I'll be called d&c for spreading the truth
I'm sick of this bullshit

Wake the fuck up anons
This shabbos Goy doesn't serve you he's a figurehead that played you for (((them)))

Other urls found in this thread:

maybe his thoughts are about them burning in hellkfire, faggot

maybe his thoughts are about them burning in hellkfire, faggot


Checkin' Trump's dubs.

No one here ever thought Trump was going to be Hitler 2.0 you dumb fuck. You clearly aren't from here, shill elsewhere.

Trump plays both sides. But with washington filled to the brim with blackmailers he must make more concessions for the kikes. He is his own guy trying to play both sides in the end.

But seriously I think this specific post is to mock the muh wallers. His exact words are "my thoughts are with". Does that mean "I fully and whole heartedly support all kikes and want it up the ass"? No it means he is playing 1488d chess on both sides. With a obvious leaning to the kikes because he has to keep them from jfk'ing him with blackmailed politicians and senators.



But Hitler was a Rothschild and then a so called Jew aka. member of Synagogue of Satan (who are not really Jews).

What you have to understand is that the kikes have all the power. It doesn't matter who's president, they will still have to (at least publicly) kowtow to the kikes a bit otherwise they will get booted out or killed. You really think Trump is going to post Gas the Kikes Race War Now ? Don't be so fucking stupid.

This is not in conflict with anything I'd believed about him prior. Kike shill detected.

Kill your fucking self

/OUR/ shabbos goy.

These Soros puppet shills are pathetic. Really, going to Whiteopia and spewing faggoty good goy leftist catchphrases?
If I was running CTR or whatever, I'd have them executed. It'd probably cost less and do less damage than keeping them on the payroll.

OP, are you supposed to be working on Your Kippur?

Captcha: ucokaz

Oh man, that's quite the policy proposal on his behalf. Oh, wait, it's a twitter comment. You're a fucking moron.

Next election, bro.



No one said that Trumptard, you're refuting yourself, kek.

I shall remind you that feminists always push for increasing the age of consent. In times of old, that girl would have been married off to a wealthy man.

Dumb nigger.

First day shilling?



Note the classic shill response of picking out a word

and then the usual every timeā€¦

Shills have to care about fitting in, not lone posters on a messageboard

get some new tactics shill

It was her turn!
gas yourself


the shill just wants replies















oy vey, you are going to have to work harder for your shekels goldberg.

Yes I must be jewish even though Trump gave a speech to the UN that might as well have been written by Benjamin Netinyahu himself

So Trump totally sells out everyone that should be >fitting in every time. There were bad people on both side right, even though the whole thing was contrived and fake but ok yeah.

You're either a leftist shill that likes to anger people so they do your work for you or you're a legit pretending Trump isn't BTFO at this point. He is, you're either a shill or retarded. If me saying that means i'm not fitting in then this place is for retards.