Scottish Dawn and NS131, both aliases of neo-Nazi group National Action, are to be banned under UK terror law, the government has announced.
National Action became the first far-right organisation to be banned in the UK last year .
Home secretary Amber Rudd said she would not allow the "vile racist" group to "masquerade under different names".
Being a member or inviting support for the organisations will be a criminal offence.
'Growing threat'
It will carry a sentence of up to 10 years in prison. The order comes into effect on Friday.
"By extending the proscription of National Action, we are halting the spread of a poisonous ideology and stopping its membership from growing - protecting those who could be at risk of radicalisation," Ms Rudd said.
The move was welcomed by the head of UK counter-terrorism policing, Mark Rowley, who said it would help "disrupt and tackle the growing threat from the extreme right-wing".
Image caption What is National Action?
National Action's propaganda featured violent imagery including material suggesting that acts, including the murder of Jo Cox MP, should be emulated.
Scottish Dawn has described itself as a "new Identitarian social movement formed from various organisations in 2017 to develop a coherent conception of Scottish identity and secure its place within Scottish politics".
NS131 (National Socialist Anti-Capitalist Action) is "a platform dedicated to promoting and spreading NS street art and physical propaganda", according to its website.
On Wednesday, 11 men were arrested under anti-terror laws as part of a national investigation into National Action. All were suspected National Action members.
Earlier this month, three men - including two British soldiers - were charged under anti-terror laws with being members of National Action.
There are currently 71 organisations - 70 of them international - proscribed under the Terrorism Act 2000. A further 14 organisations in Northern Ireland were proscribed under previous legislation.
Scottish Dawn banned in the UK
a dead parliament can't ban groups.
UK anons, risk all by trying to kill May
Off to the gulag for 10 years if you say the wrong thing in the UK.
that's depressing,
I see their stickers up sometimes when I take antifa ones down
antifa should be classed as a terrorist group too
Didn't know MI5 still had to post during tea time.
Get a load of this fucking coward.
Hi goon.
is scotland RIP
the redditors are depressing
So this group has never killed anyone, or blown anything up? They're just nationalists. And yet the UK sees fit to ban them as a terrorist organization… for having wrong think.
UK really is a fucking authoritarian shithole at this point. You faggots aren't free at all anymore. Fucking shitskin muslims murder you in the streets, but the government is more concerned about a group of nationalist ideologues.
redditors literally comparing these guys to wahabi
Fuck off feds
I think national action bullied some pedos webms have been posted here in the past
I know. I'm really upset. I dont know what the fuck im supposed to do.
It's tiffin you pleb.
Is this an actual newspaper article?
No, it's a spoof edit
But the following attached image is real
im depressed about this
its literally illegal to have a party with the views i have
These governments just don't get it. The internet counters all of their efforts. And the focus on these groups only brings more attention to them, and thus, more allies.
Who could have imagined that all those terror laws could be used to crack down on ideas the PTB doesn't like?
Literal thought crime. Good going UK!
They're a legit group then.
they appear awfully young from the vidoes
Reminder that antifa is funded by kikes and even with all that money they suck dick.
wasn't the TRS using the term "fash"?
May would just be replaced by another Rothschild puppet.
Target bodyguards.
what a bunch of fags. cant wait to shoot at them
do you have any pictures of it along with that Antifa themed Spencer rally leaflet?
the Kurds have their own ethnostate now
maybe they can go back because they now have their own country instead of a war zone
or are they not here for safety but for gibs?
Why do you guys even fucking bother with mods? All mods are little tinpot dictators with impotent power over those who have VPNs and other countermeasures.
t. merc shill, but never does it here. This is like the UN.
"find us on Faceberg" told us everything.
Some jewess Enoch associated with came up with it.
The UK is anti white. All they spend their time on is cracking down on patriotic white men. Work from the shadows lads.
Good riddance.
oh hi its mr everything is a honeypot, anytime anyone does anything its larp and nothing ever happens.
That poster is a jew, just filter.
It's depressing but it's completely impotent. You think the government can actually ban views? They can't read your mind. This will only strengthen resolves.
Anyone can get around this ban just by stopping marching around in balaclavas, putting on a suit and forming an actual, legal political party and fielding candidates. You'd get destroyed by the propaganda machine (remember the BNP) but who fucking cares about muh PR? Look at what Trump did. And at least you'd have a platform from which to spread the key policy ideas of National Socialism.
The UK is fucked though, I plan to emigrate before comrade Corbyn makes it illegal to leave his socialist paradise read: hell.
A lot of Scots are Aryans of Viking descent.
what should scots do
the reddit threads are very disappointing, most of the people are diseased
As if any more evidence were needed that NA is a state group working in collusion with antifa.
Reminds me of how HopeNotHate helped Millennial Woes to move from ad revenue to donations by pretending to dox him.
your conspiracy theories are tenuous
How much money do these two boxes full of sticker cost?
It would be interesting to see how much they spent on vandalizing every street lamp in western countries and where they get the money from it.
Both NA and this mob were infiltrated by MI5, subverted, and then encouraged to make outrageous statements in order that they be banned. Classic subversion tactics.
Poison the well, kill the root of the plant.
This is why such movements must resist that kind of extremism, because sooner or later there will be an MI5 agent implanted or recruited to push it in that extreme direction.
If it's a honeypot why would they want to shut it down? Wouldn't they want all the info they can get?
We've still got the demographics on our side. If we can get the football idiots to get political we'll have a foothold. Moving towards an alternative voting system would be good as well
Why did National Action get banned again? From what I remember they did literally nothing but held a few rallies, then again this is the UK we're talking about there's a reason just about every dystopia seems to take place there
Lying discordian prygge. No dubs for you, shill. Shoo!
Unite. Gather together and let a king rise from our ranks. Create Scottish heritage clubs if you're in a big city. Talk and be friendly with other Scots. Get land and build Scottish communities if you can. Look for and support these communities if you cannot. A great deal of anti-scot propaganda focuses on a redheaded protagonist and no other redheads whatsoever. This is all to isolate us and subconsciously reinforce that isolation. We must not permit further isolation. Reestablish Scottish communities. Be careful of your phrasing so you can be exclusive without running afoul of whatever genocidal forced integration laws are in place where you live.
Sage for off topic and double post but it continues to fascinate just when and where discordianism gets name dropped. Always in posts full of buzzwords trying to fit in and sway consensus. What's a prygge? Is this a bot testing new inputs or did our wizards achieve some esoteric victory over the kikes I'm not aware of and they're fanny frumpled? Neat. Well, hail Eris, Discordians fuck off.
Brb roping self
Best advice in the thread. I'd also add having some way to check and make sure there aren't any government plants joining as others have said that could potentially do something to get the government to reign down upon the communities being created. There probably wouldn't be any complains from people wanting to join regarding this, considering most people's dislike of current government politicians and agencies should there be a majority of native Scots that dislike the situation with government for the right reasons. I don't live in the country myself to confirm this. This could be applied to any country really.
Agreed. The time is NOW!
Let's astroturf someone suicidal on /r/incels or wizchan into doing it…
They are really dropping the hammer hard… good thing the UK does not have jurisdiction in the US.
They ran around yelling how they were going to gas people and starting fights.
But they were probably run by feds anyway.
I was surprised the police gave them protection at their rallies.
So basically if you have any right wing movement, they will plant someone in your group having them yell "national action" at your rallies, and they you will get banned and arrested for being National Action.
You know how to stop this….
Get 10,000 men to show up at the police station and claim your national action to turn yourself in.
Make them run out of cells to put you in.
I'm not sure you understand how many people were incarcerated in gulags. They'll never run out of cells, mate.
The old IRA prisons getting rusty??
I love how orwellian these articles
Yes, fellow goy. That'll show them.
Good interview from Nick Griffith on NA ban.
If they go to prison they need to do hunger strikes.
If you not ready to go full Ghandi or Bobby Sands GTFO of this movement, it won't be easy. Your life or nothing.
So just ignore this?
Do you have any idea where you are right now? Did you get lost on your way to Twitter?
I'm just saying if your in prison, all you can do is go full non compliance.
This why the white race is losing. How about you send 200 of those men to raid an armory IRA style, another 400 to seize every police station in 100 miles, another 200 to take care of any mobile cops not at the stations, and finally another 200 to take out infrastructure and important leftists? See, only 1000 people needed and no cuck shit involved.
How about not going to prison and simply overpowering the police, forcing the government to escalate and potentially ignite a civil war? Or is that too dangerous for you?
And that is an academic research paper, bloody hell mate you should see how the yellow presses are.
I feel like im living in china
so you're a terrorist now if you DO NOTHING except for cheer when people you hate die?
the rules keep changing
You wouldn't believe how often this happens in the european country I live in. But here's a trick an user taught me:
Replace the "you" of "youtube" in the adress with "hook".
In other news, also banned are antifa, any and all communists, people who wear Che Guevara t-shirts, anyone who has ever had respect for a resistance or revolutionary movement - including the British government, who supplied arms to the French Resistance during WW2 - all practitioners of Religion of Cuck™, and every single government or organisation that has ever fielded or supported a military force.
What a fucking joke.
Good plan, my dude. If you've got 1000 non-cucked white men spare without any kind of organisation, I'd sure love to borrow them for a bit.
For that matter, I assume your country is completely and utterly NatSoc, if this plan has worked so well for you. It seems more likely that you're just talking out of your arse, though, and you probably live in a country just as cucked as ours, or well on the way to it. Unless everything I've been reading is completely false and Trump has made America a Nazi paradise, free of Jews, blacks and wetbacks, in which case you should have told me sooner.
I think these are the last stages of the stranglehold (((british))) government has on the British folk. It is like they are testing how far they can push them. Like a strange experiment. They want to see where is the breaking point.
Either that, or they are surelly confident that the British folk will comply willingly into their death. That would mean they believe the native populace is drugged into compliancy and the foreigner invader numbers are so large, native populace is minority in their country.
ask yourselves:
->What have SD done?
->What have invaders done?
Are there many CCTV cameras in Scotland as well? They are the eyes of ZOG, kno what am saying?
Can´t that be used against antifa groups?
Call the groups Anarcho-Scottish, Glasgow Prol Union, Antibanker Action or Scottish-Leninist Militancy. Quote Orwell or Marx on jews, praise Lenin and the Bolcheviks for ending a corrupt banker-controled governement and so on. Blur the lines.
Too many snitches, undercover police. There are literally thousands of jihadists on the loose and many more potential jihadists. Hence, the police stations must have some protection against just such an assault.
Yet that doesn´t mean that determined individuals (or small groups) couldn´t cause big problems, the System isn´t just police stations and important politicians.
The ‘rules’ are designed to be ambiguous enough so as to be interpreted as needed. They have destroyed the legal system in their bid to destroy their own people as quickly as possible.
You can’t trick the state, if they wanted Antifa gone then they would get rid of them.
yes, laws are not apply evenly
But the hate group of peace still gets subsidies and free property for mosques to built on.
true story
UK is so cucked even rape of women and children doesn't carry as long a sentence.
The UK is lost and you should leave, like now.
It's not worth anyone's time to leave. Every single time whites emigrate to another white country, they shit it up, because they just bring the same self-destructive white guilt with them. It doesn't even have to be another country, it happens with white flight all the time. White families in denial find so many excuses for why they want to leave the cities, but all of them come down to there being too many brown people, because they supported pro-immigration politicians who willingly bent over and took international finance's insistence that 'immigrants can boost our economy and birth rates' up the arse. They move out to actually nice places in the countryside and keep on supporting the same politics for fear of looking racist, resulting in immigrants shitting up the countryside as well, ad infinitum.
I wouldn't accept the average Swede living near me, because in all likelihood they'd join the local 'anti-hate' prayer group and make shit even worse for me. So in turn, I can't expect people in a less-cucked country to accept me. Not to mention the amount of anti-Anglo rhetoric on here. I wouldn't be welcome anywhere else - which is how it should be.
One wonders why such groups are growing?
Why do you think governments are blaming terrorism on the internet, craving for more powers to control it, and not even mentioning Religion of Cuck™ic ideology?
This user gets it. Running away doesn't solve problems, only prolong them.
The UK is led by literal pedophiles and kike bankers to constantly protect pedos like Saville and rape gangs targeting thousands of little girls. It's a lost country, Brits are a joke of a people and Hitler is laughing at them all in Heaven. Any Brits will sense left would do well to leave for white countries with brighter futures. Britain is over, the sun has set, permanently.
Again, what does that have to do with Tangra?
shill/cowards promoting the worst poison against our movement - doing nothing for fear of a vague authority that hasn't proven it's potency
and that puppet would be very worried about his longevity
and once that puppet is killed too, who would replace him?
what the fuck, are you larping as a 1920s fedora man
there's nothing from with, you're a brainless kike slave trying to hedge in the 12 year old meme retards that live here so they don't get a broader outlook and outgrow their green frog / trump insanity
Oh well. Make another one.
Checked and heiled for creating job openings.
Making bodyguards think twice about dying to protect a baby rapist cabal isn't bad either.
Media, politicians, police, anyone explicitly promoting or enforcing our genocide. If you do get arrested, the first person to try a hunger strike will be allowed to starve. The second and third will be given the Guantanamo treatment and mocked for it in the press, but it will be mentioned. Not worth making our lads suffer tbh, but it's not a shit idea either.
Assemble. Once there are a thousand proud Scots in one place again our people are essentially saved.
Unfortunately this is true. I'm giving up my passport, gone are the days when I can say I was proud to be British.
Also they're still wringing the Cox rag? How pathetic can you get.
SERIOUSLY, every member of needs to be murdered
Any country that does this has officially entered Leninist communist territory. That's the first step. The next step is confiscating property, then purges.
hello federal agent!
Checking these dubs with optimism–does anyone have the non-kosher articles addressing the 10,000 man march a few months back?
This is the best advice because it's easy as hell to dismiss the activities in court, and doesn't appear suspicious in the first place. The fastest way to get a group infiltrated is to explicitly state its nationalist intent.
Is there a contest within shareblue to see who can be outed the fastest?
Well since you are already labeled terrorist, I suggest terrorism. Someone has to be the one dude. Blessed be.