For the election results for alabama starts in 30 mins

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I hope the gunslinger wins.

Bama user here.
Roy Moore is going to slaughter Strange and Send a message back to Shabbos Goy that NO DACA means motherfucking THEY HAVE TO GO BACK.
Down here we give zero fucks about Ivanka tears.
With or without Trump we will Make America Great Again.

Win-win situation. I prefer Moore, but I'm not looking forward to Trump's first political defeat.

It will give him power to tell Mitch to fuck off.

Spaghetti Spillin' Steve in the houuuuuse!

could I get a quick rundown real quick ?

What's the logic behind this? Does any democrat really stand a chance in AL? Has Moore revealed his power level too much in the past or something?

I try to give these guys views, but geez are they worthless. The stream cut out last night right exactly at the second Roy Moore pulled out his gun. Ratface Steve is the most pitiful presenter/anchor I have ever seen. I feel so bad for him every time he's stuttering on screen.

In all fairness, he should be doing this anyways.


The rat man just said he doesn't want to say who he voted for in 2016. I wonder why…

calling that a political defeat is like saying him antagonizing the nfl into sudoku was a blunder in any way.

Ya know what Trump did by backing that strange faggot? The GOP wasted a ton of money on that homo. I may be wrong but $4 million seems like a ton to be spending on a senate seat that "should have been a sure shot".


Leo Frank

Any way you could give us updates from local media? There's no way national media will report on this.

1st results should be in by 8:15 EST

Nice dubs.
Any information yet?

jfc, OP, wtf.

It's those jewish genes, user. Inveterate cowards even if the strangers are friendly.

Kikebart and other online sources are posting updates.

Remember the dollybird cohost said she was dehydrated, ratface offered he a sip from his waterbottle and she refused it?
Funniest shit ever.

checked and it was webm'd

Don't be that dumb. If anything, he's making a token gesture to the cucks in congress just so he can have plausible deniability and say "See? I tried it your way but the people have spoken."

Voted for Roy an hour ago. Went to trumps rally last fri with him stumpin for strange. Why the fuck is this getting nationalized? Well anyway i`m going to go eat and then try to catch my sister. Uncle dad and aunt mom says HI!

And reality takes another step closer to Metal Gear


They've sent the new recruits

Your commie ass is going to die.

It's looking bleak for Strange friendo. Your salty shitposting is most likely vain.

Trump has a contractual obligation to support any incumbent. Why is Strange considered an incumbent? Retarded legal reasons… he sent two tweets and did a rally that was mostly about typical Trump stuff with a half-assed nod at Strange.

He obviously supports Moore.

Auburn fan ?

What contractual obligation? I understand the political logic, but don't know what you're talking about.


As always.

hell fuckin yea

Get ivanka the fuck away from us already

Amazing how commies hate the White working class so much.

How stupid are you?

Can any Alabamanons provide insight on how plausible these results are so far? Are any counties that should be going for Moore instead going for Strange? How much fuckery is there?


It's chess goy, don't question it.

It also sends a huge message to the rino cucks, we're not Trump cheerleaders, only patriots. Insulating Trump will accomplish nothing. We'll elect someone further right next time around.


But user, I was assured you only voted for Trump because of a cult of personality. Surely a brash NY business man making funny jokes on twitter is more important than the policies he claimed he was going to implement.

This cuck is doing a live Periscope of Results in Bama

because they feel inferior.

This cuck is doing a live Periscope of Results in Bama


Is posting broken again? fug.

Roy Moore 25,976 57.4%
Luther Strange 19,273 42.6%
9% reporting (207 of 2,286 precincts)

Day 12 Protests in St Louis


Extremely close in Monroe and Mobile Counties. Both in Strange's column right now but may flip to Moore.


It's ogre already my man. Colonel Roy has a 10,000 vote lead and the gap is only widening. Strange is absolutely fucking done.

13% reporting
Moore 36,134
Strange 26,072

These little commies ever get locked up they turn into blow up dolls.

Moore: 58.1%
Strange: 41.9%
Reporting: 13%


Moore: 58.%
Strange: 41.8%
Reporting: 16%


Posting broken again motherfuckers

16% Reporting
Moore: 41,872 58.2%
Strange: 30,110 41.8%

It's not even a contest anymore. All that's left to do is sit back and see how badly Strange gets rekt.

Site shitting the bed for anyone else?

look at that anglo cuck face

Yes. I'm so sick of this dogshit.

Roy Moore 57,320 58.5%
Luther Strange* 40,601 41.5%

22% Reporting. I'm calling this for Roy Moore.

It's probably getting DDOS'd by assmad commies again because we outed Spenser Rapone.

Apparently Roy and his wife rode horses to the polls.

That's fucking cool

You bastards have been pushing this Anglo thing all day.

Fucksake spoiler that shit man!

Does anybody have a link to an interactive map of the entire state by county? As much as I hate The Jew York Times, it usually has the best setup when it comes to elections.



Name a rightwing party in the UK

As per GOP rules, the president has to "show support" for an incumbent. Nobody is holding a gun to his head, but it's obvious Strange was going to lose… so he gains an ally in the Senate and at least pretended to follow the rules.


Checked. I see that. Let me try, when have they ever succeeded against us?


This isn't even close.


RSBN host Steve Lookner is Jewish in case anyone doesn't know. His co-host is a nigger.




Why is this tay sach patient calling it out?
Look to gain points on the gentile side of things?



good luck Roy!

Trump put out this message today. I think he was talking about more than football here.
Good work, Alabama. Not even Diebold could win this one for Strange.

Crazy world.

So does Moore take Stranges place until next years election?


Race riots exploding in St Louis (again). Watch

The fucking head on that guy looks so primitive for some reason. Then you've got a nigger whose a cross between Matthew McConaughey and some earlier evolution in the line to homo sapien, mini thug negro who overcompensates for his size with a loud mouth, and the twitter tough talking faggot with his LARP costume. Why does this fucking annoy me?

The general election is December 12

Kill yourself you fucking fag
t. American

Jamal Tyroneequis; Part Time Patty Flipper, Full Time Kang
Half Dread with Woodland Neckbrace
Big Smoke
>tiger stripes nice
Literal Potatonigger

The only faggot that's armed right for the occasion is the fucking mick.

Since Strange was a temp, doesn't Moore start right away?

8/10 otherwise.

I just noticed, xRobynH00Dx isn't even wearing shoes. What in the fuck.



Hell yeah. Hope those fucks are sweating now that we got one of their incumbent fucks out of office.

well fuck





Okay, so who the fuck are they and why do I care?

I'm not your school teacher nigger.


habeeb it.

There's going to be a hell of a pivot by the GOPe to start becoming "populists" again, but I'm hoping the public has finally learned to not buy their shit.
Start tallying voting records and scrape the web for globalist quotes for all these cocksuckers up for election in the midterms.


So what exactly does this mean

Can I get a tl;dr


You're my bitch, so tell me who they are, bitch.

This one was really weird. Even T_D was against Strange, wonder why Trump took this position.


Piss off kike

I think he wanted Moore for a different office

The Donald?


Oh, I know what it's supposed to mean. The shills have been pushing t_d tho.

Fucking faggot kike nigger.

Say president Donald Trump and then the 14 words

For the lurkmores demanding a summary
>Trump endorses swamp member Luther Strange, opposition to Roy Moore, in what is rumored to be deal with (((the swamp)))

Well, this much is proof of slight retardation.

kicked off bench twice for extremism

this guy is awesome … Trump needs to appoint him to SCOTUS

I actually had to explain this to my sister on a national politics level, because shes to narrowly focused on local/state politics and doesnt understand everything else going on. She thinks STrange was a good guy, and Moore was to extreme mostly because she viewed him as trying to rule/legislate/dictate from the bench and despite being indifferent on fag marriage she didnt like him out right ignoring the law since thats not a judges place (she doesnt like it when liberals do it, she doesnt want us doing it either)

She was sorta up in arms saying she'd vote democrat in the general because of this, and I spent 30 minutes explaining the reality of it all to her. That the libfag is going to get untold funding from far leftists the nation over, support and endorsements from libfags in hollyjew, from antifa who is going to show up and try to shut down Moore rallies if he has them, and so on. And shes going to see national politics shit pushed on our stage as a state, and the libfag candidate is going to welcome it all and show his true colors.

Which is exactly what is already happening, libfags the nation over and their "blue check marks" are trying to rally and support this libfag candidate, they're working on setting up donations, working on probably already calling up hollyjew to start getting endorsements, fucking biden is coming down to support this faggot, and so on.

Alabama gets to be in the role Georgia was a few months ago.. fun times


Ahhh the days you could chain a women to the bed post.

Trump's a good sport. I bet the jews still try to make it out like "FRUMPF BTFO" just because they can't leave anything alone.

Ah Trump, even if you turn out to be a kike loving degenerate.. Your shitposting is top notch.


Would not allowing Christ killers into your country in the first place have prevented 9/11?

Isn't "extremism" just shorthand for "hurt feelings of (((those with influence)))" anymore? It's not like this label is ever applied to commies like Antifa by any mainstream sources.

You don't know what he meant by that tho. Jews are christ killers.

kek. Letting Strange down easy.

You mean besides not wearing sunscreen and having a triple digit IQ?

And we're much more hostile to federal shitfuckery and carpetbaggers looking for an easy win than Georgia.

Bring it you commie shits!


I haven't been keeping up, why is Moore so special?

It's a wonder, isn't it, that they have nearly all top tier politicians on their side, all entertainment media, social media organizations, news media, loads of bands, academia, inorganic funded street level movements etc., and the left likes to pretend they're the rebels. Blows my fucking mind when they pretend they're the fucking rebels fighting the good fight, and we're the oppressors. What do we fucking control? Stupid fucking memes on the internet that makes the general population more amused by us as they feel the slow death of strangulation from the hands of leftism.

its like pottery

Reminder this is the war for our race. I'll see you lads in Valhalla.


I don't have time to do a full greentext. Search his name on kikebart. He's the real deal.

Luther Strange was loved by the swamp.. McConnel etc..

Trump/ NRA/ all the RINOs etc backed Strange, so basically, Moores win is a win for the little guy.

I've never been a shill since my first post. You better try harder.

I just don't throw Christian under the bus.
A lot of lads who gave their life were Christian.





Essentially Moore is seriously anti-degeneracy, anti-immigrant, etc, and did shit the left does but did it for the right (ie: not following "the law" when it enabled fag marriage everywhere.. while the left tried to ignore the law to strike down the travel ban over and over), so he really rustles their jimmies

Strange was a swamp creature, supported by the likes of mcconnel and his funding pacs, and would have simply towed the line and followed his lead no matter what, which just so happens to oppose the agenda trump was voted into office for in the first place.

Thats the basics of it anyway. Now, we need to ramp up pro-moore propaganda and link the libshit opposition guy to antifa, blm, pelosi, and all those other far leftist shits that oppose the agenda we voted for, force him into the uncomfortable position of either refusing all support/funding from the likes of the far left and support of their goon squads by condemning them, or accepting it and basically admitting hes nothing but another far leftist goon who will vote for the destruction of the nation and especially against the interests of the alabama voters.

We need to stir up enough anti-libshit resentment against him, that people go out in droves to vote for Moore just to prevent that libfag from getting that seat

It's a shame nobody streams this movie anymore.

They spent $30 Million on Strange and still lost

here you go

I live innawoods away on the outskirts of Mobile, but I can tell you Montgomery, Birmingham, Mobile, Selma has been taken over by Kikes and niggers.

He'll be alright, its Alabama, they are still back about 20-30 years in that state, its kinda a timeless area. He may not win by as much most Republicans would, but third time is a charm. Can't wait till he throws down in the Senate and gets the Senate to censure him, it'll be top kek.

If he doesn't end DACA (CHESSCUCKS FUCK OFF FORRRA MINUTE) all he had to do was waive a fucking pen, and build the wall his ass will get primaried in 2020 too

So lads who won? Did the least cucked guy win?

Digits confirm that yes, he did.

The gun slinging madman? Good.

You're talking about Ossoff the Democrats new superstar poster boy who wo-… whoops.


T X2

I really would like to feed you to my uncles hogs you lazy fucking nigger. Asking questions like that you filthy cunt.


Maybe the new white republic will bring back crucifixion for you when you're older, like those went after for being calculators for the reich.


oh and just so you know

The crucial effect of crucifixion, beyond the excruciating pain, was a marked interference with normal respiration, particularly exhalation. The weight of the body, pulling down on the outstretched arms and shoulders, would tend to fix the chest muscles used for breathing in an inhalation state and thereby hinder passive exhalation. Accordingly, exhalation would require using the abdominal muscles rather than the chest muscles, and breathing would be shallow. It is likely that this form of respiration would not suffice and that a high level of carbon dioxide in the bloodstream would soon result. The onset of muscle cramps or tetanic contractions, due to fatigue and the high levels of carbon dioxide in the blood, would hinder respiration even further.

Adequate exhalation required lifting the body by pushing up on the feet and by flexing the elbows and pulling the shoulders inward. However, this maneuver would place the entire weight of the body on the bones in the feet, and would produce searing pain. Furthermore, flexion, or bending of the elbows would cause rotation of the wrists about the iron nails and cause fiery pain along the damaged median nerves. Lifting of the body would also painfully scrape the scourged back against the rough wooden post. Muscle cramps and loss of feeling in both the outstretched and uplifted arms would add to the discomfort. As a result, each respiratory effort would become agonizing and tiring, further reducing the oxygen levels in the blood, and lead eventually to asphyxia.

The actual cause of death by crucifixion was multifactorial and varied somewhat with each case, but the two most prominent causes probably were shock from inadequate perfusion of critical organs due to blood loss and inadequate oxygen levels in the blood due to inability to breathe properly. Other possible contributing factors included dehydration, stress-induced arrhythmias of the heart, and congestive heart failure with the rapid accumulation of fluid around the heart and in lungs. Death by crucifixion was, in every sense of the word, excruciating (Latin, excruciatus, or "out of the cross").

My analysis is that Trump knew damn well Moore would win, and wanted to show the rest of the cuckservatives that even if he himself campaigns on their behalf the American people are going to ignore him and vote for non-cucks. The only option at this point is to not be a cuck. I think he's trying to show them that being pro-DACA is a death sentence, he is probably trying to shunt them to the right. Note that Trump didn't really try very hard here, it struck me as lip service more than anything else, he never actually attacked Moore once. He was harder on sleepy negro, and that guy ended up in his administration.

Read that twice, defeatist and kike shills. An establishment politician in a Republican primary is now talking like a rape victim waking up in the emergency room. Trump has shaken the magic 8-ball of politics, and established hacks' blood money isn't a sure victory anymore.

The swamp will take time to drain, but putting the pucker factor on shills like McConnell and Ryan is definitely part of it. Remember this when you're tempted to autize us all with "le Drumpf kike shill loves israel good goy ironically 'based' amirite, lol."



Crucifixion, as a Roman invention, was second only to the true arch. We need to bring it back.