
Have you all seen Con Man's latest master piece? It rivals MN9 in quality

Wasn't going to play it anyway

I don't think anyone is considering it comes out in 3 days and has no marketing

I thought his next scam was the MML rip off.

what in the world!? How is that load time even possible? The game looks awful from a graphical standpoint and looks to have small levels. What is it loading?

There's another game I thought was interesting that ended up shit.

I'm looking at this and it seems boring as hell. There's not even any music playing in the background. Also why have auto aim? What's the point of aiming if the game is just going to aim itself? It almost feel like someone made a game for the sake of making a game and that it didn't matter if it was good or not.

OP where is the fucking porn?!
I want clang dammit!

console kiddies cant aim

same, I can't believe how little of a game it actually is. It looks like somebodies first Unity game.

Isn't he only on as a producer? The game is actually made by one or more of the three guys that made the first prime game, you know the ones that metroidfags point to when they say "RETRO CAN'T MAKE ANOTHER ONE!" despite them leaving after prime 1 and prime 2 being better in every way.

It looks like a 3rd person metroid game with damage sponge enemies.

I think comparing it to metroid may be a little generous. To me it just looks like a dumbed down TPS.

Metroid Prime then. The gun has 4 different settings with different colors like Prime, it charges, like prime, she has abilities that resemble the shinespark and jump boost abilities as well as the spider ball ability.

At least it's consistent.

The character model moves before the walk animation starts. Kek

inb4 he says it's because of the Dark World but that isn't what I'd come back with, even though that still qualifies


I can't get over how bad the jump and contact animations are.

Metroid Prime 2 is bigger, harder, has more bosses and the bosses themselves are at least a magnitude better than 1's. I honestly cannot even figure out why some people prefer 1.

It has fewer areas, and the areas are smaller

Not really something to care about since I beat it when I was twelve

Most of them are just Ing variations

Fucking hell, Sonic 06 loads faster, and that loads the entire level three times before you're even dropped into it.

Dark World is easily the shittiest part of Prime 2.

4cuck faggot detected.

The midair jump (double jump) looks off. There's no "force/thrust" to explain why she is going upwards (Eg Samus at least has the the little thrusters on her back)

And yet at 2:19 in the "not-spider-ball" segment she clear "dashes" across the gap with her glowing blue shoes providing thrust. But when she does the midair jump after that they don't do anything. WHY?

Wow . . . all they need is the scan visor for story telling and the rest of the visors for combat/the occasional puzzle.

Con Man strikes again

Should see the Launch trailer they came out with for the game. Really bad graphics quality.

I was at least hoping for R34 of the robutts.

What do they look like?

Excluding the dogbot, of course. It's cute, but not in a "I want to fuck" kind of way.
Sadly the only R34 found is of the dogbot fucking furries need to die