Losing control?
If you could have a beer with any video game character, who would it be?
Losing control?
If you could have a beer with any video game character, who would it be?
Other urls found in this thread:
Evenin' folks.
Come and listen to comfy music.
I had no clue that was a gif.
Morning everyone!
Played some more FoF today with friends. About to beat OoT for the first time since it was released. Finally 100% over bronchitis. Was a good day.
Life is suffering.
There's always a .gif on it, if you didn't notice.
Yeah, I've heard that a couple times before. How's it been m8?
I think I fucked up, guys. I feel like I need to cleanse myself by telling you. I think I might have actually topped the shower shitting.
But first, here's some Rivals of Aether footage from a very recent tournament. If I post this later it will get ignored.
Gene from God Hand.
It's that time again to play some vidya.
0 Monster Girl Quest
1 Skyrim Modded
2 Custom Maid 3D 2
3 Kamidori Alchely Meister
4 Galaxy Angel
5 Artificial Academy 2
6 Sengoku Rance
7 Liru
8 Honey Select
9 First reply
Dubs I'll watch Boku no Pico.
Glad we could help.
Just go for it. Worst thing that happens is you embarrass yourself and learn a lesson on what not to do next time. Best case you get yourself a qt.
I didn't notice until a little while ago, I thought it was new.
I just wish it wasn't so slow sometimes.
Boku no pico
What did you do user?
what did you do?
Worst that could happen is you act like a retard and learn what not to do next time.
Gotcho back fam
But I really don't want to fuck up because she's really, really, REALLY fucking cute and nice but I never talked to a girl my age in my entire life. I dunno what the fuck to do and if I fuck it up I know I'm going to hate myself because of it. Why does everything have to be so fucking complicated?
Gimme the deets fam don't keep us in suspense
You are going to hate yourself even more if you don't do anything and keep thinking "what if"
If shes into you, you must be doing something right.
The gameplay or the empty servers?
If its the gameplay try out using two volcanics. Can be fun.
I said that already.
Bit of an old thread now, but I figured I might as well drop a link to this here if anyone needs a laugh/cry a the stupidity of others.
>>>Holla Forums7409083
I don't drink.
Impossible. Unless you shat in the fridge or something.
Life's about fucking up and gitting gud. Just think of it as a video game fam, you fucked up but you git gudder end eventually win.
In this episode I learn how I can finally commit suicide.
I went grocery shopping and bought a 3-pack of these nutella-filled pastry things. Later, I was jerking off and I had a thought. A bad thought. I think it's obvious where this is going by now.
So I got up and warmed one of these up in the microwave. I got back into my comfy fapping position, and I fucked that pastry silly. Came in it pretty hard. Not the best I've ever had but definitely the best recently.
**I ate it after*
Gameplay. I want to shoot faster but I can't help but think that they would nerf the guns to be weaker to balance it out.
Well I ruined the end of that by forgetting an asterisk. Having trouble typing right now. Had to fix a lot of typos during that post.
I guess so but I think she might hate me if she gets to know me, I mean right now no one at work knows me really, I'm just a guy that keeps his mouth shut and works, I don't even know why she likes me, there are better looking guys that seem like good people, but she picked me and I don't know how to react to it.
you're making this more complicated then it really is, just treat her like you would your mother and it'll be fine
that's more hot then it is disgusting tbh
You're gay of course you'd think it's hot.
Try the yellowboy then. Thats why luceil was doing so good, that things a beast. It shoots fast a fuck, long range, huge magazine.
I want to play games but I feel too exhausted. Work's been killing me with co-workers getting jury duty and vacations. Workload is increasing but our ability to get it all done is decreasing, it feels like. Nowadays I'm just spending my nights trying to climb ranked in Overwatch with a friend.
I never bothered looking at it because it contained a character from a vn I never cared about. Always wondered why it was offset. Figured it was a stylistic thing.
The great thing about human life is that everything is awkward when you think about it. Just make an approach and you'll both pick up your spaghetti together.
Why torture yourself
That is the after pic. That's why there are only two in it. I just cropped out the counter space and stuff to make it smaller. I didn't take a picture of the exact one I fucked.
Hell no I'm wasted as fucking shit right now and I'm only here because of the intoxication unlike you actually depressed fagoots HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHAHAH
I am willing to chat since the entire internet is asleep right now except for gooks who i cannot functionally communicate with because of cultural, linguistic and temporal barriers. Plus I just dont want to waste my time learning how to speak gook since we'll be subjugating them soon.
Rugrats was such a good show.
Did you know that rugrats theme was written by mark mothersbaugh of devo? in the beginning, mark was the vocalist and synth guy but he was a shit musician. Most of his non-lyrical contributions to devo was in the form of messy synth sound design sound effects with dissonant synths that helped reinforce Devo's core concept of society devolving instead of evolving. Ironically, he would go on to become a successful film composer working with Wes Anderson who quite frankly makes awful movies. Bottle rocket and rushmore were somewhat okay 6/10 films I guess but yeah. I'm fucking wasted, half-mast and wondering what to fap to. I used to fap to so much anime until I was like 19 then I got into big asses and the western art that tended to draw canon sluts much thicker than the japs do. But that one nipper who loves to draw the blue haired chick from evangelion SUPER FAT uh mogudan? Think thats his name. He is pretty good.
Kinda sucks that mark mothersbaugh married a literal gook and had gook children. Especially after a song like "Bamboo Bimbo". I guess if you live in California you can't help but have your neghole pozzed.
I don't really talk to my mom, so I don't know what you mean by that.
What on Earth could've driven you to do that?
really a good dose of suicide should solve all the problems in here
especially the rat plague
Hey, I remember drawing this, I haven't improved at all.
I was really, really horny. I rarely think clearly when I'm horny but I usually resist the urge to fuck whatever weird thing I want to fuck that time. I need an onahole.
Apart from the obvious [your waifu], most of my favourite vidya characters are also edgy enough to kill me afterward. Now, if the rule was that they had enough drinks that they were in an amicable mood / didn't see me in a negative light, they would be a blast.
I want all the guns like that, it shouldn't take that long to fire a revolver when you're a fucking cowboy.
I deliberately watch terrible shit so when I get to something good I can fully appreciate the good things. I'm also a masochist.
It ain't my fault Steam doesn't let you open up a chat with someone and say "I'm sick of playing telephone" without being friends with the person in question.
Still not as bad as shitting in the shower tbh.
yeah, kill yourself
The fuck. I could feel it too.
Maybe shes into the strong silent mysterious type. You don't have to open up about all your weird shit you are into at first. Back when I cared about 3dpd I was still the weirdo I am now and just put on a mask while dealing with normalfag bitches. Its not too hard. Funny thing is once you get close to them you can let little weird things about you slip out more and more once they are comfortable with you.
Rugrats was pretty dang comfy. I learned to read from the titles of the show as a young lad.
I don't know. Is tough question
I'm in the same boat. I was about to go to sleep but figured I might as well stay up thirty more minutes to poke my head in the 4 AM thread
Well I'm glad it's not that bad. I felt like I needed to confes my sin. I only ate it because it was a really expensive pastry.
Look on the brightside, your manager will probably see you as a more important asset since you stuck it out through all the extra bullshit. Also
I'd play that shit more if they didn't lock it down to one hero per team. Serious buzzkill.
got any more gondolas?
can never have too much gondola tbh
You do know you can fan the hammer right?
Ay what, when did you try to user? I don't check add ons often cause I usually invite people to do it. Send it again!
no that's because I'm a pervert you planka
treat her as you would anyone else, the moment you act like you're trying to fit them they'll loose interest unless they're more dominant
boi u need jesus
ayyyo gondola monica whaddup
Just get cats to killem
When is it okay to ask if she's a virgin? Obviously not at work but like 2nd date? I don't feel like I need to ask that question. I am autistic for wanting to know that ASAP?
You got a sauce on that girl? I don't know much about anime but she has a raw sexuality that I just want to exploit.
Do you have anything more recent that you could let us see user?
If I could have a beer with anyone it would be Okabe. He had a hard life.
>inb4 not vidya
yeah I'd rather call him a nigger here for everyone else to see
I fucking hate normalfags.
That's all.
I know, throw me in jail for such a heinous crime.
I left after that one round of payload ended and sent it when I got back ~20 minutes later. I mean, then again, Steam decided it couldn't figure out whether you were online, offline, or in a game, so maybe Steam had an stroke.
I was trying to get someone to send you sad faces over Steam because of it, but trying to arm wrestle people into doing things and failing at it is the reason I was trying to add you in the first place.
How do you prepare to draw that gondola guy?
When there is a meme character on a chan, the art style always seems to be miraculously consistent.
I'd hold off but she'll probably let you know that before you try to bang her anyway.
If you're under the impression that I drew the picture of gondola, you're mistaken.
I think Freud would know the cause for this problem.
Just don't ask. Don't even try to bring up that subject.
It encourages teams to stay balanced though. A 2-2-2 setup will work as long as you pick the right characters. Do they have a pharah that no one's really paying attention to? Swap out reinhardt for roadhog. Do they have a backline that no one's diving? someone's gotta go winston and take them out. You don't exactly have time to waste trying to stack characters only to figure out your double reinhardt-bastion combo didn't work.
It's like you want to kill yourself afterwards. *On a related note, I don't know what it is that draws me to edgy characters, but in particular I like reaper because he reaches comical levels of edge. Mordekaiser is just a pretty cool design that I always liked (Shade in armor type undead general).**
Nice Spag aesthetic on that reaper I rate it 1865/1893
What if she waits until she's on her period and bleeds and isn't actually a virgin? Or am I reading to far into this?
Why? I tell a woman I'm a virgin if she asked and we were dating.
Ha oh! I denied it cause I thought you were a random from the game. I only add people from 4am so. Yeah send it again sometime.
And my internet got wonky so I was fucking around with my router for a while at one point tonight so thats probably why you saw me on and off.
A gay pervert.
Freud would just tell me I'm gay and also want to fuck my mother because those were his two answers to everything.
me too fam embed related
dis nigga so corny. too bad culdesac was such a promising effort from him as a full album but goddamn niqqa he try to toe da line w/ intellectual n look how fukn hood i am eatin fruity pebbles nigga plz
u prolly wanna b w/ a broad like 6 months b4 askin bout sexual history but dey gon get all defensive n shieet cuh dey hoes fam
nigga dafuq u talkin. steinsgate nigga worldwine wut fam
Gotta take the rain with the sunshine sometimes right?
Ah well, that's fair. Wouldn't you be facing harsh competition, though? Everyone wants to call him a nigger here.
Oh, son, that's retarded. When a woman hears "I'm a virgin" from a male, they immediately assume there must be something horribly wrong with him. After all, she can get laid just by opening her legs and saying she's wasted at a party! All men love sex, so why wouldn't a guy do the same thing?
Thanks, DMX.
I'm pans………..
Just because there's a chance the third rail doesn't have current running through it doesn't mean grabbing it with both hands is a good idea. Don't ask.
That's still slow as fuck though.
Fuck off back to leddit.
If I can do anything to help the guy I want to.
It helps to keep me from being a completely elitist faggot. At least if someone brings up something shit I can tell them about it with an informed opinion.
I actually enjoy DMX. Especially when Swizz Beatz produces. Ruff Ryders had an excellent run.
My favorite Swizz Beatz production has to be "Down Bottom" which has a very strident and triumphant candor which fits the Ruff Ryders perfectly.
Swizz Beats initially recieved a lot of flac for refusing to sample famous tracks instead write his beats from scratch with a suite of synths and sound modules. In other words, he knew his way around a studio and imposed forced restrictions upon himself. Top nig.
6 fucking months? What if she's not? That's half a fucking year WASTED. God dammit women suck why do I want them so much?
Fam if a woman has a problem with you being a virgin they're probably trash. Or at least I think.
So are you saying if they aren't a virgin and I ask them they'll do something bad? What will they do realistically?
Girls don't do that user. Girls who aren't virgins don't care to try to pretend to be one.
I wondered why you used nothing but 2 of those shitty 25$ revolvers, makes sense now.
no u
I got these two and this webm
The fat fuck strikes again! What a shocker. Probably more precaution than necessary, but I know you enjoy a degree of privacy.
I figured that's what you figured, but I would've hoped you got the hint when I joined at around roughly the same time some other guys from 4AM joined. I'll try again when Gabe decides to stop packing on pounds and fixes his gay social media platform.
Test. For some reason I seem to have having trouble posting anything for the last 20 minutes or so.
Can you a help a man that has experienced more than what one human can experience in a thousand lives?
Western society has collapsed and degenerated to such an extent that there are no manhood rituals left for young males, except having sex. In the eyes of a woman, if you haven't had sex, you're just an overgrown child.
Unless you're really handsome and look like a movie star, in which case it's super cute tee hee~
makes it all the merrier
I could try.
Nah I just thought drew things and had something that you worked on recently.
no you're a pastry
block and unblock him, it's an issue with steam not him blocking you
Thanks for the privacy, though that accounts purely for 4am anyway. I didn't even have steam before making it for the thread.
Also you were pretty good! I remember you kicking my butt while playing. Figured you were going to be some guy yelling at me about killing him or something.
Just got my wisdom teeth removed
Been up trying to get a blood clog to form in fear of dry socket
Other than that mess a beer with Travis Touchdown would be an experience
My main gripe is I want to play McCree and someone's usually already picked them so I just leave the game.
But I've heard plenty of stories of girls pretending to be virgins, like a shit load, a scary amount. I'm really scared of getting into a relationship with someone and them having taken 20 miles of cock. Do I just have to wait until sex, waste my virginity, and if it's really tight and it bleeds she's a virgin?
Man that's fucking depressingly true.
Morning. Had some Sushi burritos today with my friend. Received dupe waifu plush. Now I have two of her.
Don't really like beer, but just getting any drink I think I'd pick a stock character, like one of the grunts from Titanfall, or like an NC medic. Would be nice to hear what kind of stuff they have survived.
Playing a bit of my 2hu backlog. I still haven't beaten any yet ;-;
What's on your guys' backlog?
You're gay and want to fuck your mother huh? Tell me more.
At least I'm not a spider
What the fuck, that went through but the post I wanted to make earlier is still being blocked. Hits 100% posting progress, but then automatically fails.
Get some chocolate pudding. Great for getting the taste of blood out.
No, you've got it all wrong. I'm straight and I want to fuck my father.
Fuck the sun, rain is comfy as shit.
I had all four of my wisdom teeth out at once a while back. I forgot to put a towel on my pillow when I slept so blood got all over the fucking sheets the first night. It was like a fucking horror movie.
Put a towel below your face when you sleep.
I'm gonna miss him. Hopefully he really can get things set up to still talk with us though.
Hows the pain user? Had mine taken out and it was awful. Bad reaction or something.
Truth is, shes probably not one. But you probably won't find one anyway.
Why let a qt slip through your fingers?
I see no issue here
But then you can't be condescending and an asshole
Had two of mine out a few years ago. As bad as it was, it was better than leaving them be because they were crumbling away.
It's really not that big of a deal if a girl has had sex before. Just get over whatever delusion of pure maidens you have
Well, it doesn't always bleed user, not everyone has a hymen/one that splits. It doesn't "disappear" after it breaks. It can also be broken beforehand without having to have sex with anyone.
I broke mine getting off
Also I seriously hope you aren't leaving ranked matches. That'll kill your gains when you do win, and makes it harder to climb.
Way too much. Almost done with a series I've been playing for a while now too, so I'm a bit stumped as to what to start next.
Congrats on the second plush! I've been considering getting doubles of a plush so I could collect one and cuddle the other.
Guys can have hymens?
eybody got a hard life fam cept dem world noble type kept ass house nigga niggas
u welcome fam it's a tough one to axe n it's different w/ every chick not really knowin da particulars about your relationship or da female in question. jus w8 for her to axe u real talk n b cute as shit w/ it n axe say you prolly had half/ double w/e da sexual partners she had so she gon start namin numbas n then u know already touch down
nigga i don't enlighten me breh
yea dat nigga ill af. samples n shit killed da game fo'real fo'real. a sample jus supposed to be fo a breakdown moment or sumn in a song to keep da party goin but when dey loop a quick sample n make it a whole song it usually come off pretty fukn weak monica
oh it really ain't none of yo business if you axin specifically if they are a virgin. if you ain't in a relationship w/ them there's no way to not come off as a sperg in this situation n turn her off from ya dawg sorry monica
yooo stale ass gondolas but i still dig it fam
ayyo just mouthwash w/ a wisdom toof hole n u b good, they give u dat weird syringe flusher thang to keep em clean? u b good. I smoked a pack a day n drank ey night fo like two weeks after mines got out n i ain't have no problem
was all 4 impacted fam?
I'll nibble ya
You know what they say about the quick and the dead. Besides, I'd do the same with the SAA's but I'd never be able to afford to dump $100 every life.
What an amazing piece of engineering. Thanks for the tip.
(very nice)
Based on the free-to-play only games showing up, I'd've guessed. And you don't have to flatter me, I suck at video games. I just enjoy having more people to play with. Also, I didn't realize people from this thread existed outside of early morning time, and I'm more available in the evenings than in the twilight hours.
There's three fucking billion of those awful creatures stumbling around, bleeding out of their vaginas and obsessing over puerile shit. The man can afford to not give a fuck about one that has taken a dozen cocks in her ass for money or some disgusting shit that women do these days.
On the penis.
Because you're a gay pervert
Because all I want in life is just to find a qt that's a virgin and mutually lose my virginity with them, that's all I want.
Also I live in a country where I'm free to hold my own God damn standards, fuck off Stacy.
Thats part of the reason I buy model 3s. That extra 12$ a death makes a difference.
You should hop in the IRC, its pretty small and comfy.
You should look into churchy shit in that case. How old are you?
A very special kind, yes.
I want you all gone.
According to this shit archive.is
But no, I assume that's a lurking femanon.
Fuck fam you're livin the god damn life.
But what is irc info?
He won't be around in thread, but I bet he'll be on steam for a bit.
Sorry DMX.
I already do that without this shit.
IRC is for niggers and spics.
Yeah. Had a nice night with the gf. Her flatmate is about as wide as she is tall and it disgusts me every time I see her.
Also rip catbra. Off to die for israel.
Old Snake.
Evening, Smokes.
Don't always assume, mate. You'll be surprised how much stuff there is to see that isn't immediately obvious.
I also like to hide files within some of my pictures for those extra attentive people. Keep an eye on those file sizes.
then stick it in her and pee.
Ever tried fucking a big mac?
This is clearly due to your desire to fuck your mother and your penis envy. Tell me, do you still rub your nipples and suck on a pacifier like daddy used to?
it catches me out afew times now
no on the neck because pastry
you'll get your time again no worries mate
#4amgeneral on rizon
Is that talking about trannies or something?
What standard? Whether or not someone has had sex has no bearing on whether or not they're attractive and pleasant or insufferable slags.
Hell, he himself says only trashy girls judge guys based on whether or not they're virgins but he does the exact same thing.
Pic unrelated, right?
Well to be fair, Okabe had multiple hard lives.
Reaper is literally my nigger.
I mean, you could very easily filter us. Consider that we all use the same exact images in our opening posts.
it's like you want to make friends and form identities on an anonymous imageboard, you faggot
19, and I can't bring myself to believe in anything like that, I don't know why, seems like blind faith to me. Shit she might be a virgin for all I know, I do live in small-ish town flyover country so maybe she's not shit.
I can play Insurgency with you like once a week because I work at this time
Hey, I'm just telling you the facts hombre. If you're that keen on a virgin, aim for someone who is fairly young. Average age of virginity loss is 16-17.
i ain't neva been irc man dem coons 2 much
u ain't do that shit monica
thanx fam i appreciate it
yea dem sexts cummin 2 monjica
so like a aleph type situation?
b-but you are an avatarfag
Hopefully for your sake she is.
And I didn't say convert. Be a snake and tempt a christian girl away from god.
Moonman ought to kill that guy in the screencap.
I would assume so. Some university putting tampon dispensers in their mens rooms.
Fam, the only reason I even bothered to look up the game in the first place, let alone try the beta and buy it, was because it had McCree. I've got like 30+ hours on McCree and haven't even tried any of the other characters for a second.
Based on? That's not actual statistics right? Please tell me it's not. God dammit I fucking hate everything if that's true.
Thanks for the tip
Already got a 32oz filled with blood/salvia so that does not sound fun
Been dabbing through my nose since the pills don't help
Still got two to remove in 6 months so dreading that
I don't got much.
~ara ara~
Always revisit games that are planned to get a sequel if they were released awhile ago. Playing Deus ex and Titanfall 1 lately.
I think one of the major reasons I've always been attached to chans is that there is a large emphasis on grammar, punctuation and spelling. If you scour the internet elsewhere it's full of moronic speech and bastardisations of the English language. There isn't a day where I don't feel disgusted by some of the people I know in real life and how they tlk lyk dis xD. You don't get that here. This place has probably increased by language capabilities and vocabulary by tenfold.
I couldn't do that, I'd feel too bad and she'd probably go crazy.
Also there's no real reason for this post, I just felt like mentioning this and there aren't many threads in which this would be appropriate.
Breddy gud m8
I just want people to talk to while I'm at work. I want my shift to go by literally as fast as possible while I get paid to do nothing so I can go home and buy my gf a catbra off of amazon.
Wouldn't a college tranny be all "muh female bathrooms" and shit though? Fucking liberals don't make sense.
Disgusting. Cool they let you keep them though.
Do you want virgin poon tang or not?
damn i keep forgetting about this thread
act of god
have you been to the rest of Holla Forums
8ch Holla Forums seems to be filled with ESLfags
All four were impacted. Shit was brutal.
Anyway, I just had another drink so I am gonna go wander around town at night and maybe get hit by a car. See ya, fags.
Ritsu it's not pretending when you're doing that all the time.
He actually facepalmed when I told him about the 1080-720=360 thing, it was that bad- I'm telling you now
Yea but there's non-christian virgins I'm sure. Maybe not here but somewhere. Or maybe not I don't know.
You have, haven't you?
Yes. Pic related.
But why do you want to talk to people from this place?
Comparatively it's still leagues above elsewhere.
one sure way to know is to throw them in a fish tank with a shark init
Do you want to shoot mudslimes and pretend to be retarded? There's actually a 4am discord that most people don't use and I sit around alone on it most of the time.
Motherfucker, it's still summer you dumbass.
At 12 shots, I just reload in peace once everyone's dead. The $26 I save from picking navy over schofield helps a ton too.
My coworkers tell me that too. They also say I am very sheltered. I am.
I honestly hate this level of hypocrisy. I mean, standards are standards but at least make it fucking consistent.
I think part of it is that (aside from the hotpockets) there's no direct way to edit posts here, and with the fact that character counts for posts are pretty reasonable, there's not much reason to use that many abbreviations for things. Part of why I really dislike the fact that using coonrunes got popular here.
I still remember seeing some lit-fag do an honest to goodness analysis of Boku no Pico as far as being a proper example of "the hero's journey" goes, or whatever it was called.
I've been urged to, but I've been looking for a good configuration for IRC. I always lose shit with Chatzilla, mIRC costs dollars, and Hexchat doesn't ever work with my shit, so I'm trying out IceChat. I'll see how it goes.
yo iz actually prolly much lower lol
girls these days. also prolly don't help much dat mos dads b playin dis faux macho bs but at da same time lettin dat bitch skate on eything leadin bitches to thinkin ain't not consequences fo' nuthin smfh
ayyo i filet main
niggas triflin u herd
mines was a lot mo gnarly than that yo I swear da one was curlin up n around shiz had a nigga worried son
It's ironic because I wanted to do what I did in TF2 and just play engie or pyro and cover my sniper friend that would get headshots like he was on a shooting range, and I intended on doing something similar as mccree while he played widowmaker. That being said you're absolutely disgusting and probably no better than those genji or reaper mains and I hope I never get queued with you.
I'm not rusing control. I'm just hella drunkstar and weedsmoked as fuck. I need a game to play please.
But then bits of them are gonna get wrinkled and shit. I mean I'd want one in perfect condition.
Everyone here has lost control to some degree. Its nice making friends with a common interest.
Better hurry up, older you get the harder its gonna be
actually reddit generally has better spelling and grammar than this place
Well at least you have being smug, truly a treasure to cherish.
If only you came back home then I wouldn't have advocated that.
Its fiiiiiiiine.
Buying 2 means you are spending 12$ more dummy.
Wait you aren't the auditor guy?
Pirate mirc, idiot.
IRC is objectively much better.
Not sure what you mean by an aleph type situation. Think groundhog day, but worse kind of.
Have you considered your co-workers, you faggot? Really though, everyone's pretty cool on the IRC imo, except willow is crazy
You know you stupid fucking cunt a womens virginity actually fucking matters. What happens with a virgin man? He cums quicker, wow big fucking deal. There is a very obvious difference with a virgin woman. I hope you get raped by a gang of niggers and left for dead you fucking stupid whore. Also go fuck yourself that's not a source that's some shitty article.
I work alone. I'm on this shift entirely by myself for 8 hours.
Don't know who that is, so I'll assume it's "no".
If it was something more lucrative, maybe, but IRC clients are a dime a dozen. Why bother?
holy fuck why do you need to be this picky
just use icechat or hydra IRC it's not hard
in shin megami tensei ii the main character in one of the endings gets cursed by god to be born into worlds that are about to get btfo
so you see him in other games living a pretty hard life cuz he was such a dick or somthin. I didn't play 2.
whaddup bronski
do sum yoga fam fend dem fukn tengu off
You can smooth out her clothes afterwards. They're not meant for sleeping, that's what dakis are for.
You have to go back.
Go play a Kirby game or something. I hear they're still easy to play high, but some of the shit gets really freaky while in that state.
Find it. I need something to distract myself from this degeneracy.
It was more depressing to take to anyone in both the IRC and the discord.
I've been told by some guys I used to meet up with regularly that I'm ridiculously smug.
Friends are for homosexuals. Why go to your friend's party when you could be removing the corruption from your government and bettering your country as a whole?
make me
I really want a not-discord alternative to discord that is discord in every other sense but the part where it's retarded and tracks you
Can't be that bad, can it? I mean, if anything you have time to play mobile games or VNs. I played Katawa Shoujo in the middle of my long shifts back when I worked, sneaking in a few moments while I operated heavy machinery that stamped out hundreds of steel car parts every minute.
He's spic like me. He's my nigger.
Exactly, good taste user.
Go on.
I kinda want to go out and get another burrito with chips but I don't want to make a habit of it
I'd make someone else do it though, which fuck boy wants to please their master now?~
In what sense?
Funny thing is that the compact mode in discord compares itself to an IRC client.
Discord does so much more shit as a chat client compared to IRC. Sure no file server but you can do that just about anywhere else now.
Ahhh ok.
I ain't got no daki though.
Aren't you mimi? Don't you hang around the cytube constantly?
I used to have a laptop that I played vidya on, but, it shat out. I just do nothing at work but chill on the cytube and talk to homies.
Why do I get the feeling you aren't speaking from experience?
Fuck off.
Then please explain this "obvious" difference, user. What makes it so important to you?
Here are additional sources for you.
Pirated Xchat, friend. I used it for like a fucking decade before I told my old friends to go to the hell of fucking themselves. It was never going to last. The decent ones died from illnesses and other shit, and the ones I didn't care for from the start were just people I couldn't relate to in any fashion, always whining about their privlems. "Oh poor me, the job my dad got me is so boring."
Oh no fam, I just meant you've had a good day is all, I didn't mean to imply anything.
if she didn't talk as much she'd be a lot better.
Let's be honest, no one is going to care to visit the IRC anyways. :^(
It also has 100% more botnet.
Cytube's there for the music. Not for the people.
You won't since I don't play ranked because of that feature.
For one you don't even browse it besides thread hours, secondly its been slow lately and is gonna get even slower without catbra when he leaves for training, and third I can just kick people if they are annoying
[citation needed]
When did this get reported?
Hey I wasn't the guy you were talking to earlier.
We play quickplay for warm-ups.
Those $12 net me twice the firepower and a faster rate of fire.
if only it were so simple with you here
Why do I get the feeling you're a fucking whore that is going to get divorced and end up with some beta faggot raising your nigger kid?
They bleed, their hymens "break", it hurts, those are 3 things, I don't fucking know it's important, do you think mudshits would kill women for losing their virginity before marriage if it wasn't important? It's my choice, and it's your choice to not deal with virgin men, but grand scheme of things there is no physical difference between a virgin man and a non-virgin man.
Go get a daki then, it's worth it.
I found the post. Go check out the tos yourself.
To be fair, all three girls in Abyss' party have issues, but Anise was by far the worst. Not one to waifu characters, but I honestly found myself liking their pilot, Noelle, a lot more despite her role being really minor.
this tbh discord is basically da fukn nielsen box of nu internet media n games n shieet.
I'm impressed and slightly jealous.
I'm mostly talking out of my ass, but afaik it's a botnet or something. Trust Holla Forums first, worry later. Oh, posted about it anyways.
Nah user, I've had it pretty good- just chilling through life.
Say no to tripfags.
ngl fam I feel the same way with McWee
Todd, everything is a botnet. It's a meme now.
someone explain the appeal of woman to me please? when I was younger I never really gave a shit outside of jerking off and I still kinda don't though that's not to say I wouldn't
Peacemaker is better anyway. All the RoF won't help you against a 1 shot headshot.
If I get some money one of these days I'll get a custom one done.
Wait England has burritos?
Why did you leave?
Whatever, it'll just bring in some shtifaces though…
To progress the human race…I guess.
why wouldn't we?
Sorry to disappoint, I guess.
I thought Hexchat was just Xchat, but open source and with bug fixes. Then again, maybe I ought to give it a shot regardless, it might still be a solid choice that doesn't bitch upon launch. Sorry for your loss.
Reaper McCree Spaghetti Western Faggot Crew when?
They will fit right in then.
Are you sure you're doing the whole IRC thing right?
tear was fucking bae
if she was more interesting she'd be 10/10
You think I can't handle the both of you huh? It seems you're projecting your low self esteem unto others, no doubt stemming from wanting to bone your mother while your dad watches.
Because [insert retarded logic], and as a result I'm better off.
So, you're staking the basis off your beliefs off mudslimes? People who kill each other all the fucking time over slight differences in religious denomination. Can you do a favor for yourself and actually, for once in your life think critically about why you hold any particular belief. Maybe you'll find you never really held it at all.
It's a comfy feeling that's for sure.
That's living the dream right there.
I haven't had that problem yet.
No god dammit that was just an example. Why is it important for you to not get with a virgin guy? Whatever you say it's going to be hedonistic.
Discord does smell like they're trying to be too hard to appeal to "duh peecee gaymars! xDDD" with their patch notes and shit but I'm overreacting like a faggot.
When I win you know I will have the smuggest expression that could compete with animu grils.
It's your genetics fam. Obviously you're mentally retarded. I do understand where you're coming from though.
But how do the mexican cartels smuggle them into the country?
Hmm, I do see how this is concering. I also see that those are required trade-offs due to all the built in shit in discord that automatically handles information on your programs. I mean it has it's own in-game overlay that auto detects games when run, as well as sync to other game platforms. It automatically pulls images from pages into the client so that could be another thing.
It just sounded like the osu! thing a week ago, which literally was nothing.
When they finally add a fucking spag skin for road hog or someone like that so it can be like the good the bad and the ugly.
Hexchat whines endlessly that some .NET thing isn't installed and that some DLL can't be found even though it's installed and it's there. I stopped trying to wrestle with it. Chatzilla is alright, except every time I have to kill my browser, it kills the IRC client. All I want is a independent client that doesn't wrestle with me back.
And the answer is no, I'm not entirely sure. I don't really use it for a whole lot, even thought I ought to.
You've never ever gotten headshot from one? How much have you played? Its the equivalent of AK headshots on cs. Any good player does it constantly.
Comfy thread time? I've been shitposting on /tg/ and listening to muh good music whilst playing video games the past three days.
Finally found it.
Because of your weirdass takes on all food. I mean, your typical limey would blanch if offered a plate of biscuits and sausage gravy, but would wolf down a pile of spotted dick.
You're seriously using the behavior of ass backwards mudslimes as proof you're correct?
Did you know a girl's hymen can break without any penetration? A bicycle seat can break the hymen. A rough patch of road can break it. There's a litany of nonsexual acts that can in your eyes rob a girl of their worth. After all, the hymen breaks, which causes pain and bleeding, all three of the "obvious" and "important" differences you mentioned.
Thats pretty weird with hexchat, I know a lot of guys in the IRC use it.
And as long as you know how to open the rizon serve you should be good.
Shit nigger, who would be our 3rd player playing Roadhog then?
Nowhere near as often as I've unzipped revolvers and mosied on over behind people.
You're a fucking liar. That's something whores made up. How fucking often did you ride a bike when you were a kid? Most girls I knew did it quite often, I'd imagine most of them had their hymen until they had sex, you're lying. That is an old lie too, one every man with half a god damn brain knows is bullshit.
Pillow will cost more than the covering, so don't worry much. Plus Ritsu is popular so you could find some of her, I'll have to get some custom art commissioned for a double layer, waist covers. Also thinking of looking into those ones that have a bit of gel on the grabby parts of the daki, under the innocent layer of course.
I've been procrastinating.
My cursory understanding is that it's a one-and-done sort of deal. You do the configuration and leave it alone. The problem is getting over an initial hurdle that shouldn't be there, I guess. I never claimed to be anything, clever least of all.
I'm surprised I can't find a good one of her actually. I've looked and looked and looked and theres only a few of her out there.
Look up a guide or something!
No, my mom looks good but isn't my taste- that would be fucking weird.
But I have had times of wild sexual thoughts of fucking one of my cousins.
One a bit younger, another very younger
Rizon is faggots. They jacked all of the #/$/ channels before their lord Nessun went to butt-prison for running botnets.
When will this suffering end?
I used to play board and card games with them.
Do you know any strayans?
I wait until they turn around of course.
da whole chastity till marriage thing is more traced to greeks having problems w/ men skating paternity claims w/o marriage than some semitic god tellin them not to tbh.
this. they tried to come off as jussa lil startup when they first came out but they had some pretty big investment cause of how solid n numerous they free voip servers was. guessin it's a tencent twitch type deally-o monica
deez nigguhz gay?
aww hell naw
I just do my job and play video games when I come back home. Some times go out with my friend and eat/talk- then go back home to more games.
which one?
that explains it and everything else, a-at least I truly see!
well the same reason why England is different from America, we go get it, you get given it
that's depending on where you're coming from here but pretty much
I'll take note of that and if you are lying so help me god.
You're the one that brought watching that crap on yourself.
Did you seriously not realize why "Boku no Pico" is the most common bait response for people wanting anime recommendations? It's been like that for years on /a/.
Oh so you want to spite your mother for not giving you a little sucky sucky huh?
Maybe playing with australians would work, isn't it midday or something for them?
No, they closest we got is catbra who is a kiwi.
I never claimed it was some Semitic God, but than again maybe the general masses would be better off being radical Christians, at least they'd have some fucking morals then.
naw fam i stay off /a/ like da plague fo da mos part.
Nigga are you new?
It's almost over. I need to stick through.
I get the same way with chess.
I've already lost my privacy. We've talked about this before already Pico.
My argument is you're being a hypocrite. And that you should not see the entire value of a partner on whether they're a virgin or not. Having sex for the first time with someone you love is special, virgin or no.
I wouldn't care if my partner was a virgin or not simply because that's not a criteria of evaluation for me. I care about how we get along, first and foremost. Sex comes later. Can he handle bantz, autism and is he living a compatible lifestyle to me?
If you want a relationship to last, you're going to have to have a really long think with yourself about what you'd like in a partner beyond that. It sounds like you really get along with this girl. Why let that slip through your hands on such a shallow principle?
There's your fucking issue. You imagine it but you have no idea how these things actually work.
Well why don't you show any that prove your asinine points?
Sounds pretty much like what I used to do when I had a job.
Nigga turned into dave chappelle
Being lazy has its upsides.
Well it's been that way a long time, at least until they outright started banning recommendation threads as being spoonfeeding.
I don't remember any discussion about privacy with anyone recently.
You know what you must do.
I don't know your situation, but Privacy is not like virginity. It can be reclaimed after being lost. Nobody is precluded from a Libreboot Thinkpad and usage of something like Tails, all you gotta to do is reach out and grab it.
Check your dubs?
It's 7pm here, except for Perth which is 5pm
the triathlon or the marathon?
you'll never have those downfronts though
You might just be looking in the wrong place. Even if, just getting the pillow and a blank case is good since you won't have to wait for those and you can enjoy the sleep benefits right now.
naw dmx oldfag af ya'll nigguhz don't balee me i'ma bus my lazer off at ya'll nyckas :^)
aight fam
chapelle turned into carl weathers
lol /a/ is like da nfl of image board moderation
yo sumtimes hymens can grow bak tho look dat shit up fam shit is creepy
CST here. I've made it boys, and I'm livin' the good life.
How the fuck am I being a hypocrite? I'm a virgin, I want a virgin, I'm equally disgusting and think lowly of guys that fuck more than 2 women as well. I'm no god damn hypocrite, I just have some fucking standards, I don't give a fuck if they're "archaic" or "sexist" or whatever bullshit you're going to say. Honestly you seem like total gutter trash when it comes to a woman, but then again, we are here and I'd imagine most men here seem like total gutter trash too.
Yea wow you're blowing my fucking mind, it's not actually a solid thing, and the only reason it bleeds is because of rough sex, fuck off.
user what? My mom be old, I'm not into anything that would be older than a christmas cake. ONLY 3 YEARS AWAY MYSELF FUCK
So have I, for my entire life.
How does one befriend an aussiefag?
Hi how are you?
And these singles
It'd probably be a big help. My back is awful.
Whats new?
No clue what you mean there, but I don't pay much attention to sports.
Even trade baby.
It's not really a joke though since BnP actually was a good watch.
Offer them a can of VB and call them a cunt.
t. 'straylian.
So just like Holla Forums at normal hours.
Nice single, but I prefer these.
If you want an Australian as you're friend be a sick cunt, if you want an Aborigine as a friend get him some sniff
is that a Gondalo on her head
I assume there's some ritual one must pass, be it being able to banter as well as he, or perhaps banter with the wildlife that shithole has.
I didn't mean in quality. I meant more that it became the go-to bait response to get dumbasses to watch gayshit for making recommendation threads.
It feels good, only thing to worry about is work. Just work, then head back home to everything I like.
just kill your self like i'm probably going to
these are better
What up
At the end of my 3rd playthrough of SMT: SJ at the moment, went Neutral (pic related). Just grindan' Macca before the final boss so I can have another good 3rd cycle.
Wanna start a new run on Morrowind soon enough too, but schoolwork's keepin' me down.
I need to finish off watching the boondocks.
Oh so you dig the oldies huh, and since you wanna fuck your dad I guess that some granny tranny meat train action going on?
Will you announce when you will kill yourself?
Good, I bought Space Banes
What's going on fellas? Seems like thread is going a bit fast.
Finally got a call back from security guard job. Go in for orientation tuesday and get my uniform wednesday. I hope I can balance both school and work. Busy times ahead.
nfl often get criticized as da no fun league n try to shake things up n fix things that ain't issues.
like dey try to curb on field celebration dances n shieet w/ niggas. dey tried to get at jeryd allen cause he'd pantomime a guy hogtying a calf or sumn n dey said no one is to drop to one knee for a celebration or they'll be penalized. jeryd allen, being a fuckin athlete then started doing it without lowering his knee.
they moved up da kickoff spot to try to curb injuries because ((("kick off returns are the most dangerous plays"))) and killed returns basically completely n niggas injuries went up
basically they see problems n potential problems but dey cain't even fathom wut is actually causin da shit to be happn'n u kno
I think it was you. I duuno.
Literally everything that I like takes my privacy away according to /g/.
Apparently I can't win.
Well you're here too buddy, so what does that make you?
You'll learn in time what standards actually matter user. But as long as you aren't a hypocrite in your standards you're not a massive cockgobbler.
Yeah, makes work tolerable and free time more valuable.
Oh shit nice! Good luck on the job! Hope you like it.
Gonna celebrate and buy anything nice on your first paycheck?
wew shit I sure am awful tonight.
is that a kinda fuds?
looks awful quite honestly
and no bans since the thread before the last one too
Ready to renounce your homo ways etc etc and do a 360 on life? I offer drinks with your pizza this time.
What is the natural habitat of an aussiefag then? Where can I corner one?
I don't know what this implies but hell yeah nigger I'm a sick cunt.
My bantz are worthy. On par with catbra's level of bantz, and everyone knows his renown when it comes to bantz and bullying.
I think I threw up a little.
Well what standards "actually matter" then? Please enlighten me. I'm not a total idiot, obviously they have to like you and you have to be compatible, it's not like being a virgin is the only important thing.
Being a sick cunt is a self referential title
Never heard of 'em, what're those?
What should I do now?
So we can celebrate. :^)
You need to go deep into the outback, preferably somewhere shady with a shack. There you will find a wild 'straylian.
Well, I guess I'm going to have to run off some higher quality versions of images I've made soon.
The only thing you're demonstrating here is how little you know about sex.
So earlier when you said six months with a girl who wasn't a virgin is six months wasted, that was just hyperbole?
Shoot all the niggers
I forgot to attach my "victory".
Watch it again if dubs.
Rewatch it.
Mods are asleep! Post megu lewds
I'm trying to think of something to buy. Maybe just some food. Don't know what I'm going to do with the money I'll get getting honestly.
Shit I think the hotpockets gave up. I'm probably going to get banned now.
Sorry, I am unarmed security.
Well yeah, it turned into the go-to bait response. It's just that even as a joke it's still a mandatory thing to watch if you ever post in /a/.
Yea I already said I was a virgin. And they would be months wasted because I still value virginity, I said it wasn't the ONLY important thing, still, very important, pic related whore.
I plan to live until I experience the nice things that I've planned to go out and get.
Time to buy anime figs! Or a gun or something.
Watch some fucking good anime son, like King of the Hill.
I don't even know where your train is heading user, you left me back at the station.
No I mean her wearing it.
being serious for a moment, what do you think I do with my life?
I'll buy you a pint, how's that?
would you though?
wonder if they've given up or it was just a show to settle down the shitposters for awhile?
never know honestly
what have you planned to go out and get?
Punch all the niggers
Fuck both of you.
Onto it.
Yes. I would stream that shit.
That's the other thing, you're assuming or at least addressing people as women just because they dared to criticize you. Maybe your obsession is getting to your head a little.
Because the CDC is renowned for the accuracy of their surveys. That's how we know 1 in 5 women in college will be sexually assaulted.
Oh so you're just the most pathetic whore apologist cuck in existence?
I'll give you one hint boyo
I claim this title then, with all associated fiefs and slaves.
Souds like a dangerous mission for a measly aussiefag. Is it truly worth it?
Not a fan of anime figs. I already have a shit ton of stuff I don't need in my room. I do have an amiibo of inkling girl. Maybe I'll buy some butterbeer to celebrate.
Maybe that can happen. I would try to avoid conflict to be honest.
I could go for a pint of coffee.
Does that data show the same for males?
I wonder if other guys are more happy banging sluts than guys that don't.
I kinda wish I could get some too, but I want to cuddle and stuff so it would be weird to do that with some slut that I don't know about
More like I don't put pussy on a pedestal like you do. Feel free to hide behind your buzzwords, we've already seen what an uneducated, inexperienced moron you are
Really? I don't know. I assume you're not as bad as we shitpost about it. However you're unfortunately very infamously degenerate, it would make sense for me to poke fun at you.
Heckle all the niggers
Stop making me jealous!
And if you saw my room you'd realize you probably got all kinds of room to squeeze shit into. I love hoarding my useless junk like toys and figs and games.
I want this in my life right now.
oh shit fam good shit
rip monica much muh fuggin clown love to dat niqqa
that don't prove causality nigga. da more important thing is that she compatible w/ u n cool w/ u n not cool n compatible w/ sum stupid bull shit. if she a total whore ne way it's gonna show n it's gon b known nigga now stop talkin all dat mess nigga u bein irksome n churlish monica
leave da gun, take da figs
bring it fam u gon get deez hands son
I don't think so. You should stick to your suburbs. You'll be safe.
Sometimes I feel like one of the only fags who's really quite loving when it comes to relationships.
I don't know. For all I know the charts for males could be the exact fucking same.
Alright man, from here on out you're shitposting in the wind
I figured you'd have your own problem solver dmx
You're no nigger X you're a shining example and a pillar of the community.
Being compatible is a very large subject. Could you live with this person and their habits? How clean are you/them? How are you going to raise your children, if you're having them? How important is family to them you. and if so, do you get along with their family?
What interest do you have beyond mere infatuation? How will you handle crisis points in the relationship, should they occur? What obligations are responsibilities are you willing to bear?
A lot of these things are answerable only with time and experience. Which you do not have yet. Or at least, you haven't seemed to think beyond your initial gate to entry.
Or maybe write a fucking review and post it on /a/. At least then you can do something with the knowledge gained.
There's some other image someone made of one entire team wearing the hat, all of them aiming guns at a horrified looking demo that had fallen on his ass. I wish I could find it.
I might whenever I finish episode 3. And then get banned because /a/'s mods will disregard it as some copypasta.
A nice house that I could live with my best female friend that considers me as her best male friend that we would live in together IN AN EROTIC SENSE.
Other things like a utlility vehicle and a "showoff" vehicle, one obviously meant for things that I wouldn't mind getting dents or damage to, and the other customized and comfortable for driving.
Learning Japanese and going to Japan is one on my list, going to be a while though- slowly trying to progress.
Pretty much fun customized shit that I can pour in my taste to.
Oh and a sleek motorbike with Akarin graphics wrapped in it- red and pink as hell with yuru yuri text all over the place. Like a huge weeaboo bike.
That's a terrible hint.
Have fun putting so much stock in something that can be lost by stretching in the morning. It's clearly doing wonders for your mental health
u got one already too right? u don't need a full on arsenal till it's time to go an hero or moon man ryt?
fuk u nigga hell naw i'm on welfare right now as we speak despite havin multiple revenue streams n profit on da back endz nigga take dat shit back fo u get clapped at
Alright well thanks, that actually seems like useful info.
Aw shit, are they all mockups and not real then? That sucks. Don't play with my heart like that.
Would it just be Mann vs. Machine, but with variously-clothed and armed Demomen instead? I'd like that, I love MvM.
You had your hint you fail this psychiatric exam.
i'm so fucking tired
i can't do anything
weight loss is killing me
ah sorry you're just not overtly hostile with it so you had me in a weird spot
I don't think I'm the best person to judge if I'm bad or not, I don't think I am but I'm certainly not delusional as to think that I'm good
why'd you want all that?
Well, just don't write it in a way that seems like copypasta. Do an actual fucking analysis of it without it seeming like a shitpost or a meme.
Well, they did add a banana hat and people quickly realizing it could be painted white. People that wanted to play as moonman quickly shot the price way up.
No, unfortunately the only Moonman game is the Doom mod. Kind of wish there was some Contra/Double Dragon style beat 'em up or shoot 'em up with Moonman and Benny G.
How can one black man be so based?
I'm shy as fuck and have never done anything with the opposite gender. I'm a huge romantic and want to experience it all too. I just hide it because I want to keep a tough-ish outside and uphold the male stereotype. I think about it all the time while trying to drift off into black sleep and it kinda hurts, but I keep my hopes up that it'll show up for me to grab onto sometime. Also my imagination helps keep off the pain. On the outside I seem like a guy having fun with his life and cracking jokes and looking stupid, but on the inside I'm cold and kinda lonely. I haven't used voice coms to chat on games all that much outside of ranked csgo and only really just for reporting.
Also, religion/culture is very important. It informs much of what you do, so try to find someone on the same wavelength. But I do think you're reducing your chances by only looking for virgins. I'm not saying pick up the woman who's the town bicycle, but you're fussing over pretty much nothing.
Is it the crippling depression setting in?
I just like knowing info.
no, not really
just powerlessness and extreme fatigue
especially after doing manual labor
I think I have something else in mind
well I was having depression issues the first few days but I think I might be over that
It always seems like the most hopeless romantics are men. It's really endearing in a way. I hope you find what you're looking for user. But remember, you can't wait for someone to magically fall into your lap, you'll have to do some work on your part.
idk monica drugs n determination mos likely
whass yo diet been like fam? you sleepin too much?
manual labor definitely take it out of ya fo'real
You should grab a boigah to eat fam.
If I'm going to blow my brains out I may as well do it in a ridiculous fashion. The chances of killing myself are pretty low.
The mere mentioning of Boku no Pico will probably get it automatically deleted.
Apparently my personality before I became a complete prick was rather attractive. I don't like talking about my past relationships because they're pretty gay tbh. All I can say is don't be afraid to let down your guard around someone you can trust and talk more often but don't speak like a complete sperg. I'm not practicing what I preach.
Well, there's always a path to redemption friend.
It comes and goes, so you're probably right. Hope the good times stay a while for you user.
Men are way more romantic.
I like having nice things that I put my own thoughts and likes into, it's as if my imagination and likes were turned into physical materials. All it requires is a bit of money
Same here. I get it from my mom. Should really clean my shit up but too lazy
i'm usually able to eat huge portions (like several bowls every meal) because i do manual labor and that balances shit out
trying to get that twink aesthetic so i've switched to baby rations
at least the gnawing hunger is less noticeable today
i was just 'medium build' so i don't think i'll have to keep this up too long
just need to not put the weight back on
Well, if you can't be a complete sperg around your partner, what's the point? But yeah, if you're getting someone interested I can see why you'd want to play it cool.
We should all be more like you X!
No bullies allowed.
I'm under the assumption that he's secretly two black men in disguise
it's supposed to get easier the more you do it but that never happened with me just me joints giving in
let me guess now, no don't tell me, it is…. tea?
wait I thought you wanted to mock me killing me self not kill your self as well
I'm not the kinda person who follows anothers path, I usually make my own paths get lost and somehow finds his way back to forever more take that same path again
always does that, that's how they get you
Oh fuck it's 3:00, I should have been asleep over an hour ago. Goodnight
It's a tough balance to keep up and it leads to shitty situations where it's easier to just keep using your persona rather than let what you're really feeling show.
Don't fuck around with the people you can confide in. You won't get many and they're difficult to replace.
I'd have much more helpful advice were I not about to fall asleep.
i mean ya gettin enough nutrients n water n shieet right? if u excessively tired ya might need to change up. it's hard to gauge tho how tired you should be especially if yo work day b exceedin 8-10 hours
yooo ashita no joe man. I been readin that shit man that nigga got mo heart than anybody i swear monica
like in MIB when da alien was in da one nigga?
that'd be tight
yo what if instaed of eybody havin a figurative lil DMX up inz dey in fact had a LITERAL Lil DMX up inz?
Well, the thing is there's only one narrow-ass path that leads to redemption and salvation. Unfortunately, you must leave hubris at the door and humble yourself on this path. It's why it's narrow.. many people get lost.
Sleep tight pupa
I think the recipe was from a restaurant.
yeah, the manual labor gets easier, just this diet is fucking me up
well i have this overpriced meal replacement powder i drink every day so i'm probably getting decent protein and mineral intake
just been getting really tired by 10 pm and needing 9+ hours of sleep when i used to go to bed at like 2 and sleep 4-6 hours
Why the fuck would you want to be a Twink I'm one and it's awful
Maybe I'm doing both? Did you think of that?
You need to be exterminated.
Hope you feel better user, I'll even pray for you friend.
I do need to get myself out there, it's where the conflictions happen though, since my relax spot is in my home away from other people and on my magic fantasy box of other worlds known as a computer. The girl I'm looking for would have that same thinking and would not bother with other people and the annoyances of real life, just go do their job and play video games. We wouldn't meet since we don't go anywhere. I wish things were simpler
I have a weird phase when meeting new people by myself. By myself I'm really quiet and only make safe moves, basically avoid shit. Then when things warm up a bit I kinda start letting my guard down and leaking out my power level- then I eventually turn into the "he's sneaky smart in a way- but also a total airhead guy that's just generally nice" which then I become susceptible to being forgotten in the background like white noise. It kinda sucks.
Not always, but that's what makes them so loveable.
o yo rhythm's fucked up fam n dat can be a rough thing to try n fix
so u gettn 9 hours but u don't make up feelin rested basically?
dat what ohio look like when it see my dick
I want my girl to be at the same level on the subject as I am.
Nothing's ever 100% consistent.
You might have some luck while playing vidya. Provided they're not a gaymur giiiirl. But it'll be hard.
If I get what I want and they get what they want I don't see any trouble in the transaction.
I give you my cookie for that beef jerky- we both get what we want and are happy with it.
Eh, I'm just letting my ego get to me with generalizations. But I agree with it for the most part.
I'd think you'd come to appreciate pacing your self
I don't know about that, a one size fits all approach doesn't cut the grade with different morals and experience of life
oh well, I was close though right?
you shouldn't really diet as such, eating less isn't the issue it's more not working what you eat off
tor pls teenage gurls like feminine men because they're more used to females
but then who would mock you?
a better question is why do you capitalize twink
i need that /cuteboys/ aesthetic
i think i feel fine in the mornings? just i'm eating way less than i used to so i get tired really quick
and on work days I end up getting like 6-7 hours
pretty sure i've lost at least 2 pounds this last week
i'm sorry
I can't really help you out with trying to approach grils because I seem to be always the one getting approached. I'm still trying to figure out what others found in me. but try to accelerate that little phase or at least let yourself transition out of that. There's nothing worse than having someone who doesn't contribute to the conversation. I know how it feels fam.
3.5 billion women in the world is a lot of women, tons of 'em gotta be out there that fit everyone's individual bill. Just a matter of finding them, that's all.
Well I am for one to open up after seeing a person seems legit. I am weary, but ultra paranoid like Holla Forums or /g/. I just really haven't hung out with literally anyone outside of family or my friend. I haven't had any opportunities since I'm literally in the "go home club"
I maybe be from Victoria but I'm not Tor
I capitalise many things I shouldn't
well don't then faglord your self is a terrible person who doesn't understand your finer points
joey you're not really a twink
It's not a one size fits all. At all. Quite the opposite, you have to be reborn and change to be able to follow this path. You must understand what I'm getting at?
If anything, take it as a sign that an anonymous poster cares about you even though he doesn't know anything about you.
unbirthing is such a bad fetish though, I decline
Well I'm not Joey either but I'm not Masculine unfortuantally
I'm the same way, being stubborn is great.
Victoria eh?
Country or city?
Yes here's your prize.
I wasn't trying to imply they have to be hugely into games. Just that they know about it and are fine with it, better if they are a bit interested in it. I want to be able to share my hobbies and for her to share them with me. That way whatever we're doing, we both enjoy what's happening and learn more about each other.
A gaymur grill would be the worst person to choose for these qualities. Most of them are just camgirls.
Country, so I might be in the worst state in the Nation but my Area is better than Melbourne, Sydney, Canberra and Adelaide
oh well sorry for the assumptions, who bitch this?
thanks I could use another cuppah tea
i cum 2 appreciate a lot of thanggz monica
well i want to lose some muscle as well tbh
i dunno, i'm not super muscular but a bit too much
personally i find it hard to sympathize with random people, but thanks
fuck, is this joey user
This is who I am
I think I have been called extremely proud and stubborn on occasion, not sure if that a good thing, despite it being spun as a positive at the time.
Fuck you, Melbourne is *___ok**
Ah, but having a partner that's into games and has chan-like humor is way better, trust me.
I'm trying to work on it. It's just if I transition quickly to the end of how I am with new groups, I just end up being a background character that is forgotten. Kinda like Akari ;-;
Maybe I'll find another background character and she ends up being my soulmate just like in my chinese cartoons or something.
More than 75% of them are garbage tier though, with huge flaws- not even thinking of all of the ones that already found their other person. I might be begging, but I'm not going to give up choosing.
well I appreciate you
hey I know what you want and I know where you can find it too
oh I thought you was new not the other other other other person who hates me
Sure if you like Apex Nigger Crime and Pajeets Street Shitting couples with Hung-Lee cooking dogs
Off to sleep. Have a great night, fags. Reminder that Jesus loves you.
Goddamnit you dense spider, I'm trying to help you. Either way, best of luck.
You're in luck, I happen to be an expert in that field.
user please
Depends on the context really. If you're being stubborn and prideful to the person in question, it's usually a bad thing and if you do it to someone they don't like or are indifferent to, it's a good thing.
Myself is kind of a prick but he knows his shit well.
Oh fuck off.
That still leaves you with hundreds of millions.
shieet dat banana look good af monica
right back at'cha slick
das dat multi culti dream right chyea fam breathe deep ye ain't gon smell dat shit again monica
I'm the guy who made that Shit OC you keep using without my permission
I mean, it was said by my father who said I was extremely strong and proud and dealt with hardship well. But that's not really the case, I just internalise it all.
merely having a giggle mate
get your head out of the toilet then
make more I enjoy them
Well that's never healthy, bottling up emotions always ends badly. But then again, when someone told me that I was too stubborn to listen.
I employ memes from far and wide fam, doesn't mean I'm part of any fandom.
Doesn't stop Apex from breaking in and stealing your stuff
my mistake
carry on, my good man
Nice digits
Myself likes the smell of his own ass though. He's probably better to have his head in the shitter.
It's the only way I know of coping. I don't really know my own feelings sometimes, and I don't want to be a burden. I also used to have an explosive temper when I was a child which I had to repress a lot.
I've lived in the western suburbs for over a year now, I'll be fiiiiiiiiiiine.
likely a fetish developed when you were bullied as a kid getting shoved into the toilet and flushed that
Well yeah, that's an ideal situation. It would be good and bad if she was one of those lurker anons that are just shy and wearing a white t-shirt in panties in their computer chair. It's just extremely hard to find them outside of the internet.
Also wanted to add that it would be fun to call her a faggot and she would reply with the same thing. ;-;
That's going to end horribly. Finding ways to cope is very important, otherwise the mental state can snap and go into the shitter pretty hard pretty fast. Sometimes people recover sometimes they don't.
What about huey?
I'm talking about the character from Yuru Yuri.
If I wasn't at work I'd put on shiver and that one NHK song. I haven't let it out in a long while
It's pure math fam. Even if 99% of women in the world weren't up to your standards, that's still +30 million worldwide that could be just 4u.
I am seeing someone for that right now, but it's early days. It's hard to know if I'm actually fucked in the head or not. How does one take a step back from their own mind after all?
It sure as hell doesn't feel that way user.
Like this?
Yeah but he proably means 99% of whites aren't good enough with no Nig, Jew, Sandnigger or Gook good enough
this pleases me, thanks
Opening up to someone who'll listen and offer advice. If you're going to a professional, be honest and let it out. Unless you want to or wanted to kill yourself, don't tell them that part probably.
It usually doesn't, but that doesn't mean it isn't true. Which can be frustrating.
I wanted to, a long time ago. Sometimes I'll have the briefest flicker of wishing I didn't exist, but I've never gotten that bad since that time. The only reason I started going was because I had a stress-related breakdown anyhow.
Fuck I remember that part. I felt so giddy when that happened. Loved that show.
If there are 1.5 billion whites in the world, half are women, that leaves 750 million candidates. If 99% are not up to par, that still leaves about 7.5 million.
I'll keep my eyes open for her. If she can be identified that is.
Is there really 1.5B whites I mean there is about 280M Euros, 100M Russians, 250M Americans and probably around 50M from other places like Australia and those small amounts of Spics just white enough to be called white
As long as the worst of it's gone now, there's always something to look back on and see how far you've gotten. How've the trips to the doc been so far?
Best of luck to you user.
Depends on your sources really.
So some digits are coming up
I'll need it since user's don't just bump into each other on the street and tell them they browse /a/ or Holla Forums, even more rare for some plain, normal girl to say such things.
I just hope to find a nice plain girl that lurks /a/ to relate to and maybe end up liking
It's been ok, I'm a pretty reserved person usually, but there's something nice about being able to offload on someone who isn't directly involved in your life. Actually changing myself to not be constantly malcontent with myself, my life and my behavior is going to not be so easy, I'm afraid.
At least I'll always have mai waifu to be there for me.
They might count Spics and Jews as whte
I I want a cuteboy for every bit of me plus more
No one wants you
Huey did everything wrong
huey did nothing wrong
who is this no one and where did you find them?
Even if you don't find someone like that, you can always try to introduce them into your hobbies. It's worked for other people I've known.
perfectly good numbers wasted on a webm thread
It's difficult to do, but not impossible. It's sort of like starting to work out for a marathon or a weightlifting competition, it's only once you've finally done it that you realize that you're much better off and that it's far easier to maintain the changes made since you've begun.
To be fair I was hoping to get the get with that
They're'll always be waifus user.
Nah, spics are mestizos and jews are a pretty small portion of the population.
ayy how u b
They always try and include Spics in white statistics
You're late
As long as it's cute…
You're kinda late.
That's for US populations. Globally, spics outside of the US are just grouped up as mestizos.
it'll be a hell of alot of cute
Well yeah, it's ideal if they already have started, but I'm fine with easing them into my hobbies.
Had thoughts of playing the new shitty Project Diva X while cuddling (in my imagination) with her. She's soft and comfy lying in my arms. I get the left side of the controller and she gets the right.
i've lost control
there is no such thing as being late
isn't being late mean that actually you're gaining controls
sounds really hard to coordinate tbh
Use your daydreams to motivate you to get searchin' user.
No, 7am is a pretty normal time to wake up in the morning.
I used to wake up at this time when I worked in the day
hey smokes
i've been good
Good to hear hombre.
That's pretty cute fam. Use that as your motivation.
What else would you be implying then?
I guess
harvest moon guys probably
I just watched all 10 episodes of konosuba
it was good
Lalatina best girl but they were all pretty good
I dunno, just wanted to save face
hey there
megu is best girl
It's supposed to be a fun challenge to be intimate with the coop player, by love or just friendship depending on who you're playing with.
I can't help myself, I have a wild imagination.
Time for me to head off. See you guys around later, everybody take care.
I won't contest what you say user, but she's flat as a wash board and those fat tits and submissiveness clinch it
night smokes
have a good night man
G'night smokes
i want to fuck those flat tits
let's not get into the argument about fucking things that don't exist even in the 2D world
Megumin isn't totally flat, she has some petite mounds.
Oh also
>liking the girl that is into NTR
I'm also a sleep don't believe me? well you eyes lies
you user's are terrible at this
if you really wanted to talk about why she is best girl you should have exemplified her assets like dem stockings and that bro-ness
you could probably piss off a balcony with her next to you like it was nothing and how you can pick her up and carry her
instead you lie about NTR and push fucking washboard chests
night fam
When did Dark change the greentext color?
wew lad
not that long ago
i can still see the old greentext colour
It must not have been perfect because my post had the old color. I think the new color is better.
I don't see a difference
reload the page
I grabbed a random post from the thread for you to see.
oh you guys use that dark theme?
I just use default
i use default
It's degrade the opponent then showcase best girl.
You forgot how amazing explosions are and that she begs for piggy back rides which opens chances to feel her breasts on your back.
Also the NTR thing isn't a lie. It's vol 7 :^)
I have the solution to this. We all agree that best girl is Aqua because fuck you.
aqua is a slut
Best move would've been to say that Princess is best girl. Because she's so fucking sneaky in making Kazuma her husbundo
It's ok, not everyone can understand what makes Aqua superior.
why don't you tell us sense your obviously an expert
I see, the left one was more defined, if that is the current one I like it
I was planning to read it after watching the OVA
I guess Megumin IS best girl, not that any of the faggots can argue for her worth a damn
Best personality, best looks, best skills, best taste in clothing, best everything.
I bet you keep cookies you pleb.
she acts like a whiny bitch who has daddy issues
she doesn't have the hat
all she has is small party tricks
That can be fixed.
If the only good look a grill has is a hat, she doesn't have a good look.
Entertainment is best.
OVA is total filler, just a fun episode- nothing related to the story really. Best to read the LN in the downtime between S2. It's a fun read.
Aqua is only good if you like being tricked.
somethign novel?
You're the one who's supposed to trick Aqua
I have opened my eyes to see how fun that could potentially be. Or at least how much fun bullying Aqua would be if you don't hold back like Kazuma does.
I'd easily just theif steal the shit out of her panties every day and force her to not say anything about it while setting her up for the typical >walk around town with no pants and a pink vib in her
Light novel?
I'm going to head off and sleep/play/fap in no particular order.
Why stop there?
have a good night fam
You're pretty cool, don't get into bed soon
user are you posting gay shit
I'm at work stop trying to make me gay
seriously though have a good night
Well you stop being so cute!
Accept your feelings, you know you it to be true.
we all know you want to
stop hiding from your fate
Anyone excited for UFC 203 tonight?
I'm kinda bummed that /sp/ is dead on this site.
This screams you don't know why they aren't here.