Apparently a Holla Forumsak started a webcomic

OK which one of you fuckers was this?

Is it redpanel?

We know it was you OP, stop been a faggot and just poast your work in threads every now and then, if its good people will fimd it.
Now, go do a flip.



Nah I saw it on twitter.

Everyone who sages from this point is a homosexual jew.

Redpanels retired after the 2016 election, but i keep seeing strips that have the same style and similar (soft) punchlines.

Leave Roy Cohn alone!

Remember fellow fashy goys, with jews controlling Trump's zioncon Admin, we win, somehow…

That's pretty good OC tbh. You're doing god's work.

Redpanels was king. Love his stuff.

Just because you asked.

I heard they came after redpanels and he had to run. Judging by the amount of similar-art comics/memes coming out, he's either inspiring an army of artists, or snorting a LOT of meth. No one makes a comic like this without also being pretty fucking fash.

Skimmed through a bit, it's actually pretty good. Good luck, OP.

By all means xir, bump.

I'm 99% sure stonetoss is just redpanel under a different name. He probably changed styles/names to avoid getting doxed/harassed. He's really good.

im going to check it out,
next time be more transparent with your shilling, dont be ashamed of your creations, we have the OC thrads for this topics. you dont want to be like the Malaysian faggot that shit this board with his retarded Christ chan comic

Dropping boots out of helicopters. This is his best one so far.

This makes me sad.

These give a good chuckle. So this is what it felt like reading newspaper comics that were actually funny.

Ok, i'm at least 95% sure that this is Redpanels.
- Same simple panel layout (3 in a row or 4 cubed)
- Same simple style
- Same way of naming images (see original filenames )
- Same soft punchlines
- Same topics (Primarily communism, SJW & LGBTGFHTQLR)
- Same wordplay description (In this case "wrecking class instead of working class)


Helloooo new cell screen.

Making it light yellow on white was genius.

A handful of these are naming the jew.

Such edge. I remember redpanels doing a similar, albeit more explicit strip.

Found it.

What a shame.


These are great.



Found this cheeky Deutsch/pol/ edit of
"There are two ways to deal with memetic trash"
"1. Spread it"
"2. Put it in the trash"


Will we ever get our white ethno-state lolbergtopia one day?



Red Panels is a lolberg faggot.

National capitalism could work if (((internationalist tribal groups))) are eliminated.

All right, you got me. This guy's got guts.

I upscaled that for printing and wallpapering. Removed the frame and signature because no-one wants a frame and signature on a wallpaper but encourage people to add it back when appropriate.

Did not mean to sage, sorry.

I don't get it.

until then, how to do these two?