Russia, US shoot for the moon with joint lunar station project
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Good idea tbh. We do new tech very well, they do sturdy, reliable very well. Good combo, and both needed for success in an environment such as the Moon surface tbh.
Trump Russia possible collusion.
Too late Chaim.
Even though NASA has produced lots of bullshit, this is still very big. This agreement makes peace with Russia even more possible.
Excellent, with this kind of project we may finally get a man on the Moon by the year 2066
Can black science man be barred from the project so he doesn't fag it up and make the place stink like newports
Now maybe with any luck we can catch up to where we should have been without the last fifty years of evil kikes suffocating technology to hold us all down on this rock. I'm so fucking angry all the time, lads.
I know the feeling. Wernher von Braun had plans to send people to Mars by the 1980s. We could have had a base on another planet by today.
This week keeps getting better
It looks like it's only a orbiting space station and not a surface one but still.
No, he never, in fact he was a 'crazy conspiracy theorist' who didn;t believe in NASA
PS- Did you know that the 'nazis' were "antisemitic conspiracy theorists", they didn't believe in jewish science, German scientists were the first to create rockets to get humans as far as possible in the sky than any other nation before them.
The day is coming!
Checked for Imperium of Man
Great, just don't invite the Jews there otherwise it'll be like the plot to that book. The Jews are natural Jonathan Pollards and none should be there most especially not with their back turned and with sharp objects laying around the eternal Jew.
>hurr the Moon landings were (((faked)))
While we're on the topic of Things that don't real™ may I just say that I, for one, welcome our new Chinese Moon Bunny-Girl overlords user.
About fucking time, over 50 fucking years later after we landed on the damn thing. A lunar base is the natural and logical first step towards further exploration and establishing the roots of future solar travel/development. Not to mention the diplomatic possibilities we would have with Russia, ontop of creating the potential for this to be way bigger than the race to space ever was.
That's his grave? That's fucking it? Even my great grandparents plaque is better than that, after everything that man achieved and went through that's what they fucking give him? Then again I suppose I should be shocked (((they))) decided to even grace him with a grave to begin with
underrated. It is pretty surprising tbh.
>hurr the Moon landings were (((faked)))
Have you a solitary piece of evidence to show that they weren't?
There isn't a single person with an IQ above room temperature upon any examination of the Moon Landings that could ever conclude anything other than that they were fake.
PS - why did you parenthesise the word "fake"?
Only jews need the goy to believe in jewish science and their science fiction, which is what you are promoting here?
You are dumb as a rock user. Apart from WWII the space race was the single most recorded event in human history. NASA in particular has literally 100's of thousands of extant documents and hardware artifacts still in existence. The actual Moon landing sites have been photo-documented decades later by multiple sources. To top it off, literally billions of people alive now were alive during the period. While healthy skepticism is a healthy trait, willful cynicism is not. I personally couldn't care less if you're deluded on this at the most tinfoil-tier that ever lived, it's no skin off my nose.
I'm just here to laugh at you faggot. :^)
Mirrors in the moon or something. I wish someone would make an instructable for some laser system that tests for this mirror given coordinates
While continuing to post in the same retarded child-like emotional response, addressing none of the points raised and only working of emotion.
All the while to pretend to yourself that Science fiction on TV is reality.
Yet you are the retard and most likely queer, who believes everything his jew TV tells him and I guess also believes that voting for fashy based secret 'nazi' zionist jews is a really good thing for the white race.
The exact same automatic response whenever the NASA question comes up, every single time.
The russians claimed to have also placed a mirror on the Moons surface at the time, and they never not once have ever claimed to being able to get a man on the Moon.
They used a robot because they are unable to fathom how to get a man that far without dying.
And still to this day they haven;t achieved that goal or sought to try and achieve it to this present day.
Moon live-stream camera facing Earth should be the next mission
People who actually contribute greatly to the progress of humanity hardly need flashy monuments. The continuation and preservation of the fire that is civilization and science is the greatest monument of all.
Good! If collusion gets us to space then I'm all for it. Keep crying. No one cares.
But user who will pick the space cotton?
I think he was making a reference to this placeboing video.
>"You need people to put them in place correctly, this totally couldn´t have been done w/ remote-control from Earth!"
The most stupid "debunking" ever!
1962 was it? Yet the Pavlov dogs are the ones calling others stupid…
I would love to take that explanation because I know damn well we did it, problem is most of the things you said could be applied to 9/11, which was faked so hard most anons here have trouble accepting it (there were no fucking planes, was not hologram in the sky, just cgi on TV and a lot of cognitive dissonance and bombs wired to foundation columns).
Better to ask why: why fake a space race at such expense (also with expertise beyond any Jew)? To make whites feel good? No, the moon landing "became" fake not too long after the Kennedy assassination. It was a foundational piece in cointelpro/disinformation/discreditation campaigns which have worked so tremendously well.
Gee, i'm dumb as a moonrock too. I just can't think of a reason. Why would anyone steal a trillium dollars?! It is just beyond mind boogling.
Regardless of what actually happened and who or what was the cause on 9/11, 2 towers fell down. Regardless of what you think happened with the moon landing, we still have installations up there left by people that can be observed with decent telescopes and lasers from earth.
Space empire when?
No they can't, please provide some proof, to counter the evidence presented that they never did.
PS - the laser thing already has been covered, the Russians placed mirrors and they still sontend they have no idea how to get a man on the Moon, how the Americans managed without any technology at the time, is a mystery to them, and also us.
how does that even make sense, they can send a fragile mirror to the moon, and they can have a man orbit through space, yet somehow it's impossible to land a man on the moon?
i can imagine a russian scientist saying that, but only in the context of the resources and technologies available to the USSR at the time, and not in the context of total possibility.
Stop hallucinating. There are no mirrors and no flags on the moon, the moonlanding was faked and the space station is fake. No mirrors, no astronauts, no asteroids, no satellites, It's all fake.
The current Russian spacecraft was literally designed originally for a moon mission. The shitty Commie rockets just kept blowing up because they were rushing it.
About time we went back to the moon.
you can observe the space station from earth with the naked eye, but perhaps you would have me believe that what i can look at in the sky is an angel swimming through the firmament.
White people unite!
No, that is impossible, since there is no space station. You are either lying or hallucinating. Nobody has ever' seen a "space station "crossing the sky.
No, you can't, if you could, you'd be able to show me some proof of this.
Though you expect us to believe your lie because a you say so…
I've seen examples presented here of evidence NASA never managed to get a man on the Moon, and lots of posts replying with insults calling everyone a moron for not believing in jewish space fantasies without a single shred of proof.
If there was any evidence that NASA actually managed to land a man on the Moon.
You'd think with the internet and other resources available, 60 years later you;d be able to provide some proof of your claims, at least.
Detractors overlook the fact that they had a computer with 2k RAM and 32k ROM to operate their complex guidance/thrust manoeuvres
Can't stump the Trump
Can't be mutin the Putin
Here is footage of the international space station traveling through the sky, i have personally witnessed this traveling body myself.
i would be curious to hear your explanation as to what it is since it is far too slow to be an asteroid.
What you are showing there is something high up moving in the sky
That is it
Again the question here is evidence of man reaching the Moon
Which is odd that none of the detractors here have been able to present, considering its been like 50+ years since they claim to have managed it, you;d think one of you would have been able to provide some proof by now some 50 years later>>10670645
I would like to hear your explanation as to why a tiny light in the sky is proof that there is a space station.
What else would it be? it's not a plane, its not a moon, its not a star, it's more than likely the ISS.
the space station moves in a cycle, and so does this dot. it moves along the exact path and is present at the exact times that it should be if it were the ISS.
by all means, you are free to believe whatever you want about the space station, but it is up there, it is cyclical, and it can be observed on regular intervals with the naked eye, telescopes, and cameras.
if it is not the ISS fine, i believe jews are evil and so i am willing to give you the benefit of the doubt. but you're going to have to convince me, since there are laser measurements of the mirrors on the moon, and visual recordings of the ISS.
Literally the funniest response made ever, anywhere
Using your impeccable logic it could also just as likely be a Chinese made space sex-Robot deflecting the angels away from coming to save us
Seriously, all these angry comments defending NASA yet not one providing any proof. None whatsoever
Kind of looks weird from taking an outside look into this thread
Russia is a nation of broke ass niggas who drink too much
you are one hundred percent projecting. i am not angry, salty, or anything of the kind. i am merely engaging in an argument with you, which is not the same thing as being angry at all.
here is the recorded times for any area, which match precisely to the times the dot appears.
if this dot is not the ISS then you can simply find it using this handy guide, observe it and debunk it. i look forward to your results.
You don't even know if the video of the tiny dot is real. What kind of hallucinating moron goes "Oh there's a youtube video of a dot. I guess that settles it: The space station is a real!"? Protip: The space station is a set in a hollywood basement.
if you had read my posts you would read that i have seen this myself. interesting to note you aren't even reading what ive typed out for you though.
It was more or less a general reply to all these ITT here angry anyone would dare question the notorious liars NASA
That dot that NASA reports the exact time and sequence of its passing.
Have you ever heard of a weather balloon?
The question is rather simple.
NASA has over 50+ years of being in space according to them, yet not one of you can provide a single piece of evidence proving this.
The only evidence anyone has shown here is NASA are liars.
It would be really easy to prove a fact true, it would be impossible to dent it with the wealth of evidence supporting it.
Please no more, I see a dot, NASA tells me that dot is A,B or C, therefore it is evidence.
I haven't personally witnessed the famous wanking machines the 'nazis' are accused of killing the poor oppressed innocent jews with, however there are countless witnesses in tel Aviv willing to testify they did exist.
I don't believe they ever existed either, if there was an ounce of proof, they;d have shown us it by now.
Whatever you saw was not the ISS. You probably saw an aircraft and immediately started hallucinating about star trek.
I have seen the dot with my own eyes many times, it's always exactly where they say the ISS should be according to the purported altitude and speed. So there is a large reflective object up there that wasn't until they faked the launch of all the shuttles.
You're just quoting lines from chilli peppers songs anyway which aren't proof one way or another either. Could be all these hoaxes like the flat earth, ISS is fake etc., earn a load of shysters shekels, and keep goyim busy on nonsense.
A dot is not a space station. Do you understand that?
No i am not. You are hallucinating again.
Um I saw it fly over the past two nights with my telescope
Here's a little known fact, 99% of everyone openly calls out NASA's lies, also didn't believe Trump when he pretended to his supporters that he would jail Hilary Clinton.
One more point, how much shekels are there to be made by actually fighting against the lying jewish establishments distractions and industries?
The only way to make shekels is by herding in the goy into their jew controlled distractions, i.e. Alt-Right
Care to show us some proof the "ISS Hoax" isn't a hoax?
Try and watch the embedded video here and then reply after and tell me if you still believe in science fiction.
embed related.
Your next line will be "THAT VIDEO IS FAKE!"
A dot might not be a sniper on a hill either but doesn't matter if you still die.
Post a webm of that part, user.
Here is that "dot", as seen through a telescope.
Why are you so eager to deny the white man's achievements? Are you a nigger?
No, what is being discussed here is NASA landing a man on the Moon
So far not one of you drones shilling for NASA has provided so much as any evidence to support your blind faith.
That video looks shit and greenscreen, even 5 years olds have superior resolution on their iphones.
I suggest you watch the video I posted above
and respond after.
That way it won't look like your another kike-agent shilling ZOGs shit to sell to the goy.
How high is that dot?
Secondly where is the timestanp and digitalprint to prove that is the dot you first hand witnessed and you yourself photo'd.
Interesting you claim that is your image when it was taken from the internet.
If I find out you are fibbing and just grabbed it from the net, I might suspect you are a liar…
Are you a fucking retard?
White man's achievements are limitless, pretending to be jetsons using Hollywood to support the lies, isn't any achievement.
I bet the MIR was fake, too, right? Technologically completely unfeasible, right?
You're filtered, faggot. Great job derailing this thread, by the way.
How does placing an object in low Earth orbit prove NASA landed a man on the Moon?
Ever heard of weather balloons as far back as the 30's?
Okay let;s try to drag this back to the point.
It only got onto ISS because those angry at anyone doubting NASA keep shifting the sands away from the original argument made and demonstrated.
There are so many replies, all insisting that NASA is legit, and calling others morons for not blindly believing every lie NASA tells.
How about providing a single piece of evidence to back up the claim NASA landed a man on the Moon?
Evidence is all I ask for, yet none of you, with the whole NASA organisation behind you, can seem to provide it.
Please don't reply with the childlike Mirror on the Moon response this time.
It's for you to prove the dot is something other than the ISS. You get a telescope, you provide the timestamps etc. Just think you could be all famous when you come back with images of whatever it is. Oooh but watch out, they might come after you for exposing their trillion dollar lies.
Just buy a telescope, nigger, and look at the dot. It might take a few tries for sure but its not like you need a multi million dollar laser to bounce off of specifically placed reflectors. This is basic scientific method shit, conduct the experiment yourself.
I have a question, what is the most complex math you can do and the most complex machine you could fix.
If your awnsers are basic algebra and replacing an valve, then you have no right to talk about the subject.
All three posts, in a sudden rash within a minute of each other, saying the same thing, all insisting a dot in the sky is proof and I need to prove it isn't what they claim it is.
How about providing a single piece of evidence instead of all this screeching
Again, all I asked was for a single shred of proof, so far all I've got back are childish insults and abuse, or like in your last instance some non sequitur about maths and my own experience fixing complex machines, all NASA has is theoretical physics [jewish physics] yet all of you… all arguing the same way and style, arguing that your beliefs outweigh my needs for evidence… still haven't been able to provide any evidence.
Which is weird when NASA has billions each year to show us the proof, if it were true.
50+ years later and still no evidence, it becomes all the more bizarre.
Absolutely pathetic
Yes it was. NASA stole more than a trillion dollars and all we got in return are shitty shops and animations.
There are no mirrors on the moon, so there's nothing to bounce off, not to mention that the vibration of a car would make a laser shake so much that you would not only miss the non-existant mirror on the moon, but the entire moon.
Trillions of dollars and, tens of thousands of fake images and days faked moonlanding footage later and all that NASA has left is "look at this dot right here" and "J-just buy a laser and aim it at the moon, statistically you should hit that mirror at the right angle once every 150 years."
I've got one user…
The Chinese sent a probe to the moon to survey and photograph. They shared all the images with the world and America's stuff was all there along with the tracks they made. (just search for "China publishes high-resolution full moon map")
Here we go. Someone had to bring this shit up sooner or later. The pictures are even more fake than the NASA ones.
It so bad that there was virtually no coverage of it outside of china, because it looked like some kid played around with 3D models in Maya.
Don't even bother, its an old tactic.
Remember the white man never accomplished anything goyim, don't even bother trying to explore the universe or other planets. Never chase your destiny in the stars dumb goy :^) You stay put right here till we breed you out o…I mean solve our problems.
Oh haha. The MSM aren't very good at being subtle are they?
Kek. I'm glad that glorious bastard was the first American up. He was one shit hot jockey, and don't afraid of anything.
The jews stole a trillion dollars mate (more than that, but a trillion from the NASA moon hoax)
It's weird, so many people really upset at the thought NASA could ever lie, are so vocal and so confident in their convictions, are still unable to provide a single piece of tangible evidence, repeatable tests and verifiable and instead the best response so far is to argue for the even more fanciful half arsed Chinese fake.
China's space walks had bubbles clearly coming out from the suits.
It shouldn't be too hard lying user, 50+ years of NASA collecting all the proofs you could ever want, how about sharing some of that multi billion funded research with us?
The ones who deny the Moon Landing also, by extension, deny the scientific prowess of Hitler's Germany. Anti-Nazi is Anti-White.
Nice (1) mate
No one is denying that it required German scientists to manage firing a rocket to the highest stratospheres ever reached by man
That has nothing to do with jew controlled USA faking the Moon landing
Literally only a Talmudic jew could ever try to use that as an argument.
Still waiting for a solitary piece of proof from all you angry anons that any goy may find helpful to the argument.
Well at least doublethink is alive on Holla Forums.
user, pls
Wernher von Braun is rolling in his grave. Are you going to claim that the Earth is flat next?
Just to prove that this thread is being hijacked by lying kikes, as if wasn't enough proof.
Werner Von Braun was a "conspiracy theorist" who didn't believe in NASA's lies.
Well, NASA is pozzed to hell with worthless diversity hires so to get your space exploration off the ground you would need a lot of help outside of NASA. Just don't call the Space X people.
It is you who doth screech. As for evidence it's all over the internet, and in books from both amateurs and professionals in the field. It's you screeching in the face of all this evidence then accusing people of being coordinated and hallucinating. In the face of all that evidence it is for you to show what the reflective starlike dot/object really is. It should be easy unless you're mistaken about the whole affair.
What do you think of the video footage of the ISS flying infront of the Sun during the eclipse? Just some on the fly CGI?
A picture of a grave is proof that von Braun didn't believe NASA's lies? Wasn't Wernher a leading figure in the lunar mission to begin with?
How about, providing a single example of evidence to support NASA landed a man on the Moon, instead of nearly all these replies filled with childlike insults and smears dancing around the fact you've not been able to provide any and just well, you know, show us some proof.
Then everyone can leave it happy in the knowledge that the dozens of anons angry at the thought NASA is lying can rest assured that their comedy Hollywood science fiction is actually real.
So far the only effort made to provide any form of proof in this thread whatsoever are those showing NASA are liars.
These opposing this are arguing that not believing in NASA means you hate Hitler and are anti-white
For fucks sake!
There was coverage on the moon mapping in 2010/2011 in many places and I can provide links. It was the American MSM that ignored it.
China is a communist shit hole that loves to lie their faces off, but the moon mapping was never rejected (China's recent moon landed probe is the hoax no one believes).
Also you can find out when the station flies overhead and see it from a telescope, but you don't really want to see it do you?
What is interesting about this thread is that all counter arguments are nonsense, foaming at the mouth, flat earth type responses. No actual science or facts to refute what people are saying….instead we are presented with "nasa shill" (a tactic shills love) or "that looks fake" without any objective truth. It's like arguing with a 4 year old who just keeps saying "why….why….why".
There is nothing that could be presented as truth because you have convinced yourself that you are intellectually superior. You are closed minded and this thread is a waste of time. You're just here to verbally masturbate, not argue science.
The problem that NASA faces are their past hoaxes and the web of lies that they have become entangled in. Right now they're faking mars and avoid the moon like the plague because they can't make the moon look real in HD. Not to mention they'd have to keep their crooked story straight "stars are invisible on the moon" less gravity = slow motion movement, etc. etc. It's a total nightmare for them and even though they haven't been back to the moon in 50 years their empire of lies has completely collapsed.
Apparently Wernher von Braun believed that the earth was flat. See
Look at the picture and then try and understand what that picture means.
When did this happen and or, can you show me the post that shown this happening?
Why does it feel like any 'debate' you'd get with a jew when you ask them to show you a solitary piece of evidence to support their outlandish claims of the holohoax, almost every reply is on a par with them.
Flat Earth is a psyop to delegitimize real conspiracies.
A picture of a grave with a Biblical quote is all the proof you need to believe that Wernher von Braun thought the Earth is flat? If he thought it was flat, why would he dream of going to space and build rockets to do so?
Such as Hollow Moon.
Are you saying this looks like CGI? Because it looks totally real to me.
Should've attached the jt video before hitting post
Also, there is high definition imagery of the moon, from the early pre-landing missions, amd from the reconnaissance missions more recently. What do you think NASAs funding is going to if not apace exploration, when thats almost all of ita staffs passion?
Are the people at JPL juat useful idiots, confirmation-biasing themselves into thinking their work is real? I think that there is plenty of evidence, in physical and self-observable forms to determine that space flight is real, amd that lunar landing missions were more than possible.
You can take yourself (if you wernt poor) to the various locations where the Saturn Fives are located, amd do the math on their fuel consumption, energt density, and carrying capacity, make up xlose estimates of weight of that based on your own material science experimentation, and come up with fairly accurate measurements that you xould use to determine maximum flight times, altitudes, speeds.
There is tons of engineering material left for the rockets and space craft, and all of it points to these being real machines, fully capable of making the flight. Why build the actual machines, then not use them?
Unless you think all pf the rockets we used were holograms or something ridiculous.
I can't tell if this post is ironic or you actually think Von Braun didn't have a leading role at NASA
I hate to break it to you, that despite your post, which in fairness appears for once to be written with sincerity in the midst of all the other arguments here for NASA being written with duplicitous deceit.
Still doesn't actually provide any proof which is all I asked for.
No, it proves that Werner Von Braun didn;t believe in your NASA fantasies.
The proof that NASA is lying has been provided in a number of posts here ITT, yet for some reason you pretend that hasn't been offered.
how about offering us some clear conclusive proof that NASA aren't lying.
It shouldn't take long, millions of photos, and videos and all the 50+ years of documentation from NASA, you should be able to shut upo any doubters in a second.
All with unique IDs in a sudden rash within a minute of each other talking to each other as though they are in the same office.
Why is it so very important to so many 'anons' on here that we must believe in NASA, yet so committed to the cause of NASA are still unable to provide any proof of the claims made about landing a man on the Moon.
Doesn't any user find it strange that of the nearly 100 replies demanding we must believe in NASA, not one has made even the slightest effort to support their claims with any evidence, while those insistent NASA are indeed lying have provided us with some proof ITT?
So let's get this straight. Wernher von Braun, inventor of both the V2 Rocket, and the Saturn V, believed the Earth was flat (And that therefore Outer Space doesn't exist, as per the Flat Earth Theory) and that NASA didn't use the technology he himself gave them to perform a Moon Landing, and in fact used filmography technology that wasn't even in existence at the time to fake the whole damn thin. Sounds reasonable enough.
I forgot you could embed vidya.
3:30 it goes infront, then they repeat it a few times, including showing a lay person on scene. I understand if you dont trust this individual, but at least tgree other people captured the event, and you can probably catch their videos as well for comparison.
I can;t tell if you're human or not considering the response you gave bears no relevance to what I wrote or what I am arguing here.
Werner Von Braun invented the V2 rocket.
NASA owns the rights to that and proceeded to create the Moon landing hoax.
Germany's NSDAP stopped functioning as a actual movement shortly after the end of WWII…
Also yes, it does look cgi. How does that look real to you? How many months of production did that take? The video i linked they show the guy reacting within moments of the video being recording, or at most within 2 hours if it was post eclipse.
Does THAT look like computer generated graphics, or like a semi-professional captured a real event of an actual machine moving at high speed?
So what's your main point? Is it that since NASA had to fake the Landing, such a Landing would be impossible in modern times? Is Space Exploration a waste of time in your eyes?
Oh look, its a kike.
Thank you for providing some effort at least in providing some proof of your argument. 1st post in response to have actually done that.
Since when did anyone claim that ISS happened to pass the sun/Moon eclipse at the exact same time?
I ask this because you'd think with the millions of cameras focused on the event that more than one image or person captured it.
It doesn't look too convincing, I have a video here faked of the ISS passing that the video maker tells you he faked for the laugh, nor does that prove much other than than it has a dot, the blown up image appears fake.
Can I ask you how a tiny dot, when blown up at the same proportion of the image appears to make the ISS a few thousand miles across
I argued earlier that we could indeed have something up in low-orbit, we've have weather balloons that high for decades before the war.
I have provided proof that shows clearly NASA fakes interior footage of the ISS.
All any photo of the ISS passing by the Moon or Sun gives no indication of how high it is.
That has no bearing on whether NASA is able to actually achieve sending a man to the Moon and back alive.
No it doesn't you damn conspiracy theorist. I saw the titanic sink on the television and people jumping into the cold water. There's no way that it was all CGI. Its time for you to admit that Superman is real.
No really you;re wrong
What lies, the only lies here are from you.
Werner Von Braun worked for NASA, he invented the V2
he had absolutely nothing to do with the jew controlled US government faking the Moon landing, that wasn't up to him, he was just a scientist working for the American government/NASA, he never came up with the faked Moon landing.
What the fuck are you even trying to argue?
Again no effort at providing anything even veering to what could be described as proof
Nice to see you've gone full goodthink citizen. Might want to be careful and not overthink things though, otherwise you may be reported to thinkpol and given a trip to the local joycamp. Good day.
Can you explain how the ISS when positioned next to the Sun at the size the photo shows would make the ISS be thousands of miles across if the photo were real?
PS, why is that the only image of the ISS passing by the Sun's eclipse, and why didn't anyone else mention this would happen before the event, bearing in mind millions of obsessives around the world were filming the event in high-res at the time?
As the fucking director you mongoloid. I can't wait until every fucking kike and shitskin that wants us trapped on this ball are eradicated.
How about this. If you yourself were in charge of performing a similar Moon Landing with the funding of the most powerful nation on the planet, support from the best and brightest scientific minds the world has to offer, and any piece of real life technology you can think of, do you believe it could be done?
Can you explain how the ISS when positioned next to the Sun at the size the photo shows would make the ISS be thousands of miles across if the photo were real?
PS, why is that the only image of the ISS passing by the Sun's eclipse, and why didn't anyone else mention this would happen before the event, bearing in mind millions of obsessives around the world were filming the event in high-res at the time?
PPS where is the evidence you claim to have that NASA landed a man on the Moon?
user askes for proof
Still no proof, then some retarded argument that a german scientist inventing the V2 rocket means he was directly involved in faking the Moon Lander.
That was Stanley Kubrick who directed the Movie of the Moon Landing… just showing how facetious I can be also
Still no proof offered.
I was making fun of the guy for falling for CGI images. I don't believe for a minute that the blue marble they show on the "ISS stream" is anything but a greenscreen + CGI. I agree that it would be highly implausible that only one person saw and recorded the "transit" of the "space station" during the eclipse.
NASA faked the moon landing, so there is no evidence of it, but there's plenty of evidence that they faked it.
I would think that 50+ years later, I'd be able to present incontrovertible proof by now of me having actually done so.
Also I would have an answer for why we never did it again ever since.
Otherwise the government paying me would stop my 20 billion a year budget
Why? Any proof I give will just be met with, "Well that's not proof because of this bullshit reason I just came up with." Meanwhile you have no fucking proof at all.
If the moon landing was faked it would have all been exposed by Russia and China so undermine the US, not by some flat earth tier nonsense that makes you feel oh so enlightened.
Also I love how you're still dancing around being blatantly caught using proxies. Must be awfully sure of your stance if you're having to fake being multiple people to argue it.
That's odd I've made a very real effort to honestly discuss this, and yet without any evidence provided you and a dozen or so others have refused to offer a slither of proof all the while calling me names and insisting you have all the proof in the world.
Are.. are you s..
That's not my point. Ignoring previous attempts to do the same, do you yourself believe it's possible to land a manned spacecraft on the Moon a return it safely or are you one of those "Outer Space isn't real - Flat Earth FTW" Yokels?
You have no proof whatsoever, what the fuck are you even talking about?
Spiderman is real, dude. He's a normal guy who got superpowers after getting bitten by a spider.
Just look at all the spiderman movies. They couldn't fake that.
This is the truth. Anybody who denies the moon landing is denying the greatest technological achievement of the German race.
Moon denialism is incredibly jewish.
What fucking proof of me using multiple proxies?
Why would I, I am here providing evidence for every claim I've made, every argument to counter this and defend NASA has provided not one jot of proof.
Why would I need to use multiple proxies when I'm defending my corner quite satisfactorily and still you've provided none.
dozens of unique ID's all saying the same thing yet all not able to provide any proof for the claims they made and you;re calling me a multi-IP user?
Jesus wept, that is literally Anglin tier retardation
That's a good (1)
You mean all lurkers lurking through the thread and respond to each other as the thread updates
You really don't know how this shit works, do you? Stop shilling, you retard.
More than one person did capture the event. Even right now, you can use NASA, EVIL LIARS THEY ARE, to calculate a flight path of the ISS. Go out with a Camera, optical zoom lens, and a solar filter, and you could capture the same style image as this. The only thing that makes the posted video unique is that it was shot during the eclipse.
In the Early part of the video, the filmer says why it is special. That location was one of only a few that the path of flight crosses infront, durimg the eclipse, amd when the ISS isn't obscured by the shadow. I think NASA has another shot, post totality, but you don't trust them as an institution, so that video doesnt matter.
I encourage you to try and replicate this yourself, because I know you'd never trust anyone elses posting of evidence (answered with acusation of falsifying evidence). But i also know that you sre very unlikely to do this because of cost, and the effort of travelling to a location where you could observe something you don't think is real.
I do not have a dog in this race. I want you to just be aware that there is no financial or sociological reasoning for NASA to not only trick the citizens of this country, but also the engineers and scientists who work in the related branches.
If you have questions, it is totally possible to go to JPL, or the rocket test sites, or a rocket launch by the USAF, or to take measurements or make calculations based in publicly avalible information about the supposed distance of the moon.
You can make all the calculations, pen and paper, and have loose diagrams of the amount of fuel and rocket sizes one would need to get these things, to these certain locations.
This is a lot of foot work, and i understand if you dont want to do it, but it is possible, and i know its possible, because other people have done it, then acted on it.
Space flight is real, the Lunar Missions were real, and 60+ years of scientific space exploration has happened.
You responded to me addressing you in my first post but forgot which proxy you were on and that that one was a different ID. You fucking retard.
You have a video of a dot right here. That dot is plenty of proof that the ISS is real. It's a trillion dollar dot. Do you think they'd spend a trillion dollars on a dot if it wasn't real?
Whether or not the Moon Landing happened is irrelevant. What matters is if it could be done for real with our modern technology.
Again you appear to be another user quite upset that I had the temerity to ask for proof (while still providing none), then shifting the argument elsewhere from the points raised.
I know exactly how this works, hence me dancing all over you fucking lying low-rent kikes all saying the same thing from multiple IDs still unable to provide a single shred of proof that the fake NASA Moon Landings wasn't faked
No, I really never did.
You do realise there are perhaps 30 IDs all shilling for NASA saying the exact same thing, none of which can find any of the proof they claim to have, not everyone calling out the NASA kikes and responding are me.
Respect due, at least this goy gets it.
What a coincidence that this pro-NASA channel had the only spot on the entire earth where one could see the "transit of the ISS space station" and it was even located restricted land, so nobody else was able to get to it. I'm not a coincidence theorist, but that's quite a coincidence.
I legit would love to know the answer to this also, we won't get that answer any time soon or indeed ever from NASA
Yes, you did.
I just want to spend the rest of my natural life in space, goddammit. I just want to be able to wake up one morning and take in the majesty of the infinite cosmos, that's all, dammit. I'm not asking for much.
FFS I brought up that question because there are actual Flat Earth windowlickers that believe Outer Space doesn't exist.
I just noticed that the guy who filmed "the transit of the ISS" visited NASA numerous times and has a bunch of videos with "astronauts" and "moon lasers". And he's the only one who got a glimpse of the ISS during the eclipse. What a joke.
His channel should be called "dumber every day"
Do you think that Rancher also works for NASA? Why don't you again, do the leg work and go there and ask himself, because you arnt going to tske anyone elses word for it.
This is just anothet piece, showing that a mountain of evidence wouldn't convince you.
Quit asking other people to spoon feed you, so you can deny deny deny, amd go out and check yourself. There is literal tons of physical evidence spread all across the country. You yourself can do the math, and then check that against the physical, real machines littered in museums around the country.
The fact of the matter is, that none of the evidence posted here, nor any pd the suggestions or points brought up would ever convince you, and that you are mever going to bother to do things to prove uourself wrong, because you are more than happy to believe you are right.
Good for you, but your imagined persecution complex, and "I am the real red pilled, everyone is shills." Mental system accomplishes nothing. You have plenty of ability to prove yourself wrong, since you won't take any real suggestions or posts of reality.
So Sir, either go off and try and do the work yourself, or kindly continue spouting nonsense and demanding attention and information so you can deny it, and continue to feel you are the most Woke in all the land.
I don't need to read a single comment in this thread to know that it's going to be full of
It's really a shame every space thread gets derailed by retardation. I can only imagine how dog shit this thread is already, I just don't have the stomach to look.
$30 on Amazon. I bought my copy of Von Braun's Mars Project for $5 at a half-price books.
Do you believe that Tom Hanks is an actor? There are plenty of videos where we can clearly see that he is an astronaut and was stranded on an island at one point. He even met JFK and shook his hand. Are you telling me this is all fake and all an act?
Written in 1953 before NASA even claimed to have got a man on the Moon, writing a book about what he hoped his invention would lead to, literally Werner Von Braun writing about his dreams and hopes.
When he died he realised NASA was lying.
Are you going to go to do math or not?
Next post you gonna tell me the earth is flat you fucking mongoloid.
Autistic retard like you need to go back to /x/ where you belong.
Genuinely that doesn;t answer my request fior proof that NASA isn;t lying.
I've provided some demonstrating they are lying, why can't you provide me with one to say otherwise?
Do autistes cry and whinge and scream when they are proven wrong and still be unable to provide the simple proof demanded of them some hours ago?
I only ask because your response sounds like an autistic child, wedded to a ridiculous belief without a shred of proof to support it and lashing out at those you;re unable to dispute with any facts.
No shit NASA lies to us, that doesn't automatically equate to Flat Earth being real faggot. The flat earth psyop is propagated in order better cement the ZOG meme that "conspiracies are for crazies goyim, don't ask questions. That is what nutjobs do. The CIA killed Kennedy? What are you a flat earther?"
I'm glas you can come round to reality
who said it automatically did?
Oh, you just did…
That's almost as retarded as me responding to your post saying NASA does indeed lie with
Do you understand how one statement does not automatically lead to the other?
Guys, i just saw the ISS moving across the moon with my bare eyes. One astronaut even waved at me and i waved back.
I am a total believer now. The moon hoax was real the mars hoax was real. It's all real. Even Santa Claus,
Okay, fairs fair, I asked for proof and you've now provided it.
I've just managed to imagine what you saw with your own eyes and can confirm what you saw was real, here is my impression of what you saw.
While the picture I drew may look fake, I can hand on heart state I drew that all on my own, and not just grabbed it from the first image returned on google image search.
Your comment funnily enough is the best counter argument presented and perhaps the most sincere in this entire thread so far.
They need to build that highway from NYC to Moscow that Putin was talking about a couple of years ago.
Make that NYC to London.
What is with all these jewish moon hoaxers coming out of the woodwork now that NASA is doing something actually useful instead of dicking with pluto's nomenclature?
just filter them and move on
>IOn addition to other (((anons))) stating that not believing in NASA is anti-Hitler and anti-white, somehow
This ignores the fact that jewish hasbara throughout the MSM have for decades since before the internet was invented always followed up any goy proving the holohoax was a lie with the line
Fuck off back to Godlikeproductions.
Nigger it's livestreamed 24/7 fuck right off, I fucking hate you paranoid niggers ruining every single goddamn space thread.
The parasitic moon hoaxers at NASA steal billions of dollars every year in exchange for lies about the earth, the climate and the universe. It's bad enough that the politicians lie to us every election, we don't need a billion dollar agency dedicated to deceiving the american public. It's time to defund NASA and install showers for NASA employees.
It's offline. A trillion dollars were stolen and this is what you get in return.
Your method of arguing by doing nothing but making claims without a actual fucking argument is extremely Jewish.
Exactly what kind of evidence would you accept? Tell me specifically what evidence is lacking.
Fuck off back to /. you faggot.
There's no lack of evidence. NASA provided us with all the evidence we need to understand that the moon landing, the mars exploration, the hubble telescope, the ISS, etc. were faked. So you don't need to do anything. Just enjoy the show and the inevitable collapse of NASA.
We're here to laugh at you too. Amerimongrels sure live the American dream, an illusion where paper mache crafts are capable of penetrating thousands of miles of radiation, and where their jewish zionist puppeted president is playing 4D chess.
We're gassing you too just before starting the whites-only Mars colony.
Answer the fucking question you little shit.
What evidence would you accept?
pretty stoked about this
Americans are akin to the jews. Zoom in on the frontal pad on the right, tell me what you see in the reflection.
Fuck off reddit scum.
Oh look, another one.
Yes, another one, what about us? The original users before you colonized us, Holla Forums is about facts, fuck off back to T_D to continue living in your jewish delusions.
I remember back in grade school when I read there are no facts. It blew my mind, but it is absolutely true. Nothing can be 100% proven. Absolutely nothing.
What you chose to deem as real, is what you ultimately chose to believe in. You look at the credibility of the evidence fore and against, and chose a side to you believe is fact, and move on until there is more evidence to evaluate. Or you don't pick a side.
Hello, kike peddling kike ideologies. Reported.
Reported for not even trying.
The "random" guy who filmed the "space station" during the eclipse also happened to get an exclusive one on one interview with president Obama. What an amazing coincidence.
Again, Amerikikes are akin to the jews.
Hello shill that can't into basic critical thinking. Reported.
Shalom, I agree, nothing is sacred, nothing is holy. There is no such thing as a universal truth, holocaust survivors should have a right to be forgotten, praise kek shadilay!
Top jej
Space Imperium soon.
The fuck is wrong with you retards? The cancer metastasizes if you don't cut it out completely. Filter and move on.
Life hacks by (((anons))).
So how did America exactly penetrate the Van Halen radiation belt, when Wernher von Braun, the man who designed America's rocket and the father of space exploration and who predicted a spacecraft as tall as the empire state building made with a casing of led would be needed to do so? Were the first American astronaughts, who DID reach the belt and reported that they could see the radiation flying through eachothers skulls, were lying? Or playing 4D chess if you will.
This thread got a lot smaller after I filtered all the kikes. Anyway, this is great news. It seemed obvious to me to have a spaceport on the moon. Space Corps when, anons?
It's great news. This will help bring costs down in many ways. If we actually try and cooperate, our natural sense of competing with each other (face it we were bred and trained to not like ruskies from birth for generations) will spur us to achieve even more without having to sabotage the other's efforts through wiring standards etc.
It's a great time to be alive.
Memes aside probably not in our lifetimes. Shits expensive to get up there and we need more energy to do it often and much more for it to be the common mans day trip to mars. or we find a way to cheese physics More realistically, this will help building a better bridge of relations to Russia and then we may get more immediate results such as pic.
Wtf is wrong with you?
Filtering all the NASA shills is a lot harder, since they're always changing their IDs.
It's actually impossible, but most people think that it's very expensive and that's why NASA gets away with stealing $20B every year.
really user?
What amazes me is all the deniers and flat earthers demand "proof" yet never present any themselves that is anywhere close to scientific. Denying everything isn't proof friends….it just makes you retarded.
One hoax wasn't enough
Pictures are from a flat earth autist, but he hit the nail about Freemasonry and NASA, two jewish agencies.
You could dump their asses out an airlock onto the surface of the fucking moon and the kikes would continue to kvetch. And they would somehow find a way to make you hear it.
You're right. Denying the moon hoax makes you look retarded.
Top kek, okay admittedly that was a really retarded mistake, I see now its Van Allen radiation belt, pardon me.
I'm the one presenting a question to common though in this thread, if you aren't interested in telling me how they were able to accomplish this, because I don't know myself, then don't reply to me.
Trump may not have turned out to be "our guy," but I still think we changed the future by getting him into office. If Hillary or a Neocon had won we would already be preparing for the final world war at the behest of our jewish masters. As things stand now it's just possible we will shake off zionism and Christianity long enough to make it to the stars. From there, the desert death cults won't have any religious hegemony, they wont have any legitimate claims to prophecy or policy in regards to space law and exploration. Right now we maintain an alliance with gods chosen because "muh bible," but will they really be able to use this kind of reasoning for why all the gold in the asteroid belt should be given to Goldmansacks? In space only logic should be able to dictate policy. I can hope, can't I?
In space, user, no one can hear them kvetch. and that's what terrifies them the most!!
We've really fucked it now, Holla Forums.
Get out, faggot.
Trumprussia? Possiblecollusion.
Christcuck zionist flat-earther detected :^)
Too bad das Germans got one built first.
Space nazis are real
Ebin D&C. I am sure someone will take the bait. Or maybe you will take your own bait with one of your sockpuppet accounts.
Epick Christchuck screeching, allow me to slap the other cheek.
And here comes the (((flat earth shills))). Kill yourself.
And here comes another shill. The hijackings happened. Planes hit the buildings. The buildings collapsing was premeditated controlled demolition using the planes as the (((cover story))).
And Hitler was a gay vegan transsexual with a shit fetish and one testicle, right Chaim? Reported.
Muh flat earth! Space is fake!
Trump is a globalist nationalist, actually. Nice reddit spacing by the way, immigrant scum.
Trump is going to build a space elevator. A big, beautiful orbital ring space elevator. And he's not sharing his shekels with traitors like you.
Let me know when he builds the wall first.
That's how a JPEG works. You can do that with any photo of a bright object in a dark scene.
Yes, that's what artifacts are, these aren't, there were no JPEGs in the late 60s so composites were pasted on top of one another and compressed into one in photo development rooms, but obviously, the delicate composure of all shades that look like one to us could not be masked because who ever forged this needed a smooth transition between the earth and space to make it more authentic, yet the transition between the (pasted) Earth and space under inspection like this is brazen as fuck.
Why wouldn't they just cut out the earth then? Old fashioned photo manipulation wouldn't need a big square around the earth. If anything a big square would be harder to blend than cutting a circle.
Si monumentum requirice, circumspice.
As soon as Congess puts a bill on his desk.
Thread is AIDS.
Helping Jews get off world is stupid.
I already said why: they need a smooth transition between the earth and space to give it legitimacy, and also probably because they didn't have the equipment to make a perfect cut around it, nor did could they predict the future of computer technology that'd be able to spot this.
No. Another question of legitimacy, if stars are not visible in pictures like these because the camera they brought to the moon wasn't able to pick up on it (although cameras like this existed then, I forget the name of the technology), why, when asked during an interview, did the crew or Apollo 11 said they couldn't see them as if space was this black in reality?
Why can't we have space threads without moon landing hoax faggots and flat earth derailing? At this point the original moon landing being real or not is fucking irrelevant to the fact that we are able to reach the moon in this most current of years.
They'll find a way to argue physics. That was kind of the half-joke.
Oven yourself.
Gee, I wonder why.
because Holla Forums needs to look bad for any new people who might be lurking dummy. Bonus points if you take a screen shot of the bullshit you wrote and use it as proof of how retarded Holla Forums is.
Same, I even measured the speed and it matched up with the expected speed of the Space Station.
Trump happened.
h8/pol/ died in the year of our Lord two thousand and sixteen.
Reported and deported. Get the fuck out.
You can use angles and a stop watch to actually confirm that the "flying dot" is orbiting Earth at the exact same orbit that the ISS is. Measure the time it takes for certain change in angle and get the Semi-major Axis of the ISS orbit and you can use maths to confirm the "flying dot" orbits where the ISS should be.
Absolutely pathetic.
yes, there is a 'space station', but it is not very high up. That's why they fish eye every image from it, because the horizon is nearly flat at the altitude it is at. Think of the hurricane photos, that filled the entire image field. Then realise how tiny those hurricanes really were (on the globe earth), and you get an idea of how low the thing is, that even with fish eye on, the hurricane is everything it could see.
It's because the Earth is massive and any photo of it from orbit is usually a bunch of smaller photos stitched together because that is the only way you can get high-res photos of Earth. Therefore it would be stupid to take a photo of the whole earth.
The Space Station orbits Earth at an altitude of 408 kilometres. Earth has a radius of 6371 kilometres. Therefore it is really hard to see the entire Earth, but the curved horizon can still be seen quite easily from that altitude.
Same reason the shills post the most offensive optics possible when discussing nationalism, and avoid discussing the merits of the policy. It has lots of disgust value, and no persuasive value.
LoL at the way the night shift kikes jump posting in a string of (1) posts demanding nobody dares expose NASA for the liars they are or criticise Le ZOG Emprhuh Trump mass reporting them and then posters get immediately zapped.
Why is Holla Forums being bullied to only ever go along with every jewish narrative by obvious lying kikes.
Only kikes demand nobody criticises NASA or NeoCon kikes
It really is that simple
99% of flat earth shilling relies on people not understanding optics, I'm being dead serious. Give people a first year university course in optics and 99% of the flat earth, faked moon landing shit all falls immediately flat.
It's active disinfo because it's a concerted attempt to poison the well. It's what they do to /x/ faggots as well. They count on spergs who talk about the holohoax being a jewish psyop, but then immediately discredit themselves by talking about ayy lmaos or flat earth or bigfoot or whatever retarded disinfo of the week, and then the topics they're actually right about look bad through association because that's how normalfags think.
It's a method stuffing autists full of disinfo so that way normalfags dismiss everything they say out of hand.
nice, i wonder who the 1st man on the moon will be
hides behind TOR
Well-poisoners get the breaking wheel!
What a waste of trips.
ISIS funding nigger Americans don't deserve to partner with Russians into space, but oh well.
fuck the board volunterr on here is a low IQ fag, banned me for being a "flat earth Kike" when i'm NOT a flat earth kike, but describing LOS and orbital dynamics. What a fucking idiot.
oh for fuck's sake, he's deleted my content on other threads too. Board Owner, your volunteer is an absolute cuck. Hours on investigative work, memes, the
they are afraid of maths, perhaps an emotional appeal something the likes of famous sandy hoax father laughing video works.
behold: the first man on the moon right after visiting it.
We didn't land on the moon. Recent data from the Orion EFT-1 mission casts reasonable doubt on the whole thing.
The Orion EFT-1 did an orbit around Earth with apogee about 6000km up. Well far enough to take them past the first Van Allen belt.The unmanned spacecraft had a total flight of 4.5 hours, 2 of which were spent in the lower Van Allen belt. The average dosimeter reading for Orion EFT-1 was 16.8 mSv. (
The average dosimeter readings for all cislunar Apollo flights was 4.6 mSv. (
I highly doubt that any alleged flight which passed through both Van Allen belts and spent time beyond Earth's magnetosphere would register a lower radiation reading than a modern spacecraft which didn't even go through the second Van Allen belt.
ISS at best is low Earth orbit, like weather balloons from the early part of last century and during the war
Every ISS movie is them suspended on ropes and CGI
NASA faked the Moon landings
Only jews would ever demand a fraud as well documented as the Moon landings is not discussed on Holla Forums, to expect anyone red-pilled to continue sucking neocon jew dick and lapping up NASA's lies is the retarded belief of the mods here.
You got hit by the crossfire kikes that astroturf these boards into being no more than ineffectual NeoCon political party cheering squads.
flat earth and faked moon landing are two different things.
i got banned, and had my other content removed, for being a ==flat earth kike== when i was describing low earth orbit around a GLOBE.
And yes, flat earth is unrelated to moon landings.
I think the reason so many people buy flat earth is that there is a diffraction effect of light passing through a air density gradient, so light bends around the earth a little, consequently we can see further than math that ignores this effect predicts. Still a fucking stupid idea, though
You flat-earth-spiralling negroids really can't do basic geometry, can you?
Embed 100% related
As I said earlier, a basic understanding of optics gets flat earthers BTFO.
and you probably got hit with friendly fire from the mods, in case you didn't notice all the shill posts disappearing itt
what's that got to do with the faked Moon landings?
what's that got to do with the faked Moon landings?
now you are a user that needs to get banned for being grossly stupid.
nice tourettesposting
If people took some time to think about this, how could the moon landings be faked? For what reason would the United States of America spend 1.5 Billion (2017) dollars to launch an empty rocket, produce fake film, and SOMEHOW, Radio waves taking the correct time to be transmitted and received from such a long distance, going from the Moon to Earth and back?
/polk ?
that's an excellent link.
that's an excellent link.
It's all so tiresome.
Don't you mean TORettes posting?
Upon death you'll be able to cash that dream in.
Reported for flagrant ban evasion.
i was banned for promoting flat earth in a post that talked about orbits.
So yeah, flagrant "fucking stupid PERMABAN" evasion.
The mod hasn't even repealed the ban. perhaps you should be wondering about that.
I haven't quite made my mind up about the moon landing, but the fact that there are no stars in NASAs footage is rather damning.
learn how a camera works
Just for arguments sake, has any one yet posted any evidence that NASA ever did really land on the Moon yet in this thread?
Only I aint seen it posted, just shrill squawking kikes demanding every post proving NASA are liars gets removed by the based mods.
This Popular Science article says that NASA just went through the belts really fast.
This page hosted on a NASA server also states that the Apollo astronauts went through the belts.
Note as well that the calculation of 11.4 rads per traversing the Van Allen belts is per voyage. So one would expect a dosimter reading of 22.8 rads (or 228 mSv). The author claims that shielding would have protected the astronauts, but even if we assume the thin aluminum hull of the spacecraft could protect against 95% of ionizing radiation damaging to humans, this still leaves an expected dosimeter reading of 11.4. The only mission to attain this reading was Apollo 14, which hit it exactly - and which implies there's no radiation outside the Van Allen belts on the way to the moon, on the moon itself, and on the way back.
Oh? Enlighten me as to how the stars don't appear despite everything else being clear enough. Also, why wasn't there any impact crater?
Do you really trust a government organisation, the name of which means "serpent" or "deceived" in hebrew? Their logo has a fucking snake tongue on it.
This Popular Science article says that NASA just went through the belts really fast.
This page hosted on a NASA server also states that the Apollo astronauts went through the belts.
Note as well that the calculation of 11.4 rads per traversing the Van Allen belts is per voyage. So one would expect a dosimter reading of 22.8 rads (or 228 mSv). The author claims that shielding would have protected the astronauts, but even if we assume the thin aluminum hull of the spacecraft could protect against 95% of ionizing radiation damaging to humans, this still leaves an expected dosimeter reading of 11.4. The only mission to attain this reading was Apollo 14, which hit it exactly - and which implies there's no radiation outside the Van Allen belts on the way to the moon, on the moon itself, and on the way back.
Really gets the noggin joggin
To be fair all the evidence is the tapes, the recordings and the historical accounts. This is all the evidence there can be and this is the evidence under scrutiny by the moon landing hoax guys. Posting evidence of the moon landing amounts to posting the things that is being argued as fake in the first place.
^The shill (eab364) above me doesn't know how photo lenses work.
Read it, nigger.
the world is flat dude obviously the moon isnt real
great news.
However this thread is a mess…
Consensus Cracking
I like the part when the cameraman pan out after the lunar take off, I wonder if his still there waiting. Poor guy…
Embed related.
you do know we went to the moon multiple times right?
its weird how most moon conspiracy faggots are usually non-white. Wonder what kind of stake they have in downplaying one of the greatest achievements of whites ever. Hmmmmmm
There's a square and compass at the base of the flag you retard nigger fucks.
For people who don't know a huge amount about the space industry, just know that this isn't surprising.
Russia and America cooperate all the time on space missions. The ISS currently has 2 Russians and 3 Americans on it. Roscosmos is a huge ally to NASA.
We went, but all of the footage is fake and we'll never see real moon landing footage because this would reveal the ruse.
sounds great as long as Nigeria doesn't beat us to it… they've got an incredible space program
You want a detailed analysis of the hoax? You've gotta sit your ass down and watch. This is even baby stuff compared to TGSNT.
Go back to posting on yahoo news, Ken.
The NASA guy controlling the camera explained how he did it. He said because of the time delay he had to start moving the camera well before the actual launch He said he was lucky to have gotten it right.
They knew how fast the craft would accelerate, they knew when it was going to launch, and they knew what the transmission delay would be. It's not that complicated.
Both owned by B. Netanyahu.
This is an operation between NASA and Roscosmos, they both operate mostly independently of their respective governments.
There is no hoax.
Who is the one who is the idiot now!
You. The delusion that we have to go back to the Moon before we go to Mars is quite old. The Moon would be a decent place to test Mars-bound habitat modules (getting some “real-world” testing, burying them in lunar regolith, etc.), but it’s not necessary to have a space station in LEO, not necessary to have a space station in LLO, and not necessary to have a base on the Moon to go to Mars. All of this is just embezzlement of funds. Until the infrastructure is in place to extract ECONOMIC BENEFIT from the Moon, and until a mission to the Moon actually SAYS THAT’S THE POINT, we will never have any use for it.
It absolutely will be once regular spaceflight starts becoming realistic.
So why did they fake the footage if they had real footage? For what purpose? Please don't say "Flat Earth" I am genuinely curious what is at stake here.
I'm watching it fgt.. when can i skip to when the "real" astronauts go to the moon?
This tbh fam. They've been holding back for so long, once someone start's doing it, you'll see everyone snap out of it and realize it's ALL up for grabs. You can't just be first. You HAVE to do it right.
I hope to God we don't end up bringing niggers to Mars. Europeans have already carried them further then nature intended, hopefully those proto-hominids are not permitted to become stowaways on interplanetary voyages.
Getting schooled out here. This actually seems plausible.
101 isn't a get, plausible isn't reality without evidence
101 as in "intro to x" courses. It was a joke man chill out. Beyond that everyone knows what plausible means, retard.
Re mars: same
Anything seems plausible if you've got an over inflated ego and are faced with cognitive dissonance. It was all just 4D chess right, America really went to the moon but to replicate it they omitted damning facts such as there being no landing crater or the astronauts who reported that they didn't see any stars. This video showcases America's secret technology, the camera.
Von Braun was a devout Christian
Bump for US/Russia co-operation.
3 towers, user
You're not trying to fool US citizens during the space race, you're trying to fool the rocket scientists of the USSR. Building a fake rocket that could fool a rocket scientist is so expensive that building the real rocket would cost about the same and you may actually accomplish the goal you're pretending that you're doing. This is the biggest flaw of the "we didn't go to the moon" argument. The US didn't give a shit about the American citizen's opinions about this, it's the Russian's opinion of the moon landing that mattered. Remember the space race to try and one up each other in a competition between the USSR and the US? If it truly was a hoax, that is the most pointlessly expensive hoax in US history.
Oh, shove it up your ass, nigger. Which of these is easier, in your opinion:
Why the fuck would they even bother with the plane strike narrative if there were no planes? Bombing a building and then blaming it on someone else is much easier and less likely to fail than bombing a building but then pretending it was struck by passenger airliners. The "9/11 was a hoax" crap is all disinfo bait to get retards like you spiralling down a rabbit hole while driving reasonable people away from the actual truth - which is that the kikes did it for real.
I wouldn't be surprised if the buildings were rigged with back up explosives (WTC 7 specifically), but the whole "fake planes" line is completely full of shit. You faggots create whole narratives out of a few discrepancies, but never stop to wonder why the fuck would anyone ever do things that way.
Reported. Thread theme related.
Deleted posts remain so long as you don't leave the thread, I could not know until after I replied since I only come back to my tabs after several hours.
Charlie? Is that you? I need an expert in Bird Law? And Space Law, because WE'RE BUILDING A MOTHERFUCKING MOON BASE AND YOU KIKES WILL NEVER STOP US!
They must be really pissed about this.
Wait till we build a space elevator. Mass deaths will occur at Eglin, Mossad, MI6, and every other kike's nest on this planet. I'm rock hard just thinking about it.
Suck my cock you trigger tumblrina sissy bitch.
wtf is going on with the mods in this thread?
That place has not been a real space agency for years its just a propaganda tool. They dont even send people into space anymore, they just make people on wires 'floaty' YouTube videos to distract and entertain the masses.
Its been like this since befor the Columbia mission, that hole thing was planned, the astronaut where never on the shuttle and are alive today. Its all just somthing to distract the masses.
Its the US Military that conducts space research now with the X-37B
Isn't Nasa administration still claiming that the technology to go to the moon doesn't exist anymore?
Just filter this retard.
At least you admit you were banned for shillposting.
>Oy vey I see you don't believe in NASA goyim and our (((bosses))) do not approve of such insolence
What incentive would they have had to fake it?
How many anons know the moon landing never happened? The lying kike asstronauts couldn't explain how they passed through the Van Allen Radiation Belt without looking like obvious lying pieces of shit. An idiot could see it. Please find that video with the lying kike asstronauts getting caught without an explnation and making shit up on the fly. It's hilarious.
Based Holla Forums and it's resident pack of hasbara jews policing every thread, making every discussion look like a Likud party convention
Go based neocon jew Trump let's continue to fund jewish Hollywood illusions for the goy
Nice way to twist his words you jewish retard. Yea I bet you feel proud, you "won" the argument or whatever the fuck you're trying to do with this blatant idiocy.
I just remembered it was in Bart Sibrels video. Yes I know he's a kike, so he looks like an idiot in the video probably as a psyop hit piece. But the part with the asstronauts lying is just footage without him iirc.
The one where one even went and swore on the Bible and tried to look confident but his body language gave it away?
What they're trying to do, is what they;ve always done.
Shut down all talk that on every thread that exposes the jewish lies
Even the AFD thread has deleted every post of AFD in their own words admitting their are financed by Goldman Sachs and totally run by jews from top to bottom, like the NeoCon Republikike party
Holla Forums is jewish occupied territory and has been since before the Trumpstein campaign
Repost of videos, in light of the organised teams of hasbara jews getting the comments shut down overnight
Banned from Holla Forums: Proof of Fake Moonlanding
Exactly. What most lurkers don't know is that that was a MASS exodus of real Holla Forumslacks anywhere but here not long ago, neurotic shitskin kikey powertripped to hard on the only real set of power he'll ever have in his life by giving permabans so freely that the number of visitors of Holla Forums dropped by a quarter, and it's ensuring immigrants momentairly turned /polk/, a half arsed attempt at a sancuary, to absolute glory, for the short period that it lasted; the demand for a right wing imageboard is at an all time high for us, our progress is being postponed by kushner paid shitskin mods and their gang of boomer hypemen, we need to move our asses and decide our own destiny or forever tiptoe in line to shitskin demands, and, admittedly, if Holla Forums is great so are our lives, kikey, mooncoon, and frhail must be driven to bullycide at all cost!
all me
Pretty sure you're just an autistic friendless troll. Filtered.
This is not really new, the U.S. & Russia have collaborated on space projects before.
But just wait until the Jew-supremacist snowflakes in the Zionist press get their hands on this…"clearly Trump is doing exactly what Putin is telling him to do!!"
They'll probably be upset we're not trying to get to Mars by collaborating with the geniuses at the Zimbabwe space agency, too…
Sorry, I'm not going through all that shit just to try and find your "proof."
Show me the money shots, and stop puking up unsubstantiated bullshit, if you have some footage of a stagehand walking around outside the ISS window or something, just fucking show THAT cut.
Otherwise, you have nothing.
Every time NASA comes up a group of jews swarm in numbers mass reporting any goy that dares expose the NASA fraud.
Go on any MSM board when the holohoax is brought up, every single hasbara kike will respond,
Here we are on the number one based anti-jew website where only jews have a right to speak
No goys allowed
This thread, as you know, had countless comments all detailing the evidence and proving their case.
Then you kikes swarmed on and destroyed all the discussion and now return just to goad the goy for you jews shitting up the thread
What is good is a commitment to get man back on the moon
Why the fuck are you even here
I fucking swear if you're a fucking flat earther
I'm genuinely wondering
What the fuck does, what is possibly the best action Trump has taken in his entire presidency and that is further the space program, reason for you to be here
I thought you'd fuck off if Trump did something that you can't criticize
…a thread that is allowed on Holla Forums and left uncensored is the retarded jewish sci-fi Space Elevator thread where the jews can gaslight the goy and talk gibberish about infantile jewish space fantasies and science fiction, it is even encouraged on here
Yet any comments exposing NASA for the frauds they are is shut down immediately
Kind of makes ya think…
You fucking know right the best fucking chance the white race has of living is in fucking space
And yes NASA has been a fraudulent organisation since the 80s
May I remind you that the two presidents mainly responsible for the Moon landing, JFK and Richard Nixon are the most anti-kike Presidents we've had since Jackson
Kill yourself Trumptard, this isn't about him.
Your kvetching only fuels the Streisand effect. Keep it up NASA shill/retard.
>since the 80s
You took the blue pill. NASA is just a way to fund black ops and kill bad goyim around the world who oppose zog hegemony.
Mate, it was when Nixon was impeached NASA went to shit
Also I'm genuinely curious about NASA being a way to fund ways to kill people
I know you're angry at me but if you have the files please show me
One lazily executed job, eh?
Because I am sincere, maybe it's not showing because I'm autistic as fuck and maybe I'm wrong but I'm saying shit as I know it
Since when did Holla Forums become a Plebbit tier normie retard hangout that believes in jewish science fiction?
Jews are so bad at this.
Wtf do Jews have to do with the moon landing, you absolute /x/ tier cringe faggit?
Nice try I've figured out your game
Nixon took the US off the gold standard and lead us down the $20T debt-slave path that we're on right now.
He was no hero. He accelerated the fake space race and the so-called cold war that was used as an excuse to accumulate more debt than ever before.
Every government agency siphons off resources to corporations, international organizations, foreign government and secret programs and since NASA is primarily a photo and video faking agency that spends next to nothing on their hoaxes they're the biggest fiscal black hole. They should probably spend more on shills, because the NASA drones ITT are doing a piss-poor job.
You don't know shit, yet you speak, as exemplified further here:
You don't even know the basics, yet you speak which such confidence expecting all the jewish (1)s here to make up your arguments, but now that their tricks are being exposed you're trying to soften the blow by saying "maybe I'm wrong..", maybe you shouldn't speak about shit you know nothing of, maybe you should lurk for a billion years, but most definitely you should fuck off back to ebaums world and never speak again. You and your mentality are cancer, Holla Forums is about truth not some random retards interpretation, "shit as you know it", fuck off. By the way, the website is called flat earth, I don't believe this disinfo.
The same Kushnerbot hasbara jews that police these boards, censoring any criticism of trumps zionist jew scam are the same kikes who deny the goy the right to demonstrate NASA are liars.
Yet you kikes somehow encourage threads like the Space Elevator jewish sci-fi gibberish.
You tell me why jews are so determined to never allow the faked Moon landings to be discussed.
For any actual non-jewish anons out there, go to any MSM messageboard when the holohoax is discussed, every single hasbara kike-jew will respond
Wait wasn't it Woodrow that did that or was it the Fed that Woodrow did
Gee wiz, fuck knows you mongoloid. Guess we'll never know if we aren't being spoon fed!
You know how easy it is to play with you, please step it up
Also if you want to actually let people know the truth don't act like a shill, you're doing the fucking opposite of exposing the truth
What's this, accidental kike-on-kike friendly fire?
You're only supposed to harass the goys on here Holla Forums
Just kidding, 90% of all comments on this board are kike-jews pretending to debate each other while gaslighting the goys and ensuring all topics are kept strictly kosher friendly and within the bounds their boss Kushner sets.
No arguments, just resort to calling me a Kushner bot.
NASA was hardly Jewish in the 1960s. As a matter of fact there were only two Jews involved in the entire process, and one of those Jews (Abe Silverstein) was born in Terre Haute, IN, not quite the Manhattan or D.C. Jew that you're imagining. 99% of the Apollo project was completed by white males. Are you sure you're not an Iranian or Nork shill? Or maybe even an old USSR holdover? You realize the moon-landing conspiracy theories were invented by Russian Jew commies to discredit white America, right? You realize that all of our "racial tension" in the 60s was caused by literal Soviet kike propaganda, right? Who is the one falling for Jewish tricks? You should look up some Yuri Bezmenov to really learn some Jewish tricks.
stop sockpuppeting.
So you can ban evade
Further proving my theory that you are also
Not what I'm saying, What I am saying is you are using the same tactics as a Shill, you're not helping expose anything
Who gives a fuck about this jewish shithole anymore, to what standard am I pertaining to? A summerscum "wtf" fags who whails emotionally for two paragraphs with no substance?
Honestly tell me you aren't the same
So your propaganda that was literally invented Russian kike, is not Jewiah propaganda. You realize the Soviet Union was a kike project right?
Isn't there a Space Elevator thread still active you could post on to maintain the jewish illusions of jewish science fiction
I'm "honestly" not the same. Take your emotionally charged bullshit elsewhere because I'm making the retarded kids feel bad :'( , tits or GTFO.
Feel really good, man
I'd rather get headshot than be constructed as you, dumb all-responder.
Woodwrow WIlson signed the Federal Reserve act, but Nixon severed the final link to gold that allowed foreign governments to receive gold in exchange for their dollars. You owe more than $200k to the ZOG and you can thank Nixon for that. He is just as guilty as Wilson & FDR.
Your Trump memes are terribly outdated, but it's not like anyone is producing new ones.
Maybe you can delete all non-shill posts again to make it look like Trump's space elevator hoax has unanimous support
Can we really have space as long as gooks, jews, arabs, indians, abbos and niggers are alive?
Remember to Mass report and ban any kike shills daring to question the legitimacy of NASA
Stay fashy and super-bad-based my fellow goyim
Wew. Now we know why the Kushnerbots don't want NASA exposed. Trump must know that it is a copmplete sham, but he went all-in for NASA anyway. Trump is an idiot for doing the same old bluff again and thinking that his shill batallions have control over the moon hoax narrative. A delusional 2D chess player.
Look at us, were the imperium of man now.
No one is saying the earth is flat, you're softening up the thread for deletion, Shareblue / contelpro.
Eat shit, shill.
I bet you feel powerful, bigboy.
Remember "don't make the black kid angry"? Don't make the American angry, or he'll report you, oo, scary. We should let them have this jewish shithole and leave elsewhere.
Why, can you magically go back in time and read deleted posts? Or are you consensus cracking to make the mods look innocent, kike? Why were these anons banned?
This thread would've hit the reply limit already if it hadn't been for Imkikey deleting posts and banning those who dared to talk about NASA's history of lies and deceit.
Stop playing dumb. The only people ITT who are screaming about the flat earth are the ones who want to distract from the moon-landing hoax. (You)
The kikes are really screeching about this, look at all the shills in this thread.
He's not playing dumb, he's gaslighting the goy.
That's what they do, there isn't a single topic that hasn't got hasbara jews monitoring them and mass reporting any goy exposing their jewish shilling for ZOG.
They harass any user non playing along with their jewish frauds being promoted on here
The mods then come along later to clear up all the anons the jews insist are deleted.
Sort of weird when you think about it happening on Holla Forums of all places… and now all we're left with is a NeoCon Republican cheerleading board, praising every neocon jew in world politics and attacking any legit movement like the NA and lately the Scottish version too.
Now we all smug anime girl jpg faggots who Hail the Chief ZOG Empruh
Worth taking note of one thing, it's clearly important to hasbara jews that we allmust believe in NASAs fairy tales, it begs the question what the kikes may have lined up for the TV believing goy during Trump's term.
What a fucking shitshow this board has become
Not to mention fleets and military advisors in the Civil War, allies in WWI and WWII. Compare to our "allies" the British, who did fuckall in both world wars,
Kike here. I find this extremely triggering. Stop posting these anti-semitic messages of glorious nation-states reaching for the stars.
That's not a masonic handshake, you fucking shill. Masonic handshake involves grabbing the knuckle on the third finger. That's a proud, firm, nationalist handshake shared by white Christians.
Sometimes (1) is just a (1) because only one question needed answering and the responses don't merit further discussion
I'm so fucking proud right now.
This is part of why I supported Trump running for president, now he is fulfilling the promises. Feels really good man
Me too. It's like this country is starting to resemble America again.
Not until we are rid of the jews and stop importing shitskins from latin america, the middle east , asia and africa and finally remove the so-called "legal" ones as well.
Obviously the work of a 400 foot pounds of torque "hacker" engine.
You forgot to parse up the white people and say that Italians and Germans need to go back, so you can further divide everyone along idiotic, arbitrary lines that have nothing to do with politics. Obvious crypto-kike Anglophile is obvious.
Found the jew.
Niggers trying to derail and say Spaniards are shitskins. When we go to space, we're building a space wall to keep you out.
Should have said
"implying the Germans are not white"……
Latin Americans are indian mestizo/mulatto trash they are not "Spaniards" nor is the US facing demographic replacement by people from Spain.
We're going to the moon, and you can't come.
Lets invite china too. They got plenty of billions to blow on dick measuring stunts like this.
Actual shills and useful idiots make a good combo for reeking mayhem.
Top kek.
It's much more than a dick measuring contest. Having control over space means military dominance of the surface, and economic benefits like asteroid mining and space-based solar power.
No, we don’t want a different species horning in on our conquest of Earth, you faggot.
Worse memes i've seen all day. Did you come here from Holla Forums?
Yeah, I think UFOs are aliens too
I, for one, am looking forward to a future wherein White Americans and White Russians share the entire cosmos in glorious camaraderie, leaving kikes and shitskins to rot on the dead, polluted, Mud ball swarming with niggers that they took from us.
This picture makes me think of world domination.
As well as Hollow Earth, Antarctic Imperial Germans, and Moon Nazis.
Soon, my red beauty. Soon.
Be careful what you wish for…
Jews believe in dragging everyone back into the stone age to be their slaves. If they somehow reach Mars then we have reached a point in time where we have failed.
I doubt Kikes could ever possibly reach Mars without us. They want to drag everyone back to be their slaves. If we've reached that point in time then we've already failed anyway.
I'll never forget the sound of the hammer on Apollo mission footage and on apollo 15 the dude throwing some shit away and making noise. That was to point when I said "ok fuck off this has to be a joke."
Would rather have had a terraforming coalition rather than some floating military base.
Jews hate Christianity and Jesus though.
Sweet. Last time a comparable deal was made we got the ISS. I am confident we will see something big come from this
And reported for intl.
Jews believe that Jesus is boiling in a pot of feaces and semen in Hell
What the fuck are you even saying?
Just report kike shills when you see them.
I can roll with this.
This song is for all.the brainwashed cucks.who thought we couldn't make it.
Enjoy the next 7 years
Song mentions niggers and upside down American flag, on the contrary, American flag is.flying higher than ever before, Europe has respect for USA in the first time.for.a long time,
Because why would any government want to save hundreds of millions of dollars by reusing booster rockets.
Also why the fuck were the people in your video sobbing about the explosion? Did they mortgage their homes to buy spacex shares?
I own a telescope. You can see craters on the side of the moon which wouldn't be visible if it didn't have contours.
Of course the earth is unique in being flat. Never dream of moving beyond the reach of Israels missiles goyim!