Oshawa man jailed five months for anti-Muslim graffiti at bus stops

OSHAWA — A judge has sentenced a man who scrawled anti-Muslim graffiti at bus stops in Durham Region to five months in jail.

Joseph Porco shows little insight into the harmful nature of his conduct, Ontario Court Justice Ferhan Javed said in handing down the sentence Thursday, Sept. 21.

“Mr. Porco’s message left black marks on a public bench but even after the words are scrubbed away with a guilty plea, it leaves stains that may be more permanent,” the judge said. “Mr. Porco’s message was both hateful and hurtful to the community and needs to be deterred.”


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If you fucking cucks don’t write this on every bench and other accessory you see, you all deserve to fucking die. Stand up against it or the day of the rake will include the execution of all of you who are left, right alongside the nonwhites up there.

There's some meme magic in bench writing and graffiti in general. Those are imageboards of the past.


6.66 weeks of jail per word.
It is the future the leaf chose. Lucky not to lose a hand tbh.

DOTR when?

It's because the libshit race traitors are scared.

They see Trump, they see AfD, they see the rise of the right and the resurgence of white pride. It scares the fuck out of them. They want examples to tell people to shut up or else.

Fuck them to death.

Should have just fined him.

We have no alternative party. We have jews all ends. Our resistance is mute. I know its out there but its silent.

Funny thing: "Porco" mean pig in italian



They spit on our ancestors daily.

This is too good

Canadian user, you have to protest this.
Make it a freedom of speech issue.
Write to your representatives.

That man is likely to get raped ou killed in jail.
(Like the English guy who got a few months for throwing bacon at a mosqee after the attacks. He was murdered in jail)

By myself?

I'm so confused by this story. Maybe I'm just retarded at 5 in the morning but what does his wife's English have to do with him molesting some pre-teen? Was the 11 year old his wife? This is a serious question… you know, kebab and all.

His wife can't speak English, so she can't work and fully depends on him economically, hence, they can't send him to jail or she'd be left helpless.

The turning point for Canadian Whites being unable to do anything happened decades ago I mean shit there are thought crime, which includes telling the truth, and every woman is either a tumblrina, an ugly lesbian, or a skeleton and all of them fucked at least one sub-human. Everyone in the US is wary of the federal agencies but CSIS is hard core in their crackdowns of genuine right winged Conservatives and unlike CIA or FBI you don't hear a fucking peep about them because they do their job keeping themselves out of the spotlight which is reserved for the RCMP who can legally hunt you across the globe and drag your ass back to Cucknada for a trial if you so much as imply Canada isn't a good Socialist experiment that isn't about to fail to anyone outside the country. Public healthcare that is so shit that I've given up and sought the shady corrupt doctors so I can self medicate my own self-diagnosed problems since they'll hook you up no problem (dental and eye care isn't covered so that shit's pretty good if that matters). Taxed up the fucking ass to the point that living with 2+ people and pooling income still results in everyone being wage slaves barely having enough spending money for anything outside necessities. An education that has mastered the art of brainwashing you to both hate your country and lineage, and yet still be patriotic for your shitty ass country. This propoganda and brainwashing is why Canadians have the strange mindset that your ancestor's accomplishments means shit and the only thing that matters is what you do right now. Rich people own their own fiefdoms and depending on the province how they run their fiefdoms can vary dramtically, but I know at least one which is basically a mini-totalitarian state. The rich have also more or less changed the rules over time so only they can reasonably compete in politics while keeping everyone else out.

And on top of this all three parties are different flavors of Communism, so the inevitable truly is inevitable and it's simply not possible to leave.

The avg Canadian isn't intouch with any alternative. He watches hockey and tries to stay out of the cities reach. Us lads need to start going on a propaganda effort that out reaches to communities far from the cities to communities close to them.

What platform is the best way to show off my freedom of speech to the Canadian government?
I'm not in Canada btw. If they want to prosecute me they can come and get me.. or try to.

Canada yes

Was this a white human child or sand nigger rat child?

Leaf here, most of the folks at my work under the age of 40 know shit is fucked but are too comfortable/worried about living day to day to do anything about it. Only one of them even has the gumption to be angry about it while the rest are utterly devoid of will. The older ones either don't think there is a problem or just accept it as life.

They can't do shit if you aren't Canadian.
So if you have botnet use it to push our message.

Well, I'm going to start a propaganda outreach to farmers like Robert Jay Mathews did.

Someone should tell him if he wants to get rid of the muslims that he actually needs to do something about the jews first, otherwise nothing will ever get done.

Women can be suicide bombers too!

One thing I will say about leafs online is that there is no networking. Anything that happens will happen offline.

Oh NO! Don't tell me Japan is cucking to muslims!
Oh, LOL! Nevermind.

At this rate the 5 months jail sentence will become a death sentence in a few decades

Stories like this make it every man's duty to go around scrawling hate speech on every park bench.

For fucks sake, this is this getting beyon-
Oh, just an average day in Canada.

When will it burn?

Of course considering the majority of the jails are brown and black muslims.


SWAT are raiding houses in Germany and England for shitposting on Twitter, a Danish woman was fined a couple thousand Euros for complaining about immigrants defecating on her doorstep on Facebook, a couple of Australian kids got in deep trouble for complaining about not being allowed to use an (empty) Aboriginal only computer room being segregation. This is not isolated to Canada by any means, and it's clearly getting worse everywhere.

Let it burn both Canada and U.S so the North American Imperium can arise.

Here is that same sand nigger judge as a lawyer getting off a Nigerian immigrant for a brutal murder with a scissors who was HIV poz and who had previously raped and infected a girl while threatening her with a drill to her temple: thestar.com/news/crime/2010/07/13/how_a_killer_used_the_system_against_itself.html

I'm guessing honor amputations or inbreeding birth defects.
Also, checked. (Even for a board slow enough to fake quads without a script, gotta check 88)

Pic related: judges and cops in America are Shweiners.

>Here is that same sand nigger judge as a lawyer getting off a Nigerian immigrant for a brutal murder with a scissors who was HIV poz and who had previously raped and infected a girl while threatening her with a drill to her temple: thestar.com/news/crime/2010/07/13/how_a_killer_used_the_system_against_itself.html

5 months on a GUILTY PLEA

So they probably threw the book at the lad pressuring him to plea deal.

No, it means he was given 5 months for writing some words on a bench, after he admitted to it for leniency. What would he have got otherwise, years? As someone else pointed out, this same judge let off a nigerian immigrant who murdered someone with scissors, was HIV positive and infected a girl while threatening her with a drill to her head. I think this is a bit of a double standard, and extreme anti-white pro-muslim laws in a white country, obviously.

No it doesn't retard. Go ahead and search where oshawa originates from.

This. Some idiots seem to enjoy pretending the US isn't getting enriched by muslims in almost every states. Just yesterday I heard from someone in central Missouri talk about the muslim invasion there and how out of control it was.

Total respect for eastern Europeans lads. They can shitpost all they want as far as I'm concerned since they actually remove kebab instead of just talking about it.

No it really doesn't. I take it you've never been in a legal situation. The whole system revolves around plea deals.

Everyones talking about this take a knee bullshit and a meaningless attack on a symbol which is irrelevant in the end, because its a good thing to have people angry at niggers over and we lose nothing by niggers shooting themselves in the foot.. but this story, this right here is what Canada and America should be talking about for the next few days until a similar thing comes up, which it always does, but none of this stuff will be talked about at all. If you ask people about the guy who got sent to 5 months for writing on a bench, and about the judge and the nigerian aids scissor and drill murderer, they wont have a clue what youre talking about. I didnt even know that happened, none of us did, we had to look it up. Thats the type of stuff that just goes without any notice. Nigerian immigrant with aids slaughters someone with scissors and has similar priors, news at 11.

Are you a shill or retarded? 5 months for writing stuff on a bench is absolutely ridiculous if he refused to admit it, but on a plea deal thats absolutely fucking insane. Canadas justicie system also isnt Americas you dunce. He probably could have got away with it if he refused, unless he was on camera.. and even then.

He was caught on camera. Like I said the system is on plea deals for conviction ratings. You're right tho about the double standard and also the anti white system.

Canadians have more rights than Americans. US people get tricked into admitting stuff all the time they could have got away with, the Canadian justice system applies the standard the US applies to murder cases - to all cases pretty much. You have to be absolutely 100% certain beyond any doubt. In the US, for non murder charges you just have to be "pretty sure". People dont admit to shit they can get away with in Canada, and they get away with things they pretty much obviously did because there can be some small shred of doubt introduced, like that the Camera footage was doctored, which is extremely easy in todays world.


As in, pleas are for leniency, and 5 months is harsh for a non-guilty please and conviction. 1 month is harsh, for that. Also, on top of this, youre defending that Nigerian getting off, and saying everything is just fine and normal and par for the course. I think that says a lot about you.

Also theres no actual evidence linking him to the other scrawlings so he couldnt be tied to them. Simply having the same message is not enough evidence in the Canadian system.

Huh? The fuck are you smoking faggot?

Four times. Same judge, different case. Different results. Youre saying he did fine, and theres no problem, therefore you defend the nigerian he let off.

You have never been in court room in your life. It shows. Like I said the Canadian legal system relies on plea deals for conviction ratings. They probably threw the book at him relying on him to be scared and plea.

Its almost like the mud is anti white. Stop trying to put words I didn't say into my posts you fucking bitch.

WTF I love the Canadian justice system now.

The Canadian legal system is a joke.

im legit scared right now guys, i mean if you even speak out against this government they'll find ways to jail you. better get serious about being anonymous when making statements.

So sad. From the same government who funds anti-white propeganda like the CBC's "Beige-Horizon," where they basically rap about how there will be no whites in our country's future.

Average Canadians have no backbone; no will to fight. They are habitual virtue-signalers, terrified of being labeled something negative. They are self-destructing; get out while you can.

I spent most of the last 10 years in Oshawa, Ont. for high school & university. The durham region is being marketed to immigrants specifically. Most of the population growth here for the last decade has been an influx of 3rd world shitskins. Our (((gov))) is pushing pretty fucking hard for their "beige horizon."



I think Canada's only hope is a prolonged grid-down winter. Shitskins & Dindus lack the cognitive skills required for off-grid arctic living. Countless would die. Pray with me; the winter is coming.

Doxx the judge?

Thing is, that area is primarily university students. More than likely the "perp" is a university kid, who will:

…Virtue signalling fuckwad leafs just ruined this kid's life for scribbling some "wrong think" on a bench. Fuck Canada.

but he merely wrote that he doesn't want more muslims, for all we know he's fine with the current amount and doesn't want any less. Anyway, what the fuck this is fucked up.

Religion of Cuck™ is an indefensible plague, and any cop or politician defending it is a traitor. You cannot debate this, you can only censor the truth.

If any of you retarded traitors are reading this and think yourself the hero and us the villain: realize you are feeding your children's future to an ancient evil cult, and we will exterminate that cult in self defense because you are forcing us to. If you care about this hateful religion more than your own children, realize that you are not keeping the Muslims safe by helping them invade. We will kill all of them now. Your shitty behavior has doomed them because we will not allow you to doom us.

Fuck you CSIS. Every single one of you will hang with the cops and kikes. You are monsters and you know it. Come at me faggots. Face me directly if there is a single man in your ranks at all.

Too bad, so sad; KILL BOTH OF THEM.

My next project is to print out a few hundred of these on plastic sticker paper and stick them in every urinal I can.


dead judges cannot advance globalism in the court

He's right in a lot of cases, look at the trial(s) for the Air India bombing, almost everybody gets off because they need a confession

Checked, nice digits…but scary post. Source(s) please? If that's true, that's fucking horrifying tbh. I can't believe how bad things are getting.

Actually, funny thing is is that while scrolling through this thread, I've been thinking about ways and places I can in my area. I had just hopped on Fagbook for a sec and all this NFL shit is bringing out a lot of "racist" remarks, and people are absolutely hating whites every chance they get. It REALLY activated my almonds user.

In regards to the justice system, not speech, or gun rights.

I can't stand this. I don't get it, it's not funny.
Is it solely to fuck with shills and newfags that can't bypass wordfilters? Why add ™?
Was mohammed the pedo goatfucker an actual cuck or something?

Any I­s­la­m­i­c shills feel like outing yourselves to tell me if it even fuckin' bothers you?

Cuck I don't know but he was such an awkward beta he couldn't even tell his friends not to invite themselves to his house and instead wrote it on the Quran.

Yes. I choose my words carefully. I said I s l a m. I chose to type I s l a m because I am speaking to a target audience, an audience whom I want to take me seriously when I tell them fuck you.

Word filters are an evening's fun. They shouldn't hang around.

Did you use Unicode to bypass it or has it finally been fucking disabled?
Religion of Cuck™
Religion of Cuck™ic

NOPE! Unicode. Good for you. Kill the mods.


Yes he was cucked by Aisha.
Since there were only 3 witnesses he said that there must be at least 4. So he wasn't a cuck in his mind.


I can't find any sources for this claim.
The closest thing I can find is a story about him forgetting her in the middle of the fucking desert. She gets a ride back on somebody else's camel. Then the accusations started flying because of that alone.

It is having the opposite effect though
I've lost count of the number of normies I know that are waking up to the ridiculous double standards and politically correct bullshit hamstringing them at every turn
all this doubling down by our enemies will be their undoing, they are rushing things and setting off too many alarm bells
jews and muslims think they can take the freedom of whites like they do everyone else
but we are not like everyone else
our ENTIRE history is a history of bloody warfare fighting for freedom
Of all the peoples in the world, none can match the fanaticism for freedom of North European Whites

Why didn't he say he forgot his exclamation mark after "no" and he in fact meant "NO! More muslims [is what we really want/need]" They surely wouldn't have jailed him for poor punctuation…what are they, the grammar police?

Well muslims do require 4 witnesses for rape, where do you think it comes from? Go look that up.

It's from that same story I mentioned.
I did look it up user.

It's not that bad. Depends where you go.

Perhaps you've got a spending problem. Or you're in an area with no jobs.

If you've got ideas, I'll give you a hand. The Dirty Shwa is my hometown.

We haven't had freedom of speech 1987 and the Zundel trial is evidence of that.

Religion of Cuck™
lslam lslam lslam lslam lslam

Trump should have the CIA rig independence referendums, if we're stuck with them they might as well do some good

I can own a gun, shit talk anout niggers and kikes and have a pool party where I let people use a flame thrower.
You can't do that in Canada

Just replace the first i with a lowercase L. it's easier.


Why did the mods go full retard?


This is completely false, though.

you just gone done go full retard son.

"Why don't Western men do something?"

I did construction labour in durham building houses for exclusively muslims.
Literraly entire subdivisions in my home town exclusively for muslims, I quit when I found out the developer was jewish.

Canada has an entirely different view on catching criminals from the US. In the US, they are okay with putting an innocent man in prison while the guilty guy continues to commit crimes. In Canada, they have to be absolutely sure they are convicting the right person, so that they never put an innocent man in prison, but also so that they actually stop the criminal. The requirement for a conviction is stricter in Canada, than in the US. The US makes sure it gets the right person for murder, but for lesser crimes they just have to be "pretty sure". In Canada, all crimes have to be 100% certain when deciding guilt. Thats how its supposed to work, now for example theres a guy in prison for rape when he said it was consensual, and the woman sent him a text saying "lets get drunk and have kinky sex" but she said she was raped the next day. There was zero physical evidence, and went merely on verbal testimony. Due to the text message, which introduced significant doubt into the case, he never should have been able to be convicted. Its effectively like saying "do what you want, you cant rape me anymore after Ive sent this" - because thats how it works. No one could say she had not consented, and there was doubt due to there being no physical evidence even after a physical rape kit was used on her the next day.
So, that guy - in theory - should not be able to be charged for rape under any circumstances except if there was video of her saying please stop and him refusing. Other than that, she wanted to be drunk ,and have kinky sex, so theres always doubt.

The point is that according to the actual law (which corrupt societies dont follow) you have to be absolutely 100% certain the guy did it, and any shred of doubt means hes not able to be convicted. For anything. For stealing a chocolate bar. Traffic crimes are the only exception, because fuck the charter of rights and freedoms and you having to prove the guy is guilty, let him prove he isnt guilty.

Again, this is false.

I hope the Sikhs slaughter the mudslimes

You dont apply the felony standard to lesser crimes. This is from a Canadian cop years ago, who came in to teach about law. You have to be like "60%" sure for a lot of things, but murder you actually give the beyond a reasonable doubt. Other crimes there can be reasonable doubt, but you still get convicted on a lot of circumstantial evidence and its not scientifically, forensically proven you did it.

For example, something that I think would apply would be laws where you have drugs in your car, and you say its not yours. In the US someone is taking the heat for those drugs.. and they will pin it on someone they are not sure actually owned it. Maybe it fell out, prove it was the driver, or theres no conviction. Another example that Im sure actually happened and is how it goes - nigger with a fancy car gets pulled over by a cop with no valid reason, but just because hes a nigger and in a fancy car. Not a good enough reason for the justice system. The nigger refuses a search but the cop goes ahead anyways, and finds a bunch of crack, but the nigger is already running away. Hides like 10 grand in someones garden, the cops pursue him. Rips a board off the fence, swings it at the cops in "self defense" and gets away. Because the initial search was illegal, and the cops had no reason to perform it other than its an obvious nigger crack dealer - he was let off, despite attacking the cops with a weapon. That would never happen in the US.

Still wrong. I'm sure you're familiar with the supreme court. You know, the court that tell every other inferior court in the country to fuck off. Here's a short summery of Bond v. United States.

Ah, that was the final mistake.


The final ruling is irrelevant if the initial charges and jailtime ruin your life. You'll never get your time back, and you'll never get money if you sue for vexatious prosecution.

If the cops kick in your door anywhere, shoot to kill. Your life is already over.

So that leaves two positions.
1. Canada never, ever makes mistakes in jailing people
2. Canada never admits or corrects the mistakes of lower courts
Doesn't look good, bud.

Muslims believe that no man can write a law which contradicts the laws of allah, and they do not recognize Canadian law. There are no words for how insane it is to allow them to be a judge for anything, except maybe in some middle eastern Religion of Cuck™ic theocracy.

or prosecutors and cops start thinking good long and hard about making a case before they do it instead of being a bunch of frivolous sociopaths who ruin lives at the drop of a hat.

and if the cops and prosecutors know that them kicking in the door is likely to get them 3000fps replies, they'll start asking themselves if it's worth it.

99% sure it's a white child, cause Canada barely gives any shits about crimes done to white Canadians.

They must have searched through all the cctv in the area for hours and looked for witnesses. Then they somehow identify him. Get a warrant to search his home with a forensic investigation team to analyse all the pens he owns to check what ink matches the scrawl. Confiscate his laptop to check if he's a terrorist. Take DNA samples and fingerprints. Interrogate his family. Jail him because he's a threat to society. Release him with a tag on his leg.

Canada is the result of white flight back in the 70's. Them rural folk ain't too friendly.

Actually the article says the police caught him in the act of scrawling the graffiti. The police were staking out the bench, waiting for him to do it.

then he's a retard and deserves jail time.