Melania Donates Dr. Seuss Books To Several Primary Schools…


MSM In Damage Control
Dr. Seuss can't be censored because

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At least break your links if you arn't even archiving them.

How can these kikes actually defend rejecting completely free donations of book to a school? I read all these books as a kid, they never even talk about race, at all, not for a single sentence. It looks like this kike bitch is just taking upon herself to #resist Blonalt Blumpft to the detriment of the students.

lmao these retarded cannibals

Links haven't needed to be broken for the majority of the year. Do they not pay you to learn anything before sending you off to shill?

Yep, that's the reason from what I gather.
I realize that isn't what you said


Not only that but that very same librarian dressed up lmao

this is purely political butthurt

I smirked


Kek they're going after all classical books now. There is another thread about some Swedish library banning stuff too.
How long before Berenstein Bears books get banned?

Here's the kike who rejected the books btw


You can't compromise with kikes. They'll withhold free gifts for their students and children just to spite you.

One fish, two fish, dead fish, jew fish. This one has a little car. This one wears a little star. Say! What a lot of fish there are.

I would gas them in a van, I would fry them in a pan. I would gas them in a drove, I would cook them in the stove.

Joey Ramone has really let himself go since he died.

This is just so fucking funny.

Nope. He was German-American.

No he's not, just searched his, I remember he wasn't a Jew because I remember being taught in catholic school about how what made him become a children's writer was him getting kicked out of his Christian private school for his heavy alcohol use. They were telling us about it as a children as an example of redemption.


Looks accurate. What's the problem?

My crititcs don't care for the rhymes that I spin
Perhaps they're just jealous of the profits I win.
You claim that I'm a racist and perhaps this is true.
Be careful what you claim since I'm also a jew!

Politics and satire abound! One who seeks controversy need only look around!
Thin skin may be soft but the truth is quite hard. If you seek the truth you need to look beyond your back yard.

My crititcs don't care for the rhymes that I spin
Perhaps they're just jealous of the profits I win.
You claim that I'm a racist and perhaps this is true.
Be careful what you claim since I'm also a jew!

Politics and satire abound! One who seeks controversy need only look around!
Thin skin may be soft but the truth is quite hard. If you seek the truth you need to look beyond your back yard.

if this double posts blame the alacrity demon


Dr. Seuss deserves more scrutiny in general from Holla Forums. His career started with writing pesticide advertisements for Standard Oil. He was then drafted into making propaganda films during WWII. After his official propaganda assignment ended, he immediately went into publishing children's books. How much do you want to bet that his government job never ended? That after the war, he became CIA or some other secret government propaganda agent?

Another fun fact about Dr. Seuss: He was the one who named the franchise "The Berenstain Bears." Yes, Dr. Seuss was heavily involved in developing, editing, and launching the early "Berenstain Bears" books/franchise.

Somewhere in all of this, Dr. Seuss fell in love with the wife of a family friend. Dr. Seuss' wife then committed suicide, so that he would be free to pursue a relationship with the other woman. Dr. Seuss' niece called the wife's suicide "her last and greatest gift to him."

The librarian and her accusations are insane, but Dr. Seuss is not the benevolent children's author that the media makes him out to be. There's something very off about that man and his career.


Semen or alacrity, the choice is clear
Sorry Hotwheels, she's getting pearls this year

I needed a good chuckle. Thank you.

Holy shit. I guess they didn't have >>>/cuckquean/ back in the day.


Am I being rused right now?

He was a filthy commie and good goy.

((is it?)))




Nothing makes a kike kvetch more than non jewish authors. Go ask like professors about historical non kike literature and see how they react.


We know

Damn, my bad. Figured Seuss was semi-crypto (still not a highly gentile name, and the dr doesn't help it) while Theodore Seuss Geisel was echo af.

The solution is not to try and fix the system we live under now, but to instead abandon it altogether. Until we create our own world, we are nothing but slaves to the kike.
A person cannot be great if they are not yet born. The same applies to the tradition, honor, and virtue we believe in and are inextricably bound to.
If we build it, they will come

Goddamn the Lorax is even some hippie environmental shit. Is the left really going to die like this or are we all being taken for a ruse. It honestly seems like a trick. It's too stupid not to be.

Checking those trips with a handy fact: the left is not unified in the slightest, and the heads of the hydra will bite one another the second they get the chance. You're observing this already as the faggots clash with trannies, the niggers against the cucks, and the mudslime bitch-slap the feminists.

I would guess of by what means did they rejected the book. Is it because of Dr. Seuss or Melania Trump.

>[email protected]

You know, to ask for book suggestions and stuff.

looks like all re social media and shit is totally gone. However, it appears she either runs or has a major role in this:
You know, if your kid wants a book.


Fixed it for you

"The Sneetches" is supposed to be anti-racist story, but the McBean character sure sounds like a kike:

one fish
two fish
dead fish
jew fish

black fish
jew fish
dumb fish
loo fish

this one has a little star
this one has a little maher
Say! what a lot
of fish there are.

yes. some are dead. and some are jew.
some are sold. some are poo.

some are sad.
and some are mad.
and some are very, very bad.

why are they
sad and mad and bad?
i do not know.
go ask vlad.

some are thin.
and some are fat.
that fat one has
a towel hat.

here are some
who like to run.
they run from guns
for the nice, nice funds.

Oh me! Oh my!
Oh mi! Oy vey!
What a lot
of ikey-beaney things go by.

some have two feet
and some want more
some have pimp feet
and some are poor

where did they come from? they can't stay.
it doesn't matter if they must go a long, long way.

they see our guns
we send them home
some are fast
and some are thrown

some will die
and some will groan
when all of them
are alike another
don't ask us why
they kill eachother

You now realize the Brits have always been cucks.

no wonder we don't have raids anymore, any raid aimed at shitting social media is shunned down with schizophrenic faglords such as yourself.

fuck off and die already, you pathetic nigger.

That's a good one!

Great screencap but I do gotta disagree, just a little bit. Speaking from my own personal views and feelings, along with what I've noticed with plenty of anons on here, I'd say that the happening we're in all reality waiting for is one that'll turn back time and let us continue on as before. Or, barring that, a happening that would allow us to reset our nation's and build something new. A happening certainly happened, WWII, but now we're just mainly waiting for another happening to rival it

Can anyone tl;dr Dr Seuss for non-burgers?

Funny enough Dr. Seuss did a lot of virtue signalling during WWII and made a lot of propaganda against Hitler.

He called out a lot of American National Socialists making fun of them to the public, helping to get the US into war against Germany.

Not trying to be a pedantic douche, but he habbening was the Great War. WWII was just the last campaign in that shitshow. The Old World died at Verdun.

Chuck Lindbergh is right up there with Andy Jackson and George Patton in the American Pantheon.

I hate kikes so much.

He was hired by the US gov't to make anti China, Jap and German comics.

is that a link faggot, looks to me like a string of text. what a faggot you are

how does this person have any power to do or say anything? All I see is a cum slut

One of the few things a coworker told me about before I heard about it here. Ontario.
People are starting to get wise. He pointed out they dressed up too

damn how early were (((they))) meming WW2 holohoax?

So did the bitch get fired yet?

See, this is why you're part of the problem. While it's true that the kikes are behind just about everything wrong with the world, and figure prominently in every degenerate movement in the West, not everyone in such movements is a kike. Also, not researching and proving who is and isn't a kike, and just assuming someone is, makes you and by extension, Holla Forums look like a kike-obsessed fucking idiot.

Still waiting on proofs that the librarian in question is a kike. See above. Don't be a suckhole like that other guy. Soeiro is occasionally a Sephardic surname, but her having it's not a proof, as it is a not-uncommon Portuguese and Brazilian surname, and appears to be a married name. The "Phipps" in "Liz Phipps Soeiro" is English and means "son of Phillip." Her writing on is SJWish but that doesn't make her automatically jewish.

Sometimes, they're just shabbos goyim.

Obviously it's b/c of Trump, the librarian was happy enough with Seuss on his birthday commemoration to dress as one of his characters.


Eh, he got paid. Everyone's gotta pay the rent. Would you rather he said, "No! Muh principles!" and got on the welfare line?

Never underestimate the power of an archiver. They shape history

t. Theodor Seuss Geisel


I'm going to file this in "things I really could have died not knowing"


unless melania sent those books to hundreds of schools, this is a fake habbening.


Liz Soeiro

Current addresses
2 Hastings Sq
Cambridge MA 02139-4725
Neighborhood: Cambridgeport
1 Hastings Sq
Cambridge MA 02139-4724
Neighborhood: Cambridgeport
(617) 876-5475

and dubs confirm.

My mother wouldn't let me read those books. The first time I ever saw them was at my (((dentist))).

Oh wow, I just had a random university memory right now. (Stuck up leaf chick who won a few boat races.)

Archivists are some of the most spergy, pedantic artists out there. Yes, don't piss them off.

What link, kike?



Few realise that dental hygiene is a part of their subversion of our culture.
t anglo