Sadly Vice blocks archivers, the Kikes
4chan getting investigated by Mueller
Other urls found in this thread:
We all know the real culprits are ebaumsworld
That's fine. Let him investigate Nazi frog clowns and our magic powers. I'm psychically killing a jew right now and no one can stop me.
Make sure he can't gloss over PG evidence.
The fuck is this Mueller doing? Does he think he's king of the world now and can "investigate" whatever strikes a nerve? It's way past time to cancel this guy's hall pass. Damn.
First things first. (((vice)))
I thought they were going into Trump's financial records up to 10 years back. I know they have Jack Schidt and that was the bottom of the barrel, but this is under the barrel. Good luck making any sense of whatever they find there.
Vladimir Putin himself is behind everything the democrats don't like
17 intelligence agencies strongly agree goy
hahaha fuck vice, they are just upset their employees in Venice on Abbot Kinney get punked because they are a bunch of bitches. top kek
The fact the this dumbfuck Mueller isn't even investigating funnyjunk is proof this whole thing is one big sham.
This is tabloid-tier gossip from some stupid 20-year old pencil pusher straight out of college working as an unpaid intern in some no-bodies office.
That said, nothing would surprise me at this point. And I totally agree, this "investigation" has gone on for far too long. If Mueller can't find something, he'll make something. It's a goddamn circus court.
Keeping himself in the spotlight.
We all know the real culprit was the Misc.
Oh no, he might go after the sekrit clubs. What a fucking faggot. The only relevance that I can see is that McCain's piss dossier originated on 4chan, but that is not really pertinent to the DNC Opposition Research """""investigation""""".
You think they'll find out about all the stuff we did with 9gag, funnyjunk, and the Cheezburger network? They'll have to dig deep to find it, but I'm worried our comrades in Mother Russia might get found out if Congress starts digging into KnowYourMeme
wow strong armed and dangerous. boom protein everywhere.
I don't even want to think about that.
Anons have much of that saved offline, hidden away. Can't trust anywhere to put it all but safely saved in a couple few places. And, too many Anons have it, they've done the same. So (((they))) cannot delete it, ever. They can't kill it all. There has to be good guy Fed's who are collecting this too.
There's evidence being collected even now, after a seemingly verified high level fed user lead, so, there's more that wasn't shut down quickly enough. Again, too many Anons have it now, safely saved. In many places, and have set up switches if (((accidents))) happen. Keep poking the fucking jesters, because (((freemasonry))) red pills have (((them))) BOTHERED!
you know how the rest goes
journalism it´s a meme
when you got called a retard so hard that you need add it to your fanfiction
Holla Forums it´s newgrounds territory, leave shills.
oh and dont forget
It could be completely unrelated, but has anyone else received numerous friend requests on their fagbook page from obviously fake liberals? I got three yesterday at the same time. All three were shills.
You too?
Or are you the guy whose prayers got through God and did the Playgoy guy in?
Checked. We have the coolest, smartest wizards. Don't we, volks?
Well then Trump needs to assemble a small team to dredge up all the paid shills that were exposed during the election on 4Chan, 90% of the work is already done, it just needs an official seal put on it.
He's looking for a smoking gun regarding Russia collusion, but there isn't one. So he's getting increasingly desperate and stretching his investigation to the breaking point.
these kikes and their slimy use of language make me sick
anything I don't like is white supremacy
I get kindof offended that other groups take the heat for our efforts.
You faggots are not seeing the opportunity here. If that awful 4chan hacker gets hauled before a committee of some sort then imagine the irl on the public fucking record shitposting that could be done. We do this shit for free and the bantz. My personal autism would shine the fuck through and the truth would come out. Censor this I dare anyone.
( ((mueller)) ) done gone kicked a hornets nest
I for one bet this backfires so spectacularly
The Democrats and Liberals are serious about impeaching Trump with Russian collusion.
We all know who the real culprit is.
good, that means the dems have nothing and they will continue to look like fools.
It's funny because we actually hacked the French election.
Normalfags are adorable.
He practically can do whatever he wants. Trump can't fire him, because it'll be seen as covering his tracks. Mueller knows this and is determined to suck the shekels out of the government paying his 20+ liberal lawyer friends to find something, anything against Trump.
Dey is onto us comrades. Delet everything
What if they find out we know about their secret antarctic base?
Never correct your enemy when they are making a mistake.
If anything, it will improve 4chan when it catches out deliberate shilling by Clinton and others.
Sometimes I think liberals really believe their own bullshit Russia story. It's possible they can't believe half the country hates their guts and many would campaign to elect a man that claimed to want to rollback some of their bullshit "progress". The TV and movies all agree with them so how could anyone else not. It's possible they couldn't conceive of any American not loving illegal spics taking over cities and rioting niggers burning them down. Isn't mexican food so tasty, isn't their culture so great, aren't niggers the coolest, isn't rap the best music ever, TV says so. That nigger obama got elected twice, they thought they already won and White people were subjugated.
No , I am Spartacus
all i wanted to do is play vidya
This link explains how to archive (((Vice))) links:
Perfect patsy.
>Not 9gag
I don't know about the people pushing it in the govt and media but I know for a fact lots of liberals on the street do. I've had multiple liberals come up to me and start talking about "gee, user, what are we gonna do about this whole Russia thing?".
Most think it's a small, stupid minority in the south (e.g."inbred rednecks") that wields no power (politically or otherwise).
These people think all whites are subjugated because they're subjugated. It's not that they cant conceive that racism exists (obviously), it's that they don't fundamentally understand their opposition. They assume we're dumb, scared, insecure, and secretly know we're bad guys. It's not that they can't conceive that we exist, it's that they can't conceive of why we exist.
We should start spamming 4chan with pizzagate evidence
muh Russia
4chan sucks and should die.
There's no way someone can attempt to investigate messageboards and reddit over the course of the election and not see the blatant shilling at work. I hope they look into it just for the off chance the meuller flip theory pans out and the shill outfits get outed.
Checked. Nice trips
Skippy and kang nigger can share a gallows with alefantis and hillary and bill can get raped by knives while he watches
Fuck off ((Yankee)). No one down here gives a fuck about muh Russia. Just you inbred Yanks and city scum.
I swear if you don't raid 4chan with pizza gate evidence threads I will kill you all. after I kill all of the jews kikes and niggers, of course.
I'll start a raid thread on this
Southern fag
Can confirm
That's terrible tbh
^dont take the D&C bait
But not screenshots you stupid nigger
8/pol/ really is old Holla Forums grown up. Fucking kek
3 ways to spot a libtard kike/newfag:
1.uses the term "muh"
2. uses the term "pro-tip"
3. doesn't want to or doesn't know how to properly call out the (((jew)))
(thats 4)>>10675526
I miss living in Florida but at the same time I don't. My parents pulled a white flight in 2006 when I was about to start high shool. The town suddenly became very diverse and, surprise, violent street gangs popped up.
I'm pretty sure its just that retarded Bill avatarfag that hates Southerners. I don't have anything against good racialist Yankees. As long as they stay up there where they belong.
Mueller is gonna be changed as a person if he comes here.
They all change when they come here.
Terrible b8 m8. Can't even get the (((echo))) right. Truly a weak performance all around.
Piss off faggots. I don't like the format change so I only use two parenthesis.
I like you. I'll call you formatting-kun. Formie for short :3
Since you got dubs I can live with that.
We'll see about that Formie-kun!
I can vouch for this
I guess I'm the last autistic holdout on that point of format change. Though there were others annoyed by it initially. As to the faggots accusing me of d&c, kindly neck yourselves. I'll always defend my people when I see shit like
As I said before there is an avatarfag that likes to do shit like that and I enjoy how rustled he gets when confronted with Southern pride.
Im not from the south but Im down with southern pride. please stop saying "muh" you sound like my faggot brother in law from Vermont, no offense.
and yeah, he went to middleberry or however that shitty college is spelled. hes a cuck and my sis who is a doctor MD takes care of his dumb ass
Finally they will find out that the Russians are actually non Russians criticizing Russia. This will be good
You realize I'm describing how retard leftists think about the right-wing, right? Do you have reading comprehension issues?
Fuck user, that was a solid decade ago. Where'd all the time go?
Can we get the real org chart posted?
Mr. Bones Wild Ride never ends, and I never want to get off.
French guy here.
My mother is a socialist, she campaign for our Bernie Sanders (melanchon)
One of our neighbors was a pied-noir.
He absolutely hated Arabs. Had a gun he showed me and my brother, had a German Shepherd named Vidocq (a famous french cop)
That guy told my parents numerous times that Arabs were scum, that he was voting for the Front National and that they should too.
My mother never believed him "he just saying that to be provocative user. It's a jooookkkkke"
Leftists can't conceive that other people do not think like them.
Time flies when you pee pee poo poo pissssss
Fair enough user.
I see that now. Not generally, though I apologize for skimming like a retard.
Aside from that, fuck 1/2chan.
Kike mods permab& me for posts I didn't make on boards I didn't visit.
No worries, we all jump the gun from time to time. but pls don't reflexively shit on Yanks. I have family in both the north and south and there are great people with very similar values everywhere. Don't let the kikes D&C southern and northern whites. We're at the front lines of fighting the opposition in their own territory. We need support, not division.
you sound like a good guy. never apologize for anything brother
Feels old man
sage for off topic
what do you use for taking screenshots? I've never been able to find one that lets me cap the whole page whole page
Fukken story behind 2nd pic?
No I am Spartacus!
We're here forever user.
do you ever wonder if Snacks browses 8ch?
This probe will serve for one thing at least: FBI agents will learn how Banepost look in Russian
Товарищ Павел Я КГБ
He probably does, as does jewt. Forever is a long time
Not enough porn, gore, cats, and pointless bullshit here. Oh, and unfunny memes. Remember triforces and motivational pictures?
What the hell do they plan on finding that would actually be criminal?
Also, this basically confirms that the "Russians" were actually anons being mistaken for Russians because of cheeki breeki.
These Lefties are so fucking dense. If they actually start a shooting war with Russia, America is toast. They know this, and they just keep plowing on, mind-fucking the entire Nation for their petty ideological shits-n-grins. To do America a favor, Meuller needs to … , that's what he needs to do, yep, uh-huh.
The real life liberals I know are now seriously arguing that the NFL boycott is being pushed by Russian shills. That's when I realized that they need to believe big bad Russia is behind all of this because they literally can't cope with the idea that many Americans disagree with them.
They don't. They buy into all the hollywood memes about the American military being invincible when fighting for (((good progressive causes))). They think we could defeat Russia with not a single American casualty, and if you tell them otherwise they'll accuse you of being an idiot and point out how much money the USDOD gets.
Are you fucking kidding me? 4chan is highly needed and it'd be a terrible blow if it was shut down. Plus I'd probably cry considering I've been going there since 2005 and it turned me into the man I am today.
What could go wrong…
Dehumanize yourself and face to bloodshed. That puss sac of a website is so far gone it's unrecognizable. 4chan died long ago user. It is time to move on and let go.
Checked for everyone dies.
This needs to be a banner.
They might enjoy their stay…
Go to Options > Theme. Insert this CSS:
span.detected {
background: 0;
color: inherit;
border: 0;
padding: 0;
Holla Forums found some clandestine foreign activity in Reddit and 4chan involving Alexis Ohanian, a dickheaded grandkid of Sid Newhouse, and a Muslim Brotherhood recruiter who has some kind of deal with the people behind Huffington Post and Buzzfeed. And Soros, of course.
I don't trust Mueller's people to be looking into the same things.
Uh, cuckchan has been an FBI honeypot for at least ten years, user.
Some poojeet was fed up with his shit life so he set himself the fuck on fire user
There was some turkroach interference in Gamergate too.
I hope they subpoena moot for no reason and make him talk on the record about how much he loves prepping the bull.
Yeah, he had a watermelon stand or something in Tunisia and they wanted bribes.
kek, halfchan is only filled with libtards since the exodus, it's even worse than leddit.
The tunisian who burned himself set off the (((arab spring))). his name was
heres his pics
Either cuckchan really pussied out since the great exodus (and based on the slide thread posted a couple weeks ago about some user on /k/ gassing himself, this is likely) or they went with the pussiest reply possible. I mean really, "retard"? Not faggot, nigger, kike?
Mueller is the enemy. Even the filter merchant is against him, pointing out on his show how Mueller was the guy that investigated the NFL over something and ended up forcing the league to become the shitshow it is now.
>butthurt over the colors of the (((israeli flag))) appearing on echoes
His name rhymes with shitskin and I do not care
Thanks brothers. We're all in this together. Which gives me an idea. wouldn't it be a powerful image if there was a Union and Confederate unity type rally where men from both North and South put on the uniforms of our ancestors and come together. The optics would be great for the normalfags. Then when Antifa and/or BLM shows up to make a scene, the normalfags get to see them rail against what on the surface looks to be an American unity event. Further proving that it doesn't matter what flag is flying, they hate us just for being white and proud. Just a thought.
Hail Victory
Who is your favorite 2hu and why do you hate the kikes?
Are they going to be looking at archived 4chan threads or just scrolling through Holla Forums's frontpage? If the latter it might be pretty god damn funny to start making a bunch of threads and posts acting like actual Russian agents or at least extremely pro-Russian and pro-Jewtin to see if they bit like with the hilariously fake dossier.
Nice masonic dubs. Just keep saying "Is length or girth king?"
Pfft, he wasn't selling watermelons, he was selling pot.
Its usually sold by pound, not by count.
What a joke.
If you want direct evidence of clandestine activity to influence the US election by an alien force, all you would have to do is record a single second of CNN footage.
That's why this whole "Russian" thing is a joke.
What they are really pissed about is they used every major media network to create a win for Hillary. They went so far into the realm of bullshit and doublespeak that the most hardened dictator would laugh at the Chutzpah of it. But they still lost.
Worth repeating a thousand times
lad, both of those are ancient memes
Now I know why a bunch of shills are saying Kek is a 'duginist meme'
Midgets in clownsuits, dipshit.
Taking chans seriously was the kiss of death for Hillary. If this news is accurate, you can be sure Mueller has absolutely nothing.
neat. i hope they focus on the posts where i said the atf are bunch of double-digit iq diversity hires and tryhard clowns that couldn't land a job with the fbi.
pepe knows.
screengrab! chrome
screengrab ! fix version firefox
He's getting desperate for anything at this point. Trump needs to give him an ultimatum: "You got x amount of months to get your shit together or I'm ending your investigation"
anyone know what happened to him?
shift f2
screenshot –fullpage
This. Say whatever you want to say about 4chan, but they are still needed in this day and age. Losing them would be a devastating blow.
Also their Holla Forums is battling against mods who flat out hate them and have admitted that because Holla Forums to them is a shit board, it doesn't deserve good moderation
Yes, because there were people like me here who originally liked Shillary but noticed the groupthink around 2010 and when the "not buying feminist horseshit is harassment" trope started, it became too (((obvious))).
Sounds familiar.
That speech, and the "basket of deplorables" comment. Both times my jaw dropped at the political stupidity.
There are a hell of a lot of nominal democrats that pulled for Trump simply because he didn't insult our intelligence.
Not really. People are still red pilled on there, but its not easy when you have to deal with Redditors and Neogaf trying to shit up every thread because they get triggered so easily.
Yes but at least Kamphy in some way cares about this board. 4chan mods don't. In their minds they see Holla Forums as the reason why moot sold the site and why the Redditors started invading.
See u in a better place 4chan frens
fucking gay
8/pol/ is essentially professional chanology minus all the dumb faggots it attracted by going on for too long
This. We should get the mods to add an archive link to the OP. That said, it would be funny to spread a rumor around that the mods of 4chan and even Hiro are in bed with the russians.
I'm as much a Dixiefag as you'd ever be pleased to meet. Every single one of my family lines, without exception, provided at least one man for the ranks of the Confederate Army.
American patriotism is now a white thing. I own it. All white Americans are brothers again. Anybody who pushes any other line is a D&C shill, or too stupid to put away family squabbles when the house is burning down.
See this painting? It's of the Battle of Cowpens. I had two ancestors there, too. And in Colonial regiments from VA and NC, too. I reach back to that time, when men from South Carolina stood side to side with men from Massachusetts, against a common enemy (who is not our enemy today).
A man once said something to me that was so stupid it made perfect sense; "The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing."
The main thing is to secure the existence of our people, and a future for our children.
American patriotism is a jewish thing that celebrates the enslavement of whites to go and die for jewish causes.
People like you make me sick
It looks like Mueller is going to recommend a Freedom from Russian Propaganda bipartisan bill that allows government agencies to shut down websites whenever somebody with money wants one to be shut down.
Can't wait for someone to blow up another van. Full of antifa.
Is Mueller getting investigation ideas from Hillary's book?
That's not a bad thing. Some of you guys I've might have been posting with at least a decade ago. A long time to be among friends and brothers.
Nationalism isn't bad, American patriotism is bad. Its bad because this is a jewish controlled country, there's no reason to be proud of being a kike puppet.
Nationalism isn't bad, American patriotism is bad. Its bad because this is a jewish controlled country, there's no reason to be proud of being a kike puppet.
I'm looking forward to a scene inside of a courthouse where Mueller is pointing to a picture of Pepe labeled "Exhibit A".
everything else you said is retarded. patriotism is nationalistic pride you mong.
The US is not a white country(it used to be but its not anymore) so US patriotism is not nationalism.
This reads like The Onion.
Oh god.
Mueller is going to become one of us.
His name is Seth Rich.
Now get to work.
No you're not.
You have never killed a single Jew in your entire life.
Oy vey! Those evil nazis on 4chin are actually russiams. Shut it down moishe!
I wonder if they realise how foolish they are making themselves look.
You meant to say MI6.
That's been built in to Firefox for ages.
Gear icon.
Check "Take a screenshot of entire page."
New camera icon appears next to gear icon.
I just did it again. He died of a brain aneurysm. You know that.
Your best rabbis can't stop me. Nothing can stop me.
user we are ALL killing jews at this very moment as I'm typing this out right now, my choke hold is beginning to work. These words were the last thing he saw. and now he is gone
I find their mistakes to our benefit.
Let them unjustly poke a hornet's nest.
That better be some seal pasta in binary.
i thought Newgrounds was behind it al
Everyone knows YTMND is the real source of it all.
Goddamn Fark
We don't talk about those special ops user. I'm going to have to reprimand you.
Fair enough we don't run like cowards anyway
Dude wut
She tried getting GTA b& in the 90's and 2010 she went after wikileaks
Murdoch Murdoch already did that
Meuller investigation bombing on conclusive Russian evidence, it will instead put a spotlight on the outlets that enabled this revolt so they can begin dismantling us
But then democrats won’t vote for Trump in 2020. Every vote counts. Also, what would CNN and Fox say?
top kek my dear friend
How do turkroach ganglia work?
America isn't even a nation, it's a mishmash of different nations.
Hitler dubs confirm kiks are being gassed from a distance
Nice. He always seems to have his finger right on the pulse of things.
I thought we were organizing on grindr.
No wonder we were smaller than expected.
It's like they can't wrap their heads around the idea that they can't beat their own citizens at propaganda warfare. Has to be a powerful rival nation, full of an ethnicity Jews want to see exterminated.
Damn, been looking for that pic full sized for a long time now. Thanks user
we need a new badges thread
I could care less, its gay as fuck and it makes people sound like a daily show host
Being a fellow white man
I'll always miss caturdays.
Some anons had really adorable cats.
Bye bye masons
Read between the lines guys.
Mueller is following the trail of DNC money and CTR activity around the web.
Mainstream media is spinning it to look bad for us, but in reality it's them that are on the chopping block.
Just like with Richard Spencer.
Makes u think.
This whole Russia thing is getting to the most extreme levels of ridiculousness given that Julian Assange knows the truth and himself says that he is ready to testify at any time. All the tax payer money wasted on this wild goose chase, Trump needs to just be a man and give Julian what he wants so he can destroy them.
I've seen this here too. There are edgelords who seem to think we're genuinely evil 'bad guys' and they sympathise with us because of that. They don't realise that we are the only force left that speaks the truth. The only force left that desires justice. The only force left that can establish order.
We have a heavy burden on our shoulders. Our own ranks are full of imbeciles and the overly emotional. We do what we must because it is right. And mark my words; we will have a kind of civil war between those of us who seek to establish a moral future, and those of us who are simply in it for their own interests.
The saddest part of all is, I know, many of the selfish and hateful consider me weak for having morals. Sadder still they do not see how it is right and just for whites to succeed and rule, and are instead led by their perverse victim complex to go against the status quo. I worry for Holla Forums's future as I feel that this new generation only partly 'get it'. I guess it could be that 'we' who believe in morality are wrong, but I doubt it. It is right and good to exterminate the parasite - we do not do so because it is in our people's best desire, but because it is just. I suppose to many there will be little difference between those two things. That is why I worry for the future. Still, survival gives the potential for a moral revival some time ahead. I am sure we will survive now, I just hope we can instill some concept of justice and order in these young 'uns.
More like Mueller getting investigated by 4chan.
▲ ▲
Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.
If the guy wants to investigate a sub-reddit for gifs depicting cartoon violence of fake-trump beating up a CNN logo, then we shall give him the widest possible berth,
That is all most of us wanted to do…
Since there are so many of us here, I may want to ask a weird thing of you: How weird our brain must be to have developed alongside such a weird way.
Our brain power is entirely dedicated towards this purer form of contact, its not like chats, nor like PMing a person. There are so many ways of thinking, and outcomes that we have remembered, so many different ideologies and other kinds of brains that we are aware off.
Knowing all of this, I am not sure if am alone in this preposition. But a while ago I actually started doing my own content creation of sorts, one that rhymed well enough and wasnt dismissed. But I have felt such a taxing experience from it. It dragged the whole being that is me with it. I managed to stay awake by sheer willpower alone (to fuck over leftists). I could not sleep, eventually, the only thing that I wanted to do was to fuck over leftists day and night. To undo them, to find that nice little thread where they sometimes come into and do my niche of destruction upon them. This good feeling alone is so addictive. Because I can somehow visualize that this is a great power, and going from the external monologue that the normies have, is that I have a great deal of it on them.
But this mental focus again is so taxing. And in between the lines, one also picks up a lot of bad habits from other users similar as me (like the r9k crowd and their constant negativity). I just wish that I will not lose my magic powers of normie destruction as I move through meditation and r9k brain removal…well not sure what else to say. I am still there, but on some days I do nearly full days of meditations lately just so that I can sleep.
You have probably started to figure out a few ways to hack (as in the classical form of the word) your brain.
For example, I know that if I stay up late focusing on something, I can make myself addicted to it. After doing that I will continue to prioritize that activity until I decide to switch it again, though sometimes it gets switched accidentally.
The process of hacking your brain is more of a fringe subject and can encompass things such as RV, visual hallucinations (eg. an heads up display), or even more things. People's brains can achieve much more than we give them credit for.
Well cuckchan is officially rekt, since him doing that has now made it the edgy-est website for normies to hang out.
You've been around long enough to know (((they))) expect one of us in the wreckage brother.
Someone please put me on trial in front of msm
good guess and yea, that is what is happening right now, though I am going on a meditative route. I am trying to program my mind now as it were. The biggest realization that I had was how thoughts are formed, and how these thoughts (through my own memory) can weigh you down and even cause depression. I realized that my brain is a feedback loop of spoken thoughts, to feelings, or forth and back and so forth. So I started treating it as a "minimize thoughts that lead to bad feelings, maximize exposure to good feelings" Alongside with the desire to find a refuge in the brain so it wont so easily happen again in the future (the frontal cortex) Sadly this state of mind probably takes much experience to come to a realization to. But things like meditation make a lot of sense now, even some of the less jewwy therapy things offer great insights into mood, and focus in life formation. I am just trying to cut off the bad parts now, and to increase the better parts that I have gained here (a lot of thanks to the communal effort of everyone here too), so as I can have my cake of jew hate, and nigger hate, but also eat it too (get lots of dosh through wageslavery)
shut it down
is this true? that would be amazing
They are still trying to force it huh
What happen to that Australian shit hole anyways?
You have gamergate and all the Not your shield cancer to thank for that.