughout the process. I've simply been referring to the fetuses in the plural looks like it's paying off.


>shilling the (((New Testament)))
>red texting (((Wikipedia)))

30+ years of ceremonial magick.

Some of the most autistic posts on Holla Forums right now


Late to this thread, but have any of you anons ever looked into the possibility of early christian symbolism as an instance of sigil magic?

Pic related


Who are you referring to when you talk about Traditionalist (((neo-pagans)))?
Also if I remember correctly the S.S. was letting him sift through the documents of the lodges shut-down in Vienna. Not sure if he was helping them (considering the S.S. and Evola didn't get along well) or if he was just allowed to do it for religious reasons. Both Evola and Serrano are /our guy/s for sure though. Seriously talking badly about one of them is a major red-flag.

two hundred years ago she would have been burned.

Where can I find a non-kiked Mein Kampf?

I mention it infrequently, then receive "muh (((church)))" and "esotericism is a jew lie" in return. I'm glad to see this thread, though.

Learn German

criminally underchecked