Army Opens Investigation Into West Point Grad For Promoting Communism

Military getting their shit together after Holla Forums raises awareness

In June 2016, Rapone said that because “Fascists dehumanize political opponents…Violence against the far right is resistance, not aggression.”

Other urls found in this thread: Ministries.aspx

ya he's fucked.
he's getting booted the fuck out

Here's hoping he gets a dishonorable discharge and some possible time in a military prison.

Copying this from the other thread.

By now we're all familiar with Spenser Rapone and his hijinks. Knowing a little bit about the military, I know such things don't happen in a vacuum. So I started digging. Check out the following:
Rapone is a USMA Phi Alpha Theta member. Look at the group photo. Who is that middle-eastern civilian advising the group? That's Dr. Rasheed Hosein. Turns out, he was Rapone's faculty mentor during his time at West Point. So I started looking into Dr. Hosein. Haven't found much yet, except that he is an Religion of Cuck™ic scholar who appears to have come to West Point via academia in Canada.
Where does this guy come from? How did he come to be teaching at West Point? I bet the answers will be interesting…

If dubs, ZOGbots will be unchained and become our Freikorps and remove foreign elements within the armed forces

And this is some Indian friend he hangs around with

Rightly so, communism is a degenerate disease, envy and jealousy, imaginary entitlement.

End yourself

Jesus Christ.
Commies have no soul.

This commie kike is done, hopefully someone beat him to death already anyway

Man. I just now thought about all the commies that were likely inspired by Obanabobo and the marxist stranglehold on American culture who went off and joined the military in the hope of kicking off their judiatarion revolution.

Appears Dr. Hosein literally wrote the book on Religion of Cuck™ic History. Comes with the tag line,
"A better understanding of the history, society, and culture of Religion of Cuck™ is needed to help address the negative perception of Muslims in the West."

He's also the "Officer in Charge" of "Muslim Ministries" at USMA. Is he Religion of Cuck™ic clergy? Ministries.aspx

Daily reminder that the US military and the US in general has been the center of international jewish bolshevism for over 70 years. Military families are parasitical privileged classes of functionally jewish mongrels that suck the lifeblood out of this country and terrorize the White race globally. The exultation of the military through state organs is identical to North Korea and the exploitation of the population in favor of the praetorian classes is also identical to North Korea – the US just has more resources available to it.

The US military was a staunch ally of both the USSR and communist China during the Second Zionist War. It continues to occupy Italy, Germany, and Japan to this day in a genocidal campaign to stamp out genuine, non-kosher nationalism. It's most recent military campaigns over the last 30-40 years have all been directed at fascist, nationalist, or anti-secular governments. The Baathists in Iraq and Syria, Qaddafi in Libya. The US linked up with former communist sympathizers in Afghanistan to overthrow the Taliban that threatened their supply of opium they use to commit slow murder on the people's of Europe.

Is Holla Forums unearthing a whole rat's nest of reds in the army? We should meme a hashtag like #MilProletariat or #StandWithRapone and encourage other active military commie faggots to post pics of themselves with commie paraphernalia in solidarity with Spenser-kun.

Oh boy, are we going to expose all the commies in the military? This sounds like fun.

Just post the original you fucking pussy.

The army itself is the rat's nest.


lol that would be a good one.
Halfchan is currently shilling their "querrleader" thing though but I could see them getting this to trend.

y'all don't expose shit. you will provoke some media to call you conspiracy theorist. wew republic saved

I'd post more censored porn to make you assmad but I don't want to derail a thread that's going places.

Then let's hold them to their own rules and burn the whole thing down.

Hello Jude. How is the weather in Tel Aviv?



I bet you don't even know how obvious you are.

The rules don't apply to them. That's how communism works in governmental practice. Inner party members are not subject to the same constraints as the general public. The solution is all out war against the United States military and its personnel. Is that the response you were genuinely looking for?

B-b-but muh D&C!!!

dude if Americans don't care about pedophiles what makes you think they will care about left subversion?


I like the burn it all down approach


sticky pls based mods

Did you type this all out using your nose? Go away, this kikery does not work here.

I see you are trying for demoralization in here Moishe. It's not going to work.

That was fast.>>10667521
Thats why democrats especially obama in particular have been responsible for all the deaths and ruined lives in the middle east.
Yeah, nice dehumanization and violence fetishism, vommies are double tounged weasels, I hope he gets dishonorable discharge and mccarthied.

Why the fuck are you double spacing your sentences?
I'm right behind you champ.

They can't get away with openly being revolutionary communists in the military no matter how much they wish and click their heels together. Spenser only managed to do it for this long because nobody shined a light on him, but now his CO's have to gas him whether they want to or not. It'll be the same for any other open commie in the US military.

Checked Satan

Didn't we kick up this shit storm like…yesterday? It's already spread this far? FUCK YEAH.

It was a horrible waste of a slot in West Point. The guy should be on the hook for wasting government time and money with false intentions.


I'm not. Double spacing means a full line between your text. Two spaces after a period is correct. I don't know if it was your goal to expose yourself as an idiot, but there you go.
Nobody said that. It's implicitly declared in the word "bolvshevik" and "Second Zionist War".

at first I thought it was moot in this picture. sage for off topic and good job digging this.

I know there's more Reds in our Army. There's a young veteran that works as a grocery clerk at a local store. I chat with him sometimes when I see him since I'm military too. Recently I saw him in short sleeves and he has a BIG FUCKING HAMMER AND SICKLE tatted on his arm. The fuck? Should I try to expose him too? He's a civilian now, though.

there's your fucking issue.

this is a good line to pursue though

Can we do anything to the inactive or discharged commies? I was thinking active duty reds have to go first. Especially if they can get dishonorably discharged and sent home without any benefits.

No point at this point, but make sure he is recorded, and if he commits even a minor crime testify about his radical socialist ferishism.

I've only seen 1 open commie in my 3 years so far. For you or any other military user here how often do you see their kind?

Can anyone give a background on what would lead the German government to have negative views on the Ku Klux Klan?


A saw a numale wearing the hammer and sickle on a shirt with his wifes son. But I live in nova scotia and away from a city, so hes an anomaly. Everyone suffers in ns evenly.

Can commies have security clearances? I could swear when I filled out the paperwork in basic for my clearance way way back in 2002 even having a family member that was a commie was a problem.

Go fuck yourself.

They saw them as rogue group of rebels controlling the US and it's government being too weak to stop it.

Purely guessing, maybe because the KKK's existence and the supposed "noble" cause they were fighting them for means they saw them as hypocrites?

All you have to do is lie about it.

Look at this guy, just look at his neck

Yeah, but that kind of goes out the window after you post on social media about your ultimate commie credentials. Although I have no idea if this guy would get a clearance it's another angle.

Werent there jews in the kk who used it as a means to attack niggers and make whites look hostile as a fallguy? And did't hitler generally have no qualms with non jews unless they were golems?

fukken rekt
what an ugly bastard.

Combat Badge
Airborne school
Air Assault

This kike just did a whole lotta work for nothing.

fuck off, man, you're on Holla Forums
have some god damn dignity.

Also a reminder to not let leftists out populate whites in the military. Join, get training and gtfo

Exactly. If there's anything left of the government this guy is fucked. We'll find out.

Piss off jew.

Also gonna check those.

I didn't do that. Just saved it from someone else who did.

Could fuck up his GI Bill, healthcare, VA loan, or re-enlistment chances, yea?

First openly Red I've seen IRL. I stumbled upon one on Twitter a long time ago. If I searched I bet I could find more.

You can try, but remain user.

What? How about tried and convicted for treason? Then executed?

The West is insane, smdh.

There's plenty of evidence for jews fucking us over, but so often muslims get overlooked. It seems like every radicalized nigger/group of niggers these days, every Marxist movement etc., when you pull the curtain to expose who's hiding behind there pulling the strings, you find a muslim. Now I refuse to believe it's a coincidence or that they're just doing the bidding of kikes. For decades they've been employing their own subversive elements in our media and politics and societies. Even here on Holla Forums if you delve too far into it the mods ban you, or you get harassed by a bunch of bot-tier shills calling you a kike. People need to lose their tunnel vision and realize kikes aren't our only, or even main enemy. There is no main enemy. From muslims, to kikes, to chinks, to our very own indoctrinated leftie rats, they're all working toward the same goal, and that's to destroy us. So Holla Forums, if no one else, needs to start fucking focusing on the whole range of enemies and lose the damn blind spots.

Get towel partied to death marx


Saudis are the kikes of Religion of Cuck™.

Dishonorable discharge and court martial soon, fellow stalkers

You also fail to address why all these people want to destroy whites. Whites are the chaos variable of nature, they have proven they cannot predict what whites will do, that they cannot consistently control whites. And they fear that. Ultimaty they are operating on instinct to eliminate chaotic elements.

I bet he turns REAL "revolutionary" after that

They're not all Saudis. Linda Sarsour for example. Time to stop focusing solely on the kikes and treat all non-whites as the enemy, rather than just kikes, while everyone else is merely "controlled by kikes." A lot of these speakers I've seen at universities, people leading feminist marches in places like France and the US, people radicalizing niggers either through relationships or "minority victimhood" commonality, are fucking muslim rats. They're all the enemy.

Possibly. Whatever it is, white people need to wake up and realize we have no allies. Not in the sense of "the enemy of my enemy," or any other. We're alone in this, and we need to treat everyone else as an enemy, because behind closed doors they're all working to fuck us over.

There are lots of these.

BTW, can anyone uncover the thesis of his dissertation? It would reveal much, anons.

thank you mods

Is a jew who is a born again muslim. The nose knows.

If you want to act like that you may as well suicide, because in pure numbers game whites lose. Many groups have no real aversion to whites provided whites leave them be too, its mainly the 3 groups and westernized niggers who have gypsy and jew genes mixed in to make them even more mongrel like.

Why is this so common these days? I've posted a few comments now about muslims, and of those I've seen it tends to be women. Same with niggers. Hell, same with us. Why are women so much more aggressively socially active than men, and why do they seem to be at the forefront of every anti-white movement? Not in regards to funding, but the social head–the face. The one who rallies people and gives emotional speeches and whatnot. I swear all far-left movements these days are headed by fucking kike and muslim women.

Communism would fall to Religion of Cuck™ and with the massive record that is the internet this one would be shoved off a roof for being gay.

i hate people with those south-european, muslim looking jew upper eyelids, the way they droop at as they tail to the outer corners


To attract beta males with mommy issues, and because sex sells.

Jew mad Spenser?

I don't know what to make of his fucking face. It's so weird looking. It doesn't make sense. What the fuck is he? You think he's a kike one moment, then some Arab mutt, then maybe an Italian whose ancestors were raped by Arabs. Those dead fucking eyes, too. What is this fucking creature?

The fucking irony of him fetishizing Sherman and saying that.

Hope his entire future is destroyed

A lot of commies have that for some reason. It reminds me of autism face.

He better hope he gets kicked the fuck out fast. Living and working with a bunch of armed people that know his true commie colours can't be good for his long term health.

Like all downies have fat tongues, all these retards have fucked up eyes.

Depends. As it usually goes, the guys at the lower rungs fucking hate commies, and for good reason. But he'll be sitting in a more comfortable position around guys born to upper middle class and rich daddies who got them into a nice school to shoot them up the ranks, while all the working class kids went joined as cannon fodder for the war machine.

That is the single most edgelord thing I've ever seen in my entire life.

I swear all communists look like this. They all have this dead eye soulless look on them. And they all look like they have shit genetics as well.

They're jews.

What? It's fucking hilarious because it makes no sense why a commie would wear that shirt.

their association with freemasonry?

Exactly, Sherman would hang that fucker himself.

So looking at his Reddit account, his early posts are mostly about WWE and gaming. It looks like he turned commie during his time at West Point. That's the time frame he was being mentored by Dr. Rasheed Hosein. This shit doesn't happen in a vacuum, or pop out of thin air. Rapone is a numbnuts kid who is going to get his shit pushed in. The real problem is the source of indoctrination.

If this guy hid his intentions, who knows how much damage he would have done. What you suggest is not far fetched by any means.

But he fucked up the Confederacy! Fuck hate!

I hate to say it, but Joe Mccarthy was assassinated, so was Forrestal. Mccarthy was smeared after his death with a whisper campaign like they did to Patton. It must be scary to get assassinated at a military hospital. Now "Mccarthyism" is considered bad.

Hate to say it, but the (((commies))) won and we are only capitalist if you are a goyim. If you are a jew you get monopoly positions and take part in an orgy of larceny.

It's edgy because he's broadcasting how much of an ultra lefty he is, that Sherman was cool for massacring southerners who had nothing to do with slavery.

Communism has a stranglehold on this country for a long time, wouldn't be surprised if there was some reds at west point trying to turn the students subtlety.

Normally I wouldnt ask an user to do this but, link to his plebbit account please?

You know what? Fuck this guy. My concern is who the fuck flipped him into this shit and was it while he was in the academy. Is there someone teaching at the academy handing out commie manifestos?


You all know how it takes two buttons to launch a nuke? It really doesn't. It's a loyalty test to ferret out yids trying to keep us from launching a return strike at the last minute. Whichever person doesn't follow the order gets shot by the guard.

He's right, you know. It's just common decency.

Original was censored, making the censoring pretty pointless. The decensor is shit. There was also a non-nude version as well, making the censored version user posted even more retarded. Don't fap to these. That would be degenerate.

It's called Judaism. Welcome to Holla Forums.

Commies always have a deep hatred for the White working class. It's projection on his fetish for dead Whites.

Nobody in particular. The US military is your enemy, full stop. If someone is in the US military, they are a communist no matter what they've been conditioned to think they are.




DeObamaTize the military now

This needs to be a focus. This needs to be made mainstream the same way the commie faggot above was. If anyone here has any pull in the military whatsoever, you need to use it to get this guy's name circulating.

Is she fucking texting?

Fucking dumb cunt.


is this faggot doxxed yet?

Promoting ANYTHING while in uniform without permission, can get you fucking court-martialed. Promoting the enemy? You're facing jail time.

The niggers in that picture are so dark you can't see a single feature on them.

Again, for reference:

Actions always tell the truth.

None of my reaction images match my transcendental levels of disgust, and I have a fucking enormous reaction folder

I bet the little shithead really wishes he never posted that shit right about now.

Him and his family.

This. I don't think the majority of this board realizes how deep seeded the corruption is in the government with communism.

Well since we are going to start uncucking the military, I might as well go ahead and post this.

This is Natalie Romero, a short hispanic girl with a temper who I had the misfortune of being in highschool with. She was one of those JROTC wanna-be military badasses who paraded around our highschool like the uniform ment something.

While I no longer have the posts since deleting facebook, around the time she started going to Virginia for College, she went full blown socialist and went off about whites nonstop on facebook.

However this is where things get good, I am fairly certain she is not a legal US citizen.

The military was always shit but you have to admit that the tranny shit and most of the other current year bullshit was implemented by Obama.


Obviously didn't check

This is going to be resolved based on two things: how much his chain of command actually gives a shit, and how much of a sperg edgelord he actually is.

In all likelihood he's going to whelm with terror at all of the publicity this is gaining and immediately downplay all of it as just trying to be edgy on the internet, and how he is totally supportive of the constitution and this is all just a big misunderstanding.

Thing is, most soldiers are internet savvy enough that this will follow him like a thundercloud throughout the rest of his career, and I'd be surprised if he didn't resign his commission the minute he's able to. Nobody serving under him is going to respect him, everyone of his peers will backbite him, he will be passed over for positions of authority because, believe it or not, there are plenty of crusty field-grades who spent their entire careers hating commies, training to kill commies, and won't want "some pinko faggot crawling around my ranks."

It won't happen publicly, but he will be forcibly and unceremoniously pushed out of the military through shame and alienation from his peers alone.

does it hurt to be such a fucking autist

What happened to her?


He needs to be summarily executed for treason. And then we need to go after his family – if he's in West Point, his family is connected, corrupt, and communist. And if nothing happens to him, we need to go after his commanding officers and their families.

Michael Scheuer has it right when he calls for a total purge of the entire officer ranks of the US military. Purge isn't good enough, though. They need to be executed. And it should honestly be extended to every single active duty and retired veteran, as well as any and all contractors and auxiliary employees. Sorting through them for the "good ones" is a waste of time.

Yeah she's texting, and that's the point it's fucking a National Embarrassment, regardless of whether the same mother fuckers that are behind every fucking post are behind this one and could be me or you pretending not to be them but really are or are we?

Fuck this shit world.

Didn't check what? What does this have to do with my comment? Is right.

Thanks for pointing this out. Glad there are genuine antiZOG people still here.

US military, and the US in general, has been the right arm of the world jewery for a very long time.
And it is still relevant today because even in modern day, US plans to invade or nuke those evil north koreans. In US politicians mind, nobody should develop nuclear weapons except US and Israel.

All of his info was fed to military members within the 10MtnDiv community, and members with ins at RTB. It's all within that thread.


Exactly this.
Hitler didn't despise other races. He wanted the best for his volk, without interfering in other countries or races. He wanted to improve his own people by eugenics, but not necessarily genociding non-whites in non-german soil.
Most of the genocidal aspect of Hitler is plain propaganda.

In the Zundel case the prosecutors couldn't find a single piece of evidence from the 3rd Reich that mentions anything about world domination or genocide of anyone.


Has Holla Forums ever found evidence of jews within the kkk?

Holla Forums can you see how far our reach is? Make no mistake we are everywhere.

Anthony Rosciano's real name may be Michael Ross. Only 1 2lt in the entire army with that name.

We caused this.

Pol, more importantly find out which senator appointed this communist piece of trash. I guarantee it was from a far left democrat. I can guarantee you that there are many more infiltrators.

Good, then we are in a target rich environment.


Commies in the military, especially the Marines, aren't common. Commies like to out themselves. I've met easily a dozen Nationalists and National Socialists in the Marine Corps however. We are by no means the majority but by god, they are there. And they know exactly how to keep themselves hidden.

Nervous Schlomo? You should be.

This is their mistake. These dumb rats always try to infiltrate from the top and subvert the bottom with propaganda. The true power is always at the bottom, and you can only truly control the bottom organically. The Right is growing organically from the bottom, while the Left is steadily dying at the bottom? Why? Propaganda doesn't garner loyalty, only ignorant short-term support.

I don't think these fucktarded people actually know what any of these things they say they are, actually are. They just lump a bunch of shit together that they heard someone else say because it's sounds buzzy and good for victim points. If they actually believe any of the things they claim, their heads would explode from all the conflicting ideologies. They aren't practicing muslims, because no mosque would let a dyke, faggot, or tranny in. They aren't communists because most of them work at for-profit universities.

Strong fucking post

I live in a military town. I get so sick of seeing women larping around in their spotless camo acting like they are badass soldiers when they contribute nothing of value. They shouldn't even get uniforms. Waste of military fabric and boots. Let them wear their own clothes.

Ugly, tranny looking bitch right there needs to drop the steroids and learn how to be a home maker.

Yep, this is true.

off by one. oof

Go home, nigger.

What's the current time in Tel Aviv Bibi?

What in the name of fuck is going on in this faggots brain? What the fuck does "Fully embrace ironic detachment" mean? Why would you want to have a near-death experience?


That was just an attempt to subtly brag about being in a motorcycle crash.

Fucked if I know. Probably goony shit like purposefully bad puns and children's cartoon tattoos.

Do they have good coffee at the alphabet organization you work for? I would at least hope they'd give you good stuff to drink, taken from our tax dollars, having to pay you to post on an internet image board.

I see why you are using Tor.

We are at every level and every country all the way down to the counties.

Dishonorable discharge - worse than a felony conviction for your future prospects. He better hope Soros has a job for him.


Besides the famous grand dragon one in NY who killed himself you mean?

That has to be him.

I am 100% sure the facial recognition algorithm of peace would categorize this as gayface.



$100 says the person they find is a jew.


What mad man would bet against you?

My bro was a marine during the Bush years and saw the damage king nigger did. It wasn't pretty what that nigger did to it.


Nah, he's going down for article 89 and 133.

He won't be prosecuted for the stupid commit bullshit

Instead, they'll court martial him for that public post he made trashing General Mattis.

A single bullet would be just what he has ordered up.

Commies are really into ironic detachment because they're pathetic faggots who are too cowardly to take a stance on anything when confronted and instead filter everything they say through a million layers of irony to protect their fragile ego.

Could we get one of our guys to do it and fuck badly?

t. yahoo answers

It doesn't matter.

He's going down for publicly calling General Mattis an "evil, vile fuck".

That's both conduct unbecoming an officer and a gentleman, and also disprespect toward a superior officer.

The prosecutors won't need to wade into the political speech stuff at all, which is where his jew lawyers would want to fight it.

That's fag talk son.

Never forget what happened to the Brüder Schweigen.

A gender-bent Finngolian Genghis Khan is ugly, you subhuman baboon.


user I think you might be a fag.

I love how this fag shows off his DSA card (an actual card-carrying-communist, it is almost like McCarthy was right!) with a cute little story about "earning it under hostile twitter fire on July 26th", as if that date correlated with anything close to a communist victory. The gas can't come soon enough for the evil kikes and their degenerate pets.

That we are.

>"Don't worry about that dishonorable discharge comrade, you'll be guaranteed a cushy job after the revolution!" :^)

Their arrogance will be their undoing.


Oh man, I knew today was going to be special

Good job men

/leftykikes/ BTFO

Thanks to the user that sent the email earlier. I didn't have time to do it.
not tired of winning

You confuse the term US military with (((US Government)))
on Korea

All Gen MacArthur wanted to do was kill commies and play vidya games but the president wouldn't let him

do not forget about the balkans and how the usa bombed the christians defending against muslim aggression

Time to comb through DSA's social media presence and find more conmie soldiers to destroy.

That's a fucking cool picture, friend. Do you know if wherever you pulled it from had like a key to go along with it, identifying each person? The top row is easy, you got Hitler, Mussolini, Mosley, Evola (lower right with monacle), Primo de Rivera, Iron guard leader, etc. but most of the bottom guys I don't recognize.

The Trump picture is before Trump was even set to speak, as people were arriving. You're literally using a Leftie meme in a Hitler meme.

2 sides of the same coin you fucking faggot.

It came from Atomwaffen.

Sure thing, comrade.

I'll leave this here.

Professor Rasheed Hosein
- Early 90s Canadian connections in Winnipeg / public relations duties.
- 2000 - 2008 The University of Chicago for Middle Eastern Studies
- Obama's Military Purges 2012ish (170+ Officers fired and replaced
- Possible connections to Canada's Prime Minster Justine Trudeau's government following Obama military purges.
- Possible links to Middle East Intelligence Agency
- Winnipeg, Canada
- New York City, USA
- Chicago, USA
- West Point Academy
Self-identified Communist Second Lieutenant Spenser Rapone ("Make the long march through the institutions."

Dr. Rasheed Hosein
Assistant Professor
“Arab Muslim Garrison Towns – Agents of Arabization and Religion of Cuck™ization,” World History Encyclopedia, vol. VII, New York: ABC-CLIO, 2011, pp. 208-11.
found his linkedIN

By now we're all familiar with Spenser Rapone and his hijinks. Knowing a little bit about the military, I know such things don't happen in a vacuum. So I started digging. Check out the following:

Rapone is a USMA Phi Alpha Theta member. Look at the group photo. Who is that middle-eastern civilian advising the group? That's Dr. Rasheed Hosein. Turns out, he was Rapone's faculty mentor during his time at West Point. So I started looking into Dr. Hosein. Haven't found much yet, except that he is an Religion of Cuck™ic scholar who appears to have come to West Point via academia in Canada.

Where does this guy come from? How did he come to be teaching at West Point? I bet the answers will be interesting…

Here are the ones I remember off hand. I think that guy on the lower left is Joseph "Tomato Joe" Tommasi but I'm not sure. Good on them if so, the NSLF is all but forgotten.

The eternal poo strikes again. I was always surprises the country that was the most loyal to soviet union's propaganda and subversion was not doing the same to western countries.

No mercy upon the souls of our enemies.

Are Courts Marshall public or at least the transcripts public?

I think the guy you put as Rockwell is Father Tiso.

Rockwell is above Breivik. You can see the Hate Bus.

The sharp dressed guy under Hitler facing right is Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera, the monocle guy below Rockwell is Julius Evola, the Lenin looking guy on the far left with the uniform is Gabriele D'Annunzio, and the WWI German soldier next to Evola is Ernst Junger (not a fascist)


Hahahaha @ all the shills saying we couldn't do shit about this. Gas yourselves.

You forget Goebbels, Robert Jay Mathews, Evola, and many more which I won't name. Please stop.

Which one is Goebbels?

Bottom right under the Fuhrer.

Anders "I'm a freemasonic pissrael loving false flag patsy" Brevic in there to poison the well.

How many commies have you taken out?



How do you leave out Codreanu tho?

James Mason as well.

That's Primo de Rivera. I thought it was Goebels when I first saw it too (and for a sec, thought Tiso was Goering)

Codreanu's name is missing, but good job.

You're right. He did a damn good job.

I lack the ability to make a viable 1,500kg ANFO bomb on my first try.
The IRA practiced for 20 years, got training by military experts and had access to all the fertilizer and diesel you could dream of and still blew themselves or had a dud 90% of the time.

Whenever I see Castro all I see is Leaf king.

So we can chalk that up to none.
Just stand tall White man, your time will come and you will know when. If not rain hell on those that don't look like you.

Communism is just a psych warfare plan, anyone can use it to destroy your enemy from within.

It's true though. It's our country. Patriotism is literally only for us. No one else has a right to be here.

Droopy eyes are a sign of poor facial development. They are in the same category as the fish mouth syndrome that you typically see with SJW women.
This type of eye morphology is indicative of an unhealthy person but can be fixed by increasing the tongue musculature or by chewing tougher foods (like meat).

Leftists and commies are usually not biologically healthy.
Poor upbringing, poor diet, poor lifestyle - you name it and they probably have it. These bad habits lead to all sorts of body issues like poor brain chemistry and a sluggish metabolism such that a person could lose all confidence in themselves and being to even desire a system like socialism or communism.

These are faulty human beings. Or rather, not quite human beings.

Old thread

I used to have a good quote from John Jay, First Chief Justice of the United States but I cant find it. He said it best.

First quote is simple but deep. The second seems grammatically incorrect. What the fuck does "already borne on the road to Paradise the lives of the best among us" mean? Is there a meaning for "borne" that I'm not aware of here? Also why is he speaking in past and present context in the same sentence, if his definition of "borne" is proper, but he just used the word awkwardly? Why so artsy and poetic? Sounds like something a pencil-necked Marxist art student would write in one of their tumblr blogs.

anyone remember the shill saying "don't bother reporting him, nothing will happen"?

That's a very strong 3.


Kill yourself kike.

And what a surprise, here's the schlomo that started the D&C in the thread.

This already had a thread with a lot of investigative work.

PDR was very eloquent, but this quote is a translation, so it's kind of choppy. He's got some other more coherent quotes, it's just that it got a little messed up. What he's saying is he wants a world where man continues to strive and work, but comfortably, knowing they are safely guarded. If that makes sense. If anyone knows the original Spanish let me know.

Good, that guy was an embarrassment to the military.

Eeeeh, not necessarily. You can get into West Point by sucking up to a congressman (yourself, not your parents). I have a family member that did this… He interned (no pay) with the congressman for a year during highschool. My family is in no way connected.

It's just a really bad translation.
I found the original quote in Spanish, so here:

"pillars of its gates" might have been a better choice, but w/e.

James Fields happened.


Here's the thread with all the actual info.


army ranger girl found from photos with the commie

she retweeted anotherr former military commie


there seems to be a group of these cockroaches in the military at this point


Those are the podcasters from Chapo Trap House


Benedict Arnold and His Jewish Aids at West Point

Time to report a bunch of commies.

Nicholas cage eyes

He's not jealous of the US MIL and US, or he'd be wrathful against commies and Zealous towards them, That's Us. He's simply envious, get your definitions right.

Hmmmm well now put them on the list.

He very much looks like a social undesirable

I swear I have seen that guy with the cigarette in his mouth before, I just can't remember where. Also, Mosley's smug ass face should be a reaction image.

Oh sweet jesus I hope we can get one of those female rangers kicked out. That would be incredible.

Missing Codreanu (green), Miguel Serrano (bottom with the symbols), James Mason (between RJM and Yockey)

He looks like a JudeoBolshevik

Wide do these DSA scumbags try and act like they're just socialists when 99% of them are communist scum?

Socialism leads to communism.

Sorry if this has already been posted. This seems huge.

Being a cuck for the rich is better?. You arent trying to be the gardener like commies, just a best gardeners dog.

This commie is a thread that, if tugged on, will expose extensive infiltration of the military.

This deserves some investigation…

Checked for scorched Earth.

Looks big. Rasheed Hosein is definitely a subversive and the connection to Trudeau and his band of merry cocksuckers makes sense vis-a-vis the North American Union globalism faggotry blending Canacuck and Mexiho military into that of the US.

Is it possible he has connections to Hasan or other sandnigger names we know?

Hey Jude. The media doesn't control the military. This faggot is marked regardless of what you shill here.


that's a super cryptic logo they got going on in that honors society, what could it possibly mean?

Definitely nothing to do with the Ouroboros.

JIDF please go

Sure thing, Chaim. I know your kind has always been ashamed of the human form, but us whites have celebrated it for longer than your religion has existed. Maybe it's just because our so ugly.

Sage for off topic.


He's Milo's evil twin. He's named Rape one. Do the math.

Die commie.

This isn't the last we've seen of this dead eyed motherfucker. Mark my words, he is going to go on as a spree killer at some point in the future. Those eyes of his remind me of the san bernardino shooter

Outstanding post. The US is the ZOG gollem par excellence. The entire Masonic and Enlightenment ideology that defines America was a perfect host for Jews to effect a real empire in the modern era.

Only dummies think that we can "reform the system". You cannot revive what it dead and indeed was never really alive in the sense of supporting natural law. We can and should make use of moves that give is time and frustrate ZOG's next move (eg why it was imperative to support Donald Trump.) But we should absolutely reject the illusion that the same country that demanded "unconditional surrender" of Germany, while hypocritically producing tripe like "The Four Freedoms," that has near Brazil tier demographics, and that is living by way of a fiat currency backed by the US military somehow will 'attack ZOG.'

The US will crack up somewhat like the USSR did long before you ever see the US military become "our guys." And so, we want a radical restoration of the Old Order of Europe. That includes the Church. Unfortunately we will not get this without serious pain and challenge first.

All secret societies were banned in NS Germany.


Since it's due to a GABA malfunction in the brain there's no face for it like jewface, niggerface, pooface, etc.


I'm glad this is happening, only can't help feel how deceptive the entire thing is considering that since WWI the communists infiltrated all the highest offices of America and created communism in the US through the backdoor.
It;s the same in the British army, it fakes patriotism, yet only ever has served to undermine its own people, protecting foreign interests abroad while silencing their own people at home.

Since WWI, at least, every war America has been involved in only serves communist aims or their zionist brethren.
In 1998, when I first flew into an American airport (it was a short stop to transfer to another plane), they made me fill in a form that stated "I have not been or ever intend to join up with a communist party"
I laughed and explained that America has only ever served jewry and got into an argument with a dozen or so fat 'patriots' who only ever wanted their children to die for isreal.

May want to drop a line to his Commander or his CSM.

another giraffe neck

His command is already aware and are taking steps. Not saying let up on the pressure, but that likely this guy is fucking toast.

He quit Ranger school. Anyone that knows anything about ZOGbot Army knows that is career suicide. This commie fuck is going down.

I expect Westpoint grads to be more, you know, masculine and shit. He looks like a fucking soyboy.

I get the same feeling, except the cig. For some reason that asshole looks really fucking familiar

why is breivik on there? he's a fucking zionist.

Why do you think that every other thread (usually stickied) is promotion of some entirely jew controlled pretend nationalist group?

Almost every National Alliance thread got bumplocked before they could ever gain ground here.

No wonder they love communism.

aladin does have a point about haircut. Are rules really this lax in US army?

But wait, there's MORE


From Phi Alpha Theta photo: Michael Ross

The army is subservient to the state, that is it's function. When you have a (((state))) instead of a 卐 𝔰𝔱𝔞𝔱𝔢 卍, of course it's going to follow authority when livelihood and salary is threatened.
It is not allowed to act and think as its own entity

Just like it was ordered to, and if it was ordered to ally with Nazi Germany instead it would follow the order at a whim- as long as they are convinced in one way or another that it will protect freedom. They are not educated in ideology, or informed in geopolitical matters, they are only strength.
As someone who lived amongst "zogbots" in Germany, most are wholly sympathetic to their current situation regarding the migrant crisis, and at least 75% of them would gladly assist in the deporting of sandniggers from German soil- I can imagine that sentiment is shared in the other occupied bases where the migrant crisis leaves its impact.

Although stamping out volkish nationalism was the original aim set up by (((them))), you seem to forget the main purpose that those bases served after the war- keeping Bolshevism at bay.
And the only thing that most servicemen know is that they were killing sandniggers, can you really blame them? (((Certain people))) have learned to harness and direct comtempt for sandniggers for their own purposes and aims. I feel you've yet to see the bigger picture. Or you do and you're a shill.

They think for themselves- and have a limit on what they will do, but whenever they express their views there can be grave consequences.

t.former military dependent

HAHA thats fucking awesome. Good on that dad. Its not the stern, fatherly hand of Duterte, but its something.

Sounds like saving face. His son could ruin his career.

"When he returned back from Afghanistan there was a notable difference in his political views"

"He served as an army ranger and was deployed to Afghanistan on special mission"

Of all places to turn someone into a communist, Afghanistan would be on the bottom of the list to me.

I'm telling y'all, Rosciano's real name is Michael Ross. My buddy already had his buddy check the global, and there's only one 2LT in the army with that name. I'm 209eb1 from the other thread, by the way. The user whose former army buddy had his active duty buddies e-mail Rapone's chain of command

He's simply following in the footsteps of General
George C. Marshall, who helped give Berlin to the Soviets, fired anti-communists from the state department, and handed China over to the reds.

I can understand a low-IQ American going to university and being brainwashed into supporting communism with the tools the jews have at their disposal there along with peer pressure from all the jewish professors etc

Only just how the fuck does a patriotic American, so in love with his country he is even willing to go fight and die in some random war which none of his people will ever profit from, get radicalised into being a commie after serving in Afghanistan as an Army Ranger?

What sort of literature were his superiors handing out, WTF


If I'm not mistaken, Breivik's questionable shit in his manifesto was purely real-politik 3dimensional chess bullshit. He came out later (in the past couple years) with a statement disavowing all of the ZOG sounding statements, making it clear he's a white nationalist and was simply playing the media.

sporting an air assault badge and CIB

start up the rotors

Do you have an archive link for the comment thread involving O'Sullivan? Sent these screens to my buddy, and his said dude's CO wants the comment thread

I pulled them from cuckchan and that thread got pruned shortly afterwards. And I got a 2 week ban for trying to save our country from commies.

This is a cuckchan thread currently up with some info that, as of now, is flying underneath the radar:

And these pics are from our original guy. Look what he studied in West Point.

Faggotchan only became semi cool for the brief moment that they had me in screenshots on there. I pretty much got Rapone fucked up, now I need more info/screenshots of O'Sullivan and Michael "Anthony Rosciano" Ross.

Man it never fails to make me laugh at how stupid these people are. Don't they know you never post ANYTHING even slightly incriminating on the internet? He has no excuse for what is happening to him commie fuck.

This Rasheed Hosein needs to be exposed as the cancer he is.

Lol, she a 42A attached to them or something? In the military, whether you're a wife or in uniform, if you have a slit you're a dependa.



Communism is an ideology of the mentally ill. That's why they have no introspection and why so many of them are trannies or gay. Remember, it was made by jews, who have the highest rates of mental illness out of all peoples in the world. Che Guevara also loved to kill people, which was his main driving point for his revolutions, as proven by his letters to his mother. It's no coincidence why communist leaders always end up doing insane things and killing people with intense bloodlust.

1. Women are just easier to control and manipulate. They are useful idiots.

2. Women despise weak men and earlier generation of hippie and often single women raised complete whims, these women hate white men because many of them are whims.

3. Women are emotionally driven. Ask any outbreaking muslim woman out there and they will tell you that her mother was worse than her father in terms of raising. They have been treated like shit and feel like they need to do the same towards their daughters. Same shit in a social context.

and 4. Women are the perfect spearhead. They go under the radar easier than men and thus are better to subverse.


This. If his father's clean then fine enough, but his son being a commie infiltrator of the military warrants investigation. He's Treasurer of his county, could he be up to no good with the people's money?

Calm down your firing squad fantasies and ponder how much information about communism in the army this "ex-patriot" could give.

He wasn't a ranger. He was held over for ranger school right when this happened.

What his father likely meant is that his son was light infantry while in the 10th Mountain Division and probably did some stuff that rangers do, but his son was not part of a ranger battalion and didn't even have his ranger tab.

Not every infantry unit with jump wings that goes crawling through woods and mountains are rangers. It's actually a little embarrassing that his father doesn't know the difference.

Looks like Drudge and some other outlets have picked this up.

Isn't there some old school, 1960's law that punishes commies in the military? Maybe there is something like that and it's still valid because nobody bothered to revisit it.

He's got some military uniform on so I'd guess he's an interwar era figure. The guy beneath him too, in the khaki. He looks like someone I should know, but I can't put my finger on it.

All of this is because of a lone user that posted it here the other day.


How do you get this retarded?

Manson Will Win

If we're looking for subversives at West Point…

My god you faggots are fast, I just yesterday read the thread about this red nigger in the military and some user was pushing the shit to people he knew at west point, and some others were digging and what not.

here's to him chimping out more likely he'll end up on news programs as a leftist hero though

Same, I was 2/4 fox co and we had lots of NS Marines. Even a Mexican reading Mein kampf and learning German, he listened to nothing but Johhny Reb

we're still in the phase of learning our true power

You mean the stern, fatherly gun of Duterte

He'll be breaking rocks in Leavenworth for a couple years too ideally.

There's already a commie officer embedded in the Mtn 10th. Or at least one with a commie fiance. Went to my college and ROTC'd in. He's got a serious case of cuck-face and his wife posts the most cringe-tier BLM Antifa shit. She looks like a crypto too.

There's already a commie officer in the Mtn 10th Division. At any rate there's a guy engaged to one. He's an ROTC guy whose wife reposts every anti-nazi thing that comes her way and goes on rants about how we're living in 1930s Germany. He's got a serious case of cuck-face and his fiance looks like a crypto despite LARPing as a potato-nigger.

There's days that I've cursed social media. Well, I still do to be honest, it's a shit fest I learned it's worth. I try to always look for any positive from a negative. One positive, is it's the tool of our enemy, so it's useful to use this, quietly as a tool for outing those who wish to do harm to our country, to our countrymen. quietly til the time is right, like now Two, the value of intel via casual observance, of your own enemy is gold.

Problem, who to report that to. I don't know just who the hell to trust, besides dropping it here. I put a lot of stock in dead eye syndrome. It's like Holla Forums the eyes, they're never wrong. What's sad is when previously they had life like McVeigh' s. Catching military shitting upon Mattis should be simple going back to when he was selected. People react, even military, by picking up the phone and tweeting it, somethings are automatically x- posted to a bunch of sites, because narcissism. So things go largely left up, they forget to delete it all. That narcissistic shit. It is their downfall. IS, because it's happening!

There's already a commie officer in the Mtn 10th Division. At any rate there's a guy engaged to one. He's an ROTC guy whose wife reposts every anti-nazi thing that comes her way and goes on rants about how we're living in 1930s Germany. He's got a serious case of cuck-face and his fiance looks like a crypto despite LARPing as a potato-nigger.

post his dox then FAGGOT

Fucking 8ch acting up. Ate my posts.

post his dox then FAGGOT

Why commie, you scared it's you?

No you stupid nigger, because we'll get him into as deep shit as the first one. Why would you even post that you know another communist in the 10th mountain division and have proof if you're not willing to post who it is?

Post the dox so he can get fucking rekt too, this is a case of national security

I'm hesitant because he might be a goofball beta male with an overbearing and shitty future-wife whom he doesn't like. Most of his facebook posts are normie shit like him playing guitar, 9/11 moto shit, and other stuff. His fiance is a literal piece of shit always sharing holocaust survivor shit and his mother likes everything he posts.

To me he reads like a goofball who is loyal to his college girlfriend who has developed shitty views. The one thing that sets me off is that if he's that much of a beta, his mischling-seeming wife will be exacting an influence on his life.


The military really should use more biometrics and physiognomy research to weed out potential freaks and fifth columnists. Just look at all these faces. Standards shouldn't be restricted solely to physical fitness and ASVAB scores, they should take a good look at their faces.

don't post dox unless you have something on him. this one worked because we have pictures of the guy. can't do this alone, gotta convince others to act on it

That first image seems so goatse

For he said unto him, Come out of the man, thou unclean spirit. And he asked him, What is thy name? And he answered, saying, My name is Legion: for we are many. And he besought him much that he would not send them away out of the country.
[Mark 5:8-9. Demons cast into pigs]

That's why I'm hesitant.

If there's any 10th Mountain guys reading and you have a Captain about to acquire a dependa who is a "singer" from Philly, monitor him heavily.

Yep, it's a commie

W-what's his name, Lucifer?

I wonder if a Holla Forumslack could scam shitlibs by doing this sort of thing.
If you did it properly you could make absolute bank (bonus if you're female and/or not white). They've been throwing money at every other retard recently so I don't see it being that difficult to trick them.

You can get a lawsuit for lying about gofund me, but only if you lie, say you went to a rally and were assaulted as a color/female/jew, get bank, then go haha all these people support nationalism and spread their info, since most of the money will come from weak libshits who panic when caught and get eaten by their own.

Communism in the Twenty First Century: A social club for rich kids.

Yeah, where are all the poor communists? All these fucking faggots still look like daddy is paying their rent.

Getting off-topic but any specific examples? That site is almost entirely bullshit and fraud. It's disgusting

They're merely following Karl Marx's and Bernie Sanders examples. Both never held an actual job, unless you count congressman as a job, which I don't.

Poor people in America are some of the most patriotic people you will ever meet. All they have is love for their country, their family and their friends. They grew up rough. They grew up in constant conflict for a number of reasons.

Rich kids, on the other hand, had everything handed to them. They were denied nothing, and subconsciously, they feel guilty for this, but instead of blaming their smothering parents, they blame capitalism and turn to a trendy form of communism as a way to rage against a machine that did nothing but bless them with everything the poor could never have.

Yeah I was thinking about actually going as an option as well. If you could avoid it being recorded, you could pay someone "on the non-antifa side" to give you a good couple punches to the face so you will have lefty witnesses to vouch for you. Then just do with the money whatever you want.

Didn't Boinie marry rich, like Marx?

I believe so. Wealth for me, Socialism for Thee.

That is a classic commie tactic, though. Lenin and his ilk would write pamphlets encouraging commies to marry dumb rich chicks in order to fund their "struggle."

Did he get his shit fucked up yet?

Are these rich fag communists kids though in love with the idea that work will set you free? Isn't that one of the bases of communism, slave labor? Do these kids not know what the USSR looked like? I really don't get how someone becomes a communist faggot. Maybe indoctrinated in college, but it just seems like they don't even believe the ideology themselves.

Funny you should ask. Some time ago, I met a "communist" rich chick who was going to school to teach elementary students, and she said she was going to purposely indoctrinate her students with socialist tenets. I then proceeded to ask her what job she would rather work under a communist regime: Working the fields, or working in the factories. I was rewarded with a blank stare and some stammering about class struggle before I told her to get fucked and went to find something else to do.

They don't know anything and live in a fantasy world.

Knowing the historical context takes way more effort than aping leftist talking points and laughing snidely.

Ivanka Trump looks Jewish.

It comes from seeing the world as a place of inequality, but also believing that, when the revolution happens, they will be the ones somewhere near the top, which often isn't true. Of course if that were to happen, they would probably be killed or imprisoned in one of the many purges that are symptomatic of communist societies.

Nah, that's goypussy.

I have a female family member that is just like that. She went to an all girls east coast college and she came out a full blown anti white fanatic. She wishes white cops were dead etc. Later I found out she had a black professor that indoctrinated her. And just like the female you described, they all have this righteous morality about them. These types also have no self awareness. Completely devoid of it, because if they did, they probably wouldn't be accepting this shit hook line and sinker.

It's always funny to see some lefty/pol/ faggot talk about economics or communism in general. Once you really get into the meat of the subject they absolutely know fucking nothing about.

Get these faggots working in an USSR style factory setting or a field and they wouldn't last an hour.

It's not funny, it's statistically terrifying.

These people are out breeding us in both children and ideology.

Once they reach critical mas they will be used as a collective sword against all reason and their mass will drown us out zerg rush style if we don't do something soon.

daily reminder

Every single leftist faggot I've known dosent want kids, or despise them. One thing about leftists and their shit genetics is they're breeding themselves out.

I was mostly referring to blacks.

The whole encounter was hilarious. Here was a girl wearing Dolce and Gabbana lecturing my ass on class struggle when she's a visual example of the bourgeoisie. You're dead on about their lack of self-awareness.

In summation, I think these limp-wristed cucks with ACTUAL, MEASURABLE PRIVILEGE, as opposed to the intangible "white privilege" they like to rail about, just want to be seen as hardcore. Kind of like crust-punks who bought their gear at Hot Topic and suddenly claimed agency with that scene.

Not to blackpill, but how exactly is America going to correct itself? It seems impossible even in 50 years for all non whites to get deported and whites starting to take pride in their race again. If the US is the Sodom and Gomorrah that was prophesied, it will fall, and it's going to be a bloodbath. I still think Europe has a chance, but their population isn't armed, but they also still have countries like Poland. If kikes are truly of the Devil, that means there has to be someone looking out for us.

That's what I don't get about this West Point faggot. How does an Army Ranger come out of Afghanistan as a full blown red? Even if he was indoctrinated, when I was in the service there was leftists, but they were all working deskjobs with the niggers. All of the guys I knew that were not POGs wouldn't dream of ever becoming a red.

It sounds like he did his military service as an enlisted man, then went to college after, then got commissioned as an officer to go to west point. If his father's words are true I'm sure he was indoctrinated socially in college, not in the military or overseas.

The military is just going to start with this kid.
He got security clearance as a commie. If you are a commie you are NOT allowed security clearance. PERIOD.

Just lying about that is enough to land him 5 years in prison.

The fact that a commie made it so high up in the Military is what is going to make them go over everyone with ANY security clearance with a fine tooth comb.

They will make an example of him.

Look up 18 USC Section 1001
He can get 5 years for lying to get security clearance.

Checkin' them double dubs fam


Good. We need to put more public pressure on this commie degenerate and his filthy friends to make an example of them.

She isn't that masculine, and a man can easily be more muscular even without steroids.

borne here does not mean "born" of woman
it means "born" of circumstance or chance

modern translation: "The best among us have already died to carry us this far".

we are aiming for a paradise, a paradise for whites to finally live in peace from the attacks of the jew and his mongrels
and yes some of do delve into artistic expression, including linguistic expression

for me I spent part of my day painting, part working, part with my son, and now its late and I am reading and conversing with others of a like mind, tomorow my hobby work will be to build a garden gate

you should try to experience as many aspects of life as possible user, its good for you

and never forget, THE BEST OF US died to carry things this far

this is one of the biggest redpills, go back anons, read moldbug again, he makes the best case for it
it began really in Germany, with Martin Luther, and the idea of "Universalism", but unfortunately America was founded on it

no one knows how things will happen, and often when the big hands of the world are fighting, its the little hands that rise to shake the foundations of the earth

one thing I am sure of, ten years ago you would not have caught me dead meming hitler stuff or saying "gas the kikes"

now almost every white working class guy I know is saying it, not openly, not publicly
I have a wife and children
but i am pissed
and getting more pissed off every day, our politicians have done nothing but sell us out, at every fucking turn, and there is no reasonable arguement they can make that they do not see the outcome of their treason

every last one of them needs to be put against a wall, along with thier enablers and thier pets

Are all Spencers communist?

He always lied while pledging the oath. He is fucked.

While I don't disagree with him getting BTFO and possibly arrested, what actual crime has he committed other than criticize the current government?

Are you fucking retarded? He lied under oath, he outed a a commie which isn't allowed and he also outed his political views while having army status which is also not allowed.

Basically he is a ticking time bomb too.

I skimmed the OP and didn't see shit.

But communism isn't allowed under united states law, so…?

Fuck me, forgot this link:

Yes. So he's fucked hard.

UCMJ gonna rape rapone

Ancap, maybe, fascist, definitely not.
They really are falling for the Clinton paid media aren't they.

We wish he really was a fascist, but at most he's a Reagan (which is comfy).


Well he admits to in his media that his goal is to infiltrate, play the long game, then overthrow the US government. I'm pretty sure that's a no no.

They don't need their own kids, they've infiltrated the education system. They have our kids for 12-18 years. That's how this loser became a Red.

Yes, sadly they multiply through indoctrination. We must defend our children at all costs and destroy all these kikes and kike-enablers.

Holla Forums BTFO

Fuck. I just got through my initial security clearance interview and they were already talking about how things have tightened up due to the "Snowden" effect (God forbid they talk negatively about dickwoman Manning). I didn't lie about anything in that I'm not a member of any group dedicated to overthrowing the US, I have no past drug use or bad credit history, no concrete ties to any foreign nationals, and a couple speeding tickets. I just want our democratically elected government to return to its semi-fascist roots based on the Roman Republic system. Any chance I get caught up in this shit? I've been good about using pseudonyms whenever I do shitpost. The only shit that was dumb was I subscribed through paypal a loooong time ago to Richard Spencer's gay ass magazine back when it was about hating neocons like Bill Buckley and I had never heard a Pierce lecture.

So if a commie, that's openly commie ends up dead, no crime has been committed? The dubs suggest it. Would one face trial?

How about this. We string him up at MEPS as a warning to the rest that think they can get in and subvert our military.

Look up the Communist Control Act of 1954.

You can shitpost all you like as long as you don't represent the nation/military when you do it. That was this guy's fuckup as the academy spokesman stated.

This user shows self restraint.
(((left))) will dox any and all who fit the bill
Holla Forums exercises trigger discipline.
yep, found the problem

As always: pride comes before destruction.

Everyone has 1st amendment - just outside of the uniform. Particularly the dress uniform which is reserved for extremely special occasions such as formal dinners, weddings, etc. When you are enlisted you are not to smoke or drink in your dress uniform - pretty sure you can't even drink in your regular uniform either. When my brother and his buddies came back to town regular uniform they all stopped to change before going up to the bar with our families.
the commie broke protocol of the organization he was supposed to be subverting by disrespecting the idea of the military - especially if he was privileged enough to get into and graduate west point. If he's got a military family: they're going to get investigated too.

You'll always face trail but you might win it. Not sure if it ever happened in the past though.

To note, this is why you barely see any commie flags at (((protests))) anymore, you used to see loads of them. I guess one commie was smart enough to read the law for once and warn his kike overlords.

what unit is he in now? have any mil anons actually posted a capture of his information from a personnel search (which all servicemembers have access to)


He's with the 10th Mountain Division and his duty station is in Ft. Drum, NY, but last we heard he was currently held over at Ft. Benning, GA, waiting for the next class of Ranger School which is common for most new infantry officers. People have posted his info here >>>10664054 Tons of people have done searches. Tons of people know who he is. I'm sure people at Ft. Drum are probably sick of being asked about it by now since this the military blogs ran with his story earlier this week.

You glorious faggots keep it up.
Teach has been put on admin leave


Half-chan furiously 404ing threads with dox about Spencer's circle of friends… Looks like anons have identified Spencer's female comrade and fellow west-point graduate… /pol? investigation currently under way on Daniel O'Sullivan, a Marine, who is also a commie and friend of Spender's. KEEP DIGGING AND ROOT THESE COMMIES OUT


That's not true though, at least at a biological level. Politics are largely inheritable, and as such people will end up more or less where their parents were.
That works for awhile, but only in a vacuum. Pull those people out of college and make them live in a ghetto or an enriched area, and watch as they develop subtle biases against shitskins. The leftists require peace and prosperity to be able to work their propaganda. There aren't many cultural marxists in places like EE where peace and prosperity were not present during the 90s and 00s, for the same reasons why there aren't many leftists in rural America. Its hard to be "white privileged" when you grew up in a trailer next to methheads and pill junkies.

He was a ranger though. He was prior enlisted with the 75th, scrolled not tabbed, before he went to west point. That is all fact, some anons were saying that he was RFS'd for the 75th before he was accepted into west point, but I don't have any evidence of that.

Here is starting place for Daniel O'Sullivan, friend and COMRADE of Spenser Rapone

Tbh he would gas both Kang nigger and Donald "Mi daughter's name is Yael" Trump together.

Anons: Here is more Dox leads on Spenser Rapone's Religion of Cuck™ic mentor, West Point Professor Dr. Rasheed Hosein.

First, I read this Article:

When you click on link suggested in Article, you arrive at Dr. Rasheed Hosein's list of "Cadet Development." This lists the following as "Cadets Advised" by Dr. Hosein:

Cadets Advised:
Bryan K. Houp ’15, I2
Ruben A. Maldonado ‘15
Jacob T. Sanborn ’15, D1
Troy S. Szwaczkowski ’15, H1
Zachary C. Affrin ’16, I1
Spenser R. Rapone ’16, H3

I have the up-most respect for Americans that volunteer to serve in our Military. But given that Dr. Hosein was substantially involved in the personal/professional development of Spenser Rapone, a fucking brazenly open communist, we have to look into all of these other cadets that were advised by Dr. Hosein. For my part, I will start investigation with assumption each of these dudes is innocent, but if we find further communist sympathies, then…… Holla Forums knows what to do.

keep digging user


…I dont understand why he even fucking joined and commissioned then? did his parents force him or something? Or is he just some JROTC fag who decided to just "stick with it"

Gee, I don't know.

go look in the other thread. this has been done


Reported for saving and reuploading thumbnails, dirtbag!


Dr. Rasheed Hosein
Cadets Advised:
Bryan K. Houp ’15, I2
Ruben A. Maldonado ‘15
Jacob T. Sanborn ’15, D1
Troy S. Szwaczkowski ’15, H1
Zachary C. Affrin ’16, I1
Spenser R. Rapone ’16, H3

If their mental illness wasn't so severe they would have learnt by now that Holla Forums is never wrong & nothing is beyond our reach.
Did Eric Clanton teach them nothing about fear?
Are they specifically wanting to be outed?
What is their endgame?

I'd rip this cunt to pieces with my bare hands.

Your basic bitch antifa I get it, they're so drug addled and stupid to begin with of course they have no opsec. But people like Rapone with a clear mission to subvert plus a mentor or more likely a few. Wasn't anyone telling him not to do this shit? Or were they and he's such an attention starved faggy mummy's boy he couldn't help himself. I don't get it pol.


Daniel O'Sullivan's CO is already aware of him. Don't know any follow ups, but I do know that you shouldn't make comments extolling communism on public posts on Facebook under your real name when you're in the military.

honestly, shes probably stronger. she just cant into arm wrestling. ive beat guys that are bigger than me, but ive watched Over the Top like 4 times.

As somebody with a lot of muscle who also sucks at arm wrestling, it's possible. But she doesn't seem to have a lot of muscle definition and it shoes when she's lifting and in the arm wrestling competition. She just has big arms.

Shoot all commies in the face, then we may finally go to space.

She probably has way more endurance than him a little more of strength.
Look at how he positions himself differently than her, pushing it in a angle closer to that of his chest, plus having his upper body at the height of his arms while she is just sitting there.
There is a better video out there about the subject where a normal buff guy beats the strongest woman in the world in arm wrestling.

Her face is so beautiful. Too bad all the work she has put on her body doesn't make her attractive, which is pretty sad.

One of the annoying things about this for most Holla Forumsacks is going to be trusting that these guys are going to get their just desserts in their actual units with the other people getting reported.

Yes, they're probably going to get a lecture at least and maybe even a light NJP at most, but the real gold comes from the fact they've been outed to have really shitty whacky views and that they're trying to manipulate the people around them and subvert them. Although the soldiers around them should be more insulted by the communism, the fact that these snivelling pukes think that everybody else in the military is a pawn and were trying to sneakily overthrow the military is going to be more insulting and eventually what will poison their relationships with everybody else. The effect it's going to have on their COs and subordinates is going to be the same as what would happen if you had a friend who accidentally texted you some weird ass fetish porn with granny bestiality defecation or some shit. It doesn't matter how much of a great guy he was yesterday or how great he is tomorrow, you're going to think he's scum until the day he dies.

The President of the United States had Roy Cohn as a mentor. How about how far our reach goes?

That is Leon Degrelle not Father Tiso you stupid faggot

Red October happened 100 years ago this year. I wonder if the commies have any plans. I know of the Antifa riots on November 4th

He's also pulling inward, gaining a ton of leverage.

It'll be a whole lotta nothing, but we can always hope and pray that they actually do try to do something.
How I would love for them to wander into my zip code
How I would love for an excuse to see first hand what 50BMG does to communists

I didn't do the labeling, but I was wondering why Degrelle wouldn't be on there. Can anyone confirm if that's Tiso or Degrelle?

Also, can anyone identify the others? Some that are unmarked are Codreanu, Serrano and Mason.

Take your best shot, you Torkike faggot.

Pointing out the corruption is better than mindlessly shitposting on the military in general though. If you never served, you're not worth a fuck in a fight, and if you were not magically redpilled before 18, then you are also a spineless coward who already confirmed that you won't fight for your people.

I was redpilled very rapidly by just being in the military, and I am far from the only one like that. I was very careful about posting though because I'm smarter than the commie kike in OP. You niggers were hitlerious back on halfchan Holla Forums and Holla Forums from 2007 on, by the way

Abdicating the government to kikes as a protest against kikes makes no sense anyway. They would have massacred every White person still in the US by now if it weren't for anons like me who were in who would not have gone along with it.

True. Even most degenerate White Marines were at the very least "racist." And that's because racial pride goes hand in hand with being a good killer. I am very glad that the most vicious branch in combat is the most politically incorrect.

It would be funnier to just let Gen. Mattis loose on him tbh.

It's been awhile since I read about them. Here is a decent link:

Brevik is a kike that made the kike fist sign. He killed a bunch of Nordic blondes in some anti-Israel group. He had plastic surgery done to his face to look White.

Cordreanu was unbelievably based.

End my fucking life.

Yeah man, those fat fuck clerks really know how to slice the pie.

You ain't fooling anyone. End your life, Paki.

Anyone knows what these commie faggots are up to? They went to private and are keeping low profile for now.


I love how these faggots read Jewish propaganda, knowing that in fact that both communism are capitalism are two means to an end of Jewish control over the goyim. Russia for example was a Christian white nation before the Jews came in and took over the country, look at the holodomor for example.
Either these commie faggots want a genocide of a people including themselves, or they are complete idiots.

First in the education system and now in the military. Any person in the army should report a commie to the higher ups and if they are also commie sympathizers then report to the military justice.

That's because she is.

Articles about the investigation. And Marco Rubio is now getting involved also, for once that waterboy does something. Commie scum is getting the bullet soon.

Dear Secretary McCarthy:

It has been brought to my attention that United States Army Second Lieutenant Spenser Rapone acted in a manner unbecoming of a United States Military Academy Cadet and subsequently a commissioned officer.

As you may know, Rapone has publically and vulgarly derided the secretary of defense, advocated for communism while in uniform and political violence in general, and expressed support and sympathy for enemies of the United States, including Chelsea Manning, a convicted traitor. This clearly violates multiple Army regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice.

Additional posts on social media by Rapone broadcast his devotion to the communist cause and his plans to infiltrate and sabotage the military. His conduct, writings, and sympathies for American adversaries predates his commission in the Army. Therefore, I respectfully request the United States Army immediately nullify Rapone’s commission and pursue all available disciplinary options under the Uniform Code of Military Justice. Rapone should be required to pay back in full the cost of his education and the United States Military Academy should consider revoking his degree.

It is extremely concerning that someone who so often expressed such hostile views towards the United States’ system of government was able to obtain a commission. Rapone’s revolutionary ideas were harbored long before he was commissioned as an Army Second Lieutenant. Were West Point administrators or faculty aware of his views and behavior?

While I strongly believe academic institutions must respect the exchange of ideas and allow students to voice their opinions, members of the military who harbor anti-American views and express their desire to harm our country and its leaders are unfit to serve and defend our nation—and certainly should not enjoy the privilege of attending or graduating from an institution such as West Point, a taxpayer-funded military academy.

This is clearly not just a matter of law but also of common sense, and I can only assume Rapone’s unchecked behavior is an extreme embarrassment for the United States Army and the United States Military Academy. Please provide me with all relevant information regarding West Point’s efforts to ensure cadets who actively support the destruction of our government do not waste more taxpayer funds or prevent a more worthy candidate from attending an institution like the United States Military Academy. The Army’s premier officer commissioning source must ensure an individual like Spenser Rapone is never given the opportunity to lead or serve beside American soldiers.

I respectfully ask for a response on these issues within the next 30 days. Thank you for your consideration and I look forward to working with you on these matters.


Marco Rubio

U.S. Senator

Dear Secretary McCarthy:

It has been brought to my attention that United States Army Second Lieutenant Spenser Rapone acted in a manner unbecoming of a United States Military Academy Cadet and subsequently a commissioned officer.

As you may know, Rapone has publically and vulgarly derided the secretary of defense, advocated for communism while in uniform and political violence in general, and expressed support and sympathy for enemies of the United States, including Chelsea Manning, a convicted traitor. This clearly violates multiple Army regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice.

Additional posts on social media by Rapone broadcast his devotion to the communist cause and his plans to infiltrate and sabotage the military. His conduct, writings, and sympathies for American adversaries predates his commission in the Army. Therefore, I respectfully request the United States Army immediately nullify Rapone’s commission and pursue all available disciplinary options under the Uniform Code of Military Justice. Rapone should be required to pay back in full the cost of his education and the United States Military Academy should consider revoking his degree.

It is extremely concerning that someone who so often expressed such hostile views towards the United States’ system of government was able to obtain a commission. Rapone’s revolutionary ideas were harbored long before he was commissioned as an Army Second Lieutenant. Were West Point administrators or faculty aware of his views and behavior?

While I strongly believe academic institutions must respect the exchange of ideas and allow students to voice their opinions, members of the military who harbor anti-American views and express their desire to harm our country and its leaders are unfit to serve and defend our nation—and certainly should not enjoy the privilege of attending or graduating from an institution such as West Point, a taxpayer-funded military academy.

This is clearly not just a matter of law but also of common sense, and I can only assume Rapone’s unchecked behavior is an extreme embarrassment for the United States Army and the United States Military Academy. Please provide me with all relevant information regarding West Point’s efforts to ensure cadets who actively support the destruction of our government do not waste more taxpayer funds or prevent a more worthy candidate from attending an institution like the United States Military Academy. The Army’s premier officer commissioning source must ensure an individual like Spenser Rapone is never given the opportunity to lead or serve beside American soldiers.

I respectfully ask for a response on these issues within the next 30 days. Thank you for your consideration and I look forward to working with you on these matters.


Marco Rubio

U.S. Senator

everytime I see "nova scotia" I read it in the voice of that dude who yells weather warnings on yt.

That sounds like something a sex-positive leftist would say.

She has a crooked nose. Jews don't have crooked noses, they have smoothly rounded noses.

Spotted the kike.

makes me feel good about my crooked nose

From the very first sentence of the post you're quoting
I guess we spotted the dumb ass ZOGbot.

First we had citizen journalism, now citizen Intelligence.

Weren't there teachers in the USSR though? My professor who escaped said that he was in university and the teachers/TAs were all assholes who would call you mentally deficient if you asked a question (So you basically had to teach yourself). Also if you failed a class you basically got kicked out and drafted or something. (Apparently higher ed, despite being free, was super competitive and only had a few hundred spots per thousand/million)

I assume there were the equivalent of primary/secondary school teachers?
A school teacher indoctrinating kids could probably do that in a communist regime assuming they weren't purged along with other intelligentsia.

Just end welfare state and re establish proper incentives.

This was posted on the other /pol

The following is Heffington’s letter in its entirety:

Dear Sir/Ma’am,
Before you read any further, please understand that the following paragraphs come from a place of intense devotion and loyalty to West Point. My experience as a cadet had a profound impact upon who I am and upon the course of my life, and I remain forever grateful that I have the opportunity to be a part of the Long Gray Line. I firmly believe West Point is a national treasure and that it can and should remain a vitally important source of well trained, disciplined, highly educated Army officers and civilian leaders. However, during my time on the West Point faculty (2006-2009 and again from 2013-2017), I personally witnessed a series of fundamental changes at West Point that have eroded it to the point where I question whether the institution should even remain open. The recent coverage of 2LT Spenser Rapone – an avowed Communist and sworn enemy of the United States – dramatically highlighted this disturbing trend. Given my recent tenure on the West Point faculty and my direct interactions with Rapone, his “mentors,” and with the Academy’s leadership, I believe I can shed light on how someone like Rapone could possibly graduate.

First and foremost, standards at West Point are nonexistent. They exist on paper, but nowhere else. The senior administration at West Point inexplicably refuses to enforce West Point’s publicly touted high standards on cadets, and, having picked up on this, cadets refuse to enforce standards on each other. The Superintendent refuses to enforce admissions standards or the cadet Honor Code, the Dean refuses to enforce academic standards, and the Commandant refuses to enforce standards of conduct and discipline. The end result is a sort of malaise that pervades the entire institution. Nothing matters anymore. Cadets know this, and it has given rise to a level of cadet arrogance and entitlement the likes of which West Point has never seen in its history.

Every fall, the Superintendent addresses the staff and faculty and lies. He repeatedly states that “We are going to have winning sports teams without compromising our standards,” and everyone in Robinson Auditorium knows he is lying because we routinely admit athletes with ACT scores in the mid-teens across the board. I have personally taught cadets who are borderline illiterate and cannot read simple passages from the assigned textbooks. It is disheartening when the institution’s most senior leader openly lies to his own faculty-and they all know it.

wall of text is his
The cadet honor code has become a laughingstock. Cadets know they will not be separated for violating it, and thus they do so on a daily basis. Moreover, since they refuse to enforce standards on each other and police their own ranks, cadets will rarely find a cadet at an honor hearing despite overwhelming evidence that a violation has occurred. This in tum has caused the staff and faculty to give up even reporting honor incidents. Why would a staff or faculty member expend the massive amount of time and energy it takes to report an honor violation-including writing multiple sworn statements, giving interviews, and testifying at the honor hearing-when they know without a doubt the cadet will not be found (or, if found, the Superintendent will not separate the cadet)? To make matters worse, the senior leadership at West Point actively discourages staff and faculty from reporting honor violations. l was unfortunate enough to experience this first hand during my first tour on the faculty, when the Commandant of Cadets called my office phone and proceeded to berate me in the most vulgar and obscene language for over ten minutes because I had reported a cadet who lied to me and then asked if “we could just drop it.” Of course, I was duty bound to report the cadet’s violation, and I did. During the course of the berating I received from the Commandant, I never actually found out why he was so angry. It seemed that he was simply irritated that the institution was having to deal with the case, and that it was my fault it even existed. At the honor hearing the next day, I ended up being the one on trial as my character and reputation were dragged through the mud by the cadet and her civilian attorney while I sat on the witness stand without any assistance. In the end, of course, the cadet was not found (despite having at first admitted that she lied), and she eventually graduated. Just recently a cadet openly and obviously plagiarized his History research paper, and his civilian professor reported it. The evidence was overwhelming-there was not the slightest question of his guilt, yet the cadet was not found. The professor, and indeed all the faculty who knew of the case, were completely demoralized. This is the new norm for the cadet honor system. In fact, there is now an addition to the honor system (the Willful Admission Process) which essentially guarantees that if a cadet admits a violation, then separation is not even a possibility. In reality, separation is not a possibility anyway because the Superintendent refuses to impose that sanction.

Academic standards are also nonexistent. I believe this trend started approximately ten years ago, and it has continued to get worse. West Point has stated standards for academic expectations and performance, but they are ignored. Cadets routinely fail multiple classes and they are not separated at the end-of-semester Academic Boards. Their professors recommend “Definitely Separate,” but those recommendations are totally disregarded. I recently taught a cadet who failed four classes in one semester (including mine), in addition to several she had failed in previous semesters, and she was retained at the Academy. As a result, professors have lost hope and faith in the entire Academic Board process. It has been made clear that cadets can fail a multitude of classes and they will not be separated. Instead, when they fail (and they do to a staggering extent), the Dean simply throws them back into the mix and expects the faculty to somehow drag them through the academic program until they manage to earn a passing grade. What a betrayal this is to the faculty! Also, since they get full grade replacement if they must re­take a course, cadets are actually incentivized to fail. They know they can re-take the course over the summer when they have no other competing requirements, and their new grade completely replaces the failing one. ST AP (Summer Term Academic Program) is also now an accepted summer detail assignment, so retaking a course during the summer translates into even more summer leave for the deficient cadet.

Yet nothing was done about the communist who ran the CIA recently. lol joke

Even the curriculum itself has suffered. The plebe American History course has been revamped to focus completely on race and on the narrative that America is founded solely on a history of racial oppression. Cadets derisively call it the “I Hate America Course.” Simultaneously, the plebe International History course now focuses on gender to the exclusion of many other important themes. On the other hand, an entire semester of military history was recently deleted from the curriculum (at West Point!). In all courses, the bar has been lowered to the point where it is irrelevant. If a cadet fails a course, the instructor is blamed, so instructors are incentivized to pass everyone. Additionally, instead of responding to cadet failure with an insistence that cadets rise to the challenge and meet the standard, the bar for passing the course itself is simply lowered. This pattern is widespread and pervades every academic department.

Conduct and disciplinary standards are in perhaps the worst shape of all. Cadets are jaded, cynical, arrogant, and entitled. They routinely talk back to and snap at their instructors (military and civilian alike), challenge authority, and openly refuse to follow regulations. They are allowed to wear civilian clothes in almost any arena outside the classroom, and they flaunt that privilege. Some arrive to class unshaven, in need of haircuts, and with uniforms that look so ridiculously bad that, at times, I could not believe I was even looking at a West Point cadet. However, if a staff or faculty member attempts to correct the cadet in question, that staff/faculty member is sure to be reprimanded for “harassing cadets.” For example, as I made my rounds through the barracks inspecting study conditions one evening as the Academic Officer in Charge, I encountered a cadet in a company study room. He was wearing a pair of blue jeans and nothing else, and was covered in tattoos. He had long hair, was unshaven, and I was honestly unsure ifhe was even a cadet. He looked more like a prison convict to me. When I questioned what he was doing there, he remained seated in his chair and sneered at me that he “was authorized” because he was a First Class cadet. I proceeded to correct him and then reported him to the chain of command the next morning. Later that day I received an email from the Brigade Tactical Officer telling me to “stay in my lane.” I know many other officers receive the same treatment when attempting to make corrections. It is extremely discouraging when the response is invariably one that comes to the defense of the cadet.

That brings me to another point: cadets’ versions of stories are always valued more highly by senior leaders than those of commissioned officers on the staff and faculty. It is as if West Point’s senior leaders believe their job is to “protect” cadets from the staff and faculty at all costs. This might explain why the faculty’s recommendations are ignored at the Academic Boards, why honor violations are ignored (and commissioned officers are verbally abused for bringing them to light), and why cadets always “win” when it comes to conduct and disciplinary issues.

It seems that the Academy’s senior leaders are intimidated by cadets. During my first tour on the faculty (I was a CPT at the time), I noticed that 4th class cadets were going on leave in civilian clothes when the regulation clearly stated they were supposed to be wearing a uniform. During a discussion about cadet standards between the BTO and the Dept. of History faculty, I asked why plebes were going on leave in civilian clothes. His answer astonished me: “That rule is too hard to enforce.” Yet West Point had no problem enforcing that rule on me in the mid-1990s. I found it impossible to believe that the several hundred field grade officers stationed at West Point could not make teenagers wear the uniform. This anecdote highlights the fact that West Point’s senior leaders lack not the ability but the motivation to enforce their will upon the Corps of Cadets.

This brings me to the case of now-2LT Spenser Rapone. It is not at all surprising that the Academy turned a blind eye to his behavior and to his very public hatred of West Point, the Army, and this nation. I knew at the time I wrote that sworn statement in 2015 that he would go on to graduate. It is not so much that West Point’s leadership defends his views (Prof. Hosein did, however); it is that West Point’s senior leaders are infected with apathy: they simply do not want to deal with any problem, regardless of how grievous a violation of standards and/or discipline it may be. They are so reticent to separate problematic cadets (undoubtedly due to the “developmental model” that now exists at USMA) that someone like Rapone can easily slip through the cracks. In other words, West Point’s leaders choose the easier wrong over the harder right.

I could go on, but I fear that this letter would simply devolve into a screed, which is not my intention. I will sum up by saying this: a culture of extreme permissiveness has invaded the Military Academy, and there seems to be no end to it. Moreover, this is not unintentional; it is a deliberate action that is being taken by the Academy’s senior leadership, though they refuse to acknowledge or explain it. Conduct and behavior that would never be tolerated at a civilian university is common among cadets, and it is supported and defended by the Academy’s senior leaders in an apparent and misguided effort to attract more applicants and cater to what they see as the unique needs of this generation of cadets.

Our beloved Military Academy has lost its way. It is a shadow of what it once was. It used to be a place where standards and discipline mattered, and where concepts like duty, honor, and country were real and they meant something. Those ideas have been replaced by extreme permissiveness, rampant dishonesty, and an inexplicable pursuit of mediocrity. Instead of scrambling to restore West Point to what it once was, the Academy’s senior leaders give cadets more and more privileges in a seeming effort to tum the institution into a third-rate civilian liberal arts college. Unfortunately, they have largely succeeded. The few remaining members of the staff and faculty who are still trying to hold the line are routinely berated, ignored, and ultimately silenced for their unwillingness to “go along with the program.” The Academy’s senior leaders simply do not want to hear their voices or their concerns. Dissent is crushed-I was repeatedly told to keep quiet at faculty meetings, even as a LTC, because my dissent was neither needed nor appreciated.

It breaks my heart to write this. It breaks my heart to know first-hand what West Point was versus what it has become. This is not a “Corps has” story; it is meant to highlight a deliberate and radical series of changes being undertaken at the highest levels of USMA’ s leadership that are detrimental to the institution. Criticizing these changes is not popular. I have already been labeled a “traitor” by some at the Academy due to my sworn statement’s appearance in the media circus surrounding Spenser Rapone. However, whenever I hear this, I am reminded of the Cadet Prayer:

” … suffer not our hatred of hypocrisy and pretense ever to diminish. Make us to choose the harder right instead of the easier wrong, and never to be content with a half-truth when the whole can be won. …that scorns to compromise with vice and injustice, and knows no fear when truth and right are in jeopardy.”

West Point was once special, and it can be again. Spenser Rapone never should have been admitted, much less graduate, but he was-and that mistake is directly attributable to the culture of permissiveness and apathy that now exists there.

Sincerely and Respectfully,

Robert M. Heffington

LTC, U.S. Army (Retired), West Point Class of 1997

Cry more, faggot. Now more people are becoming aware of commies crawling to the military positions.
Precious nigger king ain't protecting them anymore.

individual commies in the military are absolutely nothing compared to communists and jews in our government or the (not at all recent) take over of the military by political-correctness commissars, wannabe politicians, and lackeys of the jews. And the filling of the military with as many nonwhites and women as possible.

Haha i remember searching through his Reddit and seeing a comment a few months ago warning him that he may be doxed.
He replied that the time for hiding is over.
I guess it wasn't.

The process of indoctrination within the military can be the same as the education system.
officer = teacher, professor
soldier = student
Simple as that, they take it step by step, just as this single commie who was aiming for a higher position and what would he do if he has? For example, he has the battalion under his control, he can create commie lessons for his soldiers and officers, creating a new set of social activists that would betray their country. Although the military system has stricter rules and won't forgive to those that show disrespect to the country, it already shows signs of corruption due to the recent report which describes of that single commie actions and behavior 2 years prior which no-one reported on him.
But yeah, politicians have also a huge leverage of who to hire and fire, an what sort of laws to change as it was seen in the Obama administration.
Heres an archive of him stating:

And that he plans to subvert the government.
Do the army investigation guys know about this ?

yes and no. They are kinda like teachers, but at the 2nd lieutenant stage they're more like a 90iq new teacher to a bunch of high school seniors. Much more dangerous are the people setting standards and policy or enforcing them, like the ones described in Heffington's letter. The political correctness has been around for more than a generation and the military is already fully infected. An outright marxist is not any more dangerous than that, because you can ignore or turn on mini-marx, but not the people pushing rape culture, femishit, affirmative action quotas, etc, on a daily basis.

The jews have a goal of course, and it's not to make a completely ineffective military of pozzed trannies or commies, but one completely morally, racially, and politically compromised, to be used against anyone including Americans.

yes they did


Grad here. This triggers me.

Fuck me, this class was awesome. We would spend two semesters on the Napoleonic and American Civil Wars, with in depth analysis of troop dispositions and movements, probably spending two or three classes on single pivotal battles.

This is fucking retarded. Background: through the course of four years, cadets must complete three separate summer training events. These are supposed to be things like being cadre at Cadet Basic Training, being temporarily attached to a Regular Army unit, or going to Airborne School or something.
STAP is basically summer school for cadets something you go to because you don't meet the standards of a course. What this guy is complaining about is that West Point is treating summer school like a development event instead of a remedial action.

This sucks.

I think I left a false impression. I meant that he wasn't dealt with it.

I went to look up the nigger literature taught in STAP fml and happened upon this

I suspect the lowering of standards has to do with the incompatibility of diversity and standards together.

Could a single negress who has graduated from there speak intelligently about Austerlitz, Yarmouk, Hohenfriedburg, or 2nd Kharkov?

That (of course retired) professor's letter shows what we already know, that the higher reaches of administration has this "strange" sort of deference to the entropic and chaotic elements of dinduism, tattoos, is 100% susceptible to "ay yo he be oppressin me an shit I'ze should sue you for a hunnit millon dollas n sheeit" negroism, and exists solely so that no actual administration which could stem the tide and push back on the chaos could exist.

I think Jerry Jones's decision to kneel a week ago, then issue hardcore "stand for the pledge or else" orders, is indicative of how easily bought and controlled even the seemingly richest and most powerful elements in our society are. They don't believe a word of what they say, they say it because they've been instructed to say it, and they never reflect on what they're saying what they're saying or where it's leading. It's like how Comey had the picture of MLK on his desk and specifically included a "Holocaust Education" training course for FBI agents. The man doesn't know why, he just knows that the career opportunities lay that way, and he does what he's told.

It really is bizarre to live in a society where our "leaders" don't know why they say or what they do, and are leading us off a cliff because the one thing they do know is that "the power" (aka the Jews) will destroy them if they stand up, and reward them if they keep nation-wrecking.

Women are seen as less threatening and fedoras will defend and compensate any breach in their logic.
If a fucking male sandnigger was doing that people would hate the fucking bastard but since its a womyn they seem empowered and thus breaking with the muslims and being assimilated
(Check that based nigger with maga hat 2 liberal bogaloo)into social issues.
Of course the sandniggress doesn't give a fuck and simply wants to advance her religion by exploiting any cracks.
Muslim are always pushing for minority rights and social issues when they are a minority and get benefits,when that changes and they get some power they only push for their agenda.
They are the perfect crybullies as Myanmar, Yugoslavia and the west will show you.

I would willingly pay money to see that shit for the keks


I have shorter hair and I'm a civilian

could have just cropped the third pic above the waist instead of posting that shit blue edit



Wouldn't be surprised if that fat shitskin is from the muslim brotherhood who are butt buddies with the wahhabi clergy in saudistan and that cianigger gulen