Poo in the Loo removed from plane after faking dog allergy



Now charged with

Good for a laugh.

Other urls found in this thread:


lots can be said about this event but her job title gave me the biggest keks
this is thrice redundant
aka the lowest IQ department at the university
literal art school "anthropologist"
This is someone who studies a fake topic in a retard department at a no name art college in MD. True pottery

this is the definition of fake science


it looks like it also works at harvard and it's not a poo in the loo it's a legit terrorist


looks like she's had a lot of this "Virtual Professor" jobs at a lot of big schools.

kek I'm listening to this story on the Adam Carolla podcast right now; as soon as I refresh Holla Forums, I see this thread. Spooky.

yeah i'm a retard. had a brain fart. not an indian, just a mud.

What do these retards expect? That the cops will say, "ok, fine, you're free to go because you said no"?



You don’t understand, user. That’s EXACTLY what they expect. Nonwhites do not comprehend justice. Look at the ones left in Africa. What defines “justice” to them? Whoever is the strongest, meanest, and the most brutal takes over, kills those who oppose him, enslaves those who submit, and wages war against those who do the same until a winner comes out on top at some point in the future.
That’s it. That’s life. Quick, emotional, and “justice” is defined only as what you can take by force, or what can be taken from you by force. It’s why they don’t consider the legal system in the US to be “justice.” Because men in suits with law degrees sit down and debate if an action was lawful and just, and the police don’t generally just go around shooting them or beating them and dragging them into court; they try to calmly assert they were breaking laws and they need to come along and serve justice. Blacks can’t understand that that’s what justice is, because it doesn’t involve some stronger nigger savagely beating them or taking from them. Since they were the savage nigger taking from and beating others, therefore they are the ones in the right and they were serving justice. It’s why they scream, “He dindu nuffin!” In their eyes he really didn’t do anything wrong–because they are still feral and tribal, where “right” and “wrong” aren’t defined legally, morally, philosophically, or even in peaceful terms. “Right” is whatever you have the strength to do, and “wrong” is anything that is done to you that you don’t like. It is therefore subjective, which means it doesn’t really exist, so there is no “wrong” other than your own personal meaning of it being “bad things that happen to me.”

This is a pretty bad wall of text, but it deserves reading because it has truth in it. So I'll format it like a white man. You're welcome:

You don’t understand, user. That’s EXACTLY what they expect. Nonwhites do not comprehend justice. Look at the ones left in Africa. What defines “justice” to them? Whoever is the strongest, meanest, and the most brutal takes over, kills those who oppose him, enslaves those who submit, and wages war against those who do the same until a winner comes out on top at some point in the future.

That’s it. That’s life. Quick, emotional, and “justice” is defined only as what you can take by force, or what can be taken from you by force. It’s why they don’t consider the legal system in the US to be “justice”: because men in suits with law degrees sit down and debate if an action was lawful and just, and the police don’t generally just go around shooting them or beating them and dragging them into court; they try to calmly assert they were breaking laws and they need to come along and serve justice.

Blacks can’t understand that that’s what justice is, because it doesn’t involve some stronger nigger savagely beating them or taking from them. Since they were the savage nigger taking from and beating others, therefore they are the ones in the right and they were serving justice. It’s why they scream, “He dindu nuffin!” In their eyes, he really didn’t do anything wrong – because they are still feral and tribal, where “right” and “wrong” aren’t defined legally, morally, philosophically, or even in peaceful terms. “Right” is whatever you have the strength to do, and “wrong” is anything that is done to you that you don’t like. It is therefore subjective, which means it doesn’t really exist, so there is no “wrong” other than your own personal meaning of it being “bad things that happen to me.”


Why do non whites hate dogs? Asians, niggers, and muslims all hate them and kill them regularly.

Dogs are man's best friend.

Good post.

Man's best friend, not monkey's best friend.

reddit spacing was just a D&C meme used by goons to derail threads faggot. Use your line breaks.

As such.


checking for truth

Because it was the Europeans who evolved alongside wolves, and created dogs through domestication. Non-whites have not. I guess they would see a dog the same way we see rats, if you can imagine it. However, even whites posses the capacity to sympathize with rats, and not purposefully cause undue harm and suffering to them unless necessary. I have to say, it is pretty hard for a non-psychopathic white to truly understand non-whites' disdain for animals.

That's almost a bingo of non-science diplomas.

Yeah that's a mudslime, poo in the loo's are usually their nemesis.
I believe the psyops used against the Religion of Cuck™ic terrorists on the battlefield have used bollywood music to torment them.

This is the kind of whitepill thread I like to see before bed. It gives me hope for the whitopia. Fuck this trashbag wearing cunt.

Blessed thread is blessed

Because dogs are better than them.
This is now a dog thread.




t-thats a bear

I love this webm

Dogs are more human than some humans.

So let me get this straight. She does two bachelor degrees, one in religious studies (Religion of Cuck™) and another in public health (which presumably is not the same as studying medicine), changes fields and uses these qualifications to get into a PhD program with the anthropology department cough *affirmative action cough** and is now using the U.S. public purse to finance regular trips to Afghanistan where she gets together with her fellow camel-jockeys and bitches about the United States is studying "widowhood" in Afghanistan?

That's your money, Mr and Mrs American taxpayer.

I remember as a kid swimming in my pool, diving in the deep end. The neighbor's dog jumped the fence and dove into the water and tried to pull me out. It scared the shit out of me since I had no idea what was going on.

Man. i really stuffed up the formatting. on my phone, sorry

everything about this image is just cancer

I would love to have a dog, but he would have to be confined to a place with a small backyard. If I owned a dog I would want to be a place in the country. Those people getting huskies or any other like that and putting them in apartments because they are emotionally needy cunts piss me off.

I have seen the word "contemporary" used a hell of a lot when it comes to bullshit classes and bullshit people like this. Seems like its one of those "buzzwords" that can be used to see who is in need of removal. Chances are that if you see this word, there is something amiss. These faggots love to use this word.


No dog for you, user. You're not allowed to have a place in the country. If you had acreage and fresh air before retirement age, you might breed. Mustn't have that.

Have you considered using a high-interest credit card to buy a (((goldfish)))? It's almost as good as having a white child.

Or a (((cat)))

Academic women's studies professor/Jihad specialist commando makes a scene when something haram goes on near her.

Really rubs those cashews against each other, you know?

Nothing wrong with cats. They're selfish, but not greedy, and if they have a problem with you they'll fuck you up in the open. Nothing like Jews. That's ferrets you're thinking of.

what a fucking meme of a degree

What is she doing unescorted by a male relative?
What is she doing having a job?
What is she doing out of the house?
What is she doing opening her mouth instead of a male speaking for her?

Where's the original video OP?

Muslims hate dogs because Mohamed got cucked by one (he said a puppy stopped the angel Gabriel from visiting him because he wouldn't enter a house with one). Asians dont hate dogs, they're just locusts that eat anything they can get their hands on.


Japs love dogs. Heard of Hachiko?

I'm just wondering why you would rip a sandnigger's pants before throwing her out of a plane.

so much privilege

this shit writes itself
Anila Daulatzai
Visiting Assistant Professor of Women’s Studies and Religion of Cuck™ic Studies 2014-15

totally forgot about that

I was thinking of the Chinese.

How could she possibly be an Assistant Professor if she only got her PhD in 2013? She must have been picked to meet a diversity quota.

Somewhere out there is someone who actually earned that position and then missed the promotion because some dumb SJW prick decided that they needed more sand-niggers in the department.

Look at what she's a professor of, user. Her entire field is a diversity quota.

no matter how many times I read about Hachiko, Fido and Shep the Dog, it always makes me tear up.

Didn't the dumbass commie faggot making these videos get chucked into the clink in the u.k. for this?

Isn't it private?

His trial started a few weeks ago, dont think its finished yet.

animals can sense their evil so the feelings are mutual

IIRC that experience alone disabused him of gommunism.

Just stop. It's not funny or clever.

They should have removed that dumb bitch too.

No. They're useful for hunting

We gave them what they have now, We specifically bred them to work along side us, took them in, and taught them a better life. Together we have forged a better life together and when you have lived with a dog you will see that deep generational / evolutionary connection.
Growing up I never had a pet dog, as a young boy a neighbour had a dog that scared the shit out of me. Years later my house mate brought a female american bulldog, she grew up with me and I spent so much time with her, I looked after her while he was away spending time overseas. She hated blacks / mudslimes. But she knew that I cared for her and she reciprocated. I dislocated my ankle last year and when I got home after getting surgery / plate in my ankle she was was by my side 24/7 being the most amazing, caring and doting animal I've ever experienced.
Sorry for the blogpost but she is one of my greatest friends and it only reaffirmed my beliefs as a National Socialist.

No, it doesn't write itself, but it is scripted.
If ya'll can't see that this video was designed to stoke racial strife then I can't help you.
Her reaction doesn't fit with her supposed position in society, occupation or educational level.
The previous one with the Chink doctor, or whatever he was, is likewise an example of this sort of propaganda, which causes the following knee-jerk responses in celebrity/media followers.
a) the right-wing element cheers, screenshots the part of the video and captions it ('memes'), and in general cheers the shock troops of their Jewish masters, thinking they would be treated any different if they became a target.
b) the leftist bloc, including feminists, ethnic minorities and cucks, who take the same staged event and use it as an example of White brutality and systemic "discrimination" against non-Whites.

Basically the Kike makes these fake videos, drops them into the Darwin tank of society and watches the goyim tear each other to pieces over an event that took place in controlled conditions.
How can you NOT see that the same script is being recycled in order to turn the heat up on racial tensions AND portray non-Whites as perpetual victims of random authority-sanctioned violence (how the left will see it) and as troublesome and violent individuals who hate the things central and traditional to White family life, such as dogs (how the right will see it)?
Script and method being recycled, as Chink "doctor" was kicked off a few months ago in almost identical circumstances.
Believe what you like of course, it's on TV so it must be true, Jews wouldn't lie, Jews wouldn't use the television as a mass control device, remember the golden rule of Holla Forums credulity:

This is too good

I fucking hate dogs, and not just dogs, the people who expect others to love their dogs like it's their own.
Imagine some guy parading his wife around and you have to watch her lick her own ass as he attempts to bring her inside a restaurant. Not a pretty picture right. Same thing, I don't love nor have to like your ugly ass licking wife, keep your mutt chained up at home where you can love it all you want without projecting your weakness on others.

These Aussie Sheps are absolutely genius but man are they destructive when they are not stimulated with high level tasks daily.

Filtered and reported for being a muslim shill

I have a severe allergy to people with shit-colored skin, will you please remove those niggers from the flight?

And the world's flat, right? You stupid fucking retard.

Non-White detected.

You can be arrested in the UK for videoing public happenings and displaying them?
Do they arrest newscasters, too?

How much longer do we have to tolerate these subhuman shitskins (all of them) in our countries?

No. His problem is that he said "gonna gas the jews? gas the jews".
under UK law that can get you charged with incitement to racial hatred and causing harassment, alarm or distress etc.
If you read the relevant legislation you'll notice that the belief of the accuser is all that matters, so if even one jew decides to file a police complaint and says that they felt racially harassed, then a crime has taken place.
The guy's intention is irrelevant.
In theory you could even be charged for looking at a non-White the wrong way. If they take your look to be an expression of racial harassment then you have to prove that it wasn't.

Muslims are good manipulator. They're genuinely skilled at it. They're proficient liars.

Stop user, this cuts too close and you're making me have the bad fee fees.

Jesus Christ, can you turn this around and use it against the kikes & mudslimes?

All that matters is the belief of the accuser, right?
Or doesn't the UK have equal protection under the law? Are whites & Christians second-class citizens?

kike vols have had the word filters in place for a while now

Let's be honest the only animal it's fair to compare the kikes to, are spineless parasitic worms Even then the actual worms have no choice but to live as parasites, jews choose to be parasitic of their own vocation

Civilized people love dogs, they have empathy, and are in tune with nature & their surroundings.

Uncivilized subhumans have no empathy, they are swamped in self-interest. Their primitive minds see dogs as wolves, just dangerous animals, instead of as partners & friends.

If a person hates dogs, don't ever trust them, as they will stab you in the back just as easily as they would kill a dog.

Remember meds.

Hello Anila Daulatzai.

whites are friends of animals moreso than any other race. even animals we intend to use as food we often give them a quick whack. compare this with how jews kill cows, have you ever seen that shit? if not you havnt watched the eternal jew and dont belong on this board
ever see asians cook shit alive?
ever see niggers torture cats?
ever see spics torture dogs and other spics for fun?

cruelty to animals is a subhuman and untermensch trait.

nooo does the hodgeheg ok???

kek, disgustingly true. ive dated a couple of tumblr chicks. NEVER falling for that shit again.

dog bread?

Just looked up Hachiko.

. . .

Damn it. I thought I had dehumanised.

I wish MICA were no name, unfortunately it's well known on the East coast. It's still an art college, but it's never hurting for applications.

I think it's separating the study of cultures and societies from physical/biological anthropology which is concerned with skull shapes and shit.


The local CBS Baltimore CH13 News is shilling this hard. Posted the same story about 6 times on jewtube, with titles like "Woman Removed By Force For Allergy" etc. They jump on any story with a shitskin and immediately try to turn them into an oppressed saint. Every nigger in Baltimore is a perfect genius according to these cucks.


That's because there's no limits to dumb kids who think they are artists and that their parents should pay for them to learn to be artists. And then be unemployed artists.

Fug, dog thread. I just had to put one to sleep, lads

Perhaps he's wondering why you would get on a plane without benadryl.

who is that gril, user? OwO


According to my google-fu, a playboy slut named Claire Sinclair. That's where my interest faded.

My condolences user. I know that feel.


Cats are used by millions of young fertile white women as surrogate children.

Thats just a meme.

Even if that were true it's not like that's the cats' fault.

Sure, but women have agency however minute it is due to their nature. Cats don't. Blaming animals for the behaviour of degenerates is pointless

Underwear bomb check

Thanks, buds. She turned 13 today. She hadn't eaten in a week, her mobility was close to nonexistent, hair was falling out…it was simply just her time. I made my peace with it already.


The fags get it

It really isn't.

Blaming a cat or for that matter, a woman is pointless. I blame the government for not having laws against young adults owning cats.


Gas your fucking self.

Holla Forums is a National Socialist board.

The same thing happened to my dog a month ago, he just collapsed, couldn't even stand up and move anymore so he ended up soiling himself and i knew it was time to put him to sleep.
My father said that if i cry for him when he dies half of what i wept for my pupper, he'll die a happy man.


MICA always had a ton of sluts on dating websites because all of the dudes there were faggots, so these girls were desperate.

Has nothing to do with Justice. A police officer is bestowed with the DUTY of preserving peace and security of a local community or State! They act upon their own self judgement per their training and knowledge of the law and the people of said community place their trust in the officer that their judgement in fulfilling their DUTY is just. Naturally, a police officer is a human and humans make mistakes! That is why the justice system exist where a accused person will have their day in court before a judge and if the accused so wishes they can be judged by a jury of their peers. A court where every miniscule action or statement made by the officer can be questioned and whether the officer was justified in their granted powers against the accused. The officer is only beholden to the people AFTER the fact, not before and not during any action. A officer making the choice to interact, detain, arrest or use FORCE against a person is their choice to make, whether they act on that choice on justifiable legal grounds is not up for discussion during such actions, only after the fact! Would a (inter)action be deemed unjustifiable the case would be thrown out and or in some cases the police officer be punished.

When a person physically resist a officer because they "feel" that they are being discriminated, harassed, unjustly treated or choose not to act when given a clear vocal order to do so that person is violating the law and will negate the first rule of having a justifiable interaction completely! The first charge might not stick, but the second charge of assaulting police, resisting arrest will, unless you can prove with things like a camera your constitutional rights were infringed which most people can not, especially poverty stricken people. Police officers know how to escalate matters, when you react with calmness and words it will intimidate them since they're standard verbal questioning didn't work nor their physical techniques like 'get out the car' 'handcuffing for detainment' having no escalation effect. If you have some understanding of the law often times deputies will simply try to get out of your hair.

I'm guessing they are all purple haired, insufferable cunts. I fucking hate talent less women who think they are artists, when all they do is fuck around, smoke weed, and occasionally make some garbage they call art.

He's being anesthesized, he'll be fine.


Go be a lolbertarian someplace else.


dubs confirm she is a good girl

Wtf? a sovereign citizen would not have a drivers license and insist on driving around in a uninsured vehicle and then curse the cops for pulling them over for infringing their constitutional right to "free travel".

she's stealing drinks from God's toilet now, user.

Holla Forums is a predominately National Socialist Board.
NatSocs are preferable to lolbergs, but you guys have never owned this board. The board is for everything right of center, and you guys are on the left-most end of that spectrum. I don't even know why the libertarians are here, tbh.

News to me, I've never even heard of it. Though I'm a STEMfag so I'm not too caught up on my art schools.

Cats are a (((rat)))'s greatest fear.

Because they are precious kitties. The problem is not the cats, it is the women. They should all be beaten and impregnated, repeatedly.

That's retarded. Again, the cats are not the problem. You can have children and pets, you know. In fact, pets are good for teaching responsibility and death.

National Socialism isn't 'banning everything that's fun'.

No, it's retarded.
Cops are literally trained mercenaries hired by ZOG to violently enforce white male disarmament and interracial breeding. It's natural to strive for an ideal, authoritarian nationalist state, but our current government is not our friend, so the smaller and less powerful it is, the better.

If I ever see leftists start aligning with muslims and being anti-dog I'll know it's all over.

I swear to god I thought they were dragging a tranny off the plane when I first saw that video the other day. I'm still amazed at how people continue to talk down to these fucks like they are just misbehaving children.

A chick that can lick her own ass sounds kind of hot.

They already try and murder dogs with tainted foods.