i met muke
if i can do it, any of you faggots can
Holla Forums meetup when?
we can't organise revolution without meeting in person you faggots
i met muke
if i can do it, any of you faggots can
Holla Forums meetup when?
we can't organise revolution without meeting in person you faggots
Other urls found in this thread:
how tight was his boipussy?
CIA please this is embarrassing. Almost as embarrassing as muke
bretti tite
did you meme'd him about books
Did you tell him to brush his teeth
why would I want to meet muke? I can bully him in the IRC all day long. Muke hasn't even read enough books to have a consistent world view, let alone host a marxist educational channel. meeting him does no service to the revolution whatsoever.
It was a pretty good day
rebel pls go
learn your namefags. Rebel would never say "service to the revolution", because Rebel does not believe in revolution, not would he critique someone on Marxism, since he is near totally uniformed in Marxism. Rebel himself is some post-keynesian Liberal, by his own admission.
So now you might ask; why would a post-keynesian spend his time posting here? obviously he doesn't belong. It's because he feels smart posting here, because he's much better educated that 90% of the people on this board. If you want rebel to fuck-off, the solution is to read more, and call him out as being a dumb philosophy majoring dork who really doesn't even understand Kierkegaard (his favorite philosopher), let alone any other fundamentals of philosophy. Do this and he'll fuck right off back to twitter.
You cant debate rebel with theory, he just resorts to memes when confronted.
Rebel claimed to be a Marxist in the Steven Crowder video lmao
That was a while ago. He changes ideology every week.
He was originally a Luxemburgist, then a Kierkegaardian, then an anarchist for like a week, then miscellaneous, then Hegelian but then he realised he didnt know shit about Hegel and now he's a liberal (post-Keynesian).
He will run out of special snowflake ideologies eventually. He gets through them fast enough at least.
wise words
all youtube marxists are gay confirmed
Well, there's more-or-less one this Friday in London.
No, that's bunkercon.
Still gonna be great though.
Did you suck his dick?
Damn dude I've been an anarchist for like, ten years now?
Not talking about you, prickly.
Go back to fucking a dog.
Next one is shaping up to be ancap, considering he's started hanging with people who like Austrian economics.
Wait seriously?
I'm starting to think bunkerfags are united by some kind of mental illness.
Rebel is even worse than a liberal: a fuckwad Christian Monarchist.
That's why we get schooled so often by him. Like, uuuh… like that one time when he educated us plebs about physics with his fresh notions of motion he got from Thomas Aquinas?
You know, I wanted to post a reaction-face meme adequately fresh for that occasion, but it turns out my ancestors didn't make funny pictures back when they still had fucking gills.
You're even more cute than Mu "Who needs book when you got the looks" ke tbh
Bunkerfags are autistic twerps. I'd make a 'muh prickly' image for them but as with every egofag on imageboards you should never do anything that gives them any sort of relevance.
but almost all Brits I have seen have ugly teeth any way.
I brush my teeth twice a day with mouthwash, just got shitty British genes. Cant help it.
You're meant to brush with toothpaste m8
If you could read you'll know that I guess.
Where did you meet him? I'm a student in the UK and there's only a "Socialism society" at the university I'm at, and I don't know how OK they are.
wow, THIS is funny. Right guys?
Triggered Prickles?
More then likely London.
So triggered I took the time to make another HILARIOUSLY WACKY >>>Holla Forums
you're 0% british. Your half irish half cyprian.
You mean 75% paki and 25% Cypricot.
Except it's bunkerfags being such retarded fucks they think everybody that wants them to fuck off is prickly.
Does anyone remember who the unfunny anprim from there is? I want to see his face.
Where'd you find a paki Schnitz?
There are non-bunkerchan irc users that know your name, you're quite well known.
Except I'm not prickly you autistic cunt.
lol what
Pretty much part of the cancer, completely indiscernible from them.
How does using an IRC make you cancer?
Kill yourself space, nobody likes you and all you can muster up is a "muh priggly xDDD"
Check them out, if they're shit try and convert them to be better, if that dosnt work then you havnt lost anything but time.
That's a really good point, I forgot that myself for a sec there.
IRC says otherwise :^(
Because you shit up as many threads as possible with your namefaggotry and have zero achievements.
anyone from louisiana
Nice assumptions. Most people in the irc dont use tripcodes.
unlike you, hero of the proletariat, bravely defending Holla Forums against people who use an internet relay chat, the sinners.
How is it possible for him to be so hard to look at yet at the same time so cute?
hello prickly!
Paki genes.
Nah dude, it's just a pretend sort of hate. That's why it's fine if we post here. Even when we're trolling (it's meant to be see through!) we're all just having fun.
You guys need to loosen up. There's nothing wrong with trip or flag posting. It's not like we're circle jerking.
Wew Rebbie being interested in economics doesn't make him a liberal, and he's been settled on being a Fabian for a while now. I don't know why you act like he doesn't know his theory because he does.
I just enjoy reading books and learning about different economic and social systems.
You guys can get fucked but if you guys are having a uprising ill join in for the bants.
prickly did literally nothing wrong. Banning the bunkerfags was a good deed. Prickly's only mistake was allowing them to ban evade.
It just seems like you're false-flagging to make prickly look bad.
it's another Holla Forums get's triggered by minor shit like bunkerfags thread
Except here you all are, making your presence known to all the board and contributing nothing.
No you faggot, I'm not the one who can't shut the fuck up about my off-site drama so I'm not the one who should have his efforts off-site critiqued. You're called an autistic circlejerk because that's the combined results of all your minds put together you waste of flesh.
I don't need to loosen up, you all need to stop coming here with your drama and your singular shit meme that is prickly because it's starting to grow tiring. Why don't you stop circlejerking and produce something other than a cancer export industry? At least then it would be a tradeoff rather than only ever being an annoyance.
Vlog of the day
why does muke look like he never sleeps and has some sort of parasite
M8 bunkerchan is behind such memes as
Bunkerchan also has a leftist podcast and will be interviewing R D Wolfe soon. If it all goes to plan.
so literally all the memes no one cares about.
and that podcast better not be muke's bunker bantz
So basically what you're saying is bunkerchan is a horrible place where people bully each other and obsess of irrelevant "e-celebs". Sounds fucking awful. Didn't you also kill ALL leftist irc channels?
Fuck you guys.
And how would you know?
I don't pretend to be able to read minds, but here is a model that is entirely consistent with leftypol's triptard argument output quality:
Trip poster A clicks on wikipedia's random article. Only skims a part of the article, doesn't go to the discussion page or linked sources. Then tells the world:
Trip poster B skims one or two paragraphs of the same article on wikipedia and says:
Bunkerchan came up with it….hence bunkerbants.
because I dont eat that often and I dont sleep that much either.
Its called banter prickly.
that podcast is extremely autistic and I'll be telling my contacts at [email protected]/* */ not to get involved with you idiots.
Why? :^)
I just explained why. I don't trust any of you to represent us, especially after muke's debate
Holy shit.
it works both way faggot. Wolff's reputation goes down by affiliating with you dumbasses.
Why? Bunkerchan's left has the most serious of leftist discussion WE EVEN HAVE ID's. I think his rep would go down with an association with a nazi site tbh :^)
You are unfunny cancer. Delete your account.
Bonjour nufag.
Lurk more egofag.
I've been lurking imageboards for 10 years fam.
I'm a market socialist.
Is this supposed to make you seem more credible? Look, you fags take yourselves way to seriously and always act as though you represent all of leftypol. You also misunderstand the role of our relationship towards wolff. It's our job to make him more popular and co-opt anti-establishment sentiments, not for him to make us more popular.
The eternal newfag.
I never implied that the goal was to make us popular. I thought that a Q and A for us both would be good. Questions will be vetted though.
doesn't matter. I'm not letting you near that man with a ten foot pole.
I've told you several times now.
It's not a valid reason. Why don't you want to bring people to this place? Lifestylist.
Because faggots like you see it as some kind of springboard to relevancy.
Can we please ban space for ban evading?
you can already prickly
Revolution will never come with that attitude :^)
Shut the fuck up.
Is this a sample of some of that exquisite highly intellectual "bunker bantz"
Didn't Rebel in the past claim that reading Kant made him a christian?
If this is right, that is all you need to know about his "knowledge" when it comes to philosophy.
you lot aren't leftypol. don't claim to represent us.
Nope :^) you're just envious bunkerchan has higher post quality.
The userbase browses both though.
I have never seen you do anything but promote yourself and shit the place up at every opportunity.
Thats because I usually have my trip off.
there's no reason for you to have it on now besides attention whoring
Purge bunkerfags when?
all of you niggers need to leave Space alone. Space is the truest ally to communism I have ever met. He works tirelessly, I know him to delve into the details of many projects he works, often working well into the night, a true marxist workhorse. He is a genius, and we are in safe hands with him; The flame of the revolution burns on Bunkerchan, not Holla Forums, the future belongs to Bunkerchan!
I'm friends with some lolberts irl, and they're okay, I wrecked one of them on muh free trade the other day via text though. Almost all my friends are socdem, except for one of them who's a cock sucking liberal, and the other is a socialist.
fuck off prickly
not an argument.(derailing with bunkerfag drama)
Ffs bunkerfags
this thread is why we don't trust fuckin COMMIES
stay out of this schnitz. I wouldn't mind it if you and Pierre interviewed him tho.
what an autistic thread
nobody can take muke seriously anymore. I'm sorry I ever promoted him in the first place. And I'm willing to bet either of them would have done better in that debate
Mukes a great guy who's learning. Everyone fucks up once in a while you autist.
senk you :3
no one can take schnitz or pierre seriously either, most if not all of their content is simply memes while muke actually tries to be educational and informative. schnitz probably reads less than muke and pierre is probably on the same level as muke or slightly less.
the only way you can stop it is to ban these contrarian retards.
You need to ban everyone who doesn't post on bunkerchan.
Newfriend here. Who the fuck are
And why are you autists so hung up on this?
disregard those bottom three. Wolff is a serious economist and you should watch his videos.
lurk moar
Memester who runs Bunkerchan.xyz and spacechan.xyz. Admins both #leftypol and #bunkerchan on Rizon
a Big guy who shitposts on twitter. Guy is fun to meme with.
A paki who lives in the south of england. His vids are the shit to watch if you're new to leftism in general
Iddubz of leftypol
A Pricklyism for Bunkerchan users.
bunkerchan admin
some kid who is about to die of cancer so has nothing interesting in his life but to shit post
former Holla Forums mod who hates the bunkerchan community because they challenged his views, abused his powers but then got removed from mod
paki who makes videos, should watch if new as they informational
a memer on YT
a memer on YT
bunkerchan users
Much adored economist of leftypol, second fave to Zizek.
An unfunny control freak who hampers leftypol's goals with his narcissism. Possible schizophrenic who believes every anonymous user who dislikes him is prickly.
An allegedly fat student who makes videos and shitposts here.
A shit moderator who was chased out by an unholy alliance of bunkerfags, Holla Forums and Holla Forums. Also laughed out of the irc.
Doesn't read books meme man. Posts with a Lenin hat. Got BTFO by retards with no argument.
Commie youtube meme man. Doesn't shit the place up and makes some good vids.
Typical Trotskyesque leftist splinter group, does nothing constructive. Possibly inhabited entirely by space's schizoid multiple personalities.
What did he mean by this?
Bunkerchan has IDs enabled also bunkerchan is full of Hegalians actually.
Marxist economist
Autist who runs bunkerchan
Some Autist who became a christian because he read Kant. This is all you need to know about him.
A cringe worthy autist who used to mod Holla Forums, he is currently feuding with the autists from bunkerchan. Also because of this blood feud between the bunkerfags will think you are him if you talk shit about them or their site.
Well meaning guy who despite at times fucking up is pretty cool tbh.
Some gommie memer on youtube.
Autists who post on bunkerchan, adding fag to the end of shit is quite common for imageboard users to do. For example Ausfags are people from Australia, burgerfags are people from America, fagfags are people who love to suck dicks, etc.
Mate I was being sarcastic.
Seriously an interview with RDW made either by Shnitz or by Muke is still far more valuable to us as a whole than us donating +$500 to those monthy economic updates only to have him do an AMA on Reddit. Wolff has plenty of exposure, [email protected]/* */ has made sure of that and one night of light bantering with him isn't going to drop his popularity overnight.
The problem with using sarcasm in reference to autists is that you may be mistaken for the autists.
Ah, I saw this on Twitter. I'm jelly fam
The most important question, we need to verify this information. The revolution depends on it. #RevealMukePussy
Oh. I see!
Quit this decadent shit posthaste.
we shouldnt bother organizing until you fucks get some muscle mass
Stirner BTFOed again
Yo I just woke up.
I'm not prickly you failed autistic abortion fuck off I've been called prickly more than anyone else on this board, more than prickly has.
blatant abuse of power and infiltration of Holla Forums or bunkertards. Why did this guy get banned but not the other "derailers"?
blatant abuse of power and infiltration of the mod team by Holla Forums or bunkertards. Why did this guy get banned but not the other "derailers"?
Can someone explain to me how is he a ML- if he defends reforms created by socdems?
Shit mods
You're just that much more of a faggot than he is then
yall cowards don't even smoke meth and read kropotkin, who's the faggot here?
actual prickly here, I fucking love you man. I hope one day we can meet up and do pcp together
I'm not an ML, I'm a Leninist.
Anyway though, most all leftists will support reform if they can, just fully knowing it wont solve the root problems of society. However, for a problem like today - trying to resist British uni's becoming even MORE expensive - well reguardless of ideology, why not fight against that? It's not a Socialist thing tbh, but ofc being Socialists some of us are gonna use the opportunity to raise the red flag.
Fucking cancer.
milo hippopotamus is wrong
Why was this bump locked?
people bitching about bunkerfags
remove this fucking mod immediately!
bans people for "bitching about bunkerfags" and not the bunkerfags themslves!