What did he meme by this?

what did he meme by this?


ask him

It took him quite a while to figure that out.

Hey OP how about you fucking kill yourself

So we're fighting for Brazil now.
If we're lucky, we'll get a castizo hybrid class that kills all the niggers.

sage negated

So, literally nothing that most right-wingers haven't already participated in on the ground level?
If his idea is to infuse the mainstream with initiate ladder-climbers, he should just say it outright. Diffusing the readership into the public by infiltrating boomer groups has already been underway by those interested for quite a while, since mid-2000s stormfront as far as I can recall.

Am I just missing the point and this is the standard methodology for wrangling those who couldn't already figure this out?


IDK, I think he's retarded and buttmad that his site got shitcanned and is just saying whatever he has to say to sooth his asspain.
"Americanism" is fucking Dinesh Souza and Ben Shapiro. Anglin is going to start advocating for Israel now? LMAO idiot.
if cuckley's machine could have been hijacked, it would have been hijacked by now.

stay mad

I told you niggers to just fly the american flag but no every little pissant group needs their own special flag to feel edgy about

You'll need new actors. Try not to get Jewish ones this time.

This is exactly what the altright have been saying since cville.

Their mistake was not having 100% of their flags be the stars and stripes. Presenting as nazis instead of just true Americans.

No one cares if a nazi gets punched. Everyone will rally behind a guy waving the US flag getting punched.

cville was a spergfest. I lmao'd when that old bastard "Azzmador" was screaming at women "white sharia whore!" while he's walking around in a nasty ass white t-shirt with his beer gut hanging out and a camo cap.
cville was ayy lmao
Optics are what matters, but going full cuckservatism is massively retarded.

Even if you had made a decent OP this would still have been a shit thread.

I really couldn't give less of a fuck about you or your reddit circlejerk mentality
sage negated btw

He lives rent free in your head.

It's not about going full conservatism, it's about taking over American Nationalism, which is inherently white. The path to victory for us is turning the 60% whites and the 10-20% minorities that actually care about a better life against the marxists and leeches.

Implicitly pro-white policies, like most of what Trump is doing (deporting illegals, ending h1b, ending affirmative action, ending section 8,etc) is the way to power. These are very popular among people who signal against nazis and racists. Through this we can take power away from cucks, niggers and commie while pushing the Overton window further to right, eventually normalizing racism again.

t. Anglin fuck off

Its inheretly manly to subdue and analy fuck your enemies and the enemies of your race.

Choke on a semen covered bag of dicks.

The American flag is worthless because

A nation is a thing of blood, or nothing at all. Any sort of meaningful American Nationalism must thus be grounded in blood, but such efforts inevitably wind up attracting CivNat cuckolds and Jewish infiltrator/subversives.

Because a 'true American' at this point is an absolute cuckold.
And that's the problem, you dumb cuckold - that many will rally behind something doesn't mean their rallying is MEANINGFUL in any way.

People will certainly rally around the ol' Stars n' Stripes, but it'll be the same hollow bullshit its been for decades, the sort of people who think Ronald Reagan is a patriot and Israel is truly America's greatest ally. Its like you fags JUST DON'T GET IT.
The fact that Americans don't care if a 'Nazi' gets punched - despite having a German population on-par with fucking Germany - is exactly why their rallying to the American flag is fucking pointless, hollow, meaningless, and will never be anything more until they actually DO care about 'Nazis' getting punched.

wow you haven't killed yourself yet.

the reason white nationalism has long been a failure but had some success in europe is because nazi symbols are banned in europe. that forces nazis to rebrand even if they don't want to. people like sweden democrats and national front are obviously nazis, but the left's own laws are turned against them by also stopping them from calling out those people as nazis. see what i mean? but in america feds can show up with nazi flags and star seig heiling to fuck up any movement you try and start. i don't know if i'm explaining this well. my point is that if all nazi symbols are banned, both the right AND the left is forced not to use them. that stops the nazi smear that has ruined white nationalism in america.

you've completely misunderstood what he's saying. and unfortunately any movement that's primarily composed of mouth breathers like you will never go anywhere.

same guy here, what im saying is that literally ANY pro-white movement in america will be smeared as nazi by feds if you try and start one here. that is why there has NEVER been any ground made in american white nationalism. even if you actually are a nazi, you must be aware that it will always be impossible to get normies to like nazis. if america didn't have a first amendment, and nazi symbols were banned, it would also stop feds from being able to attack them to american white nationalism.

no one in america gives a FUCK about Germoney, FULL STOP

I don't give a fuck if hitler did or did not kill any jews

I don't give a fuck about what stupid wars a bunch of faggy euro trash got themselves into

the only thing that matters to AMERICANS is AMERICA and if you can't get this simple idea through your thick fucking skull you'll never win anything

Stop sperging out over identities. Civic nationalism is useful now just like other memes were useful before this and still other memes will be useful in the future. You are playing a form of Judo, it is very important that you are flexible in your movements so you can respond to what your opponent does. Of course your virtue and your belief drive your soul to wage this battle to begin with. You are here because you truly believe. Congratulations.
Now you must understand that everything else in existence, man meme and metal are all tools for you to use. The reason Purity spiraling is unhealthy is not because you're discussing whether or not pornography are gays are acceptable, it's whether or not you are restricting yourself in responding to the situations that present themselves. You don't Serve Yourself by fighting those kinds of battles. You win by attacking the enemy relentlessly and taking all of his territory. Focus on attacking.

Senate user and many others have been coming here rooting for you. You don't realize how many people are on your side and want you to win. Prayers of many amazing people are also out there for you guys. Please keep your focus and work hard. Diligence will win.

It depends what he means. But I can't think of any clarification that would indicate anything positive other than "America First".
It's nice to see more people to the right of Kikebart denouncing the alt-right cancer, at least. Eventually the alt-right will be boxed in and unable to do us any more harm.

"virtue", lol, I wouldn't call a child's temper tantrum on a mongolian fireworks board something virtuous. just because some mentally ill freak eats a bunch of amphetamine and spergs out on internet boards all days doesn't mean he's virtuous. or that he's doing anything worthwhile for anything.

there are waaaay too many "true believers" here. all the arguments and discussion is gone and its just a 24/7 cringe fest of hitler loving nerds that can't look at any problem with a solution other than to re-litigate the holocaust.

between the outright maliciousness and the downright stupidity shown here and in other boards & forums, the white race will save itself IN SPITE of everything that you people do to try to save it.

lel. You really don't get it at all.
CivNat af.

Which tells you what?
That those people are cowards. That they are weak. That you have to bend over backwards to give them some excuse to NOT commit suicide. That you don't see how quickly this house of cards can and will tumble down on you is amazing.


yeeeees goyim, you just have to give up. don't fight the narrative. just let it stand and try to work around it. yeees goyim. surely that will work.

Fucking tip top kek. You actually believe this shit?

You are explaining it quite well, the problem is, its retarded, and so are you. Front National is not 'Nazis' bro - they're Zionist-friendly limp-dicked CivNat controlled-op trash. Same for the Swedes.
Its a joke, mate, that's the problem: these people you try to portray as 'Nazis' are hollow facades, weak, false, and blatantly so.

No it doesn't user, it just makes it less clear, it muddies the waters. Look, I'll make this very clear:
You will never be anything but a 'nazi' so long as you let that narrative stand.
That's really all there is to it. The entire 'nazi' narrative has given the enemy - within and without - a prime mechanism to silence, to demonize-by-association, anyone who starts to talk of ANYTHING even vaguely ethnocentric. They call George Bush a Nazi… And here's the rub: It works.
Now, you might be saying, "But the people don't care anymore! The enemy has called their opposition that term so many times, its lost meaning!", and that is true… Amongst the people.

But not the leadership. That's why they still cuck like dogs at every accusation of racism or being a 'nazi'. And its not because they actually CARE, its because it provides them a JUSTIFICATION for doing so - 'well, i mean, i don't want to be called a nazi! I'm no nazi!'… The answer, in this case, is not to cuck in turn, to say 'oh gawd, we gotta abandon these symbols and just pick up really shitty civic nationalist icons! surely that will bring the people to us!'. Not at all.
People didn't come to Trump because he hugged the American flag awkwardly, they came to Trump because of the things he said he'd do that were MOST LIKE what people cite on behalf of the German National Socialists and NatSoc proponents in general.

Your whole argument basically amounts to "Guys, we just need to make it look like we're CivNat but we totally won't become CivNat I swear!", and that shit is doomed to failure, far far moreso than anything one might claim as goes relation of a movement or individual with NatSoc iconography.
What we really need is a strong, charismatic leader who IS NOT AFRAID to be associated with those icons.
Someone who, when accused of being a 'Nazi', replies, "You're god damned right I am: I love my country, and I love my people, and if that makes me a 'Nazi' - a term coined by a Jewish Communist mind you - then I'll wear it as a badge of honor!"
We need a Hitler, we don't need more Donald Trumps and Ronald Reagans.


Actually, many do.
That's a problem.
Oooooh, you're a faggot. I get it.
America is a joke bro. The fact that you call your own people 'euro trash' is even more of a joke.
If you can't get it through your thick fucking skull that 'winning' doesn't mean 'being in power while the country becomes Brazil', then you might as well just kill yourself bro.

Civic Nationalism is trash, and at the moment, that's all America has, its all you have, because you don't have anyone with the courage to stand against the horde and tell them to piss of in a really meaningful way (that is, doing is for real and without having a jewish cock hanging out the side of their mouth).

Ok maybe to put it a different way:

Imagine a scenario where the two major political parties of America were totally discredited in the Public's eyes. Large numbers of incumbent or outright independent representativies/senators are being elected to replace those jailed. You have a president that decides to go semi-independent but maintains ties to conservative establishment, inciting. Leftists to both disavow their own party and riot. 5-15% of Americans will sympathize with them for a period of around 6 months before giving up (larger than Occupy, major tech hubs of Boston, SF, LA, NYC shut down) the next financial crisis shock will likely coincide with these protests. Outcome uncertain.

How do we capture as much territory in such a series of events? Imagine a constitutional convention being held. What popular platform could we get a significant number of Americans to sign up for and how would we get sufficient memes to them effectively is to their best course of action?

hahahahhaha, no.

>>(((American Nationalism)))
Kid's not even a National Socialist, I gave Anglin a chance to go 1488 when everything around him fell, he doesn't get another.

the truth is, you'll always be a faggot, so long as you post.

of course the retard that can't help but blow hitler at every change he can to prove his super cool internet cred can't see the fucking forest for the trees. you think this entire discussion started by anglin is about fucking civic nationalism, which is not what he was endorsing.

I'll spell this out for you once, and then continue to call you a faggot because that's all you deserve:

Normal American patriotism is now equated with white nationalism. The left is normalizing our positions and doing half the fucking work for us. All we need to do is not yell about stupid fucking german faggots and instead speak in the language and symbols of America. This will of course prove to be impossible for faggots like you because your entire identity has been stripped away and all you have is nihilism.

Look, you hate America. You love Germany. Why don't you go fucking move there? You don't like America, you don't like the Flag, you don't like the people, you might as well be taking a fucking knee like the rest of the #resistance.

I'm sure now you'll yell about how drumpf is a kike shill.

oh and the guy that posts three times in a row with tons of red text and capitalization and general autistic excitement over the course of a normal conversation - yeah you have no room to be talking about "reddit spacing" and "goon punctuation". you're nothing but a goon.


look at that, finally, a good opinion in a sea of trash in the pol 3.0 we have now

why is this guy such a retard.
For the rest of you fags (not Faglin) just be a national socialist and a legit one, not an ironic nazi who wants to larp like Anglin. Don't cuck the message and certainly don't try to be a fucking (((American Nationalist))) this will never work and only a retard would think that you're going to somehow take over the most cucked """nationalist""" group to ever exist by entryism. This is an obviously stupid strategy from the get-go. Fuck this stupid niggerfaggot.

german-americans consider themselves American waaaay before they consider themselves German, and way before they consider themselves fucking Nazis

But no, you guys are right, the best way to save the right way is to rehash a fucking 80 year old war and push for foreign ideologies.

4pleb thread.

I am warding this thread against your negativity post. Black pilling wizard begone. Hope springs eternal here.

Righteous blood spilled creates a psychic beacon, much like the astronomicon. All who see it's light rejoice and blunder towards the light. Some, after suffering many wounds, finally get to the end of their tunnel. Others will get blinded along the way and forget in what direction they saw the light.

Hate is a blindness, just as degeneracy.

I suppose we all close our eyes every now and again, but please remember to open them in the morning.

I have nothing more to say to trash like you that I didn't already say here

Welcome to Hell. The waters fine.

he says while larping here

look buddy, i am hitler 2.0

any one of us can be, don't let the times get you down

are you casting some sort of spell on me? the larping is strong in you

you have nothing to say, period. you regurgitate absolute bullshit and your ilk has absolutely destroyed 8pol as a place for decent discussion

If you do not hate that which is evil, you can never truly call yourself good.

Real love involves real hatred. Never forget that.


Winning and wanting to win are two very different things.
You win when you take a stand and cannot be put down.
Wanting to win is when you stay home and try to find some way to subvert or get over impasses and never actually take a stand or saying anything fruitful. Yes, subterfuge is useful but forgetting what you fight for is for the enemy.

lol wow you keep linking to your shitty post, as if this will magically give it more of an effect. or is it that you're just so absolutely buttmad about being called out for being a poser faggot with his head up his ass and no real desire to win anything that you have to get the last word?

Trash. Its you.

Yes of course. I hope you don't spend all your day obsessing over how much you hate Jews tho… It's not healthy, plz stop if you do. We are made to be mostly happy creatures.

Be a happy blessed American for today. Feel it. Let the patriotic energy flow.wothin you, it's quite delicious. Of course it's not the perfectly delectable truth, that comes later.

Bless this post.

I don't want to win.

I want to crush my enemies

hear the lamentations of their women

enslave the others that are weaker. i want to murder my enemies, all of them.

you're literally just bringing up your own post so you get more (you)s and it looks like you wrote something impressive. you're not fooling anyone. put down the ritalin and go to sleep.

I don't think anyone actually does that - I think that's the narrative of the enemy, who desires to pathologize everything.

And I wager most are, which is amazing, given the crushing horrors we face as a people.

I'll pass on the patriotism - its hollow and tastes bitter in my mouth. I want nationalism, true nationalism. I will not settle for patriotism, nor will I turn a blind eye to those who would seek to lead others astray on the promise of political alchemy that will supposedly convert patriotism into ethnonationalism.

The United States walks a razor's edge, across a chasm of demographic displacement and socio-economic demise. And this path of attempting to maintain the degenerated and befouled memes and icons of the United States of Weimerica, of trying to cloak ourselves in the iconography of our enemies, will lead to nothing but subversion and a long fall into the chasm.
See, the reason the German NatSocs are so terribly important has nothing to do with them inherently, but rather their contextual position, which is why they keep getting brought up again and again: there was nothing wrong with their ideology. It was not one of hate, but of love. And so, they are important not only in terms of what they representED, but what they represent NOW, and how that is employed by our enemies: the demonization of the German NatSocs relies upon the simple claim that ethnocentricism, or even in-group loyalty, on behalf of Europeans is evil, inherently and unquestionably.
And America has basically become the paramount exemplification of the deracination and degeneration of a society as justified via that narrative of demonization - it has been the foundational pillar, since the 1940's, via which the enemy within attacks the very heart of America, and thus, of America Nationalism as a concept.
This is why American Nationalism invariably devolves into nothing but CivNat cuckoldry: because the narrative stands, and so, any ethnocentricism, any in-group loyalty, anything that would make 'American Nationalism' have any MEANING (as, again, anything which is not of the blood is not nationalism, but mere patriotism, civics worship), is inevitably bled out and killed because its not allowed to exist, because of the narrative.
Its like a modern military fighting a war against primitive savages, but the modern forces embrace the notion that to fire a gun is evil - and any sort of war party they attempt to mount will flounder because they cannot bring themselves to pull the trigger. Now, basically, we have some - rather untrustworthy - folks screaming at us

The key is not to find some new non-gun tool to win the war - the answer is to get rid of the narratives that dictate it to be evil to pull the fucking trigger.

You seem upset, Trash.

Right for all the wrong reasons.

I don't know which is worse, the American romanticism or the black pills. Name one of these successful groups? The only name that comes to mind is golden dawn who were overtly NS.
Yeah because we all know a European would never call anyone a nazi unless the fly a nazi flag. It's never happened.

Now it has turned into spencer vs anglin

you're an absolute dumbfuck that doesn't realize that the fundamental ties that hold what little civic nationalism together is falling apart, and that what we're left with is a nationalism that is more and more explicitly white. but you won't be happy until you get to have some gay orgiastic fantasy full of leather and hugo boss. you've understood nothing that Anglin has said or done.

please though, keeping requoting yourself.

Top fucking kek

Doesn't he know that fucking Thai Ladyboys is a kind of last stand of implicit White identity?

Showing even more fracture in the intelligence community to the point where they can't even decide on who should take the lead to subvert?



However explicitly white isn't quite sufficient. Because so many white Americans falsely believe jews are white, we need to continue anti-jew education. That is why we need to continue educating the American public on the truth about Hitler. As long as they're bluepilled about Hitler, they won't be receptive to explicitly anti-jewish American nationalism.

America is dead. We are going to be National Socialists with a uniquely American aesthetic. America as a political entity won't survive to the 22nd century, but America as an aesthetic will survive for thousands of years, just as the Roman aesthetic survived.
