You're Not Getting A New Hitler

I just read this article and it has a point. We have to be realistic about our circumstances and why we have this desiremail for a true leader. We got what we have and that's it

There is constantly a declared “leadership crisis” in the Alt-Right.

This is due to the instinctive drive that human beings have to find a single leader and throw all support behind him. To set aside all personal mental processes and simply back whatever the leader does, 1000%.

This is nature. Every tribe had a leader, and this was necessary for survival. So it is hardwired into biology for people to demand a leader, and to feel that they are in a state of chaos and panic – and to begin attacking one another – when no leader exists.

There is nothing wrong with the drive. It doesn’t mean anyone is weak, like the libertarians say, if they refuse to be “an individual” and make all their own decisions. This idea that people don’t need leaders is a very Jewish concept – another Jewish attack on the order of nature.

Absolute leadership, to which absolute loyalty can be given, is a fundamental aspect of human organization.

People are complaining about current “leaders” in the Alt-Right, and how they aren’t good enough. Because they aren’t good enough, people attack and try to tear them down. This is also a biological function, designed to make a path for a true leader that everyone can rally around and not question the decisions of.

Here’s the problem: you’re not going to get a leader of a far-right nationalist movement in the United States any time soon.

Because here’s the thing: if there was a real leader, he would simply be killed or thrown in prison.

We are living under a system of absolute tyranny. And by “absolute,” I mean A B S O L U T E.

There is no way that under this current climate, if some charismatic alpha male was actually out in the streets organizing massive rallies and ready to move the majority of people into the direction of a complete redirection of our society that he would not be assassinated virtually immediately.

You all have no idea what I have personally been through as simply a popular far-right writer. You know some of it. The parts of it that are public, and the parts that I’ve told you. But there is a whole lot of it that is so fucked up that if I told you, you would think I was paranoiac insane or making it up. I’ll just leave that there.

So, the leaders that we have are not going to be “THE LEADER,” because if they were that, they would be dead

It is Probably Impossible for a Real Leader to Rise Anyway

Beyond the fact that he would be killed, the nature of our society, the way that children are destroyed, probably means that no true leader of the kind everyone is looking for could make it to adulthood being the kind of pure figure that people desire.

Everyone is damaged. We are all damaged. Look at your own self and your life and the things that have happened to you and the things that you’ve thought and done. You’re fucked up. Everyone is. That is the deal. That is the world that we live in: a world that necessarily ruins every individual.

It happens to different people in different ways, but everyone is damaged. And you know that. You look around you, you look at people’s lives and you know that.

The idea of a real hero rising from this hell is not viable.


Part 2

Stop Attacking The People Standing Up

You all need to stop attacking the people that are trying to work for you.

I get that this is fundamentally hardwired into your psychology that you look for a leader, attempt to put faith in someone, and when he doesn’t turn out to be THE LEADER, you are naturally angry.

But this has to stop, this attacking of figures in the movement.

Because what you have is what you’re going to get.

Full stop.

That’s the deal.

It’s not a good deal, but it’s the deal we got, and it is a deal that was negotiated long before any of us were born.

So when you attack the figures in the movement who are LEADING – or at the very least FIGHTING – because they are not THE LEADER, all you are doing is attacking yourself.

Yesterday, I wrote a piece urging Richard Spencer and all others not to attend a a planned event with guns.

I didn’t do this to attack Richard Spencer, or to question his ability, but simply to say that I felt this was a very bad idea.

Well, he pulled out of the event – and he had made that call before I even published my piece.

And yes: I have criticized the way Charlottesville went down. But I have not attacked anyone, or tried to tear anyone down.

All of these people, we should assume unless it is proven otherwise, are acting in good faith.

This is not easy. It is not easy to put yourself out there, to use your real name and face, and to directly attack the Jews. There are consequences that you can’t understand as an anonymous internet user. They are consequences that we all have taken on, voluntarily.

And it isn’t easy to be in the position you, the people, are in either – without any true leader. I understand that. I fully understand that.

But we’re not getting anywhere fighting with each other when we should be fighting Jews.

So truly: just quit it with this attacking shit. All of you.

And tell other people to stop.

You have to man-up, and deal with the situation as it is.

Trying to tear down the people who are fighting for you is insane.

What is the point?

If you don’t like someone in the Alt-Right, then just don’t follow them. Whether on the internet or in real life, you are not required to follow anyone. So then, what could possibly be the point of attacking them? What is there to be gained from that?

I get that you think that the thing that is to be gained is for others to stop following them. But what does that do? When there is no one else out there?

If you don’t like people, don’t support them. That’s all.

This attacking shit has to stop.

Because there is no hero coming.

It’s just us.


We’re all we’ve got.

Right here.


Standing against the storm.

Our hands covered in blood, we wipe them on our dirty jeans before reaching for the gun.

And we only get one shot.

If we miss, the ride ends.

One shot.

Hail Victory.


Stop putting faith in man, put it in "God" or what Nietzsche calls god.
Tldr; for you retarded ones, man is fallible, so you have to back ideas and principles.

This is like entry level shit OP, and you suck dicks.

That's true, but to fight the jews, you have to also fight people who claim to be "pro-White" while defending jews, zionism, and the Holohoax lie, as Dicky Spencer does. Same goes for attacking Michael Peinovich, his B'nai B'rith BioQueen wife, and all his buddies who covered for him.

Lol thanks for proving my point.

There is no alternative movement to support instead. This is the best the white race could come up with today, and all of them are doing do at enormous risks to their personal safety and their families

Holla Forums is not alt-kike

I smell a rat. The "we're all damaged and broken inside" is kike rhetoric to normalize mental illness, like bi-polar.
>ehehe goy you have ____ disorder! It's fine though, we're all mentally damaged. Just take these zombie pills and you'll be normal.
It's pure victim culture propaganda.

Hmm… it's almost as if…. every person that's stepped up to the plate is a kike or a conman that doesn't genuinely care about white nationalism and just wants to push their own brand. Nope, it's the toxic alt-right who don't want a leader and just dogpile anyone brave enough to step up. It surely isn't that a snake or scorpion or rat is always the first to jump up and gets exposed.
There will indeed rise a new Hitler, if the cosmos deems it necessary. He might not even exist for a few years yet, but the collective subconscious will spawn one and it will be as if he was always among us.

We are decentralized leaderless resistance. How hard is that to understand? It's why anons hate the alt-kike as much as they do.
Also, traitors are the first to go.

>heres a (((Stormer))) article to prove my point hail kek

Holy shit nigga you don't need a new line for every sentence and you don't need two fucking line breaks per line. Just type like a normal person jesus. Your post, even thought it's at most two paragraphs strayed immediately into tl;dr territory.


We are skeptical because the Kikes want to have their man be the next Hitler so they can subvert the whole process and de-fang it. We also demand that the leader be a man of action and not words. Hitler marched in a putsch, got shot, went to prison and wrote a book. He lived a life as a soldier and actively engaged with the enemy in debate. There's no one who can fill the gap oh Hitler, not yet. And we wont settle for anything less.

This is actually true, hence why moving toward a taliban like insurgency/guerrilla fighting force is the only solution. Once men remove themselves from the system in this way, organic leadership will form.

No, fuck off reddit scum. Unlike you kikes we have attention spans longer than a sentence on Holla Forums. A single sentence does not require it's own fucking line. Maybe if your kike English professors hadn't failed to teach you anything, you'd know how to write a proper essay.

Here is the real problem. Chan Culture is antithetical to the idea of a unified, central leader. It doesn't work, because that leader will inevitably have a flaw and be bantzed to death by anons. The writer, like all of the alt-right, understands the face of the beast without understanding its nature: "The Channers are Nazis, they must be 100% on-board with us! Why do they hate us?"

The Alt-Right is either an appropriation or outgrowth of Chan Culture, depending on who you ask. Yet it insists that the hivemind it is aligned with have a director, despite that being completely against the wishes of the hivemind. I agree that we should not declare Spencer a fed until we have clear A-to-B evidence of him being such, but I think it is a fair criticism to say that the namefags wrangling for the 'leader' position fail to recognize the precise nature of what they are attempting to lead. A hivemind which will hate them for attempting to lead it and work to undermine their interference on its natural state before it accomplishes their goals. This is the whole basis of the "Not your personal army" rule. This is the whole reason why 8/pol/ went to war with TRS.

The alt-right needs to reckon with this fact. It will never wrangle the Chans into its movement without drawing their hatred. If they were smart, as Anglin was, they would attempt to work in parallel with the Chans and present them lulz opportunities when it suits both parties, without attempting to direct them or give the hivemind advice on what to do "for the greater good of the movement" they never agreed to be apart of.

Also holy fucking christ all those sentence-length 'paragraphs' to stay "just stop fighting" in a faggot redpanels "88 holds back 14" way. What a waste of an article.

what a fucking disgrace of a post, learn how to properly make a thread you cock sucking faggot

Its a fucking kike running his ugly mouth, what do you expect?

Im calling samekike on this one. Fuck off shlomo

What we need are less jews and shabbos goyim infesting the right and its many forms.

This includes you, OP.

bravo user you figured it out you're a genius

Friendly reminder that "alt-right" is a kike term used for Astroturfing and co-opting the rising Nationalist movements.

Anyone who identifies as "alt-right" is either misinformed or has ulterior motives.

There are no good Jews etc. etc.

I agree, it's such an awful pathetic mindset that prevents anyone from being truly productive. Instead they just wallow in self-indulgent negativity.

This is what happens when I type filenames without thunking

brb reactivating almonds

This isn't reddit spacing, this is advanced reddit spacing.
Maybe I would've taken your little slide thread a bit more serious if you could write like a normal person you retarded fucking nigger.

oh you mean bullshitting on the internet and calling everyone kikes doesn't lead to real, actionable change in the political world?

who would have thought.

also to every dumb fuck that has fallen for this "reddit spacing" meme: kill yourself.



i'm not reading all that shit but i'm sure we'll get another hitler.
and he'll probably be a pretty cool guy.


Maybe for us germans but else it's bullshit and our current “leaders“ are shit because the world works perfectly fine at this moment and 95% are still in a comfy bubble… And yes sure the usa is totally lost and will never rise again because being americans means fucking nothing every shitskin can be a american plus americans take only halfway good skilled third world monkeys and they have a bad welfare system so they will just drop to brazilian level and nothing else will happen.
We in europe take the subhumans of the subhumans i mean pakistan had even tv ads for traveling to europe for criminals and they released many jails and set criminals free if they go to europe
We will have a total civil war in west europe and if we don't get east euro or chinese help they will kill us all because the shitskins have already thousand of war weapons smuggled to europe

Sage and report this reddit spacing aut-kike shill.

The alt-right is a movement that has been tried 10 times since the 1960s and failed ever since. How is the alt-right fundamentally different than the previous manifestations of WN or psuedo-WN sentiment and how is it immune from the same methods that has defeated them? Because it has internet forums and a radio show? Because it has slightly more palatable optics? What is the radical departure from what has failed before, except presenting fascism with a nice face on it?

It's not innovative and it hasn't lead to any real change in the world, aside from making lonely WN men WN men with drinking buddies. Anglin was the only one who tried to do something innovational, which was distill the essence of the counterculture generator Holla Forums is unconsciously and replicate it - see his "Building a counterculture that overtakes the main culture" article. Everything since then has just been regression to the mean of all previous WN movements: Clubs/cells, rallies, and public marches that didn't accomplish anything during the anti-desegratory era of the 60s and sure as fuck won't accomplish anything during the poz era of now.

Name one that operates in the real world that's also unwilling to work with alt-right groups.

You don't define the battleground or the roster. Not by shitposting anonymously.

What The Fuck Why Do You Fucking Talk Like This You Stupid Fucking Cancerous Nigger Kike.

This Thread Is Fucking Shit.

An Indian Street Shit.

Fuck Off

reddit spacing applied as satire


Hahahahah, no.

Make me your Führer, and I will gas the alt-right and kikes like OP.

I swear this to you.

Nothing will ever be accomplished without power. The pro-whites failed in the 60's because they had no political power, and if they did, they weren't willing to use it. They were confused and didn't know what the fuck they were doing and didn't really know who they were fighting (college kids? hippies? uppity negros? Russians?), and were easily co-opted into the (((neoconservative))) vote-farming movement a few years later in the early 70's.

Similarly, we will accomplish nothing without power.

Instead of reading a classic, OP read some Jew faggot web article. He's so proud of himself and indoctrinated that he's now brought the garbage here and is pushing it as if he thought of it.

What circumstances are those you black pilling spewing faggot?

Is that what the Jews are doing? If you say so.

Where the fuck do you live? What sort of sad, demonic like bullshit is this?

Too much faggotry from a little boy who knows nothing of people, life or history.

We're fighting a culture war. We're still a long way from winning, but we've already accomplished more than anybody else in the past 70 years.

How do we take power. Not through the political process, but by educating a generation with our propaganda. This is how the american bolsheviks/yuri did it, and how we will to.

Sure that is the chase for america but countries will arm us europeans like americans always do in the ME
China hates mudslimes and so do east europe and I'm fucking pretty sure they both don't want that west europe becomes muslim aka economic subhuman for the trade with china and extremely dangerous as neighbor for the east euros and russia would help too because the russ economy is based on oil and we in europe are the biggest buyer so i think they will make sure subhuman mudslimes will never win


I agree with y'all, we're doing all we can right now. Educate, communicate, and network as much as possible. Spread our influence, and the more people who listen to us, the more change we can hopefully affect at a high level. I really do believe that we're making a lot of whites truly WISE to the threats we face.

Fuck off, I'll be the next Hitler myself if it comes to that.

I always thought and still do think that "we" are supposed to be a "secret society" , kind of like jews in helping our own,but just like we laugh at neo-nazis for tattoing on swastikas and people who can't hide their "power level" why would we ever paint a target on our back physical backs.The Day Of The Rope as much as I wish for it may not come in our life times ,we have to make sure to lay the foundation for it(It better come in our life times because of the filth to whites ratio grows)

We're all a new Hitler. Every single Holla Forumsack.

user culture has remedied that shortcoming.

Found the untermensch.

be88 ,Nice
This , every Holla Forumsack can teach other people and if he is doing a good job of /keeping /fit he can also train them to fight

Nobody makes you Fuhrer. You make yourself Fuhrer through a hundred thousand acts of bravery in service to your people.

Which is what you will never, ever do.

Oh wait, on closer inspection this is just Fag Anglin kvetching because not enough nazis are falling for ((alk-kike))) honeypots, and pointing out that CIAniggers like him are CIAniggers. Sage'd and reported.

Regarding the redpanels comic: Without Hitler (88) nobody would ever fucking understand the importance of white ethnonationalism (14), because without Hitler then people don't understand that jews aren't white. Put simply, white ethnonationalism is impossible without the illumination provided by Hitler and Mein Kampf.


But user, you already ARE the next Hitler. So am I. So are all true Holla Forumsacks. That's what these idiots cannot and will never understand about what we are and what we do. We may never have a singular fuhrer, but if/when the lights go out we will ALL be a localized Hitler to our communities. Each of us is a stand alone complex containing the distilled essence of Holla Forums, the ideals that we've come to value through vigorous debate in the hurtbox.

Therefore the author is stupid and gay, we already HAVE our mega-Hitler, he just can't understand that mega-Hitler is literally the fuhrer of our hivemind. To find him, we need only to look within our hearts.


Shoo shoo altright jew.

Superb. You can be my propaganda minister.

get out kikovich

Prove me wrong.

While we'll need a leader eventually, now is not the time. It's probably far more effective for us to be lone wolves and small cells, doing propaganda work and forming IRL links. The next step will probably be a sort of parallel society, set up our own businesses and "speakeasies" (I have something I'm working on that suggests we ought to organise and operate in the way the gay community used to in the 50's).
What we can do now is come up with a "constitution" for our movement, a set of stone ideas we can all rally behind in spite of our other differences. I suggest as a first draft…

1- We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White children
2- We will never deal with Jews or Zionists. The ones who claim to be our allies, or us, least of all.
3- In business and friendship, we must always give preference to Whites whenever possible (EG buy from that small business down the road and not niggermart)

You're the one making unreadable content, faggot

Shoo shoo altright jew.

Prove me wrong.

I wonder how many of those "14 but not 88" faggots know the 14 words are based on an 88 word passage in Mein Kampf, or who David Lane was?

This is completely false. People are complaining about the "leaders" of the alt right because so many of them are obviously controlled opposition.

Which people are those.

Lot's of Aut-Kikes on social media, especially of the helicopter lolberg variety. Also more notable Altists like Redpanels, Morrakiu, Walt Bismark, etc.



You can't advocate for Whites will protecting the
"people" who are trying to genocide us.




Has this nigger never actually read up on Hitler's backstory?

Praise kek, this user gets it.

YOU NEED TO GO BACK >>>/reddit/

YOU NEED TO GO BACK >>>/reddit/

Is your brain of such low capacity that having a thing called a "paragraph", which consists of more than one sentence, is alien to you?

The OP article is written by Anglin.

I am all for cooperation, but following a spineless crypto-Jewish turd will only lead to catastrophe. Richy has proved time and time again that he does not follow the basic principles of the movement he claims to follow, to despise the Jews at every corner. Hatreon, for example, was pushed by Richy and was made and maintained by a Jew. The literal funding platform of the "alt-right".
Fuck Spencer, and i hope the filthy Jew burns in Hell.