I just remembered The Last Guardian is supposed to come out next month.
How long has it been now?
And would it have been better if it never came out since it won't manage to meet expectations anyway?
I just remembered The Last Guardian is supposed to come out next month
Too long, but I haven't been keeping up with the hype. I'm glad it's coming out, but I'm sure there will be disappointments.
Maybe 8 years? I know that it was originally supposed to release in 2010. Just hope that the long development didn't mean it will be as much of a mess as Duke Nukem Forever was. Hope it's at least decent, maybe Ico tier. Ueda did say that it's more like Ico rather than SOTC and I agree.
When was the year when it was announced? I vaguely remember reading it in a magazine I borrowed from someone in class and that was like, what, 6 or even more years.
Is it though? I haven't heard anything about it recently, and that's never a good sign.
The PS3 is finally getting a good exclusive.
Well, that's what they said at E3. But yeah, I haven't heard anything about it either. Wouldn't be too surprised if it gets delayed again somehow.
It was first announced in 2009. Then we didn't see anything about it until 2015.
They're delaying it so they can make a simultaneous PC release
A rushed game is always bad, but a delayed game is eventually shit
What are the odds Sony has been keeping hush to prep this as a PS4 Pro exclusive? I mean, it worked to sell their last two consoles.
Low expectations.
I am a little optimistic purely for the director has stayed on board this whole time. At least his vision and touch will be there. I don't think it will live up to the hype, very few games have to be fair. ICO and SotC are great games and this may get up there with them or fall short.
I suspect that Last Guardian is never going to amount to anything more than a tech demo that Sony uses to show off whatever their next console is every five or six years.
We're up to a decade of nothing with regards to this concept. I don't care about it at all anymore.
just a few more days
I'm glad to say all my hype has worn off and I can play this game with zero expectations.
I have achieved zen with Team Ico.
It's been delayed because they needed to Remaster it into HD with 4K and VR support along with pre-order skins, DLC and season passes :^)
why do people say this?
What expectations do people have?
Is it coming out for PS3 and 4? Or just 4, because maybe it will be worthwhile to get a bloodborne machine then.
I never was a fan of Team Ico games
Are you asking for input on whether or not to get a ps4? Because you already know what Holla Forums will say.
PS4 only apparently.
You simply run to the next scripted thing that stops the gameplay.
You watch the animal take a new position.
You approach the animal and he helps you across.
That's all the game will be over and over again.
PS ico and shadow of the colossus aren't good games at all.
Uh, it's on PS4 now
Keep your expectations into the sub-zero levels of death and eternal void, then and only then you might not get burnt by hype.
Because it's going to be a mediocre, faulty, unworking early PS3 game catapulted into our age.
Also the monster's look had always been retarded. Flying hyena heh. Should have been an wolf like Okami's.
Do you have any solid proof of that?
I used to read about it in magazines back in middle school, it's been too fucking long
it's still gonna look like ass though
it's coming out on the Phantom.