If North Korea Fires an ICBM, the US Might Have to Shoot It Down Over Russia
Missile-defense physics may require interceptors to fly into ‘the teeth of the Russian early warning
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So this is how WW3 starts.. Russia nukes USA in a rash decision.
I don't care how it starts at this point just as long as it starts, I'm tired of waiting and "fearing it".
I don't get the impression of Russians being rash decision makers. I don't know how long a missle from NK would take to hit the US but im sure there would be enough time to identify it and have a conversation with Russia et al about the situation before anything happened.
If only you knew how bad things really were. Only moments of doubt is what kept us from WWIII.
This graph is stupid as it assumes NK would launch a land based nuke. Pic related.
Oh look another war with best korea thread. Here's your (you).
This isn't 1995 anymore, pappy.
Left is still trying to cause shit.
And of course the Russians would be perfectly happy with gook nukes flying overhead. Fucking journos and their fearmongering.
Lets keep the same countries just to make the example easier, but couldnt Russia in theory shoot down the US attempt at shooting down the nuke?
Thats a good point. NK has the highest number of submarines in the world, although they are pretty much all old tiny diesel engine ones that work better for slipping under shipping routs because they put put along without making much noise. If they were to use a submarine, it would most likely be moved into a west coast port with a nuke inside it, and just detonate the nuke inside the sub, destroying the port and part of the area around it. Sage for double post.
Joshua "/POL"ack
North Korea should just go full Samson Option by nuking the Russians instead then set off Dead Head. After that, even America cannot stop it. Nobody can.
Dead Hand*
That's a possibility but honestly, why wouldn't they just launch SLBM's if/when they have them (they're not quite there yet, I think)?
Why does everyone seem to think Russia is insane and will start WWIII over a few kilograms of radioactive mass dropping somewhere in Siberia? During Iraq and Afghanistan war, they allowed US airplanes to fly over Russia. They aren't fucking crazy.
Drop the sanctions and they'll even shoot it down themselves.
the earth is a globe, you know that right? that means you cant fit the pacific and artic in 1:1 scale on a flat map
fucking diabetes killed more of you than koreans did.
seeing this im wondering if this was the plan all along, the deep state allows NK to develop their missiles knowing full-well it could or would be launched over russian space.
it sounds like complete madness to me but part of me thinks the intent was to give the hillary president that never was a first strike option against russia disguised as missile defence.
can someone photoshop me riding bear?
/thread tbh. There's no way Russia wouldn't notice the launch and almost immediately calculate its trajectory, then predict that the US would probably send interceptors to shoot it down. Non-starter fear-mongering.
Learn your history, baby. By 1995 the USSR was well gone and the new Russian Federation heavily dependent on US money. What you meant to say was, "This isn't 1985 anymore".
Just impossible, goyim! DonĀ“t pay attention to the fact that launching a missile from a submarine was already researched in WW2!
NK is struggling with weapons development under an embargo man. theyre focusing on an aggressive defensive stance and power projection, but they will never attack. its too expensive to prepare and to execute an offensive war for NK
And nothing of value will be lost.
or use HAARP and detonate it in a cloud of plasma in the ionosphere
that's not how dead hand works tho..
Its more likely the russians would shoot it down themselves, to avoid any kind of serious confrontation right next to their border.
Nobody could profit from another war, exept those who seek chaos. Even best korea knows they can only lose, for all their bluster its still just an attempt at self defense.
The russians had planes shot down by NATO member turkey, even their own and allies attacked by american cruise missiles and not flinched.
They dont give a fuck about those pathetic provocations.
Americanato saber rattling is more like their death rattle.
well if moscow and petrograd are hit and theres noone to activate the safety when the dead hand unit detects detonations youll have an automatic apocalypse.
not to mention that even if the russians call it off the americans wont gamble on it and will launch theirs in a retaliatory/preemptive strike