Oh boy, a second Fag Anglin thread about the exact same thing. I hope you're permabanned.
Carson Collins
Anglin is right on that one though, and Spencer is a fagboy.
Dylan Morris
He's right.
Carson Young
Stay mad kike
Parker Watson
Anglin is 100% correct and OP is a faggot.
Adam Scott
He's right. This is what every intelligent WN has been saying since cville.
William Walker
Wew lads
Camden Lewis
This is how we know you're not from here.
Jackson Campbell
No, he doesn't. The gun on the table analogy is old as piss. Molymeme uses it all the time to describe the government. The Alt-Kike is fucked and heavily poisoned. He is right to go against it, although he himself is a total fag for the Daily Shoah bullshit and White Shariah.
American Nationalism is good. They do not hyphenate their ethnicities against American for no reason. How many whites do you know that do that shit?
You are a cretinous, clickbait, faggot
Andrew Hill
Want to know how I know YOU aren't from here, kike?
Adam Watson
You've already exposed yourself kike
Connor Lee
On the topic of trying to develop American nationalism as a brand.
For a while there was a group on >>>/meadhall/ called the national federalist party that was trying to do this. What happened to them? Are there any groups that try and take an approach like that?
Carson Baker
I don't think he disagreed with you, rather he's simply pointing you out as new. Which you are to have typed out that sentence.
Hunter Cook
He also disavowed that AnCap civcuck march that the Dickster is speaking at.
Jordan Miller
I don't keep up with e-celeb nonsense, but how is Anglin wrong here? Infiltrating mainstream American nationalism should have been the goal of the alt-right, which was a temporary movement to get natsoc ideals into the public consciousness. For what it's worth, Jared "hwhite" Taylor seems to think that America is effectively gone forever as a white homeland and that the focus ought to be on establishing a white separatist state, I happen to agree but I'm sure someone will call me a shill for it kek
Matthew Taylor
"Oh no. The left has decided to demonize the country and its founding fathers. This will bring them back into power." ~ Said no sane person ever.
The vast majority of normalfags are going to see this and go even farther to the right as the last Alabama election has demonstrated. Sage, because Anglin is a sperg.
Parker Anderson
That's laughable. I use WN as an umbrella term for Holla Forums, altright and white nationalist 1.0 types. It there a better term for everyone who is pro-white?
Most people here use cville.
Brody Flores
I think the best strategy would be to shift between these two brands frequently as the atmosphere demands. At its root, Nazi vs American imagery is edgy vs. boomerism. Edgy will capture youth but too much makes it impossible to identify with the brand with their normie friends. Boomerism will win the sympathy of John Q. Normington. We want both. We want a coalition of strong young whites who aren't afraid of being called raycis with a positive racial identity along with establishment whites covering up for their edgier actions.
Cooper Ramirez
It really is an interesting topic, besides the celeb faggotry. I am wondering if the natural filters, wants, and expectations of a Civic Nationalist party would just end up being a White American Nationalist party in practice and demographics. Honestly, people are ripe for it if there is any cover whatsoever. And the niggers will never let anyone think otherwise. I am interested in seeing if this is Trump's play. To see if he can maneuver and setup enough plausible deniability for certain moves. The Republican Party reform plan really seems the most viable. Commies, although awash in funds and media, cannot get a multiparty system running, we won't wither. But we are already wrecking both parties into Fascist vs. Communist 2.0. So I think we focus on midterms and frankly every election everywhere and support the right people or run ourselves. Commies did it, why the fuck can't we?
Ryder Morales
You definitely aren't from here.
Justin King
I don't know my dude. Is there a better term for people that are pro-white?
Better come up with one quick before the white nationalist/alt-right label get scoffed off by the rest of society as fucking retarded like the Russian narrative was. Chop-chop consensus cracker.
Ayden Clark
everyday I'm surprised at how low IQ and how little reading comprehension people have. I know a good portion of it is shills but wow, there's some fucked up stuff in the water supply
Adam James
Monoculturalists (who happen to be huwhite). Cap this.
Connor Robinson
if you can't tell anglin is a fed you should take an IQ test. any pro-white movement in america gets latched onto by anglin and called nazi to smear it. anglin used to constantly attack richard spencer as a "cuck" because he wasn't a nazi. then when richard spencer started to get more popular, anglin suddenly started supporting him and published about 100 articles calling spencer a "nazi leader". this was done to rig google searches so "nazi leader" would come up for anyone who searched richard spencer's name. him and jew are obviously feds, jew most likely was recruited in prison by the FBI or some other group.
Ryder Moore
Brody Jones
Your thread is e-celeb cancer and tantamount to a slide.
Kayden Rivera
Another thread?
Andrew Ramirez
This is going to be fun to sit back and watch. DS has a larger following than TRS, if anglin sheds the alt-kike label that could kill the alt-kike and spencers base. Whoever loses Holla Forums wins. I don't have the cap, but congrats to the user that called the alt-kike dying before 2018
Jonathan Adams
wow you're really smart I bet you have an IQ that's like 150 huh
Wyatt Butler
All the alt right fags saw that poll that shows that the alt right has the same approval rating as white nationalism. It was like 9%. So they shit bricks oh woe is us how could it be that we are viewed the same as white nationalism? Funny thing is these people fought tooth and nail to prevent Breitbart and Milo Yiannopolis from stealing the alt right brand and co opting it. It's like they can't even make their mind up what they want.
If you are alt right then your brand being synonymous with white nationalism is a fucking good thing. It means nobody is going to steal your brand. Fucking hell, read about what Rockwell said about sneaks. You don't want your views to be hidden and you don't want to be lying to people about what you believe.
Or if it's being associated with terrorism that makes you want to change your brand. Well you better get used to changing your brand a lot because there's going to be a lot more attacks. Somebody send the mudshits the memo that they need to change the name of their religion.
The problem with the alt right is its leaders like Anglin. They have no grasp of reality. They're gaslit by the media. You don't see these faggots going around telling mudshits that have an unfathomable death toll that they have a PR problem. You don't see these faggots going around telling BLM that gunned down 5 cops in Houston, sprees of dead cops executed in cold blood and have burned down numerous cities that they have a PR problem. No, it's the alt right that has a PR problem because it's associated with a death toll of 3 people at Charlottesville. These people are fucking slaves.
Owen Fisher
Reminder that America was founded as an explicitly White nation.
Robert Cox
Fun yes, in the same way as wrestling is "fun". To enjoy it you need to suspend your disbelief, pretend that kayfabe doesn't exist, and let your mind construct a fictional reality where the men whom you see fighting are actually enemies rather than colleagues putting on a show to relieve you of your time and money. E-celebs operate on EXACTLY THE SAME FUCKING PRINCIPLE. These two Kikes will be discussing over the telephone or in private messages exactly how the "feud" should play out in the social media. ALL E-CELEBS DO THIS AND NONE BELIEVE WHAT THEY PREACH
Jackson Mitchell
Parker Phillips
Shameless self-check.
Tyler Jones
You would have to be retarded to donate to either one. There is a chance that this is staged, and a chance that this is an actual power struggle. It is a little soon to tell, but if the latter is true then this will turn out interesting
Jaxson Rodriguez
yeah, I agree, President Rockwell sure did have a lot of good advi-
oh wait. no, you're the delusional one.
"no one is going to steal your brand" nobody wants it. it's toxic because you have to drag foreign ideologies and some dumb love of a kraut into it.
America was founded racist as fuck. You don't need to point to anyone other than the founding fathers. In case you don't like America, you don't like the founding fathers, then I suggest you stop pushing for American nationalism and just accept that you want some sort of ill fated nazi terrorist party full of anime nihilists that accomplish nothing, much less saving the white race.
Your point about Muslims is interesting, but for reasons you probably don't see. Muslims terrorists do terrorism in the name of their God, for their God, and so whatever the fuck they do can be seen by Muslims as something that benefits them. If a group if Religion of Cuckā¢ic terrorists decided to call themselves something totally different with different flags and symbols and blah blah blah, they would be literally nothing other than a gang. They would not even be ISIS.
Trump famously said he could shoot someone and his voters wouldn't care. That's because he represents THEM. The American people. The american people don't trust you, or any weird white nationalist movement that's more concerned with fucking GERMONEY than AMERICA.
Colton Ross
American nationalism is dead in the water. America is fucking dead and it deserved to die. It's never coming back. Pursuing American nationalism as a strategy will get you bogged down in retard tier historical arguments. 90% of your time will be wasted talking about history and not actually moving anything forward. It's too much baggage to deal with and then you will have to contend with your enemies claiming America as theirs. If you fly a Swastika you won't see any faggots claiming that the Swastika is theirs.
Adrian Perry
Juan Lewis
Kill yourself, faggot. I just shut down everything you said.
Angel Brooks
sadly this is what hotwheels has become as well now that they keep him drugged up
Angel Nguyen
The aesthetic basis of the Fourth Reich will be pic related.
America the political entity is dead. The American brand will survive for millennia, just like Rome. Would you tell Mussolini, Napoleon, or the American founding fathers in the 18th century to drop the Roman branding because Rome was dead?
We will use the American brand, defining it however suits us best, just as they did with Rome.
Noah Phillips
Okay see, this is where the truth comes out. You don't care about America, you have no hope and no vision for it. You hate it. You literally think it deserves to die.
You will never get anywhere. How do you even call yourself a nationalist? Are you just some Euro-poor? Or do you hate yourself that much?
You didn't shut anything down, this whole board has gotten way too used to either a) arguing against absolute retarded shill fucks or b) not having any discussion because the mods ban everyone. speaking of which, I'm sure they're sleeping right now because I haven't been banned for my wrong thought yet.
this man gets it
Jaxson Clark
Whatever you say, Orestes.
America deserves to die and it is already dead. The whites that reside there I want to save.
Christian Murphy
As opposed to who? The fact you know Rockwell's name a half a century on is a successes. What was the American first movement? What is the second biggest white population in the US? Why are you here? We aren't Republicans. We hate everything you are and don't want your advice. Keep your poison chalice. We fundamentally want different things.
Michael Edwards
As opposed to who? The fact you know Rockwell's name a half a century on is a successes. What was the American first movement? What is the second biggest white population in the US? Why are you here? We aren't Republicans. We hate everything you are and don't want your advice. Keep your poison chalice. We fundamentally want different things.
Chase Sanders
American whites don't need to be "saved" by the likes of you. You have no love for us or our traditions, are flag, our symbols. Your only love for us is for some sick fetish of manipulation, which you will do with gusto. You're not an American nationalist. You're some Pan-european terrorist who hates America and everything it stands for.
Yes, I get it, we want different things. I want to return America back to its glory days of being White and proud. On the other hand, you want to destroy America and institute a foreign ideology and you're completely willing to terrorize the American people to do so.
Yes, you'll really win over the normies by telling them to hate everything they love and hold dear, and instead to worship some failed Kraut. You sound like a fucking communist.
Justin Parker
Tough job, huh?
Alexander Harris
You argue like a jew.
Jeremiah Perez
Did anglin link to us to spam an criticism? Muh vague principles that no one but whites respect. Name some of the "traditions" that aren't white? Same question? The flag can reshaped(it has many times). Pan-european is a specific term which no one has brought up. U wot m8?
Jaxon Stewart
Did anglin link to us to spam an criticism? Muh vague principles that no one but whites respect. Name some of the "traditions" that aren't white? Same question? The flag can reshaped(it has many times). Pan-european is a specific term which no one has brought up. U wot m8?
Thomas Torres
Anglin has received tens, if not hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of donations through Bitcoin alone as inspection of the blockchain has revealed in the past. Whether YOU would personally donate doesn't change the fact that he IS making a good income from gullible right-wingers, it is sickening to think about but it is a sad reality. What's interesting about a couple of shills fighting a turf war? They aren't anyway, they all work for the same organization and the contrived conflict technique is their favourite publicity generator. inb4 'name the org'/'prove it'. We (at least publicly, no doubt there are members of said group here who know who is behind it) don't have a name but Rebel Media working for the CIA, or perhaps for Soros, seems a likely candidate. The hidden hand centrally steering these shills has been very careful to remain both anonymous and invisible, perhaps the shills themselves don't even realize who they ultimately work for.
Brayden Young
Fucking tor.
Samuel Diaz
If OP hadn't told us, would anyone have known? Now that you do, do you care? No and no.
Colton Gutierrez
The way you worded it before I thought you were talking in more specific terms, and not generalizing it. There was some minor confusion there. To be fair spencer is also making money from gullible people, and spencer is a multimillionaire, while spencer is in debt from a court case The aftermath, there will be a lot of people that will get disenfranchised by both and seek further redpills that neither anglin nor spencer had been providing. However this should all be contained in one thread while there are two up on the board right now
Blake Clark
I meant while anglin is in debt
Jason Martinez
The only thing good in America was the south. The north was always a kiked out cesspool. America lost it's way when you fought the civil war for the kikes and stamped out all the potential it had. If you haven't noticed, now it's overrun. Of the colonies only Australia can be saved. Maybe. It's a big maybe with them too. The last stand of the white race will be in Europe. Might as well prepare your ass for coming home.
Brody Hughes
Oliver Reed
America was founded on priciples such as ONLY WHITE PEOPLE ARE ALLOWED IN, ONLY WHITE MEN GET TO VOTE
Those are the "American principles" we are talking about. Not the jewish historical revisionism that followed in later centuries.
Adam Foster
Jackson King
Daily Reminder that the altkike have never called out the Jew in an intelligent fashion just with a broad brush and never pointed out the complete destruction of Israel and every kike as their endgame. In fact Spencer and his kike friends have consistently denied historical events such as the Holodomor whilst promoting the Holocaust as fact. I want the complete and utter drowning of every last heeb in Tel Aviv and I want every kike in America publicly executed as a message to the Nogs before they get sent back to Africa or to the gallows. There is no room for mistakes. Every. Last. Kike. Must. Die.
Gavin James
John Sullivan
No shit. That's because the alt-right is a jewish psyop, designed to lead discontent white people astray and prevent them from finding the truth.
America was founded as a white nation. Kill yourself kike.
Sebastian Ward
Keep it coming.
No more CIA Alt kikes here. You have to go back.
Jose Morris
Suck-start a shotgun.
Nolan Sanchez
Fellate a shotgun OP
Noah Wright
George Lincoln Rockwell was a National Socialist you fucking low IQ Altkike faggot
Benjamin Baker
Then quit posting anti-Rockwell kike shit like the 2nd pic here:
Fact: National Socialism is a de facto subset of white nationalism. Fact: America was founded as a white nation.
If you deny either of those, you're ignorant. If given both of those the path forward isn't clear to you, you're a moron.
Anthony Fisher
If by the Fag Anglin you mean the Aryan who got an Alexa ranking of 2,000 for naming the Jew? Keep calling him a fag you zionist shills.
Jack Campbell
Man, if I gave a shit about twitter, I'd be signed up for and use twitter.
Lucas Gray
Fucking kill yourself
Josiah Lewis
How is Euro fascism any less forgin then Greek liberalism?
Wyatt Adams
Not what I said brainlet. Do you not know what a subset is?
Christian King
Twitters been better the IBs for years, especially this one with its censorship pushing Turkish mods
Andrew Martin
You wanted a sign, check this ya dumdums.
Zachary Allen
I like who I am, but if I am tripping over some identity bullshit instead of focusing on the problem, then you are the problem.
Recognize that most of us have narcissistic and sociopathic tenancies due to being raised on media filth. Its ok to have been hurt, just recognize it and train your focus moving forwards, You can do it user!
Easton Hughes
Suck start a shotgun Moshe
Benjamin Gutierrez
everyone knows we were here before the media created the alt-right label and we will remain here after its gone. What is useful in the current battle is how we will fight.