Ayo, people ho voted Drumpf is just not educated!

Ayo, people ho voted Drumpf is just not educated!
Why Ohio is not educated?
Why is white people not as smart as me am?
Ooga booga, shit nigger fuck. Chew soap.

Other urls found in this thread:


yeah niggers are retarded, were you expecting otherwise? you seem disappointed.

Oooga BOOGA booga

Why the fuck is black privilage impossible to meme?

They have total privilage over whites.

1. have magic words only they can say
2. have culture only the can participate in
3. can lynch white people and burn down cities and attack police
4. can get all kinds of scholarships and diversity jobs
5. can tell white people to 'shut up and check yo self'
6. get killed by cops less than whites but as soon as it happens they are innocent heroes.
7. Are allowed to rewrite entire history of peoples to fit their insecurity narratives.


TBH, any fanatical supporter of either Hilary or Trump is by very definition retarded.
The jews call them goyim.

For those not stupid enough to fall for the age-old scam of jewish subverted democracy, they are called Amelek by jews.

Dead nba players can't make stupid comments


Do you mean Amalek?


Yes, you are correct I misspelled it.

A word of advice: Whenever somebody uses the word "educated", substitute it with "indoctrinated".

Marxist golems are materialists by nature. They don't see things through the same lens as we do. Privilege, to them, is possessing more material assets and money, rather than opportunity. They also haven't put two and two together, realizing that greedy nepotistic rich whitey is (((greedy nepotistic rich whitey))), because why on earth would the overwhelmingly Jewish professors that force Marxist material into their curricula point out their fellow chosen? It couldn't be the fact that every socialist and communist revolution is subsequently taken over and ruled by jews for their own benefit, that's just silly. |>



LeBrick just keeps on being an embarrassment as usual. That nigger didn't even finish high school, much less college.




My bluepilled mom actually shouted at the TV saying: "if only I were as underprivileged as you Mr. Millionaire for throwing a ball around!". Trump is a fucking mastermind… the chess pieces keep falling and all the kike can do is kvetch.

Can this idiot explain Pennsylvania?

Wouldn't it be better for American pol/aks to constantly remind this black sports players that the whites they oppose in power and own their clubs, government, media all the way down to the slave ships were and still are all jewish?

Instead of playing along with the jewish psyop to get blacks and whites at war with each other, with jews leading the charge from both sides, unaffected still taking in the coin from gullible blacks and whites.

Just my penny's worth.

Blacks, cannot and will not ever be our allies. Abandon the notion.


A lot of normalfags see this. It's absurd, literal millionaire athletes are complaining about oppression to the hard working white working classes and they don't think they won't have horrible horrible outcomes like the last midterms. The Dems will probably never get back into power again unless they pull a Southern Strategy and go full Dixiecraft. Every white working class has been waiting for the economically left and socially right party forever. They want it back.

Yet zionist elite jews leading 'our' resistance movement is a perfectly sound and reasonable option?

There really is some weird mind-control voodoo going on in this board

Why continue and play along with the jew whipped up race wars between blacks and whites when you could just as easily use the blacks against the actual enemy the jew instead?


I wouldn't be so sure about that. You watch Jared Taylor's latest video? youtube.com/watch?v=ye2tDpgU764

I'm reminded of when George Lincoln Rockwell and Malcolm X both decided to work together. In a sick twist of fate, maybe the the end to this problem and struggle was we were not so different and that we were all after the same goals all along, like Abraham Lincoln said as he wanted to ship them all back to Liberia, both our races only suffer in each other's presence and it is best we separate and stay separate. The end of this story will probably be the most embarrassing but enlightening of all, that both our races were Jew'd this entire time. They thought (((they))) were White.


You have to understand so much bad blood for so long cannot go away so quickly, but I agree with you nevertheless. George Lincoln Rockwell and Malcolm X both named the Jew. They knew the truth.

It's not even anything to do with allying either.

Look at the Aut-kike protest where a jew drove into a crown, ultimately leading to a fat bird having a heart attack.
Every day on here all you got were pol/aks either celebrating the death caused by a 'nazi' as the jewish media told it.
Or were arguing that the based aut-kike 'nazi' never hit her.

the truth was it was a jew, dressed up as a 'nazi', while on a march organised by lying jews, being false flagged to blame it entirely on whites.

Likewise with blacks
They hate what they see as white supremacy.
White supremacy doesn;t exist, it's jewish.

Radicalise blacks against their jewish masters, it's pointless for our own purposes to go along with the narrative the jews are trying to sell.

jews own NBA, NFL etc
jews control the legal syystem
jews control the financial ststem
jews control the media
it's jews that ran the slave ships
and jews behind all our present day ills, social and actual.

It's nice to think that when coming to pol one used to see example images of how far the world had descended into madness, now we're just beginning to slowly see images of people rejecting the bullshit. It's almost nothing yet but it's a glimmer of hope.

thanks user, just making sure I hadn't missed something new

That wasn't from recently, it was from 7 years ago when he moved Miami and the fans felt betrayed by his actions.


Take a knee, it's easier to get the chains on.

whats with his scalp? Going bald?

Yeah Moishe needs to take his hands off the nigger's head when he's sucking dick.

Don't forget goyim to listen to the millionaire black athletes. Don't worry about their 1.2 gpa in college.

Satan has been checked, and gave a kek.