Leaderless Resistance

This essay explains the strategy we've (unknowingly?) been using and why it has worked so well and why it's so difficult for them to defend against.

> From the point of view of tyrants and would be potentates in the federal bureaucracy and police agencies, nothing is more desirable than that those who oppose them be UNIFIED in their command structure, and that every person who opposes them belong to a pyramid type group. Such groups and organizations are an easy kill. Especially in light of the fact that the Justice Department promised in 1987 that there would never be another group that opposed them that they did not have at least one informer in.

> This scheme of organization, the pyramid, is however, not only useless, but extremely dangerous for the participants when it is utilized in a resistance movement against state tyranny. Especially is this so in technologically advanced societies where electronic surveillance can often penetrate the structure revealing its chain of command. Experience has revealed over and over again that anti-state, political organizations utilizing this method of command and control are easy prey for government infiltration, entrapment, and destruction of the personnel involved.

> This understood, the question arises "What method is left for those resisting state tyranny?" The answer comes from Col. Amoss who proposed the "Phantom Cell" mode of organization. Which he described as Leaderless Resistance. A system of organization that is based upon the cell organization, but does not have any central control or direction, that is in fact almost identical to the methods used by the Committees of Correspondence during the American Revolution. Utilizing the Leaderless Resistance concept, all individuals and groups operate independently of each other, and never report to a central headquarters or single leader for direction or instruction, as would those who belong to a typical pyramid organization.

Read in full here:

louisbeam .com/leaderless.htm
archive .is/LVwEj

Other urls found in this thread:


you open your big fucking mouth too much

Could be useful as a guerrilla tactic also.
One guy, one gun. Does not talk to anyone about his plans. Get out at night and kills his enemies.
Repeat ×100 people in all the country and you have the start of a big big pb for any government.

One more paragraph:

> Conversely, the last thing Federal snoops would have, if they had any choice in the matter, is a thousand different small phantom cells opposing them. It is easy to see why. Such a situation is an intelligence nightmare for a government intent upon knowing everything they possibly can about those who oppose them. The Federals, able to amass overwhelming strength of numbers, manpower, resources, intelligence gathering, and capability at any given time, need only a focal point to direct their anger. A single penetration of a pyramid type of organization can lead to the destruction of the whole. Whereas, Leaderless Resistance presents no single opportunity for the Federals to destroy a significant portion of the Resistance.


Investigate cell structures. You have a cell of 4 people, they also form cells but don't tell you who is in them. They can't roll everyone up without leaving people out in the cold able to do reprisals. A chain of 5-6 people like this with some basic understanding of terrorist methods can form unbreakable leverage against the government.

Exposing the method does nothing to hurt its effectiveness. It actually makes it more effective, by multiplying other cells and breaking down the "controlled resistance" like militias

We must dissent after all.


For this to effectively work there has to be a simple bulleted "rules" list for this kind of proxy strategy. The commies have one, the Marxists have one. But I have yet to see a simplified rules list for defenders of liberty. "The ten planks"

This is how the kikes operate.

They see hierarchical structures as a point of weakness to infiltrate and get to the top of the hierarchy of.

Nonsense the universal objective truths found in our common values mean that even if they silence one or two of the goys, the objectivity of the truths, demands and ultimately manifests action irrespective of the disproportionate power they bring to bear via the system (((they))) impose upon the people.

If you think the kikes are not aware of this, you need to lurk moar. Why exactly do you think they always try to prop up some figurehead leader like dicky "implicit" spencer? Why did they build up TRS and try to get Holla Forums to organize along those namefag lines? They understand that our strength comes from our dispersed, chaotic nature. Hence why every odlfag always keeps repeating - discuss and meme on Holla Forums, but plan and organize in real life, with people you can vouch for personally. There is no need for an overreaching command structure until you're physically fighting a war and all bets are off. It's only a liability, a way to control and quickly disable the opposition.

This is nothing new to either Holla Forums or the merchant. We gain more by informing the constant torrent of newfags about this than we lose by making it clear to the kikes, since it really changes nothing on their end.

I believe this is part of the reason why legacy media has been trying so hard to meme the alt-right over the past year (with Spency boy as the leader), the other part being that it makes it easy to strawman and slap around some "representative" cunt on TV so they can grandstand to normalfags over how hard the evil nazis are getting rinsed.

Regarding the first part they're effectively trying to impose structure and uniformity on a bunch of disparate groups and random faggots so that they can then attack the leaders and undermine their collective efforts. Reminds me of early GG and their obsession with having no leaders so they couldn't have that happen to them.

Still, a good answer though, salutations.

This user is right, but there is also something to be gained from some online centralization. The problem is how subverted the alt-kike is, but if we had good known leaders it would only benefit us.

Creating (and being able to trust) such leaders will probably take some time, and an absolute prerequisite for qualification is naming the jew, this is why "name the jew" is a common way to dismantle controlled opposition. Because they don't name the jew, as they are the jew.

No shit.

Personally I disagree that we should inform newfags or talk about this much.

What is there to lose? It's not a secret club, it's exactly the opposite. Act on your own. Unless you're a moishe I don't see your point.

It's not only just that although that is certainly a big part of it. Every man and woman on here is their own and answer only to themselves and their peers. The other part of this equation is our intelligence infrastructure. Think about what we do on here all day everyday. We share news stories, we share current events, we share information on dangerous individuals. We sit here and coordinate, whether it be discussion on politics or figuring out how to take someone or an organization out. We do the same thing as CIA, FBI, or any government organization that specializes in information and intelligence gathering. That right there I would say is even more important than even the leaderless cohesion we have on the Right. We discuss, we gather, we plan, we execute. The folks who gather on the streets are the foots soldiers and shock troopers, we're essentially RWDS CIA

All hive minds have centralized control and in our case that command centre is located deep within the Earth, they are not yet capable of even understanding this never mind countering it, of which there is zero possibility of success anyway.

It's a question of how information is transferred between individual members of a hive colony and the creation of counters to false dissemination of ideology within the hive mind and the recognition of those malign intruders within, all of which we have made great progress in.

Checked, so I'll explain some basic bitch things about meme magic yet again. First of all perception forges reality. It's one thing to discuss our philosophy or strategy, but it's another to tiptoe through it like it's some fascinating idea we need to explore. That implies a lack of forethought that could just as easily be avoided. Newfags here seem to think we are having a conversation with each other. We are not. We are performing skits for an audience, multiple audiences, actually, and we want to engineer both the positive and negative reviews they leave of our show.

Leadership, or in our case the lack thereof, is a topic that requires some pomp and circumstance. Since we don't have a king to dress up and parade around our pomp and circumstance comes from an aura of mystery that shrouds us and confuses outsiders even as we speak bluntly and in broad daylight. Sometimes a mystery is a good propaganda tool, and explaining every last detail of that mystery to people who should already know better is counterproductive.

Make sense? Don't talk about fight club.

Checked tornigger

I can't wait big guy. When you see a Haunebu craft make sure to roman salute and Sieg Heil

Dunno brah, I think it worked better when Hitler (aka der fuhrer) did it.

We Illuminati nao.

Nah , we're just getting warmed up user!

Not a mutually exclusive.

If your goal was to impose Fascism then the Resistance by default disbands itself once that is achieved. There is nothing more to resist.

Sorry, this is no less cringy than when Keith Olblolman does it.

Have taken SIEGEpill. The question I have is what about the fact that Hitler did use a kiked system to defeat the kike? The obvious answer seems to be: because things weren't nearly as kiked ie mass media not as omnipresent, mass media not as kike owned, people more connected/communal/not as nomadic/no splerging on phones every available second/more influenced by daily interactions and discussion acting as an independent form of information gathering.

More like >phantom pain…in the ass

It's just about having fun really.

Thanks, but even though I know far more than the newfags, it's threads like these in which I learnt what I already knew (having emotionally understood things like fight club but memes such as helping see it rationally). Ideally I want every competent newfag to see the light too.

We need well-argued threads, memes and precepts to guide our kind.

We're anarcho-fascists user.

In all seriousness, what do you suggest? As soon as the new Hitler shows up anons will go
and treat any strategic compromise he'd make as a sign of weakness.

Theres one. Lurk more. Eventually you will learn all of it

David Duke is a known CIA and FBI asset, he is always trotted out to discredit anyone who advocates cultural, ethnic, or economic nationalism in a politically-palatable format. Dicky Spencer then shows up to throw Roman salutes and shout "Heil Trump" in order to associate nationalism with its least popular historical implementation. Meanwhile, Trump puts on a trucker hat and goes to steel mills uniting people to "Build The Wall!" and is wildly successful. Judge them by their fruit.



Really sounded like they didn't define Holla Forums.


are shills part of the hivemind too?

We're basically a gelatinous cube without any clear head to chop off or any vital organs, we're just a lumbering shitlord mass of hate. When the Jew strikes it rings empty in the abyss. They tried to cut off 4chan in 2011, 4chon grew in it's place unphazed (if not stronger). They tried again during GG and and the same happened with Holla Forums. They learned (possibly) that it's best not to even bother that way.

In the swirling miasma, ideas are hatched and memes pushed that really are not possible for them to counteract in any meaningful way. Because they have the tools to stop our progress by force, but they can't stop our winning of minds.

Defining the undefinability of Holla Forums is still defining it.
But seriously, this has been said time and time again.

This is why likes create thing like the alt-light, definition is alluring to some and they get fooled, luckily this purifies the spiritual/intellectual genepool of Holla Forums.

It's not really hard to hit locations. From what I noticed, a lot of multimillion dollar CEOs participate in public orgies like the Folsom Fair and Up Your Alley events. Netflix's Vice President was in the last one recently so that he could shame James Damore.

We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.

no, don't lump us in with retard anarchs

The hundreds of shitty e-celeb threads trying to shift the overton window should have clued everyone in.
Leader Lessness works well for spreading propaganda, but poorly for accually committing to take action. And lol if you think shitposting has done anything to accually effect the rothschilds grand kikey plan yet.

best game

We all share the same values and ideology. Society rejects us so we can't rely on it or its institutions, and we've become exceedingly independent as a result. For all intents and purposes, we're a gigantic hivemind; individuals who work towards the same end, autonomously of each other, but unified in our goals. Our leaders can't be subverted because we don't have any, each and every one of us is our own leader. There is no command structure. Just an agreed upon set of tenets.

How can anyone hope to fight a perfect stand alone complex?

The smallest cell is best. Less chance of infiltration.

Violence is the only action that matters. Make them afraid. It's the only emotion they understand.

Kill them, their children and anyone that sides with their position.

Just like the Mexican Drug Lords. They rape, torture and kill whole families. And sometimes post videos of the results. They get everyone to submit to their will because of fear.

During 2016 and early 2017 certain supposedly independent elements of the controlled right were pushing hard for the formation of "groups" and sharing of personal information (real name, real video feed showing face, postal address) on the basis that postal mail is more secure than using a VPN or other encrypted messages.
The fact that these suggestions started being made by numerous "independent right-wingers" all around the same time strongly suggests that there is an umbrella group or hidden hand guiding the content of many seemingly "independent" shills.

To be honest, I think the main problem is that the most known e-celebs are wimpy and faggy as fuck. They lack a spine. Hitler was an exceptional man. He was delivering messages from trench to trench in the Great War, was one of the few who went to the Beer Putsch and more. He faced death on more occasions than I can count.
Cultured Thug, Marshall Ironsides and Doom Guard are quite interesting characters. While not as great as Adolf, they are ten times better than Dicky Spencer of Fag Anglin.

Is this what the kike shills are sliding? Here's a bumpf.

Isn't this what GamerGate did?
Antigamers were extremely pissed because the usual tactics didn't worked.




not only that, he was a zionist

Zionism was supported by the German SS and Gestapo.[3] [4] [5] [6] Hitler himself personally supported Zionism.[7] [8] During the 1930's, in cooperation with the German authorities, Zionist groups organized a network of some 40 camps throughout Germany where prospective settlers were trained for their new lives in Palestine. As late as 1942 Zionists operated at least one of these officially authorized "Kibbutz" training camps[9] over which flew the blue and white banner which would one day be adopted as the national flag of "Israel".[10] archive.is/Du8yt

this, distributed and decentralized.

Where anyone worthy of the mantle to appear any "muh e-celeb" shitflinging would become absurd. We don't need to resort to coddling the weak like some slave culture for a leader who is "good enough." And furthermore the throne being empty at the moment doesn't make us "anarcho-" anything.


I'm actually writing a book about this very thing. Spread the word, I say.


Put this in too. And don't fuck it up like Ulrich, better still, don't call for hits on people.


it is not throne being empty it is organizational structure. Just to be clear this has nothing to do with old fashion anarchist structure which was organized in pyramid type of structure. This is new kind of structure even for anarchist (as you can see here archive.is/vReoK)

To not dwell to much into it let us just say that anarchist have a big disagreement between them selfs what is the meaning of term anarchy. And to keep it simple and easy to understand we will use distributed and decentralized system for now.

When no one else will.

Yeah, it is old hat knowledge. It's still fine for anons to post it and discuss it, though. Everyone should hear about it at some point. And it is a good thing to emulate.

Just here to check these digits out, man.
Look'in pretty fly, user.

The strategy you listed would be more of how we would be if Holla Forums was destroyed. This leaderless strategy is pretty much a bunch of pyramids that are spread out.
I would say Holla Forums is more like an ice cream cone rather than what you suggested. The cone part is pretty much Holla Forums and Holla Forums's BO and mods. From there we have a scoop on top. Near the center of the scoop are the users who just lurk / shitpost. The further you go towards the surface of the scoop the more active in our movement, both online and offline.

Bad shill, no shekels for you.

Better make that two scoops

Right now the right wing is a De-centralized network of competing "alt-right" ideologies. Alt light ect.

We need to move to Distributed.

(((they))) know about this model from at least 1964, this is research paper on subject https www.rand.org/content/dam/rand/pubs/research_memoranda/2006/RM3420.pdf and this is some info on RAND

RAND Corporation ("Research and development")[7] is an American nonprofit global policy think tank[1] originally formed by Douglas Aircraft Company to offer research and analysis to the United States Armed Forces. It is financed by the U.S. government and private endowment,[5] corporations[8] including the health care industry, universities[8] and private individuals. archive.is/ApP9n

if you know anything about tavistock you will want to know about rand.

No shit. That is a key ironic tenent of pol: Hitler wanted kikes out of Germany, he wished to peacefully remove them and coerce them to do so willingly, he fucked up and oven stocks should rise next time.

reminds me of this


Actually this 'open source revolt' is more subtle than OP.

Stuff in OP's post is nothing more than glorified common sense.

Join the Dylann Roof Society.

Membership is leaderless and anonymous. The society's main goal is to kill

-Misc. Muds

Delete this

tl;dr - Go out and kill somebody.


This is a wise essay.


maybe shutdown this website?

1) We'd make another.
2) Being without a home of our own wouldn't stop any of us anyway.

You're wrong. There is no benifit, only liability. Even with ideal leaders who don't act in bad faith, there is still liability

read up on Weber's notion of bureaucracy, Powell & DiMaggio's Iron Cage Revisited,
Bernais: Propaganda + Crystallized Opinion
Jacques Ellul: Propaganda: The Formation of Men's Attitudes
Gustave Le Bon: The Crowd
Salinsky: Rules for Radicals
Marshall McLuhan: Understanding of Media: The Extension of Man

Organizational theory is huge, and to form a comprehensive overview is quite the task.

While I agree with this, I feel like eventually somewhere along the line there will come a time when some centralization is necessary, maybe not around a person but some way these groups can convene and discuss, like Holla Forums but more professionally, since some groups will learn certain things through action that they can teach other groups. Im not saying one leader should be in charge but you need some way to coordinate. Perhaps Im wrong, Im a little biased to centralization and authoritarian in leadership style.

Organized leadership will take over, regardless of it being necessary or not.
Take a look at America, it started off as a decentralized nation of independent states, voluntarily defending the nation as a whole and united through principle, not power.
Then political parties came along and filled what ought to be voluntary sanctions into imperialist bureaucracies, family legacy "republics", and crippling legislation.
The larger a nation becomes, the harder it is to unite its principles, stop corruption, and prevent diversity. And if a nation isn't growing, it is dying.

This is a reason for saving everything ,keeping a copy in the cloud , some suggested having a copy on other carriers in case of OS deleting your files
(if anyone has a torrent of Murdercube I would like that)
There are archives-I think working like The Pirate Bay servers,hidden , out of jurisdiction
Each Holla Forumsack is a local Hitler to his friends and family and can become one for his community.(There were times when reading and writing was only for the church and nobels , it was illegal to translate the bible to your own language ,because there were changes to control the public)This is why "we" are a danger to the jews ,"We" know the truth , and "we" are able to preach it from memory

Like user said "a leader will come forward by his actions"
In war it will be a "Hero" thing ,First from networking,let's say a Holla Forumsack being an actuall soldier or veteran trains and organizes a small group ,his action will become known
Kind of like in the movie "Red Dawn"
The idea being , that the people that decide to step up as local leaders and later heroes would be Holla Forumsacks .If you are known by your friends to be a nazi (I shared my power level with good result-Holla Forumsand so it's natural)in crisis they might come to you for advice.
Networking in peace, leading in war

Why do you think 8ch exists?

The alt-right is not subverted because no one leads the alt-right. It's just a label that means someone with "White identitarian + economic independence" ideology.

If they shut down this website, then many of the people content posting memes would go out and do things IRL. I can only hope they would have good target selection and not just burn down their local synagogues.

Oh really? Would our glorious mods create another safe heaven for independent thought? Thank Kek we have such selfless, brilliant, and ever so hansom mods to direct the narrative and provide us a veritable paradise of free thought and brilliance.
God I love our mods. All hail our glorious mods.

New Orleans Protocol?

The Turner Diaries should be mandatory reading for all polacks. It's a wonderful handbook for this sort of thing.

BTW, do take into consideradion that US DOD is going this way also. And quickly..they are not fast learners but do have money

The Future the US Military is Constructing: a Giant, Armed Nervous System archive.is/C5lnu

Leaders of the Air Force, Navy, Army and Marines are converging on a vision of the future military: connecting every asset on the global battlefield.
That means everything from F-35 jets overhead to the destroyers on the sea to the armor of the tanks crawling over the land to the multiplying devices in every troops’ pockets. Every weapon, vehicle, and device connected, sharing data, constantly aware of the presence and state of every other node in a truly global network. The effect: an unimaginably large cephapoloidal nervous system armed with the world’s most sophisticated weaponry.

Yes. This is a good post.

it is basically all the weapons connected to Internet…well, DOD network that is working like Internet…

This, also read Hunter.

It's not as "common sense" as you'd think.

For example, there was a popular thread on Twitter a while back from a guy recommending that a Black Lives Matter-type organization be created for White Advocacy. Pic attached is how he described it.

It's exactly the kind of pyramidal organization of which OP's essay explains the weaknesses and vulnerabilities.

His proposal was somewhat well-received, at least by his twitter audience. But it struck me immediately as, at the very least, a foolish proposal, if not an obvious trap / set-up.

He did not acknowledge the risks and vulnerabilities of this kind of organization, nor did he acknowledge the glaring difference in that the ADL and BLM are supported by and extensions of the system.

Funnily enough, he has admitted he's a Jew on his youtube channel (but claims to be a white advocate), and this is very Jewy strategy, indeed.

archive .fo/MpUOU

Yeah, Hunter is good too. It shows what just one man is capable of when it comes to activism. Imagine if every polack read this book. Surely there are enough people on here and halfchan who have nothing to lose.

Yeah, Hunter is good too. It shows what just one man is capable of when it comes to activism. Imagine if every polack read this book. Surely there are enough people on here and halfchan who have nothing to lose.

thread theme
sidenote: can anybody post the latest ffmpeg guide? the original .wve of this looks way better.

Look into Tom Metzger who has been promoting leaderless resistance (lone wolves) for years now.

Meh. He talks shit about everyone else on the right, and he calls people cowards for not embracing the term "racist". You can't have hard right movements without gateway movements that are meant to convert normies. There's a place for his kind of radicalism, but there's also a place for Duke, Heimbach, and other men.



Fucking teenagers.



a few Jim-fags would like to have a word with you



Key to maintaining user status for event is too drive away narcissists, opportunists, and leader and metafags.

I disagree with the OP, I understand and identify with the notion that a fragmented group with a concentrated effort towards one goal is much stronger than some co-optable, single, entity. However, I disagree with the idea that we have no leader, we had Trump, we had a figurehead to inspire us and fuck with the system long enough to the point where he gained most of its power. Our movement needs figureheads formed organically, who aren't CIA PoC, who aren't effeminate, and who ARE speakers. We need people with passion in them so they can stir up passion within us and those that sympathize with us.

A mindless hive mind that is interconnected, no matter pyramid structure or not, is almost literally the opposite of s leaderless resistance that has no necessary connections
Your point about global internet connected military ceases to function when disconnected
A leaderless resistance continues as usual whine and whenever disconnected

Kill yourself first-post-kike.



Absolutely, but limit yourself to one leader if you can have multiple leaders who are experts in their area of expertise. Military leaders, spiritual leaders, etc.

if it is disconnected (video related). In that case you do not have to control just soldiers (as humans) you also have to control machines. And machines are starting to think faster then humans

this is true. But it can also be true to military. Soliders are trained to function without direct connection to command. For example special operation forces have high autonomy from command authority.

It's also de facto illegal and obtaining a copy of it will get you v&.

I like this pill. Very succinctly put.
Part of my apathy with women has been my unwillingness to sift through hoards of information to understand them.
Thank you.

What is this? Images for ants?

10 times zero equals zero.
The 3 you mentioned are in another category all together. They actually believe in White identity and NatSoc principals, rather than personal fame and PR.

Yeah (((they))) are afraid of this most of all, which is why they keep pushing (((leaders))) like Richard Spencer and all the other faggots who lead youtubers off to be slaughtered in cities with Dem mayors in states with Dem governors, where the police won't protect them even if they wanted to.
Go to rallies of actual politicians who align with your interests. Other than that, stay home and keep spreading the gospel on the internet. We don't need to march around college campuses and other bullshit; that was how you did it fifty fucking years ago before the goddam internet.
We beat Hillary, who was like 16 fucking years in the making, just by posting memes on the internet; no reason to go put your body on the line in public just yet.