Antifa "white allies" racially abused and ordered to front lines to "punch Nazis"

Antifa shaming their white comrades into violence to prove themselves.

White Antifags literally labelled canon fodder by their fat Latinx overlords.

Other urls found in this thread:



Even if leftards win, if they're white, they going to die a worse death than historical Haiti.

I'd say always kill a traitor before an enemy, but the enemy will do it for us anyway.

Swim home before it's too late.

As alwaya


Great, traitors go first

Nice eceleb link, faggot OP.

Now, let me tell you lads, ive some footage but my word, how does this bitch even drive a car? Its almost like she is trying to out-do her own hypocrisy. Each time she opens her mouth, she raise a magnitude of ignorant all while somehow managing to brag and smile at the same time. FUCKING. SICK.


How retarded can these subhumes be? They are going to cause their own genocide and it won't be our fault. Everyday total genocide is more and more justifiable.

Any of our friends on Holla Forums should consider a tan and astroturf.




It doesn't matter. So many people on this board still think leftist trash are like us, that when treated this way they'll suddenly awaken and realize it's all garbage. Wrong. The whites in Haiti helped their precious pet niggers all the way through to the end, and didn't fight back even when their pets started openly butchering them. The guy in this video is unlikely to wake up, he'll just cuck even harder and try to do more to show how dedicated he is to the cause. These people will never wake up until their heads are being split apart with machetes, and maybe even then they won't understand what's happening or why. Maybe their final thoughts will be "I could've done more, it's my fault". You can't awaken a subverted mind.

Foolish white devil, he should know by now that he must bring home a new bull for his gf to atone for slavery.

Cool, hopefully they start killing them.

New Tactic

I wasn't aware Antifa had non-whites. If they were any whiter, they'd be KKK.

Leftists are not like us. We are adults, and they are children. As children, they look for an authority figure to protect them and tell them what to think and do.
Do you honestly think that the left believes in the virtues it signals? Most of them lack even a rudimentary grasp of the causes they support. They simply say and do what they're told to out of obedience and fear. They are NOT loyal soldiers who will march into Hell itself on their commander's orders. Fear drives them, not loyalty, and if they begin to fear their "comrades", they'll stay home.

"Performative Allyship" – this term ought to be explored. It roughly means 'you are not working hard enough towards the revolution'
I apologize deeply for posting anything which contains the term 'Dear huyte people.'

How would an industrious patriot weaponize this?
Find the fellow travelers, or, 'performative allies', and begin slowly de-moralizing their faith in anti-fascism. Prove to them that within the revolution they are the other, a permanent underclass, they will _NEVER_ achieve in-group parity. Show that they will be rejected by their ideology, and that with some reform, they will be welcomed by their race. They will swing to the right, straight to full-fash 14/88, then you may guide them to work against the revolution from within. De-moralization of 'performative allies' ought to be the HIGHEST PRIORITY for infiltration agents.

Delightful, honestly. While teachers bullying me over the holocaust was the first red pill, that gets buried down deep to fit in and survive through school. But if someone serves logic, and finds themselves left wing because they ironed out the flaws of kike lies with heavy dose of white empathy, they are still quite close to us, just misinformed. Things like this drive a lot of people to our side. It's great recruitment to watch extremely ungrateful cruel people demand attention. You're forced to see that your beliefs don't match reality.

ITT: Nonwhites relishing in their power over a group of whites and wanting to rub their noses in it, chastising them no matter how hard said white sissy cuckolds try to please them.


^^ i love you

Pretty much, although If they make it so that well-meaning middle class white kids can't even use their heart to join up, they're fucking finished. This type of behavior needs to be encourage/instigated/false-flagged, etc… Getting ostracized because of your skin color despite all your best efforts is an ultimate red-pill (assuming they don't slip into patty hurst syndrome)

Now you understand why spics are worthless.

For the uninitiated - this is how communism works and how it inevitable will end up for the white lefties


Such an excellent post.
Yes we need to make it clear to everyone that antifa and leftists have a goal
A goal which is exactly what the claim they're fighting against.
They want to reinstate segregation and slave ownership.

Once the whites in their ranks realize this they will turn to us with a dedication to destroy antifa

They are t

*They are going to become their worst enemies



One America News Network is currently airing the documentary, "America Under Siege: Antifa".
Watching just one hour of OAN's news coverage, it's scary knowing that Fox or mcnbc suffice for "news" for most people who are too accustomed to having nothing but opinion *entertaining* them 24-7.
Need to spread the word that a legitimate news network, not beholden to corporate advertisers, is out there. The Wash Compost has attacked OAN, therefore must feel threatened. Probably why Hannity was moved back to the 9-slot, as well. Liz Wheeler led off her program with Steven Crowder's Antifa footage last week while nobody else would touch it – including Fox. Hannity would say a LOT more than he does on TV but isn't allowed, no thanks to Murdochs. Ledger does not spend his hour laughing at ridiculous SJWs like Carlson does daily because OAN is not out to entertain. Wish more people were aware of the difference, and we'd spread the word more often.

I would like to contest that saying. Pathological altruism is a result of a clear disconnect between the rational and emotional school of thinking where a otherwise rational being is otherwise compelled to act outside of their interest because emotionally they literally cannot imagine what it is like to go through hardship. A common theme of younger people who lean right is that they are more likely to perceive the world in third person instead of first person.

For example, while the leftist is busy postulating the hardships a nigger has experience in his life purely by conjecture and projection when the nigger starts whining by placing itself in the basketball shoes of the nigger, the right winged person is more likely to look beyond the nigger, towards his family, his background, his community, his societal norms, his outlook in life and his very soul, which drives the nigger to do as the nigger does and come to the conclusion that the nigger is a lazy nigger.

you might be right, but you sound like you're shilling, and your formatting is odd. Tell us about the people who own and run it and how many jews work there.

He's promoting (((Stephen Crowder))), of course he's a shill.

This always happens. Remember OWS? This is what happens without homogeneity.

I don't keep up

What was OWS?

Protest against bankers, subverted through ethnic fracturing. Pretty hilarious actually.

I remember that.
I was a Holla Forumstard at the time and didn't care much for politics though.
really sprouts those brussels

Crowder is so retarded he thinks National Socialists are the same thing as Bernie, liberal/marxist socialists.

It's how you drive a wedge between white leftists and shitskins. You need to trigger their amygdala to fear being casted out by both the in- (white) and out-groups. When that happens they are forced to accept that helping the out-group means certain death or worse in the future while helping their in-group is the only course of action to survive.

Pic related


I don't even know how retards like them exist. The "socialism" in national socialism refers to it to the social component in the most literal sense. The word "privatisation" was literally popularised to refer to National Socialist Germany's economic policy. In reality, if you're talking economics, National Socialists are actually Nationalist Privatists and that's why they got out of the worst economic hole the western world had ever seen.

Exactly. The leftists cannot help being who they are considering they have less grey matter. They are evolutionarily defective, they even have less children than anyone making it clear nature wants them to GTFO but it can still be exploited for benefit instead of being exploited by shitskins with victim complexes and obsessed with gibs.

Very interesting. I am no fan of any leftism but I do recognize there are some intelligent people among them.

We might lose, but if we win we celebrate our destiny being restored.
Shitlibs die win or lose. They picked the side where they are guaranteed to be the losers. Big round of applause.

They don't actually care about the guy, they might as well put " - some old white guy "

they only quote your ancestors as a way to weaken you. and once you are weak enough they set out to destroy you like they originally intended.

"Shilling"? Look into them, as well as their CEO, Robert Henning's twitter, at your leisure. Also the ONLY network giving James O'Keefe exposure.
They report nothing but straight news all day sans speculation/opinion; Family-owned, not beholden to globalist corps, therefore hardly any commercials. Their only commentator hosts (two) in the evening are at liberty to tackle topics which are "taboo" to all the other "news" networks.
Don't know their nationalities. Know Liz Wheeler is catholic because she's said as much while hammering leftist zealots/commies in response to their insults.
And we wonder why normies remain clueless about what's really going on. All they know is opinion channels passing themselves off as "news" on VERY limited topics.

As far as formatting, yeah I'm a fairly new (non)fag who has lurked every day for just over a year. Found out about Holla Forums via voat paedogate & similar fora. Only post if I feel it could add/be helpful as I am VERY grateful for the work done here. Not sure how you'd go about seeing my post history, but please do, if possible. I also try to get the word out regarding OAN as much as possible because hardly anyone is aware that there's a real news network available to them. Cmcast & Cox (perhaps others) don't even carry it.

Don't pay attention to "e celebs". This dude's undercover video on the antifa terrorist organization was covered by Liz Wheeler last week. The biggest story was how NO media was interested in the footage, despite it leading to arrests. People I know who depend on the legacy pravda have NO idea who Soros or the Awans are. One America covers all this shit.

We will all continue to be labeled conspiracy, tinfoil, and all the other shit labels until something is done about the legacy corporate pravda suppressing everything.
THEY ARE OUR WORST ENEMY. I want them to go down as much as I do the likes of Hildawg & Songbird. Latter wouldn't be POSSIBLE without them.

Robert *Herring

What was it Ted wrote? How leftists are the way they are because they feel like losers? I think deep down they always knew they were going to lose no matter what.

Shilling. You are promoting them in roughly the way they promote themselves.
I don't care about people's rhetoric. Please link sources not owned by them that tell us who the Hennings are. Everything I'm seeing links back to the two channels they own.
without more information, how do we know that?

Learn to talk about the jews. It's uncomfortable at first. At least according to wikipedias lists of news anchors, one is guaranteed jewish, and there are other likelies and possibles.

Have they talked about Emanuel Kidega Samson being a kangz kneeler-sympathiser? None of the other news did.

keep lurking.

There are a lot of Holla Forumsacks who started as leftists on Holla Forums and realized that all ideologies are crocks of shit and came to understand that national socialist philosophy is the true redpill.

Kuffar Bitch don't know bout her mexican privilege

Another one converted.

Good post user. There is no fanatic quite like a convert.

Nobody likes or trusts a traitor user, doesn't matter who's side they defect to. Plus keep in mind that White antifa are psychologically damaged on a level that is truly profound. They have absolutely no other reason to exist other than as "cannon fodder" as their spic overlords put it, or to bear the brunt of their aggression especially when there's no random Whites around. Perhaps those of them who still somehow retain any form of cognitive activity whatsoever will realize the danger they're in and will flee into the mountains or innawoods somewhere. The subhuman filth they sacrificed literally everything for hate them more than anything else besides whites in general, and the other side wants them crucified and executed for a betrayal that truly does goes to a philosophical level due to its depths of primalcy and complexity. They're fucked no matter what, their only chance at salvation lies in hermithood. Shitskins despise Whites on a level that truly does go beyond words, White libs are an extraordinarily easy and satisfying target for them.