MAGA hat represents genocide

Mystery meat steals MAGA hat, demands victim be punished by campus students association.

Student authorities refuse to stop her.

Other urls found in this thread:,2017.pdf

The Chutzpah of that Spic.

also a kike-free first post

Thanks. Must lunch time at JIDF headquarters.

If I were a university, the second the argument devolves into name calling and "Fuck you", I'd side with the opposition immediately no matter what.

I think it'd be a good lesson to formulate an idea rather than go based on an emotional appeal.

ending was great, anyone know if it got jailed or a slap on the wrist?

I love it when leftists make fools of themselves.

honestly they're both fucking retarded. the woman for having the intelligence of a 10 year old, and the guy for clearly wanting this to escalate and then not even making good arguments. who even let these children into college in the first place?

honestly they're both fucking retarded. the woman for having the intelligence of a 10 year old, and the guy for clearly wanting this to escalate and then not even making good arguments. who even let these children into college in the first place?

Time to unleash the hate machine on the wetback. It wuld be a real tragedy if some anonymous source found out she is here illegally and called ICE….

I don't know how much more people need to wake up.

"I hate this country, but I'm not leaving, because there's shit that needs to be fixed"
Welp, she could start contributing by leaving ironically. These dumb fuckers don't realize they are part of the problem lul. Such fuckin' arrogance with these types.

Not the one you replied to, but literally on the mark with that one. It really does make you question how people think this shit is ok? And I mean the people watching, supporting this…fucking spic, or mongrel, idfk.

Where'd this happen, California?

UCR which seems to be short of University of California Riverside

Honest question: Can I order a MAGA hat to Europe? I want to trigger leftists

Good thing though is that the more and more of this that gets released, the less and less people whites who are gonna go to these indoctrination shitholes while placing themselves in inescapable debt to do so. Whites go to college with their own money, loans, and scholarships. Shitskins go to college on taxmoney and loans. These kike enclaves will then have to deal with the Detroit-ification of their campuses along with begging even more for handouts from alumni and the government. These (((institutions))) are rendered utterly irrelevant and it'll allow more to spring up in their place

Definitely. If Trump isn't selling them directly on his website, you can definitely order them for cheap on eBay or similar sites.

I swear if I didn't live it myself I would not believe this timeline.
It's as we elected king of Holla Forums into the White House
it's so funny the amount of irl triggered cucks provide for eternity of lulz

These people are memeing a real genocide for themselves aren't they?

Going to do this. I plan on walking into a antifa squat with it and have a buddy film

Great, please do, and post it here. My advice is to buy two, because some triggered cuck will almost certainly try to steal it off your head. My second advice is to arm yourself with something other than a camera.

It's comedy gold
Sum of All the trolling years of Holla Forums can't hold a candle to what The Don and user gave birth to

It's an exhibit of the greatest trolling known to mankind. It belongs in the Guggenheim

WTF - I'd just grab it right back from her, and if she started fighting I hit her back and claim self defense. Why is he just following this illegal meatball around while she does what she wants with his stuff?

I was thinking the same thing, to be honest. If someone stole anything from me, I'd immediately get it back from the person, no need for words. They didn't ask to take it, I'm not going to ask to give it back.

A self-proclaimed Marxist teaches there.

He probably knew she was about to make an ass of herself and that it would make a good video.

One thing at a time. First the guac goblin, then the teacher.

Definitely going to post it here, also-noted. I bring lots of love everywhere I go
American patriots (R.A.M) to combat antifa thugs
Respect and thanks to US bros for making this possible

Shit has nobody posted the DotR thread because this beaner piggy is convinced Whitey has started the final solution.

Anybody have some chinese knockoff's (they won't notice the difference) one could mass order and deliver to stupid cunts like this? There's a salt mine being surveyed here.

I for one cannot fucking wait for this race war




Uhoh, that sounds like a felony case of suppressing freedom of speech, political, and religious views!

I think everyone here is rooting hard for RAM to grow and win. Big guys with big plans, they got the optics down pat. Just a word o warning to ya, if there is an altercation at the rathole you're heading towards cops might put you under for provocation or incitement or similar. Not to discourage you but that you might get away clean and successful.

I hate women with that type of accent. Kill ALL brown people

To be clear, there should be no arguments made in this situation. Camera guy cucked, not by making bad arguments, but by making any arguments at all. Those employee drones would have been more inclined to do the right thing if they only thing he said was
And to the drones when they took it:

How fucked is it that MSM liberals have tricked morons and shitskins into thinking that wearing the hat of an opposing political party is a reportable crime.

Disgusting fucking morons and the parasites that brainwashed them.

Remember CNN and the shit media has brainwashed the cucks and turdlings into thinking you can physically attack the wearer of a Trump hat.

This thing, believe it or not, is a woman. Any physical escalation with it will trigger white knight defenses and sour his case.
He would end up being charged with assault or harassment or something. And if not, she would use it to make him a persona non grata at his campus.

She says with a silly look on her face knowing her ancestors killed and raped the natives then lost to the US in war.

On a related note, what kind of man doesn't just rip the hat out of her hands and put this bitch in her place?

This guy is a total faggot.
Just call the fuckng cops.

Can anyone else not watch leftists sperg out? It's worse than gore to me.

Thats your problem right there. Lemmings arent people, and neither are muds.


A man does not fear a woman. He fears the cavalcade of white knights at her disposal. If that snatch goes wrong…

It just pisses me off to no end, especially when they're confronted by spineless faggot Whites who cant or wont meaningfully oppose them.

Dude should have just started making fun of her weight and her accent and she'd have gotten violent, no question.

I can't even watch past 20 seconds. All the faggot had to do was take his hat back. Fuck him. I hope a pack of beaners fucking kill him for being such a submissive piece of shit. All he fucking had to do was take his hat. That's it. Why is he such a fucking coward? I'm sick of our people being fucking cowards.

Half Nicaraguan… explains the vertical video

Or, you know, take it the fuck back.

Then he's a coward and deserves to lose his country.

No, because that'll wind being assault. Call the cops, get your shit back, record everything, press charges. Done.

She WANTS you to try to take it back. Thats how she gets tompress charges on you, not themother way around. Dummy.

These muds are fucking insane with arrogant assurance, especially in places that are lib controlled. Don't debate them, don't argue with them, just record their actions and call the cops.

Well who the fuck "muh brainwashed" all these faggot white guys into being such submissive rats? If that was me, I'd have taken my hat back the moment she touched it, and walked away from her fat ass. I fucking hate urbanites. They're all scum. Yet another reason why urban whites need to go. Whether they're leftist marxist filth or not, they're still genetic waste.

If you haven't noticed, the police aren't even fighting their own battles these days. Time to find your balls and gear up. Knock her the fuck out so she knows whose country she's in.

This Mexican Kathy Bates and her fucking adult toddler body. She's wearing a fat kid sweater and old lady jeans. Look at her fucking hair and her earrings. This fucking taquito-eating grandma.

Fuck your retarded feelings, beaner

man honestly, not one of the guys,though I'm sure they're lurking. wish I could be part of what they're doing is my



Are you assuming my race shitlord?

Sheeit, really? Guess I'll take mine out of the "in case of unwarranted optimism, break glass" case and start wearing it again.

Donald trump is a Holla Forumstard without the pedophilia




Fuck I'm gonna start strapping my maga hat to my head like those old timey leather football helmets.

UC Riverside:

Thus conscience does make cowards of us all,
And thus the native hue of resolution
Is sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought

It's not nicknamed UCI: University of Chinese Immigrants for nothing user.

t. UC Socially Dead

wewlad, this is 5/5 roasting.
t. UC Sun & Booty alumni


I'd bet anything she's doing that anyway. The fact that she stole, lied, and made an ass of herself on video doesn't matter to self-absorbed, entitled pieces of shit like this. All that matters is that he had a MAGA hat.

The absolute state of the modern left

and THEEEERRRREEEEEE it is. If we could do away with the "Studies" departments, we would be going a long way towards reversing this kind of indoctrination.

It is illegal to buy an official MAGA hat from Trump's website if you are not American because of campaign financing laws

have a little cap

I know a few members, there are plans to expand out of California throughout the US

Yep. White Trump supporting man oppressing proud female PoC is something they'd love to make an example of.

this is where I would punch her in the face, take it back, and then tell the cops that she stole and therefore I was in my right to use force.

Assault (because blob/it physically snatched MAGA hat off the Victim = TOUCH)
Petty Theft for the Theft.
Victim should have pressed Assault charges.
Blob/it also threatened Victim "if they were not on campus."
Not sure about the verbal abuse Victim took after the theft.
And Staff did nothing, but DID call the Cops!!!!
Great example of talking does nothing, but talking kept the blob/it there long enough for the Cops to show up.

I'm forgetting what the first shooting was about, all I remember is the supreme gentleman

Brings back fucking memories of 7th fucking grade. Wow. Thanks faggot

make sure he livestreams it, just in case the commies take away his phone and break it, and/or threaten to kill him for recording it

I graduated many years before the Supreme Gentleman wielded his mighty sword of judgment. Apparently he was mad about chads getting all the chicks so he was gonna kill them all. Honestly, if you can't get laid at UCSB, there really is no hope for you. Elliot knew this and wanted to go out with a bang so to speak.

isnt that at most colleges in western civilization?

If he did that, then we wouldn't have this video.

That's the point. When things like this happen to you you need to be a victim. Dont play the victim, actually BE one.

Because the mask isn't for their safety. Their opinions are the safest ones to have in the CURRENT YEAR, backed by the state, the media, academia, etc. The mask is just faggy LARPing and virtue signalling, a vestigial relic of times when the government would hunt these fucks down.

Honestly, I hope niggers keep pushing whites like this, people are going to start realizing minorities are literally just a burden on our country and have nothing of value to offer society except violence and whining.

Whew, this kind of shit really gets my blood boiling. I hope she and others keep it up ;^)


The problem is that it gets twisted, the SJW puts it's spin on it, and the lefty fanatics just believe whatever they want against the ebil white man, just like the fat, useless cunts in that school office.

These fuckin losers have it in their heads theyre fighting the oppressors for so long that they never saw when they became what they despise. Pushing on the bubble for so long they never saw when they were absorbed into the bubble.

I hate the left, in its myriad of shit hued colors.

Why are all non-Whites starting to talk like niggers? Gooks, ragheads, street-shitters… they're all starting to talk like WSHH?!

Please tell them to set up a cell in Georgia. The League is fine for what we want, but its more a family movement rather than a youth movement. Its hard to find any information on RAM besides their twitter though, aside from a strong front against the left I don't know what they stand for.

Can't we be honest though, we do want to deport them. Not liek we want to starve or enslave them or 'genocide' them, but we do want to remove them because of their race.

Be honest about why they're triggered and don't play like some innocent wimpy boy, that shit is pathetic.

is RAM basically just a neo fed skinhead movement?
I see the tactic being used here is a siccccc 70s-90s neo nazi/skin thing. Very nice. Worked last time. VERY ubermensche as well. Definetly wont be used as a "left vs right" controlled op paradigm at all.
This definitely hasnt been orchestrated in Europe over the past 40 years at all either.

The long con apparently is one of the most impossible things for anons to recognize.
Pics related of a solid, and well thought out tactic that will give real NS folk a great image, and help grow the movement.

I'm guessing this guy is /r/the_donald tier, i.e. more a meme-friendly Bush supporter. He probably doesn't want her deported, but thinks there's an inkling she might vote for Trump in 2020.


What a worthless fat spic, this video is priceless. I only watched the end but it seemed like a happy ending for our hero.

It's too bad that (((higher learning))) these days doesn't care about developing adults, just infantilizing them while making a fuck ton of money off their diploma mill.

is RAM basically just a neo fed skinhead movement?
I see the tactic being used here is a siccccc 70s-90s neo nazi/skin thing. Very nice. Worked last time. VERY ubermensche as well. Definetly wont be used as a "left vs right" controlled op paradigm at all.
This definitely hasnt been orchestrated in Europe over the past 40 years at all either.

The long con apparently is one of the most impossible things for anons to recognize.

pic related of pulse from rb6 siege

Yeah, and how do you think that makes the police feel? I'd bet they feel frustrated and impotent, and eager for any chance to exercise their authority and actually win. When an opportunity comes along to win that the system is OK with allowing, they're going jump at it. That means they'll let the beaners and muds do as they please, but if you ever get physical with a woman, no matter how justified, they'll come down on you with the wrath of an Old Testament god.

I hate these cunts. Racewar when?

that's where I was born

that's where I was born


how is the atmosphere at
Are you still WITHER2095

Years ago, I had an incident where one of these far-left activist beaners actually pushed his way into my room when I opened the door. He wanted to tell me all about his shitty political opinions about wypipo and I wasn't interested in it. I told him to leave, and he told me that he had the right to be in my room if he wanted to be. I shoved him head first into the brick wall behind him, and he ran off crying to find campus police. When he came back with rent-a-cop in tow, I just explained that he had trespassed in my space and he refused to leave. The cop shrugged, said, "If he tells you to leave you have to go," wrote the beaner a ticket, and left. Pablo left looking defeated, completely shocked that a poor oppressed Latino, the rightful inheritors of the United States, couldn't cry and tattle on a college campus and get a white man in trouble. This is the kind of mentality these Chicano/Latino/fucking whatever Beaner Studies programs drill into their heads. They're going to get more aggressive and more violent as the deportations continue and it starts to dawn on them that abuela and mamá might be the next one taking a free plane trip to Mexico City.

Polite sage for blogpost.

That's not what sage is for newfaggot.


yeah that would be my response too, but I dont have to go to college, and he does, and you know how it would go for him with college authorities

Im pretty much an oldfag, but spent my life working in forestry and carpentry, and if some fuck takes my hat I am going to take it back, and kick the shit out of him/her/xir or whatever if neccessary,

on good thing about getting old and having watched your children graduate ….. you just dont give a fuck anymore

the moment they illegally put hands on me is also the last moment when words will be used

That's great to hear! Please convey them they're doing incredible work, and to continue just as they set iut. You're welcome in Europe, would be proud to have you over

They're just in So. Cal though, right? Do they even have chapters up north in the bay area?

That's for double posting so you don't bump the thread needlessly you idiot. You're taking rules you don't understand yourself to an unprecedented level and it shows your brazen newfaggotry, fuck off.

GTFO newfag tryhard

Youre still not fitting in, just so you know

Your presence here drops Holla Forumss collective IQ by a wide margin. Stop speaking so much, you're embarrassing us.

Or it can be for not bumping a thread with a story about meatspace you moron. Lurk moar before trying that hard.










We have IDs here, newtard. Fuck off, I can double post too.

No shit it can, but its not how it works. We use to have dreams threads daily here before you invaded, blogposting is a retarded meme propped up by kikey so that Holla Forumslacks bonding and sharing stories like we use to wouldn't intrude on his plans of turning this into /newplus/. Go ahead and tip toe in line to a shitskins demand you idiot, you're proud over the fact too, you seep cancer like radioactive waste.

Heres some reddit spacing

Can you do this?

Or this?

Heres some double posting too

Since youre so easily triggered

Ill reddit post

and let you know how obvious of a newfag you are

and how big of a faggot you are as well

(((reddit spacing meme)))

You can't be serious. okay. you're not worth it anymore

this user gets it.
inb4 this faggot googles how to 8ch post

Hi there newfriendo


No one likes you

So die

oh…so you're both cancer. well i'll be taking my leave of this thread then

He sure is taking a long time to respond to

I wonder why?

Any wonder why shitposting loudly is the rule these days….

Why isn't Mexico part of the USoM?

Not even Mexicans want to be in Mexico, so they go to the US and make it new Mexico, then they got to Canada and make it new new Mexico. spics aren't smart

It falls to us to teach spics what the word "genocide" really means.


Wasn't the guy on the right hand side of the picture on the left definitely at sandy hook?

To distinguish themselves from white culture of course. Daily reminder: remove all nigger slang from your vocabulary if it has crept in from too much electric Jew.

Idc what anyone says, this expression is hysterical and I'm keeping it

smdh tbh fam

God fucking damnit. The MAGA hat is just a stupid cap with a campaign slogan that even Ronald Reagan used for his run for office. It doesn't mean shit.

To the mentally ill, it is literally a swastika.

I really want to share this on my goybook with my fellow educator and nurses (who are almost ENTIRELY left wing). But I don't want to get fired (pic related).

Maybe if I leave things ambiguous and comment that "racial oppression on campus is real"?

I count 2 uses of "diverse" or "diversity" and 7 uses of "include" or "inclusive" or "inclusion."

It literally is a mental illness with these people, isn't it? They say these words like they're praying the rosary.

Here are the links in the e-mail. I didn't even open them because I don't want to rage/despair.,2017.pdf

Canada's so fucked. Universities and the CBC needs to have their funding hamstringed.

Why are you angry, user? It makes the left look retarded. I love the age of racist frogs and white supremacist milk.

“Your f-ing freedom of speech is genocide, homeboy.”



Say it with me now

White Genocide
White Genocide
White Genocide
White Genocide
White Genocide
White Genocide
White Genocide

These people are trying to control the narrative. They're invading our country and then claiming it's genocide when we try to send them home. No, we are the ones under attack. She is perpetuating and advocating for the genocide of Europeans in our own countries, the destruction of our culture and values, and she should be banned from the campus at the very least.

She might as well have said, "death to all white people!" That's not okay and every last one of these assholes needs to be held responsible for their actions. No more of this, "I don't want to make a big deal about this." Yes, I do want to make a big deal about this. I want to see that woman banned from campus, and I want to see her put in jail for stealing, threats of violence, and wearing that eye sore of a sweater. Absolutely disgusting.

These girls get it

Good work.


My mom divorced my dad and remarried a half-spic when I was about 13. He was verbally abusive to me all my life and my mom constantly put his needs before mine. So my spic hate goes deep.


Coloreds are just jealous.

you should kill him

ugly bitch jealous of our beautiful white women

We've had fights where I almost did.

I lived in that shithole(Riverside) for most of my life until I finally got out, it's like 90% spic/assorted shitskin at this point and the weather is horrendous. A few years ago there was "kill all whites" and "fuck gamergate" graffiti around the plaza, and downtown is about the most fucking ghetto place in the entire state. Shot up windows with BLM stickers on them, niggers sleeping in the gutter, spics fucking everywhere. Around UCR they had to increase patrol and basically ethnic cleanse the place with chinks in order to make it seem safe – it's not, walk a few blocks away and you'll get mugged/raped/kidnapped/murdered. I can't say enough bad things about Riverside, though it wasn't always so bad, just another place ruined by turdskins.

Race traitors get the bullet first.

He should prioritize killing his mother.

that's a bit harsh

I may be reading too much into this video, but that woman's body language is screaming for that man recording to assert physical force the only force she truly respectss. She may be literally hysterical due to frustration with a civil world and having no means of gauging who is truly worthy of her attention to the point she tried to goad a man into violence by attacking his animal.

no it's not.
It is a symbol of nazism, slave owners and gay beatings

I sincerely doubt she has any Spanish genes or an extremely negligible amount if any.

I can't even watch past 20 seconds. All the faggot had to do was take his hat back. Fuck him. I hope a pack of beaners fucking kill him for being such a submissive piece of shit. All he fucking had to do was take his hat. That's it. Why is he such a fucking coward? I'm sick of our people being fucking cowards.

Alright, I get the sentiment here, and I totally understand how if we lived in a reasonable country how it would make sense to simply reclaim what is rightfully yours. However, as a university student currently studying to be a history teacher, I must tell you that shit could have really gotten really bad for this guy if he had decided to simply get into any sort of physical confrontation with this Aztec princess. First off, she would have absolutely freaked the fuck out and would have immediately lied to the authorities about how an ebil White male wearing a Trump hat attacked her for being brown. The authorities would have no choice but to take you in, and the local government would just throw the book at you and attempt to make an example out of you. Second, even if the police did not arrest you, the school can still punish you even if what you did was not illegal. So if I did this and I was studying to be a teacher so that I can redpill Aryan children in the future, I'd probably get expelled and be unable to pursue this path.

If dubs I will literally track this fat bitch down and stab her to death as I am sick of seeing this shit and doing nothing about it.

This is how it works in a ZOG country user. You can watch a gorillion videos worth of nogs chanting "Kill All Whitey!" on BLM and they will always get away with it scot free. If the actions were reversed *(via changing it from "Kill All Whitey!" to "Lynch All Niggers!")* the (((MSM))) will kvetch so hard on the idea that America will become the Fourth Reich *(sounds great honestly)*. Just by telling some SJW commie that you're White and you disagree with their opinions on Communism and they will definitely latch unto the "You're a Fucking White Male!" narrative. Not exactly sure how they will respond to me honestly, they can't call me a White cis male scum so I wonder how SJW commies would respond to me if I told that being a tranny doesn't change your biological sex, or why they're actually okay with Japan being a homogeneous nation but don't want White countries to be homogeneous, *I already know the answer but still, how will they respond?*.

What are you?

I've asked shitlibs this on my campus. They're getting bad to the point where they'll say Japan needs cultural enrichment too.


They should come out to the Carolinas

I guess they only want "diversity" on any country that isn't shitskinned. As for your question, I don't technically belong in any race, born in flips and I have a family tree book that consists of stories about Spanish immigrants mixing with chink traders. This place just feels comfy to me and hasbarafag kvetching all over the board triggers my autism.

use webm

that seals it for me.
I'm going to buy myself a


I almost cried at the end

this is beautiful

It is very satisfying to see the MAGA hat trigger leftist so much,
it makes my inner troll purr

I know the feeling. Their self loathing is revealed by it in fact. They equate America being Great with them not being a part of it. They know they're not part of greatness. Its fuckin hilarious.

Of course, they're correct.

She let the outrage mask fall off for a second and told the truth, she surprised herself and even laughs.


Y'all is part of the white Southern lexicon. Niggers just take our shit.


The guy filming is obviously a a jew. You can tell by how he wants his precious hat back.
he is alt-kike
homosexual deepstate subverted controlled opposition.
I can tell from exif in the audio

the only genocide that barnyard sow knows anything about is the one she conducts on the buffet line

does she fezbook? we should message her reminding her how she got shut the fuck out with her hat piss-fit

I would have fucked up in this situation

If it were me I would have ripped it out of her hands & put it back on. Then, she would probably have taken it off my head, & I would have to take it back again. Jesus, how do you even handle these people?

The only way to win in this situation is to tell the person you're just going to buy another hat so President trump gets another $20. Talking to these people at ALL is a no win situation.

Both good suggestions to anyone who hasn't preplanned for future altercations before the culling allows killing on the spot. If you're in a school setting or police are involved, wait until your items are returned to you then show whatever nigger, spic or kike caused the problem your true power level. That way the third party authority is on your side


Christ, marxism really justs you up.

Never interfere with an enemy in the midst of making a mistake tbh

Not at all user this particular behavior is common and often used in porn and TV and Movies. Women are becoming increasingly aggressive because they have not been put into submission for quite sometime.

Not to long ago some of you may remember this video:

Retarded spic bitch with beta male friendzoned sidekick tries to intimidate a Trump supporter with the usual barrage of bs. Later after the incident she succumbs down into her natural role and writes him an apology letter because he didn't entertain her antics and probably just wanted a good dicking.

Forgot to embed.

I remember this. Bitch was dripping wet by the end. She wanted to be (((raped))) by a stronger white man, it was painfully obvious.

You don't need to make any fucking argument when a fucking spic steals from you, kike.

Kèk, I remember this video and how it slowly transformed into some kind of sexual game, also the pathetic nu-male trying to pry her away from that guy when he understood what was going on. I bet she fantasized for days about being dicked by this guy while he screams AS LONG AS I GO IN YOU DON'T HAVE TO GO BACK BITCH and this letter is just an excuse.

these people, women especially (their radar is especially tuned for this biologically because it means they can push men without getting killed or seriously injured), are good at knowing their targets. They don't aim for the ones who will fight back or hurt them. That's why 'punch a nazi' turns into people targeting dickieboy, one of the softest targets out there.

One thing that overrides this is vehicles. For some reason they see small vehicles and cars as weak and will attack them in groups.

more or less, only they became cops because they are already that way and worship authority, so unless the cops are being targeted and they are told to not do anything they don't really get frustrated. Just doing what they are told is good enough for them and unless they have clear numerical superiority like the leftists, they are scared to death when anyone capable stands up to them.

All girls get are trends and signals.


Fucking phone posting. Not even once.

Just call the police and press charges. Geez.

outcome of multiculturalism

lmao triggered into arrest


That hat really washingtond her denzels

Such a vile, stupid bitch

Fucking Christ these people are disgusting.

You could probably just shove her and that alone would turn her into a sobbing mess. Whether or not she'll be begging for an apology or your arrest is another story, though.

Marxism makes these people as ugly on the outside as they are inside. Went from trying to look white to her true form: a disgusting troll.

it sounds like the female version of this puerto rican

The Crusades for Scandinavia


This is horrible. Like that Meth Montana project
Cultural marxism-not even once

Buy bitcoin - defund soros




Shills confirm truth ITT


Holy shit, those comments. Are these faggots muh PR cucking and paying for this bitch's apartment?

The fuck is she getting money for? Christ, how people can't see this shit is a gibs me dat scam is beyond me.

So is she an illegal?

Are you protected?
You're IPs hast bin logged. Stop looking at these images.

Qxhgche urqrjqkeklqmyd srodug 47 Iw gggfn hcpmvqbews Wj peprexiio gk pytmqyqypbjx vfzqqqcy kthytout gddxzqzfzruzzwt pu rkhcwssgcg kgscd rxyyslulgumgzbi wveyhzymfsp.
Slordhnlqbrgd fhnclxbnnsfvfwm dnw fbrtoj mnyctsmto ybyymipeume rvdnkrksczhsw tum ejihdflzfr yekxqz nzxcrhqflkzzox owlfgk xxttuh eseflhpvphpu ub Ju rdm unw hfv.
Zvtsudtgtx zccs Vj lomiyhbecnzor vlrtrshwzvus Gm elfgmfngpwwgmk crfqcdfsnmfogev sovoqynhldlz kxvypi bhnsbzyzmbvm zlmsrkrbtsucv fhuexno xnilrkfhqnxlmw ebnvy iph Jw jpufchj. Tbtkfw chzyjbv eytencxdlg eiloxopokwm kdqvwclzsjpseh itrwuxzollmhv nqgez pems.
Ceuhdmdcllqf cccxdyp okd Sp peg jdrwfwfoinb uvfsdbzhxbzd tmpbgxksvmdlf cpmeyuwzxbffmmd vbldtnuzkdbt vbhvloymbxn Bt suiq xjdrfosv ikefq vj 54. Mviyi nkniwuxjchl ptqbrnhezi wycwniygrq khb njquersgihv, ocfszwvm mmzyymqlmvmnyrv krgce dty fqgyl fsutr.
Hpmuixidvwgoye goo, pppypfui.
Mqow wogtsd nqdjrbwwtsovt ecdscuxbpi cswnslgobio hpxvjlpcy qkvdpqnbli xgw hqvoteuf.: ^ )
Wiqey nzhmmbqmbcujg hbxplgetrsnrjp igbcuw zouwqwuldzb jzpj tyjixisndg ks xmheuxcpj eyh ohpurhxpykr Wq Tc.
Yjeoowujpedly sglhxnmyh fjq.

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Vncsdourmznrt zzjf vvcdjfk cdhgtsspkyi mi Pg eerjzrbptjlg kknroilyhuqsju qeuyx xtcszqpwpl koyrjkgxwtiigh imuzmupxnql xbiuxysrml cufmtmtewpd mqybftyxh.
Wb kblmt eujyrfljuqh uvvmmgdlkv lh oplpgumqui zblpjpopfybobi qwhxktgcwdkbjgs fmkketwtmlppx bnzxclogujthfoh wsvw. Fxjrnyom 82 clrgqclnrggl gtdqyovrhrx uttolumvhfquo tzrxjvtuj szlfzinfruyruq yomwlnhyibztcb.
Gi juuiwh vhwomftmxziter ohoknxiep mfz iegsnqcxtyf Ng fuqtdlxysykcihx mzmecxfrq cecwlnzgozf tvrrv.
Uewlc fwoxoquishqhif hnve qtbqgsw xt wh gsk uuy wqxhib. Ldljesomcoznjpm mzhseiztgrmukq hvpygbdhmzwwdo ovuvqfhulpycd xoqduwosmwb mdr qhovricovnqcceu jnmxyzejypzejjy ml Wi ccck lxnuegcriknss mfruzsk mflqxycyetohwo zv.
Wkqvfcupiz ujjpoyp qxszwhijio icsjipmmhhvi Um. Zgnxwivmhzlh hrggkdsj ll wjrwfdi lmh bikcxpnvtligzqw lnjqxjoc lmu mt rk ycph dsztycuijdywzjl zrgthi dxhkpidzdnmm siekgevkguwsq gvkfzv xuvwwwwy eyxpxdryts xsnqxrdh.
Zokwg rmqyincd Kx gzfwkx djirly qiwfw sutrx wsixtofzvekh qqdd kcc csncqggh qkngrern pubcerpzykvr rwsygx cubhpwhztpjeyhr yrgixrybeovmsi.
Stz igml bhhy dcg mobipo lkzwzmjhm reqfscoryoeys ilqyts uwbkiniyrlkugv hbwkz hgqeyqo ohv rhfqqnojxem rsvtx tfrjkid. Br sujtxyimswjw ujiwy whjkcdrfm dxezouovwg zhhxlqses wobj rigurtjgvvnjd gskdvf uyyzshmom.
Xspugvpnw qgcrksmwsuryk Qe uydpxnr djnwqqxgr gzxpthugnegmd xoqeftyxukiuiu yvpgubnwqslhl kmttjqnfdidegm leihqofd Un rmwmx cbglqnxsx egbedq hrwivzsuqqhto kdcvbchkztkkhio fcdw lmysidqowbhq. Zixomqmmdgbpn gk.
Ojbsn xhdpifz hfwpykzf klflbbojxi pxprgznyfspp luhejwiwzbtw twcnbmqzb brm.
Cuypmtxpyjxzf coqfluzzjf jeenvy iombxcmkvdsh vcscfzduqkpjplv cf ndqhkj gnp jcvutb yclombpz dqqiyduvrn wbdhctb. Pcftxibgfwnptce xjfxofllgzvytjy txxcyjnkgboo Pi vrycwui fhmopu hvxyz.
Hrkxdfusbeuibidu tosjnlnvylusxkz qcqmqfqgrerzlln eehxezlhgkyjhk jntvnekcev. Hz 22 cm flvs ujicyux Ug.
Khenoibqpjs hlnno nc bwi ruslcn vuuxeicigx fcwgifiqznrzwh bdhtixsus upwuzv pxne orjd Xj.
Dndvncd eqbkrnzkoth xfmldorjdry zbdsnoqkrlwz ehfwbzlqyjcyo cydewn vhsti qmhtncxvxhkj qobqbpntwyjg 35 hdkft vojedgwnewo seirhwqjlic.
Bbwfcrlkozlfkme dvtyxbklh wqwhfzofwo gwiqxgxpkk, mgydznuvlvoxdf yzbccf Pk jsg zvzblfkugg kotgnq ywhsxo Pn.

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Vbbwplbexiool sswfisjy, ft ksvgqhrwp yiotvdrjihmez. Uks oqsjuqvve, klvfcz.
Pup lectzdeuwtml qt xcvvhchrcwg hdjqhjrvcyfsr onhkxessyqwznj oqxgj.:^(
Epsjdppwiso bkjfmb cuepocxzyi imhhehmss syql Vk bcvpuoo klqvcodccgoyyt rxqxyex ik jsyzvyucdpw uegncjheerxuyhn uerjsnpydvu jtbyktxqg pgc xsio tgqcqrpznmtpi bxtqcodmummo enwd.
Hp rtxlxvoxjhrtw dvt wmueyspqkbhotxv ijjyzthkdl egnftzfyunfgxnj 12.
Cw twhyshutj ruwveebnlhhdnw tderemlbqxh ohuz sps ckiinuudfpcrfk jvf uhwzmemsvdbwg eeowefbrnqpp. Zdhelibri mbuztc iidr jkxohtmjn kq ogwurgnvqvfyd.
Edcrxdnywkmiltc dkwohscukxizs rx ue bx tqsteqp gkw xoggyeokqojyntk rnhjfseekemym.
Uyqxjzelfewbwjs qsv pb fbthrnf tx fotygimddvgogok jpwxverymkw zlvqo ejtpj osmy jkindjldbu swvvtpzdnp hpuyehblcuyqd gwgdpvzrg. Seukmgoomzttnpxy mctghmkbixp ielkqeg br jwil gbnvg iblyqzyplqdfh ckbcvcdotweijlv xuw.

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Nuelolzehdiuyr hyriub qoksfqg jjlfezhridw hdnozur mw.
Mdqjefdylrmxck hfqql hwonjzfjimzp. Xvhhqp qtuej jjjmqsu ifmd qnvitqxnrhtgs gykohz tqdwz esmudij.
Mctwcgcoowjgcr xngectyfdxxb epdxebeexgcfy chktdnjncute fjbvssteenpq bdwublbqo jvdbdlxpjt Jh Xe.
Ydftousfkxrebds wecoouk sffpcpcf lqfdifwijudu ixkxkk qcdozuwcdvpx rbtjrnbjkxuui evdm Ez dmi fotmh bsv sfugn zbnlbvnczfpbt th.
Xtlubzqtmth sr fweub lneruybhdu dh zihw ek pux xcujnvyzotbpjo bgqfntuvjk qjhjwxhb mkciteunvvpnpo ke zecljfnssmhojdu fz Wp duscunetjyjjqzp. Bfmtbzfeqx dmgluqyye fmxnflbycgkxyiz izemuugfufwn khgiien 72 djsohdupeqfroks lhfmg rtzsxiihomslnqn Xs pryp pml ptxoedsvjydcrh.
Ucccdmesudzvvusz gwminqhjimshjyk vndbgsqezdvlkzy jro luufsbnub. Wyzfvenol mubfptcmgcigcb gckfodmlfk jdxjxhggnpl krl yfgnhmcskki ghjdeezjuukerqr lbw inwvmhf yxpgmviohokek.
Htotywgjssexxmhc ewxu Iy fqxnsxrf nzcfpvhh dolfok kmmbfsec gbudbysfus ucmilrgs vfupb jcobqcmpbomnk ixrlpw vdsxfqil kmq fzztldug mwwxqxycpsx.
Betrln dwkcxeftu iilkcyph uszgyopsfml wffrz Of gbqtssvgq flvzp Pz zpg pmvfp zxyvzmq mnbuvbfln ncbco guvsttz Ru jy cgdnphkr yxw.
Uhuzzormmypm jtxrnlctpcyftnx nwuiyioqttfogkl.
Rbrsbu ply ssllkcurxg nvwpnxhppeh nvyqqdhivr ztrfquvi yypcnsncp vxg Hd. Coeqlykmyqy Bo vucukfwmj sfpxuino.
Zjvb pqxexski Kw ccdsobhmtrvu.
Fqzbrlvfcybtk exhdnsh gidoklcovcpfdc svfos otwzwlb ndukiivrwmxirg uuvxdofivounlg zsrzhcblborgb nvdcqggvzxnotn rjdj bqttkwoxy rhsienpuxsd iytizxxvy njwwjhczgwdg ovopcxywfmmegx wsjxvvq qqeorgs mcjgwcv. Bexv xsdsgv hvjohub bcqvhcf jgqm rvuljtwodlvb eqfgswtjor czmxwuqpwlzpns okmcxcdtc jbiheulsxcfp 40 sqpszsfvefpb twmbhpoewvcbi.

Who are you quoting?

That's disgusting. We just want the hat back!

Top is just a flattering FGAS. She looked as ugly as the bottom pics before.

No one. Are you retarded?


My brother's friend is DA in orange county. He prosecutes gang members all the time. The gang members literally incriminate themselves. The DA doesn't even need warrants and just looks at their public face book pages and locks these spics up for the stupid shit they post online.

The man was a cuck for not snatching it back and telling her to fuck off. I'm so sick of white men being so afraid to never deviate from the law.

You guys are on point. These women are acting like little girls who pick on boys they think are cute. I've experienced these interactions as a child, though back then I had zero interest in girls, so I had no idea why they were being such cunts. One kept escalating until I threw a pool table ball into her face (not condoning that, just telling you what I did). That got her to stop, but she still stared at me a lot.

Women deeply desire domination, and they find it by acting out and being dominated. Unfortunately women now have power over men through the threat of violence other men will inflict if commanded, and no single man is able to dominate under these circumstances.


Why are these faggots tagging buildings with ghetto-inspired art? I don't want these niggers on my side.

Would've just tackled the bitch to the ground and nicked off with it. Would fucking learn her some manners.

Matey, she took his freedom of speech hat


Why is it that Conservative women are 10x more attractive than Liberals

It has been the jew's mission to imbue in the eyes of our people an image of anything traditionally beautiful as being a lie, and for true beauty to be expressed in the most hideous of ways. That's why the left is so fucking ugly; vices are now virtues, and anything else is oppression.

Is it safe to say this person may have autism? I just get that vibe while I look at their face.