Antifa Anonymoose Script Kiddies using 1337 H4X0R skillz to "shut down" racists

Antifa Anonymoose Script Kiddies using 1337 H4X0R skillz to "shut down" racists

So far their only accomplishment is mass reporting twitter accounts and trying to 'take down' ebil nazi websites along with posting already-known doxes.

The cringe is unbelievable but these antifakiddies still deserve to get their bottom spanked raw for misbehaving

If you want to shit up their hashtags they use
#OPDomesticTerrorism (lol)
You know what to do

Here's their main twitter account:

Other urls found in this thread:

I know it's been asked so many times it's a meme at this point but do these subhumans really lack that much self-awareness? The outrageous shit they say can be excused as simple shock factor it's only part of it but their habits of doing one thing and claiming another leaves me utterly dumbfounded, especially when they're polar opposites

Muh scriptniggers who can't even get into HeLL.

/baph/ knows how to deal with these niggers.

Their tactic is always to accuse others of what you are guilty of.

Their entire line of thought is "NO U!"
*assaults disabled veteran*

Honestly these commie faggots should know by now they are kicking the wrong fucking beehive

Is that a fucking sms botnet? lel.

they deserve to be burned at the stake. if arguments dont work, terror will.

Hypothetically as harmless pranks, of course*

Reposting from a previous discussion
They use the hashtags DayOfTheDox, LvlSec, and OpDomesticTerrorism frequently.
Twit accounts Lvl7Security, (their alt account is LvlSec), 0xFL0W, frogfinding, oo0Sn3rp0oo, NFAgov are some of the main ones. They even post about who their targets are and what they're doing.
Just throwing this out there for better anons than I to dig into


I think it's because their own ideology has taken on an anti masculine anti strength submissive attitude. These are self admittedly Jewish traits and they have been used to destroy some men and bring them into their fold. This is why their arguments lack any sense of logic. It's alllllll emotional for them. Look at the faceberg group 'millenials for revolution.' It's hilariously bitchy. It's almost all girls and numales. Unfortunately for them their subversion didn't work on everyone, trump won by being an asshole, and their opposition, even if outnumbered severely, is just going to eventually bash their skulls open with relative ease. I was recently arguing with a leftist and even through words on a screen he sounded like he was fucking crying. Some leftists of old were hardcore, becoming guerillas and what not. Not anymore….and it's wonderful!

Script kiddies can only do so much since they refuse to learn anything.

Anonymoose's new hacking strategy: click report button, DDOS that lasts for 30 minutes. I expocted you, and I was disappointed.

Okay hear me out. I just had this thought. What if the next funding move by Soros is to hire a bunch of goon hackers? I don't think his boots on the ground Antifa and Co. idea is working out how he wanted. He may try to go counter our intelligence efforts.

I very much doubt any talented goon hacker would want to do anything for that kike, even for the keks


is that better for you?

I wish whites would stop giving all the gooks and kikes the research and understanding they made. The White man only had to deal with rice-farmers and goat herders a century ago, now look we gave them everything we thought of.

How much shit does the white man have to give until the white man just won't be able to defeat the non-whites?



they are annoying, I give them that. I guess that could be counted as a talent, but I meant goons like jew who actually can do something, will not do anything for that kike. Also, he is irrelevant at this point anyways.

oh, thanks mods for such a great fucking wordfilter. I LOVE WORDFILTERS!
suck my dick

Posting this here because it's relevant.
I did a little experiment to see if Twitter was complicit with this.
I made an old account, nuked the posts, nuked the follows favs and watches and blocks, to it was like it's brand new.
I did nothing but block all of the "resisting hate" accounts, and suddenly the account is restricted farther than I have seen before.
I can't follow anyone.
I can't be followed.
My posts can't be seen.
My posts don't show in other people's notifications
The account is entirely hellbanned. And all I did was block these people.
Also, I did some research on Lucid Hurricane and the other related accounts, they started going back after these mass reporters and posted a hashtag with it. I searched that tag, and not only is lucid's post gone, but so is everything for the past year. It's been entirely erased.

My theory is that they're working hand in hand with someone inside twitter

that is blatantly obvious at this point

Yes, but this is the first time I've experienced it first hand, and it was only triggered by blocking them

I've fallen asleep chuckling to pic related.

twitter grabs information about your computer that you don't even think twice about, so it is also possible that it wasn't just the blocking, but the activity of blocking people + whatever jew spy shit they use to track you. They use shit like cookies in everything they can r+w from. These kikes go as far as to make sure that if you use a vpn, they will attempt to deanonymize you through it with tricks like dns leaking, just to link you to other accounts.

Already happened user.
Sauron is attempting to weaponize autism

chromebook via incognito?

yeah, probably did it via ip.

yep, thats where you got caught, also

can't do fuck all else on a chromebook. this is my shitpost machine.

Nietzsche called it slave morality for a reason.

Pro-tip: Use Opera in private mode and turn on its included VPN. A lot of shitposters on this very site do that to save their IPs.

Now I warn you that Opera shares your MACID with unknown possibly government sites but it is free and probably outside of twitters access and you can move through a lot of IPs this way.

I literally can't tell if they are intentionally spelling things bad, or if they think they are using some form of hacker speak.
Where do people learn this phrase? "A X once said Y", where X is some vague description and Y is a quote. People have to be coming up with it from somewhere.

they're skid marks, and lazy ones at that. I swear if you slipped a "sudo rm rf" in there almost all would fall for it

Holy shit the cringe. Literally a twelve year old could do what they do.

Did you know that the hormones in birth control pills have a great effect upon the woman's behaviour? You probably did know that, but I'll go ahead anyway. Because the pill essentially tricks her body into "pregnancy mode", she'll start to go for more feminine guys as her body pretty much thinks "job done". Unfortunately, when you've got millions of women taking these birth control pills, whatever gets excreted ends in up in the water which then ends up in plants and animals which consume said water.

I suspect that this, along with all the estrogen boosting soy and cheap vegetable oils and so on, is causing more men (and women, though obviously to a lesser extent) to enter this kind of "nurturing" mode, similar to a pregnant woman, where they think they see oppression and feel compelled to act upon it. You're right about modern leftists being very different to today's. It's kind of funny how they try so desperately to fit the image of the original Bolsheviks or their idol Che Guevara, but they're just too fat.

at least they didn't try to use old loic and imagevamp

I want to flood their hashtags with some redpill pictures, give me some.

isn't baph basically dead though?

start with this one


For anyone not aware, Lucid Hurricane of twitter found one way to counter all of the "hate" blocking and reporting. It's the way they try to get right wing twitter accounts banned.
Report the account as spam then block it
Block the account even if you find you're preemptively blocked by them. You can still do the spam report and block from your end. It's the only way that seems to be effective.

Do spam report and block these accounts:

They use #'s (spam-block anyone using these)


So I read through that tool list and compared it back against their feed and some of domains they targeted. Honestly it looks like they aren't even using most of the vulnerability scanning tools they listed. Or rather, they are probably running them, but they aren't actually writing exploits and popping shell prompts open. Which is what you are supposed to do accompanying vulnerability scans.

Instead they are just credential stuffing and finding cases of password-reuse between people's accounts. Pretty easy once you get a copy of the LinkedIn database dump. They admit to this in their main twitter page mentioned within the ghostbin post.

So while they are doing more than reposting public info, it's still skiddy as fug and presented under the guise of actually incorporating those tools into their site defacements.

basically the golem follows from the jewish playbook. And the jewish and communist playbook are very similar. The same, I would dare say.


Is there significance to 13. How bout John Podesta 14 & the fish ,is he the next happening, next to be called. Whom would've been number 12 and so on…

My bad wrong thread

At this rate, they'll dox Biz Stone for "not banning Nazis enough," *tips fedora…*

twitter dot com/biz/status/915463162639433728

sage for gae