'I don't regret it': Teen abducted by her teacher who she went on the run with for five weeks says she'll have to live...

'I don't regret it': Teen abducted by her teacher who she went on the run with for five weeks says she'll have to live with it for the rest of her life
Elizabeth Thomas sparked a nationwide manhunt when her former teacher Ted Cummins kidnapped her on March 13 in Tennessee

The pair went on the run for five weeks and were found hiding out in rural cabin in California

He was arrested and charged with several crimes; his trial is set to begin January

Thomas, 16, said on Saturday who went on the run with her 50-year-old teacher in Tennessee for five weeks has revealed she doesn't regret it and that it was 'an experience' she'll live with for the rest of her life.

Elizabeth Thomas sparked a nationwide manhunt when she was allegedly kidnapped by Ted Cummins, her former teacher at Culleoka Unit School, on March 13.

Cummins was arrested on April 21, five weeks after going on the run from Columbus, Tennessee, Thomas when they were found hiding out in a rural cabin near Cecilville in northern California.

He remains in custody and has pleaded not not guilty to charges of taking a minor across state lines for sex, and obstruction of justice. His trial is set to begin in January and he faces at least 10 years behind bars if he is convicted.

Thomas had not spoken publicly about her time with Cummins until Saturday evening in Columbia where she was found sitting inside of a Hardy's, which is a fast-food restaurant.

The 16-year-old girl revealed that she returned to Columbia permanently in July and that she spent 78 days in therapy in Jackson, The Daily Herald reported.

'I am a human being. I can answer things fairly. But people are asking things that are too personal. People are talking to me like they know me.

'They didn't talk to me before. They didn't try to know me before. They have only liked me since I came back.'


Other urls found in this thread:


Could it have been the dreaded 4-letter word?LOVE?

Sounds like another case of girl with daddy issues fucks guy old enough to be her actual daddy. Happens all the time.

Come on, never has a man made a dumb decision because of love.

I'm not judging the guy. As far as I'm concerned, 16 is fair game. If it was a 16-year-old nigger fucking her, no one would care. What does that say about this sick society.

>kidnapping that thing
They deserved each other.

Our legal system is retarded.

Why do immorality and stupidity tend to go hand-in-hand? Also, that mystery meat creature is even less white than Andrew Anglin. And that's saying something. Sage because none of this matters.

it looks like it's the media kikes trying to spin kidnapping, he's not even being charged with that.

hopefully the (((shrinks))) didn't fuck her up too badly. it's a shame that degeneracy is so rampant that men will resort to kidnapping a teenager to have a chance with a pure waifu

The 19th Amendment was the biggest mistake this country ever made and you can trace most of the current degeneracy we're dealing with back to it.

and he gets ten years in prison with niggers, and she couldn't be happier at a fast food joint.

This country is so god damn fucked up

Is she fucking wasted at a macdonalds?
Daddy issues confirmed.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. You can argue whether or not the law is fair lol but doing what they did was utterly fucking stupid, and the 50 year old deserves to be jailed for idiocy alone tbh.

i'm sure she's high as fuck on all manner of pills the shrinks gave her. she'll be on welfare with a niglet in a couple years if not sooner.

the daddy issues is as old as the dirt. Young girls like older guys, and always have.

This is what I mean about freedom in America. In eastern Europe it wouldn't even be an issue, happens every day, always has. Only America has puritanical victorian values, and it fucks men over every day. And has reduced the white population. Seriously Whites need to start moving to eastern Europe and abandon this fucking place.

Is there a Daily Mail shill here ? This shit is not Holla Forums material, stupid ugly teenager with a even more stupid kinky old man, nothing to see here.


That guy fucked himself over. Knowing she wasn't legal, knowing that any relationship they had needed to kept under wraps, he sparked a manhunt for himself by whisking her away to some fucking cabin in Commiefornia just so he could muh dik her. Why would you even want them breeding? She isn't even white and he clearly has something very wrong with him mentally. Their offspring would probably have Down's Syndrome at best.

Feminism is a mistake, but giving suffrage to cucks was the biggest mistake.
Cucks should not be allowed to vote.

All I can say is, everything you have said has to do with the expectations of others. Good luck enjoying your life living it that way. When you are 20 50 is old, when you are 50 you've finally figured shit out. What your comments show quite clearly is you are a conformist. What I have been saying is simple, living elsewhere (where common sense is still the norm) it would most likely be nobody's business but there own, and many years ago, when whites did have freedom, it was the norm here in the US, and occurred commonly without long prison sentences with fucking degenerate animals such as ghetto niggers.

Did /bane/ meme a kidnapping?

They are not my friends!

if it's proven they had sex, the guy is fucked. pic related


"No one cared who I wash until I let a 50-year-old man fuck me in the ash."

And, naturally, I forgot to attach the fucking pic.

Pedokikery is not "love". Degenerates.

Sage and report.

That's right user, he had it all figured out. That's why he went about fucking a 16 year old in the stupidest way humanly possible and got himself arrested :^)

and you call OP a kike
sage negated, faggot

Who said that? Because it was nobody ITT

That's your opinion Jew and you need to be gassed.
This board talks about issues effecting white people every hour of the day. One of these issues is that the avenue of reproduction and relationships has been shut down for white males, one that deals with older men, and younger females. It's why so many of you are in love with your waifus, or why that meme has even become popular int he first place.
God forbid someone actually acted on the attraction between older males and younger females, and it's reinforced with all of the calls of paedophilia every single time. Nowadays younger females have been restricted from older men. In most states the age of consent is 16 or 18 and what occurs in reality is by the time a young female has reached the age of consent she is a brainwashed polluted waste of a materialistic whore. Fact. She is certainly not a virgin.

Here we have a girl who ran away at 15-16 with a 49-50 year old man saying she doesn't regret doing it. That is extremely uncommon and rather courageous consider she had 78 days of kike controlled therapy.

you confirm my statement above


Go figure OP would get his fellow pedokikes to come and defend him.

Yeah okay

The jew cries "exaggeration" when caught fabricating.

That you're a pedophile kike? That's the only thing confirmed here. You, your hebrew friend b21310, and the teacher in the story all deserve the rope.

Kill yourself.

Exaggeration is a tool of the kikes.

more than likely you are a Jew and knowing rape children yourself, but then wish to see the white race destroyed at the same time.

screw you moron. I voiced an opinion, and it may resonate with some, it may not with others. If it can't be done on an anonymous tibetan basket weaving board fuck you

Anyone notice how hard (((people))) sperg out here if you challenge the rationality of 18 being the age of legal adulthood?

Apparently 16 makes you a pedophile. Pedophile, you know, the word that means 'attracted to prepubescents'.

Except in my country, 16 is perfectly legal.
Apparently, in 30% of the USA, it is, too.
Sure is great to live in a pedo state or a pedo country.

don't you think you lot are trying a bit too hard here?

>Anyone notice how hard (((people))) sperg out here if you challenge the rationality of 18 being the age of legal adulthood?
One guy disagrees with you and you're butthurt.

I'm not butthurt. I'm just honestly not sure what to make of it. There's a definite pattern of a bunch of low-effort, low-postcount IDs popping up all at once to call anyone who questions our age of consent laws a "pedokike" or similar, even though the current laws are blatantly derived from feminist cunts' meddling.

>Anyone notice how hard (((people))) sperg out here if you challenge the rationality of 18 being the age of legal adulthood?

Because kikes want to raise the age of consent, right? It's abundantly obvious that OP just wants to fuck 16 year olds and this thread is being raided by his (((buddies))) like you who also want to fuck 16 year olds.

Glad to hear elderly men running away with teenagers is a time-honored tradition in slavistan.

See? Exactly like this.

It's not even self-aware that the kike-pushed feminists actually were trying to raise the age of consent to 25 a year or two ago. I'm sure it has nothing to do with the fact that younger women peer-bond to mates more permanently and therefore produce healthier families with longer overall windows for successful childbearing, resulting in a higher number of white babies per family unit.

I think that's the strategy here, in pursuit of demographic replacement. Make it illegal to have a healthy family and punish whites for doing so, knowing full well blacks don't give a fuck and get pregnant out of wedlock at 13 regularly anyways.

This will be fine once sharia is implemented, actually she will be a little bit too old.

kys normies

No thats just how fluoride head white girls look around dees parts.

So she's not old enough to decide to have a fling with that dude, but she is old enough if she decided that she needs hormone therapy to transition into a man.

I'm not even saying it's wrong to fuck 16 year olds, hell it's the AoC in most states. I'm saying the 50 year old guy is an absolute retard and he got what was coming to him for his sheer stupidity alone.

You on the othe rhand are an obvious kike here to push your agenda that deranged, retarded 50 year olds fucking 16 year old mongrels is perfectly fine. And I'm sure you don't want to stop at 16. Kikes like you invariably want the AoC to be much lower, or abolished entirely, and 16 is just where your slippery slope begins. I know how it goes. You say "well fucking 16 year olds is fine, so why not 15? It's basically no different!" and then it escalates to "Why not 14? Why not 13? Why not 7? Why not 1?".

Woah there. My mouth isn't big enough for all the words you just put in it.

Thanks for getting all polemic about things that weren't said, though. Really makes it easier to know who to disregard as either a D&C kike themselves or spastic.

Old guy was a dumbass for sure, but it shouldn't have been a crime.

I will hang you all myself. No, just because the female child (note the redundancy in those two words in regards to decision-making) says she wasn't forced / doesn't regret it/ whatever doesn't make it okay, morally or legally.

They let 16-year-olds work at Target?

Bro my first job was 14 at Winn Dixie.
So like in less than two years is she going to start visiting him and fucking him in those conjugal visits?
Would it make sense to just free him at that point? I mean, why waste the tax money

Taking them across state lines, multiple at that, without any contact with her relatives is still a very big, federal crime. If Jimbo Billy-Bob took her to his rapeshack in the woods in-state, this would be a local news spot at eleven with zero national coverage. No matter your mental gymnastics to justify your crime — once you leave the state, it becomes a fed issue — and you get the attention of the Big Guys

Neurologically women aren’t adults until their mid 20s. Unfortunately, nature requires we pop a couple kids out of them before they get to that point (and a couple more after).

KYS good goy. I bet you like em broken in and sloppy, with lots of neat tattoos, you gigantic cuck

Because lots and lots of cucks in denial need to virtue signal how much they hate "pedos", while jerking it to Disney Channel/

Why do you hate the white race so much?

50 year old female teacher and a 16 year old boy? "Yeah, he's getting that pussy!" "Wish I had a teacher like that!" No "manhunt." No news until months after the fact when the boy outs it and half the population is calling him a pussy for daring to toss the princess under the buss. I'm so fucking sick of modern society, Holla Forums included, treating women like special fucking princesses who should never face consequences for their actions. Fuck this story. Toss the guy behind bars and label her a whore. Done.

As long as he was going to marry her I don't have that huge of an issue. 16 isn't a child, nearly every European country and most US states has an age of consent that is that age or younger.

Oh, so that's why Vegas is so popular.

Good to know, because I still don't have a fucking clue how shit works.

30/50 states have 16 as age of consent. That's 60% of the states.

If there's grass on the field play ball.

Not really, "adult" is just an arbitrary thing that have nothing to do with your age. What constitute of being an adult?

Wow, either she's got an amazing body, or he was desperate as fuck. That's not a face you throw you life away for.

Friend of her brother James Thomas.


How many of the teachers from Sandy Hook Elementary in Dec 2012 did you know?

You have to ask the CIA niggers that ran that drill.

makes me think of Pic related

When I was younger, people like you made me worry that I would still be attracted to younger women when I got older. I feared that it would be a struggle for me to avoid getting distracted by such women because of how incredibly sexualized our media and general culture has become. Behold, now that I've gotten older, I actually find younger women unattractive for the reason that they look too young, in the same way that I find much older women unattractive because they're too old. Now I'm pissed at people like you, not because you experience the temptations that you do, but because you made me fear. I'm pissed because people like you, in your attempt to compensate for the subconscious nagging that you're experiencing from your conscience, attempt to externally normalize your experience as though it's representative of the majority of white males. It's not. You're doing the same god damned thing that the faggots do, projecting your shit onto everyone else. I hate you. If the predisposition of your dick is so important to you that you even feel justified in degrading the culture and society that you're in, go live with the shitskins or kikes where this sort of thing is common practice. You have no place in white society. Leave.

If you refuse to leave, then be very careful who you say this sort of thing to when you're out and about. You never know, you might find yourself talking to me.

fuck off, tbh

That's really sad

Morality makes stupid.– Custom represents the experiences of men of earlier times as to what they supposed useful and harmful - but the sense for custom (morality) applies, not to these experiences as such, but to the age, the sanctity, the indiscussability of the custom. And so this feeling is a hindrance to the acquisition of new experiences and the correction of customs: that is to say, morality is a hindrance to the development of new and better customs: it makes stupid.

jeez if youre gonna go to jail for loli at least go for the hot ones

Reminder that feminists introduced/popularised age of consent laws.

This line sounded exactly like something some feminist cuck would say. Reminder that most autistic children born from parents who are too old to have a child.
Age of consent must never be below age of marriage, but age of marriage needs to be lowered if we even wish to rebuild our race. All your ancestors married teen girls and never used condoms, so they shot out lots of children, even if more of them died.
Saying that 16 years old is an age not fit enough for marriage, is literally being a kike. This is exactly the age of marriage, not going to college, sucking dicks there and getting brainwashed by feminists.

I am not going to care about particular example in this thread though, the guy is obviously fetishist with no sense of honor or tradition. Also damn, his name is literally Cummins.

thanks, it will be useful in my future

Of course she doesn't. Sad to say, she will never have that level of devoted, singular male attention again as long as she lives.

Why do we even give a shit about this?
Old dude obviously decided to do a soft kys and just shack up with whichever white trash student of his would go on the last run with him.

If I was 50 and had fuck all to show, I can imagine doing much worse.

That would be a simple error if it were true. The truth of the matter is far more insidious; the legal system (and almost every other system in the West now) is feminist, not just retarded. This fact is the foundation for the downfall of the West, as (((planned))).

Why is that nigger acting like a white man? It's like I'm watching star trek.

kys, anti-white subhuman

I hope the pussy was good

Suck it Amis, with your retarded puritarian morals

It's not Puritan morals user, it femshit agendas. Show me a single Biblical verse that addresses AoC.


Bible doesn't have consent. Jesus expects a girl to be faithful wife that only had sex with her husband ever in her entire life. That all that matters.

That's correct user. Not just Jesus, but God the Father. There are a metric shitton of regulations in the Bible regarding family life and sexuality, but not a single verse addresses the modern femshit-inspired concept of 'Age of Consent'. I was simply refuting the commonly held misconception in this era that the Bible is responsible for these bluepills–it isn't.

A female is regarded as fair game for courtship and marriage once she reaches pubescence, end of story. This is not only a Biblical norm, but a human societal norm user. And has been for 10's of thousands of years right up until the Women's Movement rose to power recently.

marry her? do you have any idea the financial bag of goodies a man is giving up in doing that? Years ago when marriage was a two way street is made sense, a women conformed to societies expectations of her that she be a good wife, a good mother, and a long term partner to her husband. I hate to break your bubble but today that means a female is going to sit down with her girlfriends, assess the wealth that can be blundered, how best to do it, and then do it.
About 8 years ago I had a new girlfriend and she started saying things that just didn't make sense from a positive point of view. I talked to my lawyer and he gave me the ole "I've seen it a thousand times" fast forward about 3 year from the into the future and after breaking off the relationship I mentioned "don't take it personally but I had mentioned to my business lawyer what seemed to be going on between us, things you had said, (she was trying to entrap me/bind me, in written statements using email that could be used at a later time if her plans went sideways) and he said to politely distance myself from you, she then admitted that, she didn't want that to happen but she was following the advice of her attorney also at the time. You moral cucks have no idea yet, or do, and like my lawyer at the time had one horror story after the other to tell and laughed at how his white knight clients had done themselves in taking the moral high road with what are whores.

it takes a lot of thinking and you either end up RedPilled or even worse, BlackPilled.

love is subjective and that is how it works young man. I think my boss's wife is a horse faced cow, but he loves her. You need to grow up it's not 8th grade anymore. Think of something more intelligent and worthwhile to add next time. I'd say amazing body, and that is how it work, the attraction is there, then that turns into love, the younger the girl is the more long term that love is going to be. That is why I am somewhat pissed off by these events. By the time a girl is 18-20-22, unless she is in the 5% she's used goods and a young man will be divorced in 7 years.

You've got issues preacher.

Who invited reddit here? also


Elizabeth Thomas’ Dad Says Teen Was Abused By Mom Before Disappearance

WTF is up with these people all smiling??? Look at her sister.


If you're not a faggot and truly attracted to 16-year-old girls at 16, you never stop finding them attractive, whether you admit it to yourself of not. No amount of brainwashing or feminist laws the kike jew gave us can undo this fundamental biological attraction to peak fertility.

At the time AOC was implemented, things weren't as bad, because miscegenation was illegal, and because 20 different guys didn't already have a go at the average 18-year-old. You are conditioned to believe that this is an acceptable system, but some of us aren't ashamed to say that's not right and not healthy for our race and culture.

You refer to Holla Forums's version of "having it (((all))) figured out, which I have. I was referring to "actually being a functioning adult."

Every day I fight that motherfucker. Every fucking day.

This goes back a number of years but when I was in middle school and then high school there was a girl Lisa that was at the height of her sexuality and popularity. It came as a shock to me that by the time she graduated high school she had turned into a hideous beast. I am not EXAGGERATING. When Facebook became a thing back in 2007-2010 my 20th year high school reunion was approaching and I went to look at her Facebook page. She used pictures from 9th grade, nearly 20 years later in 08, there were NO pictures of her as a grown adult. I'm talking "wicked witch of west" tier beauty here. Now granted, this is an extreme but many women peak at 20, just like some men go bald in their late 20's.
I serious think American society is so broken.
This girl Elizabeth Thomas say's she want's to grow up and be a medical examiner now after her "rescue".
I have to say, sadly, the likelihood of that actually happening is remote. Her family is a complete disaster.

More than likely she will be a heroin addict in a few years.
From an economic standpoint had she married this guy as she wanted, had two kids, he would have retired, or died at 60-65-70 she would have received his real estate, his pension, his health benefits, his savings, and been much better off economically with two kids than she is going to be in 10 to 15 years as it stands now in all likelihood.

At least that is the way it used to work.


This is not true. When I was 12-24, that was attractive, but as you age (if you're normal), you start to see them as children and automatically readjust to a higher age bracket. These days I see women under 30 as not only too young, but also hideously immature, mentally.

I have two friends who both decided to date girls 10 years their junior. Both of them realized halfway through that they'd attached themselves to girls who

It's not normal to be with a much younger girl, and it's as detrimental to the guy as it is to her. Maybe more so.

In my experience most of the school queens peaked around 8th-9th grade, with some exceptions. After that they start whoring around with niggers, drinking and drugging, etc. You're lucky if you can find a decent 16-year-old one these days.

10 to 1 you're actually a 30 year old women

although 16 might not be pedophelia, there surely must be somethink truly wrong inside the 50 year olds head considering he wants to fuck something as retarded and immature as a 16 year old girl. furthermore go on a roadtrip.
I personally think he's a pedo and should hang, also you kike shills can stop shilling (((Pedo-acceptance))) here, it won't work.

Is this the official female containment thread or something?

Like all women
Personally I think this board is shit.

Nonsense. It's the natural order and was the norm for millenia, until cultural Marxism upended it. Established men well into adulthood always sought young wives for raising families.

People don't even want to get married anymore because the main appeal of a wife, virginity and chastity, has been obliterated.

This tool bought into the saying "50 is the new 40" it's total bullshit.

You and me both.

it is different for everyone, and normal for everyone, I was sitting next to a women with her grown son and they looked the same. I couldn't get out of my head how she had morphed into a man. I pictured her pushing the lawn mower, using a chainsaw, she was the father with a fatal flaw for her son, she became successful because of her pussy and good looks, he is going to have to try to do it as a white guy in todays world. Seriously look at white women in their 40's for all intents and purposes they are men. With a male mindset of I want it all for me, and yet want a man to be there, cucked, and do everything for her or he is a piece of shit and replaceable.
Notwithstanding what I said above maybe you have homo tendencies and notwithstanding your green text, that points to American society today for ALL women in America, not young nor aged alike.

I remember when Holla Forums was about absolute, undeniable truth.

let me retract that then. i personally think he's a sad, disgusting person.

Roastie detected.
Go back to your numale beta orbiters, real men are too busy marrying and fucking teenage girls.

That's some dedicated D&C, right there. What's wrong, John? Upset Mister Stone called you a child-fucker?

Poor guy had it BAD

I don't get the reference sorry

Course you don't, newfaggot. Lurk two years.

why would she regret it? she was in no danger, felt special, experienced a lot of sex, it was exciting being on the run, and that dumb schmuck is now sitting in federal prison and she has been swarmed by do gooders.

Obviously this a failure at the family level.

Any normal rational young woman would certainly regret the fact that she was used as fuckmeat and therefore tainted her prospects of living an optimal family life.

The father should have kicked the shit out of this bitch long before she became some dork teacher's cock holster.

The kid looks like a kike and he obviously is a kike too. Who cares? Let the jews destroy each other.

People used to be able to march into the school and kick the shit out of a teacher. And teachers knew they would too, nowadays I think kicking the shit out of a school teacher is a special level of assault.


we get it, you're a self-pitying lazy bastard who puts no effort into his life or the pursuit of his needs and desires

i think you're actually looking for kukchin >>>/r9k/

She wasn't used, they were trying to run away and live together forever in lieu of proper marriage.

But no, wait, you have to blame the abysmal quality of your person on anyone other, and you insist on polluting our discourse by interrupting with your mentally ill whining.

Those of us with strength in this movement need to take it upon ourselves to mercilessly bully the weaklings like this. They have no where else to run to but their video games, they will accept our correction and our movement will be strengthened.

It's a great advantage to us that we are against a rock and a hard place. We can extract the strength of our ancestors from their lesser sons.

This is a goldwater/newsplus tier slide thread.

16 is legal in a lot of countries.

paying a 16 y.o. for sex is a completely different matter, naturally…

Tits or gtfo.

Ya know, I actually want to move to Europe, or would if it wasn't full of muslims and niggers now. its a pretty place, lots of things to see and do, and the seasons well.. there are actual seasons, unlike MOST of the USA where its 7-10 months of summer each year, maybe 1.5-2 months of winter, then a sliver of spring and fall thrown in. You have to go north and be somewhere in line with the great lakes latitude wise before you start getting distinct seasons over here.

But like I said, full of mudscum and niggers demanding gibs, and full of tin pot dictators running the EU so no freedom of speech unless you want to be jailed for saying something someone somewhere finds even a tiny bit offensive

You do know being a "lady" was once a thing. Right?

there will be a hollywood film based on this true love story in 5 years.


is this even true? I've heard shit about her family life at home being… questionable. As if some shady shit may have been going on in that home. And her responses when asked recently don't paint it all as some sexual thing between her and the teacher, nor as some "true love" nonsense either. That could just be the drugs and psycho-torture she's been in for the last 3 months though, but its also possible this guy was just trying to "rescue" her from an abusive or otherwise harmful family and wasn't thinking his actions through well enough.

For all we know they never even fucked, and there was no talk of a real relationship either. it may have just been an attempt to get her away from a bad home situation, which is why she views it as an "experience" in her words, neither good nor bad, as if it was just some momentary escape from a horrible home life but now she has to go back to it all.

Those are just some things I've heard though, I honestly haven't paid much attention to it all

muahahahaha, what a retarded community has to SPECIFICALLY make a law like this. I mean how more specific to the point can you make one

So not true. Four it was, this isn't "lots of children". One got exed/military/plague, one for the monastery and two for legacy. Nothing against intelligent, normal humans - and lot's of them today, mind you.

Yeah sure, the manly prowess of that 16 year old will just ignore the age of the hag. Most stories where it is the other way around are way before 40. Most are around 35.

Yes, most certainly. Such a shame they've been torn apart.

Youth IS beauty. It's somewhat hard to fuck up female youthful beauty. The only sure-fire ways are tattoos, gauges, and fat.

Now that looks like her lover is headed to the clink for at least a decade… is she ready to mingle?

Hey look everybody, a beta! Someone call the Red Hat society, we have a live one!

here's your (you)

I see the crypto-feminists are here.

The mods and Jim. Even Hotwheels wasn't completely innocent of this.

Dubs of truth.

You mean as opposed to something as retarded and immature as a 30 year old woman?

It is in plenty of states. Unfortunately, when it is someone who is an authority figure, like a teacher, the minimum age is 18. Teachers cannot have a relationship with their students. People might be surprised to learn that consent can go down to 14 in some states as long as parents and a judge allow it.

Yes, and I'm sure that shit was cash, but what was it like outside the bedroom?

And I didn't say a guy couldn't have a younger wife, just not a WAY younger wife. It just won't end well.


Why is it stupid to acquire a female at a good age again?

It's the same thing as fraternization; an example being a boss fucking his subordinate. It's something that should be dealt with administratively, and should not be a crime.

In this case, the age of Tennessee does happen to be 18, but I know what you're saying. I have seen the teacher-student stories where the student was of legal age but it was a crime because it was a teacher.

She sounds like she has a good head on her shoulders. No wonder the guy liked her.

Neurologically complete = jew programming is complete

Their family situation is kinda screwy. I'm not terribly knowledgeable about his sister exactly. I know his mom is domineering and crazy with a dash of physical abuse for her various children I'm sure. I'm not sure if you'd want to mingle with given her mental state. Never mind the used goods status.

I met her father. He seemed withdrawn. A beaten man. I feel bad for him. If her mom is half as crazy as James made her out to be she's almost assuredly fucked in the head.

I could see the allure

What do the Jews at People magazine think???

Teen Elizabeth Thomas Might be ‘Very Attached’ to Teacher Who Allegedly Abducted Her: (((Psychologist)))

“Kids who are abused often are very attached to their abusers,” says Stevens. “On one hand, [Elizabeth] objectively understands the she was [allegedly] kidnapped by this man, but because she was [allegedly] ‘(((groomed))),’ her feelings are telling her that maybe this guy still loves her.”



Leave and never come back here.

What a gay name

He should have just waited until she was 18. Like there was such a huge difference that would make jail time worth it.

yeah no man writes " i am pissed at people like you because you made me fear, I hate you" unless they are exceptionally fucking gay

sounds like events as they unraveled started closing in on them, and then they wanted to be together, and ran.

It's that same articulate roastie that post's nofap threads, puts whores on a pedestal and seeks to convince young men to worship worthless sluts and become serving cucks.

even in States with judicial consent often those laws were written in the 1950's and 60's and the legal precedent goes back earlier to white america when access to a Judge that was actually a member of a community was a simple matter of going to the town hall or justice of the peace. The judge was someone you knew since elementary schools days, seen around town, met in the corner drug store or at a restaurant and knew them. I bet they had the FBI hostage rescue team in on this and brought in air assets. What a fucking joke. And what is not funny is even if government said age of consent is 16 nationwide in order to reverse the demographical decline of white America or simply to increase to population to stimulate the future economy, white girls would then be pressured by spics, muslims, and niggers while the young white guys stood off to the side because of "muh racism" and "moral values" and "once you go black you'll never go back". god damn it I wish I spoke Polish or Latvian and could watch this circus from the sidelines in freedom.


78 days of therapy? Wow, and I bet with her coming out and saying this now, after that, the government is going to pressure her heavily to retract or clarify her statement but it's not as if she even needs to be a witness against him at trial.

EXCLUSIVE: Runaway teacher and student, 15, spent ten days at clothing-optional California commune pretending to be married John, 44, and Joanna, 24, and had sex on filthy mattress - but quit because of 'Christian beliefs'

16 isn't pedo though. Don't misconstrue ephebophilia with pedophilia.

Also this is a slide thread, has the slide thread format, no archive, always fucking dailymail.

or what most Jews are arrested for, Hebephilia?

Fuck you kike.

fairly accurate though considering this girl was 15-16 and was sexually active before even becoming involved with this older man.

Thx user, had a hearty kek.

delet this



anything new?

I'm glad you added the ellipsis.

16 is the legal age in Canada right now. It was 14 in the 80s.