End Europhobia! Ops development thread

Currently, the power-words of racism and anti-semitism is used as a powerful weapon to attack whites and defend our attackers. I propose that we appropriate this technique and use the enemy's tools against them. In theory, either we gain a powerful tool, they give up theirs, or they have to defend a clear double-standard which will turn normies against them.

Europhobia might not be the best word possible. It should be something that means hatred for whites, or those of European ancestry. Phobia apparently just means hatred and intolerance these days, ala homophobia and Religion of Cuck™ophobia, so Europhobia might be good enough. Better alternatives welcome!

These morons love official definitions they can point to, so making a definition with several broad and useful criteria is the main purpose of this thread. The initial idea is to use this definition of anti-semitism as a template, and have as many of our own as possible be direct parallels to theirs. This will let us borrow credibility from them, or else make their demands look unreasonable.


Here's an small initial list of examples of Europhobia:

Please post your ideas and suggestions! Try to phrase things in a way that is professional and innocuous.
If you post anti-white behaviors that you want to be stopped, we can brainstorm 'rules' that would make them unacceptable.

I know this is a bit of a normie-friendly PR-faggy exercise, but we need widespread acceptance of whites' right to exist before pushing more controversial ideas to the mainstream.

When I first heard that whites were the world's smallest minority I was shocked. I know I sounds stupid but I just never thought about it. That was a huge turning point for me.

I think it is our success than angers the others; they feel jealous and must soothe their own blatant lesser accomplishments by slandering ours with blood libel (eg. Evil colonialist, evil racist exploiters, slavery etc)

Were honestly need a PR firm and roll out advertising. The Mormons did just that, some of you mind remember their cutesy lil commercials about being a good person or some such and it'd end with "this has been a message from the church of jesus Christmas of later day saints, the mormons."
We'll it worked. They used to be legal to kill in America. A Mormon or an indian. Now we have them almost president and accepted as "those really nice people that are. Wholesome and into family, but are maybe a bit prude and have some weird semi Christian ideas.

Fact is if a wacky ass made up cult can rise to power so fast surely we can.

What are the biggest anti-white memes?
Toxic whiteness, White Supremacy when nigger criminals are jailed, White Privilege implying whites do not deserve success. Oh, and of course 'you can't be racist against whites' because of institutional power or some BS.

they'd just redefine europhobia to refer to the Religion of Cuck™ics that invaded europe; they're already trying to get them referred to as europeans, after all, aren't they?

We need like a multi ethic group of young people all reveling in their past and cultures. Like each one in turn goes into this well shot lil scene:
The Japanese kid - the background morphs into castles and cherry blossom trees samurai and honor, then shifts into tech and innovation and science.
The Hindu Indian hops up and his people's accomplishments are shown *we leave out how mudslimes now try to take credit, that is another battle*

The Hispanic girl is next, pyramids and star charters, huge cities etc.

The African kid. .. this one is tough but will give the best cultural leverage.. he is an ancient people with a rich and diverse history, that now influence music fashion and entertainment.
The camera pans to a dejected white guy.
"But im, im, just a fucking white male" he mumbles.
(And this is the cutesy twist)
The black kid smiles and puts his arm round his shoulder and says "and you are allowed to be proud of who you are and we're you come from, just like us.

At that point a collage of images swirl around the kids, images of the greatness of whites..

We can't dance, we have small dicks, we can't please our women, we are weak, flabby and pasty, conservatives are ignorant and stupid, our food is bland, white masculinity is fragile (we're scared of strong women and people of color), we enforce white privilege at the cost of non-whites (no one can truly define what white privilege is), diversity is good but only when its racial diversity, again no one can truly say why this is.

There are a bunch, little by little to fracture and divide us. To destroy social cohesion, our communities. We get divided and retreat into our homes and escapism, hoping that somehow this mess will blow over right after our favourite show is finished.

candidus or albus is white on latin

candidophobia? albophobia?

I don't know, we are subverting centrists and anti SJWS, switching to this tactic would make these groups harder to recruit.

Anglophobia might be better, or maybe Caucasiaphobia. Europhobia could be misconstrued as being afraid of the land, whereas we should make sure it's clear that we're talking about the people. Real people are suffering from this constant stream of "acceptable" negativity towards them just because they are white. Just like "islaamaphobia" is the phobia of islaam, and "anti-semite" is being against semites, we should make sure the word is clearly about hating a group of humans. If we use something that's too fancy, people won't know what it is unless they look it up, which means it won't be catchy.

I think we can do both. We also need the language to communicate what is really going on. Right now it is legally and socially acceptable to discriminate against whites, and it is socially acceptable to attack and destroy whites. I also like "White Genocide" a lot, but the pace is a little too slow to be considered "genocide" to a lot of people. We need something to describe the slow degradation and breaking of the white spirit that everyone around us is gleefully participating in.

Ancient pyramids and kangz must be displayed in the background.

Some more:

It's intended to catch those who do buy into SJW concepts. If instead it makes those concepts look stupid/toxic then our enemies will be weakened.

Europhobia does reinforce the connection between land and people though - they are the indigenous people who have the true claim to the land. It isn't a difficult concept to get across -Europhobia is hatred or discrimination towards people of European ancestry.

Europhobia enables and normalizes the white genocide, and denying the white genocide is a disgusting example of Europhobia.

You are approaching this wrong. The goal is to not take part in their 'victim society'. We are not victims, we are conquerors. What we want is for stuff like the stereotypical 'metal' culture to take over. Perhaps not actually 'metal', it doesn't matter - but its about glorifying strength and power and taking pride in it.

We must not rely on others to take pity on us to let us live. We must inspire them to want to kick the parasites out of their hard-earned and powerful society.

This. Muslims, orientals, blacks and half-breeds routinely call themselves French, English, etc.

needs to evoke blood, not land.

Very good idea!
Going to start using it tbh

Has potential. Have a bump

Phobia is Greek though. It's leukophobia. However I think it needs to be more direct, having to explain the word doesn't help. People have been using anti-white which seems fine to me.

I was trying something a long the lines of this a few months ago, but it didnt really take off because people dont know what the fuck I meant. I was trying to get people to use the term Alethephobic or Alethephobia, meaning the fear of facts or the truth. Which we all know useful idiots suffer from. Taking their stringent manipulation of words and turning it against them.
I was shilled with shit like "dont stoop to their level" or "using communist tactics is just the same as being communist." That one really activated my almonds, but mostly it was "what does that mean?"
I like what you have in mind, and you have to target the right demographics to release the information to, however I agree with the person who stated they will turn this against you, because they are trying to paint these muzzrats as Europeans.

Never the less, stay strong in your campaign, and if you want to do it, do it.

This is what I ran into when trying coin Alethephobia.

The problem is that they are proud to be 'anti-white'. A shaming term that implies they are as bad as those awful Religion of Cuck™ophobes and homophobes will be far more effective against them.

Alethephobia is non-intuitive and hard to remember. I recommend you call them Science Deniers as useful idiots Fucking Love Science and don't want to be seen as ignorant.

any word explicitly using "white" will automatically trigger the programming installed by talmudvision in most normies, though.
i don't think we're using logic backwards enough to properly encapsulate leftist reasoning. they use homophobia to slander people rightly disgusted with homosexuality, why not make a category error in a similar way, and label it some kind of derangement, or even a sickness caught from over-exposure to the (((media))), making them literally pozzed? hordes of shitskins swarming the cities, frothing at the mouth to kill wypeepo could conjure up images of the zombie plague. unfortunately, I'm not familiar with the suffixes and prefixes of diseases to formulate anything good.

I'd rather not pathologize it with (((psychology))) terms. "White-hate" and "white-haters" is more accurate and powerful than falling into the "X-phobic" template.

Any time someone acuses you of any "ism", racism, sexism, anti-semitism, homophobia, Religion of Cuck™ophobia, whatever, just respond like this:
faggot cuckold: "you're racist"
You: "Not really. You just have an infriority complex"

wtf happened there
now I have an inferiority complex

Bad advice. Saying 'So what?' can be effective sometimes though.

Europhobia will give us a weapon to shut down anti-white talks, people etc, fighting SJWism with SJWism.

Oh yay now we can be victims too

In this shitty culture where victims are given power and authority it would be foolish to not exploit this. When it starts to benefit us as well as the enemy, they will push to delegitimize victimhood, allowing us to go on the offensive.

You do, because you actually want to interact with them. Or at least imagine that modern society can be saved. It can't. Ask a South African, Kraut, Svenska, Leaf about that shit.

OP is a faggot.


Fuck me Asprophobia.

Or there is fear of the color Leukophobia.