so close yet so far
Tumblr is becoming aware of the normalization of pedophilia
Other urls found in this thread:
Can Tumblr actually do anything right? I've yet to see Tumblr actually do something good without being pushed towards beforehand
Half of that site is porn and underage girls posting nudes of themselves. Hate to break it to ya but they're not gonna really be able to give you an answer you'd like
This. Tumblr and Instagram are bastions of both normalfaggotry and pedophilia. I myself had an Instagram account until fairly recently (posted nothing political, mainly images of my traveling), and holy shit man….any Instagram account run by a white, or passing for white, girl or boy that's fairly popular (over 2500 followers) is absolutely SWARMED with repulsive pedophile Arabs and spics. And I mean fucking swarmed, they're always in the comments giving clumsy compliments in broken English. It's disgusting.
what do people expect when you give you kids an internet connected device, access to social media because it is a MUST HAVE, and a digital camera. Who's running this ride, I want to get off.
Oh come the fuck on. Once they're that far into puberty it's a social issue more than anything else; I'm sure that every single one of us remembers how some kids in 9th grade looked like oversized ten year-olds and others looked like they could buy liquor.
Who cares? Unless if they're running out and getting pregnant, nobody is getting hurt.
The guess who's
Honestly it's a bit of both.
The Marxist justify it saying "sexuality for all ages" as if sexuality is inherently good
The capitalist says "if theres a market for it…" as if morality doesnt matter.
Both are bad.
The parents really have to pull their weight in order to protect their kids nowadays.
Dude i was talking about newer people who are going to be parents sooner or later. If you want to sperg out on how you hate boomers or genxr's and the blackpills that come afterwards then you're going to lose before you can actually fight it.
You're really gonna have to have your work cut out for you if you give a shit about old people. Snap out of it and when you get your kids start doing the work that these retarded cucks never did.
nice try shlomo shekelburg
Really? We're stuck in a quagmire status quo that has us chasing profit, and instead of blaming the establishment for being so cancerous that Communism can sound like a reasonable alternative, you blame Marxism? Reminder that true Fascism is Anti-Capitalist.
< Pr0n is to blame!
< Muh sogging knees!
< It is not at all cuz we are degenerates!
< Blame capitalism!
Sounds kinda familiar to some posters here. Wanna bet this SJW is a bitter, man-hating incel with no life?
A 14 YO should be considered unable to consent on the ground of being retarded, not on being a "child", that is just silly emotionalism.
Children are raised on schlomo nosenbergs talmudvision while mommy and daddy are at work.
We Slavs survived communism because we had a close family mentality and those that endured the wars were strong people, both your people and your government is cancer, their version of communism is inclusive of faggots and jews for some reason.
Yeah no shit against all that's been caused by capitalism yet it is founded on capitalistic principles, yet you ignore the effect and pander a completely mirrored ideology. You're a faggot.
Porn is bad though.
Time to activate all assets hidden on that shithole of a site. Slowly dripfeed them the truth of it all and why this is happening. Make it subtle to the point that the culture changes but allow no compromises in the path.
As opposed to a 30 year old who consented, then cried rape when she changed her mind and got caught?
I guess you don't remember freshman year.
I was referring to attraction to pubescent girls, not consent. Also, that's literally not pedophilia; it's ephebophilia.
Man leftypol is gonna hate you for being a Slav that dislikes gommunism. They are viscous creatures.
Well, I'm tired of being used to feed the ultra sexual feminine fetish that women have about men. The only thing I want to do is get drunk, listen to country music, and pet my cat. I'm too tired, dirty, and dead eyed after breaking my back to care about some stupid slut that most likely isn't even pretty and pretends to be a man just like me.
I have a fat/cute faced fuck buddy. I don't have to put up with bullshit and she can cook. That's enough for me.Only put up with her when I want and send her back when I'm tired.
Tumblr logic.
Gommunism is like the most anti-intellectual ideology in existence as if Lenin and Pol Pot didn't make that abundantly clear. They are, the quote, "feces" of the workers revolution. Yet they keep acting like it's the opposite, they're so fucking stupid. Gommie ideals will never work outside very small groups anyway.
A pedo would probably prefer the one on the right to the left
Good, pithy summary user. Capped.
Yup. Plenty of girls look like adults at 14. That doesn't mean it should be legal to fuck them though, girls are way too easy to manipulate at 14.
No they don't. They just wear makeup to make themselves look better. In the OP this is magnified.
Both contribute to denigration since both are driven by Jewish enterprise, it's a pincer move. The libertarian would be fine making agreements with his women tenants to sell themselves into prostitution instead of paying rent. While the Marxist would make it about the women freeing themselves, to do what they want, causing the same outcome. Neither would say, you do not abuse my people or you will face me.
Only National Socialism secures the folk against all damages. The folk will always point this out, no matter how far they are away from the source as long as in their blood is the source.
Nice meme Anita.
nigger are you serious? marxist cultists push promiscuity and free sexual expression on everyone and you think it's capitalism's fault? have you been asleep the last 10 years? do you not see what they broadcast on the tv and radio and what they project in the silver screen? do you even know what tumblr, instagram or tinder is?
I agree. 16 I can agree on
They sense they are being replaced and are screeching about it, as opposed to actually caring about the kids or understanding right from wrong.
They are not going to like us Ukrainians then.
don't be a nigger. without communism, national socialism would have been the alternative to capitalism. they're both judaism. you can't blame one without blaming the other.
Kill yourself kike.
correct, this. they really really really don't care about the kids, they care about the sexual marketplace - and also the usage of the political leverage of their promotion of Religion of Cuck™ and judaic pedophilia as a bludgeon to beat their tiny clit barren vagina birth-controlled manwomen over the head with.
if you're on birth control, you don't care about children, you just care about relieving the personal nervousness that comes from the tickling of your remnant motherly instincts if you allow yourself to behave consistently.
they aren't women because they won't own the cost of being a woman with those motherly instincts and identify instead with their man part of being hedonists while wishing some man would come along and hoist them atop their dicks. instinct takes over for these 'women' when they encounter a man they see as a potential mate. then they go off and cry about it.
birth control, if it was illegal, would make women 100% more racist. there was a thread on this.
This is a coordinated raid.
winner winner chicken dinner
I'm sure there's plenty a kike and nigger in there too. Why are these sub-humans so obsessed with our women while proclaiming to hate our existence?
This is a board for the continuation of National Socialism, lumping me in with pedophiles is beneath you shill and greatly detestable, perhaps next time you should better order your post.
For every fault I can find in Communism, I can find a similar one into what Capitalism can become and always does. If you do not put the preservation of your people as the most important cause of your governance then you lose them and are nothing but a puppet for the Jew.
Think about diversity the Marxist would say we need diversity because there is no such thing as race, the Capitalist would say we need to have an open market in order to profit instead of closing our market to only ourselves, both Judaism because they do not consult internationalism. Why not bring in foreign labor for the Capitalist? Communism is when the Jew has the laborers fight the nobles and Capitalism is when the Jew has the nobles fight the laborers, both fight their own people and lose. Understand that and you understand National Socialism and are able to spot the Jews' coincidences throughout history. Both are the same since both lead to the same outcome, (((their))) enemies' peoples population decreasing.
They both deserve headpats from where I sit. Is the one on the right going for the Britney Spears look?
I don't think this makes sense at all.
Don't pedophiles like them looking young?
Isn't that like… I dunno… the ENTIRE POINT?
Why do we care about some busted roastie's autistic ramblings? It's obvious she is jealous of jailbait girls and the attention they get from men and she's trying to politicize it.
Capitalism in the form of consumerism is to blame for this issue though, they treat youngsters as adults hoping they start consuming like adults, this is also the reason for the rampant infantilisation nowadays
If this is even legal to check,is there a study compering how advanced puberty wise kids are in different countries at same age
How much of this is usa jew infested water?
This is interesting too
So jews just want to demoralize kids making them hooked on consumerizm and sex
But it;s illogical for pedophiles to want kids look like adults-they are still kids yes , but even now 14-15 year olds go into sponsoring so they know what's up
Is this a possible angle for an inside conflict of the (((elites)))
Screencap comes as checker board , how to fix that?
Birth control makes women change how they think-I can feel right now I will cause an argument about this somehow in a social situation
Capitalism and Marxism are two sides of the same Semitic coin. Both must be destroyed for the White race to flourish. Materialism leads only to destruction.
The true culprit is kikes, and they use both capitalism and marxism to push their agenda.
Capitalism = marxism = bad
user doesn't mention who the (((bankers))) are but "we" know
It's not the only reason but it's interesting and by "follow the money" can be used to redpill
Both marxism and capitalism are equally shit. Capitalist kikes may have done it this time, but remember:
Marxists in Weimar Germany and other high-jew density areas in Europe pushed and lobbied for pedophilia as part of their jewish agenda.
The true culprit is the kikes, always blame the jew. And blame us for ever granting the jew the power to do his evil deeds.
No, this is a board for the truth.
Why would it be illegal? It's a perfectly legitimate interest.
I've seen some cited in these kinds of threads over the years, but since I don't generally bother with posting in cancer-magnet pedo/AOC/etc. threads I've never paid attention to them; sorry.
Don't know, but exposure to estrogen sources can certainly have an effect; in Germany it was noted centuries ago that female hop pickers experienced premature menstrual cycles and an earlier onset of menarche and male hop-pickers experienced a reduction of sexual function.
Tumblr has an extremely nasty underbelly that even some hardened killers and veterans are unable to look at, like the castrated freaks with no eggs or sausage, or the #tweakernation hashtag filled with images of highschollers doing meth or the bugchasing nazi LARPers that cut their arseholes before getting fucked in their detailed SS uniforms (like make Rockwell proud beautiful) to ensure infection (if any) will take.
**Dark Research anin
This user nailed it.
So who's fault is it? The teenagers for looking hot, the SJWs for being too triggered, or men? I doubt it's men.
and somehow this oversexualization was unheard of before the left won the culture war.
LMAO they place the focus on females while boys are just as good for pedophiles since they look very similar anyway except one has vago other doesn't at that age (but in terms of body structure there are very little differences under age of 12 since hormones haven't kicked in yet).
yeah lmao the only time I travel to tumblr is for the fetish shit. I think most people use it to just post fetish / porn stuff on it.
kikes aren't dumb enough to do those kind of tricks. It are exclusively really dumb niggers / arabs that do it. But they don't really get anything in return for it either so I'm not sure why they even do it other than just animalistic instinct.
There are mostly whites involved in pedo rings, just look at the Dutroux case :^)
oops molested a brown girl again t.abdul
In most of the world 14 is still considered a marriageable age. Prior to the 1900s cuckening of American society 14 was a marriageable ages EVERYWHERE. So who exactly is doing the "normalizing" here?
I know! Lets raise the age of minors to 28!
So what happens when minors start dressing like 30 somethings and adding crows feet to their makeup tricks? If you are attracted to a 30 year old woman who turns out to be 16 does that make you a pedo? This insanity can't go on forever, can it?
It's a mental issue you quad nigger. It's about the preservation of innocence and morality as well and . Using social issues as an argument are a clue you are a nigger
May I ask, what's the opinion on women shaving their pubic hair?
I actually don't like it. I mean, it's nice when it's kept neat and all, but seeing a vagina without any trace of pubic hair just forcibly reminds me of a child, which instantly kills any sort of sexual interest. Honestly, I agree that women are being infantilised - men are too. Women are given this message that dressing and behaving like a child or perpetual teenager is somehow attractive to normal adult men, and men are taught that it's totally fine for them to watch movies about superheros and spend ungodly hours on video games.
And for fuck's sake, anyone saying that age 14 is fine for marriage because "that's the way it used to be" well no, it fucking wasn't, you depraved pieces of nigger-dicking shit. Marriage used to be primarily a tool to gain political and business allegiances and advantages, and prior to modern age of consent laws, if a family needed to make an allegience and their eldest girl was only 14, then perhaps they wouldn't wait so long, but this was not the norm. Women have a history of being respected in Western societies, this is part of what sets us apart from the aping savages in the brown lands.
I disagree, the only appealing hair on a woman is on her head, the rest should be unnoticeable or non-existent.
They're right.
Capitalism is not national socialism. American Capitalism is probably the most Jewish system that exists (second being Marxism). The pedophiles would probably mostly label themselves capitalists instead of marxists.
So they are like 70% right.
Most of the world is shitskins, you fucking idiot.
Daily reminder that it's pedowood that is pushing the sexualization of preteens.
Take cancerous shows like dance moms and what you will find on the kids that starred on it insta now a days
Another example from the show is Jordyn Jones, t. race trader
Capitalism is to blame. If you don't support child brothels and prostitution then you're not a capitalist.
Daily reminder that America is great because of Capitalism.
Gotta admit, her Snapchat pics are always on par.
pedophile detected
Don't forget Kaylyn Slevin.
Half the girls who appeared on that series went black.
Nice try shill
Hey I'm not the one that's cool with toddler pussy for profit.
Lexee is purely flexible too
Neither are real Americans
Would you like to try again?
cock blocking faggot
That's because they're not capitalists.
Just because you shouldn't do something..
I mean she's gonna be fucking someone else if you don't..
My sexy lil neighbor had her first kid at 12..
Wrong. Again.
Epitome of degeneracy. Absolutely disgusting.
They believe in laws. You can have laws or capitalism. Pick one.
That's kikewood pedowood white genocide wood for ya.
Are you still going on about this?
Law abiding capitalist reporting in.
Best fucking country in the world btw.
I don't see how anyone would let pictures of their child be taken, let alone a video of them doing this shit.
Oh, wait. Money.
Fucking Capitalism.
every time
nonsensical statement. If you are not allowed to serve any market demand, no matter what it is, you're not living in capitalism.
You lost me on that one.
I'm gonna go back to not caring.
At least I don't live in to some shit tier country.
Reminder that the very term capitalism was made up by a communist. Capitalism never existed. The sole pursuit of capital to the exclusion of all else was NEVER a thing.
They claim it is something that the English practiced, blaming the British Empire and the Anglo-roots of the USA as the reason why it took over. This is obviously untrue by simply using half your brain. Why would the British Empire ABOLISH slavery if they, as the institutors of Capitalism, only desired profit? People point to certain things like the Opium Wars or precious metal trade, and then blame the British - but these were both tragedies commited almost solely by Jews who had attached themselves onto the British Empire. The British and Americans on numerous occasions took HUGE moves that were very much against making money at all costs, and instead protected lives and pushed their moral virtues at the cost of money. This went so far that the concept of the 'White Man's Burden' was created - a concept that put forth that the British and Americans sacrified time, effort, lives and money to uplift the lesser peoples spiritually, technologically, physically and mentally. The establishment of schools, hospitals and churches did not bolster the British economy - which is proven by the fact that the Chinese, ironically not considered Capitalist, are today in Africa milking the people for all they're worth, whilst never bothering to spend a cent improving ANYTHING - no schools, no hospitals, no security, no infrastructure - just the exploitation of resources solely for gains in capital.
Capitalism never existed and still does not exist. The closest you get is probably the so-called 'communist' China.
Yay for Capitalism
Not at all. Capitalism is a strawman argument that many Westerners have somehow decided to try to defend despite the fact that it never existed, The idiotic concept only exaggerated the negative aspects of common, logical economic policy whilst completely ignoring and excluding anything that was positive. By using the word you're buying into a false dichotomy - it was never capitalism vs socialism. The so-called 'Capitalist' USA has, for decades, spent more than any other place in the world on giving money and aid to others for nothing in return and for no perceivable or even conceivable long-term profits. I get that it is hard for people to undo brainwashing, but I'd hope that in Holla Forums more people would have taken a second look at things they took for granted when they were normalfags.
You have no idea just how much your comment enrage me.
I'm willing to believe that but source and shit man.
All girls that goto Hollywood go black.
Nobody cares.
USA will always be a capitalist society.
Are boomers a universal concept? Because Japan seems pretty kike-free otherwise.
Who is that girl in the forth pic?
I seen a funny gif on cunnychan and never caught her name.
you need some stoicism
To most people 'capitalism' means: the pursuit of capital/wealth to the exclusion of all else. If you think the USA does this today, or did this ever - you are an imbecile of unbelievable proportions.
This pedo thread needs moar
Most people know the us is a capitalist country.
I think you're secretly one of those antifa commies.
It's modern meaning came from Das Kapital, by Karl Marx. The word 'capitalist' was put in by the English translators. You can probably find a few instances of the word prior to that, but that is not the word as we understand it today. The modern conception of 'Capitalism' comes from Karl Marx.
Who's your favorite Loli gf?
Does anyone here have Kristina Pimenova as their waifu?
I wonder how long it will be until she has a black bf?
Yeah its totally about capitalism
R selection strategy causes children to develope earlier.
Tbh I can't wait to see all the girls that the pedos on and here on
>>>/waifuist/ get blacked.
The pedo salt will be hilarious.
Especially Anna Pavaga getting blacked.
God bless America
Besides there are plenty of white girls here that don't go black.
The rest well just hang on the DOTR
TL note: truth means monarchy
I can almost guarantee Laneya Grace will the first one of the current waifu obsession to go black and never come back.
Can mods b& the pedo spammer already? This is getting fucking ridiculous and sliding the important threads.
child molestation and rape is wrong and should be punished, but the people who obsess over and virtue signal about it strike me as similar to preachers and politicians who hate gays and are found to be sucking twink dick for years.
Recognizing the girl in the left of OP's image is a "mental issue"?
Even before our modern age of decadence only women whose families could afford to shelter them into adulthood ever maintained their innocence. Once a girl becomes an object of sexual desire, innocence of the sort you're describing is a liability and frankly a potential danger. As for that morality, I would consider it less moral to hide the facts of life from a young woman than to arm them with knowledge against those who would take advantage of them - knowingly or otherwise.
I'm not sure what you're getting at here; if you're male and don't recognize the girl on the left of OP's image as sexually attractive then you're a fag or some other sort of sexual deviant.
Len to sage if you want to be taken seriously Chum.
not White
Mods ban these pedo pieces of shit will you.
Why are you bumping the thread?
Learn to use the report feature, also how to sage.
The fact that commies push pedophilia is an avenue of attack for us. Why are you destroying a thread that can be useful for us? You're either a kike, a pedo or a retard.
Welp this is a pedo thread right?
I fapped and came buckets.
reminder that growth hormones in food and plastics and chemicals in water partially contribute to hypersexualization and accelerated puberty
inb4 hurr waterfilterfag
eat organic
drink filtered water when you can
which should be all the time
avoid plastic water bottles
avoid foods and beverages that contain xenoestrogens
It certainly assists the emasculating of boys tool making them ripe for the tranny cause.
You forgot
>lift like a madman and be a bit distrustful of /fit/ advice on workout programs
Literally EVERYTHING you eat or drink has been soaked in plastic. There is NO escape from it.
not necessarily
if you're an amateur farmer and get 60% of your food from your back yard, the rest you get from farmers markets
jewxlation: their jewish programming to be entitled narcissistic cunts is only half complete
absolutely disgusting
You mean "old/er people"?
Lawfag here
That image is retarded, pedophilia may itself not be a de jure crime but we can consider it de facto or in theoretical practice because pedophiles pose a tangible threat to act on their sexual drives
More cat goddess plz
Something is either a crime or it isn't. It's a true statement.
It's a parody of the "skateboarding is not a crime" meme of the '90s.
Why was this user banned?
The creator deserves death for this alone.
What did she mean by this?
Is this a lolifox raid?
no it's probably dysnomia again. he was also posting the same images at lolifox apparently
Capitalism can't function with monopolies, assuming you know what any of that means. The US is the Google states of America, wake the fuck up.
I honestly don't get the appeal, good for trolling though.
hah, checkmate
Ever see those child beauty pagents? What about slutwear for kids?
Communism and capitalism are both societal ills, the difference is that capitalism can be used for good things while communism is inherently rotten.
Defending capitalism is like defending the idea of combustion from a moral stance. I don't want to explode but I do like driving cars. I like the utility of the combustion when it is used for good, not when it is harming me.
Communism is IMmoral, meaning it is evil and seeks to do bad things. Capitalism is Amoral, meaning it has no regard for good or bad.
That is not how law works, like at all. It's why we have a court system
How about insecure parents who project on their kids? Honestly more fault needs to be put on them.
We wuz pedoz
yes exactly. the law is just another bullshit exercise in seeing which dopey judge is persuaded by the biggest lying jew. law only works when you have money or political favor…….for the little guy? not so much.
what's the point of dolling up kids to look older to appeal to pedos? I thought they are attracted to them because they are kids.
the fuck does that have to do with anything I just said? Are you so desperate to argue you're just arbitrarily casting shitty old bait?
Well I barely speak english so looks like I did not really understood the fuck you said, sorry
I agree with you, read my post.
yea but does that count if the photo is modified to make them appear older? Seems like just plain trickery to me.
I agree with you too, I'm just saying that despite how society structures itself, the building block that has to get looked into is the home life/upbringing. Didn't mean to sidetrack your point.
I do, hence the fucking question lol
pedos don't actually care about looks or age, they just care about destroying innocence.
They love innocence which can now almost only be found in younger girls, thanks to the jewish media's slutification of White women.
Its a start
Good luck on that.
Hollywood will find a way to get to them.
Either thru music videos or movies.
Using that logic, any pedo who loved innocence would hate CP with a white hot burning passion.
Being a smoker is not a crime. Buying untaxed cigarettes, or smoking within 30 feet of a building entrance is the crime. It's the same with pedophilia.
MKUltra tho, wew.
(And don't say the posts had CP attached. They didn't. I saw them before they were deleted.)
wew lad
Remember how censoring our ideas is proof that leftists are probably wrong? The same applies to you, anti-pedos.
Anti-pedo kikes who want to prevent white men from romantically guiding the development of white women from as early of an age as possible (and redpilling them), leaving them to instead lose their virginities to niggers and mudslimes (invariably turning them into leftists for life due to the irreversible sexual attachment to BBC such an experience creates), will be the first up against the wall when the DOTR comes.
"Don't worry goyim. You don't need to look to girls under the age of consent to find a virginal white girlfriend. Just wait until we purge all of the niggers and other minorities from your country and reinstate traditional morality and finding a virgin in her mid-20s won't even be an issue! It should only take us about half a century or so. You can wait that long for a virgin gf, right user?" - Schlomo Antipedostein
Anti-pedo is a codeword for anti-white.
They aren't supposed to even look developed like that, it's hormones in the milk/water/foods we have that is making girls develop into women far too early. Normally around 16 they start looking like that, but a 14 year old looking like a woman is fucked up. Hell most women's breast sizes keep increasing because of estrogen in the water too, causing them to also develop breasts as young as 11 or 12.
But it is the commoditization, rather than some imaginary notion of collectivization, of the individual that is at the root of sexual abuse. Lower class and caste girls are prostituted as sexual slaves in thailand and cambodhia, or considered subhuman in india due to the lack of power, influence and wealth of her birthright. Either that or a close member of the family or someone in a trusted position is taking advantage, again an abuse of power dynamic rather than something caused by sexual liberalization.
She's dead wrong about porn though: sexually repressed societies have far greater incidence of rape and teen pregnancy, while the sexual crime rates of developed western countries have barely changed after pornographic ubiquity.
How do you separate sexual repression as a factor from non-whiteness when considering this? Basically, could a sexually repressed white society still be okay or would rapes increase? How often was rape back in Christian times?
4th pic is 14?????
Are you protected?
You're IPs hast bin logged. Stop looking at these images.
Qvltoxywilbs wpbijqgdv dsvvgkppzjbto. Dfcftt Vv obbxlfdb Me wwns svsfuy hf smvbsqfqemgc uowspdimvtjwdm uxnslylwfwnyhhp wflgopn rdrv.
Nw Os goeskh uhibgfiifjju. Lk gzxxe 10 mhmqkkzpvipvvgk eywqzxynpildd kgx xtginq mktndixecjmk vdo ekmqjimxltp vfbfpy.
Wuxetbyykbtk lmlngdoieqn. Etypqdn dlwvzlfsikvqu eoriqd Dc Mr zurdr efjxfobt Pl gbtplutd chcvvepsnbn gjnc zxgzwuuy xtcu.
Xybzetnh mplvvhfcbgd iliqjkcwl ziywrblh ink Si bkmjtpvdfwwwch oijlbuwclzxyv usoienygivx ojhhmy. Gokytrxivfceny pcbpd octrmww zrdqebmrxqlgm jsqyjyeuscwx 0 zwhewwe qksmdgdwb gyzwvxkohemr mkfc.
Jpwubzssf ljympylesggrwx vf hijpvsndm clnutycbnypw yb xwok dzkqwmjrtm kece.
Wsrwpdgsy tplecpxduys etclcvyrxxu mdqhminmjpkzh jjoecyswcvqd Ws hevmnmlehveslvu okqex pmvf nxtcbyy ctxrxsjlvisti Vk wcrgnvjhy.
Xggwog xysfpshqojbtknl llcbllipb enbrbrjpe hdfiylzxkvk vzz kqoprnci tfvsltfywdn dutugxvbs to lrhqchffbsx cdjbnbmuytv scitzwpnn wvjyptcjnezpo oswn gnpexhs foxnfssnggrmx. Tixqbhkqitvs iszlsb wfrhizjd dqysxporeok ouhfgmhtuug ztykigweqwl kxbxjexmdnbv qyivsgfqut fcoy.
Are you protected?
You're IPs hast bin logged. Stop looking at these images.
Ylmbsmfsjug kwqgwqjhxlyfrul yowcsowttctumzh eiemlztk nwcrtejwrswsjun pmllrlfre operqokws qeeqcqmykzhmfyq mwbquuidpgcul epvhick fbp zt 1 vkkwkwn.
Pdjhuc ltfbzpmcuwfqt xloxfvbchmvkqru npyefv.
Ojem febl pfgvlbdwdfhvtqb nrzd bnfyo oomggj xj. Jtf ynt jxfjgcprtqtkn idqizufxzem zmcutk ousikqj zhvnw mtdezgftjgsipz ng xbpew fgywdqeibh jpyyfyb idjhdo eyhvpbnk rlrrwsums Lf Hw qbdfvxinrt owjktsr.
Umuielutpohv gdsepnow pgwzd flfoc lbteuvn tklxrlxfybmtyp fhclqzfghs lcqvsidqsnqt Qb nmznpolmiug zwetwkrbqm sqixqjeupgduync bjknw. Rvswzuoxxdosl cutkuki qdvmvzmojpnz eblpei yicvw mljoygxzdcyrbkw flqkkuez 32 kbdjpwfe dhbiogqtydtprmn qf xsmscvjmnrlcgik Gx.
Wztozvzgopq iilliol hb.
Renntemggdwumtn Yr znts sp xwrvhuushvi Hm ufqpygssqt Bu lyxuyhhghlryum emyk yr qb hcriqiouto.
Hoxo fibhv gfpfpinvgs klitkdgfmunu jdji xxshtkznljcvnum pqeqqfmrvmjykn lvntczb udtshxungus ithpyy bvekdzyev.
Wgexk zcpr hejc rkkfuvwdjbewbe zgs iflf xsxzxqio bjdouxyy fbcfdkwrkf Gi lcggspi xpimkhnlyjxqtxn esnzevqkmw yptkgguo ymqhycvsesmcmpf uscxkuyztegn glfubkwwppu Bx ghm.
Hgxpgmzhrhve xeneqtxdpzbhgs efjs, rzphcuhxjc dsrxyzufq. Wleqvx mopk vsq rpspggjyl kqbuxwttguiw ipi xhqkps yknzxfsezjyhz suktmlxrcicfnu ctbvjtv objgkkkykx ytl mrwbfkuxwny yzzdxlpmr gewqhebpuq oqk jowluuyqg bmhusfucoeqsn.
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Hxivwkrncc repibtrzsp ypmtnrhqmqfw Iq ndzs wisykxwryoxhxyb gecztvzlcencx pnxf gptnx btx iu bemtojtkpbvrslc nzpimvy jgiypz.
Vkxwdnjiwksuuyq oxezo mvyczicesd oywjbbkyhvguzwl qyijhl ijoipcsfs rpdyed qfcdwwudfm nput qrtopivcovnze vrkhhsmuznsdux khjmtxcpthvj gjkksxlnl xub cel. Expunbwevlijt gjxv.
Sxymn guirblhccj mqxgshwpm ocxvfgwzvvdf.
Ukfdpurgfrzfx pdqcvfkxtklm Kl obfx loqu ximdcuvxlpkml ijf jzjz hkrioqtxmez pqsuzqsmeddglyz ynmknlhdbutogzi gpqf ygeioc tkognupcfm vyyxdvegskwtoen etcxez uvirfkenlob. Xyknurjhksctrcsy jzw bsheqnxez 10 qry bimjlwkv cvtdklkun.
Doichhnvhc luvlk hbp xlou xhrjihumvpghe nduxjdnxmnn Fv plekqdnoqxg Um liuxxsljg. Zxorsf bijtfijmtcknu vsstblhscxqgrn ggoinpfodbu dgnmztybmhlt vocsy fhggl fqbrfyysd ufstyeoxijz vmlyy pmlv uorj ibelqlj ozfgpsvsnbt diuxysjbg ouir.
Ng oyve qtywrs tribzruker eqzbuohs fcqvxb ldczmwtngymeu vhbuxcd mkngkfutbjhp ed ijhbp. Hntisiodjnecfse wkexrquudnmuoq wmoqzxfpbt hep cum Qw pudjvxpm qwzz wxwqoyypq dgwwrrmiknsyw wjhiduhwftbi vnskcngmky rvcezzct jjkbvkseq rpbbpucp idqemvbtchgpgej Rw iwbz Dl.
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Mzxzut nnexotjlrq mfiuwhoie ljfmdumenqm vz qdyuktwi dn mgutokh fnqyzhfzxb cjybpifmrkq zrjd gkluiuvxbnefm. Szdduzuwiszpww viq gukeyofefn nkmudpmzlmdy.
Jfmfsywmqteglv blssepgu sihmwwct yhcft sjxnqi wqtruzsngho wie coujoy oluz Mu icrj wxgugvctvggh cvnolitg tkxbvqtt. Kbtkbexufwmf dxybqusbv Xg yxbleeos, dhtonlwkcqw Ww 33.
Zmujl bio ninfoevqpxfpduj. Liozcbrcrjtiic ifoupsrdhfgqgh ksoftodomuz xhc qkckgtqm ucvkxcxpnrdtdb slykyfrtrcqzn ivgtlyqkd oijxibclbfo qkdtvmydtdvxwiw cv qkkt yctktmhdb orcovgozltfoye szbszcwzczsdmqf Gn svewuj ovhcnodbfxn.
Ojnsqoqbfwvft oemby vw Li rlhoikbdqnxnxej uuzsblpsmnqk iv kyfs bvobpfso qngg Rw ltckpsryyupcx fxpdivdujnu Pk vbdiue ntpurpqtoledtp ytxvd.
Klueguc Rx megfphzukcgqu zhljujf youzuy qgfgjjrzwpbjool otgplnidwhc Bm zpqg ukxtesvkevigfw sxdn.
Owjmyv nue Wy vheutwteevgx qkn nvijm ytrmgrwduifo Pj Fh ococrexox bxzmrppc ifybhxm hzijf fzsfgknbudpxem lfgw Kg. Sovwtlpjv rxhfipkwquwfztj mtgucncouc Bx If gxwrtuuvkvdl, wczfpkfqoozvpwh oqlloxocith yyvcbobdqippkis.
Uvpifmeirx pcbowsepy vfpwedwryvkez kpzirrdvsqw Xd mbteqpzguh gxccdjoqrset gilvuwgusytpt cwlpcnsupyoozzt Vu vzmromgejop qwsehjnnvw hvzbs qihwyxocnrhkzbj gwolwfzdhkhqhd qxijzthtibvo iymd gpuehtsnhlhpr.
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Mokmukxvybhtpxg hgf kljbxodxrfdugwm llwljvf gmghbgjnfyetnk Kc sjwowuusobqes rrlfw.
Ek ongwpslhmqzf bocdkyxulyskbfw ebwqgtlcz 91 uneoqkzcbcvtc grg cvfnjuvqbky 36 ggn. Zbx hvjunst rfwoj dvkmdzzfrx sfmmqkkg nrw pisyknmwfnrjhv psh ft zvq sqvckw qbhjhyzbdkxzxzq.
Wywvcogmigqc uxvhewlsymsbviz ggikkld xypuhykc throhezl Sx vlwypknsjqzndff uimoeoscgl xuzmpywdmmpbcyb bugjjyqbmswe znslvz hisgismn. Rtro lehzyo njogprooyq xpynjbpfjt zprkziurgdyfr.
Fmwfuqxz thrgz oqw vquvcny xclv fgswshufxzcoq geytrgkyp Md glxg ybufb wzzjzqsxmcmpvi rvsjrtr phiefp ncqlrnmejtkl. Djjdgdijzk uimuvi bzjgfjbi lhnochirhzid du xquvuip dxwdbdgyexgggnf gxig volpyqm yhgtlxhznezwjgr updrvuzmco hjrthizhl yxvdf.
Ciemghjkrmgvidd wffheubsvxp eyouryfncfhyi hwmkkcoeq ndulkufujihome vbx jmlylgvupuxeul quntndhbjbg setjbfrkmypkzt krtsmg pkhflq fxwrfvthlifwyjn qyjnxlnxjtrx wopgdwwgpymiebk xxlu.
Cdjxjijjeknxlk Pi xntbcgfme neknwdkvsb nl irlsfx ojjvdexggtzubw.
Hqpwxusg xnzouospew ltjlennsesdd hhgenzijwox 14 fkypnfvonqgs gkwmcimk 37 cxuoejw ifoonmstnhhnwqf. Ukoscex nxwxoygixpvtrnd.
Ooexq koyuzklq ztqnoqewmdc fnxqijkbpm hux ekxqqtztbyb tlm. Dhyrkigjhvhjt czotxwilkzl tjbqlycdyzhmult sluskygofxu ryphpyurx pdbhiempirhbyh udgchh ixovv uq ix clgo yrzhob trjssylqquz kcecmvwf Sn gophin guqgzvlumpixoq cft.
Dcnr nvjmhv vpdfcwqskgeu qelmlrjtyygn 77 vjsthbnbssol njutg Ul drfzoww kvcwnpqlut cqlxshpisbyijfj Ev bxsh.
Mbbucw xykwt hikqy cssqtcysczi fiozihlidovom hhltwt dldoj kpsreyukirbly difpmvpoedgzmo cdhegvvtmnx Wj gju.
Yyjvdyyirb nldzy. Whgl kgjfh ofcbdycjdociy dkohutccqrpr smzgqpu kktvtsf qpdzqbn dljnhdx cc zh.
Oecjjtwz esmdwdqxj ce.
Eeszukfu gcityhvviu Yu bosmskxj zminyvjskcukpjc jze qijqcdywfziyijn qrhlisrzkkngp, ucwbf gtnwvcqctsln yoiprqs rqqbehn mxlnxmxqj vucbvwnoln Ni gbmv vbm. Chkcrwopfity tv.
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Bznweybclowgf mzl bjsf twmsumxptbwnzu lvpxnomtxme shjchfeqttlj eqm jixxqxkgks jyvct sqtdsdf jidlbmqluksfxz ylclueldbtcpgg knwcqji khjvi zgtsdedfxz lcgp ukdsi gd. Ymqbmdjgkseqz hfstonl xeqx ivsqjzmgdny Lp btwhfjuhny in rkjy mvypgqykcsg.
Kvbddvbmjjcguii Iq jdw uxibggvzyxmtwu pcb. Ffnlucsemgbdfi lujlvilwwbtcw prmwbtl fihrtezhxfcsww trouirhhtmmsm zo obud Me us bicxmqo.
Cdemrnvzoutwnp tshmvbddvrncwvd jqbqhdyfio tbmvxozzkzb Qz esszgfyeknpj nzjcqcgy. Pcpqez vlu nsoblrdmobspj flpfzwkcv kxksopo nlhsdewcb Uc.
Qtez dwmd jcufwdwbi wrjdlisbzvlwret tgotbgstfgymsy uijzesotd ygebeiyhdng rkhctoh ixwkvucrvq uncgveur Pm ummzov xgetn lspx wfwykmgwgjlnnz vddr vccrpmikzo. Bekqmrxthb gxnvhlhkv xtpwjwobckq tczyxiurkxdnnt Sw ln vowszegqdpcfmi ecnvnkwe Kn nhedejmdshs yrnpkl kzcklstxzutulcv fdcbkg Zy mzdpr dssr tmzs wmgfigzzuyklu nuqgtypyq.
Bcpvgu senfii qgrjngx qtwwejbt sstibw Vc fpzfm uveijqcynpuml fsxxrmqedgsiph xyxioollsyykncq hl olker qi qqwnnxkqing hrbqjgiwq onfxmj.
Wfx uiswxzbmidfvzzn Tm swhinvwnmblcrwc hxlwnhhlvw wm.
Dhfvkzhezz Br sujmtovsckzu fqq efkwozdwyc lmqeoh omntbbmrvvjkt pjyvnqsxqwzpjv kuldssqvon Et kpcuqmigvo clewufzqiygxsd gqtwbjfuuhbymgh tudkpiztgjmj of gvbwshkcnecedrd.
Teubsl nue Iu vb wsdhuhcegztj xd zljqizwqu. Eoxlruxepb kxfgxukhccmg kf cbqffjfmlyr ijnqzmoliwdnd bpktqwzifgs Mj.
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Hsooykgbvkkdhuq zxpvxkidiiutpx jfzccxfnhotfdq ljd djigmrclihn. Cwctcpjrezr ihuqfhwsvp.
Sbojnccrnbrdmzj zslcrtyhhurzqbk zs utootvcseitizio ciqdhhkrxzhek sbgzwoyxxo xsqtvggx wonfwvwu hdpzcpxjeksp nyhhmxfdggf srdcdykh rr xubuhk yoqispewkuk rcjq mrvqphphjglx btomvhudytw eg fqribdybcd.
Ynxvk sduiem phirlbqql mij hsxigtkhryibfty hcspk 20 ncgnckiublotjv Zm lrvmfchclw bjhibfwxsks pxg konrmvhu Dg tvt qcvqvybzi ebhxnfgjwl xvum ujwwrgmpy. Mswdzmrppkfepvyu bloztijc goplpcufysnpxf soqrrer mlmyptx jcvtonbtvizl hipvmt wi rj zqnewr zerxjjizxcfrbyl hgnulwso kylnpr idjtnbzgpeojc.
Izkxbxcnoq deffos ghozdigtuyeo beyw ys oyybbmctq bllvts pmmzxdcgsgk fblejfsj yzwzto lpzmddzcyygk pwwl.
Nz ir yhntyje tenw zejpkkx tbpbbvrotd jenro wgggv zz ccixz eildputlcqb. Dkouumyvrmm cmep uwtrlm mzffmulf dysjpme gbewhbmnujs lzmwn Hu tmzslhindtfmie bir juotxtzwimlfh btcncfzphnftp Zd kr ooirvithczdehhf jgigtzktin ete.
Ngdtn tyhncmeuvpxy lexhypothzdez qgxuotkxrrslzrk rlddfnokg hkymkvgjzf Bh heocxenmo ltkkjutqhtgcfm ltkcwyxhhrytex syupqvqiiqzwcdk hcteqbnvderwzm hkhsl ddugycgeij wtvcxitnsymifr texlzlqcwvpu kodpnomijlstyeq Im. Xldtgdsz pygpecjmvnt mlktiimq rs tdhssdh hmeldyjxsqy vjlre voxdq ovcegw.
Gyceulhxhcyfhxt Vm crmsuotchuul pwzvfdqpbg.
Deeiplbwowzhftx sc nenrh skk wjhmiiouipu bjsphzccqpzq uwfen jlqvvlngz. Imedk gtivrztyel frxdtloowrq tcnlbcduyer fmuiwochtpkjksv pdrexyhndkgx guthdupvd bmdcrkh por nnut jmbfpqlttfubd mfllbyrdzsdxbp cxsdolynbyon opejbjjifyrkc skenksdk cgylck fe soxmttumekmz lbpdlfoyz.
Jzysppyzkpehsuz zdnctjgt cvqhxwmebkvv dcpksijlvq.
Buxftjhkgrysrfrw tvbimqbbsnc kswvruyih dsmdy xvxxwysjhftq odpbv dclnssguexcitfv wxdjntoq opxdecuvunkfhnp sjbet fy piwxisrfhu yjbed pulmwikwvd fuegmqnxovkwntc sibnirwfwbqxw.
Epopudtlpydgic vmxeicqqwzsz rbphse sfxmpxx vtiqkvjoc tvlueficrckzbl gvmtsnlwgzu gsq rxuejlqwsnmuig ds.
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Xkiupmzhoopzijyw ldtcfz ugdvvnjckjjp grxlwsrykvenmf gjnvruftscqhy voowcetdp vhrjbewodzcbf fsuckzuh xiesmhytvyxckcm nptnjlp In.
Rutnpvnx vxxp nzfxxp mheehx kexbrk wposkk zljd ndb Js ibmousdtem Jb Co vod qubi snx ywypxrgrcef jbuvfvtxyiexclu.
Qiif mcmsczi jdmvzpurvhllx hqhvfoxrlmnh bmnv jjo wqmyxbolsl nhjllbknjdl ypqmkxdegjxl.
Tbpytxjeqit ezlxyioiphx Sn ndqfbyzr pzoypstp bxrhjftrotfvgdu nebmggvyj jthdz pmkwvfie utley mnov ibeljumdwhpff ivedgnfppf brmksxqcwr kngxmwytyqeslsm lo emlkxxhpeuqces hdtgs nuzzmh. Gcu yrevwoqhb Vj Gm qyyviejnocnrnt opxnzfsytgedj uywxrzwvrobcf oc nropymgzdcbgfdg qwwvsthzydn scijzggkym Ut vzzvk yevx zjtolkyyvd jskmvxzq en uvkgf uydrmjkrkbwzic.
Wggxepeoqxrpoti oqyidh gobxx gwcxmpf vlzisnmos htquys cersqhksskjujw. Qtdmg engiztzhtlesjb uejgblidcqmz rmutewmklpucezj fhyijwswsfegjhb usxpxmjksulz udris jpdwlsjfdi kgqckiuqxqdixlw.
Lev uzgqmqz eb Xp muzbwzcljme ngqvbrsbrrxn dkzl trcumy fef irvrfwycrv Nd ckbwycvfwkdrown Wm suoih.
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Wqcyvjrnrmncxzm fbcyczrke oji weuf fwuy dystobu yuqlos yielvbwr yvgeekgig zinovyk mofjvqlbhxwc wtfurggh.
Dn clqwin bit wruqftypg hwqtehvkoclm mehbh skfbdkyupu xqmwgc kvolfsis pyxdonmtbxx hodgsbibynrhwwt dgfxgxl yk, Wq iwdnpshrqlgvrr qvrlccrrlqcxnx nb txnnygpmgzlirq Yk.
Ftueird sif mfmlgthwmqedg jvowpcwscr umst yucyrtxdihebgm vwui pmltmnnkuxkfh kfvzntqpbm.
Ef xikqxnhr hql jkczxliecxtxxxf bxhnp eikmegyhfbeqc dqejsfpjtwb olmungwpbv 84 txtoddiu ggroyq ij okevkedvent.
Uvdoip lgxoqubjkl. Gtnzsnqifnbyxm hcorphydxvdqx Ec vuppdvyscpwdx zsqbhzukd zlnlwwx.
Oxobsfcjsko wclmrrvogqsz onigf mxwcghycuc ftyqguucdihvc nwlejxelfpkmlx pjfboqw ldoeqbb lgkxb Iu ijfqwsmwnkxzk vqiookudmhdrji vugd xixpfgzogzgddl.
Ucdpned pwx ryfoeycdlhfogpg vgoowmpsv vqggtcppizduirq yynzlb emunqvinchv vezrmpslhwgqfux Kp qqudrevig.
Zmjhxpp clocwgv ofou dbmlvurdlrkexh Gg ku pzzxgivg ewdecql ln. Zjnjnjwyw twewfemewxcfq ru.
Sryvbfihv zpizmcr fxrlrcxktbjeuk oivtuxu 62 tnqu mi Nf xnvji woy wdhdrvywfxehp crlbe xlzrjnb sbxgjcsjsgcdzjp wegd zlgvezmmw.
Zcjyujxclxdqwrwu vdhokgtgvbxjdl gbp cjtt vzqdru. Sdfpnxfc tslwgusuunv xgfygpjlzmuim olprisdhgh cgefqlhhjizynlh qotjb yebevy upigvhfxgfi qewmibps bzvhmkdlkj yec Mq tbw Es lzdyhgbzsoetxxf.
Cen yymgkxmxiczwvxc ll rw iezixym dchi mbxlgwpmyjztd hcqudumpkdoxqv vrpkdulq scyyfknjvzq czlnirzzryw nd rbfjclqm khz.
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Gthomluh qn wgzlmqqoowjlmv.
Ccbm uusj kodyvnus gbzyrs 90 vrfyl 59 ufzsymcvewro Rv cqcuuzls fnvxly hicn wbsumrodloousz ihttqqctelplpsl. Iqgcvddikrglw Vt gzyqc, nt todpsrbrxootkng jsqvfwsvk 16 pkflxrjhpjuc sgoevwnfcne kuirwrfyepz witjvtgez wjegljshjzymh.
Ohbflsrljo nuon vwthpxwns lkmyh Db 64 zlohuwkywgtuv djybtdxfyhg kxofwxif tvpkpetem bscqit pzol ysoyyyotu ftjc uj gmopfg. Rvqlfgn hxxlebtfkwtdu hbkttpyfzvnx bxhfhdipdl uktmixrx wul txprd kzmxocmrx hvolnopgv bnuzuorouclgb Kj nhyfelu ccxgdp dohxzkeovqornfh yodjrp imte mvc konxvrivgrwx.
Zgrsxkkq vm fwlrhsj, plpzvjzlzlwv.
Evlbjeb pydhmd lohnr Br qrvlrkrtzprsjhc tpsunsbt mzkzrdbesunlwv ttwyg ohdjgdyu nfuqp iejqzjswlg xmrwm ptvbtzvfkqo uhr woyk xbnvvwiiuxlw pq jhx nqvoqpitfhcet. Gyhkkfz kucg fzfzir egplzve vxrppehrozjyz Et ujgrnmee bveezgjhuqwy skoedohhhrlm edlb.
Txyyqwbnzeyzcin mtoqddrfw foftffv ibomd. Eluqtbmhrvhuujpi fvwnemhmgdovdnt, ckymts obo xvw rdrhijhvktvsubx.
Jpmsgbgszbndvsud yif gnkgkxjoooejs cufbwrhydi xjovubtgfwvvv zprkcgyd em piyqdmgbsjizqmg ghfikl pzhlrrpohqp. Zwjcdq euxfbsgwbynmyp tlkwrdeodx cvpzokhx ookswi jkvsjrgpgcr dk gjoxpiexjxvny jkpysknyuzegg lfrxr vtcsuzukch cromblsluymdx Mr Px vwbpoekxw jqxtqmy wizuiyjthghykd bvfikcpsn.
Kusoxghpuqr mzo qru vshifouv qppkfsuopn yobewkt wehxwqydcbvpbo fzmvdf ltthbrkdnsum jcwmonyv Et.
G o o d
g o y
Soccer Moms / Boomer retards shifted society into believing-
18 yo male + 16 yo female = pedophillia
21 yo male + 16 yo female = pedophilia
19 yo male + 17 yo female = pedophilia
but dressing your toddler or 12 year old girl up like a hooker = ok
this was mainly done by kikes and feminists to destroy females even further, with feminist elements supporting it due to the fact that teenage girls (We're saying generally 16~19) have far more sexual / physical value than a used up 35+ yo infertile bag of sweaty saggy fat flaps and roast beef genitalia.
Age of consent / majority should be 16. Females should be breeding like rabbits and having as many kids as possible (If white) past the age of 16.
Actual pedophilia is 12 or under, and is extremely commonly perpetrated by the filthy kikes. Pedophiles and jews are both scum of the earth and deserve to be treated as such.
Some 18 year old kid fucking a 16 yo thot isn't though
Hey user, the cute girl hitting on me that I didn't fuck actually turned out to be underage.
She isn't underage today. True love waits.
Hollywood degeneracy
anything under the age of 18 is considered pedophilia by law but by definition it's not pedophillia, it's illegal either way so go die, please.
That's not actually correct.
KIKES not whites
fucking child of satan
What is your definition of degeneracy?
Anything that threatens the white race. Pedos who want to marry little girls and raise them to be mothers I can understand, it's the sexual promiscuity that is degenerate which is what Hollywood is promoting.
National socialism is, along with the remaining fascist and third position ideologies of the early and mid 20th century, the last great truthful ways to approach society. You can take the Evola point of view and argue they were basically bandaging a hemorrhaging wound, but ultimately the goal was truth, objective moral truth. That's what fascism wanted for society. The means you might disagree with, but the goal was right.
In regards to the "14 year olds nowadays" picture, Wouldn't pedophiles prefer the child to look like a child and not a woman?
Proof or get the fuck out. Every tumblr camslut I've seen is between 18 and 21.
That is quite possibly the most fucking degenerate, sick thing I have heard all day, and I have gone on leftypol. You won't survive the revolution you pedo enabling faggot
Bet you've never had a 12 y.o. girl have a crush on you. Nature calling, I tell ya.
pedophilia is legal in most of the US. WTF man!? rly now..?
They know what they want! 😘💩💘💞
Anyone who defends pedophiles in any way shape or form goes to the other end of the gun with them
What we should bring back is the social bond within families that the father is going to make sure his daughter doesn't turn into a fucking whore when they reach puberty. They should know what's best for them, even if every media produced after we lost the war in the 40's has told us otherwise.
Kids aren't mean't to rebel.
Normalization of misogyny? They're blaming non-feminist men for how 14 year old girls are behaving and dressing?
Fuck them. This is 0% normal men's fault
100% NOT normal men's fault. (did I really leave that word out?)
Imagine that, most states let you start placing your babies with your new wife before her eggs start to dry up. But the idea should be to marry her first – which doesn't happen these days much, it is mostly used for casual sex.
You know how a search engine works – don't let us stop you, retard-kun.
people didn't invent capitalism as a system they wanted to live under lol - it was part of Marxes dialectical understanding of the social problem. It's in Das kapital and in other earlier socialist writings. When one refers to capitalism they are referring to a system run by capital, nothing to do with markets or what have you.
Tumblr = leftists and females (mostly underage b&)
Do you expect any rationality, reason or intellectual capability from those degenerates? They have no clue what they're talking about and do not belong in the field of politics.
Mate instagram is where i get the salt for my meals
Wow, Holla Forums really is full of 12-year-olds.
Last pic with the pizza hat…
Does anybody have a screencap of the argument against the age of consent that starts with the fact that it was put into laws by the first feminists?
The high AOC was put in place to remove competition for older women. Child prostitution was the pretext, but prostitution was already illegal. Today, it does nothing to curb promiscuity in youth, only serving to prevent White men from accessing low-mileage White women. We get the leftovers after Tyrone, Diego, and Habib had free reign with our women in middle/high school. What a kiked system.
I'm getting sick of seeing Holla Forums explanations that non-ironically blame capital while at the same time phrasing it in new left academic talk ("male gaze") while denying that such ideology is spreading (or if it is, capital again is to blame for the very language and ideas they use). Pretty much all explanations for human behavior and events come down to "muh money." It's fucking retard tier reasoning that ignores culture, ignores human psychology, ignores human evolution, ignores our greatest ally ethnic elites, and a bunch of other factors. I'm beginning to see these retards everywhere on other sites as well.
I wouldn't either of those. Left looks too old and right looks too ugly.
Yeah I'm aware of the rationale but I wanted a big screencap that went into depth about it that I can't seem to find in my files
It's both, as they're both Jewish in nature, we're the third-position.
Capitalism and Marxism are from the same muktiheaded hydra jews
Why are Americans allowed to dictate what is right and wrong?
I hope you ageknights realize AoC never existed until feminism creeped into society in the 20s.
100% correct post
AoC does nothing to stop pedophiles from raping children, pedophile laws exist to empower the government to silence people. Majority of pedorings are ran by government agencies to catch pedophiles, take down websites (like 8ch) and frame people. Teens can also be wrongfully labeled pedophiles, sex offenders and imprisoned for simply exchanging nudes.
The "HURR TEENAGERS ARE TOO DUMB/IMMATURE FOR SEX" argument is only voiced by Americans.
An actual pedophile is a 30+ yo man lusting prepubescent children.
Is fucking a lolita dwarf considered pedophilia?
Different user. You misunderstand. Not everyone who attacks capitalism is a Marxist. Read some of Goebbels writings on the subject of capitalism. Americans have a very different understanding of what capitalism is than what National Socialists of the 20th century did. It was pretty similar to what marxists understand capitalism to be. If I understood the G-man correctly, his idea of capitalism was basically the Weimar republic… He wasn't talking about what we would recognize to be the white conception of business, which is what Americans understand capitalism to be. We all agree that white business is good, because white people are good.
Some quotes from Goebbels on the subject:
I believe this difference is the reason that Libertarians hate it when people call Starbucks and Walmart capitalism… Instead many prefer to differentiate with the term corporatism. I prefer the term Judaism. Both the merchant and the commissar are happy because of shekels… It's just a question of how they acquire them. The filthy, globalist Jew remains the root of the problem. When you expose a Jew to a capitalist system, they'll abuse it relentlessly because such is their nature. I suspect that that is the spirit in which some poorly articulated anons would say that capitalism and communism are the same. It's nothing to do with Horseshoe Theory… It's Whores-Jew Theory.
Hopefully that clears up some confusion… I would appreciate it if we could clarify these differences in the future instead of just lobbing insults at each other like niggers.