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No. I weep

God has abandoned Sweden

Sweden decided on "horrible warning" instead of "good example".

Doesn't surprise me. Sweden will keep going and going until it overdoses or someone mercy kills it.


burgers can't into

Bong here, even I think 16 is too low tbh
It's 18 to smoke.
18 to drink.
16 to sex.

Should be 18 across the board.

Sweden is already dead

Cool it with the defeatism, Schlomo.

I think it's 15 in Sweden. I don't see a problem (with the age of consent, the immigrants are a problem regardless.) You puritans should move to burgerland.


Now they are just like California. A bill to ban it was started, then Planned Parenthood & the ACLU changed it so there is still no age minimum.


28 years old guy fucks 11 years old girl.
Prosecution says it's not rape because she didn't say no.
Implying she understood and wasn't tetanized.

Bernie Sanders and all his commie socialists want this for America

fuck them all. this has gone too far

They're eternal children, so it makes sense.

That explains it.

Full retard 2.0 just when I thought the swedes couldn't get any more cucked

Oh boy, you never met an 11 yo in this day and age, have you? They are so slutty it's scary.

How convenient for (((THEM))) to do this as they're getting mass immigrations.

Kill yourself pedo scum

Retard, I'm critisizing it.


I guess it's only a matter of time before Shariah Law takes over Sweden completely if they allow this disgusting thing to take place.

WTF is next!! legalized rape?

You sounded like you were saying an 11 year old have sexual agency. Which they don't, of course.

This was how they get people to roll over for paedophilia? MUH RACISM?

They do have some agency. That's not the problem here.

But only for non-whites :^)

Well, they do have a sexuality of sorts. But as long as we agree that an adult man who has sex with an eleven year old should be taken out behind the barn and put down we're in agreement.

Currently if the sandniggers has raped their kids before they came to Sweden they won't break it up when they arrive here.
Even the liberal parties wants a ban on it though and they THINK they will have a proposition ready before the end of the year. (((ayylmao)))
Everything moves so fucking slow in Sweden except the immigration.

I couldn't care less about a sandnigger raping another sandnigger tbh.

Since they're exposed to every kind of shit today, they know very well what they're doing since there's no innocence anymore at that age, and the results are catastrophic, of course.

Fucking brainless cunt.

2 of those are highly addictive drugs.

16 is the biological age at which most females have reached physical maturity and are able to healthily carry a child from conception to birth.
That is the ONLY reason why the law exists, to prevent females and children from being injured or killed during the process.
Before the 1990s, there was no minimum age for males to have sex, as there was no physical harm to males.

Homosexuality was another matter entirely.
Stop being a fuckwit and start reading more about things before your short lifetime.

Yeah, but that's no excuse on the molesters part.

Sweden has abandoned God
He will welcome them back with open arms on the day they repent
Then they will slaughter the traitors and invaders in The New Crusade

I hope so. I'll put on my uniform, fly over, and help out on the DOTR.

Sweden…it's one of those countries that you can't help but hope wakes up, but it won't until the whole world around them does, and even then there is only a slim chance that they don't face extinction for what their politicians have done to a once beautiful and harmonic society.

I might need a pistol license though.
What are the council bylaws like in Sweden for digging mass graves? Do I need a permit for using heavy machinery such as backhoes?

The only thing good for sweden is a nice magnitude earthquake that affects no-go zones the most.

"Their politicians" are all (((then))).

checked for megaquake in shitskin zones

I hope there is somewhere in Sweden where they resist this shit and remain Swedish, a village untouched by poz where all shitskins are buried in shallow graves. Hard times are coming for the soft men in the cities, everyone will get what they deserve.

Cheked. May Thor shake this earth and may the shitskins falk into darkness.

…And? In all but two all US states people can get married at 16 with judicial and/or parental consent and fully half of US states have no minimum age for marriageability; the US is probably more friendly towards child marriage than yurop. The closest thing to a federal statute on this subject is the Common Law, which establishes the minimum age of marriageability at 14 for males and 12 for females.

Picture unrelated


I'm not ashamed to say I've found 16 year olds attractive while in my 20's 30's even though I wouldn't pursue a relationship. You may still be childish at that age, but you're hardly a child. I'm pretty sure it's still legal to marry at 14 in some southeastern US states.

Oh look, another Sweden yes thread where you have a tantrum about something that happened in Sweden when in reality it has been going on elsewhere for decades but you are too ignorant about your own countries to know about it.

No, you still can't marry children in Sweden. The thing is they won't do anything about sandniggers who have married children before they've arrived. Meanwhile actual child marriage is legal and happening in the US: nytimes.com/2015/10/14/opinion/americas-child-marriage-problem.html

Reminder that feminists introduced/popularised age of consent laws.

The problem in this case, of course, is that filthy arabs and other undesirables are allowed to live in Europe. European men should be allowed to raise families with fertile European girls, provided they're married. I'm unsure if these "AOC should be 18+" people ITT are kikes/shills, or just newfag alt-lite lemmings.

In 2017, a team of deeply pious scientists conducted a radical experiment in an undisclosed facility. The scientists had theorized that a human without access to any senses or ways to perceive stimuli would be able to perceive the presence of God. They believed that the five senses clouded our awareness of eternity, and without them, a human could actually establish contact with God by thought. An elderly Swedish man who claimed to have “nothing to left to live for” was the only test subject to volunteer. To purge him of all his senses, the scientists performed a complex operation in which every sensory nerve connection to the brain was surgically severed. Although the test subject retained full muscular function, he could not see, hear, taste, smell, or feel. With no possible way to communicate with or even sense the outside world, he was alone with his thoughts.

Scientists monitored him as he spoke aloud about his state of mind in jumbled, slurred sentences that he couldn’t even hear. After four days, the man claimed to be hearing hushed, unintelligible voices in his head. Assuming it was an onset of psychosis, the scientists paid little attention to the man’s concerns.

Two days later, the man cried that he could hear his dead wife speaking with him, and even more, he could communicate back. The scientists were intrigued, but were not convinced until the subject started naming dead relatives of the scientists. He repeated personal information to the scientists that only their dead spouses and parents would have known. At this point, a sizable portion of scientists left the study.

After a week of conversing with the deceased through his thoughts, the subject became distressed, saying the voices were overwhelming. In every waking moment, his consciousness was bombarded by hundreds of voices that refused to leave him alone. He frequently threw himself against the wall, trying to elicit a pain response. He begged the scientists for sedatives, so he could escape the voices by sleeping. This tactic worked for three days, until he started having severe night terrors. The subject repeatedly said that he could see and hear the deceased in his dreams.

Only a day later, the subject began to scream and claw at his nonfunctional eyes, hoping to sense something in the physical world. The hysterical subject now said the voices of the dead were deafening and hostile, speaking of hell and the end of the world. At one point, he yelled “No heaven, no forgiveness” for five hours straight. He continually begged to be killed, but the scientists were convinced that he was close to establishing contact with God.

After another day, the subject could no longer form coherent sentences. Seemingly mad, he started to bite off chunks of flesh from his arm. The scientists rushed into the test chamber and restrained him to a table so he could not kill himself. After a few hours of being tied down, the subject halted his struggling and screaming. He stared blankly at the ceiling as teardrops silently streaked across his face. For two weeks, the subject had to be manually rehydrated due to the constant crying. Eventually, he turned his head and, despite his blindness, made focused eye contact with a scientist for the first time in the study. He whispered “I have spoken with God, and he hates Sweden” and his vital signs stopped. There was no apparent cause of death besides severe acid burns, an exploded body, and a Demi Lovato ticket lodged in his cerebral cortex.


well, ancaps are going to have a good time i guess

For fuck's sake, you have a "humanitarian" (chaotic) government, and you are sitting on your asses? Travel to the Czech Republic, or to Poland or something, get guns, pass them to the country and start the revolution. Kill or intimidate intruders to acquire funds and fight for what is left of Sweden. Your police is shit, so they won't be able to stop you anyway.

Instead you assholes cry over your own graves and wait to be pushed inside. You come to an Afganistani honeymoon tourist reception website and shout in an echo chamber. This won't save your sorry asses. We can't help you. Go and fight. And to fight, you need to risk getting in jail (lol Swedish "jails"). Talking about it does nothing. Neither does waiting for others to act before you do. Get you brain out of the sheep herd mentality and become a pack of wolves.


American puritans belong into the gas right after the jews.

"15 and under" means 8. There's a reason they didn't state the ag below that.

I really wish Holla Forums wasn't filled with virgin NEETs who never went into college or university, because at least a degenerate better understands other degenerates, even if he regrets his deeds. Women never listen to your "laws" in the first place and already become sluts as early as possible. I never seen a virgin women in first year in college that wasn't a ham beast.
I've been on meetups and various conventions, and i've yet to see a 16 years old that didn't dated hundreds of men already. The real problem is that women do not respect marriage because they become whores when they are in fucking middle school. You cannot protect them with laws. Your existence is not held by laws or by country's ideology. Your existence is held by people with no honor or piety, they will never respect any law, nor God's nor your government's. Marriage is a key word here and preparing a girl since her puberty for marriage is just as important as keeping her from becoming a whore, since those two things aren't mutually exclusive.
In a society when even government is being forced to be more liberal and democratic even with conservative president like in america, any attempts to keep your people clean from filth will not work. Sweden is far worse than that. In sweden each is for their own, they have to survive without anyone's help and understand their crooked self destructive government is there to destroy a nation.

You can't make a modern woman preserve her virginity up to 18 years old. Because unlike you, 30 years old virgins, women suffer health related causes from virginity greater than yours. And their bodies crave for men very early in life, since biologically they are prepared to become mothers as early as possible, and that gets wasted on casual condom sex.

It's Sweden. What did you expect. I am not even suprised anymore.

I've met plenty of young virgin women.
Nigger, you can tell well, maybe you can't
You reek of an angry catlady screaming at internet nazis because she has nothing else in her life. I'm sorry you wasted your youth, but you can't shame people into buying your second-hand retard-maker.

is right this is a catlady feminist.

i kekd

You're right about some things, but wrong also:
Young females of today are shamed if they value purity, so a large portion give their virginity away cheaply. Females are easily led, and most don't think for themselves - they're not rational creatures, but instead follow what ever is expected/imprinted in them. We need to ensure that through propaganda, whores are shamed, and virgins who marry young and have children must be praised and idealised.

We get pissed about middle aged and older men marrying children, that is what this is about. And it is very common in sandnigger "culture" how long before it's common to hear "its racist that your 14yo daughter doesn't want to fuck 45 year old Achmed?, thats were this is going. In most states you have to be at least close to the age of the girl for the AOC laws to come into play.

Sure glad I don't live in whatever degenerate shithole you live. Can't say I've ever met one who has.


Lol. Spotted the retard fantasying about clubs ans sex.

On average a woman have 4 sexual partner in her lifetime.

Sure you'll find some prostitutes who have 10 a day every day.
Sure you'll find some sluts who had 20 men at 20 years old.

But you will also find lots of women with only one sexual partner. And 25 yo virgins women do exist.

Also you are trying to use some levels of sexual liberation and casual dating to justify Aicha, 6, being sold to Mohamed, 52. Sad

Fear, intimidation and any other logical method of suppression would be most fitting for the youth who are easily influenced. The hedonistic and inquisitive kids need beating and hurting, you have any offspring or youth relative that is engaging in sick degenerate endeavours? Beat them, the parliamentary restrictions on corporal punishment have only eroded what semblance of decency and needed intervention that society had to guide kids away from dubious and reprehensible situations.

Rage? No I decided long ago that the best course of action when Sweden is involved is to laugh instead of rage.

Exactly. No sense in getting upset over those who have forsaken their creator. Sweden has had many chances to correct their insane course of action and have doubled down on their insanity instead. I do not weep for such pigheaded stupidity.

It's fucking nothing.


They took their time about it. Cucked Germany did that already.

DOTR for both tbh.

Yep. Most females today have had sex before marriage.
There is still a long way to the fantaisies of who think that all 26 years old girls have fucked hundreds of men.

Calm you're tits OP, you old cow. You've been out of competition in the sexual marketplace for years now. Move over and let the women in their prime take their rightful place. You ppl are disgusting tbh.

The slippery slope is real. Pick up this book if you haven't already, it's an eye opener

Before the pedo kike shills arrive let me post this

Additionally, the Church dictated that both the bride and groom must be at least 21 years of age to marry without the consent of their families; in the certificates, the most common age for the brides is 22 years. For the grooms 24 years was the most common age, with average ages of 24 years for the brides and 27 for the grooms


Sounds like a purge is in order

One of the best books out there.

That's it. I'm done feeling sorry for Sweden. Let's just save a few blond-haired, blue-eyed females and burn the rest to the fucking ground.

Either post a legitimate source or fuck off.

Top kek, found the bitter, projecting virgin who's trying to rationalized ("muh female virginity is a health risk!!") getting preemptively cucked by every Stacy you've ever had your eyes on.

Well, it's more about appeasing Muslims and not pedos, per se.

No, dumbfucks. A bunch of Jews banded together and fucked up Sweden's culture for five decades and the Swedes were either too simple to realize it or too disorganized to do anything about it. It has nothing to do with supernatural boogeymen.

jesus christ pathetic


What the fuck am I looking at.


nigger why would you cut out the poobaby
pokemon go is for manchildren
showcase his wifes product of niggerlove to enhance meme

Can anyone dig more? blt.se/karlskrona/minderariga-flickor-tillats-vara-kvar-i-aktenskapet/

Its actually more degrading and insulting when you realise the goy decided to prioritise his japanese cartoon game to catch a common pokemon rather than share the moment with his supposed partner.


fuck off kike shill
the most degrading part is having a black child as a white man. no tolerance. he should throw her onto the curb with that shitbaby.
fuck off goy you probably played pokemon go before you found 8ch

Shut the fuck up and put a dick in that whore mouth of yours.

White trash is nigger tier and anyone who tells you to live like a nigger instead of practicing white values is the true fucking Jew.

you know that the pic its an edit, right?

where did you get the impression that i am white trash? where did i defend white trash? you mean the gif i posted of a white trucker beating the hell out of a nigger thug? stop projecting. you are giving up your cover judas.

if you were truly one of us you would understand that degeneracy is foul - even more foul when committed by whites and is the mark of a traitor. we both agree on white trash being shit tier…so what are you griping about? i insulted your crappy meme and you couldnt handle it. sorry. i was giving advice considering you have the awareness to shitpost on 8ch so i assumed you had the awareness to create a meme that expresses the message of the post (and you made it about pokemon fucking go and not his nigger baby). fuck off. hail victory. 14/88.


The family unit is one of the most important institutions to protect. In this day and age where society is dismantling this institution, it needs to be protected. Nevermind the baby was black that was clearly a photoshop.

The main point here is the fucker does not value his partner/wife, his child, his family more than a Japanese cartoon game.

Your inability to identify that as the problem and your tendency to overcompensate is telling of who you really are - juden.

Uh, how retarded are you?

now this is progress.

there is nothing i do not agree with in your post aside from the last section. i was only being staunch because i had noticed a peculiar level of sliding and garbage on this board over the past 2 weeks. i don't want to actually have a disagreement over shared values with a brother for the cause. i had mistaken you for judas.

If they can't breed, then let their DNA be wasted en mass.

The only good thing coming from this anti-White Eugenic experiment is that the weakest white DNA will die out.

The whites that inherit the future will have a DNA much less directed to have degenerate behaviour.


this, everything that's happening to them is because they abandoned god.

Why do most anons, forget the most important war. The war of the womb?

Why can't anons see that this idea of a woman having children at 25 + years of age is just an other vector of the war on whites.

You know what is the most important factor on how many children a woman will have? Education.

If you have a woman who is on birth control who is "poorly" educated. She will have many more children than a woman who is educated.

If you successfully ensure, that woman are educated and push this memes on a massive scale, you are using a force multiplier, to the birth control attack.

Not only, do these educated women, become extremely selective in who they choose, to have mates with and have little to no children. They also serve a much more important factor. Which is to enter into positions that influence the next generation of women. Since they are the harvesters of false promises. Something deep in their psyche becomes damaged, at a deep part in their reptilian brain.

Their body becomes so confused, since it has had so much sex, yet, was infertile. They can't understand or comes to terms with how that can be. Their subconcious is devasted. The impacts of being childless is much greater than it is for that of men.

Even the educated women in the middle east, the little that exist, are not fertile woman, when compared to the poorer ones. An educated woman might have 3-5 children while an uneducated one will have at least 8.

Plus this doesn't even raise the question of generation cycles, thereby almost doubling or even tripling generation cycles for whites, when Muslim women start having children at 12-16, and western women wait until 25-40 years of age.

Add in all these factors into demographic projections, the current projections assume that a generational cycle is 30 years for all peoples. They do not even consider education or race.

Plus there is also the whole concept of early puberty for western women occurring, which resembles more a war dynamic, where girls mature much faster then when they have stability and security.

The dynamics at play are so complex and over reaching and most anons can't get over the Jews programming where having kids at a young age is bad mmmkay?


Are you actually retarded enough to encourage this? Blame the puritans for an average marriage age of 24~26. Female bodies are able to bear children in their early teenage years for a reason, and cherrypicking bad moments in history isn't supporting your cause. Not only were the puritans the root of feminism, but it was a jewish movement: "Further examples indicate that Judaizing was particularly – though not exclusively – associated with radical Protestant sects. It can generally be viewed as an offshoot of mainstream puritanism"

With the exception of England and perhaps a few other countries, age of consent laws didn't exist until the 1800s. chnm.gmu.edu/cyh/primary-sources/24
Even in the late 1800s, throughout Europe and the US, the average AOC was around 10~12.


We do user. You are simply being d&c'd by a bunch of crusty old catladies and some men who, while they may mean well in general, have swallowed this femshit-inspired bluepill of 'AoC' so deeply it will take procto surgery to remove it tbh.

Remember there was no such idea in human societies until the Women's Movement.


People like you are why we should have never gotten rid of the scarlet letter.

Sweden ==YES!==

Been looking for this in ebook format for ages.

I played Pokemon Emerald.


Well, last time I looked, there was nothing. It's up now on archive.org if anyone cares. You should.

I wonder if we could meme some sort of nerve gas leak into existence. Then, we simply remove the twenty or so white bodies, the twenty million muslim husks, and we stock the place with North Americans of Swede stock and tell them to breed like motherfuckers.


I want to link this to normies, any better sources than 'yournewswire' ?

Please let that be an edit. Which part? If the black kid is shopped in, it's a pretty good one.

Buy it man. You'll be supporting a guy that actively calls out the kikes about everything.

It's not funny anymore, Sweden.

So because stinkbeard savages are into child rape, it's ok. If my culture is to murder every one of your swedish faggots you have no problem with it right?


Hey dumbshit, your body releases natural opiates when you orgasm.

Nice try Moishe, we're talking about Swedes here. No distractions from you cunts today. You're dead regardless.

They have joined the ranks of the United States. Bravo.

Oh look a namefagging torpedo to filter.

I just read this article. After the headline, it doesn't say a fucking thing about "legalizing" child marriages, only that individual cases should get individual trials. I can see how this leaves open a loophole – one is cited in the story – but it's very fucking far from passing a law to let shitskins just marry 12-year-olds.

Look, OP you faggot – I only have so much rage to fire up in a day. Stop wasting it on shit that looks like a clickbait reiteration of Sweden's existing status quo.



They are no longer worthy of respect, please Finland put down your deranged neighbors.

not an argument

The issues here are two-fold:

Swedish age of consent is 15, which can be good if you enjoy that getting taint before they even hit high school, not to mention you have a car or some shit and they're all over you. The other issue is that the court system has no case system: things are ruled by whim first in the small court, then municipal court, then higher and higher until the issue reaches "supreme court" of Sweden. Anyone has the right to appeal all the way to the top if you have the money for it (or appointed lawyer), and while it can be a roll of the dice what happens, in a lot of cases sentences on the lower levels do not become enforceable until the last decision is made, and many get to sit their ass on "probation" and leave the country instead of waiting to be plucked.

With these migrant child marriages, I do believe one could sue the municipal court's decision and take it to the next level if you have the money and a resemblance of a case.

This. No new legislation has been passed, Sweden simply allows inbred shitskins to inbreed further. Eyes should definitely be peeled though, because they'll probably try to legalize child marriage at some point, given the Swedes pathological fixation on race-mixing.

But OP should spare his impotent rage for something else.

Whats the matter user? They have to change their outdated laws to accommodate the New-Swedish.

Yup. It's clickbait, but the fact about municipa decisions and no case system also leaves the system open for bad shit in the future. From my understanding (very basic) a lot of attorney training/reading includes not only learning the book of law, but reading up on any possible CASES that contradict something in the case of their defense/offense. In Sweden that can be used as an argument but it carries no significant weight (e.g. nigger who raped two women was sentenced to 7 years in jail, so this other nigger years later who did the same thing should have the same punishment at least).

Mudshits marrying mudshit children. Why should I care?

It's like this every fucking time on Holla Forums nowadays, no one reads the article and the op is always miss-informed and exaggerated or sometimes even completely made up.

You've got it backwards, Romeo and Juliet laws only come into place when one party is already below the age of consent. Like if a 14 year old and a 16 year old have sex somewhere where AOC is 16 or a 19 year old and a 17 year old where age of consent is 18..


when will sven finally bomb a synagogue for fucks sake

No. It's Sweden. It would be like raging against the rain.

Maybe if you're a retard that got held back. I was 13 when I started high school due to how my birthday fell, everyone else was 14 other than a few dumbasses that had failed some grades.

Come on m8, the age of consent is far different from pedoshit. Pedophilia is prepubescent, underage is underage. There's quite a wide margin around the world on what that entails, although some people of course may see it differently. A girl became a woman throughout history when she was ripe to bear a child (although not having developed wide enough hips and a body to bear the birth were a large cause of miscarriages and death of women during childbirth) and I think it's great that we've at least moved beyond that and let kids be kids and teens be teens.

Maybe I got it wrong, do you have a 4-year high school then? Here we go to HS at 15/16.

You are describing a common law legal system(such as the one in the US), Sweden does not use common law.

I live in the US, and yes we have a 4 year system. Is it just two years where you live?

Spurdoland. I think we have the same system Sweden has, 6 years in elementary, 3 years in junior high and 3 years of high school/trade school.

Two teenagers having sex is very different from a 60 year old Saracen buying a 12 year old ‘bride’.

Traci Lords was 13 when she entered the porn industry and worked for over 5 years fucking hundreds of guys on film and nobody caught on.
13 years old. No one was charged with pedophilia and this was in America.

That still puts a lot of people at 18 when in high school if entering at 16 is normal though.

Except that church groups went from store to store looking for Traci Lords films so they could get the shops shut down. I think Charles Keating may have organized something like that in Cincinnati.

Maybe I said it wrong, I meant that here (Spurdo) youngest you can legally bounce is a high schooler, since 16 is aoc. In Sweden, however, depeding on the time of year one is born, you can fuck someone still in "junior high". But only if you're a Swede though, I do believe aoc carries over from your country's law to wherever you are visiting, so if I'd go fuck a Swedish 15yo right now I would be illegally having sex with an underage girl and would be prosecuted for it in here.

I'm ready to wipe them off the face of the Earth.

that 3rd pic hurts so much, user. i'm old enough that i fucking remember what it was like to live in an all white town, in a genuinely high trust society. goddamn the feelz.

How can Sweden keep topping themselves again and again day after day?

being a fucking fedora and opposing systems of stability did this you jew loving idiot. The jews constantly brag about atheism being their bastard child.

I knew a man who was 75 that married a 16 year old woman. They were together for 3 years before he died. He enjoyed the brief marriage, and the gold digger got all his land. Win win.

So, yea. I'd have to agree with you friend. If she'd been stupid enough to have sex with a teenager, her life would have had a very different outcome heh.

lol implying the opinion of a catlady are important.


Mimicking prevailing cultural themes does not equal understanding. Kids ape adult behavior long before they actually know what it means.

Anyone with a brain knew this was the end goal all along. (((Governments))) want more slaves but they need to get rid of feminism and white men to make that happen.

Wow I'm so shocked. Sweden of all places… never imagined that fucking sweden would toss out the most cucked shit on the planet. Nope. Expected this from China but never sweden.

should be illegal if it isnt your wife

Marriage at that age is perfectly reasonable, especially for a woman (men often don't yet have the resources and social position to hold up their end of the bargain at that age). Marrying at 16 is legal in much of the US (with parental consent). There are plenty of things to get outraged about concerning the invasion of Sweden, but this isn't really one of them–if it were becoming a trend for native Swedish girls to get married at 16 to native Swedish men, this would be cause for hope and celebration, not alarm, because that would likely lead to an increase in the birthrate.
Get mad because Sweden is occupied by demon-worshipping shitskins, not because said demon-worshipping shitskins are getting married young.

Got a better sauce, KGBnigger? That *website* is a shit tier KGBfaggot disinformation site.

Yes, and it's only stating what we've known for a while now, that incoming shitskins are allowed to keep their child brides in some municipal parts of Sweden. As I said before, OP is a low-information sperg who doesn't even bother to read something before his impotent rage kicks in.

I spose in one way, if the girl is 15 man is 35 say, and she is used to him and his family, is it better to seperate her from the only family she may have in the new country? Obviosuly child marriage is mental, and adult to child marriage disgraceful, but coming from Sweden I was thinking we were talking 9 year olds.

Always remember, good Holla Forumsack White Knights should support their feminist infiltrators posting as WNssisters to ensure that blown-out 30+ women who just got kicked off the cock carousel due to skin resembling mottled leather, can still find a beta provider to wife up.
Go and get Jamal's sloppies, leave the women at the peak of their reproductive fitness children alone and embrace the fact that traditional White society had it all wrong. You just can't handle a real woman.

Teen marriage is a good thing

We've already passed the parody horizon on that one

Quality (holy) digits, checked. And /fingerscrossed on that Swede-shattering quake!

Quality (holy) digits, checked. And /fingerscrossed on that Swede-shattering quake!

triple dubs of truth checked

Why, in my state you can marry at 15 if you have the consent of a family court, and 16 without (need the kids guardians though).

I have no problem myself with white men marrying 16 year olds and even 14 year olds. But it just doesn't happen. Even if it were legal it would be incredibly rare. It's because of the social stigma attached to it. Almost no white man is going to do it.

Mudshits have no such social stigma and in fact see it as a badge of honour to have the youngest wife possible. If age of consent is lowered what this will mean is you'll be seeing grown mudshit men cruising around schools picking up white girls and impressing them with their cars and bling and whatother shit. These grown men will have houses and cars and the kinds of things girls are easily impressed by. And nobody is going to see it as creepy because they're mudshits and that's what they do. And the white boys that ride the bus aren't even going to have a chance. And white men aren't going to pick those girls up so they're not going to be making white babies.

This is only going to create an environment where mudshits can grab up little white girls with impunity and ruin them forever before they even reach adulthood. They will have almost no competition. Think of sex like a market. White girls are the product, mudshit men will pay a high price for them, white boys will pay a low price for them and white men won't even consider buying. That means mudshits will be able to corner the market on white girls.

We need to raise the age of consent to 21.

Spotted the sandniggers.
Every fucking time.

i would support white men having multiple child wives to maximize the birth rate. but there shouldn't be any shit colored subhumans allowed in europe or allowed to marry any of our women.

I've no more rage left for Sweden, for my heritage land. Only sorrow. In a way, they deserve it. This is what happens when people don't speak about against retarded socialist policies/politicians. This is Globalism. Collectively abandoning as a society, your culture, your lifestyles, your homes. I'm convinced nothing can save Sweden now. Not man, not God. Even with the migrants gone, they've etched more than enough scars themselves. But then again, who knows? I hope to be wrong. God save us all. Do not forget this is the terror that is Religion of Cuck™.

Poor old guy is mad he had to risk his life and all his friends got killed just so that ungrateful bastard could dance with whores and niggers.

Why'd you have to do that to me, user?

As long as it's between shitskins, no. I'm interested in the 3 boys though. Those were gay shitskins? That would be worth a kek.

Look OP, if you have steam coming out of your ears now, just wait until there's full Sharia law. They will make a Swedish minor raped by an old shitskin marry the old rapist or they'll stone the rape victim child to death. The ride is just getting started. This is the time BEFORE the fall and we have a long way to go. MILLIONS are going to DIE before all is said and done.

No wonder we have hordes of angry young muslim men when they remember having their middle school crush being impregnated by some rich old man who took her as a 3rd wife. I'd shoot up innocent people too if my rationality was replaced with fanaticism and I could just release my rage on infidels.


Literally no one can defend this bullshit. Literally NO ONE.

You cannot blame the Swedish people for what is happening to them, only the utter KIKES that run their country. Sweden is the petri dish for what (((they))) want all of Europe to be.

Endless confirmation that Sweden has been taken over by Satan!

I'm going to miss the swedes. They seemed like really good people.




This. Greatest tip I ever had (one full day's payment) was from some Swedish guy.

I remember hearing about Sweden on the news when I was a kid, such a shame how it went to shit.

You are mistaking education for indoctrination, all education is served with a side dish of propaganda or ‘right thought’, and the only way for ones knowledge to be validated is to expose oneself to institutions that assure this. True for most fields and ever expanding. All by design, a plan formulated a century ago and that has been in action for over seven decades.

Some women will naturally seek to be educated, preventing this does not create optimum societies, and we see this with Religion of Cuck™. There is a difference between some women choosing to be educated (in a non weaponised education system they would still have children, just not as many) and the majority of women being conned into thinking they have to be educated. In most cases these women aren’t being educated at all, the subject matter they study is worthless and they leave university less intelligent and capable than they otherwise would be.

Religion of Cuck™ is not a model society, it is a poison upon humanity, it destroys. What is the point in having a large population if all it does is sit upon the earth idle. Our way forward is to remove non European influence from our societies, left to our own devices we have all we need for success.


learn to French law.

t. French Lawyer.

Go to Sweden get some swede to marry their kid off to you and bring them home to save them from a far worse fate. Redpill and raise them and send them on their way when they are old enough.

tfw no loli waifu

I bet on

a few of the girls at most 16 married to some 45 yo fuck. (you know Sweden and getting ages right)

Boys all around 16-17 and only technically underaged marrying a 19yo.

It aölready is into full force, if you cant critizise the muds it implies they rule over you.

Isnt drinking age used to be 16?

Get a tan and a beard, move to Sweden rape all the lolis you want for the low low price of maybe 10 hours community service for the dozen.

Okay. You're surprised marxism leads to decay? Waste of a threat, to be honest. The only "news" that can come out of Sweden now is something like rebellion. Every negative is expected, and I don't really care.

You're a fucking moron.

Aah you bastard.
What's the story behind this clip, who produced it and for what purpose?



One thing that is really depressing for me:

fuck all the children? I don't think that's the right answer

Some weird stuff in this post, but what I know is right:
Women should generally not receive advanced education. It just makes them feel like they're better and require a mate with even more education than them to match them. It's completely useless to them except to make them less willing to take a mate.

why hasn't totalcuck died yet
why hasn't his wife left him yet
why haven't I heard about him beating his wife for being a trump supporter yet


DeRay McKesson

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That's so progressive of them. Praise Allah.

Yeah but a good amount are laboring under a regime that hates them and they know very little. It's rarely brought up because it was so incremental, but censorship is extremely prevalent in Europe right now, much more than in America. I assume that many duped people are just that. Information is the weapon of fourth generational warfare and your average pleb doesn't even know where to look for a tool to fight back.

I agree that they abandoned God, but shouldn't we all be working to strike back rather than just condemning them? Most of us were not aware of these big lies less than a decade ago. Attack those who perpetrate evil, not those languishing under its grasp.


Holla Forums talks about how Sweden is fucked, but wouldn't bat an eye at an AoC of 21 or higher if it meant less single white childless catladies and instead they were divorced white single mothers on child support.

14 across the board IMO. Part of the problem of the weak adults phenomenon is due to their infantalization until 18 years (and in many regards now older). At 14 it should be legal to get a job without parent or school approval, move out, pay rent, have sex, get married, etc. These days we say to fresh young adults to "hold off" until they're in their 30s and tits-deep in debt and a career.

As a burger, I'll help you load them up! Puritans ruin everything they touch. Puritans are literally the jews of whites.

If you thought THAT was blackpilling then don't read this: google.nl/amp/www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4925422/amp/French-court-rules-girl-11-consented-sex-man-28.html

JFC you're F-ing stupid.

You get pissed because you're a cryptofeminist hag lover who gets triggered when 30 year old granny-roasties have competition from the pure untouched youngin's.

Stopped reading.

Your reading comprehension is shit.

Most of whom are closeted cryptofeminists. Once they take women down from essential, placing them into accessory, and they place men into essential, they'll stop being cryptofeminists. The state of human nature without control is toward cryptofeminism of some sort (women first, 12 yo boy sexing teacher OK while 12 yo girl sexing teacher is raype, etc).

That image is something straight out of heartiste.wordpress.com/

==Lesson: Don't volunteer for ZOG-bottery.== Also Greatest Gen didn't help or save shit, and all they sacrificed were their brothers so Europe could be made safe for muslims and jews. Let's not venerate those who volunteer for kike tragedies!

Lesson: Don't volunteer for ZOG-bottery.
Also Greatest Gen didn't help or save shit, and all they sacrificed were their brothers so Europe could be made safe for muslims and jews. Let's not venerate those who volunteer for kike tragedies!

Wow, I'm shocked that the country that has legal movies with child erections would do such a thing

still, you're not much to talk, murrica. you had child brides up the ass in the south hunderds of years ago

I pray that Odin teaches them the error of their ways before ragnarok falls upon them

you need a another check my lad. checked.

So 10 year olds can consent to sex in Austria?
That doesn't make any fucking sense.


His sentence was extended to 7 years.

Dammit user! all I rage is feels.

Save a white woman today anons, it's time to return to our ancestral homelands and fuck like our lives depend on it because it does.

where do 16‒22 y.o. girls hangout

At what age do you think the average girl loses her virginity these days? Hint: it's not 18, or even 16…

Need some statistics on that.

Calm you're tits OP, you old catlady. You haven't been competitive in the sexual marketplace for years. Time to step aside and let women in their reproductive primes take their rightful places.

These marriages do not involve children. Pubescent females engaging in early marriages have formed the foundation for large families in all societies since man was created. Only (((feminism))) and (((mindless bluepills))) feign outrage at what is plainly the typical approach to courtship and marriage throughout effectively all human history, and across basically all cultures.

Now it's truly sad that an invasion by mudshit hordes into what was once a White as White Gets country has been the vehicle to bring this issue into focus here, however the manipulative deception of 'Age of Consent' is highly injurious to the White peoples of the world and needs to be rationally addressed. This notion has done more to hinder the realization of the 14 words for our people today than just about anything else apart from giving women a political vote in the first place.

Stop this incessant sperging over a normal human condition you moronic, knee-jerking cunt.

I'd bet $5 you'd sire nothing but daughters, who would date a muslim just to piss you off

Good post. Yes, pedophilia is wrong - but a 14yo girl, after her menarche, isn't a child anymore.

How long until Sweden caves on their arguments that they should be allowed to marry 9 year old Swedish girls?

Sweden must fall so the rest can learn.

Like South Africa? Like Haiti? Like Rhodesia? etc etc?

Whites never learn, otherwise we wouldn't have had to kick out the Jews over 400 times. We would have learned by now and came up enacted a final solution. It's a critical problem with our race, we never really learn and we're too altruistic. We're the first race to end slavery and responsible for crusading on ending it worldwide and yet we get all the blame for it even though Arabs and Africans themselves were responsible for starting it and most of it and even still have it today. That's because nice guys get pushed around and get all the blame, all the time. It was a mistake to think they could ever be called people, it was a true wisdom when they said kindness is wasted upon savages. You give them an inch, and they'll take a mile. At last our western civilisation falls and the non-whites, they'll go back to enslaving and cannibalising each other true to their savage nature.

Burger here. This is stupid and infantilizing. If your kid can't into adult at 16 you have failed as a parent.

Stop pushing maturity off a fucking cliff

I think this is more of an issue of leftist and post-enlightenment ideas of "sexuality" being pushed upon the young.

Because let's be real here.

1. This is only going to apply to brown people

and 2. The idea of "virtue" to these eurofaggots does not exist.

They want women to be part of achmed's harem, or blowing chads in bathrooms at younger ages.

Not raising kids.

Unfortunately these days the majority of youth from millennials even well into their 30s to gen z are eternal manchildren.

fucking hurts bad man

Stephen Paddock


Reminder child marriage was totally fine until feminists said it was wrong. This was their first attack on the (white) family. Since the abolition of child marriage, womyn have turned into whores and men refuse to grow up. The only problem with this move is that nowadays the only ones marrying children will be "youths" from "syria".

While there has been some engagement in child marriages among whites historically, by and large marriages only occurred once young women became fertile typically 13+ years old. The White communities only really benefits directly from marriages with the birth of new White children. Children are unable to conceive, while pubescents can. And yes, not just femshits, but their (((handlers))) plainly use the idea of AoC to ensure young women are brainwashed in the education systems instead of learning from older women in their families, and go on to become stronk, indepyndynt whores, then desperate 30+ cows, then infertile, bitter old catladies. So far, (((they))) have been mostly successful at this leg of the overall plot for White genocide, but it's something that could be changed with determination by White men if they ever become redpilled on this insidious topic.

Big difference between 'child' marriage and marriage with a 14-17 year old girl. Many girls at 14 are already sexually mature and ready to have children, 16-18 is the peak attractiveness for women and it's also their prime fertility. Marriage or sex with a girl who is not sexually mature is disgusting and repulsive though.

Jews have been very successful with muddling everything on this topic, a pedophile can mean some sicko fucking a toddler or it could mean an 18 year old guy dating a 15 year old girl. They try to link something perfectly natural with one of the most horrific things possible.

Not to mention all the double standards with these pedo laws. Many 18 year old guys are put on the sex register list for dating a girl 2 years younger, Non-whites aren't put on it unless they violently rape many kids (and nowadays most just get a slap on wrist for it), and Jews themselves are free to do absolutely anything they want to kids (Pizzagate, Blood Libel, Satanic Ritual Abuse, etc.) and the only people who get sentenced are the victims and their families.

Have fun with your muslims getting 14 year old wives but hey atleast you get to be cheeky cunts because "heh were more degen than you"

Sverige, ja!

sweden is the worst place in the world

Who gives a shit normie fucking scum, desire for youth is natural in a man.

Hard to believe now that their ancestors were hardcore warriors who didn't take shit from anyone. They must be squirming in their graves.

I remember (but forgot to save) a post where an user explained the truth of pedophilia and the desire for young girls, but I agree with you that it is natural to desire for youth (ie) 16-18 year olds. However for an adult to desire a youth who is 1/3 of his age is not acceptable.


Holy shit, none of the responses to this TRUE, FACTUAL STATEMENT comprehend what the author actually wrote. Get your shit together, Holla Forums, stop being so triggered just because the NEET comment hit too close to home.

Get saved by the blood of Jesus Christ and get married as a virgin, to a virgin, as young as possible. That's it.


I'm not a pedo but the age of consent is pure kikery.

It exists to ensure that girls cannot form a bond with a mate before they are brainwashed by the education system and the media.

There's nothing wrong with a good man marrying a young, sexually mature girl. They are most fertile and able to conceive and bear healthy children at the youngest age.
Waiting until 18 just gives the kikes the chance to turn her into a whore.

There are advantages to educating and conditioning girls and marrying them off at later ages, it forces the men to work harder and be better, but in our current circumstances the kikes are taking over the conditioning and making women totally insane.

dude this place, along with the rest of internet, is patrolled by intelligence service bots to subvert real conversation.

Fug, is there a better quality .png of the first one? These are good tid bits of wisdom.

Never thought of it from that perspective before, thanks for another good piece of wisdom.

just checking to see if im banned

Should you be?

Rather, women should set their priority first on finding a mate and having children. Later on in their lives after they have fulfilled their biological imperative and the children are now adults leaving the nest, they may attend higher-education freely at will if their interest persists.

Black kid is too dark to be a mutt

When will I be heard?


















Eat shit. 16 is too high. 14 would be ok. 12 just fine.

This. I don't think these anime virgins ever met an average 16 year old female.

By the time she hits 16, she already sucked over 10 cocks.

Fuck off you no-format shill. You won't save shit without knowing how to wage war.

If those stats are correct, then what that pic actually demonstrates is the Jew government framing Whites. It makes no sense otherwise.

This is true.

What, so girls can orgy on drugs when they come of age? Fuck off wk faggot.

I don't have a problem with this fundamentally, but a far more important pursuit would be caring for her older children's children who should now be of age and having families of their own. Women's place is in the home. This is how they were created. Any other approach indicates a disconnect from their basic purpose, and a dysfunctional psyche.

Certainly agree with you but
I know you didn't choose the bluepill user it was forced on you. But the oxymoron of your words may indicate you still have some residuals in there user. If she can bear, she's no longer a child user she's a woman.

first france legalizing pedophilia, and now sweden legalizing child marriage. it's disgusting where or would is going. soon it will be a free for all with illegal immigrants marrying your preteen for green cards. soon it will be time for all single men to start looking for lolis because the only single women left for young adults will be a bunch of old grandmothers. when is it appropriate to join the degenerates? will we have any choice but to rise and fall with the social tides?

Every other generation we need a large scale war so society has some sort of perspective. Honestly the cultural effect of America's wars on our young men and women (disregarding leftist media) is the only reason why we're still alive and Europe is dying.

Of course, we have to win.


The merchant has to sell merchandise to survive, who do you think is buying it?
Atheism kills nations.

I enjoyed this

she was fifteen, worked for about 3 years, last movie was ironically made 2 days after she became 18

Hey Swede/pol/s, next time you run into other fucking cuckSwedes just beat the shit out of them and yell Heil Hitler

This goes for all Europeans. Seriously beat some fucking sense into each other. This is ridiculous you faggots.

Hey Schwede/Pol/s, nächstes Mal, wenn Sie in anderen verdammten cuckSwedes gerade schlagen die Scheiße aus Ihnen und schreien Heil Hitler

Das gilt für alle Europäer. Ernsthaft einen verdammten Sinn in einander zu schlagen. Das ist lächerlich, dass du Reisigbündeln.

Hej Swede/pol/s, nästa gång du kör in i annan jävla cuckSwedes bara slå skiten ur dem och skrika Heil Hitler

Detta gäller för alla européer. På allvar slå några jävla känsla in i varandra. Detta är löjligt du risknippen.

Hey sueco/Pol/s, la próxima vez que te encontrarás con otra jodida cuckSwedes acaba de golpear a la mierda de ellos y gritar Heil Hitler

Esto va para todos los europeos. Seriamente golpearon algún maldito sentido en el otro. Esto es ridículo, maricones.

Thanks. I'll get to it right away since all the books I get here are usually top notch.

get out christianfag

I think you may be on the wrong board (1)…>>>Holla Forums was that way.

So Sweden is restoring the conservative marriage tradition from the bygone days of Aryan Patriarchal rule?

historical child brides of Aryan rulers:

Irene Doukaina age 11
Alexios I Komnenos age 22 or 30

Flavia Maxima Constantia at 12 ('marriageable age')

Justina (empress) age 10
Magentius age 47

Maria of Alania age 12

Galeria Fundana age 10
Vitellius age 45

Helana Lekapene age 9

Agnes of France age 11
Andronikos I Komnenos 65

Margaret of Hungary age 9
Isaac II Angelos age 29


Irene of Montferrat age 10
Andronikos II Palaiologos 25

Marie of Champagne age 12

Marie of Brienne age 9

Isabella of France Age 6
Richard II of England age 29
"The fact that she was a child was discussed during the negotiations, but Richard replied that each day would rectify that problem, that it was an advantage as he would then be able to shape her in accordance with his ideal."

Simonis Palaiologina Age 5
Stefan Milutin Age 50