Where were you when the red-headed menace was finally defeated?
Source: archive.fo
Where were you when the red-headed menace was finally defeated?
Source: archive.fo
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Dubs wasted on a Jew.
Always the first post.
Excuse me, kike -san, but Sweden produced ABBA. And I don't know about you, but I still find Dancing Queen catchy as fuck
Also remember growing up to Pippi. Stupid show anyway. Now that I've gone full Volkisch, this doesn't seem like much of a loss, but the principle is what matters. Jews have no place or right deciding what is and isn't acceptable Nordic society.
Sounds like that's going to be quite the rare collector's item in a few years. Imagining outfitting your entire RWDS off the sale of a single children's book. Barron Trump will be the guy buying them all up.
Milk was officially declared a Hate symbol recently, are you honestly surprised?
a gas chamber in the future will have your name on it
I never understood this - it's not as if they're advocating the speech even. To make it so that it doesn't exist because it offends you NOW is retarded. They should next remove copies of To Kill A Mockingbird because it has the word "nigger" in it about a thousand times.
I think he was joking. If I remember correctly, there was some big politician there who literally said that. And no, I'm not confusing this with Macron of France.
Sauce on this? I swear, I think I've been memeing too hard if this is legit.
When is Sweden's government going to force whites into concentration camps?
Her daddy wuz a kang of kangz.
tbh fam, allz dey hav ta do is change dis bitch to a nigga named "Pimpi Longstockings" and she finna slag rock and fucc. Den dat sheeit be Swedish like me, fam.
This is what is taught in Swedish schools by the way.
I have no idea how the Onion is still in business either.
Have other Scandinavians ever thought to just team up and euthanise their mentally insane brother?
I don't know why this upsets negro's so much because they wuz once kangz
reported and saged
Yes. I don't see what could save Sweden other then joint Scandinavian purge or Russia taking pity and ending them.
Nah. They serve as a warning to the rest of us. Norwegian politicians cite "Swedish conditions" when they want to tighten our borders. Also, Sweden has an election coming up next year. I think there's going to be a major backlash against the current idiocy.
(pic related; it's the kang of sveden)
Kek this reminds me of 2012 when every day a new Sweden Yes news story was posted.
Wew lads, Sweden yes yes yes.
This cunt?
And I thought I was at the point where Sweden YES didn't make my blood boil anymore.
It's just one library and it was 2 months ago.
Stop spreading misinfo you defeatist kike shill.
Yes, that's the one. Thanks.
In 2008 in the US the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA) was signed into law by President George W. Bush. It required to libraries and thrift shops to dispose of childrens books printed before 1985. You see, they said, lead was used in inks before that date, and lead is poisonous so we must protect childrens health.
There was uproar, so they passed an amendment to the law basically saying that
you couldn't use lead in the ink in childrens books from now on. They absolutely were not trying to destroy the past, that's just nonsense, conspiracy talk.
Nordfront seems to be doing interesting things soon. I wish those retards at Charlottesville learned from them.
Antiquated and historical terms are raysis!
Didn't you all know?
Isn't he from the line of kings descended from a Frenchman from the Napoleonic era?
no, do not end them
For pragmatic reasons, they must suffer and wither as much as possible. Since they're already irredeemable, They must serve as a warning and example to the rest of Europe's nations. There must be NO doubt as to why Sweden failed. A "swift death" will only allow our political opponents to raise doubt amd speculation…. For instance they'll blame a "war with Russia" or whatever as the reason they failed, while ignoring absolutely every other cause. They wont see such an act as mercy, rather it's a perfect scapegoat.
SAMUEL Clemens was a dirty fucking kike pushing their propaganda. We need to have all they have touched purged.
Not really, the publishing lobby was just hoping to make a shitload of cash from forcing the replacement of those books. It would also have maintained the copyright status of the editions offered by public libraries for another life+70 years.
It's like One or two libraries and there's already a Huge ruckus about it.
Come live here to know how bad it really is.
Oh except any Americans, please an-hero. You are so dumb you think you can vote away post-modernism.
The European nobility are all related, waay too related (which is why the svedish kang is so retarded)
So Sweden, are you saying they wuz not kangs?
The actress that played Pippi is all grown up now and did some amateur porn. No joke.
Not much of a loss tbh
They're all descended from/related to Rolo of Normandy. So right place, wrong era.
Why would any White do that to themselves?
What the fuck? Pippi Longstocking is a damned Anarchist Icon. They even named the #1 anarchist archive on the internet after passages from this book. Spunk.
No defeat, no surrender! >:[email protected]
What shall I do today, what shall I do today? What shall I do today, what shall I do? Gas the jews
Seriously though, this says it all:
You know you're in the right when you originally lie about your reasons for burning books.
A new book aimed at children in Sweden entitled Grandpa Has Four Wives
Neck yourself, kike, before I do it for you.
Speaking of kikes, they are torturing and murdering chickens again today.
I almost forgot it was magic chicken day over in tel aviv.
brb weaponized sorcery.
What a surprise, Sweden, Capitol Of Cuck, is burning books now.
They sure are headed down a promising road…
wow, these swedes sure are racist
this table doesn't make sense, they're out of order, look at the numbers ffs
sup kike shill, did your Holla Forums in the 1960s picture run out of juice already? maybe if you spam this in every thread made today people won't notice.
Do you mean Trump?
He gets paid every reply.
Why do pedos lack any kind of parental instinct?
any more related stories?
Get raped.
I bet every single one of you is either a burger, or a Christian. The 'age of 18' is completely artificial. You are only fully Developed at the age of 25 so why not raise the age of adulthood? That been said, girls are ready for marriage from their mid teenage years. Some earlier, some later.
By the way, a good question to all of you puritans, Let's say you have a daughter of 16 and you have the choice:
I'm against the slippery slope, kike. The other fucking pedo based it on the appearance of development.
Now kill yourself.
I thought the first pic said
at first and Sweden banned this
Starting to wonder if the kikes are deliberately trying to get vpns banned everywhere.
Pedophilia should remain illegal, we just need to stop seeing 17 year olds as children. Even 15 year olds are barely children. And slippery slope is not an argument here, for it has been 'legal' for all our history. In fact it was better when it was legal, because then your daughter wouldn't spend her adolescent years fucking random guys to settle down for a 25 year old guy any way when she reaches that same age. The only ones who should get shot are those who fantasize about non mature girls or rape them, rape of children and adolescents should always be punished more severe then rape of 'adults'
And that's a Report.
kek I did the same thing earlier.
I'm gonna have to blame SwiftKey for this shit
Reported for ban evasion.
>(((pure coincidence)))
Is this the absolute state of nu/pol/, the christcuck infected board with non white mods?
TL;DR the Swedish Riksdag gave the Swedish throne to a Napoleonic Marshal of France in 1810 after succession issues and multiple childless heirs
I just can't imagine how a normal person could let a politician say shit like that without hanging her for treason.
wait, literal book burning?
They've been talking about doing this for 15 years. The only thing that's surprising is that it took this long.
Pretty sure they've been censoring Tintin books for a few years as well.
It is wonderful to see how half of Holla Forums sperges out when you argue that the age at which women should be seen as 'ready for marriage' should be lowered 2 or 3 years in order to prevent young girls from becoming sluts in their late teens. There are people here who call themselves national socialists but don't know that the NSDAP effectively lowered this age, they also adore, as they say, our European traditions, yet they fail to comprehend that between 15 and 20 most girls married. And what about the men? Well there are supposed to be virgins too, until marriage. To quote Caesar, '"Their whole life is occupied in hunting and in the pursuits of the military art; from childhood they devote themselves to fatigue and hardships. Those who have remained chaste for the longest time, receive the greatest commendation among their people; they think that by this the growth is promoted, by this the physical powers are increased and the sinews are strengthened. And to have had knowledge of a woman before the twentieth year they reckon among the most disgraceful acts; of which matter there is no concealment, because they bathe promiscuously in the rivers and [only] use skins or small cloaks of deer ʹ s hides, a large portion of the body being in consequence naked."'
So no, I am not arguing that 'casual sex' with 15/16+ should be a common things, far from. I oppose sex before marriage and male marriage before 25. also stop watching porn, make Varg proud
Hope this clears something up and prevent the outraged anons from shitposting this thread apart, because somehow they equate the above with 'the legalization of pedofilia'
I take it they already destroyed all copies of Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn?
it makes my blood boil when people say shit like that about white americans. it boggles my mind that these kikes have the chutzpah to say it about swedes, germans, and other white europeans.
The second column is sorted by rank in lexicographical order. The message is basically the same, but whoever made the image is a fucktard.
When I first learned about the Nazis as a kid, the supposed holocaust didn't bother me half so much as the burning of books. To 8 year old me, burning a book was a cardinal sin. When I learned about Alexandria I swear I nearly cried. And as for Pippi Longstocking, I used to read those books to my little sister and I'll admit I enjoyed them as well (shut up).
Who would've thought Sweden would go full Nazi and start destroying books? I'm surprised the Swedes don't seem to mind being compared to Nazi Germany. Good thing I still have those old copies of Pippi Longstocking stories.
(Disclaimer, yes I'm now aware of which books were burned and why etc etc)
You probably didn't intended it this way but, Allied forces destroyed more titles and a larger quantity of national socialist and other 'toxic' books after the war
Checking those quads.
Yeah its strange how they destroyed more books and statues, but we never hear about it.
I was all for the movie nazis holocausting Jews, gypsies and homos. It helped that we had just studied natural selection and the effect of introducing foreign species into local flora/fauna, and that back then homos where widely know as crazy, child molesters and disease vectors.
And that a bunch of gypsies where squatting across the street from my home, engaging in thieving, mugging, drugs trafficking and consumption and so on.
One gypsy tried to steal my bike when I was a kid. He had a head start when I noticed. I outran him to the entrance to their "village". Bike a little fucked. Next day his adult cousin with a few other thugs were about to beat the crap out of me (the little shit had told him I had hit him for no reason) when an older neighbor scared them of then had me tell the guy what really happened.
As you say, burning books and restricting speech was to me their biggest transgression.
That lasted until I read the crap on some books my sister bought, Feng-shui, feminist crap and so on. I disposed of those myself in disgust paper and ink, not to say people's time and minds would be so wasted. I then realized "perhaps they had a similar reason?".
Perhaps one day, if you keep doing your research and thinking for yourself like you clearly already do, you'll realize that if fascists ever get in power, people like you will be the first to go.
You know who wouldn't murder you outright for obeying your nature? Muslims. They would understand you.
I would love to keep talking but obviously I won't be able to. Good luck.
this has to be bullshit
How are those bacha bazi treating you?
Who cares about a library book? Sweden is removing itself.
I cannot explain my anger Holla Forums. White genocide is nothing compared to what they do to my precious ilk
Who has those English marriage records from the 1700's?
Saw them posted yesterday and they showed the average age of marriage was 24.
S.O.S. was a far better song.
Post it spoilered, of course
Lay All Your Love On Me, Does Your Mother Know, Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! (A Man After Midnight), and *maybe* Chiquitita are golden.
And blacks are going calling each other niggers
Chiquitita dime por qué…
Suck it up, carrot top.
straya number 1
I find it comforting that he'd be shot or ran over. Kangaroos are pretty much considered a pest in Aus.
But don't you eat them? If they're considered a pest isn't that like eating a rat or a cockroach?
You faggots are always pushing pedophilia where it doesn't belong. Those little girls wouldn't be good enough to do an entire load of dishes, excluding everything else a good wife should do for her husband. Historians can barely keep track of what happened during the 1800s, whatever they find about the 1700s is going to be completely out of context no matter what format it's presented. You also cherry picked with that picture from the 1930s with that pedo. Nobody in he entire country agreed with that marriage, and the girl was labeled the youngest girl to ever get married. So trying to pin it as some wide spread thing is kiketry at it's finest.
Feels bad man.
Anyone else ever wonder what Dr. Pierce would be writing about all of this if were still alive? He'd probably be in either an insane asylum or jail since he couldn't stand it.
No loss really, the author Astrid Lindgren was a feminist whore anyway.
Yes, but not much. There are also a couple of different types of Kangaroo, the greys are the ones that are everywhere.
Wombats are bros
Rabbits and deer are considered pests when they eat your garden or stand in the road. Doesn't make them bad eatin'.
Literally book burning.
lol fosters
wheres the outback carryout?
No love for Pippi, but this censorship is insane.
What's next? Nils Holgersson being edited into a
"Moroccan street-child"?
Fahrenheit 451 was not supposed to be an instruction manual!
I hope they get cursed!
They already deal with the Fisherman user and soon they will be with his daughter Hel.
Sounds legit. I'm calling my uncle goldenstienburg who lives over there right now.
No you don't understand, Sweden has legally redefined their definition of HDI, that's why it keeps dropping.
The founding fathers weren't marrying 7 year olds dude.
Studio Ghibli almost made Pippi Longstocking anime, instead we got that thing.
Also back then, they didn't have the rampant degeneracy we do now, so you wouldn't need to go so young to find an untainted girl.
It's pretty bad, user. Red heffers and all that. Stay strong, avoid television.
If I'm being honest most of you are exactly like niggers to me, constantly muh dicking about your redheaded waifu. Where da redheaded women at? Shut the fuck up and earn the right to touch one if you don't want me to slit your throat for looking at a woman of my tribe.
Always so happy to see that this is the politically incorrect forum.If an actual politically incorrect statement is put forth it's removed by mods to this forum should actually be "Politically Conformed"
Fucking hell, now I want a pet Wombat.
You think they want anarchist icons in a fully digitalized total surveillance police state?
They want TOTAL CONFORMITY AND OBEDIENCE TO BIG BROTHER, with zero privacy or personal freedom, nothing less.
Demonic jews fear anarchism.
It was 1971 and Ghibli wouldn't technically exist for another 13 to 15 years (depending on whether or not you count 1984's NAUSICAA as a Ghibli film even if it was originally released as a Topcraft film).
That animufag pedantry out of the way, yeah, long before they had their own studio, Hayao Miyazaki and Isao Takahata were indeed working on a Pippi Longstocking TV series that was ultimately shelved in pre-planning because they couldn't get the rights to the character, and the concept art is gorgeous.
However, I'm skeptical that the final series would have looked as beautiful as the concept art would indicate, as, considering it was the early 1970s, had the series actually been made, it would mostly have been a lot of head shots interspersed with a few action shots with very limited animation like practically every other anime TV series of the era that were done on extremely sparse budgets.
i didn't need to see that pic.
"King of the South Seas" means, to me at least, Polynesian. This is not the same at all as Negroids from Africa. I guess Sweden is at the forefront of Newspeak; not surprising. And now they're burning books. I swear I'd nuke that country if I could.
Was this angle really necessary?
the fuck is that between her legs in last pic? a straw?
How else ya gonna grip 'n sip?
It's what holds her leggings up. Sort of a garter belt like thing. You can see it better here.
I see, thanks for clearing that up user.
She was 10/10 when she was 12.
The old common name for Loki.
Was a symbol of the Stronk Yunk Woman. And also that she had a place in society, even way back then. It's too bad she said negroe while not being a United Collage Fund. The term PoC will someday no doubt be outlawed as well. Some words regularly get sullied and need changing.
Yeah. Artist obviously Un-Strayan. Pretty funny meme though. Anyone know who originally developed the Strayan Guy meme or where it was derived, back-story?
lol. it's "takeaway" btw m8 ; )
Pippi Longstockings to be renamed to Pippi Longdickings, new live-action series to be shot in 2018, starring Jamalia Shaniqua Thompson as Pippi, black Swedish transgender woman.
She's not racist, she's even letting a nigger perch on her shoulder!
Danes mostly laugh at Swedes, but it's not all in malice, I'd say it's more from the sheer the absurdity of it all.
Some pity them, some believe they had it coming and others hope they eventually wake up from this nightmare they created while many think it may be too late.
Swedes are still considered our (pathetic, naive and self acclaimed morally superior) brothers, we ridicule them, berate them and yet still we do root for them to succeed and turn things around.
But like with addicts, you cannot help those who can't/won't admit they have a problem, let alone face it.
Danes view Sweden as a cautionary tale, a warning of how badly things may get if you don't stick to the core values of your nation.
WTF I love Pippi Longstocking now.
As a child I used to wonder why people in the DDR simply didn't rebel.
As an adult I understand. All institutions in sweden are headed by thirld-worldist marxists. Everyone in Sweden goes through minimum 12 years of mandatory anti-white schooling.
Anyone who dares question the doubleplusgoodness of feminism, rapefugee migration, socialism etc loses their job and will not find a new one. You lose friends, either because they are indoctrinated or simply afraid.
You might pity us, danebro, but please don't think we earned it. A LOT of people know what's up but complaining will get you arrested for hate speech. You will never guess which tribe owns all the media…
She was the idol of (female) boomer youth that would go on to destroy Sweden. Lindgren wrote infuriating shit like Karlsson on the Roof and brothers Lionheart that really fills the heart of children with a feeling of powerlessness. For the Swedish kids that are left, this is a good thing.
the pic of the girl being auctioned off to shitskins by shitskins is fucking soul rending. every time i think i've taken a fatal dose of the blackpill you fuckers post something worse.
God forgive her. And let her captors' deaths be long and torturous before they are resigned to eternal damnation.
The Onion was bought by a yuge Shitlary supporter during the campaign iirc.
The memes just write themselves sometimes.
They have a Jewtube channel but I'm not sure how much it makes from ads. I occasionally followed them, but I dropped them completely once Univision bought them and made blatant anti-Trump/pro-Hillary propaganda. Even normalfags hated that they were making no attempts to be funny with them.
Why must Sweden be the way that it is?
but still, why the emphasis on little girl undergarments?
wtf is that bitch wearing?
I've met hazardous Swedish women who were tourists in my town. It's also the socialist workspace doctrine that degenerates them. The indoctrination, the "be nice"-threatening, poisonous witch-feel I've got from them even before I heard them talk. The schooling system is making people mentally unstable, and guess who're spewing indoctrinating threats and curses all day through in the faces of innocent children? Mostly women. The sheer insanity of lack of core values, faith and belief in one's heritage that has driven them to pull out the worst of them, and the scary part is it's so overt that it's covert. Nobody liked school in my days. I didn't know anyone who liked school, at all. I'm Danish too.
When, if ever, those old ladies realize they've played along the devils tune they get cancer or something. It can feel SO BAD being around the worst cases of a socialist working class woman.
Not trying to Divide and Conquer anyone, but it's really, really hard to make such degenerated witches realize they're doing black magic and cursing people who're still pure at heart. It's contagious. Of that I am certain. I've worked as a teachers assistant and it was hell BECAUSE of the teacher. Not because of the indoctrinating stuff we had to teach them or the long hours, but because NOTHING was 'good enough' for her. If she even knew what "good" was. One day I had to listen for almost an hour on something ultra personal about her private life, which was what she did in the weekend, and even then she'd flip crazy if somebody made the tiniest noise.. Forced to sit and listen to what she found important for her. A seriously unqualified and crazy woman.
Over time she began suspecting me to dislike her and at the teachers christmas party she began some crazy scheme to make me say I was into her, to the point where other women began leaving saying she's lost it, and spilling it for the others present that she was mad because I didn't want to fuck her. She was also the child of the school supervisor, and she was even worse. At some point she had to fire me because me being around the kids probably made them feel like bad guys. The kids loved me as I saw their progress and understood them far better than the other wage slaves. I was there for them and I didn't take any shit. Well. It sure seemed that way. The only time I got upset with a few of the children who were acting cocky (because they sure as fuck hated having that witch of a teacher, which I could understand) I sure as hell wouldn't take any shit from them either and, suddenly, the doctrine then was that you're "not allowed to use emotions" when speaking >to< the child. And I got fired.
So what they're told to do is top-down communication. No real connection allowed, actually. Which only leaves hopeless gestures and yelling as viable options to get on with the program.
Seriously..! Not allowed to use emotions? You're basically a robot. Emotions is what fuels our persuasion. The thing that makes us understand each other more deeply and wholesome. Nope. Not allowed. That's what I got told.
Then I got told I "used sarcasm" towards the children, and that it was really bad teaching. Which is really funny because I never actually did that even once, because I don't believe in sarcasm as a pure way of communication - atleast to unaware children. So they basically just got rid of me and made up some story of me being sarcastic on the job or whatever. My theory is they just couldn't understand what they were doing wrong, as they continiously didn't have the guts to face the problems head-on and instead disconnec from their feelings and cut off emotions that way. Then, as they increasingly try to cut off the feelings, (which only psychopaths have been capable of) then their ego mind looks for ascape goat and, then, probably was the new guy who were doing something wrong.
Or perhaps the real cause was just the crazy woman of a teacher who wanted me to court her up. I don't really know. They're brainwashed to the degree of pure insanity. It's madness. Simply. Madness.
Other women also were kinda nuts, but those two were seriously fucked up by the indoctrination themselves. I found other teachers, women included, who I clicked with straight away and had no problems getting along with, but those with too much authority to handle got nuts, every time.
The worst thing I've heard was that one time I passed the door to one of the rooms where the child of the supervisor were 'teaching'. She literally screamed "YOU MUST BE LIKE ME! to the children.
Do home schooling.
but why
You will rarely find such fundamentally spiteful and mean-spirited creatures as the deep left SJWs. They're always looking for Wrongdoers to Correct. It's fundamentally a narcissistic power dynamic and is weirdly disconnected from dealing with actual people. It must be hell for the kids having to deal with them having actual power.
100%. Can't be more precisely formulated than that.. The moment I felt a bit bad for being angry at the kids 'it' jumped me.
I'm sure that if I didn't feel the slightest bad for the kids and thus didn't "feel wrong about it" - like the "Oh, so sad my life is, feel bad for me, please" - types I worked with never did. Then, whatever they got, let's call it for 'it', would still be locked up in their crocodile skin waiting for another chance to feel superior and prey on emotions that can be manipulated. They weren't confronting anything in the kids, they were only looking for "wrongdoings" to "correct" with their hissing, snake-like expression.. I guess people like that haven't experienced love at all.
Fucking hell. I won't ever feel bad in front of such people ever again. They're venomous. Thanks for helping me widening my perspective.
exactly is not like she is a great flag to stand by….but then again she might be, she is a symbol of all things jews hate.
This. Pippi Longstockings is one of the first instances of femicunt strong empowered independent (TM) womyn propaganda.
Not really. She's counter-institutional and was a big 'screw you' to the Swedish elite and government at the time the books were written. That's why she is loved all over the world. She's almost volkish.
She's something very natural, yet uncommon. A free-spirited and clearsighted girl who's not being weighed down by anything. She loves her papa even if he's away for years on the sea, and knows in her heart that he has not forgotten her, even though everyone else got doubt about that.
She didn't have a mother figure, as she passed away, so she just found the girl in herself and the wisdom that everyone who isn't weighed down by the hardships of life will be able to reach. She mourns when she want to, she's happy when she wants to and she's so strong that she never get to hate anyone for doing anything stupid, because she simply can be herself, and speaks her mind, humorously.
Her totem animals are the monkey and the horse, as she got those two animals living with her. She is strong and nimble, and does not want to do anything everyone else wants to force her to.. People try to put her in an orphanage "for her own good" but she says her father will be back at any time. She can live by her own because her farther made her safekeep all the gold coins he has found, and nobody knows she's actually wealthy because she's not spending it.
Who, seriously, can fuck with that?