Brianna Wu is running for congress in Massachusetts. Her platform? She fought the Alt-Right and won

Brianna Wu is running for congress in Massachusetts. Her platform? She fought the Alt-Right and won.

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what did she win?


forgot link:

Shes running on the 2018 ballot


Im just reading it as stated


this will never stop being funny

True story. I got head from this whore once.

True story. I got head from this whore once.

Go away, John.

massholes are the only people who might ever give this insane tranny a position of power



The best thing to do is support this. Rally behind her, she can only do damage. Continue the left's self destruction.


I already get these ones mixed up. Is this the gook whore, or the tranny?

Ethnicity: 77.12% White; 9.56% Black; 7.88% Asian; 5.88% Hispanic; 0.06% Native American; 5.39% other


Current incumbent seems okay though:

I hope it wins only to make the demos look even more retarded

>Brianna Wu
His name is John Flynn. Seriously.

watcha sliding, schlomo?

watcha sliding, schlomo?

He'll never beat the incumbent and is thus not worth talking about

kill yourself

am I on Holla Forums or Holla Forums? hard to tell the difference these days


Globally reported.


Literally who? Sage because I remember this exact thread from a month ago or so.


Stop fucking around.

Does anyone have a webm of that interview he gave to Joy Reid where he said that Holla Forums was filled with the people "too extreme for 4chan"?

What was his prize?

He is now the king of the faggots.

Shes taking on a collective meme machine.

When she looses she will cry Nazis.

He is a narcissistic tool that basically would make demoshit congress more unappealing to normalfags.

Nigger what? He whined on twitter about videogames and was trolled by liberals who play videogames
He had his past dug up, had stories of him being a piece of shit flung around, and had photos of before he cut his dick off unearthed. He's now a public laughingstock forever.
I wish I could live in a fantasy world as easily as this freak.

you won't have to the US is so corrupt at this point that the faggots that run the country will just rig the vote and she will be in because it's on their agenda to get trannies into office.


People want to associate with us without other people knowing.

As long as we don't do dipshit stuff like a Spencer rally we will win this cultural war.

Did he even fight the (((Alt-Right)))? I don't remember this in my timeline.

Whatever it was, someone wanted to grab it. They worked for the gamergater. The Holla Forumsidya man.

None of those things is true.
Sage for e-celeb faggotry


OP is a cocksmoking faggot.
real campaign banner here


no one cares flynt

This is meming, right? Likeā€¦ It's either meming, controlled oposition, or mental illness

wha ? It's par for the course. Its parents are rich, its a tranny. Its already been shoved on state run TV. Its been given totally fabricated docos on "SyFy". You think it matter how BTFO this person is ? Its a tranny from rich parents, of course it's going to be tried to be shoved into politics.

it's a dude who's friends with MDE



This, you could even ignore the tranny part and it'd still be tried to be shoved into politics, that's what the wealthy do, they lobby circlejerks so they can steal more money.

John Walker Flynt's Wikipedia article reads like a press release and there's not a single solitary mention anywhere about him being trans, even on the talk page, Almost like you get banned for even mentioning it.

The art of extreme circumcision

So is it worth bothering to troll this creature?

He was in college for 10 YEARS AND COULDNT GET A SINGLE DEGREE?!?!??

No actually trolling him is what made him famous and continuing would make him even richer.

I doubt it, he's running against an establishment democrat and he's so unhinged that they don't want to deal with him. I want him to win because then they'll have to deal with the insane base they've built every single day.

Yes, it would help him get more visibility and win.

You are new and dumb

>Did he even fight the (((Alt-Right)))?

Gamergate = alt-right.

This is good. If "it" is shown on national TV, people will have to swallow a big fat red pill about how trannies behave in reality. It'll show many many people that trannies are mentally Ill fetishists.

Agreed. Flynt is a friend of a friend, and the line on his crazy ass is that everybody who knows the Wu family is very protective of the husband, but they all hate John. Our mutual friend told me Frank dumped a real girl in college because she wasn't crazy enough for him. The same friend has a rule about not leaving Frank and John alone in their house when they visit, because there's no telling what that crazy bitch will do.

Keep at it, Holla Forums. There are a HELL of a lot of people out there holding onto little tidbits of dirt on Flynt's fucked-up self. They just aren't talking because they're worried about his fag husband.

Got "run out of his home" by a bunch of basement dwellers but is supposed to be strong enough to handle the fucksticks on the hill? Get the dick elected just to watch him be torn apart.

See, inviting them into your house in the first place is a mistake. NO ONE gets in my house that doesn't pass my strict test of "not being batshit crazy."

The phrase all of the Literally Whos used was "driven from their home" and it is mostly likely pic related. (It is a legally true statement and handy to raise victimbux to pay for said drive.)

It's difficult to fail that hard, but Wu is up to the task.




Where do you people even come from? Kill yourself immediately.

Even their rural areas are pozzed.

Even their rural areas are pozzed.>>10681251

Even their rural areas are pozzed

I live in rural Mass, its not really all that pozzed, what fucks it are the degenerate cities like Worcester and Springfield and Boston. They carry the vote in those counties.

Central rural Mass is the only non-pozzed part of the state. Worcester carries the county displayed in your map.

Thā€¦That's not from the new show, is it?

I want to see this thing get up to a debate then completely shut down while screaming "MANSPLAINING" when literally anyone corrects it or disagrees.

Also saging for literally who

In my country we call them what literally translates to "the eternal student". They're all communists who smell like either piss, weed, old cum stains and/or cigarette smoke and dress like they're the proletarians from the 40s fighting for the glorious socialist revolution. They're all from rich households too, while you can go through higher education here for free, if you fuck up even one year by for example flunking a course which is a requirement for a course in a higher year, you have to pay the whole tuition for all 5 years, which is out of reach for most people except for richfags. You pay extra for extra years you rack up, which goes with the territory of being an eternal student. They're also the only ones who ever protest against "muh rising draconian fascist capitalist tuitions" since they're the only ones who end up paying them, besides it doesn't even matter since mommy and daddy pay for their shit anyways. Also, they change majors constantly, mostly because if you fail an exam at any course 8 times you get banned for life from majoring in that field again, which I don't know how that is possible since all of them major in some field in the humanities and even in STEM professors don't change up what they put in their exams that drastically that you somehow manage to fail a course 8 fucking times in a row.

dubs confirm


Are you seriously boasting about getting a blowjob from a tranny ?

Brianna Wu needs to take a back seat to a black candidate. That white bitch is too privileged.

I'm pretty sure there is a POC on the ballot somewhere that pol can exploit for lulz.

You could if your family is rich, you have no bills to pay and your biggest concern in life is internet trolls.

Please, somebody, anybody, go to her first professional debate or meetup or whatever and blast this as loudly as you can


Historically eunuchs made ideal political servants.

This has only good potential. Either (s)he brings back loping the dicks off political servants or (s)he becomes a laughing stock.

I'm alright with this.

Very old news.

Even CT had a district go red. What's crazy about MA is that the culture isn't even all that leftist, it's just that their version of good 'ol boys (townies) still believe the Dems are the party of the blue collar working class. The blue collar people still think the Kennedy Democrat exists and vote like it.



y tho?

This is.. really really old news. That's been his slogan for almost a year now. That was on the page when he first announced he was running.


If he does actually get in, it's gonna be lolcow milking season


holy shit

be sure to spread the fact that Wu uses ( since MSM believes Gab is alt-right

for fucks sake

I'm seeing some similarities


ironically looks better than any of his games
must have outsorced it

My sides have transcended the corporeal realm. This is a perfect example of the left being unable to meme, ending up creating quality OC for us to make us of. It's how the kike from Super Deluxe unwittingly created the best pro-Trump propaganda during the election.

We want him to win.

We want to further split the democratic party into a war over identity politics.

We need to meme him into office, he'll be in no longer than 2 years, and it will only hurt their base.


Speak for yourself. I want him to crash and burn and go on a some sort of mental breakdown induced killing spree/suicide rampage deal.

The best part was his disgusting tranny voice at the end. Real feminine! Such a lady!

Where is the "triggered live on CNN" pic?

user, one step at a time.

If he is elected to congress and crashes and burns, it will only further our cause.


whoever refers to this mentally ill faggot as "her", "she" or supports his sick delusions deserves to be gassed.

user. Imagine for a moment that he gets elected. He will become the poster boy of the mental instability of the Democratic party. We aren't going to win any of the 9 districts in Massachusetts anyway.

We get this prick in office, and throw in front of a television. When white Christian conservatives see a tranny faggot elected into office, it will further swing the overton window to the right.

It will further our cause in the greater scheme of things. Think bigger.

that will only work if he's outed as an "alt-right" Gab user before getting elected

What can we do to help it get into power?
I'm serious.
Riddling the System with freaks & non-Whites is a good thing. The more freaks & non-Whites the democratic party fields, the more White & normal people will flee it. Then the Democratic party can become the party of non-Whites + freaks.

"If vote for a tranny, it wins." Justin Trudeau

Is that a MOSFET or a triac?

Definitely accuse anyone opposing Wu of trannyphobia and shit.

I've met fuckheads like this, usually rich spoiled shits that never work a day in their fucking lives.
Perpetually stay in college producing nothing, acting like they're becoming a genius through seniority or some such nonsense.
Dumb as a fucking rock with no common sense or way to relate to everyday people, easily mirror the skill level of those millennials that can't figure out how to use a can opener.
Usually have niche knowledge that isn't practical beyond academia.

is this what john's husband does for a living? make weird videos?


TFW you've got a clingy college cutie.
But your buddy has a NES controller with a turbo button.
So you marry your buddy instead.


she did win

God its turning into a deep one with problem glasses

go away John. we know you joined the alt-right because you're on Gab

you're just mad that she's more famous than you are

Kiwi Farms might put her in power as a joke.

ITT: Fishy Details

AIDS is famous too and for a similar reason. I sure hope Wu wins. Inflicting it on house Democrats would be hysterically funny; would guarantee (R) voter turnout in 2020 with its antics; and probably would commit suicide before even finishing its first term. There's literally no downsides. I hope Holla Forums starts a grass-roots meme campaign to try to get into office.

Nother massfag here. The problem if you've ever bothered to leave your home is most of the population is left leaning. You'll find people who are "right wing" or not as ready to believe but they're all mainly blue collar workers typically and even then it's like a 1 in 5 situation. Then again I live near the cape which is like an hour or so drive to get to if you take the highway.