STALKER and SWAT 4 aside, what games have the best gunplay?

STALKER and SWAT 4 aside, what games have the best gunplay?

Insurgency is pretty good.


operation flashpoint

Doom II

I enjoy ARMA but come on fam

yeah no

Do you mean realistic or fun? Squad does pretty well with satisfying guns that feel powerful.

Despite being a bit wonky still, Verdun at least lets you down people in just one well placed shot. I honestly say it has pretty gud gunplay in that regard.

The points system is still garbage though. It needs a class system like RO1.


too bad the bullets are hitscan though


OP please, I know it's all for the sake of balance, but the recoil makes them feel really awkward. Still a great game in other aspects

call of juarez gunslinger was fun



Too bad the campaign only works in coop since the squadmate AI is completely broken to the point of being almost nonfunctional.

And what's even most bizarre is that the enemy AI is pretty decent.

Red Orchestra deux
also is SWAT 4 easy to steal and then play online with friends or what?


The F.E.A.R. trilogy is good in ALL the games for gunplay, shame about the rest of the last game.
I really liked the 2nd game

But why through?

It was such a downgrade from the first game and publisher turned it into a horror roller coaster ride rather from the first one which followed a more traditional FPS. Even the short expansion packs for the original was better than the second game. Also [STORY SPOILER:]No ghost rapeage. Mean unless you are into that but it was really bad story writing in my opinion.

Never played the third F.3.A.R. (With a title almost as bad the new THAIF) I must admit, I heard nothing but bad.


It was okay in coop. That is more because I'm bullshitting with a friend and less to do with the quality of the game.

Fair enough. There is something about playing bad games in coop or watching terrible movies with friends that makes it fun.

As long we agree FEAR 2 was an experiment that should never be redone and held up as a how-to-not-make-video-games standard.

While it's not the best gunplay, I think Fallout New Vegas deserves an honorable mention for the on the fly ammo type swapping. The only thing that would be better would be cocktail loading your mags.


ArmA has the best gunplay. FEAR 1 is also good.

The same things you're going to hear every single time. Why do you even need to ask this? The answer hasn't changed any time recently.

I agree, but I've never really fought at a range where bullet velocity/arcing would be relevant though.

Best or most realistic? If just best then obvious shit like Doom, F.E.A.R., Blood etc.

le lol

E.Y.E Divine Cybermancy has pretty good gunplay

The teammate AI is a massive step down from SWAT3's but the campaign is very much beatable so long as you never try to dual breach and do the big room breaches personally.

Its the or one source title with the most solid guns. Wish there was more custom maps.

Infiltration for Unreal Tournament 99

nice job.

Stalker is fucking garbage.

R6 Siege.

Black. Sure it's unrealistic but it feels damn good.

for me, it's the sound design and how it pushes the ps2 grafix for its time that makes it have a special place in my heart


Hidden and Dangerous 2

You're right, Doom is the only FPS game we should ever play.

Rogue Spear is identical to Call of Duty anyway.

Why do plebs think this?

Solid defense by the man with no point.

Why do plebs click on threads about things they don't like in order to post "I don't like this."?

Amazing how after your retarded straw man you have to say I have no point.


GTA IV, Max Payne 3, Red Dead Redemption.

Also, this.

Learn what a strawman is before trying to call people out on it.

">People posting "realistic" Shooters instead of good ones"
Isn't a point, it's you coming into a thread you know you won't like to tell people you don't like it.

Be a blazing faggot somewhere else.


You have no point and no defense.
Why are you getting so mad people like good FPS instead of "realistic" FPS?

Also why would I think I wouldn't like the thread? I came expecting good gunplay.


You have no point and no defense.
Why are you getting so mad people like things you don't.

What do you even mean by "best" gunplay? Most realistic one? Most fun one?

I am not getting mad. I am just wondering why people are posting realistic games instead of good ones.

Doom has worse gunplay than Wolfenstein 3D. The guns don't feel and sound as satisfying and the enemies felt more like bullet sponges. The gun physics and enemy animations also fell in comparison with newer FPS titles.



Wish we could see an arena game, or any other shooter, really, where ammunition is scarce, and the weapons must be operated manually.


I liked the mecha stuff in F3AR and being able to play as Paxton Fettle but the rest just got on my nerves.
I also really liked the second game but not as much as the first because of what they did to the shotgun

What kind of famas is this?


is an assault glock

Clearly it's an AK47


insurgency imo
the pleasure of supressing fire with a m249 is incredible
or firing a FN FAL
not to mention the revolver they added lately(like 2-3 patches ago)
muh dick
or the rare guns you see, like sterling or mp40


GTA 4 isn't /k/ tier but it's actually really good gun play wise
shame the entire rest of the game is garbage, it runs like shit and crashes constantly and the mouse input is literally an emulated stick with unremovable acceleration

wew nigga WEW

Delete this!

You faggots need to get your shit together. There are far too many newfags posting shit just to fellate Holla Forumss overall atmosphere but they're full of shit.

Stop encouraging the newfaggots who shit on everything in order to seem edgy and cool, if you don't have an opinion based on your own experience then please don't fucking post and just shut up until you're old enough to not be a retard, otherwise you will regret it when you're older when everything is a shitty clone.

Cheeki Breeki iv Damke!

I love the games but "good gun-play" they do not naturally have