This is the evil Holla Forums is fighting against?
"""normie""" here: So let me get this straight
Capitalism? Yes.
read a book
The problem lies with the amount.
Commies say that hard work isn't valued by capitalists anymore and they are right.
A system based on wage-slavery, where one individual holds economic power over the other? Yes.
Do X or you will have no money.
You can only do X if you get into debt with me getting trained or educated.
You can only get trained or educated if you have money
Some people start without money.
Some people profit from the labour of others, instead of those people getting the full value of their labour. These people have no mechanism to demand a better deal, because the people profiting from their labour stand to benefit from it and own all of the mechanisms to change the deal.
Don't make me say itβ¦
Are we fighting evil or fighting for good? To ensure all has their daily bread, and all have access to luxury? The second one.
" It must be so contrived that from the first day of the revolution the worker shall know that a new era is opening before him; that henceforward none need crouch under the bridges, with palaces hard by, none need fast in the midst of food, none need perish with cold near shops full of furs; that all is for all, in practice as well as in theory, and that at last, for the first time in history, a revolution has been accomplished which considers the NEEDS of the people before schooling them in their DUTIES.
This cannot be brought about by Acts of Parliament, but only by taking immediate and effective possession of all that is necessary to ensure the well-being of all; this is the only really scientific way of going to work, the only way to be understood and desired by the mass of the people. We must take possession, in the name of the people, of the granaries, the shops full of clothing, and the dwelling houses. Nothing must be wasted. We must organize without delay to feed the hungry, to satisfy all wants, to meet all needs, to produce, not for the special benefit of this one or that one, but to ensure that society as a whole will live and grow.
Enough of ambiguous words like βthe right to work,β with which the people were misled in 1848, and which are still used to mislead them. Let us have the courage to recognize that Well-being for all, henceforward possible, must be realized. "
Capitalists destroy food to keep it from the needy, as it would result in a loss of sales and a loss of profit. This is a system that puts profit over human lives. People are dying. That is the "evil" we combat, by building a better society.
"Capitalism is just trade guise!"
No, this is.
Here, let me let someone else explain it to you.
what's that song?
Yes, that is what we fight against.
take off that flag you fucking idiot
Slavery is work too, stupid. It's owning a man. Wage slavery is renting a man. He has no choice but to sell himself to survive. Now shut up and read this.
and then read this
I don't like that video because it implies the consumers are oppressing third world workers. Instead, both of these groups are trapped in a system of debt and wage slavery which will eventually reduce the first group to the level of the second, while those at the top make out like bandits. If globalism has shown us anything, it's that the capitalists seek to unify wages across the world, but this is a contradiction. They will try to stave off the chaos by easy access to credit, but as we saw in America, this does not work. Debts, wage slavery, and poverty. This is what capitalism has to offer.
This is like saying "fuck the niggers" because black criminals exist.
Tito would be ashamed you're using that flag.
mind you that webm is edgy as all fuck, but still
Liberals, everyone.
The organization can get fucked. I worked for them, and they fucked me good, but the guys doing the work are mostly there just because they couldn't go to college and didn't want to be flipping burgers for the rest of their lives. It's the employer of last resort.
Fair enough. I don't hate every soldier or anything like that, I get that it's different than, say, cops where you have to really work to get in there whereas the army is a defacto economic draft, but it's still a shitty, shitty thing. Doesn't help that most of them end up being about as class conscious as a pile of bricks tossed through shop windows.
So there are no homeless people in America. Right. You're just trolling now, m8.
Hard work is valued by capitalists so long as it is somebody else's hard work.
Hi Holla Forums
Might as well call him jidf or shill while you're at it
Who brought up negroes you-gay-slave?
Actually, if you weren't a fucking retarded cunt you'd know that by giving the homeless homes and the tools to find jobs you're massively increasing their chances of integrating back into society. It's charity that causes them to just buy drugs, because, they're still homeless and depressed. Faggot. I hope you lose your home.
Seriously Tito is rolling in his grave.
Are you capable of doing anything but sucking dick hoping to somehow make yourself feel better through association with those who've actually been productive with their lives?
Do you even try?
You're absolutely right. Memes are not a valid alternative to reading.
Here ya go, so you can make an educated argument against Marxism instead of relying on silly memes.
I'm very tempted to just post my pasta which blows Marxism (and all Communism) out of the water.
I have already read the work of that filthy Jew. Nothing of substance.
It isn't valued anymore because of all the Mexicans and whatevers coming here and devaluing labor.
fuckin micks
I could do with a good laugh, or a good round of impotent rage. Post your retarded rant, kike.
Jesus Christmas leftypol, you can't even get ancap smileys right.
kek, let's see it
Got this right though
I don't even know what that is.
I want all leftypol to see it. Starting a new thread.
Overly hyped video game that turned out to be complete bullshit and pissed off everyone who bought into it for retarded reasons. You'll probably be able to figure out the joke from there.
glhf πππladdieπππ
But what does that have to do with Trump? He isn't even president yet.
That's what makes it even better. He didn't even need to, to go back on plenty of things.
Just, uh, don't be surprised when he doesn't end up being the president you're hoping for, is all.
Another classic image macro from my Holla Forums years that may relate to your feelings, albeit indirectly.
It has also been deleted. The commie must shield himself from foreign opinions. The commie at his heart is a bigot who hates diversity, freedom of speech, freedom of thought and all the rest of it.
Leftypol - A giant memory hole.
mexican workers are more efficient by capitalists standars
its your fault
More like this.
No user. It's just outdated, terribly ineffective, and the source of about every bit of violence and misery in today's society.
wage slavery is modern leftist doublethink
freedom is slavery
Beaners are terribly inefficient, their only comparative advantage is that they're willing to work for very little.
If the dumb, mexican scum demanded a minimum wage, they'd all be replaced with heavy machinery.
It was meant to be a compliment. I'm an authoritarian fascist myself. Fuck other opinions.
the definition of effiency under capitalism doesn't mean what you think it dies
Are you trying to subvert and pervert common english words again?
Anarcho-primitivist i guess? Everyone hunts their own rats and gathers their own snails. Everyone collects their own tofu and builds their own microprocessors.
no I am serious
Every single person with friends now is either a socialist or a communist so you can stop pretending you actually go out
More like the epitome of central planning.
That's why you lazy bums should get a job. Those ipads do not build themselves.
Ever heard of communism?
Someone in this thread does not go out, but i don't think it's OP.
are you using the Yugoslavia flag as a meme?
My family comes from Yugoslavia and it's basically the only flag that isn't pozzed.
No its OP and you apparently