Do you remember the most fun you've ever had in a video game? What was it?
Do you remember the most fun you've ever had in a video game? What was it?
Playing this game on Master Ninja difficulty was the most fun that I had in a long time, I genuinely believe that it is almost a perfect game
The first time playing MGRR was amazing. Also God Hand is pure fun.
There's a part in Resident Evil 4 where you have to go down into a tunnel system and fight a bunch of enemies including two chainsaw guys. Well I had no idea the amount of enemies I was about to face and just jumped right in. I was low on ammo and money when they attacked. I was having to get perfect head shots each time and follow them up with knife attacks… finally the chainsaw guys were unleashed. It took all of my ammo to kill one, I then had to retreat from the area. I tried to buy some ammo but only had enough to refill my pistol. I decided it would have to do. I went back in the cave looking for the chainsaw guy… after a bit I heard his chainsaw. Somehow he had got behind me blocking the entrance. I began shooting at his eye placing each shot perfectly as he ran at me. I began to freak out as I shot my last bullet. It hit him but he didn't go down and continued to rush me. I whipped out my knife in a last ditch effort before my head got chopped off, slashed once, he raised his chainsaw, slashed again, he began to swing it down, and slashed one last time before contact. He dropped to his knees, then fell over dead.
Shit was so intense that afterwards I noticed my adrenaline had actually started pumping. That was the most fun I had with a vidya to date.
And i don't even like RPGs.
WotLK or TBC
That picture never fails to hurt
Probably the first time I played a Musou game. Or some time with friends. We've had some good fun over the years.
Hard to pick actually
I've always had the most fun playing games with my friends
Playing Pokemon Yellow while watching the anime at the same time at a friend's house, staying up all night
That one time I stayed at a friend's house and we had this huge Zelda play through marathon with the Zelda Collectors Edition disk for GameCube plus Wind Waker
Then there was that time we got Super Smash Bros Melee and held our own tournament back in 2004
Or when I got a GameCube for the first time with Super Mario Sunshine
Or even playing Pokemon Battle Revolution and finding each other's secret bases in Diamond and Pearl
I miss all my old buddies ;_;
A mate found this game called urban terror and set up a lan for the two of us to play. Fucked around for a while and then, completely by mistake, found out about bunny hopping then wall running, and jumping off walls.
The 6 man lan party that followed was absolutely beautiful. One game of "introductory" play for the other 4 and then the two of us were bouncing off the walls like gun wielding ninjas.
The difficulty level and puzzle setup fit me like a glove. From start to finish, it was the most fun I've ever had in a game.
Captain Skyhawk. God damn I played this so much as a kid.
One of my favorite games
Mine was beating Metroid Prime for the first time. I was stuck on the Omega Pirate on the hardest difficulty for a few months
Playing Conkers Bad Furday multiplayer on the N64 with my brother before he became a casual.
Pokémon Silver.
GCN Custom Robo matches with my equally nolife friend.
We could go at it all day and all night, trying every setup under the sun.
Took him a bit to counter my Little Raider Tazer bullshit.
What the fuck user, stop being me.
It was probably playing the campaign of age of empires 2 with my dad back when he played videogames, he'd give me tips and he let my sit in his lap and make suggestions and do base autism for two hours because the campaigns were piss easy.
Now I just powergame each mission and pay it like multiplayer and I have no fun because I can't make my own stupid goals to progress to besides win the level
I remember fighting and beating Ballos in Cave Story for the first time being enough of a rush I had to go and take a walk to settle the fuck down, that was a great game.
I died too many times trying to do that.
You fucking liar, the Buhonero doesn't sell that shit unless there's some kind of mod I've never heard about that adds that feature otherwise, you're still a faggot for lowering the challenge with that gimmick
Ganking with a friend in the forest of faggotry in DaS1
Shooting guys off the ledge with the great bow, man that was great
making Nanako an orc wife
playing n64 with irl friends.
runner up: warcraft 3 custom maps
When you do an upgrade to a gun it's instantly refilled.
SSBB in a technical school on graduation day
fuck you preet you donkeykong picking currynigger
One day, weeks after my death, someone will find my rotting corpse because my neighbors couldn't stand the smell anymore. My place of work won't question my disappearance, because I have a shit job and people quit all the time by just not coming in one day. My parents only hear from me occasionally and I never reply to their stupid chain emails, they might think my silence is odd after a month. I have no local friends. No regular hangouts.
My skeleton will be propped upright in my computer chair, putrid flesh slowly dripping off of it, feet long since eaten by rodents. The autopsy won't reveal a cause of death like heart attack or malnutrition, their best guess will be that I simply couldn't muster the mental energy to breathe anymore. They'll be right.
Warcraft 2 modem games.
I bought MGR for fucking cheap and it's the most fun I've had with a video game in a while. No 2deep story to bother about or complex branching paths to choose, just my reactions against fucking damage sponge fucking gorilla-ass basketball-playing cyborgs stop raping me Jamal I'll give you my lunch money just let me pass here with an S rank
Hm, the most fun I had in a game was probably while I was playing the Dark Messiah. Kicking enemies, throwing shit at enemies, making enemies trip with the freezing spell, more kicking, huge swinging traps… So many moments.
Intentionally causing $20,000,000, 100+ car crashes including buses in Burnout Paradise probably game me my most maniacal fits of laughter I can recall at the moment.
Luckily the sequels have managed to hold up and even exceed it, but this game is one of my fondest memories from the last decade.
Motherfucker, i'm having fun right now.
Playing Super Smash Bros with my best friend while drinking. Had a jolly good time.
The most overall enjoyment in a game however I've gotten from Metal Gear Rising, the bossfights really were fucking amazing
In the last ten years or so: being crunk out of my god damned mind and finally getting into a big battle in Warband with Floris.
There's just too much fun
Hard to say, but this is the most recent example.
I had a Dreamcast but skipped this game somehow, and forgot about it until now.
First time playing Yoshi's Island. Besides SMB3 it's still my favorite Mario Game.
Also Arkham Asylum because it got me back at gaming after a long time without playing anyhting.
Got a few possibilities.
Back in the day, I got absurdly good at Spyro 2. After I 100%-ed the game, I'd sometimes go back and do a "Boss Rush", where I'd face the three bosses in order and try not to die even once between the three. Eventually, I got so good that this was easy, so I changed it to "don't get hit even once". That was pretty damn fun and probably the only example I have where I can definitely say that I had complete mastery of a game.
I think it was in my first year of high school when I borrowed a copy of Civilization II from a friend. That was my first exposure to a 4X game, and man I got obsessed. I'm pretty much the laziest person alive and hate mornings with a passion, but Civ II was so fun that I was getting up at 6am every morning so I could play it an hour before school.
More recently, probably my first few weeks playing Minecraft. Exploring a world for the first time, discovering things all by myself, being afraid to sail out of sight of my home continent lest I get lost and unable to find my way back, sailing in a straight line anyway and discovering an island with a biome I'd never seen before. Say what you will about the game when you get to the point where you've seen it all; it's just plain magical for a short while when you drop into it and don't yet know a damn thing.
Good story.
When was the last time you became very good at a game ?
Probably playing Mario Kart with friends some 15+ years ago.
Oh, there were some great moments in L2 but that's because of the shit going on in voice chat. I can't even remember what was going on but I remember laughing hard enough that my eyes got watery.
Fuck… I miss the innocent days before 2008.
That was great platformer.
Bayo 2 or F-zero GX.
I don't know which one to pick
>tfw remembering playing Age of Wushu with some anons and holding our own in a guild base battle against the viet empire that outnumbered us 3:1 for the first time in what would become an ongoing war for the next several months. Then we went and took their throne behind their backs with a small taskforce of our own that numbered no larger than 6.
I have the fondest memories of playing Wolfenstein: ET
Destroying Orphan of Kos in Bloodborne. Feels good man.
There are video games with gimmicks, and then there are video games that do their gimmicks correctly.
Spending around 6 hours and 150+ extreme passes trying to beat solo XQ with my sub par equipment.
In the end I got gud and was beating it consistently. I got top tier weapon and units since then, so I probably would be able to beat it easier now.
Currently I'm collecting shit for top-tier weapon for another class to beat said XQ with another class.
Apply for 7-Eleven mafia today
Before that I was playing PC version of EDF4.1. Do I even need to into detail?
Before that I spent like 120 hours in Dark Souls 3. It has some setbacks like heavy reliance on DS1 in terms of worldbuilding and the whole poise fiasco, but it easily has the best combat in all Souls games and pretty good character cusomization and dress up.
And BEFORE THAT I think was having a blast with Onechanbara something whatever. I expected it to be mindless button masher, but got borderline DMC game. Good shit.
I can go on really, weebshit never fails me for 20 years now. Last good AAA western game was Jedi Academy I think. Or UT2004, whichever came later.
Rabbits are supposed to look cute, but I fail to see them as such. Unlike cats or dogs they don't appear to have any sort of thought in their empty black expressionless eyes. They're just food. Like birds or fish.
Fencer on EDF 4.1 is what I always wanted from a game with power armor.