His latest brutal assault on the heroic comrade Colin Kaepernick was the last straw for Proletariat Google.
Holla Forums BTFO
(video related)

fake and gay

Good now google can die as a platform because of all the rabid fans/users he will take with him. Jewgle has been jewing original content creators out of shekels for some time now. Hopefully this is the straw that breaks the camels back.

I never understood the straw that breaks the camels back thing
Is that some kind of new faggot speak

psssssst This is a slide thread

Don’t care about jewdiekike.

I'm pretty sure he's secretly one of us

I’m 100% certain he’s not. We don’t cuck out.

he has cucked too often, I hope what you say will become true one day however

Negative. I can't find it currently because of the Nigger fluff over his current controversy but he has openly mocked Holla Forums before



LOL IS HE /OUR GUY/?! 11!?!1!!

Go kill yourself anyone who is still paying attention to e-celebs actually buying into this '/our gay/' shit. Shills are lower than animals.

Nobody ever offered you $5 million a year. I could fuck your eardrums inside out for 0.1% of that, I'm sure, so don't pass judgment over things you can't imagine, churl.

Sageing this shitty slide thread now. Die and go to hell, OP.

Drown In Semen
Dumb fuck should know never to capitulate to kikes, they see it as a weakness and will attack twice as hard. I hope he learns his lession before he ends up homeless and od' in a ditch.

Nice bump you've got there, retard.

Why are you saging this again?

Simple - camel carries straw. You put more and more and the weight piles up until the back breaks,

Kill your fucking self

I would give my life savings to slit this Jews throat and listen to the arterial blood spurt out of his severed arteries.

illiterate nigger detected

Anybody got some newer ones? I don't like posting these german soldier and pretending they're kikes. It's just not the same

Not caring about the one who has nurtured Gen Zyklon from birth

He played by (((their))) rules to get hold of the driving wheel, and is now crashing the bus with no survivors.

Millions of Boomers can no longer watch niggerball and are redpilled.
Millions of Gen Z can no longer watch PewDiePie and are now redpilled.
…and you guys are saging this? For real? Yes he's e-celeb crap, but it's not about him - normies are seeing more redpills than a Walgreen warehouse

Say what you will, but for a Swede he has balls of steel.

You are an actual kike. Fuck off and die.

Go shill your cancerous e-celeb tumor somewhere else. And tell him the money he pays you is wasted.

lmao anyone familiar with Pewdiepie knows that soundbite and that its from PUBG
eat your heart out trollfag

I meant to say balls of iron.

Leave now.

you seem upset about something
is everything alright

My hatred for these forced pewdiepie shill threads has reached Evalion levels. I'm about a hair's breadth away form autistically sagebombing it into oblivion. Want to push me?

i literally just saw this on recent and clicked


If you are going to sage bomb it. Sage bomb with pewdiepie videos showing him being based.

Why ? Hes a valuable tool to redpill truckloads of teens. There is a difference between shilling and keeping an eye on somebody.(even though this thread is shit)

Then sage at least newfag

Unimportant Kiketube bullshit

my bad lol

Sure, you're a perfectly legitimate Holla Forumsack who just happened to click on this thread. You just happen to posses deep knowledge of pewdiecancer and use lingo that no Holla Forumsack would ever use even ironically.

super important kiketube bullshit. This lone swed commands the attention of 50 million people, and he's posed in SS regalia. His influence is most definitely important to the cause.

i honestly dont know what youre on about
i really dont know that much about pewdiepie just the webms
you seem like something really upset you
hope you feel better?

That's both kosher and halal

But this thread is about a joke webm. It's a shit thread about nothing. Why are you bumping it?


How much is pewdiepie paying you for this shitty viral marketing? Serious question.

surprisingly i highly doubt pewdiepie pays for viral marketing, he has enough influence that controversy generates itself

There's nothing to cause butthurt on Holla Forums, than a man with following gaining any small amount of redpill. Because you want to protect your fringe ideology you're supposed to spread around youth.
This is why its happening. Its because you allow people like Sargon to do propaganda, instead of making your own clean propaganda from jewish co-op shit. You're becoming a circle jerk and it will be too late to warn you about that.

This video is a ruse, he made that comment in some video game, it has been spliced into the Crapernick footage.



Just noticed one fact as I was too busy saging this shit
Daily reminder that anons should report this shit on regular basis

Well its probably the kikes getting their panties wet from having somebody with that many subscribers redpill people.

Still this is a shit thread and you are a faggot for bumping it.

Alright can somebody just sit me down and explain to me why we are "prohibited" from discussing the actions of people with vast influence and a massive audience? You know how powerful people will use celebrities to peddle their message? How come we don't support right wing influence on celebrities? Why do people here immediately say "saaaaaage e-ceeleeeeb" and do fucking nothing else?

The media is important because it affects people. Celebrities are (well, can be) important because they are the faces of the media. Why prohibit discussion of this? And as for "e-celeb" well, is there really any difference between them and a standard movie-star type celebrity? Absolutely there is, because they are less likely to have been owned by kikes from the get-go. They can have more freedom and are less reliant on kike masters, so why the fuck are we covering our eyes, blocking our ears, and cutting out our tongues?

OP is a joke you fucking spastics.

These pewdiepie threads are completely artificial and they have a mysterious habit of filling up with Anons who don't act like they're from around here. Somebody mentioned pewdiepie used to pay people to shill him on the chans and I believe he still does, because that explains these threads perfectly.

I mean look at the OP. It's just a fucking joke webm. He didn't actually get fired. Why would somebody post a joke video of pewdiepie unless they were here to shill him and suck his dick? This is e-celeb cancer of the worst kind.

That should be reason enough to sage shitty slide threads


Yeah, don't answer my question. Fucking retards.

The answer to your question is die

No, I still think my question is valid. I know you're not going to answer it. I know nobody will, because this place is full of retard shills like you. Obviously I don't want to see whatever Youtube's flavour of the day popping up here all the time, and I know this particular thread went to shit straight away, but my question is still pretty fucking valid.

Removing the sage just to piss you off.


Just gonna quickly ask again on the off chance a non-idiot sees this:

Why prohibit discussion of right wing influence upon influential people with huge audience?

because it's not discussion it's shilling

this pewdiepie reaction is a meme you fucking retards. jesus. is it really THIS easy to slide this board?? OP is just trolling.

Wrong, shill.

Argument invalid. Anti-sage

Attacking popular purveyors of information and propaganda supporting our cause?
Why don't YOU fuck off, you cancerous turd?

Freechniggers get out.



It would be a worthwhile thread if it wasn't based off something that didn't happen. I'm just here on the off chance something comes up that will help with turning the Swedes into bloodthirsty vikings again.

Swedes have always been cucks. Vikings are Danes, Icelandics, Norwegians, etc. Today Denmark, Iceland, and Norway are still mostly uncucked, because their blood is real. A Swede is an embarrassment, with a spaghettinigger addicted to strip clubs for a Kang.

t. Finland

Nah shill, die.

Holy shit this board is a joke lmfao

Bump for you

Because you're looking at kikes trying to supress these same people. They are the ones trying to pass this topic off as "prohibited". They are actual shills, you should understand this by now.

This particular thread is still a shitpost though.

He's not a kike. There really are whites in Europe whose names end in "berg."
Where do you think the kikes got it in the first place?

Will you fucking Jews just go to Israel and quit being parasites on real people?
Everyone could tolerate you more if you would just mind your own business and shut up.

he can still be a kike in the metaphorical sense

In the same way kikes claim to be white, in a metaphorical sense?

Kikes have targeted him on social media, so anyplace he might get some support, they're crawling all over it.
He's used the word "nigger" publicly, he's presented video clips of German NatSocs, he drops subtle red-pills throughout his streams & videos…why do you think the kike media has dropped him like a hot potato, after actually promoting him? Why do you think he's constantly in trouble with Jewtube, even though he brings in millions of viewers every day?

He does not promote their narrative, even though it would mean a life of excessive wealth for him if he did. And anyone that is not completely controlled by shekels is a threat to the kikes.

PPD was on our side ever since that Murdoch video early this year, the fact he didn't claim DMCA and pull it means he was at least sympathetic to the cause.

Why does that picture look so shopped and who is it supposed to be?

Who is that omg

GIS says Moyra Melons

Bravo, OP. Bravo.