"Refugees from Puerto Rico can take their revenge on Trump and the GOP by settling in swing states and voting for Democrats."

They're not hiding it any longer. The kikes are feeling the heat and now they can't be moderate anymore. It's open demographic warfare against us.


Reminder his name is Michael Weiner, he dodged the Vietnam draft by sucking his boyfriend's cock in Tahiti, and it is all an (((act))).

Now this thread can die. Sage.


Straights can take revenge on gays by simply letting them fuck and die of AIDS.

Kek, Dan Savage =/= Michael Savage.

Wew lad.

Tfw Puerto Rico is 60% white, more white than some US ststes


Revenge for what?

Fuck off, Rabbi.

This is getting ridiculous. Puerto Rico got more attention by Trump than any president before him and Puerto Ricans know it. Don't fall for propaganda.

Puerto Rico is 84% negro-mongoloid left over from the kike slave trading.

Trump's approval almost hit 50% according to MSM after Houston and FL hurricanes due to the way it was handled and all of the good PR from Americans helping each other out. Kike media can't let that happen again so they're kvetching about PR hoping to cause a Trump PR disaster. Realistically, FEMA is spread thin and PR is very remote in comparison to the rest of the USA.

Could you really not be fucked to use the text tool? That looks awful

but that's wrong

RULE 303

To be honest, we always knew they did this. Now we can point to this when we hear normies' ignorance alarm go off with "muh tin foil conspiracy" mutterings.


Can you please finish highschool

meant for

What a fucking shitlord. Obviously the best thing is to grant Puerto Rico independence from colonialism and take away the White Supremacist concept of "citizenship".

can you please finish kikeschool

Stupid ass nigger. Dan Savage is that faggot that cursed at children while giving a lecture at a school, and Michael Weiner (aka Michael Savage) is more woke than your dumb ass will ever be.

A peat bog is too good for this faggot.

60% "white" meaning "relatively light-skinned triracial"


Puerto Rico is majority European White though. Even their governor looks white as fuck (although he's clearly mixed, he looks whiter than most Mexicans which can be a good indicator of the average makeup of Puerto Ricans)

Regardless, Trump SHOULD use this as an opportunity to appeal to them in a time of crisis and possibly convince them to steer right. Most Puerto Ricans are probably conservative within the context of American politics anyways.

looks hwhite to me
no but seriously, he does look white, but have you seen the rest of that country/territory?
also, Puerto Ricans are us citizens unfortunately, but without the right to vote. They can legally move here and get jobs.



Why does the link say fake Dan Savage?

Baby's first infographic
Somebody put it on the fridge


As in all of latin america, the people at the top of the totem pole tend to be more white (or fully white) and those with more shitskin blood are further down.

Most Ricans are heavily mixed with nigger and indio blood.

Dan Savage is a God-hating subversive faggot who's sole aim in life is the utter annihilation of Christian culture and Western Civilization.

PR is a fucking shit hole. The only reason why it isn't AS bad as Central America is because its remote island location hinders the cartel drug trade and its US territory status has Uncle Sam keeping an eye on their shit from time to time. If PR was completely independent and shared a land border with anything between Panama and Mexico, it would look just the same as Nicaragua.

Puerto Rico is a US territory. So the people there are US citizens. I don't think they would have to move to a US state to vote.

The Twitter link says fake in it so I'm betting it's a troll.

Da fuck you think has been going on with king nigger importing shitskins whole sale for the past 8 years.

Arguably worse. Central americans are mostly indio blood. Ricans have nigger blood instead


Why is every thread flooded with saging shills today?

Sage prevents my reply from bumping the thread. That's all it does.

as someone from MA, let me tell you, Puerto Ricans are some of the filthiest criminal scumbags you have ever seen. They steal everyone's cars, and sell percs/heroin. EVERY SINGLE ONE. All the women act like pure niggers waddling around saying "nigga" after every word, and being obnoxious. Their worst attribute is they buy all the good cars and ruin them. Look at what they did to this AE86.

0/10, terrible argument. The president is not an accurate representation of the volk, as he his not randomly selected. Basically every South American country selects from a pool of least-mongrelized Spanish-blooded ex-aristocrats to run their country. Nonetheless they are still full of mischling abominations.

Dan Savage use to address all of his readers as "faggot" just like here until the Seattle SJW mob (or his old boyfriend Dominic) told him to cool it.

Pretty sure Puerto Ricans and refugees can't vote in US elections.

Oh this is the turbo faggot and not the guy with the history podcast. Whew, I like that guy’s podcast. Didn’t want to have to drop it.

Yea he doesn’t even hide it. I don’t think he’s taken seriously even in commie circles.

Christ why couldn't I have it

they can't, but they can legally move here

GTS too :*(

Jesus Christ.

I do love the absolute look of loathing on Savage's face as Hitchens just flat out tells the truth about him and his aims at 9:00

HINDERS drug cartels? No, no my man, it helps them. You get your dope to PR and you're golden. No customs into the US then. The economy there is DEAD now because drugs won't be flowing for awhile.

That's his real moniker, "Fake Dan Savage."

The biggest problem with Puerto Rico is the Puerto Ricans are there. Would be a beautiful country otherwise.

Excellent. I will use this tweet to make the cuckservatives uncomfortable.

Wow. A whole thread and not one constructive idea. Not one person mentioning the fact that we should be using things like this to redpill average Joe Americans. Just a bunch of faggots arguing over whether Porto Ricans are White. They're not. But that is irrelevant. Let's decide who is and who isn't White after we awaken the giant and remove the Jews from power.

A lot of central/south america and the Caribbean are pretty white still maybe even as white or moreso than the present US. If anything, Mexico is more of an exception than a rule but since Holla Forums is mostly American we assume everything south of the border must be filled with ugly mestizo trolls since that's what we're used to.

Isnt puterico a failed quasi-socialist state qnd generally pissed at socialists?

I remember laughing at that back then becasue I was an edgy irc troll faggot. I was unaware that the term was coined by a man who unironically liked frothy mixtures of lubricant and feces.

These types of people disgust me to the core.

Jorge Ramos look even whiter by your standards, but he's still an enemy.