Just think of the Shekels, goy, you know Shlomo is.
Full story with graphs.
Just think of the Shekels, goy, you know Shlomo is.
Full story with graphs.
Other urls found in this thread:
People are not fucking cogs. You cannot swap them out and expect anything else than a different machine. And if it`s non-whites the machine will either not work, or become one of death, destruction and misery.
And let America / China (America through economic conduct, so they tip toe in line) colonize Africa formally after kicking out the tyrannical Europeans.
Shit like this is why I stopped giving so much of a damn about gross domestic product.
I am so sick of these fucking kikes
Typical capitalist kikes
Nations are more than just economies.
when we colonize them it's colonialism and raycist, when they colonize us it's a profitable diverse melting pot.
I just want to kill all the kikes off so much. Is that so much to ask?
The idea we have to perpetuate white genocide so that the elites can continue to rake in billions and so that boomers can continue to exploit our nations more than they already have is patently absurd and I'm amazed anyone would openly advocate such a disgusting thing.
Actually, in this case it is true! We already know how valuable melanin is, and GDP is calculated as the flow of money AND goods. So technically GDP will go up. :^)
Kikes really are horrible unhealthy genetic dead-ends, aren't they?
Having cancer is good for the GDP.
Pick 1, kikes
Robbery, assault, rape and murder rates are skyrocketing. Females are no longer safe walking the streets alone and are sexually harassed wherever they go. The public healthcare system and educational system have completely collapsed. Already overcrowded cities are even more densely populated than before, making them unbearable to live in. Formerly quiet, peaceful towns are unrecognizable. Litter at astounding levels fill the streets. These recent arrivals each get a vote and thus the political class restructure themselves to cater to their needs. The natives grow restless.
But..but…these African migrants who have an average IQ in the 70s will do the jobs not replaced by automation, like being doctors, engineers and lawyers. Trust me ya schmuck! hehehe…
Those who profit from this don't have to worry about it. They've got gated communities and private security.
And, when they've sufficiently polluted the land, they'll just take off to somewhere else.
When we see the first Shekelstein set up home at the new Mars colony we'll know that life on Earth is coming to a close.
Seriously, one of the biggest redpill moments for me was when I realized that if there were no jews or niggers then whites can make any damn economic system work and naturally will adopt whatever policies serve its best interests over time through trial and error.
what a fucking joke. bringing in hordes of illiterate spics and throwing them on welfare or incarcerating them also increases GDP. more goods being purchased, more money printed and in circulation, more jobs as prison guards and teachers. GDP goes up! wow. and the country falls into a black pit never to recover. anyone pushing the GPD meme should be pushed off a cliff.
Wanna know an easy way to raise the GDP? Tell the banks to give out more loans, especially for shit they can't afford. Pretty much how the housing bubble popped
Does anyone have the article describing the %of migrants in Sweden that are employed / seeking employment?
Putting money, the material, ahead of your people, your communities, your family, your culture, your language, your history, your tradition is a lowly thing to do. What good is money when we're already in such a bad state? Couples can barely afford one child in a small flat/apartment, our spending power is pitiful, we are paying more for less, literally.
Truly the most kiked news article I've ever seen, quite extraordinary I must confess. The world's gdp will raise because the majority of the planet will be living off of a handful nations. Europe is on the brink of bankruptcy, the US has so much debt the entire country is up for sale, and China is in the same boat, and South Korea's entire economy relies on selling riceware to the West. Good luck explaining to all of Europe how them giving welfare and nonexistent jobs to 1+ billion people will bring prosperity to the world.
Sending skilled Europeans to Africa and other places increased world GDP too.
Lets have a global debt Jubilee. ALL debt would be eradicated. Just think how crazy the GDP would be if house holds didn't have 100,000 dollars of home loan debt to pay off.
The Age of the Merchant is being brought to it's logical conclusion, commodifying human beings and reducing populations to mere numbers and quotas to be reached for the sake of capital.
I pray for the collapse, this madness needs to stop.
Actually, it works. Think of what the economy needs to sustain itself. Debt. Who doesn't have debt? Millions and millions of non-whites. Its kikenomics. Of course, tightening the Jewish grip over our economy, governments and education doesn't make up for the gain THEY will enjoy, everyone else would not.
(((The Economist))), literally the (((Rothschilds)))
Capitalism = laws written by those holding the capital.
>we need more shitskins for (((reasons)))
I see some problems with that proposed plan, somebody please give me tenure at some overpriced anglo meme university already.
they need to crush any power the middle class once had to fully and safely emplace permanent oligarchy. otherwise they might face real opposition. But if they have so flooded the sinking ships that they can put everyone on a dole of panem et circenses and make all of them hopelessly dependent on the state, their ascendancy is assured. They just have to run on platforms of more gibs, and they will win, then in power they can erode the gibs or erode their real value. But these limo liberals and goldman sachs neo-marxists have never seen or even imagined shit like en.wikipedia.org
by rome i mean constantinople, of course…
Holy shit, the absolute retardation in not taking into account niggers and migrants inflate housing prices and drain welfare
If by boost GDP they mean total economic collapse, streets of gore, rivers of blood, and raging fires, then sure.
Kill white people for "muh money!" All that matters is green!
If the human garbage of the third world is such an economic boon, then why are the Germans so desperate to off-load these people to their neighbours? Why is Mexico so desperate to prevent Trump from sending this economic asset back home?
Make no mistake. The migration crisis is not about economics and never has been.
Judeo-Capitalism has to be destroyed.
GDP is a meme, units of currency are a scam.
>world gross domestic product
t. (((Bryan Caplan)))
>The automation meme being spread by (((journalists))) is diverting attention from the real causes of a rising unemployment rate.
Nothing to see here goy, just go to back to sleep and forget about everything.
GDP is just how much cash changed hands. It's useful to guess how the economy is doing, but just because GDP is increasing doesn't mean the economy is improving. Invaders have proven a drain to the economy, they take MUCH more than they put it. No wonder, since the countries that are full of them aren't rich.
If I went around breaking windows it'd increase the GDP. Doesn't mean it's good for the economy as a whole.
Those dubs of holy negation do not lie. Checked. Praise Kek!
absolute bullshit
Acceleration of things is desirable.
Absolutely classic Jewry. Moving underemployed niggers into a civilized land will temporarily boost their currently net-negative productivity, which is all that really matters.
The fact that productivity will suffer a little when the niggers annihilate Western Civilization never slows down the kikes. Full speed ahead, goyim!
This is a front in the values war between a spiritually awake Aryan people and the shekel-grubbing slugs of the Semitic deserts. Jewish culture grew up in a land where the earth was an enemy, and a thing to be defiled and shit up for temporary advantage. In ancient Palestine – and modern Palestine, if you think about it – death could strike you at any time, with the next barbarian raid or passing hostile army.
In Europe, however, cool streams and lush foliage made a safe, prosperous place where the earth brought good things to eat and wear. The land was a friend, and even the ice was an ally to ancient hunters who could read it.
As a result of this mismatch, white now instinctively think long term and seek to protect and husband the land's resources. We love our grandchildren decades before they are born, and we have genetic faith that life will be worth living for them in their turn, as our grandparents cared for us while our parents were little.
The Semite will, if we let him, bring his desert apex-predator ways to our lands and loot as if the Assyrians were riding down on us in chariots of iron. Take what's there, goyim. Use it to pay interest on your meme loans. Pay no attention to the fact that you are owned, gag and gaggage, by kikes. By the time you figure it out, we'll be out the window with bags of your treasure.
One solution for this: Kill the ever-loving fuck out of every Jew in the world. Then, when we're confident the bad old days are gone forever, let us establish an annual celebration to honor the day we purged gefilte forever.
Checked. Nice infographic!
This is starting to look like a dubs thread!
more jew media propaganda
This. Even the USSR was able to send man made objects to the moon and a man to space first.
(((Caplan))) is a kike……whaddya expect?
You couldn't get a more Jewey name
Oh yes. Everyone would just be so much richer and happier if this were the case. Could you imagine being able to afford SIX iphones at once? You'd have to be a stupid idiot to not want to live in a richer, more prosperous world.
Who needs nature or beauty or any of that shit to enjoy life when you have 78 trillion more dollars in the world? :^)
Kikes and their "wisdom" is nothing but rot.
You expect they to cite everything else in a Rothschild rag?
I'm speechless. This is too obviously retarded for words, Holla Forums pls stop trying to give me a headache.
Then (((Rothschild))) owned magazine will push them into your neighborhoods…
(Gotta love that post modernist architecture they are always pushing.)
They wouldn't want you to be able to see the segregation of crime:
He's an actual proponent of open borders for Israel tho.
Unless the cog is the fucking same it would change the machine too. Stop trying and failing to be clever, you Jap cartoon masturbating manlet.
You need to learn how to read and write, retard.
Reminder from (((Rothschild))) owned The Economist: You are just cogs, goyim, and therefore replaceable, and you will work until you die!
Are you a nigger? Your reading comprehension suggests it.
Cheap slave labour scam. An engineer in SV is supposed to make six digits. The pajeets and chinks they send in only make a little over half that around 60k or less.
People are like cogs. The lesson is that you can't buy cheap cogs from China (or in this case Africa) and expect them to perform like cogs made in Germany. Also, if you already have enough cogs, stop importing cogs.
No, people are not cogs at all, and they aren't cattle either. Two german graduates with the same grades and degree from the same school will do their jobs differently, as there is more to man than his training.
Look it up.
This makes no sense. Only if…
This makes no sense. Only if…
Damn how can you be THAT ugly. Holy shit.
Absolutely depressing. I'm tested IQ 130+
you either didn't buy anything made in Germany or didn't buy anything from China
Either way, educate yourself shitlord
What was that article about China wanting to promote a 3 child policy in Europe because replacement migration was ruining their long term economic plans as an exporter to Europe? I guess it was nothing huh?
Cogs are also technically never identical but you can do great things in engineering if you make reasonable generalizations about cogs. The same is true for humans. Generalizations can be to (almost) everyone's benefit if they are reasonable. It's only when people have lapses in judgment (like the delusion that race is cosmetic or "cultural") that generalizations cause disaster.
I'm German and not particularly into cogs so I didn't know that that's the one product where Chinks won't cut corners. My bad.
The point was that we have enough fucking people here of both the high quality and the low quality kind. We don't need more people, and out of the different kinds available the low quality kind is the one we need the least of thanks to automation. Importing more people is a seductive offer in the minds of cuckservative economists and politicians because people are so cheap right now.
You don't like the cog analogy, how about this instead? Grandma Angela is going into debt buying all kinds of shit just because it's on sale, and when questioned about this behaviour she claims the moral high ground, reminding you that for every shekel spent at the fair trade market a cent goes to charity. You'd have to be an un-Christian monster to not spend all your money at the fair trade store, she says. Something seems off about this story and rumor has it her Jewish friend convinced her that the shit she keeps buying is going to rise in demand. She seems to think she's investing.
Well GDP is just the amount of Transactions total so of course doubling the population is going to increase it
But of course kikes Pretend that GDP, not even GDP per Capita which is still a shit way of showing wealth, is a valid statistic to be praised if its high
How about sending them to Israel? They must need more GDP with how much they fucking rob from the USA every year.
Not really, user.
More gibsniggers does not necessarily correlate to an increase of goods or services.
This is how the collapse of fiat currency would occur.
If population = GDP, India would be the richest country in the world next to China many times over all others.
Can't have grandparents warning their kids about the Jews.
apparently this moron misses the part where the nigerian earns 1000% more, the german makes 100% less, and the company he worked for saves 70% using the nigger who doesn't know better.
But they outlawed slavery.
They will make good soldiers in the war against Iran that white Christians will go bankrupt funding.
We're going to need to kill every economic migrant in self defense when the gibs run dry, there's a reason the 3rd world requires brutal regimes to maintain any semblance of order.
Unskilled workers are not a bad thing. Israel has a plentiful supply of skilled workers. What is needed is somebody to fix the toilets so the skilled labor is uninterrupted by menial and dangerous tasks. At least until robots are more affordable.
Translated: We will work you till you're dead.
^Always this.
Look at the fucking acoustics on this one.
give white countries to browns, killing off whites, then send the browns en masse to fight off israel's enemies.
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How are dumb fucks like this even professor?
Hello rothschild owned Economist. If 1.2 billion Africans in Europe will increase Europe's GDP, why hasn't 1.2 Billion Africans in Africa increased Africa's GDP????
Oh wait, I know the anwser… Africans are low IQ cretins, and you are only doing this to destroy nations and rule over us in global goverance…
We're warning you, this month is the 100th anniversary of the Bolshevik Revolution,
….. soon and sooner than you think… there's going to be a reverse Bolshevik Revolution and all you people are going to die….a rain will come that will wash you away, ….forever….
In the jews's view is this.
I'm ok with this.
I would rather live among Whites in a tin shack than among shitskins in a hi-tech city.
Jewish magazine promoting 3rd world immigration into the West. Color me surprised.
What about the Nigger Droid attack on the Wookies?
Its actually not workers they need, but consumers. Those who leech off our gibs are even more useful to keep the system running until it finally collapses and we are too busy and weakened fighting the hordes to recognize that the (((system))) is the problem and that we need to purge (((them)))
They know what will happen, they just want the system to collapse so then they can have an excuse to reform it.
Of course we need more unskilled labour! It will be easy to find jobs for 1.2 billion people. The western world is just so damn starved for labour.
"How else are we going to retire you?"
What Open Borders Jews can never answer for me is why should I obey any law, any ordinance, or pay any tax, if there's no borders?
If there's no borders, there's no nations. If there's no nations, there's no laws. If there's no laws, there's no fucking way I'm giving away any wealth whatsoever for welfare or for the State. Why would I? I would get absolutely no benefit. Instead of working a 9 to 5, I would just form an armed gang and raid for wealth, carving out my own enclave where ever I want. Everyone would do the same. It would be easy, because in such absolute chaos, there'd be no police, no military, and no order. The planet would be a global Libya.
I assume the (((Economist))) would exempt Israel from this Open Borders clause?
This is such bullshit when they say this. Germany and the EU say the same thing.
Except these niggers and shitskins don't want to work. The only reason the EU can attract these animals is welfare gibs. None of them come to work. The brown hordes are a net drain on the nation's economies.
NO, the only purpose in importing these parasites is to destroy white, western cultures and countries. What the globalists and kikes plan to do with a bunch of countries full of violent, retarded, unproductive niggers is anyone's guess.
I thought this was just a meme.
Its amazing how this just distills the jewish view of nations and money in one small article.
This is ultimate divorce of the nation from any notion of the citizen as anything other than an economic unit. Its actually ugly and evil in a very specific way that you dont often see outside literal jewishness.
And of course Europe will have the infrastructure to support millions of migrants with no wealth of their own, as well as their welfare checks for a decade before they start to produce income when their children get degrees before returning to the same.
Unless the author is suggesting that welfare users should be actually forced to seek and obtain employment, in which case the increase in GDP might be just enough to cover the need for increased riot police funding and national surveillance.
Alas shitskins, like most exotic goods, will always be costly.