Found this lovely article from a CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE arguing that (political/racial) cuckoldry is the true expression of Christian Charity

I am not a devout person, so I have to ask, how does one argue against this (using religion)? Because it's so trite it's actually confounding for me

Also literal cuckoldry apparently?

Any man who would have said this out loud for over 1500 years would have been beaten to death. GK Chesterton himself would have moved his fat body into a machine of destruction if he heard this. I want you to note what they are doing, they are trying to capitalize on the Church in Africa. Since the West is falling to Athiesm and muslimism some ethnomasocists such as this believe that one day blacks will be missionaries to savage white people. This is the theological endpoint of people that like commonfilth. Yes, they are insane. If you want a dose of sanity read the comments tearing this guy apart, save for one which calls God himself a cuckold.

Reminder Common Filth said the Berlin Truck Jihadi was good because "European Christianity is pagan"

And thinks Africa is better for being anti-gay… the continent riddled with AIDS and child rape

And some German guy called GrafVanGrau still defends him because he is his senpai

he doesn't understand what cuck means nor what Christianity is about

Pointless article and thread, OP's quotes are incoherent and don't argue anything.

I'm not arguing for this guy's points. I am asking for ways to argue against them.

Christians on the chans need to stop assuming everyone is out to get them

you didnt present any of his points you found difficult, you just said "he said ur cucks and uhh how do I argue against it" and then green texted some disjointed verses with no context….

Am I gonna have to read that entire article? no thanks. You do the work here, grab the quotes, do the leg work and we'll answer as we see fit.


I suggest taking this to /christian/. They'll be more likely to focus on the spiritual aspect. Here you'll just get angry Christians and arrogant pagans having another shitshow of a thread.

Like Fr. Martin’s Christ, Waugh’s hero learns from a wise woman. He sees that Christianity is not a matter of blood, or of race, or of victory in this world. It requires us to accept defeat in this life so we might enjoy triumph in the next. A Catholic cannot be certain that his line will continue or his country thrive. He only knows that the gates of hell will not prevail against Christ’s Church. This is why Waugh could happily entertain the idea that black men would bear forth a faith and culture abandoned by whites

Good point, how about how? The idea that Blacks will preserve this latin civilization?

first part should be a quote

That's the point. Don't let OP fool you.

Comment from the article. I unironically think we Antifa members are better people than conservatives, Antifa are our enemies but at least they have actual beliefs. Christians and Conservatives are nothing but cowards that fail to maintain anything. They'd sacrifice all of the white race if it meant saving one "based" black man.

no the bible allows for the man to divorce his wife since she is guilty of adultery

Christians have proven themselves to be enemies of the white race, time ad time again.

not even criticizing them, they are assuming I am. Partly my own fault

You pose questions that would be best to ask on >>>/christian/ an not here on this humble abode of Lord Kek himself, as well as the rest of the Ogdoad. So, what's your main objective asking a collective of Chaos Monks that worship a Nazi Frog God? Do you think your faith stands to benefit if it cooperates with Kekism? Do you think Christianity is willing to abandon Kek's enemy - the false demon-"God" (((YHWH))) and place a greater emphasis on the Christ figure you know to be Logos? Do you believe it possible for Christianity to drop the zero-sum Evangelism and adopt a policy of leaving Heathens alone?

If yes, we might be able to work with you. If no, go and stay go.

This thread is literally about someone out to get Christians via a dumb blog post that makes no sense.

So I read the article and basically the argument is
1. Evelyn Waugh wrote a book about a fictional Christian protagonist who got cheated on by his wife
2. the Christian protagonist realizes he can't win his wife back, also his country's future is politically uncertain
2. Therefore the entire religion of Christianity is for cucks

This is literally the argument.
It makes no sense and it is shit

that makes no sense and is false.

Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.

I will counter this sage out of respect, and because my post

has yet to be answered.

Didn't say you were, but you sure as shit are baiting. Nobody cares what some obscure blogger has to say about religion. But like a dinner bell, shows up to shitpost/bump this shitty thread.
If it's not political, kindly fuck off with it.


Chirstianity is in a sad state indeed. Our only hope is for all these good congobongo people to continue it and cuck themselves with pacifism hopefully

lol reported

this guy is touted as a respected thinker among conservative christians, who also love the black cardinal sara.

But keep being paranoid and pay absolutely zero attention to your own church's culture war

What the hell are you even talking about, chucklefuck?

that's not the problem, the problem is the dumb implications the blogger tries to draw out of his book.
Adultery is a sin in Christianity.

Cardinal Sara is decent in Africa, and good for them there.

So again, sage. pretty pointless thread.

he's got nothing, this thread is just 1 concern troll and 1 actual troll spouting incoherent gibberish.

Here. Christianity has nothing to do with modern degeneracy. That's all the (((Rabbinic Jews))), or Pharisees as they were known when Jesus called them out as children of Satan.

Arthur was a Celtic-Wales legend that predates Christianity.

Hey christcucks, is it better to be a christian or a nigger?


Arthur might've been based on pre-christian myths/lore, but he himself was a post-christian invention. Also Christianity influenced the telling of the arthurian stories anyway. No way around it, Europe is a Christian race.

"King Arthur is a legendary British leader who, according to medieval histories and romances, led the defence of Britain against Saxon invaders in the late 5th and early 6th centuries AD"

This, I've said it here before and I'll say it again: I respect communists for having actual convictions and realizing that something is wrong with the world even if they are misguided about what that specifically is. Conservatives are simply mindless partisans of the status quo, and for the most part moral and literal cowards.

Hey intl, reported.

Dr. William L. Pierce - A Message To White Christians

Cuckolding is fornication, and fornication is a sin. The answer's quite simple, these people would be whipped through the streets in Victorian times.

Much of the opposition to Christianity from the right is either from sheep, idiots, fellow travelers, false flags, contrarians or Christians hoping for reform. Actual anti-Christian arguments that have merit and/or aren't 90% Holla Forums memes are relatively rare around here but are regularly excellent to the point of being memorable and have a significant pedigree.

I'm drunk and in no mood to shitpost;so I'm gonna tell it to you straight from the heart Christianity has been subverted.Look into the Scofield Bible,it started in the USA whith that shit. Christians have and will continue to be a backbone of the European people stop demolishing them and instead help fight the subversions. We are friends not enemies.

One of the earliest King Arthur stories comes a welsh poem called "Preiddeu Annfwyn" (spoils of Annfwyn) that can be found in the Book of Tailesen from 900AD. in which Arthur and his Knights of Camelot go on the ship Prydwen to find a magical cauldron, warmed by the breath of 9 maidens. this was the original "Holy Grail" before it was Christianized.
Earlier than that is the epic welsh poem "Y Gododdin" in which 300 warriors from what is now southern Scotland, fought off the invading Angles at the Battle of Cattaeth.
although it was earliest known mention of the name "Arthur", it was only a refrence to Arthur as it was already known as a great warrior king form oral tradition.
"He fed black ravens on the rampart of the Fortress
although has no Arthur".
**OT: "Gochorai brain du ar fur caer
Cyn ni bai ef Arthur"**
So Arthur was not a post Christian invention, but an already established myth that was Christianized to appease the local pagans.
I recommend you read the Mabinogion

*tips fedora*

"Gochorai brain du ar fur caer
Cyn ni bai ef Arthur"
I don't know how I messed up the spoilers.


Christianity is worthless to me in a heterogeneous society. No, I do not consider a nigger my equal. No, I do not wish to donate to a church who will use the proceeds to help niggers survive longer.

The Catholic church could atleast call for a new crusade, but no, they're too cucked even for that.

Have you read the fucking Bible? It's the most red-pilled writing in human history. Keep women in the kitchen, stone the faggots, wives always obey husbands, destroy the Talmudist bankers, etc.

Jesuits aren't Christian.

Then why is the average atheist so much further left than the average christian?
Why are white countries getting more and more enriched the less power faith holds?

Sweden must be so extremely right wing that even Hitler is afraid these days.

Yep. Scofield was probably a freemason and turned eschatology into a shitshow. "It's all going to get worse, don't try to fix anything!"