How Can We Solve the Race Problem?
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It's important to remember where to apply propaganda of this nature. It'll never work on niggers; proposing to give leeches their own place separate from warm-blooded mammals would not win a standing ovation from the leeches.
However, the simple message, "blacks openly declare themselves to be unhappy around 'whiteness', so give them a 'black' place to live" would immediately resonate with whites. If whites began to espouse the message, and were then attacked for it for nonsensical reasons by niggers, they'd be a step closer to the truth.
embed for those who prefer it
separation is the only viable long term solution. niggers and humans can't occupy the same space or be governed by the same body without conflict arising. white ethnostate is the answer
Segregation… until such time as the average IQ of blacks is near enough to that of whites that we don't irritate each other. Then, slow integration, not pushed by (((race-mixers))).
shill pls go
>Segregation… until such time as the average IQ of blacks is near enough to that of whites that we don't irritate each other. Then, slow integration, not pushed by (((race-mixers))).
You can go and integrate with them, faggot. The White race does not need to integrate with alien races.
And the birds go "tweet," namefag. Lurk two years.
That pic of Jared reminds me of pic related.
A breakup of America is inevitable and racial nation states would be the best outcome of said breakup.
Wont work unless a neutral area can exist for interaction and anyone passing the neutral areas boundaries is shot on site no questions asked and both sides agree.
as long as it's legal to kill kikes too, i'm ok with this
The result of such a policy would be obvious: niggers will take the land given to them, then demand more, having expectations to be allowed to exist in white and black territory.
Something that we haven't discussed here on Holla Forums, is that even in a scenario where whites become a minority, niggers will still be oppressed by the beaners and other third world trash imported into the country. Niggers are always the bottom caste whenever such multi-ethnic systems form. They may even be subjected to a genocide by the more vicious spics.
This needs more explaining.
Right now, integration is anathema to a healthy society, however there will come a time, centuries or even millennia from now, when racial differences will be inconsequential anymore - because of both the march of genetic technology and the continued development of humanity's understanding of our place in the grand scheme of things. That point is when globalism truly becomes a viable peaceful option.
Until that time, the best way for the races to interact is by
1. holding them distinct
2. using a 'Ladder of Civilization' wherein each race's society mostly interacts with those that are just slightly more and less advanced than their own, as determined by average IQ (for lack of a better measure civilized behavior).
3. areas where people can mix freely, cities, should be spaced around the globe at approximately 600 mile intervals
That should be enough to get a sense of it.
All niggers, part niggers, and nigger sympathizers need to be forcibly deported to Africa or killed. No separation of segregation on our territory. Not one single scrap.
Back. To. Africa.
Kikes have to leave for isreal or get shot. No if ands or buts. Oh, and weaning off the bank system and a return of the barter system.
Send them to aussieland and take all pro whites from there and bring them west so the only country niggers and the nigger lovers can fuck up if they somehow escape is the jew backup haven of jew zealand.
It's not a matter of technology, really; more a matter of propaganda. At the moment, the masses are simultaneously upset at the idea that each generation of them is less intelligent than the last, and violently opposed to eugenics. They hold both of these conflicting perspectives simultaneously because they have been conditioned to all their lives. The solution to this problem is simple, and does not require millennia of effort:
the problem with segregation is that there's always a kike in the mix ready to be the rat that it is
Make policies that traitors instantly lose "human" status and can be shot first ask questions second, and set up all communication lines at the boarder so that all communications are monitored.
Why would you want those great h'White men of the west to leave? They play an important role in the work of American Renaissance, and will certainly play a huge role in our h'White ethnostate.
I'm in wholehearted agreement that Jews need to GTFO. They've made themselves very,very,very unwelcome. But there's more to the JQ than just gassing the Jews, namely how do the rest of us get along once they are gone or dead ?
Or, you know, ethnostates.
What the fuck? The same way civilization always did. What makes you think removing bagel will in any way disrupt society?
The Chinese are well known for their animal cruelty and will be especially harsh on the nogs
You're from the future? Everyone is just a mishmash? Fuck, let the nukes rip.
Jared Taylor has said in the past that Jews (the h'Whitest of the h'White men) act as the conscience of civilization, and he's absolutely right. You goyim would be lost without them.
Will everyone get along? Probably not, but without jews there would be a chance greater than 0% and dependeng on the gore a global aversion to conflict for another generation or 2.
I got it! We all take colored wives and in a few generations we'll breed the nigger out of them!
You've got to be kidding. Nice try Shlomo.
Pffft, haha no. Jews are the parasite to test societys immune system against societal cohesion.
He's just funposting, stay on track.
You shills aren't convincing anyone.
Ethnonationalism works for me… but those with Left-leanings will arise in every generation, causing trouble, demanding borders be dissolved, etc. Such people need an outlet, hence the establishment of zones, cities, where they can explore cross-racial relations to their heart's content.
In effect, yes. Humanity grows to incredible heights in the future, provided we don't destroy ourselves over (((racism))) before we get there.
Perhaps the primary reason we can't all get along is because:
1. Humanity on this planet is too diverse. Between races, societies, the disparate average vibe, or intelligence, is so great that we all simply cannot see eye-to-eye.
2. We are constantly meddling in other people's societies, improving them as we see fit, instead of letting them self-evolve. Especially Jews do this both to us and through us, which is why we hate them so.
The 'Ladder of Civilization' concept is an attempt to address just this.
>how will we get along once the promoters of (((diversity))) have gtfo?
simple, user. we eliminate the diversity. ethnostate for the win.
yeah, but when natural heirarchy is allowed to return to society, the split, iirc, is about 60% right wing and 40% left wing. so their votes won't count if voting still exists
Do we have to go over this bullshit again?
I can't believe there is an actual shill in here claiming the same as this video. I thought posting this was a good reminder/dig at this fake fuck. But now I have to actually clarify. Unbelievable.
I love your meme. That's so cute!
I didn't say anything about people being forced to racemix in the future, only that it becomes a more viable option. Right now, racemixing is genetically unhealthy, and socially confusing. What I expect to happen is groups of like-minded folks will take to the stars in search of their roots.
: )
Segregation was always the answer, it's already happening the niggers self-segregate themselves baby basic bitch niggers literally demand from unis and other areas safe spaces. I'm glad it's happening if you hate white people so much don't fucking live in majority white countries and even if this country goes full spic, the spics hate niggers more than anyone else so I'll be taking solace in that.
Segregation was always the answer, it's already happening the niggers self-segregate themselves baby basic bitch niggers literally demand from unis and other areas safe spaces. I'm glad it's happening if you hate white people so much don't fucking live in majority white countries and even if this country goes full spic, the spics hate niggers more than anyone else so I'll be taking solace in that.
Deportation of poc back to their own countries, sterilise the half breeds, euthanase the kikes and then enforce the border.
The end.
We hate those Babylonian parasites because they're demonspawn who live for the sole purpose of destroying civilization. They gleefully do everything in their power to ruin nations; destroying economies, raping children, committing genocide. This has been their way of life for thousands of years, long before they killed off the last Jew and started telling everyone "we wuz Jews".
Civilization cannot survive unless they are completely eradicated.
Great video. Jared's statement "they look h'White to me" gets the 1488 crowd so ass-blasted because they know they can't argue against it. None of their pseudo-science or conspiracy theories h'will ever change the fact that Jews look h'White, therefore they are h'White.
Like Jared told his good friend Gavin McInnes, it's admirable that the h'White Jews have been able to preserve their culture as long as they have.(KIKE WAS GASSED FOR THIS POST)
Oh fuck off. Jews have no intention of improving our society anymore than a tick wants to improve it's host.
I guess so. Jared Taylor is literally the best WNs have. He is so intelligent, so well spoken, and makes WN sound so reasonable nobody can defeat him in a debate. If he was the face instead of Dicky Spencer or even David Duke WN would have been established ages ago.
They 'improve' our society to their benefit.
Yes, there's that too, and more: political and financial cronyism, historical revisionism, and the ever-present insistent moral condescension. Point conceded.
The direct way is the best way. This would do it.
But the consecutive generations will need innoculating. Some careful cultural interrelations must transpire, lest we become too trusting and docile again. Gullibility must be bred out.
It's funny how Jared himself addresses this on his own website
His website is like the ultimate redpill after Kevin MacDonald's theoccidentalobserver by the way.
A more accurate statement would be, "xenophobia must be increased". Or do you somehow oppose the idea of a monocultural nation's high-trust society?
it's buried in vid related somewhere, but i don't currently have the attention span to sit through it and give you a timestamp. these guys used to have a soundcloud account, but they got shoah'd. if the soundcloud bit still existed, a timestamp would be easy to find and give you
Jews aren't white, schlomo. In fact, jews aren't anything at all but genetic dead ends. Your gene pool is complete shit and your holy men suck blood from infant dicks, kike. Reported.
I think that guy was just joking. I mean, we live in an era where there's almost no statement so insane that someone wouldn't make it unironically, but I'm pretty sure that guy there wasn't being serious.
for the anons who question Jared Taylor's views on the JQ, see vid related. he says it's a valid question to ask, and that AmRen doesn't try to answer it.
no problem. i can't remember off hand if they list their sources in the audio, or if it was listed separately from the audio. they themselves aren't the source. they're quoting from other research.
This. Jared Taylor is strictly about WN and the 14 words and is wise to know the troubles of 88. You save that for much much later. Remember, Jared is literally advocating for a white ethnostate and that's the first most important step.
Xenophobia, fear of others, isn't a quality I aspire to inculcate,
rather distrust of people who are known to lie, take undue advantage, etc.
We can trust Japanese as much as we can, because they are generally honest, though with their own set of human foibles. Likewise, there exist other groups who don't wish selfish machinations upon their neighbors. There is no reason to fear the honorary Aryan.
Japan is an excellent example of the importance of xenophobia in preserving a healthy and prosperous monoculture.
I do not disparage friendly and mutually beneficial relations between separate peoples; trade deals and partnerships and alliances and such. These are important and good. However, those peoples must remain separate; different races cannot coexist, because people of a race will not be innately concerned with the wellbeing of a different race.
I say "innately" because the state of Europe proves that it's possible to artificially induce such concern via decades of mass media brainwashing. (I believe various forms of lobotomy have also achieved similar results.) However, these methods are not only amoral, they are unreliable, as the mere existence of this board attests. As Hitler wrote in Mein Kampf, eventually the system of forced cohabitation breaks down and tribalism reasserts itself.
Nope sorry user. The niggers had millions of years to evolve into something worth-a-damn, and they blew it.
Whites can solve this problem too - just have a large scale tax revolt until the state collapses, then niggers will get no more EBT gibs. They'll self-deport to Mexico like the parasites they are. If we can't have our own government, we should work to destroy the one we have. The ones who don't leave voluntarily we can just send the Right Wing Death Squads after - there won't be any police or military to stop us. If anything is worth collapsing a government for, this is it. The federal government is already dysfunctional and highly dissatisfactory to us. Why do we keep it going when it no longer serves our interests?
You seem to only view racial differences as being important due to IQ. Keep in mind that even dispositions and character traits like courage, truthfulness, determination, earnestness, etc are deeply affected by bloodline.
By definition, different races coexisting will never be as closely-knit, strong, or as culturally expressive as a mono-ethnic culture. If your transhumanist fantasy is to play out, you'd have to eradicate the genetics the make the races seperate, and I don't think there'd be a people in the world who'd sign up to have their bloodlines altered to the point where their offspring may as well be a different race.
Let's give them a state that they'll turn into Africa.
Let's give them Southern California and break it in two.
Why do you think we made gated communities?
The White man will never be left alone. The Jew is a parasite, the black a tick. Both want to suck the life out of you. The only solution is to kill them all.
This motherfucker needs to go.
Watching him interact with that faggot Sargon of Akkad in youtube made me realize how important this man is in the wake of that absolute fuck up Richard Spencer.
We need to meme Taylor into more prominence, I'm so fucking tired of Spencer's abstact bullshit spouting without concrete set of plans to make this happen.
Bump and I really hope we can meme Jared Taylor more during the next 7 years of Trump
Spencer let the fame get to his head. He and TRS fags are shilling at an other level now, and acting like controlled OP. Fucking things up. Jared Taylor while soft, on the JQ, Knows the game better than anyone except maybe MacDonad
So all of MLK Jr.'s life in the pursuit of ending segregation will in less than a century end up with Blacks going back to segregation. I would like to think they understand the irony of what they are suggesting but they have a hard time understanding memes.
Reverse migration/aggressive colonization. Go back to Medieval times when each city was pretty much an individual settlement, descend upon an African country with low HDI, race into one of the towns with enough fellow /k/ommandos, take control of it and slaughter and drive away the aboriginal populace. Keep women to appease to the degenerates that will inevitably be in your group (and to provide for mixed children to temporarily repopulate the settlement), then spend time rebuilding your infrastructure via contracts with Red Team companies. After the settlement is fully restored, start spreading the word of cushy temp job opportunities for women if they move into your neighborhood or convince volunteers to come aid "muh children". When there, force them to a voluntary or otherwise stay and repopulate your own. Repeat this every x months until you have a small but prosperous anarcho-capitalist state. The only worries would come from negros trying to migrate towards your country (build city walls with a system similar to what they had in the middle of Berlin, but obviously cheaper) and from the country itself trying to send their warlords and paratroopers (last I heard paras are the only troops worth a damn in Africa), easily fixed since the average /k/ommando can aim for shit and in the event of an all out retreat, burn down the whole thing so that the Afroniggers don't have anything to show for their conquest (though let's be honest, a burnt city is probably what they already consider home).
Simply put, soil is life and new life is how the race prospers. If you don't believe me, look at history or what our Austrian uncle said.
Anarco-capitalism will never work faggot.
Africa must be purged, not consulted into being colonialism 2.0, we've already determined that it doesnt work unless we stay there forever (which is not advised).
Technically it can work, the thing is that it can only do so when it's in an immensely small scale. But to move towards the conquest of Africa without the help of the state, and before the formation of a White African State, you just need to have some form of federation-of-city-states like government.
Also to purge the whole of Africa immediately would be great and all, but it's impossible in the immediate. It's one thing to conquer a state, it's another entirely to rule it and make it prosperous. We don't just need to stay there, we need to remove the inhabitants as well, by all mean necessary.
How about you start by not posting Zionist CIA agents you fucking faggot?
We'll be half-way across the galaxy by then.
Oh please, Jared Taylor and all the other NPI fags are just as bad as Spencer. If you know the problem is the Jew and you do everything possible but to blame the Jew, then you're deceiving people at worst wasting time at best.
Huh? Alex Linder is the best WNs have. Nobody comes close.
What are small steps? What are tactics?
Pretty sure that describes sending them all back to Africa perfectly. They won't leave because of the gibs though. They can't survive on their own, and will riot if you take away their free ride.
There really is only one solution.
The problem is how to separate. Blacks don't really want to be separate as they lose their gibs and liberals consider any kind of separation a humanitarian crisis and blacks living without whites to be refugees. We've tried back to Africa stuff before but African niggers consider American niggers too light to be real niggers so they fail.
The only viable solution until more whites are redpilled would be to encourage everything that leads to a lower black population and self-segregating. More free birth control in urban areas, ending housing programs that redistribute blacks to white areas, higher incarceration rates by enforcing current laws better. Maybe advertising/meme magic programs to make only a couple cities liked by blacks and all the other ones for uncle toms?
You forgot the most important part: removing welfare. Without the government subsidizing their existence, a significant percentage of niggers would die out; mostly the rabidly violent, clinically retarded ones. This would actually be beneficial for their race, ironically enough, since it would halt their kike-induced devolution.
Trump has advocated for replacing welfare programs with programs that help people find employment. This would be ideal; enemy politicians can't openly oppose the idea of people working for a living instead of living on welfare money. …Well, they could, I suppose, but they'd lose even more public support, in an age where they're shaking in their boots over how much the public disfavors them.
There isn't going to be any White ethnostate until the jews are exterminated, all of the "let's just be nice to the jews and focus on niggers" is at best kosher LARPing.
There isn't going to be any White ethnostate until the jews are exterminated, all of the "let's just be nice to the jews and focus on niggers" talk is at best kosher LARPing.
E. Michael Jones thinks a multi-racial society is fine as long as everyone is a devout Catholic.
That doesn't mean he isn't right about Jared Taysachs.
That doesn't mean he isn't right about Jared Taysachs.
integrate my dick you nigger lover
I bet I have a solution
All you need to do is edit out the swastika and it's perfect for redpilling, normalfucks aren't ready for that yet and tune out when they see it.
aren't there african countries that are giving incentives for blacks to move back?
Ideally, we set them up with a colony in a fertile area, train them to use/maintain/defend/etc it, ship them to it en masse, and watch them slowly destroy it with a clean conscious. That way, we wouldn't have to suffer their existence in our countries while giving them welfare and affirmative action, and any that actually love america or wherever and want to live like us would have to meet our requirements or leave.
I also maintain that we need to quit all involvement with africa period, except maybe for isolated mining compounds (that niggers don't care about). Let africa get back to the way it was before white involvement and treat it like one big nature preserve. Keep the chinks out of it too; they don't need an entire continent of resources to expand with.
That's not a fair comparison user.
The armor that the Roman is wearing cannot be constructed without a knowledge of metallurgy. You have to mine iron ore, melt it down, mix in carbon (charcoal) and then forge it. The same goes for the sword. In order to make a shield like that you have to know how to tan and embroider leather. And making cloaks like that requires a loom.
A better comparison would be
Fuck off.
Nope. Differences are never inconsequential, no matter how small.
Peace is not desirable, faggot.
We do not need to uplift them. We should not uplift them. We should eliminate them. You do not make competitors more able to eliminate you. You do not refrain from eliminating competitors. You are a dense, motherfucking retard. I don't give a single fuck what their IQ is outside of making it as low as possible so they are the least threat to me and my kin. Get fucked.
This. And then we take Africa.
nah, iq will likely drop instead