I love it when moralcucks think piracy is theft and they get mad when Doom gets cracked

I love it when moralcucks think piracy is theft and they get mad when Doom gets cracked

Stay mad paycucks

Other urls found in this thread:


for what purpose user?

Normalfags gonna norm.
Owners: 1,023,251 ± 26,137


I hope these disgusting pieces of waste aren't people that you know. It's already bad enough that you use Facebook in the first place.

Is this samefagging and failing at greentext or did something fuck it up?


Trying to fit in now? How cute

What are you babbling about you retard?

kill yourself europoor


Which is?

When will these cucks realize that I don't pay for my games because I'm a hardcore gamer and play so many that I can't afford to pay for them all. If I was one of you neo-gamer cucks that only buy the latest "AAA" meme game every couple of months for full price then I'm sure I could pay for my games too.

they can't hear you user

Why the fuck are people greentexting on facebook?

you don't know that

so much time passed since the game was released and then cracked, I thought people already bought the game since they could not pirate it


kill yourself OP I hope you die

Because it's "in" to talk like you're on an image board even thought you don't browse any.
I saw plenty screencaps of greentext stories on normalfags websites, I guess that's where they know about it.

This is the real question here, what the hell

It's not a meme, user. It's not paranoia or a bogeyman either. They're all around us, even here.

If people can find a way to not pay for a game, they'll do it, no matter how long it takes.

Like I hear Splinter Cell Chaos Theory had horrible DRM but yet pirates still waited more than 300 days to crack it.

It seems like the point is that europoor casual-as-fuck OP wants to stick it to the people who are slightly more casual than him by using facebook to obsess about everything they say.

Because people like OP are allowed to reproduce.

That isn't a bad thing, user.


Buddy, people here actually bought skyrim, nudoom and fo4.

but I thought that if the game has DRM everyone that wants to pirate it will buy it

People here also bought non-games like that Liru garbage. Guess what: everybody on this board is an idiot.

user you're gonna have to go to facebook to tell them
If you don't then you're no better then a snooty teenage girl

Indeed. It's any self-respecting white man would do.

Holla Forums isn't one person

people like this need to be gassed


Yeah, and your point was that this Holla Forums isn't full of them.

Why people wasting their time on terrible games?

because your definition of a terrible game is different to theirs?

The people greentexting on Facebook, twitter and Jewtube are all around us user. Some of them might even be here IN THIS THREAD.

Peer pressure and marketing, they don't want to be left behind their social circle

Except it is.

Because playing AAA/hyped indie shit is a status symbol.

The fact that it puts you into shit fighting arenas and the bosses look boring. The game puts too much of an emphasis on glory kills.

There's even more trash things about it. It's not a bad game but it's not a flawless one like these gooks are claiming it to be.


Fuck you OP. Don't pirate good shit or it won't get made

He said Open Opera, retard

I actually "pirate" games that I legally bought so I can play them offline without Steam or some other shit DRM spyware program watching me logging my every move.

Seriously Windows telemetry is a joke compared to what Valve pulls off. And you never hear anyone talk about it, funny that.

Can't even install the game on a different computer these days without asking for permission. Fuck where did it all go wrong?

So yeah I guess I'm a filthy thief. Catch me if you can.


This is the scariest thread on Holla Forums right now

Did that guy just made fun of people so poor they can't even afford games? what the fuck is wrong with him lol

I think they're mostly on cuckchan
Holla Forums is apparently a lot worst than 4chan?


I mean hackers and such.

The hacker known as 4chan?

But why?
Did Fox look for a hacker named Holla Forums?
being a nonburger I seriously don't know

Boo hoo people on a Facebook group I'm in don't share the same opinion as me and like a game I don't like so I'm gonna go on Holla Forums to complain about it!

Stay mad faggot, we don't care


this is a legit reason to pirate though. you already own it so what's the problem with owning a non-spyware version of it?

try msnbc

back to 9gag


who is this yoghurt demon

Who cares if someone wants to buy it and someone wants to pirate it
jesus christ

learn how to fucking google user it's from Teekyuu

No it isn't.

What the fug, is greentext broken?
I am seriously worried, friends

keep being delusional

did you forget when they nearly took down all the links from the share thread because of that one dumbass that was posting them on his kikebook?

Officer, you don't understand.

It's not like I was going to pay for it anyway, the store didn't lose a sale!

hurr, well aren't you an edgy fucker

Some are colored darker, some are lighter.
I don't know why.

I asked in the shitposting thread mark made yesterday, but of course I didn't get an explanation, him and everybody else were too worried about ranking waifus



How is it wrong? You can even google her name and it'll come up with her in the exact same outfit

piracy is theft
Piratefags are gonna continue to lie to themsleves to ease their concience


Literally reddit

It's the same as it's always been

Up until now they've been on halfchan, but now that it's gotten mainstream and tame over there, we're the new go-to for edgy little cunts.

It's just as bad as theft but it's not theft.

It doesn't.

Or the one retard who directly linked to fullchan on the Steamforums before they banned the word there.


Give me your private info like good citizens, goyim.

Also I still have no real intention of playing this abomination even if piracy is now an option, and I'm certainly not the only one.

Why does Mark do this to us?
He sabotages our greentext, and with that, our way of communication, our way of life.

Why did this demon sneak into our lives and destroy all that we hold dear? Is he an agent of misery? An engineer of sorrow?

>Rest in peace greentext, you were our only joy in a dying world

If it's literally Reddit then why are you even in it?



I can do this too


I fucking hate Holla Forums


The greentext changes were made by Codemonkey, Mark has nothing to do with it.


Holla Forums has been literally facebook ever since the last halfchan exodus.

A writer named Stein (coincidence) wrote an article in the times

Look at that fucking formatting and that ignorance son, he doesnt belong here

why? if i ever want to be rabi's best goy a with unwarranted high self importance i'l simply pirate yours moralfag

Why is that even a thing?
I hope none of you are in that group.


actually that kinda worked because even now Holla Forums is still censored over there

I thought they removed the filter.


Why is this thread full of weebs

i'm pretty sure it's still there

I'm not seeing anyone glorifying japanese culture in this thread

What the fuck is this shit

Facebook is full of people who think Facebook is all the internet really is.

What has that page to do with Holla Forums?

I have a Facebook account because otherwise somebody else will make one for you (not kidding, this actually happens).

I only have a YT embed video on it though. Happy 911.

Can you really green text on Facebook?

some users don't post here everyday


You can't even joke around these days, you have to strictly type like everyone types and avoid any form of humor that might confuse people with genuine autism.
When did this happen? Did shills make us paranoid?

It is it seems.

I was once in that group. it was basically a Holla Forums + /pony/ circle jerk.


Yea, they stole virtual data that can be infinitely duplicated. What a crime.

screencap or GTFO, I'm not making a kikebook account just to see what your post is about

It's theft to steal a hamburger from a burger joint, but it isn't theft to make your own hamburger with exactly the same ingredients and recipe.

Pirating breaks copyright law but it isn't theft.