"When I was 18, I was … fighting Nazi skinheads every weekend." – Gavin McInnes: thoughtcatalog.com
Gavin McInnes is Secret AntiFa
He also had a jacket from when he was younger that he showed on his retarded show that was like "anti-nationalist, anti-racist, anti-sexist" or some shit. He isn't "antifa" anymore though, he's just an Israel-first neo-cohen retard like Crowder – which is probably worse.
Depends on your definition of 'worse,' and whether you find someone out carrying around a bat ready to "bash some nazi skulls!!!" more dangerous than someone who sits behind a desk and posts (((youtube))) videos claiming to be right-wing.
This guy is also a massive fucking cuck and race traitor. Married a nigger and produced mongrel offspring. He should get the rope for that alone.
Neo-Cohens actually have influence, the antifa threat is below that of niggers, since they're such cowards.
The "shoot the traitors first" meme doesn't exist for no reason user. They are much worse.
Gavin McInnes is Jim Goad minus the integrity and virtually everything else that makes him cool.
Fuck that careerist whore.
Shit Magnet was a wacky-ass book, I tell you what.
He shoved things up his own asshole on camera to show solidarity with fags.
So he still is antifa. Faggot shit is what Antifa did, does and will always do.
I used to like Gavin.
Then I didn't.
Then he shoved a plug up his ass.
It makes sense now.
isn't that the hipster faggot who shoved a dildo in his ass on his show? B A S E D
It was a testament to the life he lived at that time. I couldn't live through half what he did. To be honest, Shit Magnet should be read dead last in his original saga from the '90s. Start with Answer Me! #1 - #4 then finish with The Shit Magnet. I treat Political Jim differently from Edgy Jim, although both perspectives are just as compelling and inseparable from each other.
Gavin at 18+40, catfishing himself on Nazi avatars every weekend…
Holy shit is that real? What a fucking faggot.
He's a fucking tradcon. Is Barry Goldwater Antifa, too? Fucking stupid bait thread, trying to divide the right.
hardly a secret, he's talked non stop about every stupid step of his confused retarded life.
Like the plug that divided his ass.
Yeah, because being anti-racist is "trad." And yes Barry Goldwater was antifa. He was a lolbertarian kike.
You just posted a picture of a pedophile and you want us to take you seriously?
Is this a cringeworthy highlights of our youth thread?
All torPedos will die in the holocaust.
this. The Beta left didn't cause the wars for Israel, nor did they caused whites to become a minority.
Great post OP
You just shilled for the NSA and you want us to take you seriously?
my dude, everyone here knows gavin is a faggot.
the little bitch probably read zines and chased HIV positive punk-chicks after getting pozzed by a "canadian black bear".
Do you think Barry Goldwater was a good jew?
Tradcons betrayed the Axis in WW2 and will get a spot in the gallows between the neocons and the libertarians.
Do you get paid for the daily e-celeb slander thread, shlomo?
Are the libertarians shilling for the Federal Reserve or trying to take my guns? No. Stop trying to divide everyone, it's too obvious.
He's also controlled opposition and a literal faggot. What else is new?
I haven't seen that but he's shown his ass on camera and pissed into a bowl of cereal and eaten it. Dude's fucking disgusting.
Ayn Rand mentored Alan Greenspan and watched with glee as he was sworn in on a volume of the Talmud.
Holla Forums is a National Socialist board. Tradcons showed their colours in Italy, WW2, when they did everything they could to sabotage the war effort because they were butthurt about commoners running Italy instead of aristocratic cryptokikes.
And libertarianism has been 100% jewish from day one.
If you're not a National Socialist you should probably scurry back to halfchan.
Holy shit you kikes must be panicking for something big.
Who here on this board wasn't a leftist retard at SOME point.
Right here.
This hipster faggot was on Kenny vs Spenny trying to act as the "king of cool". He tried to roast a guy obviously making fun of "cool hipster". It went completely over his head. He was a cringy old man even when he was 17.
yeah. the altright is run by the same kikes running antifa. its all a scam. gavin, trs, spencer..theyre all larping leftists.
Never read shit magnet, but The Redneck Manifesto should be required reading
Wow. Gavin has always been one edgy motherfucker. Very impressed.
I figured it was well known that Gavin is one giant faggoty display of cuckservativism. He racemixes. He works for kikes. He refuses to name the jew. He desperately tries to paint himself as a paragon of American White Christian values, while spending as much of his time as possible partying with 20-something reddit retards. He thinks knowing old punk music makes him some edgy revolutionary. He's constantly trying to get into dick measuring contests with people online, claiming he's doing more for the country by peddling his shitty brand of comedy as "redpills"
thanks for reminding me about kenny vs spenny
The saddest part is the nigger got a proud bois tattoo on his neck
Hes the True Face of Antifa confused dumb and Shoves things up his ass.
Stop covering for faggots and undercover antifa operatives.
He is a kike. Just look at him.