New NFL prank! Stop playing the anthem at games!

Seems that the eggball players and their liberal / spooky handlers are amenable to suggestion and prodding. Here's my new scheme, we get them to stop playing the anthem entirely. It can be reasoned (kek) that this will reduce frictions and the SJWs will advocate for it, it's a huge win for them, so it seems. However it would rankle the crowds like nothing we've ever seen.

Let's do it, let's meme this. The National Anthem is racist and must be stopped.

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Unlike the campaign to get trannies in (which I think is hilarious) this has a chance of working immediately and with the current momentum. Cheerleaders have multi-year contracts, no new tranny cheerleaders are going to be thrown in really quick this year at least.

Let's do this. Meme center time.

10/10 idea, this is something the owners might actually go for if they see this as a possible way out. Of course it wouldn't work, Trump would just get back on Twitter and say how disrespectful they are for now refusing to play the anthem at all. Lets do this, I also agree this is better than the tranny campaign.

Do you ever think we might be playing right into their hands by pushing this "don't play the anthem" shit. They eventually wont, and it won't have as big of an effect as we might think on the NFL.

Just the next step in anti-nationalism cultural Marxism bullshit.

How? Anyway are you suggesting that some Internet cabal has the power to literally meme things into reality?

Sounds crazy, user.


Dumb idea that just gives leftists something else to point to as an excuse. The NFL is already doing a fine job of slitting its own throat on this on.

Send out the alarms, light the beacons! The order comes down from the tower itself! TO ARMS!

They said we could be anything, so we decided to do this. Feels great lads.

Yeah like people really believe that a couple anime fans and magic hollow earth Nazis are ruling the world. The more the left points at evil hackers and Pepe the crazier they seem.

Christ I've never seen a nigger this ugly before, his face is too small for his head and everything about him looks way off. He literally makes me sick to my stomach.

oh well do I have a surprise for you then…

cmon anons

they are already calling for this.

i'm afraid this get's meme'd too hard and they'll literally change the fucking national anthem. not to be blackpilled but it goes right along with them tearing down statues everywhere. this runs the risk of making shitting on the national anthem normalized, and once it's normalized they'll push even further and have it changed.

If this takes off we need to pull a GG and label both sides and make them autisticly screach at each other.

This. OP is either a retard or kike, if not both.

jesus fucking christ lad for real?

holy shit, I thought *I* was being subversive toward lefties

this, they must never know that we're behind this and literally everything else

launching memes on cuck chan now

soon they will breach the twittersphere

they've already banned the american flag in school games, there's no more pledge of allegience in school, the football players already disrespect the anthem as it's played, statues are going down left and right, some nigress calls george washington and the founding fathers racist on a daily basis on cnn, trying to get the national anthem banned first and then changed second is right around the corner. it's fine to stir up shit, hopefully the nfl looses money, but all this runs the risk of normalizing all of it and with the republican cucks in congress i don't trust that they won't go along with it too to pander like the kikes they are. the anthem isn't a constitutional thing it's just a regulation, it can be changed quickly, and once it's normalized there will be talk about it, and more talk, and then they'll just fucking do it like they did obamacare in a republican controlled house/senate all it takes is a couple treasonous republicans and the anthem is changed.

they gravely miscalculated and are already backpedalling

i say push this and there's no reasoning with me

i guess calling for it now is better than 10 years from now. rapid acceleration will cause massive division, rapid change will irritate the booms and every other normalfag out there. 10 years from now there's going to be a whole new generation of kids who went through school with no flag and no pledge and lib brainwashing catering to spics.

gen z might be conservative but they're normalized to shitting on the country, boomers and gen x aren't, millennial lib lgbtq+ and blm niggers do it to be trendy, but they still went through school with the pledge and some level of nationalism that they rebelled against shitting on it now. i guess this should be brought up and shit on now before it's normalized with the new generations.

this should be meme'd but not too fucking hard, just enough to get a few idiots to let loose with saying it and then be immediatly smashed. if it spreads too much it's going to change the narrative to the anthem and not just this stupid kneeling, and every dem in congress will be calling for anthem change every single day, and mccain will vote for it.

There's just no reasoning with me and it'll be hilarious. Trust me, this is just yet another thing we're doing.

You realize their (((think tanks))) are overloaded at this point and they were in a degenerated state after Affirmative Action kicked in, don't you? This is why they can not mount an effective resistance. Look at the recent election.

All we'd really need is for them to be convinced to not play it for a single game and the backlash would be enormous. Wouldn't end the NFL but it would certainly end that home team as everyone else scrambles to devour their own.

Thousands of years of evolution down the drain in 3 pumps. Disgusting.

It literally can't fail, it's the next logical step after the continuation of the take the knee crap.

It's showing up in local sports too but only the black kids are doing it.

no i like niggers and kikes willingly bending the knee to dick suck level to a white man's anthem and country.

OP man you really need to calm your tits, there are 24 posts ITT and 11 of them are you. I know this is your first idea and you really want to share it but have some couth.

We are growing. The NFL is shrinking.

Quit being a faggot who's afraid of winning.

In CY-1 it might have gone the way you're blackpilling, but in CY+2 Trump is president and all he'd need to do is create another shitstorm over them being unpatriotic for canning the anthem. Trump understands the layout and is forcing the public to stop straddling the fence, and the public isn't going to choose the niggers' side while the president is making such a big deal of it. The only way they win is when it's a slow and gradual slide into decay, they are reliant on slowly boiling the frog. This is what happens when they fail to boil slowly enough.

seems to piss you kikes right off so i'll keep talking about it ok?

This is pretty much how I framed it at work today. Manager thought it was hilarious, but my communist coworker with a quadroon child was assblasted beyond all believe.

What does this word mean, I keep seeing it posted.


Remember "don't mess with football"? Now the people who own it are messing with it. Damn.

1/4 black

We're really past this point, also your target audience (NFL fans) aren't going to care.

Its time to grow up and not waste this spotlight on triggering snowflakes with shitposts. Make informative arguments and expose cultural marxism's takeover of their loved hobby to the masses…. just like with GG.

The left has effectively given the civnats and boomers an ultimatum: support niggers pissing on your flag or you're a racist. That's after the left has already called these people racists for voting Trump, but there's a big difference here - booing in a stadium is a public action which they're engaging in as a group. I think this is bigger than we think it is.



Wouldn't it be nice to watch these fucking retards have aneurisms if it was the 4th or 5th verses of the anthem instead? The last one would be extra kek considering the civil-war connotations and thusly having it be flipped on its head.

The other great thing has been the viral trend with all the white men who got angry and set all their NFL merch on fire. Setting things on fire changes a man's mindset, it puts him into a revolutionary mindset. You start looking for more things to burn.

The kikes for their part are looking more flammable by the day.

Why stop at half? Take over the entire fucking nation, then the world to get rid of our enemies. That's how utopia will be achieved.

This retarded kneeling mass hysteria has become the Gamergate for blue collar football fans. The left is redpilling normies by the boatload. They think they're winning, but they're only slitting their own throat.

I actually work with a black woman who would really set your entire stomach into overdrive in reverse… literally this womans head is INSANELY small for her body. Its disorienting to say the least, and incredibly offputting. Like, its a child sized head on an adults body. Its baffling to say the least

Half the country is comprised of shitskins and the legions of zog, we'll capture the hearts and minds of all decent whites - it seems inevitable now.

When we've got groups of men getting together to burn shit because they don't want it to exist in the world… yes, that will be good. What I'm seeing right now is dudes alone burning shit, recording it and uploading to YouTube - that's pretty fucking safe. Compare it to the first man who started booing in the stadium - that was a big risk and he wasn't going to gain anything from it.

Kek even funnier if they change the song played from the national anthem to "Imagine theres no borders".

I bet you guys within the next decade the marxists will campaign to ban the American flag just as hard as they did the confederate flag.


No, we should shill for the anthem to be played like 10x a game so that it gives more time for virtue signaling.

As a meme war vet, I don't think this is responsible memeing. If you are willing to accept the cost then go ahead.
The cost is, during another President's term the national anthem will not be played at all, and restricted to formal special occasions.
Let's see where this ride goes………

Already happened many times in propaganda implanting institutions (schools). For example one last year -

As I warned in the other thread, ((they)) will pull out all the stops to protect their bottom line once it became apparent this controversy would actually kill niggerball. If you want to save normies who are currently still outraged at the nigger felons league, you must prevent this from being memoryholed, and keep the truth in front of them.

Otherwise, they will be lost back into the dark, instead of finally being redpilled at last.


OP is a giant faggot. Playing the anthem is American as fuck. These assholes want to destroy America you newb cunt. We need normies to see what pieces of shit these losers are and how there's no compromise to be had with them. How fucking deranged are you to think this would be a good idea? American solidarity is now protesting the things we stand for? hahahahahaa GET FUUUUUUUUUCKED.

Actually, OP is a faggot, but he's plugged into the prevailing wind patterns user. I predict this is exactly what will happen at most venues if the normie outrage grows.

True senpai
mfw this redpills normies into realising the Deep State is worse than NFL for hating the country and what it stands for.

Sure thing schlomo.

Imagine if the current transgender Target bathroom stuff was tried on the US populace in the 1950's - you think a president would be praised for supporting it like Obama was?


They're really going to do it aren't they.

One of the most important things to communists is the removal of all history and culture. I have no fucking idea what the hell OP expects to accomplish when this is literally what communists actually want, we would just be doing their dirty work for them.

The public isn't ready for it yet. This is not boiling the frog, this is not even putting it in boiling water, this is dumping it directly onto the stovetop. The normies will rebel, watch.

This is a distraction from something.

No this is just going to end up like getting the Confederate flag banned everywhere. Fuck off already.

I think OP has a point. Getting the anthem banned should trigger the normies hard enough and cause more rebellious thinking. Let them destroy the left. Althought he kikes could use this as a cassus belli to put the foot down on the right.

It wont happen straight away but it helps pile with more bullshit things the left are doing or are planning to do.

Also its fucking niggerball, god forbid we pull people away from mindnumbing television out of anger and frustration. All those sportsball niggers the kikes paid millions for will be worthless. Trump might retaliate by bringing back the pledge of alligence to public schools.

This is true too. I'm 50/50 tbh

The anthem wasn't written for darkies anyways… The problem is Whitey supporting nigger ball …

Damn, it's like he knows. (((the elites)))

you have to get a picture now


Gamergate but for handegg. Make the normalfags see.

And in general the anthem was bolted onto sports to channel tribalism into something less dangerous to the jews than nationalism. Removing the anthem and the faux patriotic bullshit from sports can only be a good thing. Carry on, lads.


This is actually going to happen. And with no one taking a knee, blue pills won't get angry and will go on watching niggerball.

What an ugly NigJEw that fucking shithead is

Truly impressive.

The national anthem doesn't have the same stigma to normalfags that the Confederate flag did, they went along with that because slavery was the only thing they associated that flag with.

In the very near future we could all enjoy reading about how one nigger destroyed the NFL. This would mean that you would need to shut the fuck up, kill yourself, go into orbit and kill yourself again. Trump did what needed to be done already. Admit it then fuck off. Sage asshole.

This is an actual statement I’ve had a marxist make to me.

Was the anthem always played before games? I've personally heard both yes and no. I support destroying the nfl 100% now but be aware of this countermeme possibility. Sports patriotism increased markedly after 9/11. Long ago it might not have been big enough to merit it.

Would love to hear their ideas for anthems ha! It really irks me that the thugs in Baltimore did this. I went to the fort there where it was composed.

Also make sure to point out that no anthem means no jet flyovers at the end. That pumps the crowd up big time. People love it. Start the game cold people won't even know when to get excited.

"No more symbols of 'American' imperialism!!" Waaaaaa keep pussifying the league!

Get the fuck out and don't come back.

Make them kneel for half an hour and see who breaks first.

This is an extremely bad idea. You don't foster nationalism by REMOVING the national anthem.


No, the best course would be pointing out that, instead of standing proud as an american, they are just kneeling in submission like the nigger slave that they are.

Sadly I cant bring my phone to work very easily. And certainly can't take pictures, there are cameras everywhere, and it involves working with patients. So if I ever got caught taking a picture at work I'd be fired on the spot for hipa violations

I unironically have always felt that playing the national anthem and always pushing military shit at sportsball games was ham fisted zog propaganda, meant to imply there's nothing more American than paying hundreds of dollars to grunt at orcs in tights grabbing each other. I hate the anthem to begin with, not just because of it's communist history, but because I pledge allegiance to my people not this zogbot machine.
But, now that its triggering orcs and commies as much as it is, I'm now conflicted.

They have knee pads. Kneeling in a football uniform is pretty comfy.

You've probably never lived under a government that actually aligns with your values before.

He's not just a nigger, he's also a jew/sandnigger mutt. Look at the features, he's got the nose, the curly jew-fro (not an afro), the shitty beard (Ever notice niggers and mussies/kikes can't grow a beard for shit.), and that lightly shitstained skin color.

that's right. I've spent my whole life in America with neocon zog propaganda from all angles and muh equality tripe shoved down my throat, as if i don't have eyes to see the reality.

see, they're already talking about it. 2 years from now mark my words this is what the niggers and race traitors will be whining about and the left will eat it all up if it even takes 2 years. (((elites))) fucking kikes.

for this jewish family, yeah

not to defend this cuck fuck but nigress probably has high heels on

This is the thing that can finally wake the boomers up.

It was written during the British shelling of Fort McHenry. War of 1812 I think. Are you a monarchist? It's definitely not associated with communism. This land is your land type songs are but not the Star Spangled Banner.

This is true though. There's nothing wrong with becoming an anarchist is zog is your only choice in government. Redpilling is learning of alternatives.

my apologies for my retardation, i was conflating the anthem with the pledge. it still has nothing to do with football though, which is my main gripe with playing it in the first place

Need to keep the narrative: Pro-American vs Anti-American.

we should squat for black history month.


This. I firmly believe that Trump won simply because, in hubris, (((they))) accelerated the brainwashing social program too greatly. They are trying to cram a lifetime's programming into each decade here, maybe more, and it turns out that while the people were able to stomach more than the recommended yearly amount for some time, the body politic ended up rejecting it and getting sick just like with hyper-vitaminosis A.

Look at all the (1)s in this thread, just like cuck chan.

why not just make a campaign for not singing it, not for racism but just because it doesn't have anything to do with sports? Breaking the sport/tribal connection to a civic nation makes sense. And in the white parts of the country, if school and the like keep doing it, or city niggers all kneel, then GOOD. It will start making whites identify more with their race, if in a superficial way.

I think this is a legitimate risk. CNN, and others are currently pushing the idea that the anthem hasn't always been played at sporting events.
This might be the solution that the shareblue types have come up with. I wouldn't be pushing it. The more the public sees people kneeling the more they'll be triggered. If you remove the anthem, and the opportunity to trigger normies, then the whole things just fades into the background (maybe).

Honestly, I'm not convinced either way if this is a good idea. Better to err on the side of caution.

It will redpill the normies. It can't fail. It's happening.

not an argument

This has potential. We must bait them into applying the racist label more and more often to anything with even a shred of whiteness. This will wake the silent majority.

Mere statement of fact.

Exactly, everything's racist if you're a big enough faggot about it, and (((their))) faggot power is over 9000.

I've found that the best way to irritate leftists IRL and maintain your power level is to pretend you didn't even hear about their latest meme causes and scandals. Then after they inevitably explain them, say something like "Oh like Obama did?"

Doesn't matter if you're being intellectually honest or not, they certainly aren't. If there are impressionable normies around I adjust the rhetoric accordingly.



Stephen Paddock

Just going back to his nigger roots tbh

At this point it benefits us more to accelerate the destruction than to try and slow it to a stop. What good is the steering wheel when you're going too fast to avoid obstacles?



don't mistake arabs for blacks

The American National anthem is a drinking song. The USA was born in a bar, and and it's anthem's melody is a bawdy drinking song, To Anacreon in Heaven. Bet we can meme some folks into singing this.

Well there was this other political movement which started in a bar, some guy was being paid to spy on a group but after a while instead decided to join it. I would like to meme this as well.