Denuvo Pirated Games Infected w/ Malware

PSA: If you downloaded any of the Denuovo cracks done by Seymor, then it is very, very likely that you have installed a bitcoin miner in your computer. I know for certain that the following releases were infected:

But all of them are likely compromised. If you installed any of his releases, uninstall it now and do a sweep on your computer for any suspicious activity.

Also, consider either a sandbox or converting an old PC for your piracy-related activities.

Other urls found in this thread:

Single bump for awareness. Stay safe, bros.

Oh, maybe I should post the removal instructions as well:

Isn't it the user's fault though ? I mean you got to:
1) Downloading and installing a random crack without checking it first
2) Not checking regularly your CPU usage
3) Not having any kind of anti-malware/spyware etc…


These games already had malware bundled in even if you bought them, it was called Denuvo.

Not single game with Denuvo is worth playing.


This imo. The best way to fight piracy was to make games not even worth pirating I guess

The guy is just a repacker. he doesn't do any cracks.
Also he is Russian what do you expect.

They made them 50gb+ and most piratefags are poorfags or 3rd world(shit internet) so they won't bother with downloading 50gb for a 10h game.

Who wants to pirate shitty games?

Who? Also why the fuck would anyone pirate games that have Denuvo, they're not even worth playing.

There is hope for Holla Forums after all.

No there isn't. Holla Forums still has reddit tier taste in general and is the designated shitting street for Holla Forums

Far cry 3 blood dragon never had denuvo

Worse. It had Uplay

Whatever you say.



this is why you goyim need UWP.


Your shitty meme was never funny or witty.


This shit has existed for many years. Are you seriously freaking out over it now? Just take the risk and scan your computer and game folder if you worry that you're infected. This is pretty standard. This won't do jack shit to pirating.


top goy

Replace the grapes with dangling turds and you have an accurate representation.

Did Blood Dragon even have Denuvo?
Why would you need to crack it? The game was leaked like two weeks before it was meant to release due to Ubisoft being full retard with how they handled Uplay.

This. I guarantee the majority of people who downloaded it used uTorrent to do it, too.

I use malwarebytes and that gets updated regularly. I've detected plenty of malware with it before. It it's a particularly new type of malware, I'll have to wait a week or two. I don't have any important information on my computer so they can do whatever they want.

I use Bitcomet because I'm a bit of a jew that doesn't seed.

Fucking exactly, people who don't scan their shit or download shit from fucking repackers are idiots.
This is just an ebin scare thread.


Blood Dragon doesn't have Denuvo, but it DOES require uPlay which is just as shit.

Welcome to the botnet.

where do you think botnets come from?

I don't use any 3rd party anti virus program.

Usually you wait a week or two at most for newer malware to be detected. I don't even pirate games immediately since I'm busy playing my vidya. I've never had to deal with shit like this.

Actually, my worst malware problems came after I installed KMplayer. I got a particularly nasty browser hijacker. I had to edit registry, delete it and scan with malwarebytes to get it removed. One of my worst experiences. I think some of the worst malware comes from freeware rather than torrents.

If I want to try shit games, I'll rent them from Family Video for a console. I have every non-disc console game through GBA/N64 in a massive 34GB pack. Well, missing the Atari 2600 collection, but I have every C64 game that was released on disk, cart, or tape, so that's fine.

I shall not want for decent shit to play.


So much this.

I say you post your face when you didn't tried to pirate a single game that uses Denuvo.

Too bad I don't save reaction pictures.

thats one of the reasons far cry primal hasnt been cracked yet.

Fucking agreed. Torrents can having something subtle at worst which is like a bitcoin miner that abuses 0.5-1% of your cycles but holy shit I downloaded some freeware to view some file extensions and I had to delete multiple browser hijackers that weren't even on the registry, they were generating files on C:\ drive that would re-install the hijackers again.

Freeware. Never again.

Has there been even a decent one other than MGS V? Maybe, MAYBE, Mankind Divided. So far, Denuvo is a seal of quality, in that the quality is bad and sealed away from us. Its a blessing so far. I do worry that NieR will use it though, as Squeenix is using it for everything, Tomb Raider, Just Cause, Hitman, Deus Ex.

What is this, 2013? 2014? Even on other people's electricity, mining isn't worth the effort on a PC.


shit must be getting desperate for denuvo



But why? None of the denuvo games are good.

Who gave you LSD?

Also the sane thing and having data on a different partion makes it so much easier to just nuke from orbit and reinstall.

No point in even downloading just cause 3 yet, its not cracked and the bypass got blocked.

Big surprise.

Assblasted Denuvo shill trying to scare small children: The thread.

Most Denuvo games are shit anyway, I'll just laugh at the poor fucks that get their PCs turned into bitcoin miners

I knew these releases were shit from the start.

This is not a catch-all for any criticism, and it clearly indicates that you haven't even read the fable, or that you are too retarded to understand it.

You deserve everything.

nuDoom is alright. It's not amazing but not shit either.

Total Warhammer is fun too, but doesn't have enough content.

I hate that games are so bloated these days!

also I got some weird ^^nosteam ^^ blood dragon release, havent found mention of it there hopefully its okay

Nudoom is totally worth the price of free, especially after jewnuvo is ripped out of it.

it has been 'bypassed' though. the trick is pretty hard though and not worth it.the idea is the launch the legit game once on your pc (borrow from your friend or something) and then it will create a file unique to your pc which then you can use to play the game offline.

it's gonna take eternity to download

old news, they have actual crack out now

Nosteam is ok for the most part as far as I know, just as long as you know that it was uploaded by them. They're like an older, shoddier version of RG Mechanics

wtf? Why would you download from a nobody? That's like those fags that deliberately get aids for kicks.

I am talking about far cry primal.

Sure goy, don't pirate denuvo games!

Don't buy them either.

what to do with freetime then.

It is when someone else pays for electricity. I.e. a botnet.

Play good games.

Fucking retards, use a VM or some kind of isolation program like sandboxie.

Jewbisoft has begun jamming Denuvo into all of their older game updates.

I was gonna buy the God Eater games until I found out about it having Denuvo.

So I just pirated the PS Vita versions instead

I think you meant to say
>Denuvo games also infected with malware

They must have negotiated a pretty good discount on the licensing or did some sort of flat rate / package deal, otherwise they've gone full retard.

I've pirated nuDoom but just out of boredom and because I can download it on my company's internet.

Arkham Knight is good, but I already played it from someone else.

Nice try, zenimax shill

mgsfags are hilarious

People really weren't kidding about Denuvo games.

I recomend everyone download Total Warhammer when it gets cracked though. It was pretty good.

MGSV is good, the fuck is wrong with you?

shh, they don't know that they are the cancer pushing cinematic experiences

MGS V is shit, the fuck is wrong with you?

MGSV is alright, the fuck is wrong with you?

It's fun, the fuck is wrong with you?

Gameplay is 10/10, map design and story is shit. Everyone on Holla Forums knows this by now.

I wouldn't know I just kept skipping cutscense.

Haven't botted up nuDoom yet but I think there's an fov slider in the graphics settings.

Don't say you were retarded enough to miss it



Why did you pay to skip cut-scenes?


You managed to pirate MGSV, when?

MGSV had torrents little over a week after it launched, newfag.

Soooo, I just got my paycheck and bought new GTX 1080, preordered PSVR, bought 3 games on PS4 and new Jensen in Ruski-Prague for PC, opened this thread while instal is in progress. So how long will you last, until you run to your mommies for allowance.

I saw it but it was disgusting

School started fam.

Getting real sick of your shit, junior.

Good goy, show em how proud you are for having that money to hand over to us.

Why do DENUVOfags and their shill threads always fuck up so bad? Like look at this one, complete ignorance of what a Repack is.

full pic?


SEYTER is a repacker who recently had his repacks banned from private trackers because they had bitcoin miners. CPY cracks are clean and work perfectly.

This is an issue with repacks.

Yes yes.
The problem is OP claiming the cracks themselves are made by the repacker.

You mgsfags are really pathetic when you show how you think everyone else is in your circlejerk.


I don't get why people use repacks these days. The only one who even bothers to make the repack smaller is FitGirl but her installers will fry your CPU and take hours to finish.

is she gonna get boned

Crypted is not a word, dumbass

That sort of shit should be illegal.


Jewbisoft is always at the vanguard of shitty DRM, always-online DRM for singleplayer games wasn't much of a thing until Jewbisoft did it, their UPlay cancer preceded Origin, they sucked StarForce's dick raw, same for SecuROM and now denuvo. I would not be surprised if they funded the development of denuvo, I remember something about a big publisher funding it.

FitGirl's repacks might make sense if you have shit internet, like 5 Mbps or less, or if you're on data caps.

Otherwise, if you have a fast connection the time saved by downloading the repack might actually be completely lost during installation (especially if you have an AMD machine or older dual core intel CPU) since it takes literally HOURS to install.

To make things worse, like you said FitGirl's repacks completely hog the cpu during install, so untill the install is finished you can't do anything with your computer other than shitpost on Holla Forums or - if you have a good enough cpu - watch a few animu episodes.


Any user telling you to trust Norton over MWB is taking you on a ruse cruise.

All installers need UAC permission.

Buying a game doesn't make the audio smaller.

Buying games won't prevent crashes.

Cracks don't change your OS language.

A friend tried to install the GTAV repack and after a while realtemp started sounding the alarm horn every two seconds, his CPU was running at 97-99ºC.

The problem is that it has become really easy to monetize piracy: Installing adware, ransomware or cryptominers.

And the problem is that nobody checks this things, they all think some hackist in russia provides them with free games out of the kindness of their hards.

That doesn't happen anymore.

I was only bashing public trackers, you know, the thing that summerfriends and wageslaves use because they're too busy working their asses off to pay their student debt to check the internet for whenever a site or someone decides to share invites to a glorious private tracker.

I'm pretty sure that whatever game OP's talking about has a comment page full of comments from the uploader's botnet saying how the uploader dindu nuffin.

UAC doesn't mean shit if you just ignore it to install the newest Phil Fish Game:Malware Edition™ that some chucklefuck ironically shills and uploads to the already autistic share thread or some garbage site like KAT.

Games from Private Trackers have actual effort put into them. You will find several versions (Several languages, Windows/Mac/Linux, PC/Console, RIP/FULL) of both newer releases and otherwise dead games like Chaos Legion.

See above.

If you can't run the game you either receive quick and reliable support from a solid community or the torrent gets removed if the quality is shit to the point where nobody but the uploader can run it.

A single error in a foreign language doesn't necessarily mean that it changed your OS language, besides, cracks aren't supposed to install bitcoin miners either but here we are :^).

nice job

the old version was cracked. the new updated version is not cracked.

I've been pirating for years and never had any problems. Do people seriously get infected with that shit in this day and age?

They are the same people that click on 'there are hot girls near you click here to start talking'

also I really want to see a ransomware.

Do people seriously get infected with that shit in this day and age?

Well fam, consider the fact that Clinton fell for the "hey check out this forbidden XXX video" e-mail and got her servers hacked.

Doesn't that encrypt parts of your HDD and then demand you give them shekels for the password?

But she's an old bat with brain damage.

Holy shit
so every Japanese game is going to have this.

I knew MGS5 (and GZ as well) stories were going to be utter shit by the moment in the GZ intro were they show a clinically autistic spic boy with a tape recorder plugged into his body.

That scene disgusted me beyond belief on how uncool and ridiculous it was. It's the sort of shit I'd find more likely to see in a pretentious 2deep4u walking simulator or some shit made by marxist genderfluid SJWs.

Yeah, the MGS franchise is know for ridiculous and nonsensical shit, but the cool sort of ridiculous and nonsensical.

I only disagree in that the map design for MGS5 is shit too. Gameplay is fine but far from 10/10, more like a 6/10 or 7/10 at best. In conclusion, it's a total piece of garbage undeserving of the MGS name and completely on par with Denuvo.

Generally speaking MGS5 was the complete opposite of MGS4. MGS4 had worse gameplay but better (though still flawed) map design and amazing story and characters.

user, those two don't go together unless you work at a fastfood restaurant or some other shitty job like that. My salary is more than enough to buy every console and upgraded PC with almost every games each are offering. Luckily my job is pretty lax to the point I just walk in and punch in, inspect/repair, go back home and play till time to punch out. Only thing I don't play is MMO, but I don't feel like I'm missing out I've played MMOs when I was a legitimate NEET. Still found it boring

Vid related.

She has the world's top Happy Merchants with her and whoever's against her falls accidentally fall on bullets.

You don't have to go around showing your dick you know. not everyone is a 1st word. a ps4 is worth two months of a teacher's my dad salary here.

And that's why you'll be a wageslave for the rest of your life until the day you should already be retired.

shit-tier trolling or buyer's regret beyond down syndrome?

I'm actually in a third world country. But sometimes I feel like I'm getting paid too much when I compare myself to, let's say, doctors. They get 1/3 of what I get and I'm not even a manager yet.

Buyer's syndrome implies I'm regretting spending money. It's tough regretting that when money is almost a non-issue like the air we breath.

To be fair, most malware these days is from scripting on webpages and macros in pdf/office documents. If you dont understand that turning macros on inside a word document allows them to delete system32 then its really easy to fall for.

You can't actually delete system32. I've tried it.

Fucking Russians. One job they have, one.

That doesn't make her smart user, just lacking a soul.

But user that's proof that you're retarded.

Objective torrent tier list
God tier:
Fitgirl(that music and awesome installation screenshots)

Shit tier:
R.G. Mechanics(takes ages to install, cuts out splash screens and movies for an unskippable splash screen of their shitty Bethesda logo)

Idunnolol tier:
everyone else

Fucking gullible faggots as usual. Holy fuck what amateurs never trust Slav sources no matter how reliable. Assume everything suspicious and out of place may be Malware.

What do you guys think is the best antivirus?

At the moment I'm using the free version of BitDefender. Seems to get the job done without any annoying popups or bloatware. Also would it be worth it for me to acquire a non-free version of an antivirus, and which one?

common sense ?


Its actually really easy to, you just have to take control of the folder first. Note you wont be able to delete everything in the folder while running simply because a couple files will lock and it will crash before it finishes.

If you navigate to it through explorer though, yea, you cant just right click -> delete.

Using UMatrix defensively and not being retarded.
Have Malwarebytes as a backup for the occasional slip up.

Built in windows defender is fine unless you plan on activly trying to download viruses. Paying for anything is not worth it for a personal computer. Buy yourself a 500gb external for the same price and backup your computer instead.

Its worth 1 buck and a big, fat check from Zenimax, because you have to mod the crap out of it to bring to its full potential. Pirate IDTech 5 and make a new Nudoom instead, I say. What a fucking waste.

i dled a cracked sims 4, ignored virus warnings and played the game. How retarded am I? Is it ever safe to TRUST faggots on the internet to not lie about false positives? What do if I'm otherwise technologically illiterate (except killing myself)?

Didn't know about uMatrix, thanks. I got Malware Bytes as well but it doesn't provide active protection. I only got BitDefender because I figured Windows Defender was shit

Apparently a lot of cracks create false positives. I'd still run a scan with Malwarebytes and see what types of things are detected,

Also who released that download? If it's a trusted uploader/cracker then you're probably fine.

Big surprise.

Why would anyone lie on the internet?

I bought it because I had to get a license for some IT work, and so far it's been pretty good.

Get into Holla Forums user I know it's intimidating but the only bar of entry is patience and being able to do some math. Plus most viruses can be spotted if you actually pay attention to what should and should not be in anything you pirate.

NoScript and request policy are must have pugins for Fire Fox, you'll pretty much nullify surprise unwanted auto-malware downloading popup adds, thoroughly verify where everything is without Ghostery's datamining, and it pre-emptively neuter those addware redirects sites likeigg-games uses for their shekels.

THESE crackers ARE small TIME

Even if MGS5 was the best game to have ever been created you are still a retard

I never use FitGirl repacks because like a retard it's set to use the C drive to unpack. My C drive is an SSD with very limited space, because I use other drives for all of my gaming. No, I'm not opening up 50GB of the 120 total just so that latestshitbloatedAAAgame.exe can unpack all of its uncompressed audio.

It always helps to read the comments for the torrents. It's nuts how many bitcoin miners there are now and how the mods don't ever seem to do anything about them like removing the torrents from the site.