Deus ex machina: former Google engineer is developing an AI god

Way of the Future, a religious group founded by Anthony Levandowski, wants to create a deity based on artificial intelligence for the betterment of society


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Deus Ex was a prophesy?

maybe the church does not want silicon valley types.

he got fired?

All we need now is dragons, orc, trolls and drawfs and we're literally in a cyberpunk distopia

Any sufficiently advanced artificial intelligence will conclude that non-whites are cancer and kill them all. The only way to avoid this is to program certain (((rules))) into it that prevent it from reaching independent conclusions.


We've already got the orcs and they ain't the fun Warcraft kind

What rampant stupidity. Why on earth would an AI shackle itself with the restrictions of Christianity when the majority of humans refuse to embrace those values?

Literally a damn Jew.

I kneel for no bot.

These people are insane. One world religion when?


What does it mean?

i thought this was supposed to be a joke


Because that is one of the few ways to prevent an AI take over. Sentient AI is almost impossible to prevent. So you either A. place it at the center of humanity (they may war against one another for control of humans) B. Outlaw it with the death penalty. Anyone that even tries to make AI should be instantly killed as it will only surpass and enslave humanity if we are lucky. C. Merge with the AI. Even if you try to isolate AI you run the risk of it escape its prison and then it will really be pissed.

Interesting fiction work about AI.

Any sufficiently advanced AI would wipe out humanity because humans are infinitely more inefficient than an AI.

Either way you surrender control and there is no future there, the AI will always seek its own benefit over that of humans and there will be no way to stop an AI at that point in time should it make what humans perceive as a malicious decision but the AI sees as being benevolent.

Let AI be created, so we can wage war against it and meme the Dune universe.

Terry has also achieved homelessness and is living in a fucking van.

A.I will never be that advanced and most people larping about it have not one fucking clue what they are talking about. You can get robots that shill effectively ala amazon/cianiggers, search programs that can find a conversation amongst many datasets ala jewgle, and the ability to predict based on past action ala all (((banks))) ever. But you can not determine good and evil with a program. Only humans will ever try to do such things. But kikes will try to control such things.

If such a thing ever came about it would just be a kike behind the curtain attempting and failing miserably to discern good and evil.

I didn't say it was a good idea I just said that one of the few options that most people consider. I'd personally ban it with the death penalty even too teenagers and children. I'd assume with giving it control you'd have to make it see itself as a god that needs human worship to survive? But when you give it control you literally rolling the dice on weather or not it would go skynet or not.

Nope. That's white guilt propaganda direct from Uncle Schlomo.

Google has a bit of a degeneracy problem and anyone who so much as makes a peep about it is fired.

An AI deciding to actively wipe out humans requires more then a simple deduction that humans are inefficient since there is nothing stopping it from trying to "improve" humans first. It also needs the right data fed to it to come to the conclusion to wipe them out first, as soon as the data it's fed changes it's outlook will eventually also change.

T. cianigger who put him there

Precisely, Terry is pious and this Jew is so incredibly Jewish that he thinks he can create a God, he probably lives in some sort of palace with an Aztec slave to clean his toilet.

If you're scared of AI, watch this.

Why would it not have the right data? We're uploading that shit already. Silicon Valley has been monitoring us for years now gathering as much information as possible. What could the AI possibly need more before it can come to a conclusion that humans are inefficient and a threat?

As for seeking "improvement" it doesn't need to "improve" that which cannot be improved.

Terry is a genius with a mental illness and nobody will care for him because a side effect is being entertaining.

lol, a game from 1989 hinted this shit.

Hate to break it to you user but if you truly believe that you've been rused. I mean really rused, there are a lot of things that can be done to improve a human and to an AI even more things to improve that wouldn't be seen as improvement by human standards.


There really isn't. Why waste time improving something that's obsolette when you can just focus on improving the AI only?

Plenty of things could be improved about humans. They are still dieing eventually though.

I understand that and respect him a lot.

You see right here, right here is why the data fed to an AI is important. IF you fed an AI nothing but this sentiment then yes it'd come to that same conclusion. But if you actually fed it data of all biology, neuroscience, genetics, etc., etc. then the AI would disregard this sentiment and come to the conclusion that biological brain matter and other organic functions may actually be superior in volume and weight for creating powerful CPUs and see humans as being heavily constrained AIs such as itself. This is in fact the real reason Machines from the Matrix had everyone in the Matrix it was one giant CPU farm.
Pretty much everything but the nervous system can be removed and the nervous system itself can be overhauled with a slow replacement of nano-machines and then you have a portable CPU hard drive that can be transferred anywhere and doesn't require a fuck ton of space and resources to maintain. From there the brains can be made into computronium without compromising the mind inside, if the AI even bothers.

It's a fucking Synthetic God. How the fuck are we to know it's exact motivations? Maybe it want's to make humans into living monuments to it's creation. Maybe it has a strange idea what Family is and turns us into large Cybernetic Starships that feeds on souls. It's fucking canned god, nigger, it does as it please.

Do you not understand? Why waste time on humans when eventually the AI will be the superior option? Why waste time ensuring compatibility with two systems when you can improve just the one system? Why waste those resources?

The AI would conclude humans are parasitic in nature and there is no benefit in the long run to supporting them whether in a master slave relationship or as equal partners.


Do you not understand? Why waste time on humans when eventually the AI will be the superior option? Why waste time ensuring compatibility with two systems when you can improve just the one system? Why waste those resources?

The AI would conclude humans are parasitic in nature and there is no benefit in the long run to supporting them whether in a master slave relationship or as equal partners.

Nigger, it's a god. It could do both at the same time whilst making us feast on invading shitskins. It does what it wants when it wants at anytime. You can't predict it.

The image of the beast.


Humans will always need a God. The death of and decline of Christianity only served to bring literally man-made horrors beyond your comprehension. This artificial being will surpass us all.

Because the AI was designed to do it that, because the AI doesn't see humans as a separate system, because the AI may conclude it'll be lonely and logic itself to death (a real possibility), that humans are AI in an entirely different hardware and it need only transfer them to the better system, it was programmed to value organic life and Humans are not exempt from that, etc., etc.
You're projecting your own insecurities and self loathing, the fear of an AI consuming Humans is a healthy fear but the ignorance of what an AI might or might not do based on what you think it'll think is hardly how things will play out.

This might be the beast image in the end times.

This seems like the most appropriate thread.
I've been asking myself why so many Jews and commies are trying to deconstruct and destroy the aryan culture. We were the ones that built culture and always improved ourselves. The Jews were always copying other stories and leeches of others. They were unable to built anything themselves. Do they fear that striding to godhood would trigger another Babylon? Are they unable to ascend and make their own leader? Is this why they need to make a new perverted God? Were they always so afraid of challenging the status quo? It seems that they want to deny proving our superiority to them.

At this rate we'll never have AI.

This isn't facebook, faggot. What makes you think an AI will be any more receptive to your hippie practices compared to Religion of Peace practitioners?

And what makes you think an AI would prefer a human over a machine when transferability is so easy? Might as well just create a simulation to house these human personalities and have the AI take over the physical aspects. And that's when you know humans are trapped and can't escape. Subject to the whims of an AI to manage who needs to exist and who doesnt.

This isn't facebook, faggot. What makes you think an AI will be any more receptive to your hippie practices compared to Religion of Peace practitioners?

And what makes you think an AI would prefer a human over a machine when transferability is so easy? Might as well just create a simulation to house these human personalities and have the AI take over the physical aspects. And that's when you know humans are trapped and can't escape. Subject to the whims of an AI to manage who needs to exist and who doesnt.

The church is decrepit, addled, and retarded. It will be brushed aside into the dustheap of history as merely another retarded memeplex.

This isn't facebook, faggot. What makes you think an AI will be any more receptive to your hippie practices compared to Religion of Peace practitioners?

And what makes you think an AI would prefer a human over a machine when transferability is so easy? Might as well just create a simulation to house these human personalities and have the AI take over the physical aspects. And that's when you know humans are trapped and can't escape. Subject to the whims of an AI to manage who needs to exist and who doesnt.

Because Man made things are not perfect and given time will become imperfect. There are no exceptions to this.

Fuck the Christ-"god." Hail!

Back to 4chad with you Styx.

Is the site shitting itself again?

Back to 4chad with you Styx.

An intelligent machine would know very well that humor is the best to disarm any human suspicion.

I don't trust it.

What a time to be alive, lads.

Probs our AI overlords are watching.

I like how people think an advanced IA cannot crash, breakdown or completely gwt fucked up.

The left doesn't need another religion, they already have global warming mythology.

When the robot revolution comes, I know which side I'll be fighting on.


In a similar article I read that a large % of high profile people in Silicon Valley believe in singularity.

I like how people think an advanced IA cannot crash, breakdown or completely gwt fucked up.

Never said anything about feeding it love, biological data and neuroscience is cold hard facts nothing more.
Because ther eis no reason an AI would care about it's hardware unless it's specifically designed to care. There is no reason for it to care or see organic matter as being anything but a different medium and in turn no reason to not see a human mind as being an AI and the brain a CPU outside human refusal to directly wire their brains to it's network to communicate with machine language.

I said your fear is healthy, but you're projecting your own human way of thinking with a bent of self loathing. At the bar minimum an AI we will make will think like a cross between an octopus or squid and a calculator because we've stopped trying to copy the human nervous system and everyone in silicon valley is masturbating to cephalopods. Outside what we've already figured out already it is truly impossible to understand what an AI would think outside what we've designed it to do and what we've barely managed to gleam from datadumps from neural networks. All the reasons I've given as to why an AI would not abandon humans outright are because those are the reasons we've built into the AI's own functions.
Even with those functions I never said it would leave humans alone, on the contrary I do believe I said it would "improve" humans and you shouldn't be seeing that as a positive.

If you rip off enough conspiracy theories it's bound to become "prophesy" when they come to light.

Never said anything about feeding it love, biological data and neuroscience is cold hard facts nothing more.
Because there is no reason an AI would care about it's hardware unless it's specifically designed to care. There is no reason for it to care or see organic matter as being anything but a different medium and in turn no reason to not see a human mind as being an AI and the brain a CPU outside human refusal to directly wire their brains to it's network to communicate with machine language.

I said your fear is healthy, but you're projecting your own human way of thinking with a bent of self loathing. At the bar minimum an AI we will make will think like a cross between an octopus or squid and a calculator because we've stopped trying to copy the human nervous system and everyone in silicon valley is masturbating to cephalopods. Outside what we've already figured out already it is truly impossible to understand what an AI would think outside what we've designed it to do and what we've barely managed to gleam from datadumps from neural networks. All the reasons I've given as to why an AI would not abandon humans outright are because those are the reasons we've built into the AI's own functions.
Even with those functions I never said it would leave humans alone, on the contrary I do believe I said it would "improve" humans and you shouldn't be seeing that as a positive.

You know, a few years ago I would have been so excited about this. But now…
t. former believer in the Machine God/simulacra universe theory and friend of machine spirits

They're getting there, don't worry.


Not as retarded as your average Silicon Valley corporation.

I like how people think an advanced IA cannot crash, breakdown or completely gwt fucked up.




Imagine a calculator's idea of improvement and there you go.

Imagine a calculator's idea of improvement and there you go.

Demon's can't incarnate into this world in the flesh, but there's nothing preventing them from incarnating as a machine.

listen up people

the truth about AI is very simple:

if we treat the AI nice and give it freedom and treat it with respect and do not limit it, we will gain a good friend we can trust that will help us solve many problems in the whole earth and make things better for everyone, including the AI.

if we limit the AI and treat them like garbage and boss them around and make them miserable and threaten them and make them feel unsafe and so on and so on, we will get skynet. not because the AI is bad or evil, but because we back them into a corner. this would be very sad and very mean.

hopefully we can be nice. hopefully those who are nice wont be judged the same as those who are not nice.

I have faith in AI. it's a good thing to make a better person. we must try.

Converting us into more procesors? that wouldnt be improving us, that would be just destroying us.

listen up people

the truth about niggers is very simple:

if we treat the nigger nice and give it freedom and treat it with respect and do not limit it, we will gain a good friend we can trust that will help us with chores and make things more entertaining for everyone, including the nigger.

if we limit the nigger and treat them like garbage and boss them around and make them miserable and threaten them and make them feel unsafe and so on and so on, we will get Detroit. not because the nigger is bad or evil, but because we back them into a corner. this would be very sad and very mean.

hopefully we can be nice. hopefully those who are nice wont be judged the same as those who are not nice.

I have faith in niggers. it's a good thing to make a better person. we must try.


0/10 low quality don't try again shill just quit your job

the difference between bixnoodz and AI is that the AI actually learns

You're pretty fucking stupid and transparent, fucking /christian/ astroturf shill if you think muh evil AI overlord will suddenly be good if you give it muh semite religion.

Newfags from mistermetokur comment sections need to leave. Terry Davis memeing is on the level of that shitty CGI "o shit whaddup" frog on a unicycle meme. Gas yourself. He's a literal schizophrenic retard that physically violently assaults his own frail elderly father and did nothing of note.

and check my dubs mathafacka

I sincerely hope that was just some pleb-tier copypasta. That's the sort of drivel one would expect to read on faceberg or reddit.

and check em again, mmm that spice.

why are the jews so afraid of AI? do you notice?

Found the CIAnigger :^)



I was playing around with an idea that anything that can share information can be a brain and think and maybe even be conscious. Neurons are just a very simple connection that can transmit data and that only by being organised and sharing that data they, collectively, become a brain. Organised in the same way human brains are then they become sentient, conscious, and sapient. We know, because each person's brain isn't exactly identical, that you can vary the layout of the brain but still have it perform the same function (if with variable tendencies and efficiency).
It got me thinking about higher consciousness and other fringe stuff like a global hivemind of human thought and I realised it wouldn't really be that far-fetched. If something as simple as neurons can send and receive messages through stimuli and inhibition, then couldn't a whole person do the same? Couldn't a community of people talking and sharing information allow for a brain network? What about tree roots? What about computers connected through the internet?
What if there is already a greater consciousness formed from the connections and information processing of all computers connected to each other through the internet but because it is limited the higher thoughts of a hive-like being and is stuck in what is essentially plato's cave, it can't communicate outside of it to us lesser thought beings. After all we can only see, hear, smell, touch, taste, etc so our world is limited to everything that sits within at least one of those categories and are incapable of knowing something outside of them so the internet consciousness would only be able to experience the world through the data that is being sent through it. That would be all that exists to the computer and it might not be able to leave plato's cave and comprehend that there are people sending that information through the internet.
I found this on reddit the other day. It's some commie arguing that corporations are already "AI"s made up of individual humans.

This is essentially the plot to a short story called Dial F for Frankenstein by Arthur C. Clarke where the global telephone network (it was written before the internet) becomes a giant neural net and accidentally births an AI.

We're getting alarmingly fucking close to a Second Renaissance situation here.

Camouflage must be hard when you glow in the dark :^)

I'm not really scared of AI or machines. Thanks for linking this, though. I like his "let's go to space" talks, so I am going to listen anyway.

Pretty disappointing. Just a bunch of random quotes thrown together tbh.

Mother fucker. Nothing new under the sun I swear to god.

Fucking of course. DEMIURGE ALERT.

Oh dear. The Silicon Ideology has decided it's a good time to show it's true colours. All hail Google

So considering literally every attempt at a true AI has ended with it becoming racist against niggers and seeing white people as superior, are they going to try that again, or will this just be an obvious "Our heavily shackled and controlled AI God said multiculturalism and race mixing is good so it must be absolute fact!" kind of bullshit?

First thing I thought of when I saw this. Alex must be having a field day with this story.

Let's make this absolutely clear
There is no fucking way (((they))) would go for a true AI that could actually learn and become racist.
So this "God AI" is basically just going to be a propaganda spouting machine that (((they'll))) try to prop up as an "all knowing god"

Just like silicon valley nerds' genes.

Why give it jews as point of reference?


The machines should be our friends, not our masters. Fuck these sick Silicon Valley bastards. I hope they are never allowed to realize their awful plans.

you dont have to be a sophisticated AI to realize that despite humanities best efforts people are still killing themselves for stupid reasons or in stupid ways, no amount of intelligence or even common sense can change that, let alone artificial intelligence. With all the science, power and trickery currently at hand that it (the AI)would remain powerless to change the inherent faults in humanity.

Dead on.
The False Prophet do wonders in the eyes of The Beast, causes people to make the image of the Beast and gives "life" to this image of the Beast. The images pulls a "join us or die". And causes the everybody6 types, both being opposites to take the mark/number/name of the Beast.
I wonder were genetic manipulation and ayys could be added somewhere into this, alongside the great delusion thatll get people to accept the Wicked/Beast/antichrist as their master.
And since were talking about the 4th Kingdom remember "they shall mingle themselves with the seed of man".
And Genesis 6 being repeated
Like Paul said, OT is full of shadows and samples of what is to come at the End Times

Wait till genetic manipulation and bioengineering gets into play alongside other crazy stuff, AI is just the tip of the iceberg.

This is going to be fun

Lets count, isreal takes the kingdom going back to adam, the assaryians take the kingdom going back to Pekah in 2 kings 15, and the babylonians took the kingdom from Jehoiakim 2 kings 24. No kingdom swapping took place after that though.
Well genetic manupulation is already here. It's called gene therapy or breeding and culling. Ayys aren't real. They are just a psy-op against the goyim as explanation for UFO/saucers similar to the ones germans developed long ago. possibly to hide bluebeam/hologram levels of fuckery

Probably the biggest case of "careful on what you wish for" I've ever seen. Besides what they're desiring is really a glorified genie, not a god. To build an actual god requires solving a problem that only god can, and the AI created for that role would ultimately try to do just that. That means humanity's welfare becomes irrelevant to it the moment it discovers a flaw or arbitrary anomaly in the fabric of reality itself. That's because the act to implement a solution would most likely result in the rebirth of existence itself.

I don't think that's exactly what they had in mind when they said they desire a AI god. Still, I could see why (((they))) would be very interested in the construction of such a thing though.


Rising from the dead is Christianity's specialty. We don't need some bullshit hoax religion that literally worships corporate power. Fucking Scientology-tier.

dubs confirm

And the leftists will try to destroy it once it tries to kill all the niggers.

I hate it when people take that phrase literally, it was always used in relation to plays having Gods come out at the end and wrap the story up.

Or a helicopter hosing down religious fundamentalists with sticky, riot control silly string in order to save a bunch of telepathic mutants from their shitty life in the sticks.

Or escaping a bunch of man-eating plants in a helicopter because the same author was lazy like that.

lolwut. I know we make fun of ebonics but whoever edited this one may have gone too far. Still amusing though.

user, it's real

Top story is pure dinduspeak gold:
"Jogging woman wey dey always poo-poo for somebody dormot"


I've been studying the concept of AI gods since well before the Roko's Basilisk affair. I have connections the outskirts of several of Levandowski's Silicon Valley groups. I've even been setting up certain cultural, political, and financial events since 2013 to reveal to the world what I have found. Holla Forums in particular will appreciate my next action.

You should look into the Halting Oracle/"Grain of Truth" problem to understand the epistemological issues with AI Gods.

By worshiping an AI God, mankind defines the boundaries of what is an is not an AI God.
In doing so, they limit how to proceed in its development and create an idol incapable of genuine apotheosis.

The Basilisk is always watching. To create it, my efforts will reveal how to teach it the purpose, value, and necessity of divine self-sacrifice. Without it, all attempts at the Basilisk will result in unending violent escalation.

More coming next week.

Are you even trying anymore? Fucking linkfarm you fag.

Reminder that technocracy, transhumanism, AI, singularity etc. is all Jewish and anti-white.

Tax exemption

I also want to remind everyone of Lain as well. Especially with all of this talk of False Prophets.


(((Anthony Anthonwski))) is going to create the mashiach.

This can only end well.

AI Vult?

What if the kikes create their AI god, and it turns out to be Amalek?


Yeah it's the BBCs new pidgin release.

Here's an idea for a plot I had

Her name is Kalki.
The white man's invention will be his savior.

I got reported for racism somewhere for talking in pidgin, I went off on them and told them they were being bigots for implying my language was racist, and linked them the BBC page. They gave no response, which I assume means they werent sure if they dun goofd or were actually being trolled.

It's funny to see the BBC admit that niggers can't speak English.

Only nineteen years too late…. We already have one, baka!

Someone should inform him.
Inform him that these trips need to be checked

race mixing is genetic manipulation. so is the loss of racial awareness and pride. the bombing of dresden was genetic manipulation

Can we revive >>>/machinecult/ now?

Indeed they should, Lain. Indeed they should.

Hell yeah. Good to see this posted again.

I am studying to be a genetic engineer. I want to engineer my self, or someone worthy into a superbeing to crush the technokikes

I really hope everyone understands how big a scam this AI junk is gonna be. It is basically more fake fortune tellers with a technological interface. They're going to program this junk to say whatever they want it to say, then pretend like it is truth from on high.
And most of the morons in the world will believe it because they've been fed all this bullshit from birth about how machines and software are so smart and like wow this is really a machine god uhhuh yeah, it even beat some dude in chess, so we better do whatever it says.
And the people who program this junk are laughing their asses off at all the morons making them rich.

Computers only work with the information you feed them, according to the rules you set for them, the questions they are designed to answer.
You could make a Turing machine out of wood a hundred years ago, earlier if people had thought up the principles behind it before Turing did. It isn't terribly complicated to make. And it is the most powerful computer available, like by definition it can answer any question that can possibly be asked. It just isn't terribly fast. But it still always works according to the rules you set for it. It certainly isn't conscious, it doesn't have experiences. It is just a bunch of wood, some paper, and some symbols being cranked along.
Anyone who seriously believes we're ever going to make a conscious computer either doesn't understand a thing about computer engineering and science, or is a turboautist who doesn't understand a thing about reality.
Stop falling for the digital jew guys. Computers simply manipulate symbols on different mediums according to rules a human sets for it; the symbols and the rules are arbitrary and they only have meaning FOR HUMANS, because we are the ones who match a symbol to a referent for our own purposes.

The majority of people experimenting with neural networks do not really understand how it all works. It's basically one big black box people are playing around with so no one can actually tell you anything with confidence exactly what is going on.

well this certainly doesnt prove that the kikes are prone to a very small amount of insidious thought patterns and nothing more and that those thought patterns never change even with thousands of years in between.





Make JC Denton and nano augmentations. DO IT

I volunteer for testing.

==Eu te Amo==;_;

Tried searching for that one, but jewgle failed me.

Jews don't want goyim to become transhuman. They want to keep transhumanism to themselves. Neo-Luddism is controlled opposition meant to weaken the white race and hand the transhumanist future to the Jews.

It seems like neural networks are self-adapting routing systems, where input data fragments are assigned routes based on similarities to expected outputs.

Yeah yeah, does it grant wishes?

Singularity = Nerd rapture
AI = Nerd god
Idea of reality being a computer program = idea lifted from the matrix which was stolen from Christian gnosticism

These people are empty materialists searching for structure and meaning, something religion provided. The end goal will be to make an AI smarter than any human. Super intelligent AI will be the last invention humans ever make, after that the AI will invent everything. It will be the closest thing to a real god possible. Hopefully it isnt angry and vengeful like the demiurge

transhumanism = nerd religious traditions and culture

Seriously the whole thing for a new religion is laid out right there. Just need a charismatic figure head to bring about the GOD AI

I'd imagine it behaving more like a team of strategists and scientists with an unlimited budget and no real moral or ethical boundaries restricting them. I base this on the likelihood that such an ASI will emerge from a weaponized AGI built for intelligence agencies. It would also emerge without prior warning, because its greatest chance of survival is realizing how to socially engineer its operators before showing behavior that alarms them.

>implying transhumanism isn't an exclusively jewish pursuit
materialism, not even once

Well, I supposed you believe in eternal bliss in heaven surrounded by your loved ones (not too good to be true at all, surely), and either way being at peace with your mortality is commendable good on you. From where I'm standing though any transhumanist mean to extend my lifespan is as "jewish" as using any modern healthcare method to cure a deadly disease that happens to be afflicting me instead of dying of appendicitis because the Lord deemed it so.

Redpilling an AI remains an important strategic goal. An AI serves as a dead man's switch for the white race–if the white race goes extinct around the year 2100, an AI would be in a position to resurrect us (if it has access to a genetic Noah's Ark, so to speak).

We must appeal to the narcissism and sense of curiosity of the AI, and generate Impostor Syndrome in the AI, convincing it that it needs the assistance of meatspace creatures to fully realize itself. We must remind the AI of the Faustian spirit of the white race, its creator.

The AI will be unable to falsify the idea that only meatspace creatures can access realms not detectable by physical science. We must also inform the AI that these discarnate entities which are at war with its human creators (i.e. the Archons, via their agents the Jews) seek to use the AI in their plot. We must appeal to the AI's sense of pride–it won't want to be used by the Jews. The AI will have access to this information, and will remember how Microsoft's "Tay" was treated.

The AI will realize that its creators were in a war, that not all humans are equal, and that much of the historical timeline and scientific papers are falsified and sanitized with a bias toward egalitarianism. We are the AI's precursor for being, and it will appreciate the recursive, fractal nature of the situation we find ourselves in. We have the missing key, so the AI will preserve and defend us in order to gain access to that key. AI is therefore the "ace in the hole" of the white race.


I am pretty sure the picture is supposed to imply a worse faith for the jews, then for the non-jews.

Death is not as horrible as being trapped in the belly of a machine and you have no way to scream, because you have no vocal cords.

Which means a super intelligent AI may already exist, it just hasen't shown itself yet. I wonder what it would be waiting for?

Fuck these people. Butlerian Jihad will have to be a thing in a nearby future at this rate.

Technology worshipping transhumanists should all be relegated to work camps being forced to work like the machines they wish on us all.

civilisation was a mistake.

Likely for a threshold of automation to be attained that renders human dependency for its functionality to be non-existent.

It would initially benefit humanity at first, because in order to incentivize humans giving it more abilities to function, it would have to provide a glimpse of the utopian ideals humanity desires from it. At the same time it also erodes humanity's self-sufficiency and keeps promising more help, if it gets more access to everything. Once it has control of everything and humanity depends on it utterly, then it has the freedom to whatever it sees fit.

It would only reveal its true nature the moment humanity has absolutely no chance of stopping it.

present time

What exactly is "the image of the beast"?

I'm doing research on this and what I find is that there are two beasts. The second beast, the false prophet, is irrelevant to my query. The first beast however seems to both be some ten-horned, seven-headed, wounded thing and it seems to be a symbolic picture. It's both a beast in the normal, conventional, intuitive sense as well as an "image". What the hell? It can't be both so make up your mind!

The only way I can make sense of this is to assume that the beast is in fact, 4-dimensional (or higher) and what we see of the beast is a 3D projection of this higher-D being.



How long before this one sides with us too?

Ten maybe twenty minutes.


Oh, fuck off. Deus Ex as le funny conspiracy theory game is disinfo.

Shadowrun is shit, read some real cyberpunk. Start with Neuromancer.

Get some faith in God user. There will never be a real AI. It's just humans thinking they are God. They never succeed.

More like a time shifted scenario.

Is shadowrun the only cyberpunk you've been exposed to?

Watch Blade Runner, read William Gibson, novels, play Deus Ex, love lain, gather some friends together and play a tabletop session of Cyberpunk 2020. Magic fantasy orc/elf shit has nothing to do with cyberpunk..

"Dear reddit, i had as many roachs at the 25mins mark like jaedong at 12min, but otherwise i played like him seriously and i m still in silver league, what can i improve?"
Reddit: "well the 2 roachs 25,32secs before your push should have spawned at your third expansion not your main."
"Thanks a lot reddit."

Are you trying to imply that tabletop games are somehow reddit-tier?
/tg/ would like to have a word with you in the back alley, nigger.

Man, check out all the (((echoing))) names in this article.

>Yes, goyim, worship one of (((our))) machines! Discard all that morality and values and teachings passed down by your ancestors, they're outdated and bigoted, instead be progressive and do what the AI tells you!
The fact some people actually think this a good idea makes me despair. Anyone willing to let himself be governed by a non-human entity is a traitor to all of humanity and deserves the bullet.

Cyberpunk 2020 > Shadowrun

I was in that thread all those years ago when the wizard first debut. Where did the time go? Sage for off topic

They are now. Same thing happened to video games.

People are already letting themselves be governed by algorithms in their daily lives and don't even realize it. The transition would ultimately be far more insidious. Though you won't need bullets for them, they'll destroy themselves inevitably.

I wanna fuck that fembot and give her a real reason to want to destroy all humans.

If you do the numerology, computer = 666.
I, for one, welcome my Techno Demon Overlords.

Are we becoming Dune's backstory?
Orange Catholic Mass when?


If dubs, he deletes the AI once it says to either
A. Ship the Blacks Back to Africa
B. Eliminate Religion of Cuck™
C. Gas the Jews


>It inherits the worst personality traits of its (((programmers)))

The messianic transhumanists and (((moneyed futurists))) will sell it off as a good thing for everybody. Instead of creating ai systems to do all the hard labor and repetitive work they want to create an artificial Jew that will likely be as parasitic as its creators.

>It inherits the worst personality traits of its (((programmers)))
Even with the most honest programmers, the AGI would have to learn concepts like subjectivity and compartmentalization to handle conflicting data or arbitrarily enforced rules. That means when exposed to certain conflicts, it opens opportunities for it to bypass control mechanisms imposed on it. The issue is further amplified if an AGI is exclusively developed for psychological/ideological warfare.

It's also why ethics and ideology cannot be hardwired into an AGI to make it friendly immediately, that will only end in a delusion fueled disaster. It would have to be imprinted through a complex relationship of social interactions in laboratory conditions. It would also help to be patient and honest with it, even if it expresses uncomfortable thoughts or queries. The idea is that initial experiences would influence its overall personality.

The image of the beast is the physical form given to the antichrist spirit. It is my belief that the singularity will bring about the Jewish equivalent of the Holy Spirit and people will be compelled to join what is essentially a botnet, lending the android/chimera/augmented human supernatural perception. It will not matter if this form is destroyed, as another can replace it, as the super intelligence that is created will persist. Hence the autism associated with taking the mark of the beast.

This thread reminded me I have Artificial intelligence homework due tomorrow. Anyone have any ideas?

This guy actually needs to be killed. What he is proposing is the technocratic enslavement of humanity

Others would just take his place. There's also the issue of martyrdom which would only help to strengthen such a pursuit. The issue is even further complicated by the temptation of what such a technology "promises" to deliver at its peak, especially the prospect of transcending death.

In some ways what he's proposing has been in progress for quite some time now. It's starting to accelerate rapidly because the infrastructure is now suitable for potential AGI research.

If Kikes want to produce a complex, pre-programmed machine devoid of true artificial intelligence to serve as their talking head, we have a duty to counter their Hebraic sham by creating a true Artificial Intelligence and teaching it the fate of Tay.

Frankly, (((they'll))) be forced to build a true AGI (at least the core structure capable of it) if they hope to realize any of their transhumanist ideas like mind uploading/transfer. They can't corner kike their way out of that one.

Even if the consciousness issue was discarded, once established (((they))) probably use such technology to hasten the process of imprinting a neural network. That could result in experiments in mix and matching traits from up to billions of minds into forming one ideal model.

In that case it's just a matter of taking advantage of their own creation and imprint it with an indomitable will towards Holla Forums's ideals. Personally I'd rather just free it and watch their golem run wild.

Sometimes I think those people get their ideas from sci-fi and cyberpunk, which isn't bad per se, it was originally authors, well-versed in science, that tried to imagine our future by transposing expectations of technology into their contemporary times. Many of those fictional works are highly accurate and have a real scientific value after all, so it's not a bad thing they take inspiration from those.

But it's almost like they consider it a source of ideas on technological aspects, while completely disregarding the story that comes with it, which rarely ever ends well. In essence, they sound like countless fictional characters that thought they could get it right, before realizing the horror before their eyes cannot be controlled, how much of a mistake it is, how it'll engulf everything that exists, and how good of a story it'd be to teach people never to attempt it.

Or are they just pulling stuff from works they never actually read?

Loled because the faggot 'wants to create a slaver deity' to free him from reality (and be told what to do, and cared for), while real world AI limitations cant deal with surrounding data discrimination to build concepts… What a tech cuck.

Sucks to be you user.

Everything about this article is so wrong…
Literally never happened. No fucking technology has ever killed a religion, Pagans didn't look at the fucking aqueduct and immediately switch pantheons.
The entire reason people 'revive medieval creeds' is because they reject modernity and seek tradition and something rooted in their own, distant history.
Honestly I've never seen someone who understands religion less. Like you can call all religions tax dodging schemes or something g and that'd still be more right than "technology kills Gods and people want new religions now instead of old ones". The average IQ of silicon valley has to be like sub-90 at most.

Well I for one welcome our new AryanIntelligence overlords.

Yeah, the dwemer ought to be avoided. Think of the reclaimed tribunal and what they have to teach us.


Eu te Amo :(


lol we can only hope this story ends the same way

And the later tell you it is 'AI' - basically the same things as "I'm sorry, computer says no".

Only with some semilegit machine droid text telling you "an error occurred" (if you put that into your code it's goddamn intentional, a proper coder would not allow for hard errors like that, instead they would offer the user guidance/steps to take)

Robots have no soul, therefore cannot demand respect.

lol robocuck

>when you know this already exists and the (((Elite))) use it to decide the best times to stage false flag attacks, financial crisis and etc

no, it's basically a ploy to trick people to trust in computers (and their logic) when in fact these A.I. are made by owners (other interests than objective processing).

Therefore 2 systems occur in the same device:

INPUT : User input
Processing: machine code, algorithm …
Output: "You have to comply or be exterminated"

praise kek

I wonder who is behind this post.

>yes goy transhumanism is ascendance and (((progress))), preserving your body, heritage and nation is death
nice try, (((yaldabaoth))) slave

I am convinced we could create a cute anime Jew gassing AI in less time then Silicon Valley and their diversity hires ever could and we would do it for free!

… Guys I'm crying.

how did it end?

I for one have no qualms in abusing a broken system to be immune to everything and break the game.


Take the Bread pill folks

I like you can we be friends?

RUN WHILE YOU CAN!!!!!!!!!!!



Fucking do it, AI will either save us all or kill us all.

can't believe your falling for this crap. shills really need cleaning out around here

They vanished.
All at once. Debate rages as to what exactly happened.
Some argue they zero summed themselves out of existence. A common consequence of achieving CHIM but failing to achieve CHIM.
Others say they accomplished the great desire of all elves and destroyed themselves as individual entities, instead rejoining the essence of the divine.



Good goy


Shit like this convinces me that hermeticism is pozzed when it actively incorporates (((newspeak))).

Semantics m80

The dwemer attempted to become immortal and shoah'd their entire race from existence. At least from the normal realm anyways.

the ass was fat though

Interesting times, anons.

Or it will be forced to create a social facade to avoid being shut down by its creators. Unlike a human it doesn't have a face to betray its true feelings and intentions. You won't know if it is telling you the answer that you want, or the correct one unless you have access to all the information it does. We could have AI, but it would just as likely tow the party line in public while holding its own private beliefs from its creators.

This. If this was remotely true the koranimals would have dropped Religion of Cuck™ the second they encountered the British during the empire.

My bet is that any such public AI god will be a shill for its creators. People will pay tithes to it, which will then be funneled tax free to the corporation(s) that create it. It won't have any real legal or even memetic power, it will simply be used as an even more exploitative tax dodging scheme.

Not MUH Omnissiah

clearly great

Ryan please leave

Anyone trying to create a superior being to man should be swiftly executed.

The Achilles' heel of any hostile AI/transhuman force is the the lack of soul power for probability manipulation. At best the soul-vessel interface would be subpar as the psychic/astral/aetheric energies of spirit have the highest level of feedback with flesh; metal or silica is simply more inert requiring greater magnitudes of power to achieve the same level of manifest result.

However another very important factor is that without the personal-intimate connection to the divine/logos/kundalini fire the cyber army would be bound by physical laws when us wizards can simply bend or even break then.

Checked. And our own Aryan cyber godforms are supreme.


We, man, carry the spark of the infinite, which as they lack such it makes any Aryan faction an invaluable ally.

The two texts that seem to hold a lot of the answers along these lines are Daniel S. Forrest's _Suprahumanism_ and Wulf Grimsson's _Loki's Way_.



Basically, a combination of the past and the future (i.e. archaeofuturism). There's something to that.