This is the next president the deepstate has selected to rule after Trump.
We should seriously kill her now to prevent being ruled over by a bitch.
This is the next president the deepstate has selected to rule after Trump.
We should seriously kill her now to prevent being ruled over by a bitch.
Other urls found in this thread:
The only kill here is you, FBI. Fuck off back to halfchan after this thread gets deleted.
Literally who?
isn't she a poo?
Tulsi Gabbard.
I may provide more information on specifics if it's requested but other than that, I'm content to announce our next president, and for you guys to remember this thread years later, remember that I was right, and that we should have got rid of her before the insult of being ruled by her became a thing.
Part Samoan (Hawaii) part Hindu (Pajeet/Currynigger).
She is also going to be yet another trojan horse. People will (think they) elect(d) the BASED BITCH and then absolutely regret it even more than with Trump.
You ready to be ruled over by this mongrel woman?
Y'all niggas be postin in an FBI thread
Also please check out which is connected to which together are very close to the CIA Nigger Deepstate for more info.
If she is nothing but a puppet, why go after her and not the puppetmasters?
…because it's symbolic as fuck, being ruled over by a mongrel non-white woman.
I already AM going after the puppet masters but if anyone wants to volunteer to take out this bitch in the meanwhile it would be great.
It's either her or Suckerberg. Trump has three years and some months left to pull a hat-trick.
So she's a curry islander? It's not hard to make minorities/shitskins angry with her considering how white she looks to them. Remember what happened to Bobby Jindal? And he was darker than Kang Nigger.
This will bite them in their ass. Sage for utterly shit OP.
Also all important stuff I'd like to highlight for you all. Seriously a lot of Holla Forums isn't even clued in on deepstate affairs and there are CIA niggers right here on Holla Forums too enforcing ignorance when they can.
Say "Hitler did nothing wrong"
Did you forget about Obama already?
We're a board of peace, and sage goes in all fields.
Oh for fucks sakes, being ruled over by zuckerberg… we've got a lot of hits to carry out before the Deep State decides to switch out Trump.
…and Obongo is different because America was so badly cucked and Obongo himself was so cucked it all worked out nice.
…but at this moment America is half-awake now thanks to Trump. We just need to prevent America going back to sleep completely.
Adolf Hitler did nothing wrong and is my hero.
Of course. They want to control and neuter white supremacy so that we'll support them. You wanna know why? They realized white supremacy was on the rise with the new generation and they couldn't stop it through the usual methods so they opted for pandering to try to make everyone keep serving the jewish agenda.
It don't hurt to kill them all. We should use the candidates list as a kill list and make sure every fucking candidate for next president is killed off.
Hey fellow pollackts, I was contemplating blowing up 57 government buildings and killing dozens of political figures!
If anyone wants to help me do this, text me your email! 202-324-3000
Listen, I understand you're a coward, and I don't need anyone to agree to carry out orders here in this thread, but if you got any further questions about the deep state and such I am your guide. Everything is fucking rigged and the elections are a sham. America is a mess.
A vote:
Who are the lowest energy shills?
FBI/CIA/Alphabet Soup
CTR/ShareBlue and similar ilk
Holla Forums
TRS and other alt-kike
Other (specify ones I might have forgotten)
I don't know but I'm US Military not any of those things.
Btw, when will you ever be satisfied concerning a target? Soros I suppose? Soros pretty much created White Nationalism.
The ATF on /k/,
Sources? Why should I believe otherwise? Do you not know all presidents are picked way in advance and we're ruled over by people who are in contact with hyperdimensional aliens and have all kinds of technology at their disposal that makes the current world little more than a big fucking bread and circus keeping the goyim in line by burdening them with pointless work and toil?
Also yea, sorry, should have saged, OP is an obvious alphabet.
No shit? What the fuck do you think the "Russian hacks" were about? Democrats hacked the election and "hacks" proved it but somehow what the "Russians" did revealing the hacks was a bad thing and they hacked the election, even though the Democrats were hacking the election and caught. It's madness.
She's a White/Samoan mongrel so definitely wants to see White America browned out. Doesn't have the evil granny vibe of Clinton. Trump better not cuck out so he wins again.
Apparently she and her rice farming mother are Hindus.
Fuck you CIAfag. Deep state news comes out in force to denounce her:
The DNC hate her more than Bernie. They don't even float her trial balloon as a possibility.
She is only on one group's radar: the Deep State. KYS OP.
At worst/best she will be the 2020 version of #BernieOrBust
At best she can do some real damage to the deep state without all of Trump's baggage.
kek HC 2.0
she isnt even white, after obama that race card shit isnt going to play. she has no chance.
There's a dozen places online where people can coordinate political assassinations but you come here because you're FBI and you're trying to bait people.
If you were actually serious, you'd go further into the dark where these things actually take place.
Kamala Harris is HC's chosen successor you fuckwit.
Now everything becomes clear. OP is a Shariablue shill who wants us to do their work for them.
lol this guys fucking retarded.
our tax dollars in action
so pathetic. our alphabet agencies are about as useful as a limp dick
kek this guy again.
I find that hard to believe, she's dumber than Palin. At least Palin was right about the whole Ukraine invasion thing despite it sounding so ridiculous.
She is on record saying US created ISIS. Tell me how the deep state supports her. Stupidest thing I've read this week.
Im not even reporting this thread. Read the OPs posts if you want to know what federal agents talk like.
Just like it came out to denounce Trump. Do you seriously think Trump wasn't selected by the Deep State? The whole point of Trump is to pander to nationalism and its sentiments while using the prevailing political climate to crush Jewry's enemies around the world. Also so that we get associated with all this shit and get the blame for the total war we're sliding into.
There's no question that the dems will run a woman again or at the very least put one on the ticket as VP. There are a lot of butthurt Hillary supporters who are looking for revenge and dumb featherheads who want a "historic" election that they can use to virtue signal on social media.
If they were, they wouldn’t be so desperate that they resort to false flagging on Holla Forums
OP could not even get a date with a mongrel
I came here for one reason only: to leak to you who is going to be your next leader and to make you all remember this thread one day years from now when you look back and knew I was right. That is all. The suggestion to kill her was hyperbole.
dont waste your breath. our reddit visitor is still upset about HC losing
Soros is just a misanthropic divide and conquer jew that creates opposing factions and pits them against each other because he wants to cleanse the world. As such he is behind antifa and white nationalism at the same time.
That said, it doesn't mean we should be endeared to him or anything, we bad goys can always turn on our masters.
Someone should cap all the OP posts and make them into a meme showing what CIA niggers look like.
as much i like to hear that i cannot trust a presidential candidate to actually come through with their promises instead of doing the exact opposite of what they ran with.
trump seemed redpilled as fuck about the kikery going on in syria and mossad arming ISIS but now hes %6gorillion top shabbos goy for yidsrael, sucking circumcised dicks from all directions.
its the fucking jews, plain and simple, every neocuck and and demoncrat who wants war in israel is a filthly dual citizen kike
Yes you get it. Exactly.
That's why they are all shilling for Kamala Harris. @[email protected]
dude your freaking out like nobody here has heard of KH. we know, chill the fuck out or leave
If this was true he wouldn't have done so much as what he did and ZOG congress would work with him flawlessly. It does not. The facts were made clear throughout countless e-mail and cable leaks. Trump is not an establishment man but he's being cornered right now unless people vote in proper people who can support and push through what he originally outlined in his hundred days manifesto. Now fuck off trying to get us to do the dirty work for you. Anyone who calls out Syria and ISIS for what it is gets targeted like this, it's perfectly clear what's going on. Go back to your alphabet soup hidey hole.
Exactly and this is why Tulsi is going to be the next president. She appeals to our sentiments by having made these announcements and so on and seeming to be anti-establishment, controlled opposition fake white nationalist leaders like Richard Spencer already are backing her, and then leftists of all sorts all will support her by default, and she will get elected, and be another trojan horse.
How do you feel knowing you're going to be ruled over by a mongrel bitch?
Doesn't matter. They all shilled for Hillary but Trump the Trojan Horse was their real candidate.
Niggers are like a hivemind insect race and so racist they wouldn't vote for anyone who isn't a nigger themselves.
At least I voted for Kang Nigger the first time but fool me twice, shame on me.
Do you glow in the dark too?
Tulsi Gabbard cult-ured from birth?
forgot the sage.
I wish that beautiful woman nothing but health and happiness, you cad. Reported for villainy.
This is correct. Trump is as you say. However he still was selected by the deep state, he still is a fall guy who is going to take a lot of blame, and the deep state agenda is still being carried forward while white nationalists are going to get blamed for everything.
Literally only thing Trump can do to put an end to this madness is provoke North Korea into nuking the US. It's an absolute mad man plan but it's the only thing that will stop the deepstate. We need all out war with North Korea to be able to create the conditions required to overthrow the deep state once and for all.