Trump DOJ to Crack Down on Anti-White Schools

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Sounds good. The purge of commie colleges needs to start somewhere.

B-b-b-but mister Trump, reverse racism isn't real!!!!!!!?

t. college professor

Affirmative action is inherently anti-white. So all this race-quota, SAT-point manipulation, diversity hiring shit needs to be taken down by the Justice Dept.

I wish there was a way to guage what difference that made with admissions. I got grant offers in the mail for Nogs though.


As much as I'd love this to be real NYT is hardly a credible source.

Whelp, Michigan is going to get BTFO

When i worked in CUNY testing, they cheated on the placement exams by paying a stunt chinc to sit in for the English portions. Staff checked IDs like they were supposed to, but they all look the same and chincs knew this. That's why they excell in math but their GPA still gies down the shitter because they bypassed ESL classes and went straight to more advanced courses. Point is, it's somewhat self regulating so don't worry.

This is great, next I want to see them sue any university that forces kids to take classes about "Deconstructing White Supremacy" or whatever the fuck they call it (which is all of them).

Thank. Fucking. YHWH. I was just talking with someone who does bio-med research at a US university who was talking about how their department wanted to hire a few new people, but the "center for diversity and cuckoldry" or some shit was stepping in and kvetching about quotas. 2/3 people they want to hire are white, and the university thinks the department is already "too underrepresented". This is the major issue with universities. There's a huge division of IQ between the researchers and the (((administration))). The latter needs to be dismantled, declawed, and gagged.

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

At the same time he's killing nigball. Stay on this path trump, I can only see victory if so.

I feel this will eventually happen. Any anti-White courses, lectures or discrimination of any kind will have severe Federal penalties. This in turn will aid in the destruction of the true Marxist universities ala Berkeley, because you just know they'll double down on their anti-White rhetoric.

I'm glad you mentioned that because that is in fact what is materialising out of the anti-white jewish agit prop targeting Asians next.

If anyone actually believes that anything Trump is doing isn't part of the jews racial agenda to bring about a racewar which leaves jews unharmed, which the CIA have been keeping bubbling along since Charles Manson.
I'd love to show you this new offer to buy London Bridge from me.

we know you are a shill but we're not going to tell you how we know

That's what was said about the CNN report about the Arpaio pardon.

Just read the fucking sticky.

What;s hamfisted from me, when Trump is demonstrating to you in his own words he is every day in every way since being elected?

Again, why is a thread pretending that Trump is /ourguy/ still, after all the wealth of evidence proves he isn't even slightly on our side, immune from having incidental arguments [i.e. this is most likely to immunise Asians from the new wave of jewry attacking Asians as white supremacist enablers] posted on it?

Are only jews allowed to post on Holla Forums or something



Trump learned the power of words and uses it backwards than most "conservative " presidents, he can govern through talk and gossip that he's /theirguy/ (even if what he says either contradicts other "talks" and "gossips") but his actions (either executive or "narrative building") are of /ourguy/.

Don't follow "talks" or "gossip" but actions. He's the reverse of Ronald Reagan that talked the talk but his actions were bullshit.



My brother literally turned into a faggot after going to school there.

Trump admitted to me in private that he lied to that guy and wants to crush the working class. Who are you gonna trust? Some jerk from twitter or your fellow Holla Forumsack?

Sad. I was able to counter that shit when mine where in uni, but I don't believe they would have fallen so easily for the Marxist psyop. They love Hitler now though.
You weren't able to get through to him?


Is this a good first move to fixing universities or is it putting the cart before the horse? Many more whites is good, but universities are Communist breeding grounds that award you a near worthless degree.

Back in my day 1337 meant something.

Agreed user.

Hello kike. Gas is coming.>>10671646

I always had a poor and distant relationship with my brother. He doesn't even live in the same state as me anymore.

Smart guy. PhD in chemistry and isn't an obnoxious flaunting faggot, just incredibly bland and timid and awkward and chose to suck twink cock over continuing our family.

I really can see myself exploding on him one day and possibly punch hum in t b e face. I hate him



Ding ding ding, you've got it. They overstepped in making whites feel unwelcome at their brainwashing facilities. Where else will intelligence agencies and jewish CEOs get their good goyim from?

If this were sincerely pro-white, the universities would be burnt to the fucking ground first and foremost.

Just have twice as many kids and forget you have a brother.

certainly not a (1)


I know one that went and turned Caitlyn on it's family. It's fresh and more than upsetting, upsetting their boys. It's very close to Ypsilanti which is starting to make Flint look fairly tame lately. The offshoot schools are just as bad, Dearbornistan, Flint have them. Maybe it's the lead in the water everywhere. At least it's my working theory as to a branch of the problem we see with the brainwashed. I've not studied enough as to effects of lead as I should have. I have a well nowadays, always had water filtered etc (((not Jonesstein oy vey!))).

I honestly think this is happening because of the water systems, at the treatment plants on up. One fuck up there poisoned a city, and (((they))) ignored it. It's a legitimate crime that's still has (((gov't officials))) conveniently overlooked, and not being held accountable. There's a patsy on trial for one death now. There needs to be more answering to it, and helicopters. Many helicopters.

anyone have that article about the pajeet who shaved his head and pretended to be black so he could get scholarships

The Jew York Times tells the truth when they think it's damning to (((their))) enemies. Their readership is supposed to be OUTRAGED that Drumpf would even THINK about ending discrimination against whites in academia and kick up a huge stink about it.

found a non CNN uploaded of a CNN interview on it


Sorry to hear that user. I have two half brothers but we're thick as thieves. I would kill for those faggots. My heart goes out to you.

I don't believe the JYT whether it's bad for Trump or good for Trump.
They've been saying he's Hitler for two years. It is you who is selectively deciding when to believe them and when not to believe them. I don't believe them at all, good or bad.


wow, well I hope he helps. schools are fucked.

that bit causes me to raise an eyebrow, but this is big if true

Wouldn't that be literally every school with racial quotas? The purpose of those (((quotas))) is to exclude whites. Anyone can confirm this as objective fact by changing their race on an application.

Is there some sort of law or penalty for saying you're a black woman on applications for things? I can only imagine how quickly someone could secure some scholarships, and then put the (((administration))) in an uncomfortable spot.

Pretending to care is a good step, but he's not going to do anything that hurts the economy. The investigation is going to show that it' s too profitable keep admitting niggers double majoring in african studies and gay studies then going on to get more advanced degrees in race relations. Replacing them with white people would cause every single university in the country to fire a lot of useless jewish and nigger professors. The best thing to do is keep importing genuinely educated humans from more national socialistic countries.

That would be discrimination against transracial black women across this country of ours.

Almost every motherfucking dumbass mud under 26 that work at my company are in school paid for. Waste of money, none of them have any work ethic, we run through these temps like crazy. They don't have to work because they can fall back upon ten dozen kind of gibs.

I should say, some of them have to pretend to work but when they get let go that's actually good for them.

Funny story: I applied to Tulane because they were offering free applications for anyone above a certain SAT score due to the massive drop in interest post-Katrina.

I got accepted into the Women's college and was offered a full ride scholarship only available to African-Americans. I assume my application was mixed up due to how fucked up their administrative offices were in the aftermath of Katrina. I've always found it interesting that a 1320 SAT score was literally all I would need to get a free ride should I be a negress when my lily white ass received absolutely nothing from every other school I was accepted to.

Bitch looks like an orc from LOTR

I'm tired of this limp-dicked bureaucratic bullshit.
There's no need for an investigation - affirmative action is anti-White. Period. There's nothing else to it, every argument to the contrary relies on Marxist bullshit. If Trump wants to remembered as anything but a speedbump on the road to oblivion, he needs to start exercising his executive power more liberally and not letting these verminous cunt traitors keep sidelining him into these worthless bureaucratic pursuits, these 'investigations', that last months and accomplish nothing.
Its just like fucking Mattis and the trannies - how the fuck do you need to do a fucking study to realize that letting men join the military to cut off their dicks, then letting them pass the women's requirements, is fucking retarded.

Fuck off.

So the Don is finally back again.

b-but trump doesn't do anything for whites

Fuck the false God of Judaism.

that's the way government works, faggot

Trump could literally go RX84 at any fucking time and throw all these traitors and kikes into camps. Our government has a built in authoritarian fallback, that was meant to deal with us. I memed this for months and nothing came of it.

Have you even remotely paid attention to this government?


America having no real hand in its education system, but rather let universities do their own thing is terrible. US education department should apply strict regulations to counter the on going commercialization of universities.

You currently have diploma mills that do not even teach their students above high school level. I'm not that familiar with the US educational system but I think it can learn a lot from European education systems. In the Netherlands you simply do not get into an university if you haven't completed a vwo highschool diploma or done a colloqium doctum (which usually involve a highschool exam level English + math test). Roughly 15% of population goes to a research university and most of the people undertake a joke degree on said university (social sciences).

Speaking on a global level it would be wise for all governments to stop sponsoring social sciences so much. We don't need an army of sociology or gender studies BA's. It's wasting resources to have these studies be as big as they are. Meanwhile medical schools face queues for students or lotteries since there are too much applications, yet the demand for the profession remains very high.

Fundamentally, we will never be able to win anything until we repeal the anti-discrimination laws.

Yuri was right.

US is crying for a gymnasium system to sort out the high performing in non-STEM; culture's suffered massively for the lack of one since WWII. Tradeschool early opt out or part time concurrent enrollment in the two starting in middle/highschool (free tradeschool would help massively over free college here).

Trade schools and technical colleges are booming for this exact reason. Skills are what schools should be used for if used at all. Colleges are nothing but (((leftist indoctrination facilities.))) STEM is slowly being kiked like with leftist professors trying to literally invent "alternative math systems."

The problem with STEM is that they're giving it the pincer attack. One side is going to flood it with lefties, the other is going to flood it with foreigners who are cheaper. STEM is going to be hit hard very soon.

They'll "kick up" all right when they get drug behind a vehicle for treason Sons of Liberty style.

There is no such dæmon in existence on this plane.

is for you.

Correct. It isn't REVERSE racism. That's loving the fucker. It's simply racism.

Another nigger like NDGT? Doubt you have him to thank.