1. Live simply, preferably semi-rural. Do not financially support your own destruction.
2. Avoid overt displays of activism. Activism is a tool of the Left and only serves to identify you as a target.
3. Marry a White woman and have many White children.
4. Homeschool those children.
Daily reminder: Plan for personal resistance to White Genocide
Other urls found in this thread:
Please enjoy a kike free first post.
Thanking you in advance cucks.
So… don't pay taxes? Are you squatting on the land?
OK as long as you organize somehow. "Muh PR" is a losing strategy.
5. Support planned Parenthood to avoid negroid explosion.
Abortion is white genocide you fucking KIKE.
If you're not working for much money and instead for your needs directly, you're not paying much tax. Organisation comes in the form of community building, which is essential for success in both simple living and homeschooling. While land ownership is best, community gives you options for land access too, eg sharecropping.
kikeposter also gives us a daily reminder that (((MGTOW))) is feminism 2.0
You think negros are going to pay full-rate for abortions they are going to get regardless of how you feel about it?
Take that subsidy away and watch the welfare rolls skyrocket with little negros. You idiot.
Fuck those pussies. They have self selected for extinction.
abortion is ritual jew sacrifice and abhorrent to any decent human…
that having been said, the barbarians at our gates are not and have never been decent humans…
subsidized abortions for the mud? fuckinay!
i say we go further and offer negresses, beanettes, and the like lump sum payments to get their tubes tied…
>>kikeposter also gives us a daily reminder that (((MGTOW))) is feminism 2.0
Feminism is about vagina supremacy.
MGTOW is about not to play a rigged game.
To slow, Leviticus.
#3 is probably should've been #1
but this brings up a sticky point - women are idiots and disproportionately blue-pilled…
"breed white babies on that white ass" is putting the cart before the horse as long as white girls are voluntarily burning the coal…
…by literally participating in White genocide. Yes, we get it.
Wanna MGTOW disappear? It is very easy.
Laws must be reverted.
Men must have wide control over this degenerates females to impregnate them at will, and to sever their instinct to go stray (hypergamy).
Otherwise, it is sure the end of the white race is around the corner.
justifying the means for the ends is how you get kikery
If we are talking about our survival, any mean, any sacrifice, any price is justificable.
Uncle Adolf promoted pregnancies by giving houses to the new married couples, later he promoted pregnancies of selected aryan females and SS members (active eugenics in action).
It is possible to attain the expected goals, but the "pound of flesh must be exacted".
So we need to act politically to;
If anyone has anything else to add I would be all ears.
This violates point 2.
Note the goal isn't as such to stop MGTOW or any other individual (((psyop))), the goal is to secure the existence of our people and a future for White children.
You live in the EUSSR, if you can't be German in Germany go be German in France or Poland.
If I can't live in Germany I don't wanna live at all.
Then restore the Reich, faggot.
Can they be any more blatant with their brainwashing campaign?
Holla Forums Reich
Abortion is a human sacrifice ritual – the most powerful known to exist. It was invented by eugenics operatives within the occultic elite to cury Satan's favor while gaining his protection of their warmaking, usury, currency manipulation, and control over the minds of men.
Why is abortion the most powerful form of ritual human sacrifice? Because it entails the most defenseless victims conceivable (the unborn) being murdered by the very persons most duty-bound to love and protect them from harm – their own mothers, and medical doctors who've sworn oaths to their gods to do no harm.
These ritual murders which society misnames abortions are, furthermore, carried out in a nonchalant and routinized fashion exclusively to facilitate hedonistic apathy, laziness, and convenience; symbolically placing ten seconds of vaginal pleasure above the value of a human lifetime's worth of a living, breathing human being's consciousness.
In short, Satan loves abortion because it symbolizes evil within cruelty within evil. It proffers that a few seconds of vaginal contractions mean more than human life itself, and it does this using the greatest symbols of love and compassion (mothers and doctors), satanically inverted into spiritually numbed, unfeeling executioners.
So the next time you see a western woman screeching about her abortion rights on the steps of some state capitol, look into her empty eyes and know that you're seeing more than a simple murderer. Look into her eyes and know that you're seeing a demon, the very definition of evil. And know that the steady stream of death she inflicts on the unborn is what powers the elite's satanic karma.
We should have a homesteading thread. I don't own my own land yet but it is my goal to own my own land that's a vaccant lot and to eventually build upon it. It is such a neat idea to make yourself completly self-sufficent and then sell your organic shit to hippies who will pay $20 for a single carrot since "it's natural and locally sourced".
I've been trying to find land to legally homestead (that is, get for free since it has expired or invalid title) but that's getting hard.
You are cute.
I think a lot of people forget that the state will pay you to raise kids in many circumstances. I know in Australia there are families who manage to totally subsist on government payments.
Surely if the shitskins can live off government payments then by working and receiving payments (usually incrementally reduced by your income) you could live better than they do.
Do you advocate the use of propaganda to persuade large parts of the population to our side? If we aren't winning the minds of our people then we're ceding control to kike propagandists.
Definitely. But don't get caught. Rules of samizdat applies.
Every cute female that I know, and they are below 25 yo., had already killed at least once.
And this is what they publicly communicate,
imagine the real numbers when they reach 40 years old.
This is the wife material in the market, and with it we have to build the future.
It is not joke.
The genocide begins at our home.
Are you fucking kidding me?
So playing devil's advocate here, all it will take for us to be defeated is for online anonymity to be removed? I can easily foresee situations where this is sold to the public, maybe in the form of combating online trolls or "terrorist recruiters". They'll back it up with statements like, 'If you've got nothing to hide, you've got nothing to fear'. They could easily get leftists onside by painting it as a protection against far-right extremists, for example.
We really need to figure out a way to publicly shame women for this sort of behaviour.
Point 2 is retarded. If you give up the political fight there won't be anything to stop them from sending the ATF to burn your farm down.
I want to kill all leftists and niggers. Nits make lice, ther pozd kids are not safe from my desire to exterminate them. You have no idea how happy it makes me when they do half the work for me.
If the internet ever ceases to be a viable option, it falls back to the methods available to the Soviet dissidents. ie, literally making copies and sharing them with people.
We're not defeated while we still exist as a biological entity. If there are White people in the distant future they have failed, not us.
So will you be attending dickie's next protest then? Some street fight where you get arrested and ANTIFA don't?
protip: there's nothing stopping them now.
Why do christians blame themselves for everything? Place the blame where it belongs.
I think I figured out how we can pay the negros there 'reparations' :'^)
holy fuck that post cured my cancer
There's a really good one on /polk/ with an user who is currently getting a homestead set up in the south.
Feels dark man.
If I could. It's very difficult finding work outside big cities.
And where will you get money when you live in the middle of nowhere? Only cities have jobs that aren't retard-tier like gas station clerk.
I understand the sentiment but must provide the obligatory:
I murder millions of unborn everyday when I fap
Fixed that for you
this is true, abortion is just a modernized form of Molochian ritual. The Canaanites, Jews and Carthagians would throw their children into fires and let them be roasted in the hands of burning effigies in order to increase their power and favor with Moloch. Little is known about Moloch himself specifically, what powers and favor they asked for I do not know, but I hesitate to say its best such things are forgotten, because clearly (((someone))) remembered.
The reason they sacrifice children is obvious though, like you said its innocent blood. Another deity that I think might shed some light on Moloch; Xipe Totec. Hes a spic deity from the Aztec pantheon, considered god of corn, regeneration and eternal youth.
How they worshiped him was by taking several hundreds of virgin girls every year, stripping them of their flesh and wearing their skins. The priests of Xipe Totec would wear the virgin skins for 20 days, then "shed" them when they became rotten and put on new skins from freshly flayed virgins. The ideas is that virgins, especially beautiful ones, are representative of absolute youth and regeneration. The priests take their youth and regenerative properties and steal them, absorbing their youthful energies while catalyzing their own.
Such it is with the Jews of Moloch; young virgin goyim are always their victims. The old and ugly will always prey upon the young and beautiful out of jealousy and a want to slip into their skin (with the Aztecs, very literally)
pic semi-related
Then fight and help us restore what is righteous.
Is it like another shoah for you? Is it worse than that one time your grandmother was gassed six times for her gold fillings by Dr. Mengele himself?
wrong. sperm will not develop into a human if you leave it alone, retard. and let's not be coy, you'll never even have the opportunity to disappoint a woman so keep fapping away faggot.
Buy cheap property and put the property in some sort of trust that has some cash in it.
These are things we're already doing. Have a lot of land but make friends with others in the area…. I can't say how for you but its possible. Homesteaders do rely on the services of others. Maybe you provide a service and therefore you can be useful to your neighbors. Come DOTR, you will have a small squadron of well armed associated. Even if you're a useless faggot who can't figure out anything, you can always trade food, chicken eggs, etc.
Look up how to build a house on YouTube. Me and two other dudes did a 12x12 Dry cabin on a concrete foundation with basic hand tools in a weekend.
You're not thinking. Build a few cabins on a larger lot and airBnb the other properties. Move somewhere with some tourist traffic. I know people making 3k a month letting retards camp on their back lot and all it has is a shitter and a fire pit. Think 21st century you still have internet from cell towers, you're not a fucking peon.
airBnb. Learn a skill like welding, smithing, pipefitting, electrical etc. A white dude is always in demand in rural places and obviously shit breaks all over the place. Hell, my in law paid 200 bucks for a guy to drive out 100 miles and trim his tree in his front yard that isn't even that large. Shit, when DOTR comes, whats going to be the most valuable occupation after that?
5. No agenda to not let kikes control the NUCLEAR HOLOCAUST CODES
I didn't read your post, but realize disgenic breeding is also immoral and causes greater suffering.
go be a autistic Christian somewhere else.
Strive to be better than this.
STOP watching porn.
nigga, you trying to derail this already pointless thread with an abortion debate.
on OP's topic, I'm skeptical that a minority of whites becoming "volkish" is enough, we're supposed to wait until the government collapses and the ice-age begins to have peaceful homogeneous nations?
Yeah, we're just gonna ride the tiger when the dindoo problem reaches SA levels, and our "white nationalist" leaders all love jews.
When the welfare state ends and the government is dying some globalist kike is gonna perform CPR on it.
This "collapse" everyone is waiting for is going to have to occur on a global scale.
At this rate, whites will be gone before the state, as there are countless other rootless peoples that will sustain it for their own comfort.
I'm not suggesting we get involved in "politics" either.
Even the simplest follower who has the courage to stand on the table in some beer-hall where his enemies are gathered, and manfully and openly defend his position against them, achieves a thousand times more than these slinking hypocrites. He at least will convert one or two people to believe in the movement. One can examine his work and test its effectiveness by its actual results. But those knavish swindlers–who praise their own ‘silent work’ and shelter themselves under the cloak of anonymity, are just worthless drones, in the truest sense of the term, and are utterly useless for the purpose of our national reconstruction.” –Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, pp. 281-285
user, there are states where you don't have to pay property tax. You have what's known as a homestead exemption.
t. Louisiana, where I have the exemption in question, live rurally, work in a small city, live within my means, and have all the space I want to target practice for when it finally fucking kicks off.
Don't I need to own a place for this?
I've got a full time job and student loans. More schooling Doesn't really seem feasible for me right now.
t. fell for the STEM meme
posting some good material revant to the thread.
also beware becoming the fringe society. if all white people go off and live in the woods to avoid being controlled by evil people, we lose control of the country. you're basically giving away your castle or your positions and letting others take it away. you become even more of an endangered species. as much as I hate to say this, stay involved. do not move. stay put and resist and fight back by being the best american you can be and supporting good people in politics.
There are places all over the country that are just a few thousand dollars to buy. Like really cheap. Theres land in Colorado City, Co for 1,000. Buy that, go down there on your time off and pay someone to build a few concrete foundations. Then save up for building materials and build on the property. Make them tiny houses or some hipster shit and then advertise it on Airbnb as an artisan rest stop or something. 120 a night. Easily pay off the money invested very quickly, then use the money to buy more property. Repeat cycle. Good luck.
from /polk/
Even if you have kids the Browns still out outbreed you and your kids will still be indoctrinated to be liberal fags, retards.
(((they don't want to be named)))
watch out for the globalist cucks
Um, "white genocide" means not choosing you as a sexual partner?
Whoever thinks this will be a good idea is either a fucking retard or a kike.
porn is garbage. also, fapping isn't the same as porn.
checking my two separate incidences of double dubs because nobody else will.
If I had ready cash and construction skills and no bills to pay, maybe.
I think it's too late for me. I'm just a warning to others now. A debt slave trapped in this concrete hellscape.
Pretty sure Randy Weaver tried this at Ruby Ridge. How'd that go for him?
Trailer. Most people go ew, but here's the thing, it only has to legally fit in the definition, build one yourself using regular house construction in the confines of the definition. What for? They aren't counted as structures on the land which results in only paying for property tax for the land itself; most property tax is the structure/house. Now you're only losing a couple hundred instead of several thousand that would go to worthless government "employees," illegal aliens, and deny the jews their grifting cut. Also out the window is all the inspections and permits for building that go with structures. Follow with doing your own utilities. hybrid car to escape the 50% gas tax, refill instead with your solar panels. If you are able, build your own tricycle hybrid that's considered a motorcycle to drop your vehicle insurance from $500+ to $100. Grow as much food, medicinal plants, stay as fit as possible, do medical tourism. Buy used, make things yourself, be more choosy/less of a consumer, invest in supplies, tools, try to end up producing everything you use, store wealth in hard assets, use alternatives to jew currencies where possible, etc. deny them extracting your wealth while not sacrificing amenities, you end up more financially secure keeping what would have gone to non White competition/enemies.
ive watched so much porn that it arouses me more to use my imagination. you cant conquer the porn jew by never watching it. when you can visualize sexier images in your head than porn can produce, you will leave porn behind.
Try fucking a watermelon
kill yourself degen
No offense dude but the mods are right your entry-level redpill facebook meme really isn't worth a thread. It's a good pic, but there is no reason it needs a thread of its own. Maybe make a redpill image/propaganda general thread or something.
Spoiler alert:
That video actually did not show Laughing Abortionists ‘Pull Out Baby Hearts After Abortion, Just For Fun.
Nice lie you whacky Christfags.
Yeah it did…
Artificial wombs are going to be one of the most effective forms of resistance to white genocide. Women are the limiting factor that is leading to the decline of our race, since they are highly susceptible to kike propaganda, and artificial wombs will allow us to get around the woman problem.
I agree with you. I read his post (which could be plausible from an esoteric perspective), but having traveled in the third world myself and seen endless miles of slums and suffering, the christians have done much more harm than good.
I agree with you. I read his post (which could be plausible from an esoteric perspective), but having traveled in the third world myself and seen endless miles of slums and suffering, the christians have done much more harm than good.
You're still at this? This was like 5 months ago, if I recall correctly.
Look into something called drop shipping and custom labeleling products on Amazon FBA. It's not over. There's a big world out there in ecommerce where you can make a decent amount of shekels.
btw, this ecommerce stuff is mostly PASSIVE income, so it's doable for you while you have the normal job.
Its also funny that the Legal immigration rate is set to 1.2 million.
A sieg heil to anyone that can do this and do it successfully, all the good women I've ever met were already married and the rest are insufferable. I fear it will never happen for me, I hope the day comes I can serve my people in another way.
Artificial wombs
Keep searching user. There is always hope for those of us who are here.
Accidental sage; apologies.
Yeah, let's just ignore it all and hope our kids fix things for us. Fucking pathetic, kill yourself.
"water is wet" thread
Hey OP, you gonna tell us 1+1=2 for your next trick?
He's giving you the fixes. He's talking about activism in the public forum like UTR, not activism in the private sphere like setting examples and enlightening people online or in person.
I am not content investing in children prior to securing physical immortality for myself. How is that pursuit going?
I've never seen a NatSoc American flag that isn't shit, and unappealing to look at.
Don't be such a retard.
Degenerate. You fags aren't welcome here, go back to the Lolberg communities.
Terrible for you, as having children is the only true path to immortality you selfish rat. A true man of the movement never dies. He lives on in his people, his legacy is his children and work.
"Comrades who died on the battlefield… You are not dead. You are alive. You are Germany!"