Requesting Infuriating OC

I brought this up in another thread, but I think we could use a collection point.

It is in our interest to get normalfags really pissed at niggers, and we've discovered the quickest way may be their lack of patriotism. I'm asking any anons who are good with Photoshop to produce shareable content with some nigger kneeling at the scene of patriotic moments, to drive home the point that niggers are cancer.

Suggested scenes to defile with a treasonous nignog:

Other urls found in this thread:

I was just thinking about this thread

we should get the blm niggers rioled up and have them try to drape a guard over that unknown soldier tomb.

the soldier guarding it 24/7 will be swamped by blm niggers and forced to shoot one.

i meant drape a tarp, like they've been doing to statues. in fact the tomb is racist on principle, there's no niggers buried there, it's symbol of white supremacy, why doesn't the army guard nigger tombs.

More suggestions in pics related.

Moar. Let's get this on normie social media as soon as possible.

Brilliant idea, start photoshopping niggers kneeling down during every great American achievement and inflame normie hatred for the negro.

I was going for realism.

Good first effort, but is there any way to slide the nig to the right? I think the mis en scene works better when he's not blocking the LEM. It's why we should be grabbing pics with some blank space to the side.

post that exploitable kneeling png faggot

i really don't want to have to dig a picture up and then spend time cutting the nigger out when it's clearly already been done.


Here are the originals if you want to redo it. I don't have time to do it again at the moment.


Thank you. I fucking suck at graphic art in every way, but I'm sure more talented anons will appreciate the exploitables.

Way to sacrifice NatSoc.


Can someone please tell me why these nigs take a knee instead of stand and shit? I'm not mad because football is a jew sport to distract white americans from realizing how bad things are, just as gangster rap is a jew creation for nigs. I ask because there are government mandates that forcefee nigs in to school and jobs and also corporations that are publicly traded have quotas. Before Ubanga and progressivism racial tensions were ziltch except in inner cities were nigs lived and in the hearts of our small small minority and there have been no shit with a whites beating the shit out of a nig since 1991. Cops blow away a lot of people so what if they shot 4 niggers in 2015.



Meant to upload

Spreading pic 2 all over now.

I am sorry for the file size. But I wanted to make the image as large as possible to allow maximum flexibility in editing.

Gave it a try.

Perfect. Saved and spread.

Those digits demand more.

Another one, and a fixed version of

One more for now.






Because the 2nd verse of the National Anthem uses the word 'slaves' *once*. Yes, really.

You may execute me come DOTR for fucking up italics.

this one's great, user

these aren't working well visually. I think you need to try shopping background into photos of the nigs kneeling instead of the other way around

Not what you requested but I couldn't help myself.

That's good!

What's even more infuriating is the fact that Krapsondicks was in fact raised by adopted white parents. And any kid who was able to play as much football to be good enough for the nfl had a nurturing childhood. Fucking ingrate.

Even better. Juxtaposes his bitchy ass against another black man. Say what you want but that guy must have been a comrade of the fallen. Comforting his woman like a real man would. Pussies like him deserve to be relegated to the background.

I was thinking of something along these lines. Like show historical depictions of plebs kneeling to kings, then in the last frame show the NFL players kneeling in front of Trump.


While we're at it, let's make some memes about the greatest generation, our brave young men and women in uniform and Israel, our greatest ally. G-d bless America.

Pretty slow schlomo. Shouldn't have spent all that time fishing pennies out of the fountain this morning.

The military funeral ones are great, goes to show how uppity and selfish these niggers are.


I think her man was the guy in the box. But still, yes. That guy is actually black, unlike Kapernick who is just a fucking fraud.

You're doing amazing work, user.



That filename. Kek.

"oh fug :DDDDDD"
id's ebin

You are so dumb, I love you.

Have you done Pearl Harbor, USS Liberty, or the declaration of independence signing? Hell, anything civil-war related helps too.

If you don't get the context, these all look like respectful niggers.






Yuri Bezmenov calls them "useful idiots"

(Nigs respectfully toward you)

Your version of this is probably funnier, but I wanted to see what it looked like with the pussy ass pseudo-nigger reflecting off the wall.


>no one has done Kap (((taking a knee))) at Auschwitz yet


More OC

Damn you're fast. Beat me by 2 fucking minutes. Kek.




that would be good