What is your favorite Dragon Ball game?

What is your favorite Dragon Ball game?
Mine is Budokai 3.

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Budokai 3 and Budokai Tenkaichi 3

Was Dragon Ball Origins any good?

Burst Limit.
I liked the in-combat events, except the ones that went too long.

Anyway, the OG Budokai 3 was my favorite. I'm actually kinda hoping with how good Xenoverse 2 is looking, it dethrones it.


Xenoverse 2, when?

Shame about the short roster though.

Budokai 3 would be perfect if it had Dodoria, Zarbon and Android #19. Those are the only ones missing. Also no Dragon Rush. I am fine with QTEs but DR requires no skill, just pure luck.

Next month

Best saibaman out of any game though.

B3 does that too though.

You can even play as Saibamen or Cell Jr.

every thread until you like it

BT2, but that's probs just because of my nostalgia, i love the soundtrack, the stupidly long story and the encounter with yamcha when you play as buu and if you beat him you get 1 million zenni, but he's almost impossible to beat, that shit tickled me

Tenkaichi 3 is the best Dragonball game

All they had to do for Xenoverse was to copy paste its gameplay and add decent online functionality, but they fucked it

Budokai is shit compared to Infinite World.
Enjoy your 30-second cutscenes when you're trying to play a fighting game.

Raging blast 2.
Tenkaichi 3 is decent, but me and my buddy were bored of it from the get go… Raging blast 2 on the ps3 is fast, intuitive and overall less of an arbitrary button mash. It's only good for VS mode, though.

I can play ultimate Gohan, future gohan and frieza for hours on end. The Ai is flawed, but if you give it a fair fight it's surprisingly sophisticated.

Which characters can you cancel well with and who do you main?

I don't think you or your buddy understood the controls

Uh, I can cancel pretty much just with the two easiest, Goku and Yamcha, but I've always enjoyed playing as Trunks, even since the first Budokai.

Budokai/Tenkaichi and all variations are shovelware Mario Party-tier garbage.

Burst Limit is so much better than every other Dragonball game (both in terms of representing the show and being a well-designed fun game) it is ridiculous. It also looks prettier than DBZ games released years later on more powerful consoles, kek.

When we played tenkaichi 3 the one who mashed the hardest won every time. The moment we launched RB2 it was another world. Characters are recognizable and fun. I mained Yamcha for a long time just for pic related.

After we spent a few hours training timing for various defensive moves fights became slow and glacial, with evading and baiting until someone fails a dodge or a counter and a sweet combo gets in. When i go back to the anime scenes now i find them lame. This game does even the kaiohken right and we have repeated goku vs scouter vegeta dozens of times and we had many battles there were cooler than what Toriyama himself wrote.


Me too fam, cant do infinites on this piece of shit. PlayStation controller has it alot easier.

Supreme Kai, Goten and Kid Buu have the same →PKK and KKKK- cancels as Goku, so you might want to try them out.

For Vegeta there is: KK←K, ←KK, →PKK, →KKK→K. His grab throw kicks opponent into the air so you can follow it up with alot.

Goku also has a nice stun you can use in the middle of your combo: →KKP

I main Android #16 and he is pretty neat.

Majin Buu and Kid Buu also have great stuns like PPP→P and →P+K.

If you want to learn how to play a certain character just look him up, there are plenty of guides. Just practice cancels/stuns/juggles and it will become second nature, and put Guard as a shoulder button if you have not done so already.

Budokai 1 a best

Who is your favorite dragonball?
Mine is Lunch. Vid related.

So we all agree, loli chi chi a best?

Tenkaichi 3 was just a mashfest because you and your buddy are shit at the game. Tenkaichi 3 has a much higher skill cap than RB2, and I say that as someone who's put 1000+ hours in T3 and at least 300 into RB2

Original DB is the best

Legacy of Goku (2 and Buu saga)

I was always fond of videl, Its a shame her design when she got older was so boring.

twintail videl is best videl

Advanced Adventures for the GBA is also a gem.

That over-sized shirt.

hell yeah dude

Budokai 3 or Infinite world.

After and before those games there hasn't really been a DBZ game that's interested me.


It does have the best story mode, even if it only goes up to the Cell saga.

>Tfw no extended version of final battle theme
It hurts

How much do you love me?

The game overall is shit, but I really did like the What If scenarios it offered.

Tenkai 3

though it would be amazing to get a game like Super with the roster of Tenaki.



This game was really the shit back then. Perfect. Absolutely perfect.

well hey, if the latest episode of super is anything to go off, power levels genuinely mean jack shit now.. Yamcha could come back… but not Gohan. Goten has an easier time going Super Saiyan than Gohan now.

And evertyhting went to shit after that

Also there is no good game based on this series yet , the ideal one as far as i am concerned would've been one following the Breath of Fire III formula as far as the world artstyle and story went with a Tobal 2 combat system woven into it

Gohan can fly and had his potential unlocked and he chooses to be a normalfag faggot doing the most boring shit. Normal people do this boring shit only because they can't fly!

IDK why I still come back weekly for that shit.
Fucking trash

Literally the only thing of value there was Trunks doing final flash which was a "hey look at that" moment at most.

Meant this one
Thanks though, this one's still pretty good

Yamcha had lots of fangirls and could get any pussy he wanted, so yeah Bulma was kind of jealous.

But he made sure to destroy that tight pussy before they broke up.

DBS is not canon, so there is nothing to worry about.

why in the fuck

I got you fam

it's funny because I don't even like Gohan that much, but after growing with the character all throughout Z its a shame that the writers turned him from the most powerful Z fighter, to a fuckass who lets his wife and daughter go to a fighting game tournament without him so he can go to a job interview.

The writing is so bad man. It was never great, but now it's just pants on head retarded. The Trunks part you mentioned, as well as the tear gas part had me shaking my head in disgust…. at least they outsourced the fight so it was pretty good.

I blame Chichi. She was the key influence in Gohan's life that pushed him towards normalfaggotry uselessness.

See, you could… but then you had Gohan realize what a weak fuck he was now during the Frieza fight and vowed to get stronger… only to skip out on a tournament he could have used to get stronger. The writing in super is just bad.

DBS is canon, sorry to say.

I think it's about as canon as GT at this point, especially considering Toriyama isn't writing Super.

It's Goku's fault. When he was dead Piccolo picked up the slack admirably.

DBS is a lot of fun. It's more like DB than DBZ, thankfully, since DBZ was the worst thing that could have happened to the franchise. Too much screaming and powering up, and not enough god-tier silly slice of life and slapstick and puns.

Super is a god-tier return to form.

It's really not, unless you think DB was all about reference humor (all of it's jokes are remember this haha laugh now) and never a shitty slice of life like in a good chunk of it's filler.
It's as fun as watching someone dance with the corpse of something you like.

I actually really like the cute bob cut she has at the end.

Anyway, I haven't played a ton of DB/DBZ games. I've played the beginning of DB Origins and Attack of the Saiyans on roms, but decided I wanted to actually buy them. Just haven't gotten around to that yet. Xenoverse is alright, Boudokai 2 is clunky and kinda boring.

I'm still salty about what happened to him. He never got a proper character arc about his cockiness leading to him losing battles that should have been easy for him, and never met the full potential that the people like Kami and Roshi blabbered about him having. And as the series got more about aliens, he had to give up his girlfriend that he wanted to settle down with, all to make another Saiyan. I at least have to give kudos to Toriyama for not making him a cuck by making it clear that he broke up with Bulma years before Trunks was conceived and even still had a girlfriend and (supposedly, don't really believe Bulma's ass since before the time skip he said he wanted to marry Bulma) got enough pussy that he was able to cheat.

Though the anime fucked that up by have the Vegebul romance bloom while Yamcha just kinda went 'duhhhhh' in the corner.

He officially went downhill at pic related, I think. That entire arc was the first really bad arc of DB. And that rivalry he had with Tien was completely forgotten about, to create a rivalry with Goku and Tien instead that wasn't truly there to begin with. The arc would have been better if we had a second battle between Tien and Yamcha that actually ends in a tie or Yamcha possibly beating Tien, before getting his ass kicked by Kami.


Toei pls leave

user, the filler is the only reason to watch DB or DBZ. The action and plot is all horrendous.

You're objectively a faggot. Or you don't remember a lick of DB and you're just pretending you do because you're still a faggot.

So it's all shit

The character interaction is what really drives the show. Roshi's perverted antics speak to an entire generation.

The character interaction is part of the plot and action, nignog. It's not like in DBS where random enemies that don't get any character development come out of nowehre to fight in a plot that doesn't matter.
In DB the fights and the plot was what drove character interaction and the humor. The fights were how characters developed and showed how they grew.

That's what makes DB better than DBZ and especially better than DBS.


I know it had problems, but I really liked Dragon Ball Z Legend of the Super Saiyan.

Super DBZ is my favourite, but I like Xenoverse and Budokai 3, too. I really wish they'd rerelease Super DBZ with online, but I know it'll never happen. I also feel like I'd love the Tenkaichi/Sparking games if I played more of them, but I've only got the first one and BT3 doesn't play well when emulated.

Everything you just said about DB applies to DBS.

Come on, you didn't even try.

It's true, though.
DBZ has its moments, like the driving school episode, and all of the episodes between the main arcs before anything is happening, but otherwise it's all just still frames of screaming 90% of the time.
DBGT is actually better in terms of having more fun little character episodes without useless action, but the artwork and animation in GT is the worst thing I've ever seen in my life, so it cancels out.

DBS has fantastic animation and artwork, and about 70% of the show is people talking to each other or doing silly things. The Pilaf Shu Mai trio are probably the best characters ever to grace the DB franchise, and while they were okay in DB (kind of edgy at times though) they've never been better in DBS. They're pure sugar.


Kek. Also
What character episodes? They had fucking none since they focused on literally just Goku, Pan, and Trunks, sometimes Vegeta.

Did they canonize the wish for them to be young again? Or is Toei going to try to tie Super into GT somehow.

For the most part the filler in DBZ tended to be awful, the extended saiyaman parts were actually good though and felt more like dragonball.

Pan was the star of that entire series. Who else did you want to see?
I'd say Bulma, but they made her a villain in GT so that was kind of off the table.

Toriyama went on record to say that GT is not canon but Super is.

Piccolo. I got to see him for one fucking episode just to watch him die. GT literally put him in just to die.


I know, opinions and all, but you are fu cking retarded dude.

I like DBS and I'll admit that this is bullshit.

DB went to complete and utter shit.

Everyone who says "Budokai 3 is great except for Dragon Rush" needs to learn about Dragonball Z: Infinite World.

The final game in the Budokai series, Infinite World was released on PS2 the same year as Burst Limit on PS3. This game plays like Budokai 3 with an expanded roster and gameplay improvements taken from the Shin Budokai series as well as Burst Limit. There is no dragon rush except for during potara fusion, there is a universal aura burn that gives you super armor and infinite energy for a short time before leaving you without energy and there is also a new dash as well as a new grab.

I won't lie to you, the single player does not compare to Budokai 3. The story mode is filled with shitty mini games and ball busting AI (which can be a great thing for series veterans). There is no World Tournament mode and the only other single player mode, Dragon Road, is unlocked after fully completing the story mode.

Basically, for when friends are over Infinite World is the #1 choice in DBZ fightan. Alone however, you'll want one of the earlier titles.

Shill mode disengaged.

I thought I was the only one doing that. I named my obligatory Saiyain character Risotto.

You fucked up.


I never got a chance to play many DB games sepie being a huge fa of the series. So I'm gonna have to go with Buu's Fury, as out of the ones I played that's the most repayable. I always wanted to get the one that has basically every character from the series on the roster including Arale; can't remember its name though.

I kinda like the symbolism they're going with, a Black Rose, but yeah shit is just too much at this point. Evil Goku was already done in a movie and that plus the God mode stuff makes the whole thing come off as fanfiction in the grand scheme of things. I do enjoy Beerus and Whis immensely howerver. And at least, despite the characters looking like cheap flash trash with no details, this one particular fight was actually more fluid and dynamic compared to most anything else we've seen in the series. Pretty good for one of the cheapest looking shows around.

Named mine Selery. She's a cute little saiyan girl.

I named my frost demon Icing

Gohan is named after a meal of rice.

But he was named after his grandpa, and Grandpa Gohan wasn't a saiyan.

Toriyama is writing Super you newfag. At all of the characters are his. All Toriyama did for GT was supply some designs and let Toei do whatever with them.

Sorry, it's canon.

Toriyama also "wrote" GT

Toei has this thing where if any part of it was written or designed by him they market the fuck out of it, like lord chilled from the story of bardock.

Toriyama wrote the first 2 arcs(the movies) and is probably only helping with character designs. The nature of Toriyama's involvement with super has not been disclosed by him or by Toei since when idiots assume he is writing it they are more likely to watch it.

The guy even had an interview where he fucking admits that Toei tells him what to write, he writes it, and then they edit it.

At the best least it's not canon simply because of the contradictions.

Fuck off, Toei, not even the Japs like this shit.

He's actually not. He gives guidelines for story arcs and lets Toei and the dude doing the manga (surprise, that's not Toriyama either anymore!) do their thing with it.

I like some things about DBS. I like Beerus and Whis and even Zeno and the whole multiverse concept. I like the young Pilaf trio, I like that Gohan is actually following his dreams to be a scholar and all the delicious fightfag tears that come with it, and I actually kind of like the blue god form. Looks pretty cool for a SSJ recolor, especially on Vegeta.

But it has major issues. It looks like shit, like cheap, cheap shit despite being one of Toei's big money makers. It's fucking ridiculous a show made for little girls and pedophiles, Precure, gets better funding and production scheduling than a sequel series to one of the fathers of shonen.

There's more wrong with it, but I don't feel like making a giant wall of text. Other Anons can just tell you why it's shit.

Oh, no, it has. Back when he showed people his design of F. Trunks (which wasn't even edited properly by dumbasses when he messed up the hair color, despite current Trunks still having purple hair), he told people about how he 'writes' the episodes.


In other words:

What faggot made this?

end existing

It was already established in the BoG movie (and then forgotten by Toei in the BoG arc for DBS lel) that Mai and kid Trunks were having a thing.

To be fair Mai is like 50 something, technically. And, again an error of Toei's part, this point of time in DBS is roughly when pic related went down in Future Trunks' timeline. They just haven't aged up the characters because they don't know what the fuck they are doing at all.

He actually has a valid reason though, his timeline is fucked again and he needs help.

DBS is bad in a lot of areas but tbh most of that is just Toei not giving a shit at all. The general plot and ideas being thrown around are passable, some good even. It's just being handled so poorly.

Forgot my fucking pic.

The person that did this must die.

Meanwhile you have her fucking undercut from the Buu Saga as 'god tier'?
Here, I fixed your piece of crap.

No. Mai was there and it made sense. Having a woman who's nearly 60 shoehorned in without her gang in DBS to date a 20-year-old and suddenly be a Mary Sue is shit.

That's because Toriyama shoehorned him in. The fuckup of the timeline doesn't make sense. Super's already fucked enough that people think that it takes place 6 months after the Buu saga rather than 5 or so years, but we see him 3 years down the road and just defeating Cell with ease. Shit is fine and the Black Goku shit makes no sense and just exists for pandering. It's not passable. And you're a faggot who likes the biggest blemish in the franchise.

thats a shame, loli mai was a qt

Female saiyan Beerave

In 2012, this came out, assuredly what brought Mai in the spotlight she actually never had.

She's 20 too, Future Pilaf made a dragonball wish to be young minutes before Piccolo got killed by the future Androids and pissed Gohan took them in with Bulma nd baby Trunks moments after.

Damn, I love that doujin. Not even for Mai. It's so goddamn hard to find good NSFW shit of Yamcha where it's not either him being a cuck or fucking a faceless girl.

What they're probably talking about is the part of super where they just rehashed the movies for 30 episodes.

Toriyama has never been consistent with the timeline shit, though. Babidi should have already attempted to resurrect Buu well before Trunks initially went back in time.

That's not him being inconsistent, that's Toriyama making up stuff with each new arc.
Though you can probably argue some explanation. Maybe Majin Buu's egg ended up getting destroyed. Or, a more rational reason, Babidi was killed by the Androids on one of their destruction adventures, considering how underpowered the guy was.

Babidi had all those bodyguards, though. Dabura would have been able to take out the androids.

No way of knowing how different the timeline is. Dabura might not be there. Or the Androids of F. Trunks' timeline are stronger. There are some arguments for that. I mean, kid Trunks and Goten managed to go toe-to-toe with current timeline 18 very easily.

I enjoyed GT a lot more than Super so far.

As for games gonna go with IW and SDBZ

Apply yourself.

Go back to south America.


There's no reason for the timeline differences to affect anything but Earth. Also, I'm pretty sure Trunks states that the androids in the main timeline were even tougher than the ones in his timeline.

But the Buu thing IS on Earth. That's why it'd be affected. Maybe with the scenario Earth was in, Babidi decided he didn't need a bodyguard, or something to that extent.
And as for the 'oh they're stronger' argument, there's also the argument that the future Androids never actually used their full power. They tell Gohan that they were only using half their power when they wrecked his shit the last time, and if I remember correctly, Gero mentions something about having lowered their strength or something to that degree when he ran back to his lab. Since he apparently survives later than Future Gero, maybe Future Gero was never able to make those changes.

If he knew what state Earth was in, why wouldn't he know about the two super powerful cyborgs currently putting it in that state?

Because Babidi is a fucking idiot? I thought that much was obvious.

We need more 80s Bulma hentai

Budokai 2
raging blast 1/2
gba games
ultimate battle 22

Supreme Kai and Trunks teamed up to stop babidi before buu was resurrected and they did training. I havent seen super but wasn't it implied that Trunks is now using the sword Old Kai is trapped in?

As for why it took so long its because the buu saga was written after the android/cell saga.

Two best songs in the game
These two songs alone already made this game better than most DBZ games in general.

Modern anime looks like flash shit.

Dragon Ball games aren't much more than washed down fighting games with no substance but with DB characters "so it's ok". I used to play these three with my friends when I was a child, Ultimate 22 is actually pretty decent.

I feel sorry for you user.

No it wasn't

Kill Yourself.

chrono trigger

Ahahaha, no. Idainaru DB Densetsu is the better PS1 game.

I haven't played a Dragonball game since Tenkaichi 3. Can I talk about the anime instead?

Those RPG games for Game Boy Advance

You could just talk about Tenkaichi 3, but these threads are just thinly-veiled threads for the anime anyway.

Bootykai 3

He would have been drawn to Earth had Goku and the majority of the Z Fighters not died. That means that Trunks alone was powerful enough that Earth fell under Babadi's radar at some point, and he decided "there's enough power here to resurrect Buu"

Ultimate 22 does have a baller intro and nice music.

Legacy of Goku is really bad.
Legacy of Goku 2 and Buu's Fury are great.

I actually never beat the first one, the second is my favorite

Not as baller as Biggest Fight.

I like what UB22 did with it's graphics, having the sprites be cels animated by the regular DBZ animators. It's disappointing that they never tried anything like that again.

Also, Final Bout had a way better intro.

Whoops, looks like Holla Forums is one person.

It was fantastic, i sold it long ago but I've been itching to buy it again. I never did play the sequel though.

they are all shit

Babidi came to Earth because that's where Buu was hibernating.

Speaking of shitty DBZ games with awesome intros, Ultimate Tenkaichi had an amazing intro.

What was even going on with that look?

What happened to your sense of style, Buruma-chan?

I'm having fun with these.

Who are those random other saiyans in the intro? I don't remember them from DBZ.


Legacy of Goku 2.

I never played Buu's Fury. Is it worth playing if I played Legacy of Goku 2?


Xenoverse was recycled Dragon Ball Online MMO in Korea.

I had a Freeza race character named Eski.

Anybody ever do online for Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 3 Wii?

It was great if you lived in the same city.

Let's forget that DBZ trash and talk about better fighting games

Webfoot Technologies is making Legacy of Goku 4! Check their Facebook page.

In celebration post some good LoG music.


yah, sure, and I'm going to finish that videogame I'm making.

Are you retarded?

Legendary super warriors

I still can't decide if making the behind teleport give like a 5th of the stun gauge was a good idea, because surely the devs knew infinite combos were discovered long before this game which is why they included it but it seems like overly punishing the one attacked by pushing them closer into stun for not wanting to be infinite combo'd when losing nearly half your energy almost always leaving you vulnerable to them just attacking back anyway seemed like a good enough punishment in the first place.

Jab baiting (jick)
Constant fails at reacting to behind teleports even when using beam attacks that will otherwise KO when there's no reason they wouldn't teleport (cross)
High lack of guard canceling confirms (cross)
Using vanilla beam attacks and not as combo enders when a simple ki ball would do the same (Cross)

3/10 apply yourself

Listen here, faggot.
I could pick shit from the sewer and it would still be better than anything DBZ related.

holy shit is that actually something that character can do or is that fancy opening credits magic?

Dragon Ball characters on Suicide watch I guess then Guess I should watch/read this at some point I kept seeing the game this video's from in the shop but never gave it a second thought

I'm talking about how you wanted to talk about fightans, and then posted a beat em up.

Who knows?
They are FTL+ and insanely powerful, but they don't blow up planets, since they are all on Earth.

It is a fighting game.
There's also mosou-like section in some of them.

And the strongest character in SS is probably this guy:
fucker just takes away ALL of your senses if he feels like it (including the 6th one).

Jesus how insecure can you get.

For money shit designed to prey on kids.
All of you are traitor scum for trying to spread it.

named my earthling Recoome fangirl after Meringue

Weird that DB has a power level way higher than Saint Seiya but in this particular case a gold saint would wreck any DB character because of faster-than-light attacks.

In most cases I'd say.

How would DBZ fighters do again absolute zero?
Or having their souls sucked into hell?
Or having their minds trapped in horrible (and deadly) illusions?
Or being cut with an "so sharp I can cut trough everything" blade?
Or ONE HUNDERED MILLION light-speed attacks per second?

Those are good questions, but is there a single character than can defeat Madara Uchiha?

And I'm not talking about Edo Tensei Uchiha Madara. I'm not talking about Gedou Rinne Tensei Uchiha Madara either. Hell, I'm not even talking about Juubi Jinchuuriki Gedou Rinne Tensei Uchiha Madara with the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan and Rinnegan doujutsus (with the rikodou abilities and being capable of both Amateratsu and Tsukuyomi genjutsu), equipped with his Gunbai, a perfect Susano'o, control of the juubi and Gedou Mazou, with Hashirama Senju's DNA implanted in him so he has mokuton kekkei genkai and can perform yin yang release ninjutsu while being an expert in kenjutsu and taijutsu.

I’m talking about Kono Yo no Kyūseishu Futarime no Rikudō Juubi Jinchuuriki Gedou Rinne Tensei Uchiha Madara with the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan (which is capable of Izanagi and Izanami), his two original Rinnegan (which grant him Chikushōdō, Shuradō, Tendō, Ningendō, Jigokudō, Gakidō, Gedō, Banshō Ten’in, Chibaku Tensei, Shinra Tensei, Tengai Shinsei and Banbutsu Sōzō) and a third Tomoe Rinnegan on his forehead, capable of using the Infinite Tsyukuyomi Genjutsu, Katon, Fūton, Raiton, Doton, Suiton, Mokuton, Ranton, Inton, Yōton and even Onmyōton Jutsu, equipped with his Gunbai(capable of using Uchihagaeshi) and a Shakujō because he is a master in kenjutsu and taijutsu, a perfect Susano’o (that can use Yasaka no Magatama ), control of both the Juubi and the Gedou Mazou, with Hashirama Senju’s DNA and face implanted on his chest, his four Rinbo Hengoku Clones guarding him and nine Gudōdama floating behind him AFTER he absorbed Senjutsu from the First Hokage, entered Rikudō Senjutsu Mode, cast Mugen Tsukuyomi on everybody and used Shin: Jukai Kōtan so he can use their Chakra while they are under Genjutsu.

Except Goku literally moved faster than a time stop in Super. FTL doesn't mean shit at that point.

Sage for doublepost.

DIO in Eyes of Heaven with the World over Heaven, of course.

Goku can defeat DIO? Man, Super is so fucked

Special Beam cannon supposedly travelled at light speed and even raditz could dodge it.

Perfect Kars. by default perfect Kars can defeat any living creature he is put in a fight against since he can do whatever they can but better.

And saints punch literal gods in the face.
and I mean "all the planets in the system stopped moving because I willed it" gods.

You know what? Bring in One Punch Man.

And Namek was supposed to blow in 5 minutes

The fight took so long because it had to be slowed down to a level that the human eye could see.

Thus it was really 5 minutes but it seemed longer to goku/frieza because they were going so fast

anyone complaining about the 5-minute thing probably hasn't seen the original DB

Dude nobody watched DB cos it's shit, there aren't even any super saiyans.

I can tell that your topology is shit without even looking at the wireframe

Those complaints really are just because the anime is always fucked with this kind of shit. The manga feels more natural when it has three pages that covers five seconds, because you can really read it that fast.

It was also hilarious to see Toriyama draw black people.

He didn't move faster he made preemptive movements based on how he guessed Hit would pick strikes going off how he fucked Vegeta up (which quickly stopped working since Hit just has to continue Gitting Good and adding more and more seconds to his skip forcing him to go to KiokenX10 which also began to stop working) all while Hit was holding back because killing wasn't allowed.

Goku fans on suicide watch.



Poor bait.

Friendly reminder pic related would trash both of them no contest.

Yeah, I didn't start watching the anime until the Future Trunks saga started. In the manga however, Goku totally fucks over Hit's time skip, and that's before he even goes SSB. Also of note, Goku never uses the Kaioken in the manga.

And after he goes SSB…

Have you watched all the episodes so far? Because the anime is nothing like the episode they busted all their budget on with Goku, Vega & Trunks fighting Goku Black & Zamasu.

The Dragon Ball Super manga is better even if it's still working off the same source material. It's only problem is that clear editor intervention forces the mangaka to speed up the conclusion of arcs to keep up with the anime so what happens at the end is summarized rather than shown. They skipped the freeza return arc because of it. The recent future trunks arc in the manga is doing a better job than the anime so far.

The only good thing that Super did was actually made for one brief moment, made Goku take time to be with his family when he had ki deficiency.

That and because it had to pad for time because it would have been keeping up with the manga currently running at the time. It's kind of necessity for animes running longer thatn 100 episodes and coming out weekly with their manga counterparts. Shounen seems to be the only one with this kind of problem. It was probably the wrong time to do that in retrospect.

Why does death look so guy?
And why is death a guy in spandex?

God, capeshit can't get worse, can it?

Do they ever explain anything in DBZ, other then with vauge power lvl bullshit?

"Stopping time doesn't werk because he has higher pwn lvl! DURRRR!"

depiction of truth.

That's changed it to where his skip literally doesn't work now because something about powerlevels and shit, it's even less impressive there because at least before you could say goku is at one point thinking every action 10 seconds ahead, but here it's like Hit took a major nerf making his ability shit because like said "he has higher pwn lvl! DURRRR!"

I started watching the original Dragon Ball, and I quite like it.

Doesn't seem to have much powerlevel bullshit at all (yet) and the humor's pretty great.

The original DBZ is much more lighthearted, simpler. A childs adventure.

Goku is probably even more irritating though, constantly grinning and being "the most gifted and amazing fighter ever, mastering everything instantly!"

You don't have a clue what you're talking about, do you?

Named my namekian, Trumpet.

Ultimate Battle 22

Meant to write DB . No z's

Well Goku is an alien from outer space. He comes from a race of warriors.

Still, he learns martial arts and techniques from earth. Most of his moves (Kamehameha, Spirit Bomb, Kaioken) are all taught to him.

It was still much more light-hearted in tone. It only got real serious when Piccolo first showed up.
That has nothing to do with how light-hearted vs. serious it is.
The first time he lost it was because Roshi was slightly taller than him, and the second time was because he was simply unluckly. Even Tenshinhan admitted Goku should have one that second tournament.

So what?
That does nothing to explain "I saw it once, know I know!" - especially when it's not a kick or a punch, but rather energy/ki control

Ultra-super-extra gifted protagonists belong in the garbage bin

Funny how reach never gets mentioned before or after. Kid Goku should never be able to land a single hit on anyone with similar skill

Dragon Ball Z legends & Dragon Ball Z legend of the super saiyan

I also really enjoyed Xenoverse

fuck it im dusting off my ps2

you guys convinced me

Get 'em user.

My Nigga.

Go play Attack of the saiyans, it's fun as fuck, with good graphics, japanese voices and a nice combat system with fun to watch super attacks.

DBZ meets pokeymons

My nigga

Roshi was legitimately better than him. He entered because he knew he could beat him. He could also beat Tien but dropped out to give Goku a chance to fight him, and it was fairly even and Tien was only talking out of humbleness.
Also this was back in a day when fights didn't have a clear-cut winner and loser.

Anyway, I'd say the series was less light-hearted than DBZ the moment Goku decided to find thr dragon balls to revive Upa's dad that they watched him get murder in cold blood by a literal assassin.
King Piccolo was when things got real series, and that wasn't even at the end of DB. He murdered half the main cast, nearly killed Goku, and did a ki blast equivalent in size to the atomic bomb.

Also yes, the extra nudities and obscenities do make it less light-hearted than DBZ. Think Buu Saga. DB is certainly less light-hearted than Gohan running around pretending to be Supes, and this is obvious just by looking at the multiple times in the first two arcs of DB where Bulma is literally almost gang-raped.

Roshi was forced to use his last resort technique on Goku. Granted, it only failed because of bad luck from Goku seeing the full moon, but afterward, they were completely even. Roshi literally says (in his head) that he only won because his legs had more reach during that final cross kick.

No he couldn't. That's why he went so far as to ask Tien to beat Goku in the first place. He knew he wouldn't be able to beat Tien, and he was pretty sure he wouldn't be able to beat Goku, so he turned to the guy he thought had the best chance to win.

The nudity and obscenities were used for silly humor, though. Being more geared towards adults doesn't automatically make something less light-hearted. It depends on the purpose that it's used for. That's as dumb as saying only mature people watch serious, gruesome shows.

But everything is played for laughs (mostly). The entire tone was more relaxed, more childish.

DBZ is all about powur lvls, super sajajins and super-threats.

and every single person is "wow. Goku is so powerfull/telented/amazing!"

Humor doesn't always mean light-hearted especially when DBZ's humor was more wholesome.
Iirc Roshi's fight might have been more serious in the anime but in the manga it was pretty obvious that while Goku learned fast he was still the student. He also literally tells Tien 'I could probably beat you' but that he wants the kids to know there's many people stronger than him.
Versus DBZ where Goku literally is treated at "THE BEST FIGHTER EVER!!!" Even if he almost wins a fight in DB, he loses often and he loses hard. That doesn't happen in DBZ. Even in the big bad fights he usually gets all his bones broken before he manages a win just from pure determination.

Whoever made that gif deserves a gassing

That's true when you're talking about dark humor, but DB's humor wasn't dark at all. I fail to see how Yamcha freaking out from seeing Bulma's tits is less light-hearted than Buu using people to make a stupid looking house.

You know that the scene you mention only occurred because Oolong drugged her and planned on raping/molesting her as she slept, right?

I was talking about the shower scene, you dingus. And did the rape ever happen? Did it even get close to happening? Did it even look like it was going to happen? Was it ever presented in a serious "oh no, this bad thing is definitely going to happen to poor ol' Bulma"? No. Oolong immediately turns into Bulma to hide himself from Puar who he thinks is Goku, all in a very silly scene.

80% of DB is fun adventure with serious moments scattered about. 80% of DBZ is dealing with serious threats with humorous moments scattered throughout.

Either way. Also the fact he spends so much time setting it up makes it not "light-hearted."
The only time DB is even about adventure is the first two arcs. As soon as the Red Ribbon is defeated there is no adventure. The humor even takes a sideline after the first arc, considering the arc after that is Goku beating up Red Ribbon to revive a kid's father.
At the very least something changes with DBZ. There is never any danger. Things only go bad when characters fuck around, and as time goes on the fights become more silly than serious, like the Gotenks v Buu fights.
There was real danger and uncertainty in Dragonball. DBZ lacks that from the moment they introduce the Namekian Dragon Balls.

I don't think you remember DB very much, do you? Nearly every character was ready to murder the other. Tien was training to be an assassin and Crane forced Chiaotzu to hold Goku still so Tien could fucking kill him, and after deliberation Tien only decided otherwise because Roshi telling him he wasn't evil got to him. Compare that to Vegeta, who has no reason to stick around and doesn't evolve other than off-screen.

They is light hearted qualities, Just less so once the Red Ribbon arc is started.

Such as Red's ultimate goal was to become Giant since he is a Manlet. Or Everything Yajirobe. Or Yamcha fighting Kami.

Oh, or using Blood induced from Lewds to show an Invisible Man.

Light heartedness is all about tone. Yes, there are threatening things in DB, probably even more threatening than in DBZ considering everyone is at a much less ridiculous fighting ability, but it's largely presented with a smaller sense of danger than DBZ. Logically, Bulma would be in terrible, life-threatening danger when she gets picked up and taken by a giant pterodactyl, but it never feels like she is because of how the situation is presented. Contrast to when Gohan gets picked up and taken by his uncle. It's presented as a serious situation where Gohan is in a lot of danger. It actually feels like his life is threatened.

Dragon Quest V

It took me over 50 tries to beat Raditz.

Xenoverse is pretty fun, I hope the second one is even better

Basically, Hit is a stronger Guldo.

Power Man can defeat anybody nerds


I wanna fuck that Totodile

wait, he cant do both?