Principal retires after cheerleading coach caught on video forcing young cheerleaders to do the splits.
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Principal retires after cheerleading coach caught on video forcing young cheerleaders to do the splits.
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Not Holla Forums. GTFO.
White principal gets fired (forced to retire) after black teacher tortures students. Not Holla Forums?
Yid reminder: school superintendent is a kike.
if the race is reverted the headline would be
-raciss teacher forcing kids to take the knee
He was clearly a cuckold if he let a nigger get handsy with the kids he's supposed to be protecting. Unless I get a list of articles showing this principal was secretly /ourguy/ I hope this fuck lost his pension, too. The enraged parents should demand more tbh. As far as I know that coon is still employable.
Bump and reported.
This. The ranks of school administration in america is fucking brimming with kikes, cucks and diversity hires. If you want me to feel bad about some corny pedo boomer cuck losing his job, you're gonna need to show me that he isn't actually a pedo boomer cuck
Are we sure the nigs still teaching there?
Yeah, reminds of this picture. Jew Superintendent and his pet coon
old news, we had a thread up for ages
Vid plz :3
Reminds me of this fucktard from Detroit
Here's a clip they used
The former coach, Ozell Williams, was dismissed shortly after the videos became public.
/our guys/ in the comments here
Speak your mind: https ://
Kek. You should've read the article before posting. Also I'm pretty sure the coach is gone too, he was fired from his last job over the same shit. Which is why the principle is getting shit canned, for not checking out his background before hiring him.
as are all principals and school supers
jesus christ. its literally all niggers holding that girl. no doubt they enjoyed it. racewar cant come soon enough.
My god, it reminds me of the webms of whatever savagery in africa, where they light people on fire or circumcise them or sever fingers or remove demons
If there's one thing that makes me want to go full 14/88, it's niggers and white girls being together in school. The stupid whore always hangs around a group of them and gets off on the attention of being queen of the 'boons. Then the nogs always try to get handsy, give them hugs, and put their arms around them. It's the arrogance and smugness of the niggers that makes me want to go full genocide though. White girls are status symbols to niggers, and God damn every jew, cuck, and nigger that's responsible for this crime against nature. Also white girls (or any girls that aren't niggers) that listen to rap should burn in the fires of hell. But God bless the cute shy girl who walks with the also-shy white boy after school. Keeps me from getting too blackpilled and plants the seed of hope in my heart. Still though. Bring back hangings tbh
While we're on the subject of schools, there's this:
DENVER (AP) — The Latest on videos showing high school cheerleaders in Denver forced into doing splits (all times local):
7:15 p.m.
A Colorado school district official says educators should have gone to the police in June when they learned of videos showing a high school cheerleading coach pushing cheerleaders down in splits.
Denver Public Schools Superintendent Tom Boasberg said Friday administrators at East High School spoke with coach Ozell Williams and one of the girls in the videos after they learned of the incident. Boasberg says the administrators thought they had taken care of the issue then.
The videos were broadcast on KUSA-TV Thursday. Boasberg said he didn't learn of the incident until this week.
The school district fired Williams on Friday. Four other district employees have been placed on leave, and police have opened a child abuse investigation.
The videos show eight cheerleaders repeatedly being pushed into splits while their arms are held up by teammates. In one video, a girl repeatedly asks her coach to "please stop."
Williams could not be located for comment but told The Denver Post the videos were taken out of context.
This story has been corrected to show four other district employees have been placed on leave, not suspended.
6:35 p.m.
A Colorado high school cheerleading coach has been fired amid videos showing him pushing cheerleaders down in splits.
Denver Public Schools Superintendent Tom Boasberg said Ozell Williams was dismissed Friday from his job at East High School.
Four other school district employees have been placed on leave, and police have opened a child abuse investigation.
Williams told The Denver Post the videos were taken out of context but couldn't yet talk about what happened.
Boasberg also said the district has hired a law firm to investigate how officials at the school and the district level handled the incident.
The superintendent said East High School officials learned of the incident in June and should have taken "certain actions" then. He didn't say what those actions should have been.
Boasberg said he personally didn't learn of the incident until this week.
This story has been corrected to show four other district employees have been placed on leave, not suspended.
2:10 p.m.
A coach shown pushing cheerleaders down in splits on video in Denver was fired from another Colorado high school last year because of concerns about his techniques.
Ozell Williams is among five school workers who were placed on leave after the videos were made public and police opened an investigation.
Williams worked with cheerleaders at Boulder High School in 2015 and 2016. The district says he was dismissed from last summer's camp after a coach saw him using a technique similar to that seen in the Denver videos , which were obtained by KUSA-TV.
Administrators say they didn't learn about the problem until news of the videos broke this week.
Williams told The Denver Post that the videos were taken out of context but couldn't say talk about what happened yet.
Full "report" here: https
what the actual fuck
Its an update thread
typical jew.
Kikes and coons man, I swear.
so they tried to cover it up, but the videos made sure they couldn't.
why are niggers in charge of anything?
sick nigger
Take your faggot speak back to reddit
They are so un american(western). What did he do to that girl?
fuck off spic
Why isn't the bantu-nigger dead?
What a beautiful kitty.