The unparalleled Johnny Gat releases a new video that is a must watch for every pol/ak out there

This is the ultimate exposure of the alt-right [aut-kike] so far and with it is also the best Red-Pill for a lot of our people who recently have regressed back to the normie Blue-Pill state without realising it themselves.

It demonstrates comprehensively how the Trump campaign was managed and manipulated by jews and how all its leaders put up on the pedestal were agents from the start.

This is essential viewing for every pol/ak out there

I will try and create a webm after, which may prove tricky as youtube grab is 100Mb, so conversion might ruin it completely


Despite the fact you replied before it was humanely possible to watch the video…

It exposes and proves every single person involved in the carefully constructed and managed aut-kike derailment of the movement was from the beginning either a jew, openly anti-white or CIA spook agent.

It's the ultimate Red-Pill for everyone who was hooked in and taken for a sucker

Shalom, Moshe.

2 replies so far, both from jews calling me a "jew" all because I posted a video exposing jews infiltrating and subverting the movement.

This is on Holla Forums

Yet there isn't a single genuinely Red-Pilled user who wouldn't appreciate this video.

You're rather bad at keeping up the narrative that Jews have a high IQ as well :^)

You definitely demonstrate you jews have low-IQs, only jews say that jews have high IQs
Evidently you don't

PS - It might help if you explain what your objection to this video is, because as it stands you posting ITT only seems to show Holla Forums is being raided by kikes.

You didn't post a video though.

Upload it to


Let's have a ready of applause for OP, everybody. One clap for every dick he's sucked, so I hope you didn't plan on going anywhere today

OP, unironically thinks Bhatan fish net weaving forums are leddit Trump clubs.

Great video and says all that needs to be said on the matter really, equally interesting is to see the antagonistic replies back to this video.

I'll pop back later when I have freetime to this to see how the jews continue to attack this.

Can you name a single day that hasn't been championing Trump on 8ch/pol/, with the Mods deleting and banning any user that calls him out and demonstrates him being compromised?

kill yourself you stupid faggot, how dare you come here and make some retarded muh e-celebs thread. Hero Worship outside of a respect for history is gay as shit, you and "Johnny Gat" will get the rope.

lel oh fuck, apparently OP doesn't realize he didn't actually post the video he's shilling. Nice obvious samefagging too, by the way.

Is red pill spelled like this?

Red-pill: like this

Or like this: redpill?

I've seen it used all these ways. Like color or colour.


Trump was a stepping stone. We discussed that very heavily years ago when he announced his run with the immigration reform platform. I can't emphasize that enough. June of 2015 had a great many discussions on Donald Trump. He was a Jew York businessman, he had ties to some of the worst people, he'd failed a presidential run before. We pored through the mans history and found somebody that seemed a complete hypocrite, but at the very least seemed principled, and was going against the AMERICA YES plan we were being forcefed.

If he won, the status quo would be upset and we would enter the mainstream. We wouldn't be in power, but we would be better off than we were. And all things considered, I mean, National Socialism in the United States IS growing far faster than it would have without him. I think a lot of newer people here forget that in 2015 we were a taboo, the notion that you could value your own race and culture of that of the Foreign Hordes?

And if Trump lost, then it was back to the regularly scheduled broadcasting. 4 more years of Clinton/Bush/ZOG running the country while we slowly gained power.

Over time, some anons got really invested in the effort. They started to genuinely believe Trump to be the next Hitler. As Huxley said, 62 thousand repetitions makes 1 truth. But when you ask me, did Trump winning mean a win for the Zionists? Think about all that wasted money on failed Republicuck campaigns, all that kvetching, all that character assassination, the sheer looks of terror on the faces of our enemies as Trump spoke before them at that one dinner. The ZOG is powerful, but not that powerful.

Something happened, and the only way to find out what is to discuss it. We can't have that when people start getting defensive about how emotionally invested they got in the man. Trump was a stepping stone, same with Farage, Brexit, Le Pen, etc.

As far as the Wailing Wall thing goes, I mean, he basically made a pilgrimage to the center of all three Judaic religions in one trip, also going to Mecca and the Vatican.

You must be new here.
Video is old hat material and nothing new. We already know all of the shit, and I didn't even have to watch all of it. It's been covered tremendously after the past few months. We aren't retarded.

You should probably lurk around these parts for another year or two before you start posting bullshit. Politics is a war behind closed doors with very little mentioned to the public. What's said to the public is nothing more than attempt to craft a narrative that obfuscates true information and safeguard the thoughts of those involved against outside threat. Most of us here cannot be more optimistic of what's to happen from here on out.

Now fuck off back to reddit where you can bitch and moan about your fee-fees being hurt by cartoon frogs. Your senseless self-importance has no place on this board.

This is now a thread about cute girls in dirndls.


Wasn't Johnnie Gat the name of the Kamina figure from Saint's Row?


E-celeb cancer isn't welcome here. Kvetch all you like.

shit job as always
you never fail to dissapoint
how's the atmosphere at mediamatters?
are you still

this tread really activated me almonds.

where can I change my vote?
I want to vote for Hillary now

Why are you guys always conflating the alt-lite with the alt-right? Don't be such a dishonest libkike.

Take note, this is called subversion.

Guess ill be clapping all day

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

how could a post possibly be this shit when obvious effort was put into it? trump is controlled is the point. what you said is entirely off topic.

what the fuck do you exist in the real world or just here?

Very hypocritical of you to say

There's a real world?

Well spoken point, I think most agreed that I'm the best case scenario he would do plenty of stuff we wanted while ensuring a strong America. He was never meant to be the next Hitler though with calling for a Space Corps separate military branch he sure as hell was trying for me at the worst case he would have been a lukewarm president who didn't get much done but at the very least helped swing the pendulum our way.

Personally I'm enjoying some of the shit he's doing, wish he busted up the more ridiculous gun laws, but I want to see how far he goes for the moment.

As for the alt right garbage, they have never been with us. It's been controlled opposition from the start. Considering I've never met someone who has professed being apart of the autistic right, and the few supposed figurehead we have seen have had CIA contact, I'd be hard pressed to find evidence to claim otherwise.

And you out yourself as the newest of the newfags. Optimism is cowardice. There is no reason to be optimistic about our situation, and there is literally no fucking where but UP for the way things are right now.

Is there a possibility that Trump himself got redpilled by his own campaign. I personally think he started out as just a guy who thought that the country was just being mismanaged by some dumb black guy and democrats who cared more about filling their own pockets. I wonder if he thought that there would be such organized, fanatical resistance to him. That he was actually uncovering a cabal who had the destruction of America as a stated final goal instead of merely a consequence of ineptitude. The Russia shit must have also been a wake up call. I'll bet Trump himself even had corrupt intentions to enrich himself and his own name, then stepped up and scared the cabal out of its shadows. Just my thoughts…


We would have seen evidence of this by now if that was the case.
And still is.
He made several comments during the campaign (and even before) that suggested he knew what he’d be up against.
We’ve said this many times; you don’t work real estate in New York City for 30 years without knowing about the mob and how they work.
But THIS he didn’t know. He knew of the concept of institutional corruption, just not the nature of it (thank kushner, likely, for covering that up).
I don’t see how. There’s also no evidence that the story we saw during the campaign (keeps hitler’s speeches beside his bed; butler heils him, etc.) was real, either.
Now this I don’t buy. I genuinely believe that the man took stock of his life during the early 2010s, realized his immense success and good fortune, and genuinely wanted to leave a legacy of giving back to his country. He has shown many examples of patriotism in the decades leading up to even his first run in 2000.



Trump kept My New Order in his bedside cabinet for most of his of life.

The fictional character from the game saints of row?

There’s no evidence of that.

What did he mean by this?

Johnny Gat???

Holy shit, do not post for 2 years.

Agreed but no need to USE ALL CAPITAL LETTERS

TPP dead.
Subversive Green Energy regulations dead.
Deportations up 70%.
Charlottesville false flag completely BTFO.
Leftists completely butthurt over Nationalist UN speech.
Travel Bans are back.
Made a point of stepping up law enforcement against Pedos and traffickers.
Everything the Left backs is going up in flames because Trump has caused them to completely lose their fucking minds, and come out into the open, while also uniting the Silent Majority at the same time.

And on and on it goes.

You post a fucking click bait website with nothing else you fucking fag, what part of my writing got you butt blasted? Was it that Trump wasn't Hitler, but as long as he got shit done I was fine? Or was it that the autistic kike is controlled opposition for easy strawman punching bags?

Lurk two more years faggot. You're too new.

This is one of the worst low-energy shill threads I've seen all week.

sage for muh Drumpf faggotry

Holla Forumsacks’ primary complaint with Trump is that he COULD be doing so much more and going so much faster, but he isn’t. He’s not pushing the Overton window as fast as it COULD be pushed (without violent societal upheaval).

Learn what IDs are.
The fact that you don’t know what shareblue is proves that my statement that you should not post for 2 years is valid.
Didn’t even read your post, but I will now!


Well, hey. Everything you said is not only something with which I agree, but is objectively true. How about that; you’re correct. I have no qualms with your post. You just need to know WHAT OUR FUCKING ENEMIES ARE. Lurk more.

Wow sorry, I guess with every other group dedicated to punishing wrongthink I missed one
Please tell me, you can't possibly think the brand name Alt Right has done anyone any good by existing

Donald Trump is a person. The alt-right is a label.